How was your Friday night?

Started by Andrew, Sep 09, 2005, 09:51 PM

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The Boar

Mine has been very quiet, which is a welcome change. I'm drinking a lovely Gewurztraminer (anyone else a sucker for this wine? I don't usually go for fruity wine, but it's nice), writing a bit for the first time in a long while (thanks to TheLink's bold posting earlier), and enjoying my recent fav of "Sweetheart," the new sounds of "Z" and the absolutely wonderful stylings of the MMJ tribute albums, which I am really digging.

Cheers, again, to all of you uber-talented people that contributed. You've got bigger balls than me. ;)

So anyway "just wanna shout out to all y'all, all the fellas, from Dallas down to San Anton". Call me a sucker, but I'm feeling all John-Conaway-sappy inside and I just wanted to say you all continue to amaze me with your versatility, honesty, and warmth about music and life. Cheers! Hope you had/have a great fuckin' night.  :-*

Any cool stories out there? Let's hear 'em.  ;)

The Boar

Seeing as how I am the only (loser) registered member currently online, yet my post has now been read 3 times, this proves my point on stalker/lurkers.

Sign up people! You won't make a fool of yourself. No more than me anyway. Join the community and feel the love. The water's great, come on in.


Hahahaha, oh man.

I went to this club called the Muse in Nashville to see this Japanese band called Peelander Z. It was amazing. The opening acts...I don't think any of them had hit twenty. The second band soundchecked for forever and then said, we'll be right back. And came back in nothing but underwear. And I can almost guarantee there wasn't anyone over 17 in the band. It was terrible. We walked out on both. But Peelander Z made the whole night worth it. I got to get up and stage and bang a pie tin with the band.

Go see them if you can.
The river is moving. The blackbird must be flying.


practice practice and more band has a show tommorow night and had to switch drummers last will more than likely be a mess, but should be fun, it's a benefit for the Red Cross and we will be opening for a pretty big local band.
Hold my life until I'm ready to use it


I enjoy a gewurtztraminer, boar.  :)

I've had a lovely night.  An old friend is back and town so we hung out on the deck and drank our respective drinks and dissected our summers.  We were supposed to talk about this project that we're doing, but, heh, that didn't happen.  It's hard to have meetings with friends.

Lovely, lovely. :)

Go Specialist!!  Good luck tomorrow!!

Oh yeah, Eisey's story reminds me that I had this really weird phonecall.  I picked up, and this Japanese woman started speaking insanely quickly (in Japanese) to me on the phone.  I kept trying to say "pardon?" or "i don't understand", but she was really into what she was saying.  And then there was a pause, and I said that I was pretty sure she had the wrong number, and then she apologized in English for about two minutes.  :)


Mine involved too much beer, too much pizza & some King of The Hill on DVD.

Not very exciting, I know, but after a hard week at work there is nothing I enjoy more than staying in with my wife! I guess I'm getting old but wouldn't have it any other way. :)
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


i went to a bday party where they had beer with "Waldmeister"...terrible stuff!


QuoteMine involved too much beer, too much pizza & some King of The Hill on DVD.

Not very exciting, I know, but after a hard week at work there is nothing I enjoy more than staying in with my wife! I guess I'm getting old but wouldn't have it any other way. :)
Are you kidding?!  That sounds awesome!  Beer, pizza, sweetheart = perfect. :)


Go Specialist!!  Good luck tomorrow!!

thank you, and i need it.

we'll be recording a few of the songs, so if you go to my myspace page there should be a link to where you can listen if you ever get a chance.
Hold my life until I'm ready to use it


I had to drive to Charlotte to help one of my very hot, single, female friends move in to her apartment.  Nothing in return (except a case of beer).  Geez, what is it with hot girls and them being able to tie guys around their finger?  Oh well, I'll enjoy my beer.


QuoteI had to drive to Charlotte to help one of my very hot, single, female friends move in to her apartment.  Nothing in return (except a case of beer).  Geez, what is it with hot girls and them being able to tie guys around their finger?  Oh well, I'll enjoy my beer.

