
Started by BIGVICLBI, Jun 20, 2005, 10:49 PM

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Scientology...anyone here a practitioner or know enough to give a quick synopsis of it? I listen to Stern and he's always ranting about it.


I know Tom Cruise is practicing and he landed Katie Holmes so there must be something to it.
There's Still Time.........


If there is any truth to rumors Tom auditioned a bunch of chicks to be his girlfriend. I try not to pay attention to any gossip but listening to his radio show you can't help it. Some of the soundbites they have from Katie Holmes makes me pretty scared that she is completely brainwashed, but who knows? I always wanted to read Dyanetics(?) anyone ever read it?


"If there is any truth to rumors Tom auditioned a bunch of chicks to be his girlfriend."

I tried that once but no one showed up.  I would have liked to have sat in on Tom's auditions though.  "Ok Katie, can you do the splits.....nice, now can you tie this cherry stem in a knot using only your tounge?  
There's Still Time.........


I heard that Tom was Katie's idol as she was growing up, so who wouldn't jump at the chance to marry your teen idol? Hell, I'd marry Wonder Woman if I could. And Suzanne Sommers, Daisy Duke, MaryAnn, Betty she's already married. Hell, I'll take Tom's leftovers..whar's that Nicole at?
Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.


Oh hell, Wonder Woman is the shit.  My brother in law worked for her husband.  Betty Rubble was hot!! I'm glad you said that, I feel better now.  
There's Still Time.........


...and I said I never knew.....

I love that song. It is the ultimate love song.  You've got me humming right now. And let us not forget Starbuck's 'Moonlight Feels Right'. Awesome marimba solo and just another happy song.

Where did all the happy songs go?
Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.


Great site giving a somewhat objective look at Scientology.