Let's play rock star.

Started by EC, Apr 20, 2005, 11:41 PM

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So here I am.  Last leg of my taxes.  I'm sitting here thinking about how much I love to read the question and answer interviews (I read another one that featured Superstyx Hallahan, and, hold on, I'll post the link because it's really good, too http://www.louisville.com/loumagdisplay.html?article=12937 .)  Anyhow, I'm totally procrastinating, and I'm sure as hell NOT figuring out how to capture screen images from my DVDs.  So...  how would YOU answer these questions?

(I'm not going to answer first, because I'm the asker, and if I answer first and it just sits there, I will feel extremely dorky and weird.)

Soooo..... GO!

1) Who is your favorite superhero or super villain?

2) What is your favorite late night snack?

3) Who or what are your non-musical influences?

4) What is the motto you live by?

5) Which do you prefer, performing music live or creating it in the studio?

6) What Is your favorite film?

7) What is your favorite book?

8 ) Name a musician that you've always wanted to work with but haven't yet.

9) If you could change one thing about the music industry, what would it be?

10) What has been your most important professional accomplishment to date?

11) What has been your most memorable or most f@#ked-up gig?

The Ubiquitous Bonus Question:
What is your kindred spirit animal ?


Yes! I am typing a paper at 3 in the morning right now with 5 pages to go...and what better way to distract myself than with a list of favorite things!
Here you go EC

1.) Magneto is for sure my favorite supervillain

2.) Weed

3.) My sister, and my good friend Mike...I don't think I make a single important decision without consulting them first.

4.) "You better get up, get out and get something; don't let all of your days pass by" -Outkast

5.) Performing live...of course!

6.) Almost Famous

7.) Citizen Soldiers by Stephen Ambrose

8.) Jim James is an obvious choice...David Byrne or Patterson Hood would be both be cool to work with


10.) Well...I'm still in college, so I haven't gotten out into the professional swing of things yet.

11.) I played with a buddy of mine in front of my high school a couple years back and we did an acoustic rendition of "Alabama" by Neil Young.  Oh yes, and we split a fifth of Jose Cuervo before going onstage...ah that was a fun day.

Darrell (it's Drunkre)

1) Who is your favorite superhero or super villain?

I'm a pretty big fan of "V" from the graphic novel "V is for Vendetta."  But Harvey Pekar is a pretty cool superhero of the working man, too.  Oh! Jimmy Corrigan, The Smartest Boy On Earth.

2) What is your favorite late night snack?

Miller High Life...or Pabst Blue Ribbon

3) Who or what are your non-musical influences?

There's a lot of authors and thinkers that would probably qualify.  Maximillian de Robespierre is an obvious choice, as is my pic off to the left of this text.  John Steinbeck (read "Travels With Charley" now...No, seriously, right now.  Turn off the computer and go to your bookshelf, or local library); Kurt Vonnegut; Philip Roth

4) What is the motto you live by?

They come and go.  Right now, I'm a pretty big fan of "Dulce bellum inexpertis" (Google it)

5) Which do you prefer, performing music live or creating it in the studio?

I don't do either on any professional level.  Am I allowed in this forum?  I like to goof off on acoustic for my two year old daughter, cause she thinks I'm a guitar god when I can strum G, D, A, E, F, and C incessantly.

6) What Is your favorite film?

I got asked this question once during a job interview (I was trying to get a job at Mooo-vies in Norfolk, VA); I must have gotten the wrong answer; I didn't get the job.  It's a toss-up.  "A Clockwork Orange" or "Apocalypse Now" (anybody seen the Redux version?  Why the hell did they cut the "What's it smell like to you, soldier" scene from the original?)

7) What is your favorite book?

Grapes of Wrath

8 ) Name a musician that you've always wanted to work with but haven't yet.

Paul McCartney (pre-Wings)

9) If you could change one thing about the music industry, what would it be?

Pay-ola based radio stations

10) What has been your most important professional accomplishment to date?

