Ok, this will have to be searched for one year from now since the current season is one ep away from being over, but lets get it rolling now, mainly because I'm procrastinating on writing a paper.
Starting comments:
1) The show is awesome
2) It's replaced LOST as my serial-installment-making-me-wonder-what-will-happen-next week
3) It's great in hi-def
4) I haven't read the comics
Conspiracies & Predictions, 5 episodes in:
The CDC guy is intentionally infecting people in order to get "fresh" specimens in order to find a cure. The gang doesn't realize this upon arrival at the CDC, which is why that blonde chick gets sick from that shot.
Merle is going to take that Camaro, not the dude from the first Ep.
Quotea walking dead thread would be awesome. sucks this season only has one episode left.
I get what your saying about not knowing but at the same time there are shitload of people who weren't in a coma. they have to know a little more about what's going on, and maybe now that they've met up with desmond at the hatch we'll get a few more answers. but like you're saying it's probably going to be some random mystery they slowly start to try and solve, but then what? it feels like there is going to be more to the show than just waiting it out while zombies try and eat their gang.
Merl seems like the "evil" element outside of the "geeks". who knows. sure seems like the sheriff is praying every morning at sunrise when he calls out to his homies that he met after he got out of the hospital. I wonder if the doctor is going to infect Carl or something. hmm, no idea, never thought I'd see a zombie show with a good story line.
I don't think we'll get a true "why". For example, we have no idea "why" any of what happened in LOST happened, as for the mechanisms. Unless you buy into that BS in the last episode it was just some shitty death-dream.
But I mean we won't know why the Island is there, it just is. We don't know why the light does what it does, how Ben always has a plan, etc.
We won't know how the Zombie apocalypse came about like in 28 days later when we got "rage" as an excuse or some shit. I think the most we'll get is "it's an infectious disease that causes people to re-animate. I think that's because its less about zombies and more about the people in a really dire situation. And like any philosophical zombie movie (instead of a straight-up slasher style), it serves as a great way to explore the human condition and what happens when the social contract is broken.
QuoteQuotea walking dead thread would be awesome. sucks this season only has one episode left.
I get what your saying about not knowing but at the same time there are shitload of people who weren't in a coma. they have to know a little more about what's going on, and maybe now that they've met up with desmond at the hatch we'll get a few more answers. but like you're saying it's probably going to be some random mystery they slowly start to try and solve, but then what? it feels like there is going to be more to the show than just waiting it out while zombies try and eat their gang.
Merl seems like the "evil" element outside of the "geeks". who knows. sure seems like the sheriff is praying every morning at sunrise when he calls out to his homies that he met after he got out of the hospital. I wonder if the doctor is going to infect Carl or something. hmm, no idea, never thought I'd see a zombie show with a good story line.
I don't think we'll get a true "why". For example, we have no idea "why" any of what happened in LOST happened, as for the mechanisms. Unless you buy into that BS in the last episode it was just some shitty death-dream.
But I mean we won't know why the Island is there, it just is. We don't know why the light does what it does, how Ben always has a plan, etc.
We won't know how the Zombie apocalypse came about like in 28 days later when we got "rage" as an excuse or some shit. I think the most we'll get is "it's an infectious disease that causes people to re-animate. I think that's because its less about zombies and more about the people in a really dire situation. And like any philosophical zombie movie (instead of a straight-up slasher style), it serves as a great way to explore the human condition and what happens when the social contract is broken.
That's what made Romero's films so groundbreaking. Not only did he make zombies cool, he used the premise to comment on societal ills, from racism to comsumerism. The Walking Dead is like Sophie's Choice with headshots. Do we fend for ourselves or help others? I think Joe's onto something with that CDC guy. I read a pretty extensive article about the show and there's some epic shit headed our way. The author of the comic is directly involved with Frank Darabont (Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile) in the development of the story for this series, making some changes to the original story line for these first 6 episodes because they couldn't be certain the show would be renewed. Next year will be 13 episodes! Good stuff. (http://www.bodymod.org/smilies/zombie.gif)
QuoteQuoteQuotea walking dead thread would be awesome. sucks this season only has one episode left.
I get what your saying about not knowing but at the same time there are shitload of people who weren't in a coma. they have to know a little more about what's going on, and maybe now that they've met up with desmond at the hatch we'll get a few more answers. but like you're saying it's probably going to be some random mystery they slowly start to try and solve, but then what? it feels like there is going to be more to the show than just waiting it out while zombies try and eat their gang.
Merl seems like the "evil" element outside of the "geeks". who knows. sure seems like the sheriff is praying every morning at sunrise when he calls out to his homies that he met after he got out of the hospital. I wonder if the doctor is going to infect Carl or something. hmm, no idea, never thought I'd see a zombie show with a good story line.
I don't think we'll get a true "why". For example, we have no idea "why" any of what happened in LOST happened, as for the mechanisms. Unless you buy into that BS in the last episode it was just some shitty death-dream.
But I mean we won't know why the Island is there, it just is. We don't know why the light does what it does, how Ben always has a plan, etc.
We won't know how the Zombie apocalypse came about like in 28 days later when we got "rage" as an excuse or some shit. I think the most we'll get is "it's an infectious disease that causes people to re-animate. I think that's because its less about zombies and more about the people in a really dire situation. And like any philosophical zombie movie (instead of a straight-up slasher style), it serves as a great way to explore the human condition and what happens when the social contract is broken.
That's what made Romero's films so groundbreaking. Not only did he make zombies cool, he used the premise to comment on societal ills, from racism to comsumerism. The Walking Dead is like Sophie's Choice with headshots. Do we fend for ourselves or help others? I think Joe's onto something with that CDC guy. I read a pretty extensive article about the show and there's some epic shit headed our way. The author of the comic is directly involved with Frank Darabont (Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile) in the development of the story for this series, making some changes to the original story line for these first 6 episodes because they couldn't be certain the show would be renewed. Next year will be 13 episodes! Good stuff. (http://www.bodymod.org/smilies/zombie.gif)
From what I understand, the CDC was not in the comic, so that's new. But it reminds me a lot of Vincent Price's "Last Man on Earth", which eventually became "Omega Man" and then "I am Legend". In Last Man, Vincent Price is sort of convinced he's the last man on earth but is able to develop a cure just as another faction arrives, too impatient to hear him out, and kill him out of paranoia.
I rewatched the end part and the scientist says in his first transmission.
"this is day 194 since wildfire was declared and 63days since the disease abruptly went global."
I watch it . Sometimes I think it's really corny and sometimes just corny. It's almost like when they run out of a story line it's time to either pull a gun on someone or put a pick through a zombies head...But I STILL watch....
Well I was wrong. I think this CDC thing was a last minute attempt to give the writers an attempt at closure for a poor first season or a kick-off point for the next.
QuoteQuoteQuotea walking dead thread would be awesome. sucks this season only has one episode left.
I get what your saying about not knowing but at the same time there are shitload of people who weren't in a coma. they have to know a little more about what's going on, and maybe now that they've met up with desmond at the hatch we'll get a few more answers. but like you're saying it's probably going to be some random mystery they slowly start to try and solve, but then what? it feels like there is going to be more to the show than just waiting it out while zombies try and eat their gang.
Merl seems like the "evil" element outside of the "geeks". who knows. sure seems like the sheriff is praying every morning at sunrise when he calls out to his homies that he met after he got out of the hospital. I wonder if the doctor is going to infect Carl or something. hmm, no idea, never thought I'd see a zombie show with a good story line.
I don't think we'll get a true "why". For example, we have no idea "why" any of what happened in LOST happened, as for the mechanisms. Unless you buy into that BS in the last episode it was just some shitty death-dream.
But I mean we won't know why the Island is there, it just is. We don't know why the light does what it does, how Ben always has a plan, etc.
We won't know how the Zombie apocalypse came about like in 28 days later when we got "rage" as an excuse or some shit. I think the most we'll get is "it's an infectious disease that causes people to re-animate. I think that's because its less about zombies and more about the people in a really dire situation. And like any philosophical zombie movie (instead of a straight-up slasher style), it serves as a great way to explore the human condition and what happens when the social contract is broken.
[highlight]That's what made Romero's films so groundbreaking.[/highlight] Not only did he make zombies cool, he used the premise to comment on societal ills, from racism to comsumerism. The Walking Dead is like Sophie's Choice with headshots. Do we fend for ourselves or help others? I think Joe's onto something with that CDC guy. I read a pretty extensive article about the show and there's some epic shit headed our way. The author of the comic is directly involved with Frank Darabont (Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile) in the development of the story for this series, making some changes to the original story line for these first 6 episodes because they couldn't be certain the show would be renewed. Next year will be 13 episodes! Good stuff. (http://www.bodymod.org/smilies/zombie.gif)
Johnny, I agree. Romero's dead movies are amazing, and how he feeds in social issues and such into his story lines are what make them so great. Being from Pittsburgh area myself his movies are big around here. I got the pleasure of meeting him once at my college in 2006. He's a super nice guy and really loves making scary movies. Anyways....
Lastnights show was good...I had the feeling something big was going to happen at CDC. This is a great show and it's something that tv needs. It left me wanting more. I hope it comes back for another season. I hope some questions are answered in the second season...like what happened to the brother on the roof? Does he come back later? Where will they go now? Back to the camp or somewhere else?
I can not wait till next season.
The first season of TWD was filmed so that, if it wasn't renewed, there wouldn't be any unresolved cliffhangers. If it was renewed, it would leave viewers waiting to see what's next.
The second season is confirmed and will be 13 episodes.
The comic's author is working with the series creator/exec. producer on story line and scripts. Some will mirror the comic, some will be unique to the TV show.
SPOILER- (from an article I read) Next season, the gang comes upon a group of survivors occupying a prison (pretty safe from walkers, I suppose). A member of this group, possibly the leader, is missing a hand. Hmmmmmmmm.
Johnny, could you link to that article when you get a chance? Sounds cool!
QuoteJohnny, could you link to that article when you get a chance? Sounds cool!
I actually read it from a copy of Entertainment Weekly. It was a mistake getting a subscription to this rag, but it was only $10 and a fundraiser for my girls' elementary school. I checked online and it seems to be unavailable, so I will see if I can find the mag. Stay tuned.
Here's a preview:
How in the world did a show that begins with a policeman shooting a little (albeit zombified) girl in the head ever make it on to television? And how did it become the hottest new series of the year? The new issue of Entertainment Weekly examines the past, present, and future of AMC's zombie survival epic, The Walking Dead — from the comic book's humble beginnings, to unlikely path to the small screen, to even more unlikely path as a bona fide hit. We talk to all the key players, including comic creator Robert Kirkman, executive producers Frank Darabont and Gale Anne Hurd, and star Andrew Lincoln, who was as shocked as anybody by the subject matter when he was first approached for the project. "I got an e-mail outlining the project," says Lincoln. "The first thing I read was 'AMC.' I went, 'Great! I've been waiting for an AMC opportunity!' Then it said 'The Walking Dead.' Terrific title. Then the names. 'Frank Darabont.' 'Gale Anne Hurd.' Great. And then it said 'Zombie survival horror.' I think I actually did a literal double take. I was like, 'Really?!'
For more on The Walking Dead, check out the new issue of Entertainment Weekly, on sale Nov. 29.
I scanned and uploaded the article here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9O8YD9S1
I couldn't think of a better way to post it. :-/
QuoteI scanned and uploaded the article here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9O8YD9S1
I couldn't think of a better way to post it. :-/
noice johnny. thought the finale was good but I think they need to step the pace up a bit next season. not sure how I feel about them meeting up with that spoiler alert, weird.
If I were them I would join forced with those latino dudes for a minute and devise a plan to herd the dead in the city up. dump them all in some big hole or something. that grenade was pissing me off all season, i would have used it in the city as the diversion or something haha. they almost used it in the worst way. "oh yeah, here's your hand grenade I forgot about it". regardless, my only other complaint is that blonde bitch. her sister was so so fine but now there's a pms'ing bitching in the mix causing drama.
that old dude with the RV is awesome. he was really significant season 1. he's like zeus or moses or something.
What did the scientist whisper in rick's ear? I hate that shit. at least dexter sorta resolves each season with a bit of satisfaction. I would steal so many of those weapons and attach those machine guns laying around to stuff. I'd find a beautiful place in the woods by a lake and then dig an underground super cave. pimp it out. the dead wouldn't know shit. cement that shit. good show, a bit of a cocktease but I'm glad most of the bs of what happens when you change into a zombie, how long it takes, where it hit, the scientific parts of it,etc. they got bullshit out of the way in 6 episodes. I dig that. zombie killin time.
QuoteI scanned and uploaded the article here: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=9O8YD9S1
I couldn't think of a better way to post it. :-/
just to take up tons of space here are your pics johnny(right click->view picture to view in separate window).
I'm wondering if they are going to show the biological process of zombies. The first thing that comes to mind is in 28 days later the Zombies started to fatigue after going long enough without eating.
I swear though, they better not introduce a dog into the mix. Not only can I not stand to have to endure another Vincent mystery, my wife will lose her shit if a dog dies.
I have a theory on what the scentist whispered to Rick. I bet he said "your wife's pregnant".
QuoteI have a theory on what the scentist whispered to Rick. I bet he said.
You're one smart mothafucka. And we all know who the other half of that equation is.
QuoteI have a theory on what the scentist whispered to Rick. I bet he said "your wife's pregnant".
yeah that shit is genius right there. good call. the wait until fall for this is going to feel like forever. luckily breaking bad will be back soon.
QuoteI have a theory on what the scentist whispered to Rick. I bet he said "your wife's pregnant".
Good call.
Kinda saw something like that coming when they did the blood tests, but I can't take full credit - a friend on another board put two and two together. I think he's right though.
so what's the verdict on this season so far? ya diggin it? thoughts?
I know where sophia is. been reading the comics and must say they are absolutely insane and from what I hear they're going be following the basic story fairly closely with new things mixed around.
here they are if you want to read them (issue 69 is missing, it's a duplicate of 70, I'll upload #69, and 87-91 when I get some time.
the comics:
Walking Dead 1-30:
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XZOCDUSA (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XZOCDUSA)
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PPB7JCR0 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=PPB7JCR0)
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LCMEKZ01 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=LCMEKZ01)
Comic Reader:
http://comical.sourceforge.net/ (http://comical.sourceforge.net/)
whose read these already? if I start talking about it I'll feel guilty if only a couple people have.
Quote from: ALady on Dec 08, 2010, 12:08 AM
I have a theory on what the scentist whispered to Rick. I bet he said "your wife's pregnant".
Well done, Maggie!
Quote from: johnnYYac on Nov 23, 2011, 08:13 AM
Quote from: ALady on Dec 08, 2010, 12:08 AM
I have a theory on what the scentist whispered to Rick. I bet he said "your wife's pregnant".
Well done, Maggie!
Jenner didn't tell rick that lori is prego. he told rick something else...
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Nov 23, 2011, 11:08 AM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Nov 23, 2011, 08:13 AM
Quote from: ALady on Dec 08, 2010, 12:08 AM
I have a theory on what the scentist whispered to Rick. I bet he said "your wife's pregnant".
Well done, Maggie!
Jenner didn't tell rick that lori is prego. he told rick something else...
Yeah, I know we still don't know for sure what was whispered to Rick ('least I don't), but she still made a solid prediction.
I have the WD graphic novel (thanks to Sticky) but fear getting ahead of the story. I made sure to read Watchmen before the film, but I'm having trouble doing the same with WD, perhaps because the graphic novel is around 1600 pages!
Quote from: johnnYYac on Nov 23, 2011, 12:04 PM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Nov 23, 2011, 11:08 AM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Nov 23, 2011, 08:13 AM
Quote from: ALady on Dec 08, 2010, 12:08 AM
I have a theory on what the scentist whispered to Rick. I bet he said "your wife's pregnant".
Well done, Maggie!
Jenner didn't tell rick that lori is prego. he told rick something else...
Yeah, I know we still don't know for sure what was whispered to Rick ('least I don't), but she still made a solid prediction.
I have the WD graphic novel (thanks to Sticky) but fear getting ahead of the story. I made sure to read Watchmen before the film, but I'm having trouble doing the same with WD, perhaps because the graphic novel is around 1600 pages!
it definitely was a good guess, guessing lori's prego. I still don't know "for sure" what jenner said to rick because jenner and the CDC stuff isn't in the comic but I THINK I know what he told him.
the comics are a really easy read. they're only up to about issue 9 or 10 and things are already quite a bit different than the comic. some characters were replaced by people who aren't in the comics. certain parts of the story has changed a lot. Otis plays a bigger role in the comic for example. Daryl isn't in the comic and is one of the coolest characters on the show imo. Kirkman said the tv show's story will be slightly different than the comic. the show is almost an expanded version of the comic. reading the comic has enhanced the experience for me. I'm up to about #73. only been reading them a couple weeks, it's a quick read.
issue #27-50 are fucking nuts. it's kind of cool to read it and wonder how they're going to pull half the shit off. it's some of the most fucked up shit I've ever read. at least as far as fiction goes.
I'd redownload those files I think that other 1-77 rar file had corrupt files. what I posted is a new source, more reliable download. I'm not a big reader but after it gets into the high 20's it's hard to stop reading.
comic book update:
in the previous upload I noticed #69 was missing so it's in this file with issues 87-91 as well as the walking dead survivors guide:
#69, #87-91, +Survival Guide
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ID0C9W16 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ID0C9W16)
This season has sucked so hard I almost don't feel like watching it.
A show about zombies that has only one zombie and zero plot advancement is neither a show nor about zombies.
Quote from: el_chode on Nov 23, 2011, 08:21 PM
This season has sucked so hard I almost don't feel like watching it.
A show about zombies that has only one zombie and zero plot advancement is neither a show nor about zombies.
been hearing this complaint a lot. people say it's moving too slow. all I know is the farm is the safest/most boring part of the graphic novel. after they peace out of that bitch shit's going to hit the fan.
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Nov 23, 2011, 07:11 PM
comic book update:
in the previous upload I noticed #69 was missing so it's in this file with issues 87-91 as well as the walking dead survivors guide:
#69, #87-91, +Survival Guide
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ID0C9W16 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ID0C9W16)
"Beggars can't be choosers" but the "Survival Guide" folder was empty. I took your advise and dl'd these 4 files as backup. The version I originally dl'd was 2 massive files and I believe I noted some glitches. I may dig into these some tonight.
