that new System of a Down song...

Started by johnconaway, Apr 21, 2005, 11:08 AM

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peanut butter puddin surprise

BYOB?  is that the title? RAWKS and just nails a perfect political rant mixed with old skool headbangin', 1980s style.


Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


I've always thought that System of a Down kind of did the whole rap/rock/metal thing better than any of the bands that were doing it at the same time as they were.
On that note, the other day in the class that I'm teaching, we were studying the Mexican Revolution of 1910.  To illustrate for the students that the priniciples and ideas that drove revolution are still around today, I showed a video documentary called "Zapatista" that I picked up in Mexico City on my honeymoon.  It was about Chiapas in 1994, and, of course, featured Rage Against the Machine on the soundtrack.  Goddamn, those guys were good.  Most of the kids had no idea (they're ninth graders, meaning they were like five when they broke up), but a couple of 'em did.  I told the others that RATM was Audioslave when Audioslave didn't suck.
it's a voice. and it's a choice
to call you out. or stay at home


Man, those kids are lucky to have a hip teacher.


You know what?  I agree.  So do some of the kids.  The other day they told me they were going to miss me.  I don't want to be their friend (what the hell would we talk about?); but I want to be their mentor.
it's a voice. and it's a choice
to call you out. or stay at home


You can always be there for them through email...  If you gave them that option, it might mean a lot.  :)

I had a very, very wicked high school English teacher (funnily enough, I had a dream about her last night.  Hm.  odd)  Anyhow, she restored my faith in teachers, and we remained in contact for a long while after high school.  (I still talk to most of my University profs.)


that is an awesome idea.  I never even thought of that.  one kid is bringing a bunch of blank cds for me to burn some music.  can anyone say, new MMJ fan?
it's a voice. and it's a choice
to call you out. or stay at home


Quotethat is an awesome idea.  I never even thought of that.  one kid is bringing a bunch of blank cds for me to burn some music.  can anyone say, new MMJ fan?
Holy shit.  You see?  You've clearly made a difference to them.  Dude, way to go.  Man, that's so awesome.  :)