Happy Birthday Megan

Started by antoniostrohs, Apr 08, 2005, 12:27 PM

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Happy Happy Joy Joy!!.I think I remember reading somewhere that today is your Birthday.I hope I'm right but if not have a great day anyway!



Thanks, guys!!   ;D

It's beautiful out and I just put up the patio lanterns in prep for a little party we're having.  YAY!

peanut butter puddin surprise

Happy Birthday!  May you have many, many more!  enjoy your party...i'm sure it will be awesome
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Happy Birthday, Megan!  have a cold one, on me!


have a wonderful, happy, joyous birthday! good wishes from texas!  :-*


Hold my life until I'm ready to use it


Best wishes and have a good one!!!!!!     ;D :D ;)


Yes...  Happy B-day, again!


Hey Meg, it looks like the boys were just waiting for your birthday to announce the tour.  Happy Birthday,hope you have a terrific evening.
There's Still Time.........


have a good one meg! hope you have some of that expensive wine left ;)

The Boar

Indeed, hope you have a great birthday night, Megan. Enjoy a stiff whisky (or whatever your drink of choice is). Cheers!


Quotehave a good one meg! hope you have some of that expensive wine left ;)

Heh - that was gone that same night!  (It was only half full and I shared. ;))

But thank you everyone for your lovely wishes.  We had a great party.  Really, really fun and it went pretty late (as these things do.)

We drank the entire house dry, including the bottle of Absynthe that my roommate brought home from Prague before it became legal.  (I didn't drink it.  Jesus.  But SOME people did, and they are NOT happy this a.m.)

Anyhow, you're all so awesome.  :)


Absynthe is way cool! :)
I'm ready when you are


A late happy birthday to you, glad you enjoyed the party!
And hopefully all the brave absynthe drinkers are back in the world of the living...


Happy late birthday EC!