As far as criticism of the show goes, I remember Breaking Bad going through some lulls but made up for it. Its reward for the full-time viewers and mirrors life, where the intense and heavy shit is balanced by the mellow and mundane. A bad episode of Walking Dead is probably a lot more watchable than Glee or Two and a Half Men. The great thing about TV. Just change the channel...
are you sure it was empty? they're jpgs, same with issue #69. not sure why they're not in the cbr format or whatever it is. keep me posted and I'll re-upload them separately.
here is what the mid season finale is (major spoilers, it's basically everything that happens in the entire episode so DO NOT CLICK if you don't want to know what happens):
http://dancil.wordpress.com/2011/11/18/spoilers-for-the-walking-dead-episode-6-and-7/ (http://dancil.wordpress.com/2011/11/18/spoilers-for-the-walking-dead-episode-6-and-7/)
whoops forgot to include issue #87: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FYFZD1VJ (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FYFZD1VJ)
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Nov 23, 2011, 08:28 PM
Quote from: el_chode on Nov 23, 2011, 08:21 PM
This season has sucked so hard I almost don't feel like watching it.
A show about zombies that has only one zombie and zero plot advancement is neither a show nor about zombies.
been hearing this complaint a lot. people say it's moving too slow. all I know is the farm is the safest/most boring part of the graphic novel. after they peace out of that bitch shit's going to hit the fan.
It's not the farm per se, I'm fine with that. It's that the plot barely advances every episode. They keep reiterating shit we know - dale loves the blonde, she's arrogant, etc. Not enough was made of important points - the little girl, the redneck's adventures, Shane's descent in to darkness. For most of this season, we open and close each episode without any actual change in plot or character development.
Two weeks ago was an exception.
The show really needs Frank Darabont back ASAP. I'd be happy if the zombies ate most of the cast; it would make the show at least less of a chore to watch.
Quote from: el_chode on Nov 24, 2011, 09:09 AM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Nov 23, 2011, 08:28 PM
Quote from: el_chode on Nov 23, 2011, 08:21 PM
This season has sucked so hard I almost don't feel like watching it.
A show about zombies that has only one zombie and zero plot advancement is neither a show nor about zombies.
been hearing this complaint a lot. people say it's moving too slow. all I know is the farm is the safest/most boring part of the graphic novel. after they peace out of that bitch shit's going to hit the fan.
It's not the farm per se, I'm fine with that. It's that the plot barely advances every episode. They keep reiterating shit we know - dale loves the blonde, she's arrogant, etc. Not enough was made of important points - the little girl, the redneck's adventures, Shane's descent in to darkness. For most of this season, we open and close each episode without any actual change in plot or character development.
Two weeks ago was an exception.
are you talking about that daryl episode? that ep was dope as shit yo. merle manifesting himself as daryl's subconscious was smart and I dug how they pulled that off for sure. do you post over at PT at all? there's a dude there who works on the show, he's a lighting engineer or something but says that things are going to get insane.
some interviews with kirkman:
http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox/2011/11/the-walking-deads-robert-kirkman-more-new-characters-including-michonne-in-the-works.html (http://blog.zap2it.com/frominsidethebox/2011/11/the-walking-deads-robert-kirkman-more-new-characters-including-michonne-in-the-works.html)
http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=35446 (http://www.comicbookresources.com/?page=article&id=35446)
shane (jon bernthal) interview on Jimmy:
part 1:
Jon Bernthal on Jimmy Kimmel Live PART 1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BcYnO6HPkE#ws)
part 2:
Jon Bernthal on Jimmy Kimmel Live PART 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJRlSONB5DM#ws)
the whole cast is suppose to be nice as balls.
back to the dude who works on the show, this is what he said about the pace:
me: "shits going to be balls to the wall by season 3. but I have a feeling seasons 4 and 5 will be what people consider the "ultimate". have no real idea tho with them doing the new stuff they're doing, new characters, etc. it's an enjoyable adventure."
LPC(dude who works on show): "You make some great points. This season is all about a false sense of security, but after this, shit is fucked. Those that understand the epic and long term scale that this show is trying to establish will hang on and be rewarded for it. Its not about individual episodes, it's about the story at large.
I can remember being on set while making the pilot and hearing people talk about season 3 and 4 and long term storylines..... The cast and crew is totally on board with this type of long term play and they've gone to great lengths to keep our very tight unit together. This is a show where patience will pay off in a big way.
Its not a normal show where we're patiently waiting for approval to keep going, based on our ratings since the beginning we know it's going on for a while. AMC's announcements of season renewals for us are largely to create publicity. That attitide may influence the pace, im not sure really.We all know it's going on for quite some time.... "
seems like they're going the lost approach.
Quote from: Jaimoe on Nov 24, 2011, 11:40 AM
The show really needs Frank Darabont back ASAP. I'd be happy if the zombies ate most of the cast; it would make the show at least less of a chore to watch.
I thought what they did with Jim's character in the first season was perfection. for such a small role they really gave jim some added depth compared to the comic. I've gotta stay optimistic, a zombie apocalypse completes me.
what did you guys think of the mid-season finale?
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Nov 28, 2011, 11:27 PM
what did you guys think of the mid-season finale?
I'll have to let you know tomorrow. I was unable to watch Sunday and tonight was Boardwalk Empire. Forgot this was a mid-season finale.
What is that, exactly? This is only the second time I've ever heard of a mid-season finale, the first being that stupid vampire show MMJ was in last month.
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Nov 28, 2011, 11:27 PM
what did you guys think of the mid-season finale?
Just got done watching it! That last scene was one of the best scenes in the series so far. Pissed it's going to be 3 months before new episodes come back on.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Nov 28, 2011, 11:36 PM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Nov 28, 2011, 11:27 PM
what did you guys think of the mid-season finale?
I'll have to let you know tomorrow. I was unable to watch Sunday and tonight was Boardwalk Empire. Forgot this was a mid-season finale.
What is that, exactly? This is only the second time I've ever heard of a mid-season finale, the first being that stupid vampire show MMJ was in last month.
it's going to be a break until feb. 12th or 21st or something then there is 6 more episodes. can only assume it's because of the holidays, football, people not being around in general, etc.
Quote from: ophidiophobia on Nov 28, 2011, 11:37 PM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Nov 28, 2011, 11:27 PM
what did you guys think of the mid-season finale?
Just got done watching it! That last scene was one of the best scenes in the series so far. Pissed it's going to be 3 months before new episodes come back on.
yep. thought it was done perfectly. high quality tv, that's for sure. Herschel's character is building awesome.
Loved the mid season finale! After it was over I kept thinking that I should have seen that coming at the barn. Nope, I was completely taken by suprise. Great, great episode!
First great episode of the season. I kinda felt the end coming given that the "lost girl" plot line was purposely weak up until this point. I wish some of the cast got eaten, particularly the weakly written women characters.
Third great episode if you ask me
One great article:
http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2011/11/5-ways-to-fix-the-walking-dead/249104/ (http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2011/11/5-ways-to-fix-the-walking-dead/249104/)
Quote from: el_chode on Nov 29, 2011, 05:57 PM
Third great episode if you ask me
One great article:
http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2011/11/5-ways-to-fix-the-walking-dead/249104/ (http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2011/11/5-ways-to-fix-the-walking-dead/249104/)
that alright made some decent points, but disagree with some of it. specially the stuff about ricks character not being decisive enough, or changing into the man he's going to become fast enough.
I think that's the thing a lot of people over look about this show. the big picture side of it. Rick woke up from a coma at least a couple weeks minimum after shit hit the fan and is still more pure than the other people. What Dale said to Shane in the swamp really lays out what's ahead if you ask me. Dale talks for the first time about how they're living in a completely different world to Shane, but refuses to give up his humanity. his values, etc. that's what the shows about. watching these people start to degrade and become affected by the world around them. Herschel and the people on the farm are the perfect place to start. Rick is kinda the viewer if you ask me. If there are still food and supplies readily available people don't need to kill each other.
you read the comics right? Semi-Comic-Spoiler: The Governor is what changes Rick. completely and entirely. that's his moment. until then Rick's still like Dale, has compassion, is worried about people other than himself, etc. These people have to be broken before they start doing ridiculous shit.
I'm assuming all the time spent on the farm is because Carl got gut shot by Otis, rather than shot in the shoulder like in the comic. and now they've got us heading full force into the prison shit. things are sunny and nice now, easy to survive but man does shit get fucked up after they leave the farm. when winter comes there probably won't be many zombies moving around so definitely prepare yourself for slow parts. the pay offs are going to be huge from the info I've read. i kinda agree about them repeating shit too much but all the shane shit is building up for his ultimate demise. I could do without the flash backs. when they napalmed atlanta it looked great special effects wise.
Never read the comics, but I don't mind spoilers
I think the point moreso was that Rick was sidelined half this season. Sure, he may have gave blood, but he had two dialogues the whole season:
- herschel, may we please stay and play by your rules?
- wife, do we have secrets?
Quote from: el_chode on Nov 29, 2011, 11:29 PM
Never read the comics, but I don't mind spoilers
I think the point moreso was that Rick was sidelined half this season. Sure, he may have gave blood, but he had two dialogues the whole season:
- herschel, may we please stay and play by your rules?
- wife, do we have secrets?
trying not to use spoilers from the comic, but might slip:
yeah, I hear what you're saying. to be honest I'm glad they got the shane/lori prego
shit done with and in the open because in the comic rick doesn't find out until way later. What just happened at the barn changes Herschel big time. turns him into a bad ass if they stick how things should be. but I don't know now. Sophia is alive forever in the fucking comic. Her being dead changes everything. There are certain things that will happen and trigger insanity in these people. Sophia dying is going to make Carol go over the edge like Herschel. Family Slaughter + Little Girl who you expect to be alive dead half way thru a 13episode season. it's kinda nuts. Plus Otis is dead and in the comic he's more like merle. racist as fuck.
Michonne has been confirmed and she's fucking awesome, the governor might be the best villian in the history of television if they pull it off. let me put things another way, these people are more likely to die by other people's insanity than zombies... for now.
Current Survivor List (Up to Mid-Season Finale):
Rick Grimes ---- Alive
Shane Walsh ---- Alive
Lori Grimes ---- Alive/Prego
Andrea ---- Alive
Dale Horvath ---- Alive
Glenn ---- Alive
Carl Grimes ---- Alive
Daryl Dixon ---- Alive
Carol Peletier ---- Alive
Theodore "T-Dog" Douglas ---- Alive
Sophia Peletier ---- Dead
Merle Dixon ---- Unknown
Amy ---- Dead
Jacqui ---- Dead
Jim ---- Dead
Morales ---- Unknown
Ed Peletier ---- Dead
Dr. Edwin Jenner ---- Dead
Hershel Greene ---- Alive
Maggie Greene ---- Alive
Beth Greene ---- Alive
Otis ---- Dead
Patricia ---- Alive
Jimmy ---- Alive
Morgan ---- Unknown
Duane ---- Unknown
Characters Announced to make appearence:
The Governor
Finally watched the "mid-season finale".
Good stuff. I never expected to tear up watching something of the horror genre. Wow. The show has its flaws but pays off enough to make up for it, in my book.
Kinda disappointed to see it looks like they'll still be hanging around the farm for the final 6 eps of this season, starting in Feb. I think I'd be moving along.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Nov 30, 2011, 04:28 PM
Finally watched the "mid-season finale".
Good stuff. I never expected to tear up watching something of the horror genre. Wow. The show has its flaws but pays off enough to make up for it, in my book.
Kinda disappointed to see it looks like they'll still be hanging around the farm for the final 6 eps of this season, starting in Feb. I think I'd be moving along.
Agreed. My favorite scene in the mid-season finale was when Shane just went off and started shooting the "wrangled" walker neighbor and started saying do you know a living person that can survive 3 rounds to the chest. Thought that whole last 10 minutes or so of the show was epic.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Nov 30, 2011, 04:28 PM
Finally watched the "mid-season finale".
Good stuff. I never expected to tear up watching something of the horror genre. Wow. The show has its flaws but pays off enough to make up for it, in my book.
Kinda disappointed to see it looks like they'll still be hanging around the farm for the final 6 eps of this season, starting in Feb. I think I'd be moving along.
I think they'll be leaving the farm soon. shane's too insane for herschel, maggie, and co. the estates part is done, they already did a little homage to it when andrea and shane went looking for sophia. in the comic they hold up there for a few days but they aren't doing that in the show I hear. after the drama at the farm they should be finding the prison soon enough to setup for season 3. or maybe the prison is fort benning in the show? either way, I hear they're going to follow the comic book locations for the most part but the storylines will be different. shit's just getting started dude.
Quote from: Eweezy on Nov 30, 2011, 05:39 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Nov 30, 2011, 04:28 PM
Finally watched the "mid-season finale".
Good stuff. I never expected to tear up watching something of the horror genre. Wow. The show has its flaws but pays off enough to make up for it, in my book.
Kinda disappointed to see it looks like they'll still be hanging around the farm for the final 6 eps of this season, starting in Feb. I think I'd be moving along.
Agreed. My favorite scene in the mid-season finale was when Shane just went off and started shooting the "wrangled" walker neighbor and started saying do you know a living person that can survive 3 rounds to the chest. Thought that whole last 10 minutes or so of the show was epic.
shane is going psychotic for sure. now that he knows lori's prego his fuse has been lit. prepare for explosions.
I read that they are going to introduce Michonne in the last episode of this season. That would be great.
Quote from: Eweezy on Dec 02, 2011, 05:56 PM
I read that they are going to introduce Michonne in the last episode of this season. That would be great.
get out of here? that would be so fucking bad ass. hope whoever plays her is hot as balls.
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/walking-dead-midseason-finale-robert-kirkman-265484 (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/walking-dead-midseason-finale-robert-kirkman-265484)
http://insidetv.ew.com/2011/11/28/walking-dead-finale-kirkman-2/ (http://insidetv.ew.com/2011/11/28/walking-dead-finale-kirkman-2/)
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Dec 02, 2011, 07:20 PM
Quote from: Eweezy on Dec 02, 2011, 05:56 PM
I read that they are going to introduce Michonne in the last episode of this season. That would be great.
get out of here? that would be so fucking bad ass. hope whoever plays her is hot as balls.
This is where I read about them bringing Michonne in for the last episode of season 2.
http://www.fearnet.com/news/b22959_frank_darabont_michonne_stephen_king.html (http://www.fearnet.com/news/b22959_frank_darabont_michonne_stephen_king.html)
Has anyone seen this?
http://walkingdead.wikia.com/wiki/The_Walking_Dead_Wiki (http://walkingdead.wikia.com/wiki/The_Walking_Dead_Wiki)
Quote from: johnnYYac on Dec 04, 2011, 12:31 PM
Has anyone seen this?
http://walkingdead.wikia.com/wiki/The_Walking_Dead_Wiki (http://walkingdead.wikia.com/wiki/The_Walking_Dead_Wiki)
very nice find. thanks yac attack.
Just watched the webisodes after hearing about them from students. Killer.
for people who have finished the comic and still want a little more walking dead action:
The Walking Dead - Rise Of The Governor (Novel)
download: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5JVJFW60 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5JVJFW60)
reader: http://www.mobipocket.com/dev/beta/ (http://www.mobipocket.com/dev/beta/)
audio book: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=W491YQP1 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=W491YQP1)
info: "n the Walking Dead universe, there is no greater villain than The Governor. The despot who runs the walled-off town of Woodbury, he has his own sick sense of justice: whether it's forcing prisoners to battle zombies in an arena for the townspeople's amusement, or chopping off the appendages of those who cross him. The Governor was voted "Villain of the Year" by Wizard magazine the year he debuted, and his story arc was the most controversial in the history of the Walking Dead comic book series. Now, for the first time, fans of The Walking Dead will discover how The Governor became the man he is, and what drove him to such extremes.
First came the groundbreaking and bestselling comic book series. . . .
"Every issue sinks its teeth in you and refuses to let go until the next one comes out."
—Ain't It Cool News
Then came the record-breaking AMC television show. . . .
"The best new show on television."
—Entertainment Weekly
And now comes the first in a series of novels exploring the origins of fan favorite characters from The Walking Dead universe. . . .
"If the comic book writer Robert Kirkman were a superhero, his name might be the Midas Touch."
—The New York Times
In The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor, the world will finally understand what drove Philip Blake to become . . . The Governor.
10 hrs and 47 mins
ive only seen the first 2 episodes, not reading the thread. Season one was by far the best show on regular cable, along with Dual Survivor ;), but on Season 2 Ep 2 when his son gets shot through the deer... really? that just seems like shitty Lost-style writing. They could have come up with something better to happen to him to connect them with the farm family. Kind of made me mad, i hope the writing in the rest of the episodes gets better.
Quote from: Luna Moth on Dec 04, 2011, 03:30 PM
ive only seen the first 2 episodes, not reading the thread. Season one was by far the best show on regular cable, along with Dual Survivor ;), but on Season 2 Ep 2 when his son gets shot through the deer... really? that just seems like shitty Lost-style writing. They could have come up with something better to happen to him to connect them with the farm family. Kind of made me mad, i hope the writing in the rest of the episodes gets better.
in the comic carl gets shot in the shoulder instead of the gut, him getting shot is what gives hershel the responsibility to take them in. they'd probably have been just turned away had carl not been shot.
I've decided that part of what I'll do during my 10 day holiday break is read The Walking Dead comic series. I'm on issue 17, over 350 pages in.
I believe I have issues 1-87 intact. I understand there are a few more after that. Sticky, can you post links to 88+ when you get a chance. I had downloaded some files you upped but nothing after 87 "survived".
Facinating the changes between the comic and the show. They seem so significant early on that reading the comics won't really ruin many suprises coming from the series. Its kind of like 2 separate experiences, like alternate realities. What if character X died here, if characters A and B are lovers, if character Z turns out to be...? Love it!
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Nov 23, 2011, 07:11 PM
comic book update:
in the previous upload I noticed #69 was missing so it's in this file with issues 87-91 as well as the walking dead survivors guide:
#69, #87-91, +Survival Guide
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ID0C9W16 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=ID0C9W16)
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Nov 24, 2011, 01:18 AM
whoops forgot to include issue #87: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FYFZD1VJ (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=FYFZD1VJ)
#92: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6C5LF4ZR (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6C5LF4ZR)
Thanks, Sticky. I was able to add #69, 87, and 92, but I cannot extract #88-91. My decompression software gives me error messages, including one that says the file names are too long for the destination folder (?). Also, the "Survivor's Guide" for the same reason(s). Appreciate the help, perhaps you could point me in the direction of the source of these files?
