Started by lfish, Nov 03, 2004, 04:24 AM

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Disclaimer- do not respond to this if you disagree with me or might hurt my super sensative feelings.

I think it's interesting that Mr. Conway, who earlier felt this was a 'pointless debate' has gone on to become aggressive and insulting to other posters, and followed it by starting the new revolution of Democrats on the My Morning Jacket homepage.  Goodness, maybe if John Kerry would have thought to start on this forum board like you, he'd of won the Presidency in a landslide!  

Your hero John Kerry nobley conceded in an attempt to unify American for the next four years- not so people could start mobilizing for the next "apocolypse."
The only two things in life that make it worth livin Is guitars that tune good and firm feelin women


Come now gentlemen, we can still have interesting debate without making this personal.

Quotesorry if I got carried away reacting to the tyranny statement but I am not one to sit back and let others bash my country, the greatest in the world.

I just want to make a point...democrats are looked at as "country bashers" or unpatriotic because they don't support the war and they don't agree with the way the country is headed. This is far from the truth. I don't speak for all of them but mostly they are questioning current policy because they want to make this country a better place. Both parties share a common goal, just have different opinions on how to reach those goals.

I personally think people do not question government authority enough. If they did, the outcome of the election would have been much different in my opinion.

The Boar

I'd say they did a pretty good job if 50 some odd million AMERICANS voted for them.  Don't lecture me or anyone on this topic.  I am passionate too, but don't label anyone else as less than American if we don't subscribe to your twisted values.  

Wait a second, ladies and gents, let's take a look at the situation. 59.2 million Americans voted for Bush, presumably 1) because they trusted Bush and where he would take our country or 2) they trusted Kerry LESS than they trusted Bush. Now 55.7 million Americans voted for Kerry presumably for the exact inverse of the above reasons. This was not a vast network of conspiracy that subverted our democratic process: thos who support Bush simply outnumber those who support Kerry, simple as that.

Of course, everyone (yes, even our friends abroad) are entitled to their opinion about our country's leadership and their proposed plans about our country. We can disagree and we can even debate the minutiae of those plans.  
My point is that to label a candidate (who more than 59 million Americans voted for) as idiotic, dictatorial, diabolic, etc. is just plain irresponsible and, frankly, offensive to the ideals of our country and to the American people. I would hope that most of us could agree that, despite our ideological differences, we all care about this country and its role in the world, and have enough faith in our leadership to believe that they are doing what they believe is right for our country and beneficial for ourselves and others. We might disagree about whether or not such policies are right or beneficial, but ad hominem attacks about the integrity of our leaders are not only irresponsible but, if we are really frank with ourselves, unfair.
So Mr. Conaway, while I respect your opinions and your right to have them, I would hope that you would have the same respect for mine and others who, on the whole, disagree(d) with you, presumably some 59 million of us. To call our values (I'm not sure exactly which values, you mean, but nevertheless) "twisted" is offensive, and, due to my prior impressions of you on this message board, I hope that you simply chose the wrong words in this instance.


peanut butter puddin surprise

Perhaps my anger and disappointment has clouded my judgement.  I apologize.

However, I will point out:

1.  The war is wrong
2.  The reasons for going to war were fabricated
3.  The country is a mess and I don't care how many voted to keep the mess going, it's still a mess.  Health care issues alone are going to eat this guy alive, and anyone else who thinks they have the answers.

'nuff said.  'tis a sad day in America.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there

peanut butter puddin surprise

QuoteDisclaimer- do not respond to this if you disagree with me or might hurt my super sensative feelings.

I think it's interesting that Mr. Conway, who earlier felt this was a 'pointless debate' has gone on to become aggressive and insulting to other posters, and followed it by starting the new revolution of Democrats on the My Morning Jacket homepage.  Goodness, maybe if John Kerry would have thought to start on this forum board like you, he'd of won the Presidency in a landslide!  

Your hero John Kerry nobley conceded in an attempt to unify American for the next four years- not so people could start mobilizing for the next "apocolypse."

and your point is...

