Seduced By Melodies

Started by utonynashm, Jul 12, 2005, 12:48 PM

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This is one of the most vivid and realistic dreams I have had by far.  This down and out blew my fucking mind!

I did not even know I was slipping into a dream:

I was lying in bed, t.v. off, dark hot room, and I was falling asleep.  As I began to fade away I hear the rumble of thunder in the night sky above.  I began to think to myself, "Hmmm, if we get a lot of rain I wonder if I will still have to work tommorow?" (I work in Landscaping).  This is how real it was--I was having rational thoughts and everything!  I did not think it was a dream at all.

My door was closed and obviously the room was very dark and hot.  It seemed to get very quiet.  That's when I opened my eyes and seem to stare into the blackness.  Then a wisper came into my ear as I stared into the growing darkness--"Dante will seduce with his melodies"-----------------WTF?!?!???

I then hear this sound, it isn't the thunder or anything, it is one of the scariest sounds I have ever heard.  I was amazed that just a sound could strike so much fear into my soul.  It was a warning siren from the depths of hell.

At this point my door flys open and scares the shit out of me!  It slams against the wall.  I hear the faint sound of wind blowing through the house, up the hall, and into my room.  This isn't just any wind or breeze, it builds and it becomes violent and has the power of a hurricane, or more.  The wind also carried this unbearable sound with it, it was deafning.

The wind begins to suck me out of my bed.  I am pulled forward a bit, but grab on tight to the edge of my bed.  I put my head down in my pillow, and keep my eyes closed very tight.  I did not want to look up at all.  I had this feeling in me, like the world was ending, like I was looking death right in the eye.  I felt that if I were to look up, I would see something I did not want to see.

The wind continued to wash over me, the house, and perhaps the entire world as well.  I felt that everything was being thrown around.  I knew this thought popped into my head--"I hope my mom and dad are fine, I hope all is alright everywhere--cause it isn't fine here!"--

I distinctly remember saying out loud--"So this is what the end is like!"  The wind and the terrible sounds raged on.  Something that is common in all my dreams/nightmares is that there is always a dark figure standing by me.  I get the feeling that I know this person or entity, but I never communacate with it, nor does it with me.  It just seems to stand there and watch me.  I can never see its face or anything.  But it's always there.

I feel like I missed a part or am forgetting a part because I just remember the wind died down and my door slammed shut, all in almost an instant.

After all this I opened my eyes and looked around for a second.  I jumped out of my bed and grabbed a duffle bag and starting packing cloths and shit.  After a minute I looked around, glanced at the clock--it was 4:25am--I then realized it was all a dream...I put the bag down, opened my door, looked down the hall, looked around again, and then just went to bed...

I was very shakin' up...Wow...That was wild...


Woah, Tony.  Dreams can be crazy.  Woah.  Hard to chill out after that one, I bet.

Hope you're okay...  


It took 2 times to read that because I got scared half way through. With shit like that, get a nightlight man. Hell, now I'm scared.

I do understand the reality of dreams. I used to work as a stocker at a grocery store. I would wake up and move chairs and stuff around in my room thinking I was making room for the rolling carts we used to wheel the stuff out on. Too much reality.

Good luck figuring it in.
Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.


Ummm...thanks.....i think? hahaha...

What can I say...i'm fucked up.

Bermuda Highway Patrol

Wow, thats a crazy dream man.  Im not sure what to make of it.  But since we are on the subject, Ive always wanted to tell people about my dreams...

Ive had dreams where I could fly, perform magic, and where I was psychic.  Ive had dreams where I fell off of a cliff, hit the ground, and got up and walked away.  Ive had at least three dreams where Im involved in a car crash and fly through the windsheild, but get up unharmed.  And Ive had lucid dreams where I could control EVERYTHING.  But this one dream sticks out in my memory:

This dream seemed to last for weeks/months.  In the first part of the dream, its just me riding the bus to school.  There is this billboard along the way, it has all these clocks on it (one with a hand for seconds, one for minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, etc.) and they are all going backwards.  Every day I wonder what they are counting down to.  Then one day I notice its getting very close to zero.  Next thing I know I am in my backyard, and the billboard is there.  I look up, and the sun is VERY big in the sky.  I keep runnung in and out of my house looking at the clocks and the sun (which keeps getting bigger).  The last time I go out, the tops of all the trees catch fire, and I know it is the end.  Then I wake up.

Why does this dream seem so odd to me?  I was SIX YEARS OLD!

Ok, thanks.  Ive always wanted to say that.



The end seems to be a common thread here. Nah Tony, I don't think you're fucked up. You're too cool. However, apparently there is some stuff with authority that seems to need processing.

Mr. Highway Patrol Person? Now you are fucked up. HAha, I'm just kidding. Your stuff is waaay too real. Flying through the windshield and falling off of cliffs? I have flown, I have fallen off cliffs...but damn. You may be Superman or Lance Armstrong or something. Strange indeed. Good luck figuring it out.
Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.


I'd kill for a dream like that Tony, I've always wanted to have one like that, though most of my nightime visions consist of Bonnaroo dreams.  Sometimes I wake up in my bed thinking I'm still at Bonnaroo, it's quite sad.  I fell in love with Bonnaroo so much that next week i am driving down to Manchester and going back to the site, just to look at the arch and think of the great memories.  It was a life changing experience all in itself. I think about Bonnaroo alot, therefore i have dreams about it. It seems like you think about things like this alot, paranormal or whatever it is refered to as. I used to have an interest in it, and that is probably the reason i am still paranoid at nightime, so much that i have when i sleep i have to be watching the door.  Even though i no longer believe in those things, my memories are still somewhat haunted by things, and probably will be for life. I still remember one my Grandfather told me about his encounter with Hank William's ghost.
Hold my life until I'm ready to use it


How can you not belive in "those things"  what is that?

Or do you choose not to?


I used to read books of paranormal nature but it got to the point where it was affecting my sleeping and made me a nervous son of a bitch. So i chose not to believe in things i can't explain, because if it's not real, then there is nothing to be afraid of.  Some of my closest friends and I used to go looking for things to scare us, be it on the internet, or sneaking out to the graveyard and setting up a recorder, thinking we heard a ghost talking to us. Those things are just what i call the stuff in life i can't explain.
Hold my life until I'm ready to use it


Dreams rule. Unless they suck!
As long as you keep a straight face...


Quotethough most of my nightime visions consist of Bonnaroo dreams.  Sometimes I wake up in my bed thinking I'm still at Bonnaroo, it's quite sad.  I fell in love with Bonnaroo so much that next week i am driving down to Manchester and going back to the site, just to look at the arch and think of the great memories.  It was a life changing experience all in itself. I think about Bonnaroo alot, therefore i have dreams about it.  

We did have a kickass time didn't we? That is really interesting, seeing the place, the buildings, the real streets. Now I would be a little bit worried about the people. They may be really kewl during the Roo...but I get terrible visions of a banjo-guitar duet during the off season.  Just be careful.

Take pictures. We cansay that was the tree by the THIS stage..or was it this tree by the THAT stage. WHICH stage?
Third base.
Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.