Drive-By Truckers

Started by dogandponyshow, Sep 02, 2004, 02:04 PM

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Hope all of you have picked the new DBT's disc The Dirty South and for that matter all of their discs.  Thos boys rock.  Seen three time and if they come you way make sure to hit the show.


I sure did,and it does rock!I do have most of their discs which are all very cool.I get to see them this comimg Thursday here in Louisville.Can't hardly wait and it will be my third time also.So far my favorite track is "Carl Perkins Cadillac".But they're all quality songs and no filler.

peanut butter puddin surprise

wait, where are they playin' at, uncle tony?
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Headliners Sept 9th @9:00.It should be fun since I can stay up late since I have the next day off.


If you haven't seen them before, be prepared. They usually play for 2+ hours. I've seen them play 3 hours straight a couple of times. They like to rock.

The new album is fuckin' great.



The new album is fuckin' great.

bet yer ass it does!  spinning it now 8)
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Apparently, some of the first shipment have some defective discs. There have been several people that said that their discs skip... so if you get a bad one, take it back and exchange it.

I guess I can tell this now... When I went to see MMJ in Nashville back in June, I went to a record store called Grimey's and was digging throught the used bin. I found a radio copy of "The Dirty South", artwork and all. I assume it was a radio copy because it had a black line through the barcode, but it wasn't edited or anything...That was an awesome find.

That's also the same day that I picked up the acoustic MMJ EP.



If y'all want to see some live clips, go to .
It's a site that some buddies and I are putting together for DBTs setlists archives and stuff. They're putting the site up, I'm just helping with little things...

Their Conan appearance is up there right now...

EDIT: Nevermind. It's been taken down already. We're gonna change things up pretty regularly, so you gotta get 'em while the gettin's good...

Sal Paradise

I'm not too impressed by their records (haven't listened to the new one yet) but heard their live shows are rockalicious. Next time they're in the neighbourhood I promise to check em out!
The sound in your mind is the first sound that you could sing


Just ordered it.
Only got one of theirs (Ass Whuppin') and got that on JCs recommendation.  I play it a lot (at work - its good 'work music')
the future is Ginger


I don't think you'll be disappointed with "The Dirty South".

"Alabama Ass-whuppin" is good, but I wish they'd do another live record. They recorded it right before they made the transition to the full-on 3-guitar rock.


QuoteI don't think you'll be disappointed with "The Dirty South".

I'm not  ;D
the future is Ginger


I just read a review of one of their live shows in the new Spin magazine (Franz Ferdinand is on the cover...any recommendations from anyone???).  Anyway, the review was talking about how during their concert, there were people booing their songs about Bush being an all around irritant.  It was reminiscent of the account of people walking out of Pearl Jam concerts when Vedder impaled Bush's head on his mic stand during "Bushleaguer."  My question is, I often gravitate toward bands that share my personal political convictions, not because I research them before I listen to them, but because left wing musicians often record a certain type of music (i.e. Fugazi, RATM, etc.), while right wing conservatives record another type (i.e. Britney Spears, Aerosmith); so, why would a person who loved Bush go to a concert by a band known to be hostile to him?  Especially Pearl Jam, I mean come on, you know their political leanings.  Don't come at me with "A person's political convictions don't enter into it" either, you sit through an hour or two of the Savage Nation or Sean Hannitty and tell me conservatives don't let things like that interfere with their choices (likewise, I don't listen to Britney Spears or Aerosmith [new Aerosmith, I figure back when they were on coke diets, they didn't pay much attention to politics.  Likewise, I won't watch The Drew Carey Show, Whose Line Is It Anyway, Everybody Loves Raymond, or Vincent Gallo movies]).  Call me fascist or ideologically blinded, I think support for those that support a cause is the same as direct support of that cause (my English teacher is knocking on my front door right now, gotta go answer that).  Any opinions?
it's a voice. and it's a choice
to call you out. or stay at home


No opinions on the political forefront....saw Franz Ferdinad last week and they rock.



I think I'm with you Drunkre, although, there is art that I appreciate while being opposed to my political beliefs.  I think it might just be, though, that like-minded attracts like-minded.  If I'm kind of a neo-hippie, arthead, environmentally conscious gal, I'm probably more inclined to listen to Neil Young than I am to Britney.  In fact, I think that most people who are conscious of anything are likely to stay away from her "music".

But I might be talking out of my ass.