Quote from: johnnYYac on Dec 27, 2011, 12:09 PM
Thanks, Sticky. I was able to add #69, 87, and 92, but I cannot extract #88-91. My decompression software gives me error messages, including one that says the file names are too long for the destination folder (?). Also, the "Survivor's Guide" for the same reason(s). Appreciate the help, perhaps you could point me in the direction of the source of these files?
ill up you a fresh copy when i get home round 6pm. let me know what you think about 27-50
#88: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XJSCJG31 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XJSCJG31)
#89: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=R3OBZC30 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=R3OBZC30)
#90: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RLK47EPN (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RLK47EPN)
#91: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JJD6L3G9 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JJD6L3G9)
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Dec 27, 2011, 06:28 PM
#88: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XJSCJG31 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=XJSCJG31)
#89: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=R3OBZC30 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=R3OBZC30)
#90: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RLK47EPN (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=RLK47EPN)
#91: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JJD6L3G9 (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JJD6L3G9)
Quote from: johnnYYac on Dec 27, 2011, 10:03 AM
Facinating the changes between the comic and the show. They seem so significant early on that reading the comics won't really ruin many suprises coming from the series. Its kind of like 2 separate experiences, like alternate realities. What if character X died here, if characters A and B are lovers, if character Z turns out to be...? Love it!
exactly. that's kinda what kirkman's been saying in the interviews. he says they've got the story arcs planned out and shit, they're not just meandering about not knowing what they're going to do next. they've got a plan. each season, like breaking bad has mini story lines and then one main story arc. this season is all about whether or not Rick can cut it as a leader they're saying. you've got people competing for the role almost. Shane, Daryl, even Dale. They all have leadership qualities and it'll be interesting to see how it plays out.
the biggest difference to me is Tyreese not being in the show. hopefully he'll pop up in the second half of the season but I guess that's how it's going to go with this show. some characters traits from the comic get split up into other people, or completely new characters all together. Kirkman has been talking about writing Daryl INTO the comic. so both worlds will continue to be woven together sorta.
what are your thoughts so far? Donna, Allen, there's a bunch of people not on the show that were in that original camping gang in the comic. no CDC. quite different indeed.
What's most striking, as I am about to start issue #36, is how they've gone past some line, especially Rick, Tyrese, Hershel, definitely Thomas, the Governor, and Michonne. They've evolved from normal people thrust in a horrifying fucked up world to viscious, sometimes soulless survivors. As they become more comfortable "killing" the walkers, the easier it becomes killing anyone.
It seems like the one trait they all have in common is the need to pass judgment on others, which isn't helpful. Dale kinda handles that role in the TV series.
You gotta give the writers, especially Kirkland, some credit for what they did with Sophia in the TV series, the changes to Shane, and the character of Daryl. For those who read these comics, its like a whole 'nother ballgame, and a great one to boot.
I'm kinda surprised at the large number of walkers, especially as they're in these rural areas. And I wonder if we've seen the last of the Governor; man, will he be pissed if he comes back.
michonne is such a fucking bad ass dude. she'll be here season 3 for sure they're saying. I really think Hershel is dead on translation wise. same with dale and glenn. perfect casting. rick is solid as fuck too. I wish I still had 30 more issues on my HD. at least they release a new one on the 10th or 12th of every month or whatever. kirkman said he'll keep writing it as long as people keep reading. it shall be one of the largest franchises in entertainment history.
I snagged the (short) 1st season DVD @ Target for $10.
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Dec 27, 2011, 01:37 PMill up you a fresh copy when i get home round 6pm. let me know what you think about 27-50
Unbelievable. We're running out of characters. Emotional investment is a waste of time. My god. No mercy. Unreal. Must sleep now. Just finished #53. Whew.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Dec 29, 2011, 12:36 AM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Dec 27, 2011, 01:37 PMill up you a fresh copy when i get home round 6pm. let me know what you think about 27-50
Unbelievable. We're running out of characters. Emotional investment is a waste of time. My god. No mercy. Unreal. Must sleep now. Just finished #53. Whew.
yep. I had to take a break after #50. it was way too intense. I'm telling you this show's going to get fucked up and people's minds will be blown. they're saying they're going to do most of the governor/michonne shit too. going to be the most insane tv show in history.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Dec 27, 2011, 10:03 AM
I've decided that part of what I'll do during my 10 day holiday break is read The Walking Dead comic series. I'm on issue 17, over 350 pages in.
I believe I have issues 1-87 intact. I understand there are a few more after that. Sticky, can you post links to 88+ when you get a chance. I had downloaded some files you upped but nothing after 87 "survived".
Facinating the changes between the comic and the show. They seem so significant early on that reading the comics won't really ruin many suprises coming from the series. Its kind of like 2 separate experiences, like alternate realities. What if character X died here, if characters A and B are lovers, if character Z turns out to be...? Love it!
I got The Walking Dead Compendium Book 1 and I cannot agree more with you. It is intense. I cannot wait to see how they are going to do the prison and the other characters like Michonne. Best XMAS gift ever was this book for me. :thumbsup:
Anyone know the release schedule for the comic? I tore through issues 1-92 in the last week of 2011 and now have to deal with what I assume is the monthly pace.
Also, purchased the 1st season (upgraded the 2-disc DVD to the 3-disc bluray) to take in all the extras and rewatch the show, and eagerly anticipate the return of season 2 next month. I guess with MMJ on hiatus, its my other obsession.
(http://www.yellmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/walking-dead-large.jpg) (http://www.yellmagazine.com/top-10-greatest-walking-dead-moments-comic-absolutely-television/18926/)
click for article (major spoiler alert if you haven't read the entire comic yet)
Quote from: johnnYYac on Jan 05, 2012, 07:13 PM
Anyone know the release schedule for the comic? I tore through issues 1-92 in the last week of 2011 and now have to deal with what I assume is the monthly pace.
Also, purchased the 1st season (upgraded the 2-disc DVD to the 3-disc bluray) to take in all the extras and rewatch the show, and eagerly anticipate the return of season 2 next month. I guess with MMJ on hiatus, its my other obsession.
(http://www.yellmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/walking-dead-large.jpg) (http://www.yellmagazine.com/top-10-greatest-walking-dead-moments-comic-absolutely-television/18926/)
click for article (major spoiler alert if you haven't read the entire comic yet)
I think each new issue is released on the 10th or 12th of each month. not sure tho. there will be a new issue next week probably. I'll upload it when it's online if you want. glad you dug it. told you it's an easy read that blows your mind. the second half of season two is done by a new director and word is it will be action packed. curious as fuck as to whom the new character(s) will be that they say are debuting on feb. 12th on the show.
Rick and the gang have to be finding the prison real soon in the show, right? I mean it happens right after they leave Hershel's farm in the graphic novel. I know they are not sticking to the book exactly, but the fact that everybody is saying it is supposed to be action packed the second half of the season has got me thinking that.
Quote from: Eweezy on Jan 08, 2012, 10:47 AM
Rick and the gang have to be finding the prison real soon in the show, right? I mean it happens right after they leave Hershel's farm in the graphic novel. I know they are not sticking to the book exactly, but the fact that everybody is saying it is supposed to be action packed the second half of the season has got me thinking that.
I hope they find the prison by the end of this season, if michonne is going to debut next season they have to be close for sure. then again, they've only been on the farm for 4days. I think a herds coming. a big one. they've been way too fuckin loud and have literally zero protection when it comes to a zombie herd. plus they teased one in the first episode. I hope it comes full circle and we see a herd attack rather than meander by. can't wait to see what new characters are introduced. feb 12th can't get here fast enough.
and if you think about it there's at least 3huge herds within 5-10miles of them. the high school/medcenter herd, the estate herd, and the initial highway herd. all within bullet hearing distant. plus, there was a zombie in that store, and from maggie's reaction that little section of town has been quiet and deserted for a while without any zombies. I think death be creepin in.
Issue #93 out 1/25
Comic Summary: story ROBERT KIRKMAN art / cover CHARLIE ADLARD & CLIFF RATHBURN 'A LARGER WORLD' begins here! As we ramp up to the release of our monumental 100th issue, the world is changing. Rick and his band of survivors are faced with new threats - and new opportunities. Nothing will ever be the same - and with this book, you know we mean it!
Issue #94 out 2/29
Comic Summary: story ROBERT KIRKMAN art / cover CHARLIE ADLARD & CLIFF RATHBURN They are unprepared for this.
Issue #95 out 3/28
Comic Summary: 'A LARGER WORLD' CONTINUES Rick and his group are welcomed into a new community, lead by a new charismatic leader. Rick has experienced this before. Is this the beginning of a new era of peace for Rick and the others... or is this man every bit as dangerous as The Governor?
rick, carl, andrea, glenn, maggie, sophie. please please please please please please please don't die.
#93: http://www.sendspace.com/file/i27e3f (http://www.sendspace.com/file/i27e3f)
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Jan 25, 2012, 05:00 PM
#93: http://www.sendspace.com/file/i27e3f (http://www.sendspace.com/file/i27e3f)
Shoot, that was quick. Thanks, Mark! Gotta grab my kids, or I'd read it right now!
Just rewatched Season 1. I'm wondering if, worried they might not survive for a second season, the writers created the nursing home in Atlanta episode and the CDC 2-episode story to incorporate aspects of the prison and The Governor's town from the comic. When Rick and Co. go to the generator room of the CDC, I was reminded of scenes at the prison in the comic. The nursing home reminded me of the town ruled by The Governor.
I'm about 140 minutes into The Rise of The Governor audiobook. Not bad, and I'm enjoying the dude who did the reading. Problem is, I can't listen to it in the car when I've got the girls with me.
Keep it coming, Sticky! 2 1/2 weeks to the return of TWD on AMC!
Quote from: johnnYYac on Jan 25, 2012, 05:42 PM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Jan 25, 2012, 05:00 PM
#93: http://www.sendspace.com/file/i27e3f (http://www.sendspace.com/file/i27e3f)
Shoot, that was quick. Thanks, Mark! Gotta grab my kids, or I'd read it right now!
Just rewatched Season 1. I'm wondering if, worried they might not survive for a second season, the writers created the nursing home in Atlanta episode and the CDC 2-episode story to incorporate aspects of the prison and The Governor's town from the comic. When Rick and Co. go to the generator room of the CDC, I was reminded of scenes at the prison in the comic. The nursing home reminded me of the town ruled by The Governor.
I'm about 140 minutes into The Rise of The Governor audiobook. Not bad, and I'm enjoying the dude who did the reading. Problem is, I can't listen to it in the car when I've got the girls with me.
Keep it coming, Sticky! 2 1/2 weeks to the return of TWD on AMC!
yeah, I'm not really sure what to expect next season. but the dude over at PT who does lighting on the show said Michonne AND The Governor will show up in season 3. like it's a done deal kinda thing. 16episodes for season three also which is the longest season/episode run for any AMC tv show ever.
here's some previews of the feb 12th episode "Nebraska"(copied from PT):
Here are a few videos AMC has aired that together give you an idea about Episode 208, "Nebraska"
The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 8 Nebraska Trailer - February Return (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V0Peldz0-uY#ws)
Random teaser clips
The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 8 "Nebraska" Sneak Peek (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-zZ7fZHQHk#ws)
"sneak peek" scene = "off my land!"> Rick and Shane continue to unravel
! Private video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taQ8NnMqt3I#)
This one was aired last night during "Hell on Wheels", Rick and Hershel talking at a bar>two new characters enter!
I think the new character is named "Nebraska", at least one of them. it looks like there's two new one's in that preview, can't tell. glad you're digging the rise of the governor it's pretty good. definitely perfect to cure that hunger a little until it comes back.
second half is definitely going to be more action packed: http://www.amctv.com/the-walking-dead/videos/on-air-trailer-the-walking-dead-returns (http://www.amctv.com/the-walking-dead/videos/on-air-trailer-the-walking-dead-returns)
This article I read makes me sad. It looks like this might finally be the end of Shane. I know he lasted longer in the show than the book but all this info kinda got me thinking Shane isn't going to make it to season 3. :'(
http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/24/idUS61033413520120124 (http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/24/idUS61033413520120124)
Quote from: Eweezy on Jan 27, 2012, 05:07 PM
This article I read makes me sad. It looks like this might finally be the end of Shane. I know he lasted longer in the show than the book but all this info kinda got me thinking Shane isn't going to make it to season 3. :'(
http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/24/idUS61033413520120124 (http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/24/idUS61033413520120124)
shane needs to get toasted. he should have been toasted by episode 6. he needs to die in order for carl to progress to the next stage of madness.
and shane dying will also que up the end of the farm I hope.
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Jan 27, 2012, 06:04 PM
Quote from: Eweezy on Jan 27, 2012, 05:07 PM
This article I read makes me sad. It looks like this might finally be the end of Shane. I know he lasted longer in the show than the book but all this info kinda got me thinking Shane isn't going to make it to season 3. :'(
http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/24/idUS61033413520120124 (http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/24/idUS61033413520120124)
shane needs to get toasted. he should have been toasted by episode 6. he needs to die in order for carl to progress to the next stage of madness.
They have to stick to the book, right? I mean the only way for Shane to die is by Carl. I don't think it will be the same if they kill Shane any other way.
Quote from: Eweezy on Jan 29, 2012, 11:00 AM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Jan 27, 2012, 06:04 PM
Quote from: Eweezy on Jan 27, 2012, 05:07 PM
This article I read makes me sad. It looks like this might finally be the end of Shane. I know he lasted longer in the show than the book but all this info kinda got me thinking Shane isn't going to make it to season 3. :'(
http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/24/idUS61033413520120124 (http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/01/24/idUS61033413520120124)
shane needs to get toasted. he should have been toasted by episode 6. he needs to die in order for carl to progress to the next stage of madness.
They have to stick to the book, right? I mean the only way for Shane to die is by Carl. I don't think it will be the same if they kill Shane any other way.
from what I've read they're only staying with the book on stuff like locations, but even that has changed with the CDC and nursing home. The Estates made a cameo but are a bit larger of a role in the comics than they were in the show. the possibility is fort benning is the prison, which is next. if michonne and the governor make their first appearence in season three they'll have to introduce the prison and woodbury too. who knows tho. characters like daryl, shane, sophia have all changed the entire flow of what could happen.
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here is the first 3minutes of the mid-series premiere episode or whatever: The Walking Dead S02E08: 'Nebraska' Sneak Peek 5 (January 30, 2012) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzSkLDtH7Hk#ws)
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Jan 31, 2012, 09:36 PM
here is the first 3minutes of the mid-series premiere episode or whatever: The Walking Dead S02E08: 'Nebraska' Sneak Peek 5 (January 30, 2012) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RzSkLDtH7Hk#ws)
That's what I am talking about! Great clip...seriously I cannot wait. What a weekend, I get to see my second favorite band after My Morning Jacket, the Avett Brothers perform on Friday 2-10-12 and then have my favorite show start back up like that on Sunday. "Can't Wait!"
TWD returns in 5 hours! Looking forward to it.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Feb 12, 2012, 05:04 PM
TWD returns in 5 hours! Looking forward to it.
I'm gonna jizz my pants.
looking forward to daryl the indian zombie hunter developing more. hope he bones carol soon.
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Feb 12, 2012, 05:27 PM
looking forward to daryl the indian zombie hunter developing more. hope he bones carol soon.
If by bones, you mean shoots with an arrow, I agree.
I thought Rick made the right choice. I wonder what the fallout will be.
The women in this show need a strong leader and need to stop being emotionally driven impulsive asshats who fuck it up for everyone. Every good show needs a female heroine.
Quote from: el_chode on Feb 12, 2012, 10:17 PM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Feb 12, 2012, 05:27 PM
looking forward to daryl the indian zombie hunter developing more. hope he bones carol soon.
If by bones, you mean shoots with an arrow, I agree.
I thought Rick made the right choice. I wonder what the fallout will be.
The women in this show need a strong leader and need to stop being emotionally driven impulsive asshats who fuck it up for everyone. Every good show needs a female heroine.
that's what michonne's role is. she rivals rick in the comic for level of bad ass.
Quote from: el_chode on Feb 12, 2012, 10:17 PM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Feb 12, 2012, 05:27 PM
looking forward to daryl the indian zombie hunter developing more. hope he bones carol soon.
If by bones, you mean shoots with an arrow, I agree.
I thought Rick made the right choice. I wonder what the fallout will be.
The women in this show need a strong leader and need to stop being emotionally driven impulsive asshats who fuck it up for everyone. Every good show needs a female heroine.
agreed 100%.
"oh, my husband and glenn are out trying to find herschel in a zombie-ridden wasteland of a town, so the most logical thing i can do is hop in a car and find the boys myself! oh, and let me make sure my pregnant ass doesn't pay attention to the road, either!"
The scene in the bar was the most natural, honest, tense and best acted and written in the entire disappointing series. More of this and less of pointless and mostly ungrounded hostility between the underwritten living characters please! C'mon defenders, who didn't see it coming with Lori reading a road map while driving in a countryside full of zombies?
Quote from: Jaimoe on Feb 13, 2012, 02:36 PM
The scene in the bar was the most natural, honest, tense and best acted and written in the entire disappointing series. More of this and less of pointless and mostly ungrounded hostility between the underwritten living characters please! C'mon defenders, who didn't see it coming with Lori reading a road map while driving in a countryside full of zombies?
See we all knew what was gonna happen when she inexplicably just had to leave. Maybe I missed it, but what was the imminent emergency that necessitated her going out to a town she didn't know how to find to speed things up? What was she doing to do that Rick couldn't?
Also, I doubt the countryside full of zombies. That would require actual zombies during the filming of a show about zombies, not the remnants of last season's zombies.
Agreed about the rest. I was thinking, "WWE[l]C[hode]Do?" and I would be offering/demanding to hear an offer or compromise from the other side (depending if I was the one seeking refuge or in Rick's shoes).
If I'm Rick, I want to know what they're willing to do for me if I do this for them (those guys offered nothing but suspicion as probable rapists/the darkside of humanity that is revealed when all hope is lost).
If I'm the one talking to Rick, I put forth an offer, like "hey, just give us 3 days to get our bearings. I will not ask for an extension unless you offer it to me. In return, I'll be a hired gun for all scouting missions, no questions asked/bake you a pie/something to let them know I"m a normal human being"
In other news, that would be the best route for the show to explore now - what is it to be human vs zombie? Are a bunch of humans with no moral compass any better/worthy of living in this world than the zombie they are escaping?
Quote from: Jaimoe on Feb 13, 2012, 02:36 PM
The scene in the bar was the most natural, honest, tense and best acted and written in the entire disappointing series. More of this and less of pointless and mostly ungrounded hostility between the underwritten living characters please! C'mon defenders, who didn't see it coming with Lori reading a road map while driving in a countryside full of zombies?
Lori's accident will undoubtedly follow the tired old "accident causes convenient miscarriage" TV trope. When she miscarries, that will be the end of Rick's last best hope for convincing Hershel to let them stay on the farm. Which is great because the farm is played out.
