Kidney Stones

Started by johnconaway, Sep 12, 2005, 01:18 PM

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okay, this is highly personal, but I'm in some mind-fuck of some pain due to what I know from experience to be kidney stones.  i've passed two already this year, and have had them in the past, so i know what this feels like.  

i go on thursday to the doctor.  maybe we'll do that sound pulse thingy to get em out of there and clean me out...

anyhoo, i'm feeling some agony and wanted some sympathy...and what better place to get it?  ;)
Runnin' from somethin' that isn't there


Oh John. So painful  :'(
Really sorry to hear that. I hope you get it sorted on Thursday. That ultrasound treatment is usually very effective. The relief when you get rid of them will be wonderful  :)

Take care. You can have as much sympathy as you can carry from me  :D


"For pain relief, drink the juice of half a fresh lemon in 8 ounces of water every half-hour until the pain subsides.  You can alternate between lemon juice and fresh apple juice."

There's not a lot of stuff for the pain here...  If you're interested, I'll copy it for you if you want to find out how to treat this preventatively.

For now, though, get those lemons and apples!!  And maybe some bourbon!

For interest:
"Kidney stones are ten times as common now as they were at the start of the 20th century.  While the consumption of foods high in oxalic acid (mostly eggs, fish, and certain vegetables) has declined markedly in this country in that time, the amount of animal fats and protein in the average American's diet has increased significantly.  The ratio of plant to animal protein in the typical diet at the beginning of the 20th century was roughly 1 to 1.  This ratio has since declined to 1 to 2."  


Bad one JC.

My dad had the problem a couple of months ago, but he had the ultrasound thingy and he's sorted know.

I know the pain they cause is really severe.  Medics first thought he was having a heart attack.

Cheered you up?

the future is Ginger


Real sorry to hear that John, can't be good!
I've heard that you need to drink cranberry juice? This won't effect the ones that you have but helps to stop others from forming in the future? Not sure where I heard that, maybe it was regarding something different?
Anyway, get well soon :)
God will forgive them. He'll forgive them and allow them into Heaven.....I can't live with that.


That's awful my brother.I know that is some major pain!From what I hear that's the closes thing for a man to having child birth. Lithotripsy procedure is real common now,that uses sounds waves to break up the stones.Maybe you could use some MMJ tunes to help pass those stones.Seriously though if you need to know a good Doc here in town let me know.I know Surbarban Hospital here in town does a lot there.Good luck and hang in there.