speaking of parenthood

Started by fiftymillimeter, Aug 04, 2005, 10:59 AM

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here's audrey doing twinkle twinkle. watch for the part where she forgets the lyrics and looks to her mom as if to say, 'take it. here's your chance to shine.'



Soooooooooo lovely.  Oh my lord.  What a little sweet pea.  

Baaaaabbbiiiieeeesssmmmmmmmm.  Nice nice nice.  Thanks for sharing.  :)


what is this and why cant i see it?
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


(maybe you don't have quicktime?  you need quicktime, I think...)


I can't see it either  :(   I'll try and find out about quicktime.


if you're using firefox, any plugins you need to view something, will be available for download over the image you're trying to view.  


Thanks, EC and ratsprayer. Still can't see it. Hey, fiftymillimetre, could you post a pic of little Audrey? I don't want to miss out on cute  :D


shooooot.  Maybe there's quicktime.com, and if you go there it'll ask you if you want to download quicktime?  It's basically just a media player.  (movies, songs, etc.)


trust me, i've got quicktime, I'm runnin a mac here. Maybe I have something disable in my internet preferences?
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.