I enjoy this show but honestly it's a straight up soap opera. It just has the great added tension of "and zombies might show up anytime." Lori pees on her EPT, not knowing whether Shane or Rick is the father ...
but zombies could show up. There's an awkward meal inside Hershel's house ...
but zombies could show up. Glen and Maggie have sex at the pharmacy ...
but zombies could show up. It works, because it works.
Anyone else notice the heavy-handed symbolism on the T-shirt the head bad guy at the bar was wearing?
I can't argue with most of what's been said. I'm hoping Rick, Glen, and Hershel come upon the overturned car to find Lori being munched upon by the walker she nailed with the car... poetic justice and more in line with the comic than the convenient miscarriage.
Quote from: Jaimoe on Feb 13, 2012, 02:36 PM
The scene in the bar was the most natural, honest, tense and best acted and written in the entire disappointing series. More of this and less of pointless and mostly ungrounded hostility between the underwritten living characters please! C'mon defenders, who didn't see it coming with Lori reading a road map while driving in a countryside full of zombies?
well, besides the dumb lori moment, the episode was awesome. even the dumb lori moment to me was sweet because they launched that car. who cares about the miscarriage bullshit, she could be dead already. her storming off was because that was the second time she got bitched at for asking somebody else to go do something for her. first maggie and then daryl. not saying it was sweet or anything just saying her character did have motivation to go get rick and hershel. beth had that stroke or whatever it was thus the need to get the only doctor left on earth. hershel.
the final scene was great, the first time rick had to murder some people. hershel losing his faith and then finding it again in Rick after Rick stands up for the farm and takes down Dave and Tony. if they leave the farm it's going to be because it's not safe anymore, not because they're forced off. they've spent the first 6episodes intergrating hershels family into the show. the story is in a state of constant metamorphosis. they showed a trailer for next week and apparently the philly boys weren't alone. whoever they're with, which is unknown pins them down in the bar or some shit. hershel is armed and they're bracing the door. but not because of zombies. shits going down people. it's all about the finales. hold tight. there will be tanks and helicopters and machine guns and groups of crazy people and rapists and cannibals and all sorts of shit. trust no one. the truth aint out there, just zombies and evil. there is no resolve to this story either really other than a characters death. it's not like world war z where civilization recovers at the end.
fuckin haters.
http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/walking-dead-midseason-premiere-cable-ratings-records-290093 (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/walking-dead-midseason-premiere-cable-ratings-records-290093)
I'm not a "hater" SIGS. I find the series flawed and it comes down mostly to writing. Some of the dialogue is cringe-worthy and some of the support characters are under-written. And none of the women characters are interesting. The plots are fine for the most part. I think the producers made poor decisions in killing off two great one or two-off characters such as Otis and the main bar dude from Philly, who was also terrific in True Blood.
Quote from: Jaimoe on Feb 14, 2012, 12:29 PM
I'm not a "hater" SIGS. I find the series flawed and it comes down mostly to writing. Some of the dialogue is cringe-worthy and some of the support characters are under-written. And none of the women characters are interesting. The plots are fine for the most part. I think the producers made poor decisions in killing off two great one or two-off characters such as Otis and the main bar dude from Philly, who was also terrific in True Blood.
I sorta understand where you're coming from. did you say you've read the comics or not yet?
The only character I think they missed the mark with is Andrea. she's suppose to be a hot little piece of ass not some chick in her 40's with a lot of plastic surgery.
I'm glad Dave got toasted in the bar. they would have raped or killed some people for sure if they were taken back to the farm. Rick knew that and had to light them up.
Otis makes it to the prison in the comic but isn't really that sweet and sophia hasn't died yet in the comic so things are a lot different. Shane shouldn't be alive, he's fucking up everything. that dog needs to be put down.
as for the strong female role. you'll have to wait until next season since andrea has turned out to blow:
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Feb 14, 2012, 06:07 PM
Quote from: Jaimoe on Feb 14, 2012, 12:29 PM
I'm not a "hater" SIGS. I find the series flawed and it comes down mostly to writing. Some of the dialogue is cringe-worthy and some of the support characters are under-written. And none of the women characters are interesting. The plots are fine for the most part. I think the producers made poor decisions in killing off two great one or two-off characters such as Otis and the main bar dude from Philly, who was also terrific in True Blood.
I sorta understand where you're coming from. did you say you've read the comics or not yet?
The only character I think they missed the mark with is Andrea. she's suppose to be a hot little piece of ass not some chick in her 40's with a lot of plastic surgery.
I'm glad Dave got toasted in the bar. they would have raped or killed some people for sure if they were taken back to the farm. Rick knew that and had to light them up.
Otis makes it to the prison in the comic but isn't really that sweet and sophia hasn't died yet in the comic so things are a lot different. Shane shouldn't be alive, he's fucking up everything. that dog needs to be put down.
as for the strong female role. you'll have to wait until next season since andrea has turned out to blow:
Michonne, Baby! They don't get much stronger than her. I keep hearing though we will see her for the first time in the finale.
The key to a safe zombie... you got to de-jaw 'em!
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Feb 14, 2012, 06:07 PM
The only character I think they missed the mark with is Andrea. she's suppose to be a hot little piece of ass not some chick in her 40's with a lot of plastic surgery.
I agree.
Also, in the books Lori is a lot bitchier, IMO. And she's bad enough in the series. Ugh.
I'm not a hater, though. I've read books 1-4 of the series and am addicted to the show.
Ok it's getting much better. And Laurie just pulled a Livia Soprano. Shane is toast.
Quote from: el_chode on Feb 20, 2012, 12:13 PM
Ok it's getting much better. And Laurie just pulled a Livia Soprano. Shane is toast.
That chick sets women's lib back 20 years every time she opens her stupid gob. If she wants Shane dead she should put him away herself, not manipulate Rick into doing it.
What a twit. (http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb277/devilledbetter/violent111.gif)
Yeah, it's good. At least they didn't go the predictable accident/miscarriage route.
Quote from: Devil Ledbetter on Feb 20, 2012, 12:49 PM
Quote from: el_chode on Feb 20, 2012, 12:13 PM
Ok it's getting much better. And Laurie just pulled a Livia Soprano. Shane is toast.
Yeah, it's good. At least they didn't go the predictable accident/miscarriage route.
Quote from: el_chode on Feb 20, 2012, 02:27 PM
Quote from: Devil Ledbetter on Feb 20, 2012, 12:49 PM
Quote from: el_chode on Feb 20, 2012, 12:13 PM
Ok it's getting much better. And Laurie just pulled a Livia Soprano. Shane is toast.
Yeah, it's good. At least they didn't go the predictable accident/miscarriage route.
I'm 98percent positive she's not going to miscarry the baby.
I have to say, I was rooting for the windshield zombie! Laurie will die. Why not at the hands of the walker she nailed with the car? That would be a stunner and I could live without her. Would set up a showdown between Rick and Shane, to be settled by Carl. Now, I'm not so sure. They've strayed from the comic quite a bit.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Feb 20, 2012, 10:08 PM
I have to say, I was rooting for the windshield zombie! Laurie will die. Why not at the hands of the walker she nailed with the car? That would be a stunner and I could live without her. Would set up a showdown between Rick and Shane, to be settled by Carl. Now, I'm not so sure. They've strayed from the comic quite a bit.
same world, different timeline. love how hershel is like an army doctor fixing people up on the battlefield. underrated character, imo.
It seems the dumbness of the women characters has rubbed off on Rick and Glen. They need to bring back Michael Rooker and get his reformed hillbilly brother some more screen time. The show is improving, but I still think the zombies should eat most of the cast. Another thing: When was Hershel's coma daughter introduced? I never paid her any attention beforehand so I'm irritated by the contrived plot surrounding her character.
Quote from: Jaimoe on Feb 21, 2012, 11:46 AM
It seems the dumbness of the women characters has rubbed off on Rick and Glen. They need to bring back Michael Rooker and get his reformed hillbilly brother some more screen time. The show is improving, but I still think the zombies should eat most of the cast. Another thing: When was Hershel's coma daughter introduced? I never paid her any attention beforehand so I'm irritated by the contrived plot surrounding her character.
to be honest, there aren't THAT many characters in the comic who get eaten by zombies as a means of death. lots of them get bit but not so many get devoured. the show makes it seem like that will be different, ie dude in sundays episode who got his face eaten off. stuff like that really isn't in the comic. zombies are just sort of always around. when their numbers get big is when they're dangerous.
Quote from: el_chode on Feb 20, 2012, 02:27 PM
Quote from: Devil Ledbetter on Feb 20, 2012, 12:49 PM
Quote from: el_chode on Feb 20, 2012, 12:13 PM
Ok it's getting much better. And Laurie just pulled a Livia Soprano. Shane is toast.
Yeah, it's good. At least they didn't go the predictable accident/miscarriage route.
This is why I think the baby will survive. I'm not telling anybody when, why, how, or where this happens so it's not really a spoiler, just a picture. sophia's dead so nothing is set in stone and I really doubt this will happen now, if you are reading the comic and haven't gotten deep in yet look away:
http://blogs.amctv.com/the-walking-dead/2012/02/david-morrissey-cast-as-the-governor.php (http://blogs.amctv.com/the-walking-dead/2012/02/david-morrissey-cast-as-the-governor.php)
Quote from: el_chode on Feb 24, 2012, 06:03 PM
http://blogs.amctv.com/the-walking-dead/2012/02/david-morrissey-cast-as-the-governor.php (http://blogs.amctv.com/the-walking-dead/2012/02/david-morrissey-cast-as-the-governor.php)
sweet. glad it's not somebody super famous. word is tara from true blood is the rumored michonne. seriously hope she isn't but could totally see it happening.
Exclusive Interview with David Morrissey on Macbeth (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ye5TIBkZfkQ#ws)
David Morrissey is a great actor. Nice addition to the cast.
Quote from: Jaimoe on Feb 25, 2012, 03:00 PM
David Morrissey is a great actor. Nice addition to the cast.
he'll be the third british person in the cast.
Rick, Maggie, and now the Governor. good actors fosho.
tonights episode was: off. the. chain.
#94: http://www.sendspace.com/file/bjamy5 (http://www.sendspace.com/file/bjamy5)
nobody dug last week? can't wait for tomorrow/tonights ep.
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Mar 04, 2012, 12:21 AM
nobody dug last week? can't wait for tomorrow/tonights ep.
I thought it was ok. Pretty good first half.
I look more forward to the guilty pleasure blood and guts grindhouse cheese that is Spartacus than Walking Dead. I wish that the latter was a more rounded show and I don't know if it'll ever be that.
Quote from: Jaimoe on Mar 04, 2012, 07:25 AM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Mar 04, 2012, 12:21 AM
nobody dug last week? can't wait for tomorrow/tonights ep.
I thought it was ok. Pretty good first half.
I look more forward to the guilty pleasure blood and guts grindhouse cheese that is Spartacus than Walking Dead. I wish that the latter was a more rounded show and I don't know if it'll ever be that.
fuuuuck spartacus dude. if I wanted to see some slave titty I'd look up some korean porno.
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Mar 04, 2012, 01:06 PM
Quote from: Jaimoe on Mar 04, 2012, 07:25 AM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Mar 04, 2012, 12:21 AM
nobody dug last week? can't wait for tomorrow/tonights ep.
I thought it was ok. Pretty good first half.
I look more forward to the guilty pleasure blood and guts grindhouse cheese that is Spartacus than Walking Dead. I wish that the latter was a more rounded show and I don't know if it'll ever be that.
fuuuuck spartacus dude. if I wanted to see some slave titty I'd look up some korean porno.
It's more entertaining than WD, especially the first two seasons with John Hannah. I could care less about the skin. I really don't carry any loyalty and/or bias towards TV shows. I used to like the Family Guy, but the show sucks for the most part nowadays and I had to bail. The Simpsons hasn't been funny in over a decade, but I tune in every now and again just to see if the show has improved. Just curious, but if you weren't a fan of the WD comic book series would you still love the show? I can see why people like and follow the program (I do kinda like it as a weekly page-turner), but it's pretty average with a good concept and style.
Quote from: Jaimoe on Mar 04, 2012, 01:55 PM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Mar 04, 2012, 01:06 PM
Quote from: Jaimoe on Mar 04, 2012, 07:25 AM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Mar 04, 2012, 12:21 AM
nobody dug last week? can't wait for tomorrow/tonights ep.
I thought it was ok. Pretty good first half.
I look more forward to the guilty pleasure blood and guts grindhouse cheese that is Spartacus than Walking Dead. I wish that the latter was a more rounded show and I don't know if it'll ever be that.
fuuuuck spartacus dude. if I wanted to see some slave titty I'd look up some korean porno.
It's more entertaining than WD, especially the first two seasons with John Hannah. I could care less about the skin. I really don't carry any loyalty and/or bias towards TV shows. I used to like the Family Guy, but the show sucks for the most part nowadays and I had to bail. The Simpsons hasn't been funny in over a decade, but I tune in every now and again just to see if the show has improved. Just curious, but if you weren't a fan of the WD comic book series would you still love the show? I can see why people like and follow the program (I do kinda like it as a weekly page-turner), but it's pretty average with a good concept and style.
the first two seasons of spartacus were alright. it just felt like the same old thing every episode. either it had something to do with orgies or weird sex acts up in the palace room or it was them practicing in the sandpit or it was a bunch of naked dude cock in the slave bathhouse, etc. the arena scenes were bad ass, the underground shit in season one was bad ass and possibly the coolest thing that series has down (tho I haven't started s3 yet).
I agree with you about family guy. they should not have brought it back. isn't it the only show to ever be brought back for new seasons after it was canceled? simpsons was the first racy show I was allowed to watch when I was little. but haven't been able to watch it in years because it's completely soft compared to a show like south park. but I get your point.
to answer your question about if I'd like it if I hadn't read the comics, I think so. but it would be a totally different love. now the tension makes sense to me since I read the comics. the drawn out moments are fine with me because I know that no matter what there are going to be things that happen in this show that have never been attempted on basic cable. some of the most fucked up shit I've ever read in fiction is in the comic and it does give me faith that the future will be beyond what the pilot episode level of awesomeness was.
but these are two different beasts all together. they've merged locations, characters, story arcs, enhanced old characters, introduced completely new ones. all of which completely change the story. the comic is separate to the show at this point.
things that I notice from the comic are small things like when rick stabs the walker thru the fence at mert county. straight out of the prison issues of the comic. or the barn. hershel, glenn, dale, maggie, lori, carl, rick are on point from the comic. carl is becoming the little weirdo he is in the comic. there's just a ton of shit that they're setting up right now.
this shit gets darker than the movie "The Road". yeah dude, I'm way to pumped about this show to hate it or imagine hating it. some of the acting is lame, ie andrea. but some of it is on point. Rick is british in real life and so is Maggie, they sound american as fuck. you have to break this show down on a season by season basis. not episode by episode. this is a day by day account of what it would be like living in a zombie apocalypse. some days are more mellow than others. there really isn't a plot or end point. TL;DR, sorry.
andrew lincoln is suppose to be method as fuck on set. like when he's on set he IS rick. doesn't break character even when they're not shooting. think it's pretty cool he's taking the character so seriously.
The days of Brits not being able to nail American accents is over. Hugh Laurie had a tough time in the early House years, but he managed to sound pretty generic US by season II (I've followed Hugh's career since the mid '80s and he has a distinct English accent). The English dude that plays Jax on SOA, Charlie Hunnam, sounds pretty legit. Canuck actors (and news anchors etc...) have long been able to bury our various accents in films and TV, although seemingly not Christopher Plummer and his upper class old Montreal dialect that sounds kinda British.
My wife doesn't care for Rick (she finds him one-dimensional), but I like him. I still think the entire women cast are either underwritten or generally unlikeable. Like I said, I do like the show, but I keep hoping it'll get better.
I thought rick's little speech to shane at the crossroads was pure classic comic book rick. talking about
"I wanted to break your jaw, let you choke on your teeth, but I didn't. that wasn't weakness, it took everything. that is my wife, that is my son, that is my unborn child. I will stay alive to keep them alive. "
that is straight up the plot if there is one.
So, two questions for y'all:
Was Rick's inability to kill the hostage and the other one (not spoiling just in case) weakness or a show of humanity (Did it prove Dale right)?
Do you agree with Dale?
Quote from: el_chode on Mar 04, 2012, 10:40 PM
So, two questions for y'all:
Was Rick's inability to kill the hostage and the other one (not spoiling just in case) weakness or a show of humanity (Did it prove Dale right)?
Do you agree with Dale?
it was Carl that fucked everything up with that situation. Carl brought Rick to his previous non-murderous self, imo. not Dale. Dale did however setup the democracy type organization they have now. So it had to have had an effect on Rick as a leader for sure. Kind of a pivotal episode for Carl, causing Dale's death and all.
This officially take's it off the path of the comic. Dale was the representation of Good or the sanity of the old way of life. now that that's gone shit's gonna fly yo.
what would you have done choder? do you think the people he's rolling with are greater or less than 30people? very huge factor to where the story goes from here. can't believe they let ben linus escape AGAIN.
Tonight's ending caught me off guard. I've been waiting to see Carl kill someone by shooting them in the neck, not by giving a walker the motivation to free itself and kill someone else. Now we've got a guilty Carl, the gun's in the woods, and Dale will achieve his goal... in death.
My guess is the kid, who clearly escapes in the 2nd to last episode, is from the community led by The Governor. Wonder if Michonne will show up next week or for the finale. I hope, when she does, she's sporting the two jawless walkers on chain leashes. Some things from the comic need to remain.
yeah randall's gotta be from woodbury.
the dude from anthrax stole my ben linus joke. wtf?
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Mar 04, 2012, 11:28 PM
what would you have done choder? do you think the people he's rolling with are greater or less than 30people? very huge factor to where the story goes from here. can't believe they let ben linus escape AGAIN.
This might be a very lawyerly type answer, but I agree 100% with Dale. In fact, the whole time I'm telling Rick, "dude, you need some due process. there's no judge/jury, true, but that doesn't mean you can't make one".
Here's my take - any zombie story is essentially a discussion on what it means to be human. It's a different take than you see on Battlestar or in a movie like Blade Runner. But at some point survival comes down to something more than dead or alive or undead - it's what kind of survival you have. To just summarily kill that kid would make Carl's reality the only reality - a kill or be killed world. Rick doesn't want that for Carl and Rick (and Dale) believe there's something more to being human than just a mindless existence where all you do is react to survive. As Rick said, "you need to think more".
To tie in Battlestar and the War on Terror - at what point does your freedom/life mean anything if you're not willing to stand up for what you believe in? True, Rick and the gang aren't going around raping teenagers, but if they're all holding out for hope of a better future, the last thing they want to do is execute that hope, even if the hope might come back and shoot them dead in the end.