I'm being honored Friday night as the Most Outstanding Social Science Student at Troy University, Dothan.

11) What has been your most memorable or most f@#ked-up gig?

I went to this field party on the Winter Solstice about 2 years ago and brought my guitar with me.  Goofed off in front of a bonfire for a while; drank way too much beer, and went skinny-dipping in the pond on the edge of the property.  Ah!  Skinny-dipping.  Is there anything more liberating?  No wonder REM wrote a whole song about it.

The Ubiquitous Bonus Question:
What is your kindred spirit animal ?

Which kind doesn't associate me with Wicca (and therefore, loooooooosssserrrrr status)?  Maybe a weasel...or a cock.


10) What has been your most important professional accomplishment to date?

I'm being honored Friday night as the Most Outstanding Social Science Student at Troy University, Dothan.

Wow! Congratulations, man. Well done you!  ;D


Thanks for playing!!

1) Who is your favorite superhero or super villain?

I like Wonder Woman.  I also really like Spider Man.
2) What is your favorite late night snack?

Ice cream if there's any left, or cereal.
3) Who or what are your non-musical influences?

Wes Anderson, David Sedaris, there are a lot.
4) What is the motto you live by?

You have to take the leap before it happens.

5) Which do you prefer, performing music live or creating it in the studio?  

I dig on both for different reasons.  I like playing live because I like to feel connected to people and I like exchanges.  I like to record because it feels a little bit safer, and you can try a bunch of shit out.  It's more creative.
6) What Is your favorite film?

The Graduate.  2nd is Rushmore.  3rd is Red Beard.
7) What is your favorite book?

Raise High the Roof Beam Carpenters and Seymour an Introduction by JD Salinger (actually, I might say that all of his books and stories are my favourite, but I like that one the best).  I thought that A Moveable Feast by Hemingway was stunning and inspiring.  I also like A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius at the moment.  And everything by David Sedaris, who I can read over and over.  And I have a lot of favourite books.
8 ) Name a musician that you've always wanted to work with but haven't yet.

I think I could've dug being in King Crimson.  I would love to sing with Steve Earle.  I think I would've liked to sing harmonies with the Carter Family.  Emmylou Harris and Gillian Welch.  Beck.  There are a lot.  Oh.  Merle Haggard.  Oh yes.  New version of "Bull and the Beaver"
9) If you could change one thing about the music industry, what would it be?

That the general public were more participatory and engaged in their choices.  And that radio stations didn't have to cater to advertisers and had interesting DJs, and could play whatever they wanted.
10) What has been your most important professional accomplishment to date?

Stealing rock star booze.  And I guess the stuff I did with Mark was pretty important for me.  A big catalyst.
11) What has been your most memorable or most f@#ked-up gig?

The most memorable was one a few weeks ago where I felt like everbody in the room was on the same planet.  And it wasn't this one.  There have been quite a few fucked up ones.

The Ubiquitous Bonus Question:
What is your kindred spirit animal ?

I recently discovered that it's the moth.  Bringer of change.


) Who is your favorite superhero or super villain?

Dr. Evil
2) What is your favorite late night snack?

Krystals Chili Cheese Fries, Gourmet Bridge Mix
3) Who or what are your non-musical influences?

MTV  ;)
4) What is the motto you live by?

Beer before liquor never sicker, liquor before beer in the clear
5) Which do you prefer, performing music live or creating it in the studio?  

What's a studio?
6) What Is your favorite film?

Old School
7) What is your favorite book?

Dancing With Cats
8 ) Name a musician that you've always wanted to work with but haven't yet.

Rupert Holmes
9) If you could change one thing about the music industry, what would it be?

I'd make Neil Young President of the Music Industry.
10) What has been your most important professional accomplishment to date?

Not Drinking at Work, or killing anyone
11) What has been your most memorable or most f@#ked-up gig?

