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Started by johnconaway, Nov 12, 2003, 01:05 PM

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peanut butter puddin surprise

What's up with this em, hate em?  what's your thoughts on this?

I'm THIS close to running out and buying their record...they friggin' ROCKED at Headliner's.  Maybe it was the bourbon... 8)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


What kind of band is it? I guess, since you like it, it's probably heavy southern rock, right?  :)
I'm ready when you are

peanut butter puddin surprise

Ha ha...good one.  ;D

Nah, heavy AC/DC kinda rock...with some garage/hand claps thrown in...
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Jet is pretty cool. Saw them open for another band a couple months ago. They're very fun.  Got a real rock-n-roll sound. Double guitars, Marshall and Hiwatt amps. Sing about rock-n-roll stuff. Nothing toooo deep. I've got their EP which isn't bad. Evidently they've got a full record out now. If you get  chance to see them, go.  Take a date, or your wife.. chics seems to dig them.. lol

Of course.... it goes w/o saying.. they're no MMJ.



Jet rules!! have had there album for like 2 months now some of there songs sound alot like AC/DC but others are slow and soft with kind of there own sound but it is a really good album. i got a to meet these guys when they opened for Kings of Leon thay are really cool dudes!!! The Drummer is really really FUNNY he likes to use the F word alot Later!


I've only heard a couple of songs but I am starting to like this band.  I may need to pick up the record this week
shake some action


I only heard 1 song, but my first impression is that it's a bit too much of the old clichés... I don't know, I guess this rock&roll revival is already starting to bit a bit boring for me. Or I guess it's all a bit too macho for me. You know, all these masculine men are not that interesting. I like some emotion in it, wich is exactly why I'm such a fan of MMJ... But maybe I just heard the wrong song.  ;D

BTW It was "Are you gonna be my girl", or something like that.
I'm ready when you are

peanut butter puddin surprise

I can dig where you're coming from O.  The revival, as it were, is in full bloom, and I wonder where it will lead us.

The thing with Jet is that they are pure entertainment, nothing too deep.  That's fine once and a while.

MMJ and Jet are two ends of a rock 'n roll bookcase.  You decide which one MMJ are on.  ;)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


QuoteOr I guess it's all a bit too macho for me. You know, all these masculine men are not that interesting. I like some emotion in it, wich is exactly why I'm such a fan of MMJ...

O, I think you hit it right on the head - Jim James is pure rock and roll emotion - 100% macho garage man free
shake some action

peanut butter puddin surprise

hey now, masculinity and emotion aren't necessarily two seperate and/or disparate things...just ask Little Richard, for example, who could rock like AC/DC in his time, but wouldn't exactly be suited for the cover of Lumberjack Quarterly.  

Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


amen to that John - Little Richard certainly did not allow himself to be constrained by societal definitions of masculinity - and no one could rightly question his ability to rock with the best of them
shake some action

peanut butter puddin surprise

Alrighty, after three months of debate I purchased Get Born on Wednesday, and haven't stopped listening to it.  Very catchy, very rock n roll, very loud, a few smatterings of what I call "schlocky rock ballads" thrown in for good measure...but still freakin' rockin'!
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


A week ago I had a party, the DJ played that song "Are you gonna be my girl" and I danced my feet off. So yeah, I can see their charm...  :)
I'm ready when you are