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Started by mickeyreds, Jul 18, 2005, 08:24 PM

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Quote4:20 is police code (supposedly) for smoking marijuana.  Potheads often smoke up at 4:20 and there used to be celebrations on April 20th every year but that date has some other weird significant (Hilter's birthday, anniversary of Oklahoma City building and Columbine tragedies).  In high school people who asked you if you wanted to smoke with them by saying, "it's 4:19, got a minute?"  which reminds me... ;D
REALLY?  I never knew that.  Woah.  Wow.

pm or am?

peanut butter puddin surprise

REALLY?  I never knew that.  Woah.  Wow.

pm or am?

it's 4:20 somewhere...
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


both. whenever you happen to be awake.  4:20pm is a more common meeting time, for obvious reasons.  But my friends and I usually commemorated 4:20am when the time was right.  The whole 4:20 is kind of silly, but I know no matter how old I get, when the clock hits 4:20, my mind is always going to race back to my high school days of getting stoned and driving around.  Hey, I just realized...(puff puff)...that it's 10:20 here...(puff puff) that means that it's 4:20 somewhere in the world...(puff puff)...Happy 4:20! :)
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


wow...conaway.. you just blew my mind, man! ;)
The Unofficial Official MMJ Guitar Tabs Archive


Quote Hey, I just realized...(puff puff)...that it's 10:20 here...(puff puff) that means that it's 4:20 somewhere in the world...(puff puff)...Happy 4:20! :)

Puff puff pass, puff puff pass.....

The real beauty if that by the time it's 5:00 somewhere, you have cottonmouth to no end, so a drink is in order.
Unfortunately, I started late. High school was for skipping, but didn't know much about the wonders produced by nature. Man I love knowledge. Now, if I could just retain it.

(cough cough choke) 8)
Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.


QuoteI think it's called the "witching hour" (or at least it was in highschool), and it's creeeepy when it's the night, because you're supposed to be able to summon up black magic wishes and such.

That's all I know...
Thanks for that EC. Totally new concept. Wow.

There was a thing called the Halloween run where you had from midnight on Halloween to build an alter on a grave, make a run to another graveyard to complete the spell. You had till sunrise to outrun the spirits. That was a bit too freaky for me, but know people that have done it.

Got locked in a graveyard one night watching a meteor shower.


Sorry, just got up off the floor from the fetal position again.
Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.


QuoteSorry, just got up off the floor from the fetal position again.


(my favourite part of that sentence is "again".)


QuoteDoes it count as an assassination if it was a rock star?
Hey olwiggum, the riddle says rock group not rock star.
Hint: One of the words of the answer is the title of a Wes Anderson film.  ;)


Mount Rushmore!!



Well shit. I guess why it was called a riddle, huh? I'm a little slow.  :)

Back to the assassination thing, I was under the impression that only political figures could be assassinated, technically speaking... John Lennon was just killed, not assassinated. Is that right?


I've always understood that an assassination was a planned murder...  Like the ninjas.  

Okay, do you guys know that the word hashish comes from a crazy sect of early (I think) Islamic assassinators?  I think they used to smoke before they killed.

Very serious.  Although, I might have it the wrong way round...  You know a hookah?  Yeah.  Assassinators.  Badass.



Okay, do you guys know that the word hashish comes from a crazy sect of early (I think) Islamic assassinators?  I think they used to smoke before they killed.

Very serious.  Although, I might have it the wrong way round...  You know a hookah?  Yeah.  Assassinators.  Badass.

Yeah I bought one of those last week. Oh wait...a Hookah? Nevermind. Yeah, I have always thought that hookahs were great for a bit of community bonding, everyone sitting in the circle and grooving on life. At least they look really kewl.

Hash only made me cough really really bad, no fun.
Killing after smoking? I might kill a burrito, but anything more strenuous than that, no kills the buzz. Then the taking of a life? Nope, too wrong and freaky. I don't think they were smoking hash alone. Sounds like a really bad coke run. Hell, even crack only makes you steal.
Look into Western skies, your answer is over there.