My Morning Jacket

Off-Topic => Off-Topic Ramblings => Topic started by: TheBigChicken on Sep 28, 2007, 09:51 AM

Title: Miles Davis   R.I.P
Post by: TheBigChicken on Sep 28, 2007, 09:51 AM
damn it's hard to believe one of the coolest cats of ALL Time has been dead 16 years today...gonna have to call up The Chief and break out my copy of The Birth of the Cool 8-)
Title: Re: Miles Davis   R.I.P
Post by: ratsprayer on Sep 28, 2007, 01:20 PM
"I know what I've done for music, but don't call me a legend. Just call me Miles Davis."

fuck yeah, THEE coolest cat ever.
Title: Re: Miles Davis   R.I.P
Post by: fitzcarraldo on Sep 28, 2007, 01:28 PM
Word. Gonna dial up Kind of Blue on my way to Chipotle.
Title: Re: Miles Davis   R.I.P
Post by: megisnotreal on Sep 28, 2007, 05:01 PM
i am thinking... bitches brew

and then... water babies
Title: Re: Miles Davis   R.I.P
Post by: TheBigChicken on Sep 28, 2007, 07:28 PM
chick corea....john mc laughlin... :D
Title: Re: Miles Davis   R.I.P
Post by: red on Sep 30, 2007, 02:01 AM
"I figure if horses can eat green shit and be strong and run like motherfuckers, why shouldn't I?"
Title: Re: Miles Davis   R.I.P
Post by: ratsprayer on Sep 30, 2007, 11:22 AM
Quote"I figure if horses can eat green shit and be strong and run like motherfuckers, why shouldn't I?"

i was actually looking for that quote, but i couldn't find it.

Title: Re: Miles Davis   R.I.P
Post by: red on Oct 09, 2007, 01:01 AM
So I own (and adore) Kind of Blue.  I know Bitches Brew and Sketches of Spain are amazing, but what else do I need from this legend?
Title: Re: Miles Davis   R.I.P
Post by: Gripe on Oct 09, 2007, 01:34 AM
QuoteSo I own (and adore) Kind of Blue.  I know Bitches Brew and Sketches of Spain are amazing, but what else do I need from this legend?

It depends what you're after. If you want jazz/rock stuff like Bitches Brew, another good one (although more frenetic/loud/aggressive) is Live/Evil. If you like that and want more from the electric Miles era, basically anything from 1969-1975 is worth picking up. In the straighter jazz vein, Milestones is a good one and includes some guy named John Coltrane.
Title: Re: Miles Davis   R.I.P
Post by: dragonboy on Oct 09, 2007, 01:36 AM
I own Birth Of Cool, Miles Ahead, Porgy & Bess, Kind Of Blue, Sketches Of Spain & In A Silent Way & love them all.
Need to buy Bitches Brew...
Title: Re: Miles Davis   R.I.P
Post by: Coltrane on Oct 09, 2007, 01:11 PM
if pissin' your pants is cool, then just call me Miles Davis!
Title: Re: Miles Davis   R.I.P
Post by: ratsprayer on Oct 11, 2007, 06:17 AM
QuoteSo I own (and adore) Kind of Blue.  I know Bitches Brew and Sketches of Spain are amazing, but what else do I need from this legend?

pretty much everything up to and including BITCHES BREW is essential.  i personally love the rock fusion 70s miles davis stuff, but it's his most difficult for sure.  some of my faves from the 60s are IN A SILENT WAY, SOMEDAY MY PRINCE WILL COME, MILES IN THE SKY, and FILLES DE KILMINJARO.
Title: Re: Miles Davis   R.I.P
Post by: ycartrob on Oct 11, 2007, 08:06 AM
QuoteSo I own (and adore) Kind of Blue.  I know Bitches Brew and Sketches of Spain are amazing, but what else do I need from this legend?

A Tribute to Jack Johnson (1970) is pretty experimental and off the hook and it rocks. 2 songs. Guests on the album include: John McLaughlin, Billy Cobham, Herbie Hancock, Chick Corea, Bennie Maupin, and Dave Holland.

Title: Re: Miles Davis   R.I.P
Post by: TheBigChicken on Oct 11, 2007, 12:28 PM
damn good call T that's one serious album...a friend turned me on to it years ago 8-)...oh by the way do we call you Tracy or Big Grasshopper ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Miles Davis   R.I.P
Post by: ycartrob on Oct 11, 2007, 12:56 PM
Quotedamn good call T that's one serious album...a friend turned me on to it years ago 8-)...oh by the way do we call you Tracy or Big Grasshopper ;D ;D ;D

whatever fits, just don't call me late to dinner...
Title: Re: Miles Davis   R.I.P
Post by: red on Oct 12, 2007, 01:24 AM
Thanks guys, I'm looking forward to getting tons o' Miles.  Still kicking myself for not buying a GIANT wall poster of him that I saw a couple years ago.  It was so bad-ass.  

Went to the library and took out Bitches Brew (needed a fix while I wait for my copy to arrive) and I think I've adopted "Miles Runs Down the Voodoo Down" as my new theme song.  I told a friend of mine tonight that I'd like to conceive my first child to that song.  She was mortified.   ;D
Title: Re: Miles Davis   R.I.P
Post by: ratsprayer on Oct 12, 2007, 05:34 AM

Went to the library and took out Bitches Brew (needed a fix while I wait for my copy to arrive) and I think I've adopted "Miles Runs Down the Voodoo Down" as my new theme song.  I told a friend of mine tonight that I'd like to conceive my first child to that song.  She was mortified.   ;D

i like the way you think.  that's my favourite track from BITCHES BREW.