*** DAVID JACKSON PROJECT *** Austin, Tx. Artist

Started by davidjproject, Feb 12, 2004, 12:30 PM

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Hey guys!

Check out my band at: [link=www.davidjacksonproject.com]www.davidjacksonproject.com[/link]

There's an MP3 player on the front page, and a lot information on the band, where we play, etc.

Don't forget to come back here and tell me what you think!


[link=www.davidjacksonproject.com][image]http://www.davidjacksonproject.net/images/header2.jpg[/image]    [/link]
 - DJ


Just paid the site a visit. Looks very cool.  Ordered the album.  Anyone on here know anything about this?
the future is Ginger


I forgot all about this, until the cd came this week.

Very Dave Matthews ish, which is fine if you like DM (and I do.) Nice album, recorded live.  Good musicians.  Give it a try.
the future is Ginger