Whatever dude.  If you found my comments insulting, don't read them.
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there



 Don't lecture me or anyone on this topic.   but don't label anyone else as less than American if we don't subscribe to your twisted values.  

honestly john, I don't know why you want to attack me.  my state went overwhelmingly to Kerry, even though I didn't vote for the guy.  I am not lecturing anyone here.  I don't think my values are twisted either, thank you very much.  I was raised with Christian values.  If other people are threatened by the ideals that Christianity puts forth that is their own issue (and I am not saying anyone here is threatened).  Kerry had his finger in the wind just like Clinton used to when it came to issues.  I also resent the fact that the elite/liberal media and political figures in this country think the vast majority of citizens need others to make their decisions for them when they can't seem to take a stand a hold it on aynthing.  In the end, all I want is a safe, productive, positive country to live in 'nuff said. P.S. I'll still buy ya drinks when I finally get to da' 'ville ;)
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


this may be true but typically this is performed in the spirit of helping a community in chaos attempt to restore a structure that will help provide them a beneficial society.  unfortunately, you can't predict how power is going to affect any given person--sometimes it goes ok and sometimes it goes very badly.  

If you say so.  But the first instances that come to my mind are: pandering to the United Fruit Co. in central America, winning Panama's independence so we could have a canal, the defeat of the democratically-elected and much-loved Salvador Allende, the installation of the lovely General Pinochet, Manuel Noriega (trained at the School of the Americas at Ft Benning), and the Shah of Iran.  


like I said you never know how power is going to affect somebody...
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


2 haikus for Fanatic :)

Fanatic, you have
more faith in humanity
and the intentions

of our leaders than
I do.  Congratulations,
I'm a jaded mess. :-/


Quotemy country, the greatest in the world

Were you awarded this title?
Or is it based on another 'World Series' title played for by 2 teams from America?
You lot (Americans) can't play football (you call it soccer) so your opinion means bugger all.  When you've had your hands on the Jules Rimet Trophy, I'll listen again.

Ian Gregg
Political Editor
HeadUpArse Today
Somewhere in England.
the future is Ginger


And another thing..............

You can use this forum to point out the rights and wrongs of Bush or whoever, but my country is led directly by who you vote for, and I don't get a vote in that.

Politics.  Its a bugger.

(turn up the Eagles, the neighbours are listening)
the future is Ginger


Quotebut my country is led directly by who you vote for, and I don't get a vote in that.

Politics.  Its a bugger.

You're dead right about that. We "voted for change" in 1997 and look what happened  ???   Does anybody ever keep a manifesto promise anyway?

Plus ça change...



Plus ça change...

i love it when you talk dirty ::)

(wrong thread?)
the future is Ginger



Were you awarded this title?
Or is it based on another 'World Series' title played for by 2 teams from America?
You lot (Americans) can't play football (you call it soccer)

Its just a well established fact no one gave out any award--sorry if you think otherwise :D.
I think we've got some pretty good soccer players over here.  baseball has nothing to do with the status of this country being on the leading edge of technology, economics, opportunity, you name it.
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


p.s.  I believe the relationsip between the UK and USA was really forged when the US helped you (and all of Europe) when a certain megalomaniac was trying to make Germany the center of the universe.  don't you guys vote on the Prime Minister anyway?
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Quotep.s.  I believe the relationsip between the UK and USA was really forged when the US helped you (and all of Europe) when a certain megalomaniac was trying to make Germany the center of the universe.

Oh, do you mean AFTER everyone else had gone to war to help them, and THEN you decided to join?



I know it's bad for America and the rest of the world but it sure does wonders for the Canadian dollar.

Ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eh!!!!!

BTW I love MMJ so don't give me too much of a hard time.



Never thought this thread would lead so far...

I still believe this forum is made to unite common interests but also to share different opinions. We all respect that otherwise we wouldn't continue to post thousands of words and share a million ideas.

Maybe politics got/get carried us away (and it should be because it so damn important), but I'm sure no one really wants to offend other persons on the forum here(except for the mollusk maybe  ;) and respects one's opinion.

So let the battle continue in style...



Quotedon't you guys vote on the Prime Minister anyway?

No, we don't. Not directly like you do. We vote locally to decide who becomes our member of parliament.
The leader of the party winning the most seats in the general election becomes the prime minister.