What role does music have in your life?

Started by O, Aug 06, 2003, 06:46 AM

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I just posted something about Cat Power in the `Currently playing´-topic. Once again, I was over-enthousiastic. I noticed again that when I buy a new album that I really, really like, it feels like I bought way more than just a bunch of songs. It´s like I bought a new part of me, I added some beautiful new view to my life, or something like that. To make a long story short, music is hardly ever just music to me. I live for music, I eat, drink and breathe music and really liking music is like being madly in love to me. It´s just that everytime I realise that, I think I must be completely insane. So, I wonder, can any of you relate to this? Or am I really just a nutter?
I'm ready when you are

peanut butter puddin surprise

 ;) Of course you're nutty, but that's a whole other topic!

Just kidding.  Music isn't just a variable stream of sounds, it's the effect that variable stream of sound causes.  Listening to say, a drill boring a hole into a steel beam is not nearly as pleasurable as say, Cat Power in a smoky room with headphones on.

All music has a different effect on different people.  Take classical music-some would rather have a root canal than listen to some Schubert or Beethoven, some find it awesome.  Same with reggae, metal, punk, etc...it's all in your head.

Why does MMJ effect me that way that it does?  Simple.  Growing up a dumbass American kid in the middle of nowhere, I got a heavy schoolin' in classic rock.  Over the years, I've broadened my horizons through post-rock, techno, country, blues, rap, etc.  As I've added a new form to the dusty collection of memories of past musical forms, I feel as if I've built some kind of structure, with points of reference like Led Zeppelin, Neil Young, and so forth.

MMJ are awesome because I feel that their music touches all of those dusty structures in my head-effects me on all levels.  From the first strains of "Heartbreakin' Man" to the balls-out jammin' of "Magheeta", each note is like vitamin-fortified ear candy for the soul, evoking happiness, joy, saddness, plainative reflection, sorrow, fear, mysticism, and let's not forget fist-pumpin'.

Long post, I know...but I know what you mean.  It's not just art, it's like food:  you gotta have it.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Oh we are all one in the same. Music. My favorite lines in "Almost Famous" sum it up the best.
William Miller: So Russel, what do you love about music?
Russel Hammond: Well... To begin with... everything.
You came around when I needed you, now I'm up to my neck in you.


Not to change your good topic O, but I must interject and confess that Almost Famous is by far one of my all-time favorite films, and it's full of wonderful quotes...Lester Bang's especially. Some of my favorites include...

1) "It's all happening..."

2) "The only true currency in this world is what someone tells you when they're uncool."

3) "...Give me the Guess Who! They've got the courage to be drunken buffoons, which makes them poetic."

Ok. I'm done. Proceed...Love.


Music...It's what my life is all about...I spent my whole monthly paycheck on cd's just to feed myself
... like O said it's like buying a part of yourself...I feel like getting more complete by every new (good) song I hear

isn't it just great, everytime you think you heard it all you hear some new awesome song that make you go "wow!!!"
I love that feeling when I hear something new and awesome :)

oh and the best feeling ever is when you create something yourself that doesn't make you cringe ;D

hmm yeah music is my obsession alright

ps. O are you going to lowlands?


Quoteps. O are you going to lowlands?

As a matter of fact, I am! Maybe we could meet, though that´s not very easy over there. Do you have an idea?

Oh, and I´m glad to hear I´m not that crazy. Keep your opinions coming, they´re inspiring.  :)
I'm ready when you are



As a matter of fact, I am! Maybe we could meet, though that´s not very easy over there. Do you have an idea?

sure...a little mmj meet-up would be nice :)


oh mister O I added you to my msn thingie..hope you don't mind..maybe I should have asked fists but alas  ;D


Oh, that´s okay, only most of the time I´m online it´s on computers at my university, where they don´t have MSN, so you won´t find me online that much. But who knows...

See you at Lowlands!  :)
I'm ready when you are


cool...I'll bring a big flag that says "O I'm over here"  ;)


I love music also....in fact I like all types of music , I can basically listen to anything, but of course I have my faves....but yeah I believe that music shows what type of person you are.  I actually read this thing that said the type of music you mostly listen to describes what kind of personality you have.  Music means a lot to me, that I even want to work in the music industry when I'm done with school.


Music plays a big part in my life, its my hobby, I buy cds most weeks and have around 700 albums on cd now.

My music tastes vary from week to week, check my web site home page to find out what I'm playing at the moment.

As soon as I come home I put Music on.

Music can make you feel Happy, Sad, Moody, Relaxed.....everything in fact.

Any lady's want to email me - go ahead make my day


Thanks to all for sharing the power music has on and in your life.  I know for me music is my life's blood.  I would be lost without it.

I remember 9/11 as the day the music died.........for a short while I couldn't listen to anything.....it all seemed kind of shallow and left me feeling empty.

Then I found myself at the Abbey Pub in Chicago in a room full of friends and music fans as we watched Jeff Tweedy bring music back from the dead.  I was blown away by Jeff singing "Ashes of American Flags" and "Jesus Etc."  The room was packed and we were all transformed by the power of music.

Music has the power to heal.  Music has the power to lift our spirits.  Music has a way of removing barriers and bringing us closer together.

I am thankful to have been turned on to MMJ.

It Still Moves will be moving me for years to come.

Thanks to all of you for sharing the joy.

Long live the Jacket!!
shake some action


yeah 9-11 the day john ritter died.  the music died for me that day too.   :'(

music is my bitch.  this is why my guitars are always so sticky.