At a certain level, the zombies, the other gang, and the cylon threat become indistinguishable on more than one level.
My wife says they should have strung him up, and we both agree they should have left him for dead at the beginning.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 04, 2012, 11:28 PM
Tonight's ending caught me off guard. I've been waiting to see Carl kill someone by shooting them in the neck, not by giving a walker the motivation to free itself and kill someone else. Now we've got a guilty Carl, the gun's in the woods, and Dale will achieve his goal... in death.
My guess is the kid, who clearly escapes in the 2nd to last episode, is from the community led by The Governor. Wonder if Michonne will show up next week or for the finale. I hope, when she does, she's sporting the two jawless walkers on chain leashes. Some things from the comic need to remain.
I read that Dale walked off set in response to the original director getting the boot, so that's why that happened.
Also, in response to the Ben Linus angle, this is starting to represent the LOST dynamic now isn't it? You have a group of survivors isolated and exposed against a mysterious group supposedly out numbering and out-gunning you. There's a supernatural threat to both groups that no one is immune to. What do you do?
I've been thinking weird shit ever since dale died. his death in the comic, and the events that led up to it was so bitchin. he lost a fucking leg in the comic, then way later he gets bit by a walker and wanders into the forest at night to die but gets kidnapped by hunters/cannibals. he wakes up to them eating his leg. then he's all "TAinted MEAT baHAHA TAINTED MEAT!" like a psycho. it's awesome. hope the hunters show up at some point.
that said randall did know the entire greene family, not just maggie. he said he knew hershel too because of church and shit. the second Randall saw hershel they became at risk. for all we know those philly boys could have followed rick/glenn/hershel back to the farm and are staking it out. maybe that preview is misleading and randall didn't escape but was secretly rescued by his people?
30+people with weapons is and rape capabilities is nothing to fuck within in zombie world. it's hardcore and sad but they need to put the fucker down. they should have killed him at mert county.
Maybe, since Dale's gone early, the cannibal hunters can eat Shane's zombinfested leg. He's been kept alive past his due date.
I found it odd, unless I missed it, that none of the Greene family has stated they recognize or know Randall, even though he said he knew them. Seems like they could vouch for his character, but instead they remain mum, making me think he gave them a reason to not trust him before the shit hit the fan.
On another note, here's a video of the host of Talking Dead in full zombie make up courtesy of Greg Nicotero, who also directed last night's episode.
Zombie Chris Hardwick Welcomes You to the Nerdist Channel (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYuE3_OY-r4#ws)
for sure yac, Rick should have blown away Randall at Mert County and left Shane in the Bus. fuck those bitches.
nicotero is kind of a bad ass.
oh t-dogg:
Token Black T-Dog part 2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ueV5XhDtglo#ws)
fuck yes. that's what I'm talking about. killing off two major characters two episodes in a row. bam bitches. discuss.
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Mar 11, 2012, 10:02 PM
fuck yes. that's what I'm talking about. killing off two major characters two episodes in a row. bam bitches. discuss.
A cool way to achieve multiple results. Carl just got pubes; so did Rick. Lori is a bitch. Glen can resume getting laid. I think the farm is the prison from the comic. We may see Michonne here or a hint at The Governor. They also are about to face a huge and aggressive herd. It's gonna get messy! Will we lose one or two more main characters? Could be severe.
I love how kirkman reversed what happend in the comic. in the show rick kills living shane/carl kills dead shane in the comic it's the reverse carl kills living shane/rick kills dead shane. love that kirkman is that aware of how to tweak little things to make it new for even the comic book fans. it changes it but not enough to say it changes the mood or anything. maybe it does. who knows I'm drunk.
the dude I know who works on the show says there will be a prison. michonne is confirmed for season three and governor is already cast. dude said he's just now slowly getting information about locations and what will go down. he says its going to be fucking insane. I believe it. they'll have a way bigger budget next season. they rake in more viewers than mad men or breaking bad. it's nuts. they're set for atleast 5 or 6seasons.
I was really surprised Rick didn't stab or shoot Shane in the head. No surprise when Shane got up again; I assumed that was what Rick was waiting for. Guess not.
Its seems they're finding new ways to allow some of the same plot dynamics to occur in differenct ways. Carl needed to shoot someone soon to cross over, Rick needed to grow a pair, too.
I'm wondering if they'll end up abandoning the farm at the end of next week's episode, and come upon the prison. A perfect way to end the season, with a version of this from the comic:
yeah that would be awesome if they find the prison by the end. always pictured them busting in on dexter/axel/etc and then it cutting them being all "wtf?" and then cutting to black or something.
it's crazy how many people are having trouble grasping what went down with shane and randall and why they turned. the comic has made me an obsessive elitist dork.
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Mar 12, 2012, 11:36 PM
yeah that would be awesome if they find the prison by the end. always pictured them busting in on dexter/axel/etc and then it cutting them being all "wtf?" and then cutting to black or something.
it's crazy how many people are having trouble grasping what went down with shane and randall and why they turned. the comic has made me an obsessive elitist dork.
I'm glad you brought this up. I'm not 100% sure what to make of them turning either. I definitely didn't see them get bitten. Here are the 2 ideas I've been kicking around:
1) When Shane was on the bus he stabbed a walker in the head. Right after that he cuts his finger & smears it on the doorway. It's possible that Shane infected himself when he cuts his finger with the contaminated knife. I'm guessing the transformation was slower due to lack of infected saliva. In as far as Randall, his wrists had open wounds & Shane grabbed his wrists thus tranferring the infection due to Shane's open wound on his finger. Again, they didn't turn until they died due to a lack of saliva infection.
2) When the group was at the CDC in Atlanta, the head CDC dude whispered something in Rick's ear. i originally thought it was about Lori's pregnancy. I'm starting to think the CDC guy said that the virus is airborne. It doesn't instantly turn you. Only after you die does the virus turn you. So basically everyone is screwed. Perhaps the name of the show doesn't mean the walkers. Maybe it's about everyone being "The Walking Dead" due to the virus being aiborne & inescapable.
I haven't read the comics nor do I visit any of the message boards. I'm going with a more organic experience with this show as I like it better that way. Am I on to something? No spoilers please! :)
#2 is correct. the show is pretty much unpredictable at this point compared to the comic.
1.) Shane snaps Randalls neck.
2.) Daryl and Glenn find zombie Randall, Daryl confirms the the snap to the neck is what killed randall, not a bite or scratch.
3.) Shane was stabbed in the heart, thus leaving his brain intact like Randall.
so new basic rules:
if you die naturally = you turn
if you get bit = you turn
if you get your brains blown out before you die = you just die
at the CDC jenner does those blood tests in the beginning pretty sure jenner was testing to see if anybody wasn't infected. all his premium pure flesh got fried in the lab or whatever. his only hope for finding a cure was one of them not being infected and they all were. as far as we know. that's what I'm thinking at least. they explain it way more in the show than the comic. mini-comic-spoiler-sort-of: in the comic some random bitch kills herself and comes back and that's all that's ever really said about it.
Ahhh, I see now. Thanks, Sticky! I like scenerio #2 way better. That kicks the hopelessness factor up to 11. Basically everyone is fucked no matter what.
side question: If I remember correctly, one of the dudes in the bar that Rick shot was not hit in the head (the bigger dude). I suppose that means that guy is now a walker as well. I doubt it'll matter since I don't think they'll be going back to that bar but it is a loose end.
Quote from: peafunk31 on Mar 13, 2012, 11:19 AM
Ahhh, I see now. Thanks, Sticky! I like scenerio #2 way better. That kicks the hopelessness factor up to 11. Basically everyone is fucked no matter what.
side question: If I remember correctly, one of the dudes in the bar that Rick shot was not hit in the head (the bigger dude). I suppose that means that guy is now a walker as well. I doubt it'll matter since I don't think they'll be going back to that bar but it is a loose end.
The guys in the bar were both shot in the head, at least that's implied by the fact that Rick goes over to where the larger dude is down and plugs him again... I'm assuming in the noggin.
From the comic, the show, and the Rise of the Governor novel, its pretty clear the pathogen causing one to turn into a walker is airborne. It seems that anyone will turn when they die, regardless of the cause. I bite from a walker, however, appears to be lethal.
On that, however, I'm a little uncertain. Most walker attacks are lethal 'cause they tear you apart pretty good. However, in Season 1, one of the group gets bitten and asks to be left on the side of the road, presumably to die and turn. He was showing signs of illness and likely died, but we don't know for sure.
In the comic, someone bitten gets that limb amputated and appears to survive, at least for a while. So, perhaps, not all bites are lethal...
ah, yes, the good ol' on the fly amputations. thought they were going to do that to randall. comic spoiler that has no relation to the show: it'd be pretty nuts if they did something similar with what happened to allen in the comic. when allen gets bit in the leg rick freaks and chops it off. then hershel tries to tie off the arteries and shit with axel's hair and hershels all "it's no horse hair". haha. I bet they cauterize the fuck out some wounds.
A detective I work with came up with a hypothesis that the CDC doc told Rick everyone is infected based on the lack of visible wounds/points of infection on the most recent walkers, namely: Shane turned after only being stabbed with Rick's presumably clean knife, Randall's snapped neck, the two police they found at Mert County Works, the body they found hanging that turned, and Rick's insistence that they always take the brain out with a shot to the head (common Zombie knowledge, but doesn't Rick do that for anyone he shoots in the head?)
how long has the detective known for? haha. that shit has been by far the hardest secret to keep since this thread started.
he told me this morning. did i spoil something/is he right? he said he's never read the comics and doesn't have time for googling now with Skyrim and ME3 on his list.
The other detective that has read the comics was too busy ranting about carl having no supervision but everyone else had to go through military training.
Quote from: el_chode on Mar 13, 2012, 10:52 PM
he told me this morning. did i spoil something/is he right? he said he's never read the comics and doesn't have time for googling now with Skyrim and ME3 on his list.
The other detective that has read the comics was too busy ranting about carl having no supervision but everyone else had to go through military training.
fuck nah you didn't spoil it. did you watch it yet? haha. he's pretty much right. it's all about the brainz. they're all infected. it's an assumption that it's airborne for now. not sure if jenner got that specific with rick or not.
that nursing home is going to be crawling with zombies once those old people start dying. makes ya wonder if those dudes taking care of the old people knew already?
and tell that other detective to pay more attention. carl got gun training just like all the rest yo.
I was a big fan of the first season of The Walking Dead but the new one seems to be lower, at least in quality when compared to the first one. I mean, it still is good and all that, but it has lost a lot of impact and a lot of continuous great scenes, but that is something that you would expect really. It has been known that they would milk it like a cow when there is a good following built for it.
Quote from: artump on Mar 13, 2012, 11:12 PM
I was a big fan of the first season of The Walking Dead but the new one seems to be lower, at least in quality when compared to the first one. I mean, it still is good and all that, but it has lost a lot of impact and a lot of continuous great scenes, but that is something that you would expect really. It has been known that they would milk it like a cow when there is a good following built for it.
The consensus is that firing the director from the first season was suicide
Quote from: el_chode on Mar 13, 2012, 11:41 PM
Quote from: artump on Mar 13, 2012, 11:12 PM
I was a big fan of the first season of The Walking Dead but the new one seems to be lower, at least in quality when compared to the first one. I mean, it still is good and all that, but it has lost a lot of impact and a lot of continuous great scenes, but that is something that you would expect really. It has been known that they would milk it like a cow when there is a good following built for it.
The consensus is that firing the director from the first season was suicide
nah man, it's Frank Darabont who got f'd over or whatever by AMC. there is a few directors and they sort of get asigned different episodes. the one who did the dale episode is different than the person who did last nights. it has a lot to do with editing time and shit I guess.
Darabont leaving is why DeMunn (Dale) supposedly wanted to be written out of the show. but Frank will be in the credits until he dies. just your typical hollywood bullshit.
some of the special effects work: http://www.amctv.com/the-walking-dead/videos/visual-effects-breakdown-the-walking-dead (http://www.amctv.com/the-walking-dead/videos/visual-effects-breakdown-the-walking-dead)
this show will have no problem with money. it draws more viewers now than I think any other show to date. it's drawing such huge numbers that I saw a commercial on AMC with AMC trying to get walking dead fans to watch Mad Men. it's insane. the nerd market is the ultimate entertainment market to tap and they finally did it in the right way.
it got renewed for 16episodes next season which is the longest of any show in AMC history. since the governor has been cast it's safe to say he'll show up by at least the end of next season, plus michonne which is like a female daryl and kirkman, the comic creators, favorite character of the series. shits about to get legendary. and it will be some dark as fucking shit. my sources tell me during the pilot the writers couldn't stop talking about seasons 3 and 4 because they're going to be so insane. people need to accept that they're probably, most likely, staying the fuck out of atlanta. they're not completely idiots. t-dogg is my favz.
Darabont is who I meant but I couldn't remember his name so I went generic "director" haha
Why is T-dogg your fav and why the fuck has he been the silent token black guy all season? Though I guess if his writing was anything like Carol's it's a good thing because I want Carol and Andrea to just get killed already.
T-Dogg is fun to make fun of. deep down he's thugish ruggish.
I think I'm not going to watch next season. Other than brief glimpses of great, this show has been heavy average from the start. It comes down to bad writing. I love that they killed off Dale, but it really sucks that the weak complacent women somehow survive week after week. The plots surrounding Carl are brutal too. I really want to love this show.
Quote from: Jaimoe on Mar 15, 2012, 05:55 PM
I think I'm not going to watch next season. Other than brief glimpses of great, this show has been heavy average from the start. It comes down to bad writing. I love that they killed off Dale, but it really sucks that the weak complacent women somehow survive week after week. The plots surrounding Carl are brutal too. I really want to love this show.
you'll be back. especially after the finale. word is it's arguably the best of the series minus the pilot which was more of a movie made for tv than a regular episode.
all I'll say is it doesn't really get sweet until like issues 20-27ish in the comic and by next season that's exactly where I think it's going to start up. you'll get your strong females, at least a couple. mostly women just get raped and do laundry in the comic tho so we'll see.
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Mar 15, 2012, 06:26 PM
Quote from: Jaimoe on Mar 15, 2012, 05:55 PM
I think I'm not going to watch next season. Other than brief glimpses of great, this show has been heavy average from the start. It comes down to bad writing. I love that they killed off Dale, but it really sucks that the weak complacent women somehow survive week after week. The plots surrounding Carl are brutal too. I really want to love this show.
you'll be back. especially after the finale. word is it's arguably the best of the series minus the pilot which was more of a movie made for tv than a regular episode.
all I'll say is it doesn't really get sweet until like issues 20-27ish in the comic and by next season that's exactly where I think it's going to start up. you'll get your strong females, at least a couple. mostly women just get raped and do laundry in the comic tho so we'll see.
Do you agree with me in my some of my criticisms? Man, Shane's end was badly done, the predictable part with Carl pulling the trigger. And why did he turn? Did I miss something such as a bite? I hope you are right about your predictions.
Quote from: Jaimoe on Mar 15, 2012, 06:29 PM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Mar 15, 2012, 06:26 PM
Quote from: Jaimoe on Mar 15, 2012, 05:55 PM
I think I'm not going to watch next season. Other than brief glimpses of great, this show has been heavy average from the start. It comes down to bad writing. I love that they killed off Dale, but it really sucks that the weak complacent women somehow survive week after week. The plots surrounding Carl are brutal too. I really want to love this show.
you'll be back. especially after the finale. word is it's arguably the best of the series minus the pilot which was more of a movie made for tv than a regular episode.
all I'll say is it doesn't really get sweet until like issues 20-27ish in the comic and by next season that's exactly where I think it's going to start up. you'll get your strong females, at least a couple. mostly women just get raped and do laundry in the comic tho so we'll see.
Do you agree with me in my some of my criticisms? Man, Shane's end was badly done, the predictable part with Carl pulling the trigger. And why did he turn? Did I miss something such as a bite? I hope you are right about your predictions.
some of it I do for sure. laurie holder (sp?) aka andrea is the worst. her face has no emotion because of all the plastic surgery. she doesn't really have any emotional range.
Carl's getting better. the scene with Randall in the shed was solid. but yeah, some of his scenes are lame. overall tho I think he'll pay off. they've got acting coaches and shit on set for the kid i guess. he's just a normal kid from the area around where they were shooting or something. very lucky he is. thought it was stupid carl didn't say anything to rick when he was pointing the gun, but other than that it was alright.
i've hated shane since season one. that's when he should have died. at the camp site outside of atlanta. then there would have been almost zero of the lame ass soap opera love triangle shit. I thought the setting for that scene at the end with the fog was perfect tho. visually I think the shows stunning.
the flaw was the random episodes in the beginning of season 2. the search for sophia saga was tiresome but killing her off was a good idea. the episode where carl gets shot and the entire episode is pretty much just rick running thru the field was the low point. but the second half of this season is heading in a good direction. Shane's dead, Dale the voice of reason is dead, sophia, carl's only peer that holds him to reality is dead. it's a downward spiral type of story. would not be surprised if they killed off and simultaneously introduced new characters in the next episode. all that Governor shit is going to blow minds.
this season was about rick becoming a leader and a false sense of security. I think they accomplished those goals. perfectly? no. but after watching old zombie movies, these guys are doing amazing stuff right now.
shane didn't get bit or scratched. everyone is infected. when you die you turn, when you get bit you turn. game changer yo.
Quote from: Jaimoe on Mar 15, 2012, 06:29 PM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Mar 15, 2012, 06:26 PM
Quote from: Jaimoe on Mar 15, 2012, 05:55 PM
I think I'm not going to watch next season. Other than brief glimpses of great, this show has been heavy average from the start. It comes down to bad writing. I love that they killed off Dale, but it really sucks that the weak complacent women somehow survive week after week. The plots surrounding Carl are brutal too. I really want to love this show.
you'll be back. especially after the finale. word is it's arguably the best of the series minus the pilot which was more of a movie made for tv than a regular episode.
all I'll say is it doesn't really get sweet until like issues 20-27ish in the comic and by next season that's exactly where I think it's going to start up. you'll get your strong females, at least a couple. mostly women just get raped and do laundry in the comic tho so we'll see.
Do you agree with me in my some of my criticisms? Man, Shane's end was badly done, the predictable part with Carl pulling the trigger. And why did he turn? Did I miss something such as a bite? I hope you are right about your predictions.