I saw Vanilla Ice once.......That was pretty F*^&*^ed UP!
The Ubiquitous Bonus Question:
What is your kindred spirit animal ?

There's Still Time.........


1) Who is your favorite superhero or super villain?

Probably Spider-Man. Superman is cool too.
2) What is your favorite late night snack?

Milk and cookies
3) Who or what are your non-musical influences?

Wes Anderson and Tim Burton
4) What is the motto you live by?

"Living in fear is just another way of dying before your time" - Drive By Truckers
5) Which do you prefer, performing music live or creating it in the studio?

I haven't performed live in several years unless you count sitting in with some buddies of mine for one song. That's a nice feeling, but as EC said, I feel more creative in a studio setting (read: in front of my computer).
6) What Is your favorite film?

It depends... Rushmore, Star Wars, The Royal Tenenbaums, and anything by Pixar
7) What is your favorite book?

OF Mice and Men
8 ) Name a musician that you've always wanted to work with but haven't yet.

JJ, any of the DBTs, or Jeff Tweedy
9) If you could change one thing about the music industry, what would it be?

Shitty ClearChannel radio stations and the cost of CDs.
10) What has been your most important professional accomplishment to date?
I made a film that played in festivals all over the country and overseas...

11) What has been your most memorable or most f@#ked-up gig?

We played in the basement of a frathouse that was pretty scary once. They were some of the most racist people that I've ever met in my life.


EC sung a tune that went a lot like this:

Quote46) What Is your favorite film?

The Graduate.

I like this pick a lot. It's easily one of my favourites. Really creative and witty directing by Mike Nichols, and Dustin Hoffman was brilliant. The scene in the hotel lobby where he's talking to Buck Henry's character just kills me. He's so nervous, and he does a great "aaah" (anyone know what I'm talking about when I write "aaaah"? I must have rewound that part a dozen times). And Katherine Ross is not exactly difficult to look at, and she's even easier to inappropriately gawk at.

QuoteRaise High the Roof Beam Carpenters and Seymour an Introduction by JD Salinger (actually, I might say that all of his books and stories are my favourite, but I like that one the best).

I wholeheartedly agree. Some obnoxious intellectuals claim that it's cliche to like Salinger so much, but that's utter nonsense. He's fantastic. Catcher In The Rye is STILL in my top ten, and it's been 14 years since I read it for the first time. "Old Phoebe, she's a real madman sometimes." What I would give to have written that line. A Perfect Day For Bananafish is another one that has that thing I find now and then but have trouble making on my own. All of his stories have varying degrees of 'that', in fact.

Anyway, great picks, EC.


1) Who is your favorite superhero or super villain?

Underdog. Either him or Bullwinkle J. Moose.

2) What is your favorite late night snack?

Planter's Trail Mix is pretty rockin, but my boss's kid had some Honeycomb cereal with him today, and I could defintely go for a good bowl of that stuff right about now.

3) Who or what are your non-musical influences?

I guess "life" is too vague of an answer, so all the moving around I've done. that rambler spirit sort of shines through in my music. Also, I'd say nature - just being out in the middle of a ton of trees or on a lake with nothing around but people you love or no one at all, it's frickin magical.

4) What is the motto you live by?

"Music is love in search of a word." -Sidney Lanier

5) Which do you prefer, performing music live or creating it in the studio?

Right now, performing it live, but that's because I don't have a band or knowledge of the studio. I can't wait to understand how to record, so I can make stuff that's beautiful with all kinds of layers and things going on.

6) What Is your favorite film?

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Rocketeer, and Mars Attacks

7) What is your favorite book?

The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury. And to Darrel, John Steinbeck is amazing. I'm reading Travels with Charley right now.

8 ) Name a musician that you've always wanted to work with but haven't yet.

Mr. Olliges himself. Either him or the guys from Boston (KICKASS!!!)

9) If you could change one thing about the music industry, what would it be?

Clear Channel disappears from the face of the planet.  

