rainy day songs

Started by whothrewthecake, Jan 31, 2005, 11:36 AM

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QuoteCat Power
pre-fusion Miles Davis
Neutral Milk Hotel


Did you specify "pre-fusion" because you don't like that era, or is it just not your thing on a rainy day? I only ask because there's some real division among Miles Davis fans when it comes to his electric stuff, as I'm sure you know. I don't know if I like any of Miles' stuff as much as, say, "So What" from "Kind of Blue", but I can't deny it, I love most of the 1969 - 1975 albums. "Bitches Brew" was my first exposure to anything even remotely jazz-related, and, partly due to the size of the joint I had just smoked, I was blown away that that kind of music had existed for so long without my knowing about it. It really opened my ears to jazz in general, which had to be done, given my typical ROCK!! upbringing.

n.p. Zappa - Lather


Cat Power
Galaxie 500
Miracle Legion
I'm ready when you are


Hey lfish, have to agree with On The Beach!
That is a masterpiece indeed.




Did you specify "pre-fusion" because you don't like that era, or is it just not your thing on a rainy day?

just b/c it's better for rainy days.  I haven't listened to much of the fusion stuff, but I haven't gotten into what I have heard.  But I've never listened while high --that might make the difference.


Wilco - a ghost is born.  Possibly made FOR the rainy day.


Fleetwood Mac

anything by the Cure

Atom Heart Mother- Pink Floyd
The only two things in life that make it worth livin Is guitars that tune good and firm feelin women


anything by the Cure

of course how could I leave out the King of Mope?!  I love these guys and pop in my custom "greatest hits" tape whenever its gray out... :)
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.


Red House Painters/ Mark Kozelek always does it.
Dying Happy by Baby Bird
Gillian Welch
the straight Story soundtrack


yes, red house painters always does it, for sure.  I like the Postman Song by Babyface.  anyone else.
oh, November Rain is often overlooked as an obvious choice.  But seriously, Belle and Sebation, Sleep the clock Around does me good during the rain.  peace.


correction-Stevie B did Postman song
Sorry about that.


Quote I like the Postman Song by Babyface.  
dude, for real?  babyface?
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.