I know exactly what you mean.I got a call like that last week.
The fact that my hearts beating
is all the proof you need


QuoteMine has been very quiet, which is a welcome change. I'm drinking a lovely Gewurztraminer (anyone else a sucker for this wine?

Yeah man I like that wine too--its great with pork.  My Friday night was crap, went to bed early with my Red Sox playing poorly against the evil NY empire :(
Sittin' here with me and mine.  All wrapped up in a bottle of wine.



I know exactly what you mean.I got a call like that last week.

don't those just suck?


I don't understand why you agree to let these girls do that kind of shit!  Hot schmot.  Who cares about hot?

Go with good hearts.  Good hearts AND hot.  ;)


QuoteI don't understand why you agree to let these girls do that kind of shit!  Hot schmot.  Who cares about hot?

Go with good hearts.  Good hearts AND hot.  ;)

A wink...are you hitting on me?  ::)


QuoteA wink...are you hitting on me?  ::)
heh.  EC=electronic cougar.



I had a movie night. Watched 'Crash' and 'The Upside of Anger'.. i definitely recommend both.


primushead, a couple of thoughts about hot women and finger wrapping.

a lot of women (and men) like power. If they know they got you wrapped, then they have the power. Find a mutual ground and be OPEN. I dated the anti-christ one summer (the beautiful anti-christ) and I let her play me. I put up with it. I felt better about myself b/c I had a beautiful woman under my arm and men's heads turned but that's not a good place to be, have someone else control you. But the day I stood up to her, and I actually told her she could go fuck herself and I never wanted to have anything to do with her, I think it actually turned her on a bit and made her want me. Women like balls, both kind.

Playing games is a waste of time. Shortly after I kicked the anti-christ to the curb, I met my wife. I was bold, I was brave, I didn't play games (you know, wait 2 or 3 days to call, that shit?) I did exactly what I wanted to when I wanted to. If someone is not interested in you, they will probably let you know and the sooner you find out, the better; there's a billion fish in the sea, and that's a cliche, but cliches are mostly true.

And I'll throw a little Sweatboard ideology out there: A relationship is a cake, and the sex is the icing. If the icing is great and the cake sux, then you're in for a miserable journey. Sex (actual intercourse) is a real small % of a relationship. The thing about it is, men are wired and programmed to think that the icing is the cake and the cake is the icing. Our thinking, at times, is just above a dogs; MOST of the time we know enough to come inside when we need to pee.

Our, a wise old man told me this once (although I do not totally believe it, it might help you out): "No matter how good they look or how good they are in bed, someone, somewhere is sick of their shit."



Quoteprimushead, a couple of thoughts about hot women and finger wrapping.

a lot of women (and men) like power. If they know they got you wrapped, then they have the power. Find a mutual ground and be OPEN. I dated the anti-christ one summer (the beautiful anti-christ) and I let her play me. I put up with it. I felt better about myself b/c I had a beautiful woman under my arm and men's heads turned but that's not a good place to be, have someone else control you. But the day I stood up to her, and I actually told her she could go fuck herself and I never wanted to have anything to do with her, I think it actually turned her on a bit and made her want me. Women like balls, both kind.

Playing games is a waste of time. Shortly after I kicked the anti-christ to the curb, I met my wife. I was bold, I was brave, I didn't play games (you know, wait 2 or 3 days to call, that shit?) I did exactly what I wanted to when I wanted to. If someone is not interested in you, they will probably let you know and the sooner you find out, the better; there's a billion fish in the sea, and that's a cliche, but cliches are mostly true.

And I'll throw a little Sweatboard ideology out there: A relationship is a cake, and the sex is the icing. If the icing is great and the cake sux, then you're in for a miserable journey. Sex (actual intercourse) is a real small % of a relationship. The thing about it is, men are wired and programmed to think that the icing is the cake and the cake is the icing. Our thinking, at times, is just above a dogs; MOST of the time we know enough to come inside when we need to pee.

Our, a wise old man told me this once (although I do not totally believe it, it might help you out): "No matter how good they look or how good they are in bed, someone, somewhere is sick of their shit."


Wow, thanks for the post.


Forgive me if I haven't caught the drift of this but are you saying this girl should have put out because you helped her move some stuff?