10) What has been your most important professional accomplishment to date?

Scoring a job at the Guitar ER repairing guitars. Woot!

11) What has been your most memorable or most f@#ked-up gig?

Probably the variety show I played last fall, with my band Dr. Sauce and the Mystick Fishsticks. We played a twenty minute long jam-medley of "Take Me Out" by Franz Ferdinand, A little bit of the Mario underground theme, some Justin Timberlake (Rock Your Body, but it was instrumental and rocked proper) and then we finished 'er up with Purple Haze during which I sauced it up by playing geetar behind my head and dancing int he middle of the stage. My favorite part of the whole night, however, was when my friend told me that after I played behind my head, he heard some woman behind him in the crowd say "Well, what was the point of that?" Then we all went and saw Shaun of the Dead.

The Ubiquitous Bonus Question:
What is your kindred spirit animal ?

A bear. This had been decided by my friends last year when I had a ton of hair. Probbaly the same reason Jim relates to the bear, but I think my bear-iness was more based on the fact that I have a lot in common with Baloo.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


Yay! :)

Quoteanyone know what I'm talking about when I write "aaaah"?

I know exactly what you're talking about.  I also go crazy for the little weird snorty sighs.  I like that Mrs. Robinson likes bourbon. ;)  I think the part where he's rolling and it switches from the pool to the bedroom is genius.  I'm amazed by it every single time.  I like how they share fries after their first date.  

QuoteSome obnoxious intellectuals claim that it's cliche to like Salinger so much

Really?  I've never encountered that.  Jerks.  Ah people.  Always wanting to make a statement.

A Perfect Day for Bananafish is so amazing.  And so sad.  Hey, have you ever been able to find the "lost" stories?  If not, shoot me a pm with your email and I can hook you up.  There's a great one called Hapworth 16 that was supposed to be reprinted, but Mr. Salinger got weirded out and cancelled the deal.  It's in there.  It's really, really something.  Seymour writing home from camp when he's a kid.  :)


1) Not sure if he qualifies, but it would probably be Luke Skywalker.
2) Apples, Bannanas, healthy stuff late at night
3) Clint Eastwood, Robert Frost
4) "If you cry for a nickel, you'll die for a dime" -Robert Johnson
5) Studio/my parent's garage with a four track
6) Crossroads (1986), Big Fish, Tommy, JFK
7) Cat's Cradle
8 ) Paul Banks, Jim James, Josh Homme, Elliott Smith if he was alive
9) For all radio stations to have a dj like the late great John Peel
10) Recording our (Joint Stock Company's) first album
11) Our first and only gig...we covered Cream's "Sunshine of your love" and and the Who's "I can't Explain." It was a mess...a food critic was there that night and complained about how bad the band was that night :(  the place shut down two months later
Hold my life until I'm ready to use it


Very interesting thread.  Some great answers here!

Sweatboard - I saw Vanilla Ice, too.  6th or 7th grade, M.C. Hammer was the headliner, and En Vogue were there as well.  I'm not ashamed. ;)

1)eartha kitt as catwoman

2)I like primushead's answer, but I've gotta go with wine and cheese.  'Cos I can't ever get enough of either.

3)other than family & friends, I'd say Wendell Berry is a big influence

4)I can't think of a motto.  But it's not "He who hesitates is lost (or she)." How about "fuck it"? (sure! fuck it! that's your answer to everything! tattoo it on your forehead! Your revolution is over, Mr. Lebowski!  The bums lost!)


6)royal tenenbaums, the big lebowski (which I'm convinced is a retelling of Joyce's Ulysses, just like O Brother was a retelling of the Odyssey), Charlie & the Chocolate Factory

7)I've read Invisible Man (Ellison) over and over - same with Ulysses (Joyce) (tho' I'm aware that sounds really pompous, which I'm not), but I also love Life is a Miracle, and the Botany of Desire, and the Odyssey

8)Shit, I'd embarass myself if I got to work with any of my musical heroes.  Can't I just sit in a room and listen to them play?  

