I think this post puts me on the dodgeball team.

Started by olwiggum, Jul 09, 2005, 03:22 PM

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Quotemr. and mrs. smith?   :P
Well he is rather androgynous...  Well that's not true.  Maybe asexual.  

Hm.  I don't know if you'd like The Smiths or not, Eisey.  I can't imagine anyone NOT liking them, but weirder things have happened.

There's no heavy metal guitar, although Johnny Marr is really really fucking good, the lead singer keeps daffodils in his pockets and when you go to shows, you bring him gladiolas.  He's pretty angsty.  

I'm pretty crazy about them.  


For more on The Smiths


Or just try to listen to the song "Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me" and you'll get the essence.

Or listen to the disc "The Singles" for starters.


I couldn't resist, but this is he last one, I promise.

Girl afraid
Where do his intentions lay ?

Or does he even have any ?

She says :

"He never really looks at me
I give him every opportunity
In the room downstairs
He sat and stared
In the room downstairs
He sat and stared
I'll never make that mistake again !"

I'll never make that mistake again
I'll never make that mistake again

Boy afraid
Prudence never pays

And everything she wants costs money

"But she doesn't even LIKE me !
And I know because she said so
In the room downstairs
She sat and stared
In the room downstairs
She sat and stared
I'll never make that mistake again !"


Oooooohhhhh good one.  

Me and my friend Vanessa were doing Shakespeare in the park one summer, and we had to drive far every day to get there, so we used to put on the Smiths. every. day.  And then we started a game where you had to make up Morrissey songs about stuff that we'd see on the road.  It would go a little something like this:

"Dead raccoon on the road.  Oh, dead raccoon on the road.
And I wonder if the world will cave IN on me today, la di da, la di da.  Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh."

It was highly wicked.  A very good road trip game.  But only if the other person is a Morrissey fan, otherwise the other person does NOT have fun.  (As I recently discovered.)  Neither is reading aloud every sign that you see in a funny voice.  Although, it does make the other person want to let you drive, which is always good.  (I hate being the passenger.)

I agree that "Singles" might be a good place to start, but I am so fond of "Louder than Bombs", that I would recommend that also.  (It's kind of a compilation, too).  


QuoteOooooohhhhh good one.  

Me and my friend Vanessa were doing Shakespeare in the park one summer, and we had to drive far every day to get there, so we used to put on the Smiths. every. day.  And then we started a game where you had to make up Morrissey songs about stuff that we'd see on the road.  It would go a little something like this:

"Dead raccoon on the road.  Oh, dead raccoon on the road.
And I wonder if the world will cave IN on me today, la di da, la di da.  Ooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh."

It was highly wicked.  A very good road trip game.  But only if the other person is a Morrissey fan, otherwise the other person does NOT have fun.  (As I recently discovered.)  Neither is reading aloud every sign that you see in a funny voice.  Although, it does make the other person want to let you drive, which is always good.  (I hate being the passenger.)

I agree that "Singles" might be a good place to start, but I am so fond of "Louder than Bombs", that I would recommend that also.  (It's kind of a compilation, too).  

Hey EC we've changed this thread into a big Smiths tribute.
It was supposed to be a beautiful celebration of all things olwiggum!

Your road trip game made me laugh though!
And ideed, Louder than Bombs is a fine introduction too, but I'm sure they have more best of's and compilations than regular cd's. There's plenty to choose from.


Shit.  You're right.

Olwiggum is one of my favourite people in the world.  He is seriously so kick-ass that it makes me smile every time I think about him.  He is also extremely talented.  It's kind of ridiculous.  Plus, he's really good at bringing people together.  

He is permanent member of any team I will ever be on.  Evah.  He can even be in my girly book club if he wants.



It's good to be part of the team!  :)
Thanks for the kind words, EC.

Brian, I've got a big jock-size, so send the gear accordingly.  :)


No problem Corey, that's awesome we wear the same size.  One extra large 5 star jock on the way my brother.
There's Still Time.........



QuoteDamn, I need to register. Is it free?

Wait a gosh darn minute, I was told there was a ten dollar cover charge for the headbands and socks? Who received my money and sent me the receipt?

Just kidding?
Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.