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Started by EC, Feb 17, 2005, 11:36 PM

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Anybody know 'em?

They (she?) played at the club where I work tonight.  The band was totally fucking wicked.  And her voice is very beautiful.  And she's really cute, too, and told a lot of stories.  (All the boys were in looooooove with her.  It was cute, actually, looking out at all the boys with these little half smiles on their faces.)  

It wasn't transcendental (actually, that's a lie - man!  more lies!).  The sound check was transcendental.  I walked in, and they started a song just as I did, and I stopped, and I couldn't move because it was beautiful.

The show itself never really got to that point again, but it was certainly good.  

(The opening act were BRILLIANT.  Ukelele and - crap what's that metal kind of guitar called...  crap crap can't remember, anyhow one of those.  Two guys singin' old timey country and jazzy songs, like really old, like the newest song was from 1975, but most of them were from the 20's.  Really obscure songs with outrageously brilliant lyrics.  They were really great, actually.  Tony Malone.  That was the guy.)

I just realized that I seem to be partial to the opening acts at shows where I'm not too familiar with the headliners.  Isn't that odd...


yeah, shivaree is cool.
check out this video:
very sexy... voice.

I tried to look up the opening act but all I found is a Rev. Tony Malone singing about his master and a Two Tone Tony Malone (?) who looks really dodgy. help me out!


Woah-oh oh.  Weird.  Two-tone Tony Malone.  It's not him, though.  But that just put me in an odd alternate Universe.

Yeah, I just googled and couldn't find anything, either.  I know he used to be in a band that was popular in the early seventies and eighties.  Let me check the club website (although they almost never talk about the openers, which I think is appalling, and which reminds me I should say something.)

Yep.  No opener's credit.  I'll ask about him, Riny.  Our sound guy knows him.  It would be worth it.  They're really great.

Just saw that Ambrosia is only 28.  woah.  

peanut butter puddin surprise

hehehehe Ambrosia.  and cute.  and a girl thinks she's cute.  ;D
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


QuoteUkelele and - crap what's that metal kind of guitar called...  crap crap can't remember, anyhow one of those.

EC, I believe you are referring to a resonator guitar.  Some folks know these by the name of the Gibson brand version: "Dobro".  One of my favorite instruments, by the way.



EC, I believe you are referring to a resonator guitar. ÊSome folks know these by the name of the Gibson brand version: "Dobro". ÊOne of my favorite instruments, by the way.
YES!  Dobro.  That's what I was thinking.  Thank you, thank you, it was driving me crazy.  Yeah, they're very wicked sounding, but also quite stunning to look at.  

mmmmmm muuuuuusic.  :)


Okay Riny (and anybody else who's interested) - Tony was in a band called "Drastic Measures".  Reading a bit about him, it seems like he's fairly highly esteemed.  And he's also really, really nice, and remembers names.  (Asked my name at the beginning of the night, remembered it at the end.)

Here's more about him:



only heard a couple of songs by them--can't remember the names tho' :-/.  I like her name--Ambrosia Parsley(weird combo)
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Quoteonly heard a couple of songs by them--can't remember the names tho' :-/.  I like her name--Ambrosia Parsley(weird combo)

I think you can sample stuff at the website...

Yeah.  Ambrosia Parsley.  She told a funny story about her and her brother pretending to be cowboys and bartenders, and shooting nyquil and eating Flintstone vitamins like they were peanuts.  

I wonder if she made her name up...