9)let radio dj's play whatever the hell they want


11)an improvised rap medley, accompanied by drums and base, when my high school band was on break from playing some girl's pool party - I recently discovered tape of the incident, which I had blocked out of my mind

BONUS:I've always thought it was a bear -even thought of getting one tattooed on me- but that sounds really unoriginal now.  So I'll say an ant. or a garter snake.


1) I'm not into comics so... Hero: James Bond (Sean Connery of course, not Roger Moore!) Villain: Blofeld (the cat, the way he pronounces SPEKTRE, brilliant) Kevin Spacey in Seven, Anthony Hopkins in Silence of the Lambs
2) Chips
3) Friends, movies, books ...
4) Something like what beneath's my name
5) Going to shows, buying cd's
6) Big Lebowski, Godfather, Serpico, Usual Suspects...
7) Motherless Brooklyn, Hundred Years of Solitude
8) Wouldn't want to see a serious musician working with me!
   Maybe having a drink together! Neil Young, Jim James  
9) High ticket prices, pump less money in promotion for big stars, support talented young artists.
10) Still to come
11) A year ago, a Neil Young night was organized at our favorite bar. A group of friends ended the night with a few covers, while some of us got pretty drunk. They closed with 'Rocking in the Free World' but the singer forgot the lyrics so he swung the microphone into the crowd. We passed it on and we all sang horribly loud and horribly false, very 'punk rock'  ;) It was fun for us though.
12) I love pinguins, look at their silly walk, it's great. Are they kindred spirits? Who knows!  


 1) Who is your favorite superhero or super villain?
Adam West. Not Michael Keaton.
2) What is your favorite late night snack?
3) Who or what are your non-musical influences?
Cinnamon tea.
4) What is the motto you live by?
"Hey babe, rock and roll, nobody tells you where to go"
5) Which do you prefer, performing music live or creating it in the studio?
Performing it on the porch of my house.
6) What Is your favorite film?
'Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind'
7) What is your favorite book?
'De uitvreter. Titaantjes. Dichtertje' by Nescio.
8 ) Name a musician that you've always wanted to work with but haven't yet.
Tom Waits.
9) If you could change one thing about the music industry, what would it be?
The music.
10) What has been your most important professional accomplishment to date?
"I like your shoes."
11) What has been your most memorable or most f@#ked-up gig?
Playing for elderly people on a Friday afternoon in a hospital. I think they didn't like it, only they were too polite to tell me.
The Ubiquitous Bonus Question:
What is your kindred spirit animal ?
If it's not a dog, then I've been living my life totally wrong for the past 22 years.
I'm ready when you are


QuoteSo here I am.  Last leg of my taxes.  I'm sitting here thinking about how much I love to read the question and answer interviews
Soooo..... GO!

Dug out of the archives. I like this one.

1) Who is your favorite superhero or super villain?
Batman, cool toys.

2) What is your favorite late night snack?

3) Who or what are your non-musical influences?
Weed(kidding), females, trees and rocks

4) What is the motto you live by?
Enjoy life, live and let live

5) Which do you prefer, performing music live or creating it in the studio?  
Have not done enough live, but I know I would love it.
Still enjoy studio though.
6) What Is your favorite film?
Some Like It Hot, The Godfather

7) What is your favorite book?
The Count Of Monte Cristo
8 ) Name a musician that you've always wanted to work with but haven't yet.
Local named Barry Richman

9) If you could change one thing about the music industry, what would it be?
The greed of the big corporations.
10) What has been your most important professional accomplishment to date?
Working for IBM and assisting customers rebuild their systems from the ground up after they crashed. I received thank yous from CEOs.
11) What has been your most memorable or most f@#ked-up gig?
Gigged at a nursing home, but I met & dated a nurse from that same place.
The Ubiquitous Bonus Question:
What is your kindred spirit animal ?
The Fox
Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.