
Started by bengrim, Apr 01, 2004, 01:38 PM

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ben grimm

Anybody else tearing their hair out trying to buy tickets? Been trying since 8 as instructed but can't get through! and now it seems that sole vendor of tickets has crashed completely. W hat an absolute farce, again. I only want to go this year because the jacket are 'strongly rumoured' to be playing.


You are not alone bengrim. Reports on the radio this morning have been talking about how many thousands are in the same boat as you.  Doesn't look like it will ease up for a bit.  Good luck.
the future is Ginger


Have you tried the international number - you might have more luck.
the future is Ginger

ben grimm

I have tried both numbers and the web page is just useless, even tried some of the links posted on ebay but to no avail! According to they have, wait for it 200 people answering the phones! 200 people! are they taking the piss? they say there's still 20 thousand available but i've been trying for 20 hours now.

Dermot Mc Loughlin

What a complete farce.

I was online for about 12 hours had a form up for most of the day. Must of hit the server every 15 seconds during the 8 hours on was in work. Also must point out that Im an Irish fan living in Australia planning on going home for the first time in 2 years so see friends at Glasto. Its not to be. Imagine that, Oz is 8.5 hours ahead of GMT so I was hitting the server when Europe was in bed!!
Complete joke!
Slane 2001 sold out in 8 mins. 80,000 in 8 mins, now why couldnt Glasto not use the same system they had in operation there!


From what I've heard and read the whole thing was a big mess.
the future is Ginger