Democrats or republicans

Started by lfish, Oct 21, 2003, 09:14 AM

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Hey guys,

Once and a while, some political topics are highighted here on this forum, and as most of you guys are american ( I think so) I was wondering for which party you are standing ( or maybe none at all).  
If I should make a guess I would say that most of you guys are democratic minded, not old-democratic minded, but liberal democratic minded.  Am I wrong here? Why, because Republicans are in general more conservative than the democratic party, except maybe  the old-democrats from the deep south ( Like alabama or texas). And as mmj is rather progressive music I would say that the democratic party has more my morning jacket fans than the republicans.  Any reactions? Political thoughts?
Let them come.



I am more of a non-republican than a democrat

I think the parties are relatively similar though - republicrats or democans or something like that

We need more choices to really make a change in our society

I am sick of a system run by the corporation, for the corporations, through the corporations  >:(

the revolution will not be televised
shake some action

peanut butter puddin surprise

Whoa-yeah, the political thread!

I consider myself independent, but I am a registered Democrat.  The elections seem to come to the lesser of two evil choices.

Hopefully, we won't have the circus we had in 2000 with the election.  No vanity candidates, no hanging chads, etc.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


I'm a replicratitarian with a strong hatred toward politics


I always thought the American system of 2 parties really sucked. I'm sorry for you guys. Not that it's perfect in Holland, though, but it's tolerable.
I'm ready when you are


I'm a registered GREEN PARTY member!!! I love me some Ralph Nader and Peter Camejo! side note - I just found out that Camejo (CA gubernatorial candidate) is my parent's neighbor. Sweeeeet. For those of you outside the U.S., us Green Party kids are more liberal than the democrats. But I was a Democrat for a couple of years.
You came around when I needed you, now I'm up to my neck in you.


Yeah the green party kids are indeed more liberal than the democrats but it's because of ralph nader, who wanted desperatedly to participate in the elections, even when he knew that he couldn't win them, that the democrats, more specifically our dear friend Al, lost the elections in 2000, which was a pitty. If he would have cooperated with Al the democrats would have won the elections. And then the world would have been a better place to live with Al in the oval office. More attention for green topics, maybe the ratification of the Kyoto protocol, ... This means also that I believe that Bush is the greatest idiot who soddomly sweared the oat, last couple of years.  His foreign policy sucks big time.  And his domestic policy isn't better either. But that's just my point of view( and of most Belgian people).  Let the discussion begin. Muhahahahahahahahahaha

peanut butter puddin surprise

Ah yes, this topic again!

That's why I mentioned "vanity candidates".  While I champion the issues Mr. Nader speaks of, I did not appreciate the timing of his candidacy.

Everyone, him included, knew damn well what the outcome of the 2000 election was going to be with his participation.  lfish is right-he should have thrown his support to Mr. Gore, and perhaps this world would be different.

Alas, and alack, this is water under the bridge.  Like the Chicago Cubs, we need to concentrate on next year and not blame the fan in the stands...
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Hey, by the way, whatever happened to our "Mrs. Ralph Nader"-girl? I forget her name, though, but it's been a while since we heard from her.
I'm ready when you are


See, I don't believe in a wasted vote. I think that if everyone voted for who they believed in, we would have a multi-party government. While yes, Al Gore would have been a lot better than Bush, Republicans and Democrats kind of look the same on election day. Basically, I'm just tired of moderates. I don't feel moderately about politics, and so I can't, with a clear conscience vote for a moderate. All Nader was trying to do, was say that there are a lot of opinions, positions, and ideas in this country that cannot be well represented by two parties. Why are we stuck with two parties? It's like saying things ARE black & white. Okay. Sorry. Bye bye for now. Still love you all! :-*
You came around when I needed you, now I'm up to my neck in you.


Plus, I felt that I could vote for Nader because Gore had California wrapped up pretty quickly.
You came around when I needed you, now I'm up to my neck in you.


You say that you only have two parties, but I believe that America has a lot more parties.  Why? Because there are different tendencies within the democratic and republican parties.  The one guy is more social liberal, the other is more conservative, another guy is more economic liberal,... So officialy America has two big parties, but that's just a name.  The people who represent those parties stand most of the time for different point of views and approaches.  So what's in a name?  And when somebody goes for president, you may be sure that he tries to realize his own ideas first, before the ideas of his own party.  So my conclusion is that the biggest factor is the ideology of the person  and not as much the party itself.


But the parties have a general platform or ideology as a guideline. Candidates would not get the support of the party, or their party's nomination if they did not, in some way, follow their party's guidelines. But all this political talk doesn't really matter, as long as you realize that Democrats are obsessed with sex, and Republicans are obsessed with money. Question is, what are YOU obsessed with? ::)    
You came around when I needed you, now I'm up to my neck in you.


Sex and money!  :o
Always take the best of both! ;D


Good answer!!! After thinking about it, I think I'd like sex ON money! You know, like in "Indecent Proposal." Or maybe I'd like sex WITH money. hmmm. So many decisions. If only I had some money.
You came around when I needed you, now I'm up to my neck in you.

peanut butter puddin surprise

QuoteGood answer!!! After thinking about it, I think I'd like sex ON money! You know, like in "Indecent Proposal." Or maybe I'd like sex WITH money. hmmm. So many decisions. If only I had some money.

As in, are you mainlining money...or on top of money?  

Did you smoke a pack of $50 bills beforehand, or did you roll around on a pile of $20's?  

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


A bag of nickels is more within my budget. ;)
You came around when I needed you, now I'm up to my neck in you.


Ooh, that sounds uncomfortable...  :-[


Hell, why do you need money when you've got sex? Now, there's a way to attack capitalism!
I'm ready when you are


Yeah your completely right. When I go to the pub tonight, I won't pay with money, no no ....