What did ya'll do for the 4th of July!?

Started by lyricjunkie, Jul 04, 2004, 12:27 PM

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We grilled weenies and other stuff on the grill... IN THE FREAKIN' RAIN!  Kinda' makes your firecrackers fizzle.  Oh well...  :-/
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Birthday party for my daughter; fireworks, pretty awesome
it's a voice. and it's a choice
to call you out. or stay at home


Here in Louisville tonight one of the greatest soul singers of our time is performing at the Waterfront.The Rev.Al Green and opening is retro soul singer Van Hunt.And it's all free.Of course they're expecting a crowd of 100,000 or so close friends and family.Fireworks to follow


Hey Drunkre... Happy birthday to the baby girl!

And outstanding Ant.  Hope you guys had a blast! :)
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QuoteHere in Louisville tonight one of the greatest soul singers of our time is performing at the Waterfront.The Rev.Al Green and opening is retro soul singer Van Hunt.And it's all free.Of course they're expecting a crowd of 100,000 or so close friends and family.Fireworks to follow

At the Nashville show Jim mentioned being blown away by the Reverend.  Actually I think it was more like "He blew the roof off the fucking place."  For the fourth my wife and I sold ducks for the Great Knoxville Duck Race.  The Duck race benefits the Boys and Girls Clubs which we both work for (The ducks are rubber).  We had a booth at the World Fair site which has been redone as of this year and it is really nice.  Big grassy areas, water fountins and pools, a couple different stages set up, some local bands played as well as the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra.  We watched the fireworks show at the end of the night.  A beautiful evening here in East Tennessee.  I hope MMJ plays outside at the Worlds Fair park on some other beautiful summer evening.    
There's Still Time.........


I was half asleep with a guitar in my hands in a park in Berlin and I watched the Eurocup finals in a pub nearby.

I guess it should help to explain that I'm not from America... :)
I'm ready when you are


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I work in Greektown (in Toronto), and I was hurrying to leave before the game ended.  Just as I was crossing the threshold to the street, this noise erupted from everywhere, and I knew the game was over, and that Greece had won.  So I ran.  I ran to get off the main strip and make my way home because those people were mental.  Greek football hooligans.  Our restaurant had to hire a police office for the day - to be safe.  And some insane reps from Little Portugal came up and started waving their flags.  And a fight started.

I know we're talking about the 4th of July, but what is UP with the football insanity?  I have NEVER seen anything like that.  Even when the Blue Jays won the World Series.


You should come to europe to visit a football game. Riots every night, or almost every night, twice a year ...
Oh it will be the same overseas I guess.

peanut butter puddin surprise

spent a quiet 4th just hangin' out...nothing special.  decided against 100,000 sweaty folks at the Al green show...(sob, sob).  i think the heat index here yesterday was like 103 degrees (F)...

went for a short hike yesterday at a place about 45 minutes from here.  it's called "bridges to the past", and its a trail area with two 1900's era iron railroad bridges over two huge hillsides.  hung out in the cool shade, pondered deep thoughts about iron...
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there