Check back 1 page in this thread, Jaimoe. I had a few questions which Sticky answers without giving anything away (especially since the comics & TV series are so different). I have high hopes for this series & I absolutely agree that it's moving in the right direction. I have a strong feeling that shit's about to get crazy. The voice of reason (Dale) is gone & Rick is in a weird place. His humanity is diminishing especially since Carl witnessed some cold blooded murder at the expense of Shane. The incoming horde, Hershel's new line of thought & the badassary that is Daryl are adding up to some zombie stomping of incredible proportions. Keep the faith yo
Quote from: Jaimoe on Mar 15, 2012, 06:29 PM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Mar 15, 2012, 06:26 PM
Quote from: Jaimoe on Mar 15, 2012, 05:55 PM
I think I'm not going to watch next season. Other than brief glimpses of great, this show has been heavy average from the start. It comes down to bad writing. I love that they killed off Dale, but it really sucks that the weak complacent women somehow survive week after week. The plots surrounding Carl are brutal too. I really want to love this show.
you'll be back. especially after the finale. word is it's arguably the best of the series minus the pilot which was more of a movie made for tv than a regular episode.
all I'll say is it doesn't really get sweet until like issues 20-27ish in the comic and by next season that's exactly where I think it's going to start up. you'll get your strong females, at least a couple. mostly women just get raped and do laundry in the comic tho so we'll see.
Do you agree with me in my some of my criticisms? Man, Shane's end was badly done, the predictable part with Carl pulling the trigger. And why did he turn? Did I miss something such as a bite? I hope you are right about your predictions.
I agree 100%. The show saved itself just enough to make me look forward to next season, esp because of all I've heard of the two major new characters that are due to be introduced (and I think they've learned their lessons on how not to handle a season)
keep in mind the most important part about this show is Kirkman and he's in it to fucking win it. he's loving this shit. does interviews all the time, has two more novels on the way, etc. good things to come.
Holly crap. The Governor is a twisted character. Stayed up until midnight reading issues 28 - 34. Then could not sleep after. I'm 39 and was freaked out by a comic :)
I am hoping for prison and governor for next season.
Quote from: Ob1jacobe on Mar 17, 2012, 11:24 AM
Holly crap. The Governor is a twisted character. Stayed up until midnight reading issues 28 - 34. Then could not sleep after. I'm 39 and was freaked out by a comic :)
I am hoping for prison and governor for next season.
you'll probably feel like crying by #50. enjoy, it's a really fun read/experience.
Just finished Rise of the Governor in audiobook form. It took the long drive to Boston last night for New Multitudes to finally finish it. I thought the reader did a good job giving voice to the characters. Probably down low on the literary quality spectrum, but a nice add to the WD universe. Now, onto the season finale. I predict we'll lose at least one of Hershel's family, and maybe another major character like T-Dogg.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 17, 2012, 05:23 PM
Just finished Rise of the Governor in audiobook form. It took the long drive to Boston last night for New Multitudes to finally finish it. I thought the reader did a good job giving voice to the characters. Probably down low on the literary quality spectrum, but a nice add to the WD universe. Now, onto the season finale. I predict we'll lose at least one of Hershel's family, and maybe another major character like T-Dogg.
I'm scared for glenn. he's out in the woods with daryl and the herd.
so fucking bitchin tonight. let the deniers feast on it.
"hi, I'm carol, I'm not going to contribute to our society in any way, shape, or form, and instead I will just create problems, second guess our leadership, and back seat drive every move the leaders make in a passive aggressive way"
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Mar 18, 2012, 10:06 PM
so fucking bitchin tonight. let the deniers feast on it.
As to not spoil anything, that scene with Andrea was so bad-ass and looked like a still shot of a comic book. I'm softening on her for surviving after hating on her for so long.
I want Carol dead. I'm tired of Laurie and her piss-poor attitude, especially when it comes to raising the child she obsesses over so much she can't keep track of him. Who the fuck does she think she is to get pissed at Rick?
yeah everybody knows carols batshit crazy but they're all nice to her anyway. fucking enablers. for now. who knows what will happen.
Current Survivor List:
Rick Grimes ---- Alive
Shane Walsh ---- Dead
Lori Grimes ---- Alive/Prego
Andrea ---- Alive
Dale Horvath ---- Dead
Glenn ---- Alive
Carl Grimes ---- Alive
Daryl Dixon ---- Alive
Carol Peletier ---- Alive
Theodore "T-Dog" Douglas ---- Alive
Sophia Peletier ---- Dead
Merle Dixon ---- Unknown
Amy ---- Dead
Jacqui ---- Dead
Jim ---- Dead
Morales ---- Unknown
Ed Peletier ---- Dead
Dr. Edwin Jenner ---- Dead
Hershel Greene ---- Alive
Maggie Greene ---- Alive
Beth Greene ---- Alive
Otis ---- Dead
Patricia ---- Dead
Jimmy ---- Dead
Morgan ---- Unknown
Duane ---- Unknown
Tony ---- Dead
Dave ---- Dead
Randall ---- Dead
Michonne ---- Alive
Characters Announced to make appearence in Season 3:
The Governor
Quote from: el_chode on Mar 18, 2012, 10:54 PM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Mar 18, 2012, 10:06 PM
so fucking bitchin tonight. let the deniers feast on it.
As to not spoil anything, that scene with Andrea was so bad-ass and looked like a still shot of a comic book. I'm softening on her for surviving after hating on her for so long.
I want Carol dead. I'm tired of Laurie and her piss-poor attitude, especially when it comes to raising the child she obsesses over so much she can't keep track of him. Who the fuck does she think she is to get pissed at Rick?
Andrea is the only woman that is worth two shits on the show. I kinda like Maggie, but Andrea is the only female that contributes to the group. Who would do the laundry if the women died though?
I looked back at some of my specualtion and feel fairly satisfied with being right some of the time and surprised just as often. I love the intro to Michonne... armless, jawless walkers on chain leashes. Cloak and hood, sword sharp and messy. And the prison, just "over the river and through the woods." Lori sucks ass, Carol is pretty useless, T-Dogg needs to step up or become walker food. Rick is a bigger prick in the show than he is in the comic, but seems to have earned leadership for now. I wonder how many prisoners will greet them next October. Good shit.
Quote from: ophidiophobia on Mar 18, 2012, 11:13 PM
Quote from: el_chode on Mar 18, 2012, 10:54 PM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Mar 18, 2012, 10:06 PM
so fucking bitchin tonight. let the deniers feast on it.
As to not spoil anything, that scene with Andrea was so bad-ass and looked like a still shot of a comic book. I'm softening on her for surviving after hating on her for so long.
I want Carol dead. I'm tired of Laurie and her piss-poor attitude, especially when it comes to raising the child she obsesses over so much she can't keep track of him. Who the fuck does she think she is to get pissed at Rick?
Andrea is the only woman that is worth two shits on the show. I kinda like Maggie, but Andrea is the only female that contributes to the group. Who would do the laundry if the women died though?
Most of Andrea's contributions were one step forward, two steps back. The women were resigned to laundry and kitchen work, then fine. But then do that and stay out of the way. Otherwise, be decisive, don't act on pure emotion, and just work with the group, not against it.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 18, 2012, 11:21 PM
I looked back at some of my specualtion and feel fairly satisfied with being right some of the time and surprised just as often. I love the intro to Michonne... armless, jawless walkers on chain leashes. Cloak and hood, sword sharp and messy. And the prison, just "over the river and through the woods." Lori sucks ass, Carol is pretty useless, T-Dogg needs to step up or become walker food. Rick is a bigger prick in the show than he is in the comic, but seems to have earned leadership for now. I wonder how many prisoners will greet them next October. Good shit.
That's what that was? I'm assuming it's the Governor's realm? It was too dark on my TV to make out much aside from a large walled structure.
And Merle is confirmed to come back next season? I hope they work in a stink palm joke.
Quote from: el_chode on Mar 18, 2012, 11:23 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 18, 2012, 11:21 PM
I looked back at some of my specualtion and feel fairly satisfied with being right some of the time and surprised just as often. I love the intro to Michonne... armless, jawless walkers on chain leashes. Cloak and hood, sword sharp and messy. And the prison, just "over the river and through the woods." Lori sucks ass, Carol is pretty useless, T-Dogg needs to step up or become walker food. Rick is a bigger prick in the show than he is in the comic, but seems to have earned leadership for now. I wonder how many prisoners will greet them next October. Good shit.
That's what that was? I'm assuming it's the Governor's realm? It was too dark on my TV to make out much aside from a large walled structure.
And Merle is confirmed to come back next season? I hope they work in a stink palm joke.
I bet Merle will be working security for The Governor. Daryl's gonna have to make a decision. Oooh yeah!
Love it!
Quote from: el_chode on Mar 18, 2012, 11:23 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 18, 2012, 11:21 PM
I looked back at some of my specualtion and feel fairly satisfied with being right some of the time and surprised just as often. I love the intro to Michonne... armless, jawless walkers on chain leashes. Cloak and hood, sword sharp and messy. And the prison, just "over the river and through the woods." Lori sucks ass, Carol is pretty useless, T-Dogg needs to step up or become walker food. Rick is a bigger prick in the show than he is in the comic, but seems to have earned leadership for now. I wonder how many prisoners will greet them next October. Good shit.
That's what that was? I'm assuming it's the Governor's realm? It was too dark on my TV to make out much aside from a large walled structure.
And Merle is confirmed to come back next season? I hope they work in a stink palm joke.
muahah, nah dude, the prison is it's own beast. it has it's own characters,etc. the governor resides in "woodbury". the prison is where most of the comic takes place. at least a quarter or more of it.
then again I guess I could see the governor being at the prison... hmm. should be interesting.
so glad they didn't cast tara as michonne:
http://blog.newsok.com/nerdage/2012/03/18/the-walking-dead-casts-danai-gurira-as-michonne/ (http://blog.newsok.com/nerdage/2012/03/18/the-walking-dead-casts-danai-gurira-as-michonne/)
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 18, 2012, 11:40 PM
Love it!
fucking on point son.
Great finale, and finally they are off the damned farm.
I loved Hershel's line about the resurrection.
The first thing out of Lori's mouth when they were reconnoitering was "Shane?" Then she's mad at Rick for justifiably killing him when only a few days earlier she'd tried to emotionally manipulate him into doing just that? That woman is a piece of work. I will be jumping up and down and cheering if Lori becomes zombie chow.
I agree that Carol is a waste of skin, but I am glad they're letting Andrea rise to the level of badass. I don't think it should be a case of they should do women's work and stay out of the way, or fight alongside the men. They're doing either or both, according to character. Um, just like real women?
But yeah, I've always thought overall the women were portrayed as too passive, manipulative and fumbling to be anything more than a liability. Let's hope Michonne finally changes that dynamic.
I think I jumped 15 feet in the air when that last scene panned up and showed the prison. I was still recovering from seeing that scene with Michonne. Season 3 is going to be unreal. I don't know why my mind went there but as soon as they showed the prison I said damn there goes Ricks hand. Best episode of the season. October hurry up!
Quote from: Devil Ledbetter on Mar 19, 2012, 11:14 AM
Great finale, and finally they are off the damned farm.
I loved Hershel's line about the resurrection.
The first thing out of Lori's mouth when they were reconnoitering was "Shane?" Then she's mad at Rick for justifiably killing him when only a few days earlier she'd tried to emotionally manipulate him into doing just that? That woman is a piece of work. I will be jumping up and down and cheering if Lori becomes zombie chow.
I agree that Carol is a waste of skin, but I am glad they're letting Andrea rise to the level of badass. I don't think it should be a case of they should do women's work and stay out of the way, or fight alongside the men. They're doing either or both, according to character. Um, just like real women?
But yeah, I've always thought overall the women were portrayed as too passive, manipulative and fumbling to be anything more than a liability. Let's hope Michonne finally changes that dynamic.
I'm a firm believer in that any good sci-fi/horror-type story has a bad-ass female hero lead in some capacity. If you want to cast your women as weak, manipulative, and only out to ruin things for the men, make yourself a Mafia production.
My wife thinks that Laurie plotted with Shane to take out Rick.
Quote from: el_chode on Mar 19, 2012, 12:53 PM
My wife thinks that Laurie plotted with Shane to take out Rick.
Oh, wow. That's a mind-blowing angle.
Quote from: el_chode on Mar 18, 2012, 11:23 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 18, 2012, 11:21 PM
I looked back at some of my specualtion and feel fairly satisfied with being right some of the time and surprised just as often. I love the intro to Michonne... armless, jawless walkers on chain leashes. Cloak and hood, sword sharp and messy. And the prison, just "over the river and through the woods." Lori sucks ass, Carol is pretty useless, T-Dogg needs to step up or become walker food. Rick is a bigger prick in the show than he is in the comic, but seems to have earned leadership for now. I wonder how many prisoners will greet them next October. Good shit.
That's what that was? I'm assuming it's the Governor's realm? It was too dark on my TV to make out much aside from a large walled structure.
And Merle is confirmed to come back next season? I hope they work in a stink palm joke.
Here's a good view of the last scene. Click to enlarge and pan.
Quote from: Eweezy on Mar 19, 2012, 11:34 AM
I think I jumped 15 feet in the air when that last scene panned up and showed the prison. I was still recovering from seeing that scene with Michonne. Season 3 is going to be unreal. I don't know why my mind went there but as soon as they showed the prison I said damn there goes Ricks hand. Best episode of the season. October hurry up!
not sure if this is considered a spoiler or not, but kirkman said he's not doing that in the show. we'll see tho, hershel was suppose to die last night according to kirkman and the director. glad he didn't, hershel is one of the best actors on the show at this point if you ask me.
I'm interested in seeing how they throw merle back into the mix. they said he's for sure going to be in season 3 and has lost like 20pounds for the role. they start shooting in may I think but the set/construction shit is already underway.
broke more records last night: http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/walking-dead-season-2-finale-ratings-301516?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+thr%2Fnews+%28The+Hollywood+Reporter+-+Top+Stories%29 (http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/walking-dead-season-2-finale-ratings-301516?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+thr%2Fnews+%28The+Hollywood+Reporter+-+Top+Stories%29)
AMC Canada fucked up royally last night. They started the first airing of the finale 30 minutes late due to lead-in programming running long and didn't notify customers and cable carriers such as Bell and Rogers (the menus weren't updated), so those that set their DVRs, such as me, missed the first 30 minutes. It'll air again later in the week and on demand hopefully tomorrow, but sucks for me since I was ready to watch it tonight. Oh well, at least I can watch the Bruins pound the Leafs tonight instead.
Quote from: Jaimoe on Mar 19, 2012, 07:06 PM
AMC Canada fucked up royally last night. They started the first airing of the finale 30 minutes late due to lead-in programming running long and didn't notify customers and cable carriers such as Bell and Rogers (the menus weren't updated), so those that set their DVRs, such as me, missed the first 30 minutes. It'll air again later in the week and on demand hopefully tomorrow, but sucks for me since I was ready to watch it tonight. Oh well, at least I can watch the Bruins pound the Leafs tonight instead.
not sure if these links work but it might be worth giving a shot: http://www.rlslog.net/the-walking-dead-s02e13-720p-hdtv-x264-immerse/ (http://www.rlslog.net/the-walking-dead-s02e13-720p-hdtv-x264-immerse/)
from sicklecell over at PT:
in case anyone's interested, here's a mediafire link to "Michonne's Story" it appears in this month's Playboy...
http://www.mediafire.com/?dt9q3gd2j17xll8 (http://www.mediafire.com/?dt9q3gd2j17xll8)
(haven't read it yet but I'm pretty sure it's michonne's origin story or something).
Turns out the show recorded ok. It was pretty good. Nice set-up for next season. A couple of things bothered me, of course, but it didn't ruin the experience too much: Hershel's endless rounds from a 5-round automatic shotgun and the pointless deaths of his Star Trek "red shirt" family members that nobody cares about, or even knows.
Quote from: Jaimoe on Mar 20, 2012, 08:47 AM
Turns out the show recorded ok. It was pretty good. Nice set-up for next season. A couple of things bothered me, of course, but it didn't ruin the experience too much: Hershel's endless rounds from a 5-round automatic shotgun and the pointless deaths of his Star Trek "red shirt" family members that nobody cares about, or even knows.
I counted like 30 shots before he started to reload.
so I'm up to issue 51 on comics. So to all of you that have read, does it pick up from here? Just had round two with the governor and man is it dark.
Quote from: Ob1jacobe on Mar 20, 2012, 10:33 AM
Quote from: Jaimoe on Mar 20, 2012, 08:47 AM
Turns out the show recorded ok. It was pretty good. Nice set-up for next season. A couple of things bothered me, of course, but it didn't ruin the experience too much: Hershel's endless rounds from a 5-round automatic shotgun and the pointless deaths of his Star Trek "red shirt" family members that nobody cares about, or even knows.
I counted like 30 shots before he started to reload.
so I'm up to issue 51 on comics. So to all of you that have read, does it pick up from here? Just had round two with the governor and man is it dark.
yes. it's different than the first half tho. struggling with the losses aren't ya? those first few are rough after 51. things get sweet again tho.
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Mar 19, 2012, 09:40 PM
from sicklecell over at PT:
in case anyone's interested, here's a mediafire link to "Michonne's Story" it appears in this month's Playboy...
http://www.mediafire.com/?dt9q3gd2j17xll8 (http://www.mediafire.com/?dt9q3gd2j17xll8)
(haven't read it yet but I'm pretty sure it's michonne's origin story or something).
Definitely read it. Its only 6 pages, but gives a brief sense of who Michonne was, where she got her swords (though she does explain that briefly in the comic), but most interestingly... who the two walkers are she's got on a leash. They ain't strangers! Love it!
Quote from: Jaimoe on Mar 20, 2012, 08:47 AM
Turns out the show recorded ok. It was pretty good. Nice set-up for next season. A couple of things bothered me, of course, but it didn't ruin the experience too much: Hershel's endless rounds from a 5-round automatic shotgun and the pointless deaths of his Star Trek "red shirt" family members that nobody cares about, or even knows.
I found the whole standoff on the farm a bit ridiculous. I really don't think Glen, Andrea, Jimmy, Daryl, T-Dogg or any of the others could expect to get many good shots from moving vehicles at high speed across bumpy terrain. As far as Hershel never reloading, unless it was a continuous shot of him firing more rounds than the gun allows, I chalk it up to being akin to never showing a character use the bathroom. You know they do, even if they don't show it, so we assume Hershel reloades at each edit or commercial break. I'd already predicted we'd lose Jimmy and which ever daughter of Hershel's we lost (Peggy?). Thought we'd lose one major character, too, to avoid the Star Trek, red shirt comparisons, but no such luck. My vote? Lori. Carol is pretty useless, but I'm interested to see what they do with her character at the prison.
Quote from: Jaimoe on Mar 20, 2012, 08:47 AM
Turns out the show recorded ok. It was pretty good. Nice set-up for next season. A couple of things bothered me, of course, but it didn't ruin the experience too much: Hershel's endless rounds from a 5-round automatic shotgun and the pointless deaths of his Star Trek "red shirt" family members that nobody cares about, or even knows.
