Help me! Please!!!

Started by jackycreegs, Mar 24, 2005, 05:20 PM

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my surname actually comes from the gaelic for "made of rock", i do believe. so there might be something in that.

i thank you guys for your kind words. it turns out she didn't even see him. and he got in a strop with her over the whole thing. not ideal. but there we go.


Quoteand he got in a strop with her over the whole thing. not ideal. but there we go.

Not ideal, but could have been worse. His petulance is not going to make him attractive to her. She'll soon see what a big baby he is and get over him.

On second thoughts, it could be ideal after all. Hang in there  :)


I don't wanna spoil the party and the mix CD is a great idea indeed, but I always thought 'By my car' is about a guy who's girlfriend is dating another guy while they're still together and he's just watching it happen, knowing that he's being screwed. So that wouldn't be very appropiate...
I'm ready when you are


QuoteI don't wanna spoil the party and the mix CD is a great idea indeed, but I always thought 'By my car' is about a guy who's girlfriend is dating another guy while they're still together and he's just watching it happen, knowing that he's being screwed. So that wouldn't be very appropiate...

Really?  I thought it was about a girl and a guy who've broken up (or a guy who's liking a girl), and this OTHER stupid guy named Evan who's she's either dating, or did date and is back with.  That's why I thought it was appropriate...

Also, just the whole "I'll kick his head in" thing makes a guy look tough.  heh.