Queen's new singer

Started by dogandponyshow, Dec 23, 2004, 11:01 AM

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QuoteJohn,Great point on being overated or overexposed.That can fit a lot of the classic rock genre especially here in the Louisville area.

Very much agreed.  Although, I would say that we definitely have overexposure to certain classic rock out here in Toronto, and even moreso in Mississauga where I grew up.  

I believe that I have heard Stairway to Heaven and American Woman and Against the Wind more times than any human being could stand.

(Okay, maybe that's not true for Against the Wind.  I have a soft spot for Bob.)

ben grimm

I will always have a soft spot for Queen, the kind of magic album was my favourite record in the world when I was 11, I wanted to be a sword fightin' highlander so bad. sure they're very over the top but that was kinda the whole point with them wasn't it?


Perhaps a blend of a touch over rated and without a doubt they have been over exposed which is to bad. I don't think that Queen was in the "glam" flavor.  Brian May had unique guitar sound that whne you heard it you knew it was Queen.  They had some rockers but they had some duds...a la Crazy Little Thing Called Love and Radio Ga Ga....god awful.


ben grimm

Have you heard Electic Six's cover of radio ga ga yet? its a pretty dire version of a pretty dire song. And don't even start me on that vaguely Nazi- esque video that went with it.


I'll have to agree w/ O.  I just couldn't ever get into Queen, and I don't see what the fuss is about.  

My brother (who actually likes Queen) said it best the other day; he thinks every Queen song sounds like it was written for broadway - maybe that's why I don't like them.


Quotesure they're very over the top but that was kinda the whole point with them wasn't it?

I think you're right. Their film music (they also did Flash, which I loved) was perfect for the films, but I couldn't take them seriously in any other way. Brian May lost a bit of credibility, I think, when he started producing incredibly naff songs for an incredibly naff soap star.


(please explain "naff".  Is it the UK equivalent to "lame"?)


Just remembered you've asked me this before. Sorry for not getting back to you. Yes, I think it means the same as lame. It means very very uncool.

Just looked it up:

Chiefly British Slang
Unstylish, clichéd, or outmoded.

Yep. That's about it.

Thinking about lame, here we'd use it to mean weak. e.g. "That's a lame excuse."


Thank you!  I like naff.  Gonna use it.

Yes, lame and weak go hand in hand here.  ie, "That is the lamest excuse I have ever heard."="That is the weakest excuse I have ever heard."

Hm, maybe not identical (the lame and the weak), but certainly in the same word group.


well, I'm not claiming that Queen is worth a big fuss but I am not going to write them off either.  I guess my perspective nobody is making a big deal of them here where I live so I have no reason to view them as over rated.  I think they are fun to listen to and skilled musicians and since nobody here is fussing over them I am not sick of hearing how they are supposedly so great.
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


EC: I love this stuff! Languages, dialects and so on. I recently read a history of the English language and how it's used differently in different places. Fascinating.

By the way I'm writing this listening to your Bermuda Highway. Beautiful  :)


QuoteEC: I love this stuff! Languages, dialects and so on. I recently read a history of the English language and how it's used differently in different places. Fascinating.

By the way I'm writing this listening to your Bermuda Highway. Beautiful  :)

Hey, what's the name of the book?  I love when I go somewhere new and hear peoples' vernacular.  Some of my non-Toronto favourites include:
faffing about (wasting time in England)
can ah drink (can of pop in Newfoundland)
"Bless her heart" ("she's a bitch" in AL)
and my favourite
snogging.  Which is a lovely way of saying it.

So, yes.

I think you may be right, mmjfanatic.  If you haven't heard it fifty billion times, it's probably still fun for you.  I remember really enjoying Stairway to Heaven and Hotel California the first 50 times, as well.

And now they make me want to jump out of a moving vehicle.


Aaah faffing about - my very favourite occupation  8) It reminds me of some lyrics from one of my fave Paul Simon songs "Slow down, you move too fast. You've got to make the morning last".

The book is The Adventure of English by Melvyn Bragg (Lord Bragg of Wigton).


Wicked.  Thank you!

(I like faffin' about as well!!)


don't you mean wickked pissah?
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.