That bothered me as well, but I was willing to let it slide as a McGuffin
word is that shotgun can fire 8rounds. i think the sound fx person messed up when it pans to the porch. he is seen reloading quite few times. they show glenn miss a couple times too. perfect? no. awesome? fuck yes.
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Mar 19, 2012, 06:51 PM
Quote from: Eweezy on Mar 19, 2012, 11:34 AM
I think I jumped 15 feet in the air when that last scene panned up and showed the prison. I was still recovering from seeing that scene with Michonne. Season 3 is going to be unreal. I don't know why my mind went there but as soon as they showed the prison I said damn there goes Ricks hand. Best episode of the season. October hurry up!
not sure if this is considered a spoiler or not, but kirkman said he's not doing that in the show. we'll see tho, hershel was suppose to die last night according to kirkman and the director. glad he didn't, hershel is one of the best actors on the show at this point if you ask me.
I'm interested in seeing how they throw merle back into the mix. they said he's for sure going to be in season 3 and has lost like 20pounds for the role. they start shooting in may I think but the set/construction shit is already underway.
Nah not a spoiler just really loved that scene in the comic. What about the prison uniforms? They gotta be rockin those, right? Any thoughts on how the show is gonna intertwine Daryl and Michonne since they are both kinda loner bad-asses. Sorry folks, I know I am the minority on this one but I miss Shane...that dude was a great actor and will be missed in the show.
yeah me too. the missing limbs stuff to me was some of the coolest parts of the comics. different people having to manage in different ways. who knows maybe rick will lose it and then when he meets up merle they can rub nubs.
I hope merle becomes a good guy. hopefully daryl still has his hand, it's the only way merle will believe they went back for him. or perhaps if shits not to daryl's liking, him, merle, and t-dogg will overthrow rick? so many wild card factors now. all i know is I hope Axel is still in the prison thing. Hershel is to the farm what Axel is to the Prison. haven't even been able to factor in the michonne shit mentally yet because it's so insane and bad ass. she's going to suck t-dogg's dick for sure. if not she'll suck daryl's dick and make carol jealous or something. either way michonne will be gobbling some cock seasons 3 and 4.
there are so many cool side characters that hopefully will be introduced. Alice, Martinez, Dexter, so many more. plus, new shit. that michonne backstory from the recent issue of playboy felt like kirkman talking to his audience. since he wrote that stuff like 8years or 9years ago he's trying to remember how it started. I'm wasted and rambling, love comic/show so fucking much.
This is pretty funny and fairly accurate:
http://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/the-best-memes-from-the-walking-dead-season-two (http://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/the-best-memes-from-the-walking-dead-season-two)
Quote from: Jaimoe on Mar 23, 2012, 12:41 AM
This is pretty funny and fairly accurate:
http://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/the-best-memes-from-the-walking-dead-season-two (http://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/the-best-memes-from-the-walking-dead-season-two)
the Jim/Lori one is really funny.
over at PT there's a running joke that all T-dogg cares about is gatorade. specifically G2, as seen in this photo of T-Dogg quenching a mighty big thirst:
thus leading to hilarious memes such as:
http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3ofh07/ (http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3ofh07/)
so to answer the question of why I love t-dogg so much, it's mostly because of his thirst for G2. "FIND ME SOME DRiNK DALE!!"
here's a japanese anime zombie show:
Highschool of the Dead:
Episode 1: http://www.sendspace.com/file/kon7re (http://www.sendspace.com/file/kon7re)
Episode 2: http://www.sendspace.com/file/9816v6 (http://www.sendspace.com/file/9816v6)
Episode 3: http://www.sendspace.com/file/6ghwav (http://www.sendspace.com/file/6ghwav)
Episode 4: http://www.sendspace.com/file/dz3ot6 (http://www.sendspace.com/file/dz3ot6)
Episode 5: http://www.sendspace.com/file/fm3ioy (http://www.sendspace.com/file/fm3ioy)
Episode 6: http://www.sendspace.com/file/zqw0ow (http://www.sendspace.com/file/zqw0ow)
Episode 7: http://www.sendspace.com/file/be343x (http://www.sendspace.com/file/be343x)
Episode 8: http://www.sendspace.com/file/35xyeb (http://www.sendspace.com/file/35xyeb)
Episode 9: http://www.sendspace.com/file/nx5hsi (http://www.sendspace.com/file/nx5hsi)
Episode 10: http://www.sendspace.com/file/j8a0r0 (http://www.sendspace.com/file/j8a0r0)
Episode 11: http://www.sendspace.com/file/q0pgug (http://www.sendspace.com/file/q0pgug)
Episode 12: http://www.sendspace.com/file/rcws15 (http://www.sendspace.com/file/rcws15)
Episode 13: http://www.sendspace.com/file/z1vwa7 (http://www.sendspace.com/file/z1vwa7)
it's pretty ridiculous and hilarious. they love animating huge titties. it's kind of perverted.
my favorite t-dogg pic of all time:
#95: http://www.mediafire.com/?6evcie11i9zp9zi (http://www.mediafire.com/?6evcie11i9zp9zi)
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Mar 28, 2012, 06:02 PM
#95: http://www.mediafire.com/?6evcie11i9zp9zi (http://www.mediafire.com/?6evcie11i9zp9zi)
Thanks, Sticky! I bought the last two issues for an iPhone app, which is pretty cool reader/viewer, but can't NOT download these. I figure $6 spent on 95 issues is a bargain. :thumbsup:
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 28, 2012, 06:09 PM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Mar 28, 2012, 06:02 PM
#95: http://www.mediafire.com/?6evcie11i9zp9zi (http://www.mediafire.com/?6evcie11i9zp9zi)
Thanks, Sticky! I bought the last two issues for an iPhone app, which is pretty cool reader/viewer, but can't NOT download these. I figure $6 spent on 95 issues is a bargain. :thumbsup:
thought issue 95 was one of the best in a while. they've been setting shit up for awhile, finally feels like they actually have something big on the way again. poor rick, going all crazy and shit. what a bad ass character.
t-dogg is the man: http://www.ironesingleton.com/SpecialEvents.html (http://www.ironesingleton.com/SpecialEvents.html)
issue #96: http://www.sendspace.com/file/ztjcff (http://www.sendspace.com/file/ztjcff)
http://www.amctv.com/the-walking-dead/videos/on-air-trailer-keep-this-group-safe-the-walking-dead (http://www.amctv.com/the-walking-dead/videos/on-air-trailer-keep-this-group-safe-the-walking-dead)
#102: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?88bcpb4vc1mccez (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?88bcpb4vc1mccez)
www.mediafire.com/ptwalkingdead (http://www.mediafire.com/ptwalkingdead)
#1-102 + Michonne Origin Story
yo yac want episode one of the game? http://www.mediafire.com/?impf1d3d4c3ma (http://www.mediafire.com/?impf1d3d4c3ma) if there's a place to upload bigger files i can get ya the other 2 episodes I have.
this new character "Milton" already has me intrigued: http://insidetv.ew.com/2012/08/21/the-walking-dead-dallas-roberts-milton/ (http://insidetv.ew.com/2012/08/21/the-walking-dead-dallas-roberts-milton/)
Some photos from the season 3 premier episode, October 14th.
and a nice teaser
http://www.amctv.com/the-walking-dead/videos/the-cast-on-season-3-inside-the-walking-dead (http://www.amctv.com/the-walking-dead/videos/the-cast-on-season-3-inside-the-walking-dead)
I bout of the flu gave me time to run thru more than half of season 2, just as a refresher. Man, a lot of good stuff. Choked up again when Sophia emerged. 10 days to Season 3!
so who dies this season other than beth? she's kind of a given.
I'm really stumped to be honest. I think t-doggs going down late s3 and daryl will be dead by mid-season. hershel next season or the finale. wish they'd toast andrea but I doubt they will. lori needs to have baby still so she'll be around. carol is another heavy contender for death, imo. should be interesting. first time since I've read the comics that I have no real idea what's going to happen other than it's going to be majorly fucked up.
mere hours away.
so pumped.
I need some crazy ass zombie mayhem.
god bless america.
Just watched it, pretty awesome.
I knew they were going to run into some live prisoners (I don't know anything about what's going to happen, don't try to find out, haven't read the comix), it just makes for a perfect dramatic situation. So many things could happen from this point with that, but don't see anything good coming from trying to deal with convicts, Rick is a bad-ass, but those guys (assuming there's at least ten from what we saw) are going to be a big problem. The women? Shit, before that even comes to pass they have to get out of the situation, plus I am gonna be bummed if they lose Herschel, which it looks like they might.
Previews looked like a lot about some new place Andrea(?) and the dread lock chick are going, and the people they will interact with, which should be interesting as well. Looked like that will be the focus of the next episode, but they can't leave us hanging with the main group at the prison and I can't wait to see how that resolves itself.
Like I said, don't tell me anything if you know what's going to happen, I haven't read through this thread and don't plan to...
Does anyone catch Talking Dead after each episode? I've found it entertaining and we usually get a good scene from the next episode, as we did last night. Not a spoiler, exist10z, but in the comic, Dale is still alive and ends up getting bit in the leg, then amputated. As Kirkland said, he wanted to change some of the original story so that fans of the comic wouldn't know what was going to happen. I HIGHLY recommend you take advantage of the links Sticky has put up and check out the comic.
Any word on the Governor still having his daughter around (or niece, if you've read Rise of the Governor)?
'The Walking Dead' Return Draws 10.9 Million, Sets More Basic Cable Ratings Records, Tops All Broadcast Series In 18-49
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Quote from: johnnYYac on Oct 15, 2012, 11:13 AM
Does anyone catch Talking Dead after each episode? I've found it entertaining and we usually get a good scene from the next episode, as we did last night. Not a spoiler, exist10z, but in the comic, Dale is still alive and ends up getting bit in the leg, then amputated. As Kirkland said, he wanted to change some of the original story so that fans of the comic wouldn't know what was going to happen. I HIGHLY recommend you take advantage of the links Sticky has put up and check out the comic.
Any word on the Governor still having his daughter around (or niece, if you've read Rise of the Governor)?
yeah I watched a little of it. hearing from mazarra is always cool. dudes smart as fuck. nicotaro is a bad ass two. I probably just botched spelling of their last names.
Axel is confirmed as the dude with the mustache and beard. he's younger than in the comic my sources say. it also looked like Dexter might have been there do holding that pipe. we shall see.
it will be interesting to see if they go the allen route with hershels leg or the dale route. that shit was gruesome when rick was hacking it off.
everybody is so fucking tight lipped about this season. there was some douchebag who leaked a couple scripts last year about the barn and sophia so this year I guess they're making sure to keep it on lock as best they can.
I think beth and carl will bone for sure. and I agree with exist, it's about to get rapey as fuck up in there. I can't remember the other prisons names from the comic it feels like years ago.
the governor/woodbury is in a earlier stage than in the books according to articles and interviews. closer to when the governor finally became the governor. how boy said this week was just the start of some seriously insane shit.
I think there were more zombie kills in that one episode than all the other episodes combined almost.
really dig how it's 7months from where we last left them. now they're all survivors and shit. shits about to get dark as fuck.
Wha! Beth and CARL! Kid's like 12 sticky. I don't know about the comics, but even on cable I don't think they're gonna have a kid banging an adult chick, that's taboo. Shit, it's not like she's his teacher or anything :rolleyes:
Yeah, those convicts are gonna be trouble, not sure what I would do in that situation. I like to think of myself as a humanist, and obviously I think the criminal justice system is utter shit, but it would cross my mind to just waste em' all, tough to take any chances in a survival situation. How're you gonna know which ones are decent guys who could be helpful and which are psychopaths? Not acting like psychopaths (when beneficial) and conning to get over is the thing in prison, these guys are professional game players and hardened alpha-males, your survival worst enemies. Who knows, maybe they're all in for pot...
I can't wait for next week to see how it starts playing out though...
in the comic carol bones jimmy. dale bones andrea and they were one of the most important "couples" of the comic. andrea is way younger in the comic too. that's always been one of my favorite parts, these weird ass relationships form that never ever would happen were there not a zombie apocalypse.
the comic is completely fucked up and apparently they've shot stuff for this season that blows the comic away.
it's really amazing they built an actual prison for this. i think it's a better set design/layout than what they had for Game of Thrones last season. some of the shots are feel like they're straight out of the comic this season. it's amazing. reminds me a lot of the darkness of the hospital in the pilot episode. that kind of scary.
kirkman said there's going to be entire parts of the prison shut off to the survivors. parts they'll never be able to get to. the prison and what happens there is a huge metaphor for the entire show. the best monologue rick gives in the comic happens right around this time period. seasons 3 and 4 will blow minds.
Is it wrong that I've watched the season 3 premier 3 times this week? Granted, I did fast-forward through the scene with Rick and Lori having marital woes... She needs to feed some walkers.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Oct 19, 2012, 02:08 PM
Is it wrong that I've watched the season 3 premier 3 times this week? Granted, I did fast-forward through the scene with Rick and Lori having marital woes... She needs to feed some walkers.
it's an awesome episode I've watched it a few times myself.
Reason 8,963 that I love this place. I've never read a comic (graphic novel for u purists) or watched a zombie movie, but I started watching because of this thread alone. Cheers!
Quote from: Jon T. on Oct 19, 2012, 10:28 PM
Reason 8,963 that I love this place. I've never read a comic (graphic novel for u purists) or watched a zombie movie, but I started watching because of this thread alone. Cheers!
dude, if you end up digging this show definitely definitely definitely read the comics: www.mediafire.com/ptwalkingdead (http://www.mediafire.com/ptwalkingdead)
I do not read comics, nor books really but I could not stop reading these. it ties into the show in such a cool, interesting way. if you get some time before you go to sleep it's awesome to bust thru 10issues/a volume which = one season of the show almost. easy, fun, stuff.
I'm thinking this might be as big as x-files was or bigger. 9+ seasons is doable. I think they're going to see where fans are after 6seasons but the plan is to let it ride.
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Oct 19, 2012, 10:33 PM
Quote from: Jon T. on Oct 19, 2012, 10:28 PM
Reason 8,963 that I love this place. I've never read a comic (graphic novel for u purists) or watched a zombie movie, but I started watching because of this thread alone. Cheers!
dude, if you end up digging this show definitely definitely definitely read the comics: www.mediafire.com/ptwalkingdead (http://www.mediafire.com/ptwalkingdead)
I do not read comics, nor books really but I could not stop reading these. it ties into the show in such a cool, interesting way. if you get some time before you go to sleep it's awesome to bust thru 10issues/a volume which = one season of the show almost. easy, fun, stuff.
I'm thinking this might be as big as x-files was or bigger. 9+ seasons is doable. I think they're going to see where fans are after 6seasons but the plan is to let it ride.
Thanks, Stick! I'll try that link.
I'm digging it for sure. I'm caught up now. Had to stay away from this thread while I was catching up, but I'm current now.
Quote from: Jon T. on Oct 19, 2012, 10:39 PM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Oct 19, 2012, 10:33 PM
Quote from: Jon T. on Oct 19, 2012, 10:28 PM
Reason 8,963 that I love this place. I've never read a comic (graphic novel for u purists) or watched a zombie movie, but I started watching because of this thread alone. Cheers!
dude, if you end up digging this show definitely definitely definitely read the comics: www.mediafire.com/ptwalkingdead (http://www.mediafire.com/ptwalkingdead)
I do not read comics, nor books really but I could not stop reading these. it ties into the show in such a cool, interesting way. if you get some time before you go to sleep it's awesome to bust thru 10issues/a volume which = one season of the show almost. easy, fun, stuff.
I'm thinking this might be as big as x-files was or bigger. 9+ seasons is doable. I think they're going to see where fans are after 6seasons but the plan is to let it ride.
Thanks, Stick! I'll try that link.
I'm digging it for sure. I'm caught up now. Had to stay away from this thread while I was catching up, but I'm current now.
hell yes. you need a reader program like comical: http://comical.sourceforge.net/ (http://comical.sourceforge.net/)
the show is probably only up to issue 17-18 or so. issue 50 is going to be the end of season 4 I think. but who knows.
I feel like I should be saying welcome to all the new people who will be joining us after tonight and the coming weeks episodes.
after watching tonights new sode I can honestly say this shit will be legendary. fucking bad to the fucking bone.
On in an hour for me, can't wait. Spend the better part of the past two days watching the first two seasons for the second time on Netflix, or I should say half-watching them. My wife caught the last fifteen minutes last week and said, 'I like this show', and started asking me a bunch of questions. So I made her cram in the first two seasons over two days to prep for tonight and the rest of season three of course. I just didn't want her to come in without the background, that would suck...
Quote from: exist10z on Oct 21, 2012, 11:05 PM
On in an hour for me, can't wait. Spend the better part of the past two days watching the first two seasons for the second time on Netflix, or I should say half-watching them. My wife caught the last fifteen minutes last week and said, 'I like this show', and started asking me a bunch of questions. So I made her cram in the first two seasons over two days to prep for tonight and the rest of season three of course. I just didn't want her to come in without the background, that would suck...
the episode was so jam packed with shit. it was literally almost a half a volume of the comic crammed into one episode. bar setting.
#103 is now up in the archive: www.mediafire.com/ptwalkingdead (http://www.mediafire.com/ptwalkingdead)
cover: (http://lookpic.com/O/i2/298/2cPzDwG1.jpeg)
the dude with the bat is martinez!
I got my wish last night. Bye Laurie.
What an episode! Really gut wrenching... and munching!
Quote from: johnnYYac on Nov 05, 2012, 11:10 AM
I got my wish last night. Bye Laurie.
What an episode! Really gut wrenching... and munching!
Why was that your wish?
Total gut punch. As my wife was sobbing, I said, "I bet you never expected to cry at a zombie show did you?"
Quote from: Jon T. on Nov 05, 2012, 11:55 AM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Nov 05, 2012, 11:10 AM
I got my wish last night. Bye Laurie.
What an episode! Really gut wrenching... and munching!
Why was that your wish?
Total gut punch. As my wife was sobbing, I said, "I bet you never expected to cry at a zombie show did you?"
I suppose that came off as crass. I just never cared for the character of Laurie. She is manipulative and a lousy mother. Believe me, I teared up during that scene, as it is very moving and sad, plus quite different from her fate in the comic.
If you read back through the thread (might have been in the old new forum), there are many times I discuss my thoughts on Laurie. No one blames her for assuming Rick is dead and hooking up with Shane, but when Rick shows up, she starts pitting these guys, good friends, against each other. She questions Rick's leadership to Shane, tells Rick that Shane is dangerous, then seems hurt when Rick defends himself and kills Shane. Huh?
She recklessly took off looking for Rick, almost got killed (no need for seatbelts during the zombie apocalypse?), Carl ends up wandering off, in the dark, to find his dad after hearing a gunshot. Dale had just been torm apart the night before by a walker Carl was screwing with when he wandered off into the woods. Its a running joke in the Walking Dead fan community that Laurie is clueless when it comes to the whereabouts of her son.
Part of it might be the casting. I was much more sympathetic to Laurie in the comic than I've been in the show. Her death will likely mark the true beginning of Rick's downward spiral. It is interesting how hard he reacts to her death, considering how cold he was towards her in the previous episode.
It is amazing how emotional this show makes me, a testament to the writing and some great twists on the story originated in the comic. Last year's mid-season finale, with Sophia emerging from the barn, wrecked me. Last night did too, but I have much less emotional investment in Laurie.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Nov 05, 2012, 03:24 PM
Quote from: Jon T. on Nov 05, 2012, 11:55 AM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Nov 05, 2012, 11:10 AM
I got my wish last night. Bye Laurie.
What an episode! Really gut wrenching... and munching!
Why was that your wish?
Total gut punch. As my wife was sobbing, I said, "I bet you never expected to cry at a zombie show did you?"
I suppose that came off as crass. I just never cared for the character of Laurie. She is manipulative and a lousy mother. Believe me, I teared up during that scene, as it is very moving and sad, plus quite different from her fate in the comic.
If you read back through the thread (might have been in the old new forum), there are many times I discuss my thoughts on Laurie. No one blames her for assuming Rick is dead and hooking up with Shane, but when Rick shows up, she starts pitting these guys, good friends, against each other. She questions Rick's leadership to Shane, tells Rick that Shane is dangerous, then seems hurt when Rick defends himself and kills Shane. Huh?
She recklessly took off looking for Rick, almost got killed (no need for seatbelts during the zombie apocalypse?), Carl ends up wandering off, in the dark, to find his dad after hearing a gunshot. Dale had just been torm apart the night before by a walker Carl was screwing with when he wandered off into the woods. Its a running joke in the Walking Dead fan community that Laurie is clueless when it comes to the whereabouts of her son.
Part of it might be the casting. I was much more sympathetic to Laurie in the comic than I've been in the show. Her death will likely mark the true beginning of Rick's downward spiral. It is interesting how hard he reacts to her death, considering how cold he was towards her in the previous episode.
It is amazing how emotional this show makes me, a testament to the writing and some great twists on the story originated in the comic. Last year's mid-season finale, with Sophia emerging from the barn, wrecked me. Last night did too, but I have much less emotional investment in Laurie.
Not crass. I was really curious. I get what you're saying. Especially the way she reacted to Shane. I didn't care that she died, it was how she died that got me. And then Rick's reaction. Pretty great scene. I haven't read back through this thread yet. I avoided it while I was getting caught up, but never went back. Probably do that now. Is there something wrong with the link that Sticky posted? I've tried for the last week or so and ther's nothing there.
I suppose Sticky may have disabled those links. If you're looking for the comics, send me a PM and I'll try to make them available. Thanks to Sticky, I have issues 1-103.
www.mediafire.com/ptwalkingdead (http://www.mediafire.com/ptwalkingdead)
For those looking to check out the comic, you can also try these links. Each zip file contains digital versions of the comic series, which can be viewed using certain software. I use this one: Comical (http://comical.sourceforge.net/).
Issues 1-30 (http://www.mediafire.com/?a2fji94df4sy1bz)
Issues 31-60 (http://www.mediafire.com/?ddrx2mxc6kzxyvl)
Issues 61-100 (http://www.mediafire.com/?9ao6gm29pqvjp2b)
Issues 101-104 plus Michonne's Story (http://www.mediafire.com/?wq9zo99b7brz788)
Issue 104 is the latest, released just last week.
Here's a screenshot of 104's cover, viewed through Comical.
Thoughts on the mid-season finale? I have read the comic, so comparing it to the show is hard to avoid.
I was hoping Michonne would have been more cruel to the Governor, but he wasn't nearly as harsh to her in the show as he was in the comic, so such brutality would have been uncalled for. In the show, she almost comes out as the bad guy, killing Penny and gouging the Gov's eye.
Interesting having the other group enter the prison from the back, but you gotta wonder... wouldn't Rick's crew have seen this big hole in the back of the prison and tried to secure it? Perhaps they hadn't made it that far back. I originally thought the big hole in the wall of the prison was caused by the battle to come, when the Governor and his Woodbury crew attack the prison- a bit of foreshadowing, where this new group shows up after its all gone down. But this new crew is discovered by Carl and will now likely join Rick's group. The male leader of the group, Tyrese, is a character from the comic.
Totally unable to predict what will happend to Darryl and Merle, as neither character exists in the comic. The Governor was furious that Merle told him Michonne was dead, considering what she did to Penny and the Gov. The question is... will both survive? Merle is pretty much dead meat with either group. He lied to the Governor and now all of Woodbury wants him dead. He released a walker on Glen while he was duct-taped to a chair, so he's not likely to be welcomed in with the prison crew... not to mention his history with them.
I think Darryl held back intentionally, once he heard Merle was in Woodbury. Andrea will have some soul searching to do, especially having seen the Governor's aquarium collection and his zombie daughter. She will be key to any hope Darryl has of escaping Woodbury.
Pretty good assessments. I'm about 75% of the way through the comics you sent me :beer:, I'm having a very hard time keeping up with the two. In last week's episode, when Michonne and Rick come face to face I was so confused because I thought they had already been together.
I don't like how personable they are making the Gov out to be on the show. Obviously he has a dark side to him, but nothing like the comic.
I didn't even catch on that the new guy was Tyrese.
Don't know what to make of Merle and Darryl. My guess is you are right about Andrea. She will play a role in their escape and Merle will end up dying do something redeeming in aiding their escape.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Dec 03, 2012, 02:51 PM
Thoughts on the mid-season finale? I have read the comic, so comparing it to the show is hard to avoid.
I was hoping Michonne would have been more cruel to the Governor, but he wasn't nearly as harsh to her in the show as he was in the comic, so such brutality would have been uncalled for. In the show, she almost comes out as the bad guy, killing Penny and gouging the Gov's eye.
Interesting having the other group enter the prison from the back, but you gotta wonder... wouldn't Rick's crew have seen this big hole in the back of the prison and tried to secure it? Perhaps they hadn't made it that far back. I originally thought the big hole in the wall of the prison was caused by the battle to come, when the Governor and his Woodbury crew attack the prison- a bit of foreshadowing, where this new group shows up after its all gone down. But this new crew is discovered by Carl and will now likely join Rick's group. The male leader of the group, Tyrese, is a character from the comic.
Totally unable to predict what will happend to Darryl and Merle, as neither character exists in the comic. The Governor was furious that Merle told him Michonne was dead, considering what she did to Penny and the Gov. The question is... will both survive? Merle is pretty much dead meat with either group. He lied to the Governor and now all of Woodbury wants him dead. He released a walker on Glen while he was duct-taped to a chair, so he's not likely to be welcomed in with the prison crew... not to mention his history with them.
I think Darryl held back intentionally, once he heard Merle was in Woodbury. Andrea will have some soul searching to do, especially having seen the Governor's aquarium collection and his zombie daughter. She will be key to any hope Darryl has of escaping Woodbury.
it's important to take into account that we met the governor a lot earlier than we did in the comics. Rick hasn't even came face to the face with the Governor so I think the gov's evil attitude from the comics was born in the mid-season finale. with the loss of his daughter and the stab to the eye/potential frontal lobe damage I think he's officially gone over the deep end and won't be coming back. hoping he sends merle and daryl to the screamer pits, whatever those are, and they fight their way out. I sorta think daryl is as good as dead now.
the hole was discussed twice prior. once by Daryl when they are clearing out walkers and once by Oscar when he pleads with Rick to join the group. he talks about how the zombies would run up to the doors when they took the dead out.
daryl for sure bailed on the group to find merle. which is the first lame thing daryl has done so it's his own fault.
Tyreese is an amazing character and they cast cutty from the wire, perfect choice. love his hammer, so classic.
Quote from: Jon T. on Dec 03, 2012, 03:31 PM
Pretty good assessments. I'm about 75% of the way through the comics you sent me :beer:, I'm having a very hard time keeping up with the two. In last week's episode, when Michonne and Rick come face to face I was so confused because I thought they had already been together.
I don't like how personable they are making the Gov out to be on the show. Obviously he has a dark side to him, but nothing like the comic.
I didn't even catch on that the new guy was Tyrese.
Don't know what to make of Merle and Darryl. My guess is you are right about Andrea. She will play a role in their escape and Merle will end up dying do something redeeming in aiding their escape.
I think she sneaks out or is told to go to the prison by the governor to tell them Daryl and Merle are dead. the clip of daryl in the preview looked like old footage.
back into the void I go.
Quote from: Penny Lane on Nov 08, 2012, 09:53 PM
www.mediafire.com/ptwalkingdead (http://www.mediafire.com/ptwalkingdead)
Just saw this. I have it now, but thanks!
For those of us reading the comics, here's a neat character/plot/setting diagram (http://i.imgur.com/VIpUt.jpg) to enjoy.
Sneak Peek Episode 309 The Walking Dead: The Suicide King (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlWCPHpICBU#ws)
Special Trailer: The Walking Dead Season 3 Returns February 2013 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JBt_s4QkKm4#ws)
The wait is killing me...
Update for those checking out the comic that started it all...
... and software to view/read 'em: http://comical.sourceforge.net/ (http://comical.sourceforge.net/) or any other .cbr file reader.
Issues 1-30 (http://www.mediafire.com/?a2fji94df4sy1bz)
Issues 31-60 (http://www.mediafire.com/?ddrx2mxc6kzxyvl)
Issues 61-100 (http://www.mediafire.com/?9ao6gm29pqvjp2b)
Issues 101-106 plus Michonne's Story (http://www.mediafire.com/?v3n6mv7xdvv2cpb)
The differences between the comic and the show are significant, so you can do both without spoilers, in my opinion. Enjoy!
Oh, and a few more of my daughters, courtesy of Dead Yourself (http://www.deadyourself.com/walkers).
Less than one week away for the return of my favorite show!
One of my mom's Christmas presents I got her is tickets this month in Milwaukee for a Q&A with cast and directors from The Walking Dead, can't wait!!!!
Who's excited?
So, the mid-season premier breaks records as the most watched episode of The Walking Dead. It was not a great episode, in my opinion. The opening scene, with the Dixon brothers' fight-to-the-death, was corny. Even in the zombie apocalypse, seeing a crowd of Woodbury residents, living their little suburban fantasy, demand death seemed unrealistic. Having armed guards hold back Andrea, bringing in 3 or 4 walkers, it all seemed wrong. The seeming ease with which Rick et al rescued Darryl... it just didn't sit well with me. And then... Laurie! I was so glad she's dead. Please no more Laurie ghosts! Just a boring episode with no major moments. Disappointed.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Feb 12, 2013, 11:24 AM
So, the mid-season premier breaks records as the most watched episode of The Walking Dead. It was not a great episode, in my opinion. The opening scene, with the Dixon brothers' fight-to-the-death, was corny. Even in the zombie apocalypse, seeing a crowd of Woodbury residents, living their little suburban fantasy, demand death seemed unrealistic. Having armed guards hold back Andrea, bringing in 3 or 4 walkers, it all seemed wrong. The seeming ease with which Rick et al rescued Darryl... it just didn't sit well with me. And then... Laurie! I was so glad she's dead. Please no more Laurie ghosts! Just a boring episode with no major moments. Disappointed.
I really wish I had more to add to this but I do not. I was pretty disappointed with this episode.
Quote from: CHIMMJFAN on Feb 13, 2013, 03:40 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Feb 12, 2013, 11:24 AM
So, the mid-season premier breaks records as the most watched episode of The Walking Dead. It was not a great episode, in my opinion. The opening scene, with the Dixon brothers' fight-to-the-death, was corny. Even in the zombie apocalypse, seeing a crowd of Woodbury residents, living their little suburban fantasy, demand death seemed unrealistic. Having armed guards hold back Andrea, bringing in 3 or 4 walkers, it all seemed wrong. The seeming ease with which Rick et al rescued Darryl... it just didn't sit well with me. And then... Laurie! I was so glad she's dead. Please no more Laurie ghosts! Just a boring episode with no major moments. Disappointed.
I really wish I had more to add to this but I do not. I was pretty disappointed with this episode.
Yep. I kept waiting for something to happen and it never did. Really disappointing episode, especially for the first one back from the break.
Quote from: Jon T. on Feb 13, 2013, 03:45 PM
Quote from: CHIMMJFAN on Feb 13, 2013, 03:40 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Feb 12, 2013, 11:24 AM
So, the mid-season premier breaks records as the most watched episode of The Walking Dead. It was not a great episode, in my opinion. The opening scene, with the Dixon brothers' fight-to-the-death, was corny. Even in the zombie apocalypse, seeing a crowd of Woodbury residents, living their little suburban fantasy, demand death seemed unrealistic. Having armed guards hold back Andrea, bringing in 3 or 4 walkers, it all seemed wrong. The seeming ease with which Rick et al rescued Darryl... it just didn't sit well with me. And then... Laurie! I was so glad she's dead. Please no more Laurie ghosts! Just a boring episode with no major moments. Disappointed.
I really wish I had more to add to this but I do not. I was pretty disappointed with this episode.
Yep. I kept waiting for something to happen and it never did. Really disappointing episode, especially for the first one back from the break.
If you're up for it, start checking out the Walking Dead 'cast, a fan podcast that I've been listening to religiously for since October. They describe the episode perfectly, totally in agreement with my assessment.
http://www.walkingdeadcast.com/2013/02/11/episode-90-the-suicide-king-s3e9/# (http://www.walkingdeadcast.com/2013/02/11/episode-90-the-suicide-king-s3e9/#)
Quote from: johnnYYac on Feb 13, 2013, 08:34 PM
Quote from: Jon T. on Feb 13, 2013, 03:45 PM
Quote from: CHIMMJFAN on Feb 13, 2013, 03:40 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Feb 12, 2013, 11:24 AM
So, the mid-season premier breaks records as the most watched episode of The Walking Dead. It was not a great episode, in my opinion. The opening scene, with the Dixon brothers' fight-to-the-death, was corny. Even in the zombie apocalypse, seeing a crowd of Woodbury residents, living their little suburban fantasy, demand death seemed unrealistic. Having armed guards hold back Andrea, bringing in 3 or 4 walkers, it all seemed wrong. The seeming ease with which Rick et al rescued Darryl... it just didn't sit well with me. And then... Laurie! I was so glad she's dead. Please no more Laurie ghosts! Just a boring episode with no major moments. Disappointed.
I really wish I had more to add to this but I do not. I was pretty disappointed with this episode.
Yep. I kept waiting for something to happen and it never did. Really disappointing episode, especially for the first one back from the break.
If you're up for it, start checking out the Walking Dead 'cast, a fan podcast that I've been listening to religiously for since October. They describe the episode perfectly, totally in agreement with my assessment.
http://www.walkingdeadcast.com/2013/02/11/episode-90-the-suicide-king-s3e9/# (http://www.walkingdeadcast.com/2013/02/11/episode-90-the-suicide-king-s3e9/#)
Thanks for the link, I will definitely check it out when I get home.
Rarely has such an average pulpy show (but with a cool premise and excellent style) been so praised and militantly defended. This season is by far the best (rivals the first couple of episodes of Season I) and salvaged the series for me - kudos go to the addition of David Morrissey/Governor. Some of the plots continue to be predicatible or downright dumb (last Sunday was full of obvious contrivances). At least most of the badly written and acted characters have been killed off. Thoughts?
I've been underwhelmed with TWD this season. There were some promising moments, but the mid-season finale and subsequent mid-season premier, themselves obnoxious concepts, were both full of silly moments, such as the arena fights. Like the source material, I can't take it too seriously. A recent article in Rolling Stone suggests a messy finale in two weeks, with 27 casualties to look forward to.
I'm sorta new to this show, but thanks to endless repeats - I've caught up quickly. First thing is that it will never measure up to Breaking Bad. Both have somewhat far-fetched concepts, but BB sticks to its set of rules whereas WD seems to change the rules to suit the episode. It seems to be much harder now to become a zombie than it did earlier and for the love of god, would you please leave fucking Georgia and make your way to the nearest island? Allthough we would then be introduced to swimming zombies.
I will say this - WD has the best open of any TV show ever; 20 seconds and the moood is set. Also, it has a great tension built in. I mean everytime that someone goes to the woods, you move to the edge of your seat. And last weeks episode had a Tarantinoesque triple tension when the Gov was chasing Andrea while zombies stumbled around.
The show plays better as a chase or a road trip, which is why I pray that this conflict gets resolved and they hit the fucking road again.
Quote from: bowl of soup on Mar 21, 2013, 09:59 PM
I'm sorta new to this show, but thanks to endless repeats - I've caught up quickly. First thing is that it will never measure up to Breaking Bad. Both have somewhat far-fetched concepts, but BB sticks to its set of rules whereas WD seems to change the rules to suit the episode. It seems to be much harder now to become a zombie than it did earlier and for the love of god, would you please leave fucking Georgia and make your way to the nearest island? Allthough we would then be introduced to swimming zombies.
I will say this - WD has the best open of any TV show ever; 20 seconds and the moood is set. Also, it has a great tension built in. I mean everytime that someone goes to the woods, you move to the edge of your seat. And last weeks episode had a Tarantinoesque triple tension when the Gov was chasing Andrea while zombies stumbled around.
The show plays better as a chase or a road trip, which is why I pray that this conflict gets resolved and they hit the fucking road again.
The Andrea-Gov chase was disappointingly contrived. She gets chased through the woods and "brilliantly" decides to hide in a seemingly abandoned warehouse on a road that the Governor can access - and just happens to be driving on. Why wouldn't she go somewhere where a truck can't drive, i.e., the woods! The scenes in the warehouse were well done, but we've seen it all hundreds of times before. Oh, and the other scene where the zombies were torched in the pit? Big revelation who did that, eh?! Dumb plots I tells ya. Still, Andrea's character is one of the best on the show and the Govenor is one of the main reasons that I keep tuning in.
An uneven ending, but with some cool moments. Now, the long wait to season 4...
http://insidetv.ew.com/2013/04/01/the-walking-dead-exclusive-season-4-preview-video/ (http://insidetv.ew.com/2013/04/01/the-walking-dead-exclusive-season-4-preview-video/)
Love this show! Can't wait til tomorrow, when Season 4 comes out on DVD. :tongue: