Forgive me if this is a redundant thread but I wasn't sure if this transferred or not but I couldn't find it. Maybe it was in the off topic section.
Just ordered
Fleet Foxes - S/T
Baroness - Blue Record
Had both of these albums forever but desperately wanted the full size artwork more than anything as part of my collection. These will likely hang on my wall much more than actually be played.
I was thinking about this thread the other day, because I finally got:
Tame Impala - Innerspeaker :D It's a two-record set and it sure sounded funny when I put it on -- nowhere on the label does it say that it's to be played at 45 RPM.
You'll love having the Fleet Foxes record, Ruckus - it comes with the Sun Giant EP too, at least mine did. It's spent a little time on display up on the mantel too, but once spring rolls around, it gets spun a lot.
Quote from: Crispy on Jan 26, 2011, 08:38 AM
I was thinking about this thread the other day, because I finally got:
Tame Impala - Innerspeaker :D It's a two-record set and it sure sounded funny when I put it on -- nowhere on the label does it say that it's to be played at 45 RPM.
You'll love having the Fleet Foxes record, Ruckus - it comes with the Sun Giant EP too, at least mine did. It's spent a little time on display up on the mantel too, but once spring rolls around, it gets spun a lot.
I'm glad you finally got the Tame Impala on vinyl. I know you'd been trying to get your hands on it w/o breaking the bank. Did you think you had eaten too many pretzels when you played it at 33?
I got an el cheapo reissue so I don't believe it'll come with Sun Giant but I do love the EP
I only buy music on vinyl unless I must have it and there is only a cd release (rare these days). Good vinyl on a decent TT beats the heck out of any CD (and yes, the album artwork, liner notes and all other production stuff helps too).
The Fleet Foxes on vinyl is wonderful-- perfect example as to why vinyl kicks butt over cds.
I'm an addict and pick up 5-8 vinyl albums a month.
Just bought the new ones by
The Decemberists
Iron & Wine
Amos Lee
Jayhawks- Tomorrow the Green Grass (reissue)
Jayhawks - Hollywood Town Hall
Pearl Jam Live
and pre-ordered Go Go Boots by DBT (although I already managed to get an advance download of the new album from a WONDERFUL mmj forum member).
It's a disease but I don't want to be cured.
Can't wait to say I just bought the new one by MMJ (whenever that get's released).
Destroyer Kaputt
My album of the year so far. I know it's only January.
Jethro Tull - Aqualung
Yes - Close to the Edge
Rush - Hemispheres (finally)
Last weekend I was feelin the prog rock!
Quote from: Crispy on Jan 26, 2011, 08:38 AM
I was thinking about this thread the other day, because I finally got:
Tame Impala - Innerspeaker :D It's a two-record set and it sure sounded funny when I put it on -- nowhere on the label does it say that it's to be played at 45 RPM.
You'll love having the Fleet Foxes record, Ruckus - it comes with the Sun Giant EP too, at least mine did. It's spent a little time on display up on the mantel too, but once spring rolls around, it gets spun a lot.
You were right Crispy, Sun Giant did indeed arrive with it. I figured the $12 price tag was too little for brand new record plus an EP and I didn't recall it saying it came with it. :)
When I buy vinyl its usually older, used, classic albums, but I couldn't pass up Black Keys' "Rubber Factory"
And some other one...can't remember the 29 songs on the damn record...some old guy...starts with an "H", I didn't really like it yet. Probably why I don't remember it.
Got these at Ear-X-Tacy on the Louisville trip last weekend. Thanks to aMD for helping me find the store.
Nice picks dude! I love the artwork on Steeple and I would love to get Here's to Taking it Easy on vinyl.
Yea I wish I had that Phosphoescent in my vinyl collection rather than on disc as well...good pics.
Here's what I just got the other day:
and I finally found......
Sell your rare Love Is Hell copies NOW! They are about to drop in price. (
Quote from: BH on Feb 16, 2011, 11:54 AM
Sell your rare Love Is Hell copies NOW! They are about to drop in price. (
I'm hoping that the new Love Is Hell will be a 12" version instead of 2 10"s.
Quote from: BH on Feb 16, 2011, 11:54 AM
Sell your rare Love Is Hell copies NOW! They are about to drop in price. (
Holy SHIT, some awesome stuff there -- Whiskeytown
Oh, and recently I have bought a bit of vinyl:
Florence & the Machine - Lungs
Sleepy Sun -- Fever
Sleepy Sun -- Embrace
Warpaint - The Fool
bright eyes - the people's key
iron & wine - kiss each other clean
the decemberists - the king is dead
amos lee - mission bell
drive by truckers - go go boots
ray lamontagne - god willin' and the creek don't rise
it's been a good week
I -- err, my record store -- had a good week too. They guy threw in a slip mat when I asked if they were giving them away, saying, "We are for people who are spending as much as you're about to..."
The Besnard Lakes • The Besnard Lakes Are the Dark Horse
The Besnard Lakes • The Besnard Lakes Are the Roaring Night
Asobi Seksu • Fluorescence
Sun Kil Moon • Tiny Cities
Interpol • Antics
Iron and Wine • Kiss Each Other Clean
David Gilmour • S/T
Disney/Leopold Stokowski • Fantasia
In the mail:
The Fervor • Arise Great Warrior
Gil Scott-Heron/Jamie xx • We're New Here
Quote from: Crispy on Feb 24, 2011, 05:32 PM
I -- err, my record store -- had a good week too. They guy threw in a slip mat when I asked if they were giving them away, saying, "We are for people who are spending as much as you're about to..."
The Besnard Lakes • The Besnard Lakes Are the Dark Horse
The Besnard Lakes • The Besnard Lakes Are the Roaring Night
Asobi Seksu • Fluorescence
Sun Kil Moon • Tiny Cities
Interpol • Antics
Iron and Wine • Kiss Each Other Clean
David Gilmour • S/T
Disney/Leopold Stokowski • Fantasia
In the mail:
The Fervor • Arise Great Warrior
Gil Scott-Heron/Jamie xx • We're New Here
There's nothing better than going home with a big haul of tunes. Enjoy your new stash Crispy! What are you going to start with (besides a pretzel or two)?
I'm sure the owner of my local record store has put a new kitchen and bathroom in his house thanks to my patronage over the the 15 years. Better to give it to them than to some faceless chainstore though...
Quote from: Crispy on Feb 24, 2011, 05:32 PM
David Gilmour • S/T
Hey, Crisper. I'm assuming "S/T" means "self-titled"?
One of my favorite albums. With all the early forays into psychedlic technology w/P. Floyd, I love the bare, straightforward rock of his first solo effort. Cry from the Street is probably my favorite track, with a nice solo intro. Enjoy it loud!
I am gonna buy a record player I just dont know which one.... Does anyone have any advice or recommendations?
Quote from: jahabe08 on Mar 01, 2011, 05:07 AM
I am gonna buy a record player I just dont know which one.... Does anyone have any advice or recommendations? ( these are affordable and have a few bells and whistles and are nice record player starters
lots of good stuff out there depending on what you want to spend.
check out the turntables for sale at these two websites. both great companies, very helpful and will work with your budget for both TT's and cartridges. ( (
Quote from: johnnYYac on Feb 25, 2011, 09:32 AM
Quote from: Crispy on Feb 24, 2011, 05:32 PM
David Gilmour • S/T
Hey, Crisper. I'm assuming "S/T" means "self-titled"?
One of my favorite albums. With all the early forays into psychedlic technology w/P. Floyd, I love the bare, straightforward rock of his first solo effort. Cry from the Street is probably my favorite track, with a nice solo intro. Enjoy it loud!
Hey Johnny, I just saw this -- yup, you got it right about "S/T". I've always loved that Gilmour record and never had it on vinyl until now, and it does sound good LOUD. The obvious favorite is There's No Way Out of Here, Cry From the Street is great, and So Far Away is a nice song. It's interesting to listen to No Way in the context of the travails of Pink Floyd at the time. Funny enough, I bought his next solo record when it was released in 1984. Mom had to tell me to turn that one down a few times, and it still sounds great! (Edit: okay, the first two tracks on About Face are awesome, the rest kinda sucks)
I went old school when I needed a new turntable and got a Marantz 6300 on ebay. I love it, but it could use some work and a new cartridge. I recommend this route if you are a DIY-er, an amp-and-speaker person, have some teeny screwdrivers and can plug in cables and connect a ground wire.
I also love that David Gilmour S/T! I need to break it out soon!
I just got Virgin Forest - Joy Atrophy in the mail. It's a bunch of members of Phosphorescent without Matthew Houck.
And they sent me this for free:
As far as turntables go, I got this one: (
Altho I found it for like $75. Very satisfied with it so far. It has a pretty short RCA output cables...that would be my only complaint. But I've ripped lots of vinyl with it...sounds fine. Plays fine. Stylus/cartridge might be a little light...if I get the right vibrations going on certain records it bounces. I've thought about just taping a penny above the needle...I've heard this works. It's belt-drive which I've heard is less desirable than direct-drive (belts can stretch or break), but I haven't had any problems with mine yet. If you're looking for affordability, this one is pretty much impossible to beat! My next one, I'm either going vintage or building my own :)
But this one has serviced me well for 3-4 years now.
That Marantz 6300 looks nice, Crispy. Saw a few on ebay. Digging the wood-grain.
Headhunter, there are some pricey turntables on those websites you posted! A $40,000 turntable! Hot dang! At 90 lbs it's built like a tank!
Hey Hawkeye, there should be an adjustment on the tonearm to change the pressure on the stylus -- I can't tell by the picture. Anywho, a penny would probably be too much, you might try a dime (which would probably still be too heavy). Prices keep going up! ;)
BH, those records look good, that first cover is super sweet!
Quote from: Hawkeye on Mar 01, 2011, 12:57 PM
That Marantz 6300 looks nice, Crispy. Saw a few on ebay. Digging the wood-grain.
Headhunter, there are some pricey turntables on those websites you posted! A $40,000 turntable! Hot dang! At 90 lbs it's built like a tank!
sad to say but there are more turntables for around the 40 grand range than the 100 - 400 dollar range. listen to a 40 grand turntable and a cheap turntable will never sound the same. i just got a pro-ject debut III for around 400. I'm probably gonna upgrade the needle but other than that I really like it
the music hall tt's are really good for under $400 bucks and you can even get a good cartridge installed. I use a VPI TT at home and have several friends with great TT's. I've heard the $40k and up TT's some stereo and audio shows but don't know anyone who actually have one. Kinda like a Lamborghini. I'll never own one but still nice to look at.
The limited edition, signed 20 LP T5 box set with reprints of each show poster. It's simply amazing (in the future).
I'd have to get off the couch 40 times in 13 hours. Exhausting to even think about.
Quote from: Ruckus on Mar 04, 2011, 01:00 PM
The limited edition, signed 20 LP T5 box set with reprints of each show poster. It's simply amazing (in the future).
I'd have to get off the couch 40 times in 13 hours. Exhausting to even think about.
What'd you pay for it (in the future)? A bargain at any price, to be sure. A pair of rocked-the-fuck-off panties and a petrified banana should also be included.
Quote from: Ruckus on Mar 04, 2011, 01:00 PM
The limited edition, signed 20 LP T5 box set with reprints of each show poster. It's simply amazing (in the future).
I'd have to get off the couch 40 times in 13 hours. Exhausting to even think about.
;D ;D ;D
I was just listening to one of Lewis Black's comedy albums, where he was talking about iPods and albums, and how he lost his virginity listening to a Bob Dylan album, but it got stuck on a skip.... " 'lay lady lay, lay lady lay, lay lady lay'... didn't even get to the big brass bed".
Quote from: Crispy on Mar 04, 2011, 01:30 PM
Quote from: Ruckus on Mar 04, 2011, 01:00 PM
The limited edition, signed 20 LP T5 box set with reprints of each show poster. It's simply amazing (in the future).
I'd have to get off the couch 40 times in 13 hours. Exhausting to even think about.
What'd you pay for it (in the future)? A bargain at any price, to be sure. A pair of rocked-the-fuck-off panties and a petrified banana should also be included.
Well hugs and kisses are the currency of the future. But if I had to put a $ value on it, I'd drop $250 for 180 gram pressings and more depending on the bells and whistles. I mean I'd buy it regardless but that seems fair no? I'd have to buy two as well so one can collect dust in its shrink wrapped glory and placed in my time capsule. Also...Trish has a petrified banana! By petrified I mean thoroughly oxidized and potentially poisonous
Quote from: Ruckus on Mar 04, 2011, 03:27 PM
Quote from: Crispy on Mar 04, 2011, 01:30 PM
Quote from: Ruckus on Mar 04, 2011, 01:00 PM
The limited edition, signed 20 LP T5 box set with reprints of each show poster. It's simply amazing (in the future).
I'd have to get off the couch 40 times in 13 hours. Exhausting to even think about.
What'd you pay for it (in the future)? A bargain at any price, to be sure. A pair of rocked-the-fuck-off panties and a petrified banana should also be included.
Well hugs and kisses are the currency of the future. But if I had to put a $ value on it, I'd drop $250 for 180 gram pressings and more depending on the bells and whistles. I mean I'd buy it regardless but that seems fair no? I'd have to buy two as well so one can collect dust in its shrink wrapped glory and placed in my time capsule. Also...Trish has a petrified banana! By petrified I mean thoroughly oxidized and potentially poisonous
Can you convert 17 BH hugs into dollars for me adjusted for inflation?
Quote from: BH on Mar 04, 2011, 04:25 PM
Quote from: Ruckus on Mar 04, 2011, 03:27 PM
Quote from: Crispy on Mar 04, 2011, 01:30 PM
Quote from: Ruckus on Mar 04, 2011, 01:00 PM
The limited edition, signed 20 LP T5 box set with reprints of each show poster. It's simply amazing (in the future).
I'd have to get off the couch 40 times in 13 hours. Exhausting to even think about.
What'd you pay for it (in the future)? A bargain at any price, to be sure. A pair of rocked-the-fuck-off panties and a petrified banana should also be included.
Well hugs and kisses are the currency of the future. But if I had to put a $ value on it, I'd drop $250 for 180 gram pressings and more depending on the bells and whistles. I mean I'd buy it regardless but that seems fair no? I'd have to buy two as well so one can collect dust in its shrink wrapped glory and placed in my time capsule. Also...Trish has a petrified banana! By petrified I mean thoroughly oxidized and potentially poisonous
Can you convert 17 BH hugs into dollars for me adjusted for inflation?
I think it's the same ratio as Schrute Bucks to Stanley Nickels.
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Mar 04, 2011, 04:46 PM
Quote from: BH on Mar 04, 2011, 04:25 PM
Quote from: Ruckus on Mar 04, 2011, 03:27 PM
Quote from: Crispy on Mar 04, 2011, 01:30 PM
Quote from: Ruckus on Mar 04, 2011, 01:00 PM
The limited edition, signed 20 LP T5 box set with reprints of each show poster. It's simply amazing (in the future).
I'd have to get off the couch 40 times in 13 hours. Exhausting to even think about.
What'd you pay for it (in the future)? A bargain at any price, to be sure. A pair of rocked-the-fuck-off panties and a petrified banana should also be included.
Well hugs and kisses are the currency of the future. But if I had to put a $ value on it, I'd drop $250 for 180 gram pressings and more depending on the bells and whistles. I mean I'd buy it regardless but that seems fair no? I'd have to buy two as well so one can collect dust in its shrink wrapped glory and placed in my time capsule. Also...Trish has a petrified banana! By petrified I mean thoroughly oxidized and potentially poisonous
Can you convert 17 BH hugs into dollars for me adjusted for inflation?
I think it's the same ratio as Schrute Bucks to Stanley Nickels.
Okonokos - FINALLY!
And found a VG used copy of Rush - Signals for a buck at Goodwill
Quote from: BH on Mar 01, 2011, 10:54 AM
I also love that David Gilmour S/T! I need to break it out soon!
I just got Virgin Forest - Joy Atrophy in the mail. It's a bunch of members of Phosphorescent without Matthew Houck.
And they sent me this for free:
I too love David Gilmour S/T - I haven't pulled out that CD in over a decade!
Hey BH, how is that Virgin Forest - Joy Atrophy? I like the former (band name), not so much the latter
Middle Brother - a new group comprised of guys from delta spirit, deer tick and the dawes. Think Monsters of Folk kinda synergy. Really good stuff. Great vinyl recording w free mp 3 download. recommended.
Quote from: headhunter on Mar 13, 2011, 08:28 PM
Middle Brother - a new group comprised of guys from delta spirit, deer tick and the dawes. Think Monsters of Folk kinda synergy. Really good stuff. Great vinyl recording w free mp 3 download. recommended.
I bought the limited edition of this LP. I'm a big Deer Tick & Dawes fan, but to be honest I think I like the Delta Spirit guy's songs the best.
Quote from: BH on Mar 04, 2011, 05:25 PM
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Mar 04, 2011, 04:46 PM
Quote from: BH on Mar 04, 2011, 04:25 PM
Quote from: Ruckus on Mar 04, 2011, 03:27 PM
Quote from: Crispy on Mar 04, 2011, 01:30 PM
Quote from: Ruckus on Mar 04, 2011, 01:00 PM
The limited edition, signed 20 LP T5 box set with reprints of each show poster. It's simply amazing (in the future).
I'd have to get off the couch 40 times in 13 hours. Exhausting to even think about.
What'd you pay for it (in the future)? A bargain at any price, to be sure. A pair of rocked-the-fuck-off panties and a petrified banana should also be included.
Well hugs and kisses are the currency of the future. But if I had to put a $ value on it, I'd drop $250 for 180 gram pressings and more depending on the bells and whistles. I mean I'd buy it regardless but that seems fair no? I'd have to buy two as well so one can collect dust in its shrink wrapped glory and placed in my time capsule. Also...Trish has a petrified banana! By petrified I mean thoroughly oxidized and potentially poisonous
Can you convert 17 BH hugs into dollars for me adjusted for inflation?
I think it's the same ratio as Schrute Bucks to Stanley Nickels.
This is odd because both Butch Cassidy and TWTHS as digitally released sound identical to the ones from my T5 vinyl box set. However the horns are much less prominent than in yesterday's digital release.
17 BH hugs is worthy of a spot on a Mastercard commercial
Over the last month or two I've gotten...
Tom Waits - Mule Variations
Bob Dylan - Slow Train Coming
Neil Young - Live Rust, Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere, and Hawks and Doves.
Tom Waits on vinyl is amazing to listen to...this one I got was NEW and came with a photo and free download!
Z ......finally! Now all I need is Okonokos box vinyl set!
Wow Ruckus all of those appeal to me, nice picks, gotta love ELP glad to see you didn't opt for love beach! :thumbsup:
Lemme know how that live mastodon is
Quote from: wolof7 on Apr 21, 2011, 09:35 PM
Wow Ruckus all of those appeal to me, nice picks, gotta love ELP glad to see you didn't opt for love beach! :thumbsup:
Lemme know how that live mastodon is
That Love Beach cover is spectacular! I haven't listened to Live at the Aragon yet but I watched the live DVD it comes with which I thought was great. If you like Crack the Skye era, which I do (more proggy), Mastodon, it's pretty money. If you like older Mastodon, it might leave you wanting a little bit. I actually bought it as a gift for my girlfriend who is a big fan of them. It was great spending a night being schooled on the everything Mastodon by her.
Also brought back bad memories of my last show at the Aragon, Widespread around 2000, where I got a massive migraine and spent the second half of the show hanging over a toilet.
I will try that out, Crack the Skye is pretty much what I know the best just haven't obtained Blood Mountain or earlier stuff. I've been trying to get into metal but I find myself being very particular around it. Lovin the new Witch Mountain and the Sword (thanks to this board). But some of the black metal NPR has been pushing in recent weeks Allogoch, Kraillice is not for me.
As for ELP just picked up this gem on vinyl last week
The endless enigma part 1 is organ rock at its best!(
Quote from: wolof7 on Apr 21, 2011, 09:59 PM
I will try that out, Crack the Skye is pretty much what I know the best just haven't obtained Blood Mountain or earlier stuff. I've been trying to get into metal but I find myself being very particular around it. Lovin the new Witch Mountain and the Sword (thanks to this board). But some of the black metal NPR has been pushing in recent weeks Allogoch, Kraillice is not for me.
As for ELP just picked up this gem on vinyl last week
The endless enigma part 1 is organ rock at its best!(
Nice! I love that we both picked up some ELP in the past week. I actually love Agalloch, one of the bands I've been listening to a lot lately. I guess I should check out some Witch Mountain. I'm not familiar at all.
Be forewarned its a chick lead singer but it I they have long ass songs with lots of riffs. (
If I ever see Love Beach at the record store, I'm gonna buy it just so I can burn that bad bitch. I love ELP, but goddamn, they went from moments of brilliance to utter cheese within seconds: From the Beginning --> The Sheriff.
Check out the price for my copy of Trilogy, purchased a few years ago:
Quote from: Crispy on Apr 21, 2011, 10:42 PM
If I ever see Love Beach at the record store, I'm gonna buy it just so I can burn that bad bitch. I love ELP, but goddamn, they went from moments of brilliance to utter cheese within seconds: From the Beginning --> The Sheriff.
Check out the price for my copy of Trilogy, purchased a few years ago:
Damn Crispy! I dropped $2.85 for my ELP. I gotsta shop in Stilly
Quote from: Ruckus on Apr 21, 2011, 10:47 PM
Quote from: Crispy on Apr 21, 2011, 10:42 PM
If I ever see Love Beach at the record store, I'm gonna buy it just so I can burn that bad bitch. I love ELP, but goddamn, they went from moments of brilliance to utter cheese within seconds: From the Beginning --> The Sheriff.
Check out the price for my copy of Trilogy, purchased a few years ago:
Damn Crispy! I dropped $2.85 for my ELP. I gotsta shop in Stilly
Ha! That $0.99 went to The Finest in Fort Collins, CO, c. 1990. ;D
Quote from: Crispy on Apr 21, 2011, 10:52 PM
Quote from: Ruckus on Apr 21, 2011, 10:47 PM
Quote from: Crispy on Apr 21, 2011, 10:42 PM
If I ever see Love Beach at the record store, I'm gonna buy it just so I can burn that bad bitch. I love ELP, but goddamn, they went from moments of brilliance to utter cheese within seconds: From the Beginning --> The Sheriff.
Check out the price for my copy of Trilogy, purchased a few years ago:
Damn Crispy! I dropped $2.85 for my ELP. I gotsta shop in Stilly
Ha! That $0.99 went to The Finest in Fort Collins, CO, c. 1990. ;D
Awesome find Crispy, mine was $2.99 which is generally the cheapest you'll find for decent music at my local In Your ear Records
Seriously though, how awesome is From the Beginning? I don't understand how Lucky Man became their most popular....I can forgive the Sheriff bc I kinda enjoy it, I think I like Trilogy over Brain Salad Surgery but I should give that another listen soon....You with me on Endless Enigma? I rock out pretty dangerously in my sube to that track. If you saw me from outside my car you may think I was listening to Dio or something.
Quote from: wolof7 on Apr 22, 2011, 09:53 AM
Quote from: Crispy on Apr 21, 2011, 10:52 PM
Quote from: Ruckus on Apr 21, 2011, 10:47 PM
Quote from: Crispy on Apr 21, 2011, 10:42 PM
If I ever see Love Beach at the record store, I'm gonna buy it just so I can burn that bad bitch. I love ELP, but goddamn, they went from moments of brilliance to utter cheese within seconds: From the Beginning --> The Sheriff.
Check out the price for my copy of Trilogy, purchased a few years ago:
Damn Crispy! I dropped $2.85 for my ELP. I gotsta shop in Stilly
Ha! That $0.99 went to The Finest in Fort Collins, CO, c. 1990. ;D
Awesome find Crispy, mine was $2.99 which is generally the cheapest you'll find for decent music at my local In Your ear Records
Seriously though, how awesome is From the Beginning? I don't understand how Lucky Man became their most popular....I can forgive the Sheriff bc I kinda enjoy it, I think I like Trilogy over Brain Salad Surgery but I should give that another listen soon....You with me on Endless Enigma? I rock out pretty dangerously in my sube to that track. If you saw me from outside my car you may think I was listening to Dio or something.
I guess demand for ELP records wasn't as high in 1990 as it is these days. ;)
I'm totally with you on the Endless Enigma -- From the Beginning is definitely one of my favorites, but I really love ELP's instrumental/extended freakout tunes as well as their takes on works by composers like Mussorgsky, Bartok, Copeland, et al.
As for the cheese, The Sheriff isn't a bad tune, but stuff like Benny the Bouncer and Jeremy Bender are pretty cringe-worthy. I do love Brain Salad Surgery, but Karn Evil 9 seems to fall into this category too.
Band of Horses - Everything All the Time
Does anyone else have this? My pressing seems a little off sounding..
Quote from: kotchishm on Apr 29, 2011, 02:53 PM
Band of Horses - Everything All the Time
Does anyone else have this? My pressing seems a little off sounding..
I have it. Mine sounds fine though.
I have it too and think it sounds great. More produced than their last two but good audio quality.
The Raconteurs - Broken Boy Soldiers
Gram Parsons - GP
Simon & Gafunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on May 09, 2011, 03:48 PM
The Raconteurs - Broken Boy Soldiers
Gram Parsons - GP
Simon & Gafunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water
So that was a few days ago, today I bought:
The Clash - London Calling
White Stripes - White Blood Cells
It Still Moves Picture Disc ($28!)
Dawes - North Hills
Speechless. I love it.
Quote from: kotchishm on May 10, 2011, 09:20 AM
Dawes - North Hills
Speechless. I love it.
That is an album that was made for vinyl. Recorded live directly to tape. I've seen these guys a handful of times, glad to see them finally getting some exposure and recognition.
Sooooooo lovely.
It's a double LP and the second side of the second LP has a cool crane etching in the style of the cover. :)
Pre-oredered Dawes' new album
Quote from: ALady on May 12, 2011, 07:32 PM
Sooooooo lovely.
It's a double LP and the second side of the second LP has a cool crane etching in the style of the cover. :)
Hey ALady, that artist lives on my street! If you like his work with Okkervil check out his website! (
and his band (
Oh, cool! Thanks for the links, wolof! Groovy stuff. :thumbsup:
Quote from: wolof7 on May 12, 2011, 07:52 PM
Quote from: ALady on May 12, 2011, 07:32 PM
Sooooooo lovely.
It's a double LP and the second side of the second LP has a cool crane etching in the style of the cover. :)
Hey ALady, that artist lives on my street! If you like his work with Okkervil check out his website! (
and his band (
I saw his band all over at the Newport Folk Fest last year! They made waiting for the school bus shuttle back to my car enjoyable.
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on May 12, 2011, 09:22 PM
I saw his band all over at the Newport Folk Fest last year! They made waiting for the school bus shuttle back to my car enjoyable.
I was there too, they're a lot of fun! Will is the masked drummer
Found a copy of Beatles' White Album for $2 this weekend, it was in bad condition but it was number so I went ahead and bought it. I also picked up Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here, Rolling Stones' Beggars Banquet, and Santana's Abraxas.
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on May 12, 2011, 09:22 PM
Quote from: wolof7 on May 12, 2011, 07:52 PM
Quote from: ALady on May 12, 2011, 07:32 PM
Sooooooo lovely.
It's a double LP and the second side of the second LP has a cool crane etching in the style of the cover. :)
Hey ALady, that artist lives on my street! If you like his work with Okkervil check out his website! (
and his band (
I saw his band all over at the Newport Folk Fest last year! They made waiting for the school bus shuttle back to my car enjoyable.
We had to wait forever for that bus! Did you see me, the guy playing the Omnichord?
Quote from: johnnYYac on May 16, 2011, 11:11 AM
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on May 12, 2011, 09:22 PM
Quote from: wolof7 on May 12, 2011, 07:52 PM
Quote from: ALady on May 12, 2011, 07:32 PM
Sooooooo lovely.
It's a double LP and the second side of the second LP has a cool crane etching in the style of the cover. :)
Hey ALady, that artist lives on my street! If you like his work with Okkervil check out his website! (
and his band (
I saw his band all over at the Newport Folk Fest last year! They made waiting for the school bus shuttle back to my car enjoyable.
We had to wait forever for that bus! Did you see me, the guy playing the Omnichord?
I thought the buses would never come.
I didn't see anyone with any omnichord. I would have DEFINITELY struck up a conversation.
That was a ridiculously awesome day.
Reissues of:
Velvet Underground & Nico
Bob Marley - Exodus
Bought all these used for a total of $30
Led Zeppelin - Houses Of The Holy
John Lennon & Yoko Ono - Double Fantasy
CSNY - Deja Vu
Stevie Wonder - Songs In The Key Of Life
Marvin Gaye - What's Going On
I'm a vinyl noob, less than a month but I got.
Foo Fighters - Exhausted promo, Wasting Light, Medium Rare (RSD) and
Jimmy Eat World - Bleed American (RSD)
RSD really pushed me and inspired me. Next up, CIRCUITAL, although I hate the fact that it's two discs! :( FF did the same with Wasting Light and its a drag to change it every 3 songs. Of course, I'm a casual vinyler and not an audiophile at all.
Quote from: foomex on Jun 15, 2011, 01:27 PM
Next up, CIRCUITAL, although I hate the fact that it's two discs! :( FF did the same with Wasting Light and its a drag to change it every 3 songs. Of course, I'm a casual vinyler and not an audiophile at all.
45rpm makes it all worthwhile...
Quote from: MarkW on Jun 15, 2011, 01:29 PM
45rpm makes it all worthwhile...
I know where you're coming from, but I'll notice ABSOLUTELY no difference from 33, to 45, to CD, to Cassete, to a 128kb mp3. :'( I'm sorry for myself, to an extent.
So, last friday the local shop fiiiiinally received Circuital.
After reading that news, I told a mutual MMJ fanfriend that I'd be picking it up after work and he said, "umm, I received YOUR Circuital LP last friday, for YOUR birthday, as YOUR gift"
We don't have a problem, we have thousands of problems called MILES: He's in Switzerland, I'm in Mexico. He'll be arriving in Mexico on July 22, so, 24 more days without circuital :(
He's really cool tho. Best b-day gift (matter of fact, ONLY bday gift :S)
The Band S/T
Wilco-Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
Audioslave-Out of Exile
New Wilco 7" and a limited edition 2x7" from Dr. Dog
I didn't buy any new vinyl, but I'm giving my friend Journey's Escape as part of her surprise 30th birthday present, which has lots of other 1981-themed nostalgia; she's always has a fondness for "Don't Stop Believing". Ironically, I bought the album in 1981, so she's getting an original release.
Incubus - If Not Now When? coming on July 12, Happy B-Day 2 me!
Felice Brothers - Celebration, Florida
Vetiver - Errant Charm
Fucked Up- David Comes to Life
Bon Iver- Bon Iver, Bon Iver (This is the proper name of this, right?)
Title Fight- Shed (Local Hardcore/Punk band)
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Jun 27, 2011, 08:13 PM
New Wilco 7" and a limited edition 2x7" from Dr. Dog
That Dr. Dog was a big letdown for me. Got it last year on Record Store Day think it would be similar to their 2 recent albums, which I love. I just can't get into it.
Ruckus... you're gonna love that Booker T. album.... :thumbsup:
Kind of opposite of the post but the first album I bought and still one of my favorites
King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King
Quote from: G_Wil on Jun 30, 2011, 07:04 PM
Kind of opposite of the post but the first album I bought and still one of my favorites
King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King
Quote from: woodnymph on Jun 30, 2011, 07:11 PM
Quote from: G_Wil on Jun 30, 2011, 07:04 PM
Kind of opposite of the post but the first album I bought and still one of my favorites
King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King
a Classic :thumbsup:
The Flaming Lips: Embryonic
Tom Waits - Mule Variations
and a bunch of MMJ that i listed in the music section.
There were so many records I wanted but had to pass on - Doolittle, Surfer Rosa, Loaded, OK Computer, I gotta make another run in another month or so.
I bought my 3rd Man Vault package #8 a few months ago, but it finally came today.
This weekend I picked up:
Rome (Danger Mouse and Daniele Luppi)
Rave On Buddy Holly
The Road From Memphis (Booker T Jones)
And when we went the the Bay for the Fox show, we made the obligatory trip to Amoeba. I barely scratched the surface there, because I found all these gems in the clearance section (all for the low, low price of $10.89 :o):
Another Night 12" single (Aretha Franklin)
I Feel Like Making Love (Roberta Flack)
Sneaking Sally Through the Alley (Robert Palmer)
Rufus feat. Chaka Khan
The Inner Mounting Flame (Mahavishnu Orchestra)
Solid 12" single (Ashford and Simpson)
Flashdance...What A Feeling (remix) 12" single (Irene Cara)
Rocking Soul (The Hues Corporation)
Let's Put it All Together (The Stylistics)
Understanding (Bobby Womack)
Quote from: DewieCox on Jul 02, 2011, 08:20 PM
I bought my 3rd Man Vault package #8 a few months ago, but it finally came today.
Got mine over the weekend can not wait to finish my house project so I can sit down and listen to it properly
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Jun 30, 2011, 03:30 PM
Ruckus... you're gonna love that Booker T. album.... :thumbsup:
Though I haven't received the vinyl in the mail yet, I've been diggin on it for sure. What a great party album! The Biz kills it! ;D
I had to return Chocolate and Ice because it was cracked :( , got OK Computer in exchange. Sounds awesome on vinyl.
Quote from: Ruckus on Jul 06, 2011, 10:51 PM
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Jun 30, 2011, 03:30 PM
Ruckus... you're gonna love that Booker T. album.... :thumbsup:
Though I haven't received the vinyl in the mail yet, I've been diggin on it for sure. What a great party album! The Biz kills it! ;D
So I was listening to the vinyl this weekend and the mp3 download is so much better! It sucks. The vinyl doesn't have the Biz Markie track or the Seed 3.0. :-\
I just picked up:
Oh yeah...and finally this ::)
Quote from: Ruckus on Jul 19, 2011, 10:24 PM
Quote from: Ruckus on Jul 06, 2011, 10:51 PM
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Jun 30, 2011, 03:30 PM
Ruckus... you're gonna love that Booker T. album.... :thumbsup:
Though I haven't received the vinyl in the mail yet, I've been diggin on it for sure. What a great party album! The Biz kills it! ;D
So I was listening to the vinyl this weekend and the mp3 download is so much better! It sucks. The vinyl doesn't have the Biz Markie track or the Seed 3.0. :-\
I just picked up:
Oh yeah...and finally this ::)
I'm surprised to see Def Leppard, I've hated them ever since I heard the singer say Neil Young was the worst guitarist and vocalist he ever heard. Not that I liked their music to begin with.
Wow did I get lucky. Just scored an absolutely mint copy of All Things Must Pass, Original pressing, complete with all sleeves and poster, unfolded. Looks brand new! Stoked!!!
Quote from: searchinbig on Jul 20, 2011, 07:06 AM
Wow did I get lucky. Just scored an absolutely mint copy of All Things Must Pass, Original pressing, complete with all sleeves and poster, unfolded. Looks brand new! Stoked!!!
one of the greatest by one of the greatest. this is one of my favorites from my collection and it never misses a season without getting played. enjoy and congrats on the great find.
Quote from: headhunter on Jul 20, 2011, 09:26 AM
Quote from: searchinbig on Jul 20, 2011, 07:06 AM
Wow did I get lucky. Just scored an absolutely mint copy of All Things Must Pass, Original pressing, complete with all sleeves and poster, unfolded. Looks brand new! Stoked!!!
one of the greatest by one of the greatest. this is one of my favorites from my collection and it never misses a season without getting played. enjoy and congrats on the great find.
I lucked out with that one recently too I found it at a record shop before the lady had a chance to price it (had just been brought in I guess) got it for $20 original pressing sounds great. Best day EVER.
Beatles White Album
J Roddy Walston And The Business Self Titled
did you have to get the J roddy from there website?
Quote from: ChronicHunger on Jul 20, 2011, 01:35 PM
did you have to get the J roddy from there website?
I bought it at their merch table at the Lebowski Fest in Louisville this past weekend.
It looks like you can get it on the Vagrant website: (
AgesandAges Alright you restless
I am so digging this album, and I LOVE the blue marble vinyl!
Uh oh! Found a nice used vinyl shop on the way home from visiting my dad.
The Rabbit Hole, Fitchburg, MA (
Return to Forever - The Romantic Warrior 1976 (
Love New World Record. One of my favorite from my yoot. (showing my age).
And that's a great RTF album. You my friend will be hooked to vinyl in NO TIME!
Not a real new purchase but listening tonight to Wilco's kicking television box set. Holy crap is this live show unreal on an lp. Getting psyched to hopefully get tix tomorrow to the 9/23 show in central park.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Jul 21, 2011, 09:02 PM
Uh oh! Found a nice used vinyl shop on the way home from visiting my dad.
The Rabbit Hole, Fitchburg, MA (
Oh boy, are you in trouble. ;D What do you have for shelving? That's my biggest problem.
Quote from: Crispy on Jul 21, 2011, 09:22 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Jul 21, 2011, 09:02 PM
Uh oh! Found a nice used vinyl shop on the way home from visiting my dad.
The Rabbit Hole, Fitchburg, MA (
Oh boy, are you in trouble. ;D What do you have for shelving? That's my biggest problem.
Ain't it the truth!
Quote from: Crispy on Jul 21, 2011, 09:22 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Jul 21, 2011, 09:02 PM
Uh oh! Found a nice used vinyl shop on the way home from visiting my dad.
The Rabbit Hole, Fitchburg, MA (
Oh boy, are you in trouble. ;D What do you have for shelving? That's my biggest problem.
I was disappointed to find I only had a small liquor box full of albums in the basement, less that 1/3 of what I had 25 years ago. Not sure what happened to some of them. Anyway, for now I've replaced the cardboard liquor box with a sturdier case from Musicians Friend to hold my 55 albums, most gatefolds. (
Not ready to think about shelving... yet.
AT War with the Mystics is an incredible album!
That Yoshimi and Soft Bulletin are some really sweet sounding vinyl. Great stuff.
Quote from: ChronicHunger on Aug 08, 2011, 01:57 AM
Prime selections man! :thumbsup:
Bought my favorite Neko Case album on vinyl at the show last night. I wanted Fox Confessor too but decided to go easy on my wallet.
Maybe it's because I'm getting old, but for mellow late night listening, the new Alison Krauss and US lp Paper Airplane is really a great listen and really well recorded/produced.
Finally coming across the pond
just ordered eef barzelay's EP of journey cover songs. cannot wait to hear this.
It wasn't cheap, but I just scored this on eBay yesterday afternoon:
Does anyone know why this particular album seems to be so rare when older ones are readily available?
You've found We All Belong and Easy Beat?
I know everything except Shame, Shame is outta print
Quote from: ChronicHunger on Aug 17, 2011, 11:59 AM
You've found We All Belong and Easy Beat?
I know everything except Shame, Shame is outta print
Yes, at Park The Van:
I hope that they have them. They took my money!
Quote from: jones on Aug 17, 2011, 01:36 PM
Quote from: ChronicHunger on Aug 17, 2011, 11:59 AM
You've found We All Belong and Easy Beat?
I know everything except Shame, Shame is outta print
Yes, at Park The Van:
I hope that they have them. They took my money!
Yeah I actually picked up Easy Beat brand new for around 15 bucks a couple of years back but no dice on Fate. I'll wait for a reissue.
nice on the easy beat, i love that album
Finally got this one and its in pristine condition. My expectations were somewhat lower considering its the beginning of their "synth" phase. Worng once again, very solid album!
Favorite Yes album, obtained this one a few weeks back. Its a prog-rock weekend for Wolof!!!
Quote from: wolof7 on Aug 21, 2011, 01:21 PM
Finally got this one and its in pristine condition. My expectations were somewhat lower considering its the beginning of their "synth" phase. Worng once again, very solid album!
Favorite Yes album, obtained this one a few weeks back. Its a prog-rock weekend for Wolof!!!
Ya know, Tracy has been singing the praises of GUP since I've joined this board and I gave it a casual listen about two years ago and was surprised that it didn't offend my sensibilities as much as I had remembered it to. I haven't gone back to it since. I need to clear my mind and give this another fair shake because I know you guys know what you are talking about.
Hooray, I can finally join in the fun here 8)
And my friend just gave me:
Can't wait to bring these back to Asheville and get them spinning!!! :D
I got:
Jesse Sykes and the Sweet Hereafter "Marble Son" LP
Mississippi Fred Mcdowell "Amazing Grace" LP
Quote from: sweatboard on Aug 23, 2011, 04:46 PM
a classic and an awesome way to zone out.
Semi blind buy, I had just heard Time of the Season and This'll Be Our Year. It's REALLY good. :thumbsup:
had the cd for awhile, the vinyl finally came into my work!
Happy happy dude
Found these two at a garage sale this weekend. I spent 50 cents for the pair.
Quote from: sweatboard on Aug 23, 2011, 04:46 PM
Curtis. Nice. :beer:
Record Store Day green edition of Peter Tosh - Legalize It/Equal Rights, couldn't find a pic of the green one.
New, reissue.
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Aug 31, 2011, 12:19 AM
Record Store Day green edition of Peter Tosh - Legalize It/Equal Rights, couldn't find a pic of the green one.
New, reissue.
:thumbsup:, :thumbsup:, and :thumbsup:!!!
Can't believe I found this, I've been looking forever......
The Head and the Heart.
What a goddamn record.
i like this thread
Quote from: Crispy on Sep 03, 2011, 02:20 AM
The Head and the Heart.
What a goddamn record.
Just bought this one today and listened tonight for the first time. This is awesome. Kinda jumps out at you and really well recorded. Plus the nice liner notes booklet and packaging is pretty cool.
Also picked up John Hiatt's new one Dirty Jeans and Muddy hymns and The new one by the Dawes. How great is that so many good young bands and legends are putting out everythimg on vinyl. One of the few examples where not everything is messed up and getting worse?
Quote from: headhunter on Sep 04, 2011, 09:49 PM
One of the few examples where not everything is messed up and getting worse?
I want this: (
Charlie Parr- Criminals And Sinners
Quote from: headhunter on Sep 04, 2011, 09:49 PM
Quote from: Crispy on Sep 03, 2011, 02:20 AM
The Head and the Heart.
What a goddamn record.
Just bought this one today and listened tonight for the first time. This is awesome. Kinda jumps out at you and really well recorded. Plus the nice liner notes booklet and packaging is pretty cool.
Also picked up John Hiatt's new one Dirty Jeans and Muddy hymns and The new one by the Dawes. How great is that so many good young bands and legends are putting out everythimg on vinyl. One of the few examples where not everything is messed up and getting worse?
i saw THATH open for Dr. Dog in February and have been preaching it ever since. as much as i love dr. d, i left that show and couldn't stop thinking about THATH
Finally got my Ukulele Songs Vinyl. Yay!
Just got this in the mail today:
Quote from: jones on Aug 17, 2011, 01:36 PM
Quote from: ChronicHunger on Aug 17, 2011, 11:59 AM
You've found We All Belong and Easy Beat?
I know everything except Shame, Shame is outta print
Yes, at Park The Van: (
I hope that they have them. They took my money!
Well, nevermind, they canceled my order. Why would Park The Van allow you to complete a purchase on something that isn't in stock? Oh well. I did just get these, though:
(Bong Load Mother Load version)
Quote from: jones on Sep 14, 2011, 09:17 AM
Quote from: jones on Aug 17, 2011, 01:36 PM
Quote from: ChronicHunger on Aug 17, 2011, 11:59 AM
You've found We All Belong and Easy Beat?
I know everything except Shame, Shame is outta print
Yes, at Park The Van: (
I hope that they have them. They took my money!
Well, nevermind, they canceled my order. Why would Park The Van allow you to complete a purchase on something that isn't in stock? Oh well. I did just get these, though:
(Bong Load Mother Load version)
Nice choices, didn't realize deluxe edition was on vinyl. That happened to me when I bought At Dawn from the interwebs, they waited a month to tell me it was out of stock.
On eBay most people want $80-100 for the deluxe Odelay, but I found it online for about $50. I've got my eye on the Sea Change original master recording next.
They want $225 for The Information deluxe on Beck's website... :-\
Got this for $7 it's crystal clear, I think I'm going to go back to the record store tomorrow and give them an extra $7 :) and a hug around the neck.
I was spinning it tonight and.....
"Simple Twist of Fate" came on at the best moment it possibly ever could have. Hit me like a freight train.
Quote from: sweatboard on Sep 16, 2011, 10:48 PM
Got this for $7 it's crystal clear, I'm going to go back to the record store tomorrow and give them $7 and a hug around the neck.
I was spinning it tonight and.....
"Simple Twist of Fate" came on at the best moment it possibly ever could have. Hit me like a freight train.
Unreal. Been looking for it for a while now. I wanted to buy it new but I had the guy play it for me in the store, and it sounded amazing, so I went with this used copy. I was holding off really listening to thus album until I got the vinyl. Glad I did. One of the best records I've ever heard. I have no Idea how he does it. Just amazing.
I just believe in fate so much right now. Found this used copy today, it sounds like heaven, and Simple Twist of Fate came on when it did.'s in the world. :-*
Productive weekend...
Latest pickups...
Not a bad way to spend $46...
"Just Because I Do" never sounded better! :o "The Bear" sounds great, too.
AA Bondy - Believers
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Sep 28, 2011, 07:17 PM
Nice nice nice nice nice!!!! That 4-Way Street is a faaaaaavoriteeee....... madly in love with Lee Shore, On the Way Home, Neil's intro to Don't Let It Bring You Down (and the song too of course!) King Midas, and the Neil medley at the end of disc 1...... on disc 2, Long Time Gone gets kiiiiillledddd, absolutely wild version... and of course Find the Cost of Freedom.
I just found a solid copy of 4 Way Street last time I was back home, at Jerry's!! Can't wait to head back there againnnnn 8)
Bobbie Gentry- Ode to Billie Joe lp and a Sam Lowry/ Wayward Sons- Julianne split 7"
Quote from: jones on Sep 14, 2011, 09:17 AM
Quote from: jones on Aug 17, 2011, 01:36 PM
Quote from: ChronicHunger on Aug 17, 2011, 11:59 AM
You've found We All Belong and Easy Beat?
I know everything except Shame, Shame is outta print
Yes, at Park The Van: (
I hope that they have them. They took my money!
Well, nevermind, they canceled my order. Why would Park The Van allow you to complete a purchase on something that isn't in stock? Oh well.
Well, I did finally get Easy Beat and We All Belong on eBay (both sealed), but they weren't exactly cheap. Yay, me!!!(I think???)
I'm listening to Easy Beat now and it sounds great. This is just an observation, but We All Belong is lacking a little on the low end; Toby's bass just doesn't come through as well as my digital version or the other LPs.
Just picked up the new Jayhawks Mockingbird Time & Frank Turner ep Rock & Roll.
Will listen to both tonight.
My favorite Elton John album
All Hail Leviathan
Just bought:
After the Gold Rush
Liquid Swords
Recently made an additional raid of the rents' collection:
All Things Must Pass
Madman Across the Water
On the Threshold of a Dream
Eat a Peach
The Low Spark of High Heeled Shoes
Deja Vu
461 Ocean Blvd
I think I grew up with your rent's.
Wife just got me a turntable. I was able to pick up my vinyl collection again after a 6 year hiatus. Went to the local shop, which has all the modern necessities except for MMJ for some reason, and instead collected a bunch of old stuff:
King Crimson - In the Court of the Crimson King (used/$3 bin)
The Sonics - Boom ("new")
Zappa - Roxy & Elsewhere (used)
Led Zeppelin I (used/$3 bin)
Stones - Hot Rocks (used/$3 bin)
Almond Bros - Brothers and Sisters (used/$3 bin)
Steely Dan - Aja (used/$3 bin)
And a true gem: Hendrix Live w/Otis Redding
My favorite album of the year - hands down!
Just got Grace Under Pressure not too long ago Ruckus....did you opt for any of the live in Cleveland album/dvds? Should I move this discussion to the Rush thread?
My sister bought me a 45/7 inch by Lanie Lane on the weekend. She's an Aussie singer who just recorded her debut album in Nashville with Jack White. Carl played pedal steel and guitar on her album aswell. You guys should check it out. (
Ruckus I almost got Marquee the other day. I imagine the title track to sound amazing on vinyl.
I think next time I go in I'm going for some 70s hairy rock (maybe Boston), a T Rex, and upping my R&B/Motown quota
Also, (
Tom Waits - Bad As Me - amazing! Hope this guy tours next year.
Quote from: wolof7 on Nov 05, 2011, 12:45 PM
Just got Grace Under Pressure not too long ago Ruckus....did you opt for any of the live in Cleveland album/dvds? Should I move this discussion to the Rush thread?
I haven't yet. I already had watched the film when it played on Rush Hashanah on VH1 and still have it on my DVR. It was great! Geddy is front and center, straight killing it.
Quote from: el_chode on Nov 06, 2011, 09:15 PM
Ruckus I almost got Marquee the other day. I imagine the title track to sound amazing on vinyl.
Marquee sounds brilliant even though I picked up one of the new reissues. The only downside is that I got accustomed to this album through the CD rerelease with all the excellent bonus tracks so it sounded rather lean the 1st time I spun it.
I just got done digging trough a garage full of records a guy was sellin for 50 cents a piece, there were literally probably about 5,000 records. i got to many to list but i came out with a good amount of great vinyl. :D
Quote from: AlwxanderD10 on Nov 08, 2011, 11:56 AM
I just got done digging trough a garage full of records a guy was sellin for 50 cents a piece, there were literally probably about 5,000 records. i got to many to list but i came out with a good amount of great vinyl. :D
Damn, man, I've been wishing to find a treasure trove like that. I would be tempted to offer a hefty sum for the whole bunch if it looked like a good collection.
Recent acquisitions:
Crispy... whats that Wooden Shjips like? They're playing here in philly tomorrow... worth $10?
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Nov 10, 2011, 02:52 PM
Crispy... whats that Wooden Shjips like? They're playing here in philly tomorrow... worth $10?
I think it's really cool, but it
might not be certainly isn't for everybody. Dirty, drony, old stoner psychedelic rawk. I've never seen them, but I'll bet it's worth $10 to find out what they're like live.
Quote from: Crispy on Nov 10, 2011, 02:57 PM
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Nov 10, 2011, 02:52 PM
Crispy... whats that Wooden Shjips like? They're playing here in philly tomorrow... worth $10?
I think it's really cool, but it might not be certainly isn't for everybody. Dirty, drony, old stoner psychedelic rawk. I've never seen them, but I'll bet it's worth $10 to find out what they're like live.
Hmmm.... certaintly temping, especially for a Friday night after a few whiskeys.
Richie Swift
Blood Mountain!
Bought Kid A 10" a couple weeks ago, and the other two at the show a couple days ago.
Decoration Day is awesome. Actually have it on my ipod at work now as we speak (type).
Russian Circles - Empros
Tom Waits - Bad As Me
Nice to see someone spinning Empros as well :thumbsup: My Chicago buds always raving about their live shows. I gotta see them
Quote from: Ruckus on Nov 17, 2011, 04:02 PM
Nice to see someone spinning Empros as well :thumbsup: My Chicago buds always raving about their live shows. I gotta see them
it's a good show for sure. I think they are touring with Deafheaven and Young Widows this round. That's a pretty great lineup
Quote from: Crispy on Nov 10, 2011, 12:09 PM
Quote from: AlwxanderD10 on Nov 08, 2011, 11:56 AM
I just got done digging trough a garage full of records a guy was sellin for 50 cents a piece, there were literally probably about 5,000 records. i got to many to list but i came out with a good amount of great vinyl. :D
Damn, man, I've been wishing to find a treasure trove like that. I would be tempted to offer a hefty sum for the whole bunch if it looked like a good collection.
Recent acquisitions:
Well if you live in louisville, heres the craigslist add 8) (
Just bought Pearl Jam- Given To Fly, Immortality and Spin The Black Circle 45's.
I'm a happy girl.
Quote from: weeniebeenie on Nov 18, 2011, 03:12 AM
Just bought Pearl Jam- Given To Fly, Immortality and Spin The Black Circle 45's.
I'm a happy girl.
I've been looking for a Spin the Black Circle 45 since roughly 1999.
Control Yourself/Warrior Man 7"
So.... I was cleaning out my grandmother's house this weekend and I'm now the owner of what seems to be be a pretty decent turntable. I also got all of her vinyl. The bad thing is, turns out she was a big (huge) Barry Manilow and Engelbert Humperdinck fan. She did have a couple of Elvis albums, Willie Nelson and the Beach Boys Christmas album. Next, I went to my in-laws because I knew my father in-law had some decent albums. There I stocked up on some Johnny Cash, Merle Haggard and some others that I can't think of right now. So, I have a decent start. Of all the music I listen to, I think my first purchase is going to be Phosphorescent's Here's to Taking it Easy. I have never even listened to vinyl before but everytime I listen to that, it makes me feel like I need to listen to it on vinyl. Weird.
Anyway, I have a question. I got the record player hooked up to my current receiver that I run my t.v., dvd, etc... on. The sound was very, very quiet. Not even worth listening to. The receiver that I took from my grandparents' house has a phono input and what I have does not. Is that the problem? I just plugged it into an auxiliary jack on my receiver.
Anyway, while I was tinkering with it, I broke the needle so it's going to be out of commission for a little bit, either way. Just wondering if someone could shed some light on this.
Most phono's have a very weak output (low amplification signal) and need to have some type of boost to push the volume to a level that you would listen to anything else on.
Plugging something into an aux jack that is not a dedicated phono input (which would probably have sufficient amplification) will not work. Many systems (like mine) require a separate phono-preamp to plug into that aux jack and then plug the phone chords into to new phono pre-amp. It is much easier than you think but unless your stereo or receiver has a dedicated phono jack, you must pick up a dedicated phono preamp.
Depending on your budget you might need to spend a few bucks (at least $100) to get something that works. You can easily buy a used one on a website like audiogon or ebay that would work. (
PM if you have any questions and I'd be glad to try and help.
ps- I have that Phosphorescent on lp and it sounds awesome. Beats the heck out of the cd.
Eagerly awaiting these to ship....
Quote from: headhunter on Nov 21, 2011, 02:51 PM
Most phono's have a very weak output (low amplification signal) and need to have some type of boost to push the volume to a level that you would listen to anything else on.
Plugging something into an aux jack that is not a dedicated phono input (which would probably have sufficient amplification) will not work. Many systems (like mine) require a separate phono-preamp to plug into that aux jack and then plug the phone chords into to new phono pre-amp. It is much easier than you think but unless your stereo or receiver has a dedicated phono jack, you must pick up a dedicated phono preamp.
Depending on your budget you might need to spend a few bucks (at least $100) to get something that works. You can easily buy a used one on a website like audiogon or ebay that would work. (
PM if you have any questions and I'd be glad to try and help.
ps- I have that Phosphorescent on lp and it sounds awesome. Beats the heck out of the cd.
HH hit the nail on the head. I've only ever heard that album on vinyl. Guess that's a good thing. It is a good one.
Been slacking big-time on this thread, but here's the latest:
Bought it on my trip to Asheville on the suggestion of a friend...only listened to side A so far, but no regrets!
Quote from: headhunter on Nov 21, 2011, 02:51 PM
Most phono's have a very weak output (low amplification signal) and need to have some type of boost to push the volume to a level that you would listen to anything else on.
Plugging something into an aux jack that is not a dedicated phono input (which would probably have sufficient amplification) will not work. Many systems (like mine) require a separate phono-preamp to plug into that aux jack and then plug the phone chords into to new phono pre-amp. It is much easier than you think but unless your stereo or receiver has a dedicated phono jack, you must pick up a dedicated phono preamp.
Depending on your budget you might need to spend a few bucks (at least $100) to get something that works. You can easily buy a used one on a website like audiogon or ebay that would work. (
PM if you have any questions and I'd be glad to try and help.
ps- I have that Phosphorescent on lp and it sounds awesome. Beats the heck out of the cd.
Thanks! I really appreciate it. I think what I will do is end up hooking it back up to system it came with (with the phone input). I was just being impatient and was trying to get it working the most simple way possible. Anyway, I think I'm going to hook up the "new" stereo in the garage for now (speakers are too large to convince my wife to put in our living room). Again, thanks for your help, and your offer for future help. :beer:
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Nov 21, 2011, 03:02 PM
Eagerly awaiting these to ship....
YHF is an awesome sonic experience exceeded ONLY by Kicking Television which at 4 lps is over 2x as long as YHF. PLUS Kicking includes 7 extra tunes that are not on the Kicking Television double cd set.. You are in for a nice night of listening once these babies arrive.
Quote from: headhunter on Nov 21, 2011, 03:44 PM
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Nov 21, 2011, 03:02 PM
Eagerly awaiting these to ship....
YHF is an awesome sonic experience exceeded ONLY by Kicking Television which at 4 lps is over 2x as long as YHF. PLUS Kicking includes 7 extra tunes that are not on the Kicking Television double cd set.. You are in for a nice night of listening once these babies arrive.
I'm pretty excited. Got them for 40% off, and have only listened to them on CDs for the past few years. Gonna break out the good headphones for these, and a couple cold Goose Islands.
Quote from: Jon T. on Nov 21, 2011, 03:42 PM
Quote from: headhunter on Nov 21, 2011, 02:51 PM
Most phono's have a very weak output (low amplification signal) and need to have some type of boost to push the volume to a level that you would listen to anything else on.
Plugging something into an aux jack that is not a dedicated phono input (which would probably have sufficient amplification) will not work. Many systems (like mine) require a separate phono-preamp to plug into that aux jack and then plug the phone chords into to new phono pre-amp. It is much easier than you think but unless your stereo or receiver has a dedicated phono jack, you must pick up a dedicated phono preamp.
Depending on your budget you might need to spend a few bucks (at least $100) to get something that works. You can easily buy a used one on a website like audiogon or ebay that would work. (
PM if you have any questions and I'd be glad to try and help.
ps- I have that Phosphorescent on lp and it sounds awesome. Beats the heck out of the cd.
Thanks! I really appreciate it. I think what I will do is end up hooking it back up to system it came with (with the phone input). I was just being impatient and was trying to get it working the most simple way possible. Anyway, I think I'm going to hook up the "new" stereo in the garage for now (speakers are too large to convince my wife to put in our living room). Again, thanks for your help, and your offer for future help. :beer:
Yeah I was gonna respond with some amateurish jargon about preamps, Tebow, cartridges, Royal Reds and needles but I figured headhunter or Crispy would one up me anyways so....I too eagerly await the arrival of Kicking Television
Quote from: jones on Nov 19, 2011, 07:01 PM
Control Yourself/Warrior Man 7"
I thought this wasn't out until Nov 25?
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Nov 21, 2011, 05:02 PM
Quote from: jones on Nov 19, 2011, 07:01 PM
Control Yourself/Warrior Man 7"
I thought this wasn't out until Nov 25?
They were selling it anyway. You should be able to get it tomorrow night.
There is no standard color for these discs. I don't know if they got some kind of deal for it, but apparently they were using "left over" materials and whatever color was poured into the hopper was what was used. At least that's how I understood the story from the merch crew. Mine is orange and my buddy's was red. I saw another picture on FB and that one was green.
They also have reissues of all of the other full length LPs just in case you are missing any (even the out of print Fate and We All Belong).
Quote from: jones on Nov 21, 2011, 05:14 PM
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Nov 21, 2011, 05:02 PM
Quote from: jones on Nov 19, 2011, 07:01 PM
Control Yourself/Warrior Man 7"
I thought this wasn't out until Nov 25?
They were selling it anyway. You should be able to get it tomorrow night.
There is no standard color for these discs. I don't know if they got some kind of deal for it, but apparently they were using "left over" materials and whatever color was poured into the hopper was what was used. At least that's how I understood the story from the merch crew. Mine is orange and my buddy's was red. I saw another picture on FB and that one was green.
They also have reissues of all of the other full length LPs just in case you are missing any (even the out of print Fate and We All Belong).
Oh awesome I didn't realize you got it at a show. I'll plan on brining some extra cash to pick up Fate, too.
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Nov 21, 2011, 05:17 PM
Quote from: jones on Nov 21, 2011, 05:14 PM
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Nov 21, 2011, 05:02 PM
Quote from: jones on Nov 19, 2011, 07:01 PM
Control Yourself/Warrior Man 7"
I thought this wasn't out until Nov 25?
They were selling it anyway. You should be able to get it tomorrow night.
There is no standard color for these discs. I don't know if they got some kind of deal for it, but apparently they were using "left over" materials and whatever color was poured into the hopper was what was used. At least that's how I understood the story from the merch crew. Mine is orange and my buddy's was red. I saw another picture on FB and that one was green.
They also have reissues of all of the other full length LPs just in case you are missing any (even the out of print Fate and We All Belong).
Oh awesome I didn't realize you got it at a show. I'll plan on brining some extra cash to pick up Fate, too.
Yeah, I bought it in Chattanooga on Friday. Have a great time tomorrow night!
/ Jealous!!!
Boom, So good. The new album should be great!
Black Friday, got an advance on some Christmas money. Went the fuck off!!
suck it!!!!! this album is fun.
Holy SHIT!! I've taken it easy this year until today. While creating this post I've been listening to Middle Brother........FUCK, I need to get that as well!! :)
Well, they were sold out of everything I wanted by the time I got to the only RSD dealer near me. So I "settled" for these:
Harrison's 1970 solo debut, released in a limited edition, numbered 180-gram vinyl set, with faithfully replicated monochromic album art, poster and lift-top box packaging. Newly remastered to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the release.
Nice pickup. All things must pass is one of the all time greats.
I am in Boston for Thanksgiving weekend and made it to two different Newbury Comics today and picked up a bunch of goodies.
"new" dead europe 72 part two
Wilco ep
Iron and wine & low anthem ep
Justin townes earle single
Tom petty live ep
Anything to help the local record stores is a good thing, right.
If anyone picked up a spare copy of this Wilco EP, I'd love to discuss taking it off your hands.
Quote from: sweatboard on Nov 25, 2011, 12:29 PM
Holy SHIT!! I've taken it easy this year until today. While creating this post I've been listening to Middle Brother........FUCK, I need to get that as well!! :)
IMO, middle brother and wilco are neck and neck for album of the year. Middle brother is better now, but I think wilcos album has some serious longevity behind it.
Bought my friend's bands album at the show the other day.
1,2,3 - New Heaven
Quote from: johnnYYac on Nov 25, 2011, 08:25 PM
If anyone picked up a spare copy of this Wilco EP, I'd love to discuss taking it off your hands.
Nevermind. I scored one on eBay for $20! I'm happy.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Nov 26, 2011, 12:54 AM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Nov 25, 2011, 08:25 PM
If anyone picked up a spare copy of this Wilco EP, I'd love to discuss taking it off your hands.
Nevermind. I scored one on eBay for $20! I'm happy.
Got this too and spun it before. Excellent 4 song mini-ep? Johnny, I think I see a vinyl addiction in your future.
Quote from: ChronicHunger on Nov 24, 2011, 01:44 AM
Boom, So good. The new album should be great!
Saw this at the local shop, but it was kind of pricey and I already had a few purchases in my hands. Pretty interesting that you play it from the center outwards. I'm really looking forward to hearing that other track.
Yea i wasnt going to get it, but the employee discount sealed the deal. My record store didnt get a whole lot in. Really wanted the Dr dog Single.This is the first record ive owned that you play backwards. Both sound great, but i prefer lonely boy to run right back. Still a great song though.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Nov 28, 2011, 03:32 PM
nice run thru pick up and look at johnny yac quoting dbt. penny must be so proud!
assuming those were eBay pick ups. I saw Run Thru and Off The Record 7" both for under 5$ on ebay yesterday...
Quote from: e_wind on Nov 28, 2011, 04:08 PM
assuming those were eBay pick ups. I saw Run Thru and Off The Record 7" both for under 5$ on ebay yesterday...
Got the Run Thru 7" today, about $8 shipped from UK. Ordered the Wilco EP a few days back and the Sugar today. Already have the OTR 7". Its a shame they don't block eBay here at work. ;)
Quote from: headhunter on Nov 28, 2011, 04:05 PM
nice run thru pick up and look at johnny yac quoting dbt. penny must be so proud!
I love that line, having watched the DVD last weekend. Wish I had done so BEFORE the Portland show. Gained a lot of respect for them.
BTW, expect a package soon with the She & Him X-mas LP and a certain DVD... Oh, and my MMJ/NYC/MSG "luggage". ;)
Quote from: johnnYYac on Nov 28, 2011, 04:17 PM
Quote from: headhunter on Nov 28, 2011, 04:05 PM
nice run thru pick up and look at johnny yac quoting dbt. penny must be so proud!
I love that line, having watched the DVD last weekend. Wish I had done so BEFORE the Portland show. Gained a lot of respect for them.
BTW, expect a package soon with the She & Him X-mas LP and a certain DVD... Oh, and my MMJ/NYC/MSG "luggage". ;)
:). Thanks in advance. Wish we were going to have more time to hang when you come in next month. Would love to spin some vinyl with ya! I will have some goodies for you too to bring back north.
Thanks to flyguy :thumbsup:
Quote from: Ruckus on Nov 29, 2011, 11:55 PM
Thanks to flyguy :thumbsup:
Nice picks! Where'd you score We All Belong??
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Nov 30, 2011, 12:10 AM
Quote from: Ruckus on Nov 29, 2011, 11:55 PM
Thanks to flyguy :thumbsup:
Nice picks! Where'd you score We All Belong??
Flyguy was kind enough to snag a copy from merch at the Nashville show and send it out. Awesome peoples :)
Quote from: Ruckus on Nov 30, 2011, 12:15 AM
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Nov 30, 2011, 12:10 AM
Quote from: Ruckus on Nov 29, 2011, 11:55 PM
Thanks to flyguy :thumbsup:
Nice picks! Where'd you score We All Belong??
Flyguy was kind enough to snag a copy from merch at the Nashville show and send it out. Awesome peoples :)
Awwww.... Who is this flyguy you speak of? ;D Glad to do it, man. Enjoy! :beer:
YA GTF, they are selling
all of the studio LPs at the shows.
Quote from: jones on Nov 30, 2011, 10:12 AM
Quote from: Ruckus on Nov 30, 2011, 12:15 AM
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Nov 30, 2011, 12:10 AM
Quote from: Ruckus on Nov 29, 2011, 11:55 PM
Thanks to flyguy :thumbsup:
Nice picks! Where'd you score We All Belong??
Flyguy was kind enough to snag a copy from merch at the Nashville show and send it out. Awesome peoples :)
Awwww.... Who is this flyguy you speak of? ;D Glad to do it, man. Enjoy! :beer:
YA GTF, they are selling all of the studio LPs at the shows.
I had heard that, but they didn't have them at that philly show last week. Just the 7". Hopefully there will be some left after they close out the tour in Philly in March.
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Nov 30, 2011, 11:10 AM
Quote from: jones on Nov 30, 2011, 10:12 AM
Quote from: Ruckus on Nov 30, 2011, 12:15 AM
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Nov 30, 2011, 12:10 AM
Quote from: Ruckus on Nov 29, 2011, 11:55 PM
Thanks to flyguy :thumbsup:
Nice picks! Where'd you score We All Belong??
Flyguy was kind enough to snag a copy from merch at the Nashville show and send it out. Awesome peoples :)
Awwww.... Who is this flyguy you speak of? ;D Glad to do it, man. Enjoy! :beer:
YA GTF, they are selling all of the studio LPs at the shows.
I had heard that, but they didn't have them at that philly show last week. Just the 7". Hopefully there will be some left after they close out the tour in Philly in March.
Yeah, in Chattanooga they had all of them front and center at the merch table. The guy working the table told me that they were only selling them at shows. I wonder why they didn't set them out at the Kung Fu show... Odd.
Flyguy = jones !!!
I had no idea. Wondered what happened to ya. Shit. Welcome back! ;D
Well, since I outed myself I guess it's time to change my handle again... ;D Some folks never lost the trail, though.
/I get bored easily
//I haven't been flying lately
///It could make for an entertaining forum game
Heard today on Sirius XMU that Feist and Mastodon are collaborating on a 7" for Record Store day. Here's a quote I found...
Quote"The idea is for Mastodon to cover a Feist song and throw some hair and dirt on it," Sanders said. "They're going to take a Mastodon song and pretty it up a little bit."
Mastodon to cover a Feist song
^thats awesome, although im not a huge fan of there new album.
Also awesome
Quote from: johnnYYac on Nov 26, 2011, 12:54 AM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Nov 25, 2011, 08:25 PM
If anyone picked up a spare copy of this Wilco EP, I'd love to discuss taking it off your hands.
Nevermind. I scored one on eBay for $20! I'm happy.
If anyone is still looking for this, it is available at Wilco's webstore for $14.
Just made my first vinyl purchase. I was hoping for Phosphorescent but he didn't have it. I had to go with this one for $8.
Quote from: Jon T. on Dec 02, 2011, 01:29 PM
Just made my first vinyl purchase. I was hoping for Phosphorescent but he didn't have it. I had to go with this one for $8.
And now let the addiction flourish
Quote from: Ruckus on Dec 02, 2011, 01:55 PM
Quote from: Jon T. on Dec 02, 2011, 01:29 PM
Just made my first vinyl purchase. I was hoping for Phosphorescent but he didn't have it. I had to go with this one for $8.
And now let the addiction flourish
Now for some help. I took my record player into the shop. The guy tells me that it's a very nice record player. It is a Denon DP15-F (whatever that means). To replace the needle, you have to replace the whole cartridge and I'm all I'm seeing is about $150 for this one piece. Is that right? Do I have to replace it with the same DL160 that was on there. Or do they sell universal type cartridges?
This may be the shortest lived obsession ever!
Generally, you need to replace the cartridge - not just the needle. $150 may be be out of your budget (especially with holidays approaching) but it is probably a very fair price for a decent cartridge.
Quote from: headhunter on Dec 02, 2011, 02:29 PM
Generally, you need to replace the cartridge - not just the needle. $150 may be be out of your budget (especially with holidays approaching) but it is probably a very fair price for a decent cartridge.
Quote from: Jon T. on Dec 02, 2011, 02:34 PM
Quote from: headhunter on Dec 02, 2011, 02:29 PM
Generally, you need to replace the cartridge - not just the needle. $150 may be be out of your budget (especially with holidays approaching) but it is probably a very fair price for a decent cartridge.
Or you can be like me and have an elcheapo setup that costs less than your new cartridge. Damn sound snobs (they don't deserve to be called audiophiles) ;D
Yeah I had an Audio Technica that was working just fine for me...a $75 turntable. then I get a Rega RP-1 dropped in my lap ($450) and then need to buy a pre-amp ($175). Not sure how much the replacement parts are on the Rega. I'm guessing not cheap though! It sure sounds like I'm complainin' don't it... :-X
I had a rega 2 for 15 years and it was one of the greatest bargains I ever got. Great sound, dependable and for the $, one of the best tt's on the market.
For my bday I treated myself to a trifecta of goodies!!!
Timber Timbre
the Barr Brothers
also dl these 2 which are great!
Chode, when I was in eighth grade I bought that Seger album. I wore that thing out. Who knows what happened to it. Also, My sister spent at least an entire year playing the Rumors album. Plus, my saxophone private lesson teacher went on tour with The Marshall Tucker band for awhile. Your purchases are really taking me back to jr. high.
chode - your purchases are part of the soundtrack of my life. hope they bring you as many good hours of listening as they've brought me. :thumbsup:
Haha thanks guys, I've always suspected that I was someone who died young, then get reincarnated too quickly because much of this was the soundtrack to my high school days too - in the late 90s.
I buy my vinyl based on an intuition that it is an album made for vinyl. So far, I haven't been wrong. But I haven't gotten past 1984 yet (Stop Making Sense).
Quote from: Ruckus on Dec 02, 2011, 03:24 PM
Quote from: Jon T. on Dec 02, 2011, 02:34 PM
Quote from: headhunter on Dec 02, 2011, 02:29 PM
Generally, you need to replace the cartridge - not just the needle. $150 may be be out of your budget (especially with holidays approaching) but it is probably a very fair price for a decent cartridge.
Or you can be like me and have an elcheapo setup that costs less than your new cartridge. Damn sound snobs (they don't deserve to be called audiophiles) ;D
;D Same here... still rocking an Audio Technica AT-PL50. About $80 brand new
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Dec 11, 2011, 10:15 PM
Quote from: Ruckus on Dec 02, 2011, 03:24 PM
Quote from: Jon T. on Dec 02, 2011, 02:34 PM
Quote from: headhunter on Dec 02, 2011, 02:29 PM
Generally, you need to replace the cartridge - not just the needle. $150 may be be out of your budget (especially with holidays approaching) but it is probably a very fair price for a decent cartridge.
Or you can be like me and have an elcheapo setup that costs less than your new cartridge. Damn sound snobs (they don't deserve to be called audiophiles) ;D
;D Same here... still rocking an Audio Technica AT-PL50. About $80 brand new
AT-PL60 for
$65 $69 at Amazon ( :thumbsup: I'm sure the more expensive tts sound great but I can't justify that and all my other music expenses. Maybe when I win the lottery (if I ever buy a ticket, that is).
Quote from: johnnYYac on Dec 11, 2011, 11:06 PM
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Dec 11, 2011, 10:15 PM
Quote from: Ruckus on Dec 02, 2011, 03:24 PM
Quote from: Jon T. on Dec 02, 2011, 02:34 PM
Quote from: headhunter on Dec 02, 2011, 02:29 PM
Generally, you need to replace the cartridge - not just the needle. $150 may be be out of your budget (especially with holidays approaching) but it is probably a very fair price for a decent cartridge.
Or you can be like me and have an elcheapo setup that costs less than your new cartridge. Damn sound snobs (they don't deserve to be called audiophiles) ;D
;D Same here... still rocking an Audio Technica AT-PL50. About $80 brand new
AT-PL60 for $65 :thumbsup: I'm sure the more expensive tts sound great but I can't justify that and all my other music expenses. Maybe when I win the lottery (if I ever buy a ticket, that is).
Nothing wrong with an AT-PL50 (or 60)!
Quote from: el_chode on Dec 10, 2011, 07:45 PM
I'm on my way over
Found a sealed copy!
Green Mind
I love that record, jonesy, wish I had that vinyl.
Hey Crispy! I almost bought that Portishead album yesterday. Let me know how good it is.
Quote from: Fully on Dec 20, 2011, 11:31 AM
Hey Crispy! I almost bought that Portishead album yesterday. Let me know how good it is.
Hey Fully! It's great, but may not be for everyone. Very dark, trippy and weird (duh), maybe not as accessible or enjoyable as the first record, Dummy, but rewarding. "All Mine" is especially haunting.
Quote from: Crispy on Dec 20, 2011, 11:39 AM
Quote from: Fully on Dec 20, 2011, 11:31 AM
Hey Crispy! I almost bought that Portishead album yesterday. Let me know how good it is.
Hey Fully! It's great, but may not be for everyone. Very dark, trippy and weird (duh), maybe not as accessible or enjoyable as the first record, Dummy, but rewarding. "All Mine" is especially haunting.
Well, since I spotify stalk you and I really like most of the playlists you make, I think I might like it. I'll have to go back to the Grimeys soon.
Quote from: Fully on Dec 20, 2011, 11:44 AM
Quote from: Crispy on Dec 20, 2011, 11:39 AM
Quote from: Fully on Dec 20, 2011, 11:31 AM
Hey Crispy! I almost bought that Portishead album yesterday. Let me know how good it is.
Hey Fully! It's great, but may not be for everyone. Very dark, trippy and weird (duh), maybe not as accessible or enjoyable as the first record, Dummy, but rewarding. "All Mine" is especially haunting.
Well, since I spotify stalk you and I really like most of the playlists you make, I think I might like it. I'll have to go back to the Grimeys soon.
What! You're spotify stalking me? I wanna stalk you!
Done! WHOA, 54 playlists?? I gots listening to do...
Quote from: Crispy on Dec 20, 2011, 11:49 AM
Quote from: Fully on Dec 20, 2011, 11:44 AM
Quote from: Crispy on Dec 20, 2011, 11:39 AM
Quote from: Fully on Dec 20, 2011, 11:31 AM
Hey Crispy! I almost bought that Portishead album yesterday. Let me know how good it is.
Hey Fully! It's great, but may not be for everyone. Very dark, trippy and weird (duh), maybe not as accessible or enjoyable as the first record, Dummy, but rewarding. "All Mine" is especially haunting.
Well, since I spotify stalk you and I really like most of the playlists you make, I think I might like it. I'll have to go back to the Grimeys soon.
What! You're spotify stalking me? I wanna stalk you!
Done! WHOA, 54 playlists?? I gots listening to do...
Not a lot of new music in those, but stalk away.
Quote from: Crispy on Dec 20, 2011, 10:59 AM
I love that record, jonesy, wish I had that vinyl.
I had been watching on eBay for a while and this one had slight damage to a corner of the sleeve with a mint record, so I jumped on it. Still not
cheap, but...
Now if I could just find a copy of Lawn Boy for less than the going rate of $500...
My kick-ass wife had this waiting for me today. I know I told her that this was one of the first records I wanted to listen to on our record player. I didn't think she was paying attention, though.
and this. this sucker is heavy.
Yeah, I recently bought Phossie as well. Thee Oh Sees Carrilon is on the way
Quote from: Jon T. on Dec 21, 2011, 10:51 PM
My kick-ass wife had this waiting for me today. I know I told her that this was one of the first records I wanted to listen to on our record player. I didn't think she was paying attention, though.
and this. this sucker is heavy.
that is one good wife u got there! both are nice goodies.
Quote from: headhunter on Dec 22, 2011, 11:49 AM
Quote from: Jon T. on Dec 21, 2011, 10:51 PM
My kick-ass wife had this waiting for me today. I know I told her that this was one of the first records I wanted to listen to on our record player. I didn't think she was paying attention, though.
and this. this sucker is heavy.
that is one good wife u got there! both are nice goodies.
Yes and Yes. I've got the Phossie album. I think ISM is next on my list of vinyl purchases, what with the glorious sound from this Rega. NEED to hear Steam Engine and Rolling Back on vinyl.
Quote from: Hawkeye on Dec 22, 2011, 02:47 PM
Yes and Yes. I've got the Phossie album. I think ISM is next on my list of vinyl purchases, what with the glorious sound from this Rega. NEED to hear Steam Engine and Rolling Back on vinyl.
I listened to ISM last night. I don't want to go overboard and describe something that most of you in the thread already know, but I was blown away. Here is this album that I thought I knew front and back that I've listened to countless times over the last six years and it's all of the sudden
better than I even knew. So many ooohs and ahhhs, guitar riffs, different tones that I've never heard before. I was floored. Really no other way to describe it.
That being said, and I know I'm about to go down a rabbit hole with this, but something is not quite right with my sound. I'm going to try and describe it and hopefully someone can help?! I'm getting this extra "noise" out of my speakers. It's not humming, but it's almost like this subtle "knocks". I don't know if this is normal or if there is something off with my set up, but when you tap the tt, it sounds as if you're tapping a microphone through the speakers. Is that normal? That is what I'm hearing while a record is playing. It's very subtle and it's not continuous, there are just these amplified "taps" throughout. Any ideas?
1) is your vinyl completely clean? I guess these are new records so they should be...
2) I have yet to do the whole set-up thing, but at least make sure the TT is level. There are some protractors you can find on-line to make sure your stylus is aligned properly and all that jazz. I have yet to do that, but my TT sounded good out of the box so it hasn't been a priority. Vinyl Engine website has some good forums if the problem persists.
I bought on Monday:
Jealous, Fully! That KORT record is great, I fuggin' love Courtney Tidwell.
Quote from: Crispy on Dec 23, 2011, 10:12 AM
Jealous, Fully! That KORT record is great, I fuggin' love Courtney Tidwell.
It is. I had been listening to digital files of it, and I don't buy much vinyl because I can always use one less thing to buy, but I finally decided to just go ahead and get it. (I've really got to stop doing that)
Quote from: Hawkeye on Dec 23, 2011, 09:27 AM
1) is your vinyl completely clean? I guess these are new records so they should be...
2) I have yet to do the whole set-up thing, but at least make sure the TT is level. There are some protractors you can find on-line to make sure your stylus is aligned properly and all that jazz. I have yet to do that, but my TT sounded good out of the box so it hasn't been a priority. Vinyl Engine website has some good forums if the problem persists.
Thanks. Vinyl is clean. Man, that protractor stuff looks intimidating. The cartridge I bought was pretty cheap and I had to put an adapter on it for it to work with the tt. It's too heavy for the tonearm to lift and lower correctly. I wonder if that is part of it. I've heard enough to know that I'm willing to invest in a proper cartridge replacement, I just don't want to spend that kind of money and still not get it sorted out.
It's possible your cartridge isn't set up right. Sometimes you can set the proper weight dor tracking purposes. If it too heavy for your tonearm to lift, the azimuth and or weight is probably wrong. Do u live near an audio store that might be able to help?
When properly set up, you should never have any of those problems.
Is your adapter a phono pre amp or something else?
Wilco collection nearing completion!
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Dec 23, 2011, 05:21 PM
Wilco collection nearing completion!
I love that cover better than the CD cover...
not sure why I keep buying vinyl when I dont have a working record player at the moment but over the last few weeks:
Especially happy bout picking up Broken Arrow...
Quote from: ralph on Dec 23, 2011, 06:02 PM
not sure why I keep buying vinyl when I dont have a working record player at the moment but over the last few weeks:
Especially happy bout picking up Broken Arrow...
Get a good deal on Broken Arrow? I'd love to have it, but they're all on ebay for $150+
Get a good deal on Broken Arrow? I'd love to have it, but they're all on ebay for $150+
$80! bargain....
Quote from: ralph on Dec 23, 2011, 09:09 PM
Get a good deal on Broken Arrow? I'd love to have it, but they're all on ebay for $150+
$80! bargain....
Quote from: headhunter on Dec 23, 2011, 04:45 PM
It's possible your cartridge isn't set up right. Sometimes you can set the proper weight dor tracking purposes. If it too heavy for your tonearm to lift, the azimuth and or weight is probably wrong. Do u live near an audio store that might be able to help?
When properly set up, you should never have any of those problems.
Is your adapter a phono pre amp or something else?
By adapter, I mean it did not fit on my tone arm the way it came. I had to put on an additional piece on the cartridge in order for it to fit my tone arm. It is definitely too heavy. I did a search of what kind of cart is recommended for my tt. It was only around $50, which is a good happy medium between the $15 one I bought and the $150 one I was considering. Hopefully this will clear the sound up. I appreciate everyone's help!
Pretty productive day at the shops...
And #0001 of this....
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Dec 26, 2011, 07:53 PM
Pretty productive day at the shops...
real fo' real
All are awesome. GH is the obvious classic but that Calexico lp is a fantastic find, especially on vinyl. Guessing you must already have the I&W /Calexico Into The Reins lp too but the Black Light is also a special one that is really special on vinyl. Enjoy,
All new vinyl, $50 shipped.
And, on CD via eBay...
Quote from: headhunter on Dec 26, 2011, 09:15 PM
All are awesome. GH is the obvious classic but that Calexico lp is a fantastic find, especially on vinyl. Guessing you must already have the I&W /Calexico Into The Reins lp too but the Black Light is also a special one that is really special on vinyl. Enjoy,
I dont actually but Im always on the lookout for it. I just got done listening to Black Light, it really is outstanding. Its a great headphones album, some of the vocal work just makes you smile ear to ear.
I have so much new stuff to go through, I came home with 18 albums today. In addition to the 4 I posted I raided my in laws garage after my wifes dad told me he had "5 or 6 boxes" out there. Mostly classic rock stuff but walked away with a few gems like Aretha Franklin Live at the Filmore, The Supremes doing British invasion covers, and Tug McGraw reciting Casey at the Bat. The latter two and a couple others should get me some decent value in trade.
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Dec 26, 2011, 07:53 PM
Pretty productive day at the shops...
And #0001 of this....
Forgot that I finally picked these up on amazon too...
Picked this up today, been after it since I started with vinyl. Found it in the "new used" section, interestingly enough it looks like someone broke up their Heady Nuggs box set. Why I have no idea, but their bad decision is my gain...
Kurt Vile - God Is Saying This to You # 540/1000
Also via Amazon
Walkmen - You & Me and Lisbon
Iron and Wine - Shepherd's Dog
Dan Auerbach - Keep It Hid
Outstanding Kurt Vile pickup, kotch.
Acquired today at Hastings, of all places, the only vinyl source in my town. The Joy Formidable:
Does ANYbody else dig this?
Joy formidable are pretty good, i work with a dude whos a huge fan. Good, but that album got the shit played out of it at my store.
Quote from: ChronicHunger on Dec 31, 2011, 12:03 AM
Joy formidable are pretty good, i work with a dude whos a huge fan. Good, but that album got the shit played out of it at my store.
I get the feeling I was late to the Joy Formidable party, most people thought it was lame, and I'm the guy wearing the lampshade.
I really like them
Just bought the Pat Garrett and Billy the Kid soundtrack by Bob Dylan.
Sounds so nice in summer.
I had a pretty productive couple days of vinyl accumulation. Productive by my standards, ayway.
Ryan Adams - Gold
CSNY - Deja Vu
Dylan -Greatest Hits Vol II
Some Bluegrass album- not even sure who it is
Only Ryan Adams was new, the rest I found at the flea market. And my bro- in-law said he has a few he's going to give me. Including The Wall and Lynyrd Sykynrd's orginal pressing of Street Survivors.
The in-laws are always good for a fat gift card for my birthday, picked these up on an unexpected trip. Very, very pleased...
Mars Volta Live at the Electric Ballroom (Deloused in the Comatorium)
Hey, I've heard of that Arbouretum band. Where'd you find the vinyl man?
Quote from: Ruckus on Jan 10, 2012, 10:08 PM
Hey, I've heard of that Arbouretum band. Where'd you find the vinyl man?
Haha, thanks for introducing me to them man, it definitely took. Picked it up at Siren Records in Doylestown Pa. I must have gotten at least $400 dollars in gift cards between Christmas and my birthday today. Which is to say I have nearly $400 in new vinyl.
Finally snagged Monsters of Folk via the UK, new for $35 US shipped. Playing the first disc and it sounds great! Its like hearing it again for the first time! Anyone know why the vinyl is so hard to find? Limited pressing? Anyway, highly recommend this one.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Jan 10, 2012, 10:31 PM
Finally snagged Monsters of Folk via the UK, new for $35 US shipped. Playing the first disc and it sounds great! Its like hearing it again for the first time! Anyone know why the vinyl is so hard to find? Limited pressing? Anyway, highly recommend this one.
I'd wager thats gonna sound awesome with a good set of over-ear headphones...
I can't find a picture but I got as an Xmas gift--the Futurebirds limited edition EP vinyl, hand painted album cover (by the band)..there were 300 or so done. It's now my favorite album.
Quote from: Penny Lane on Jan 10, 2012, 11:18 PM
I can't find a picture but I got as an Xmas gift--the Futurebirds limited edition EP vinyl, hand painted album cover (by the band)..there were 300 or so done. It's now my favorite album.
That's awesome Penny. When I saw them at the Red Palace with Sassbox, I talked to Tom Johnson at the merch table about the EP and he said it would be a bit longer. When it came out, I was tight for cash and wasn't feeling $21 for a 6 song EP. I terribly regret that decision now.
Jeff the Brotherhood - We Are the Champions and Heavy Days
Thee Oh Sees - Carrion Crawler the Dream
Fucked Up - David Comes to Life
Quote from: Ruckus on Jan 11, 2012, 09:09 AM
Fucked Up - David Comes to Life
This was in the jukebox at the bar last night. Only played a few tracks but I dug what I heard.
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Jan 11, 2012, 09:24 AM
Quote from: Ruckus on Jan 11, 2012, 09:09 AM
Fucked Up - David Comes to Life
This was in the jukebox at the bar last night. Only played a few tracks but I dug what I heard.
Well, if you dig easy on the ears hardcore/hard classic rock concept albums...there you are. It's rare that this type of album doesn't grow old on me and so finally I had to just buy it.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Jan 10, 2012, 10:31 PM
Finally snagged Monsters of Folk via the UK, new for $35 US shipped. Playing the first disc and it sounds great! Its like hearing it again for the first time! Anyone know why the vinyl is so hard to find? Limited pressing? Anyway, highly recommend this one.
I thought that was available here?? (
Definitely a MUST have. The package is top notch.
I think the blue copy is limited. There's that word again, limited.
Quote from: searchinbig on Jan 11, 2012, 12:04 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Jan 10, 2012, 10:31 PM
Finally snagged Monsters of Folk via the UK, new for $35 US shipped. Playing the first disc and it sounds great! Its like hearing it again for the first time! Anyone know why the vinyl is so hard to find? Limited pressing? Anyway, highly recommend this one.
I thought that was available here?? (
Definitely a MUST have. The package is top notch.
I think the blue copy is limited. There's that word again, limited.
I think I tried here once and they didn't have any in stock. I see they list it w/digital download and only $25. The copy I received had the CD instead of a download. No matter; I just want the vinyl. I guess $35 shipped from England ain't too bad.
Dr. Dog Shame, Shame (orange vinyl)
From Karate Body (
and because I needed a new copy:
Vinyl sales are up big time. Last Friday there was a major article in The Wall Street Journal and now another one from CNBC yesterday (
King Curtis Live at the Fillmore West. This should be in everyone's vinyl collection. One of the most incredible bands ever assembled.
King Curtis - Saxophone
Cornell Dupree - Electric guitar
Jerry Jemmot - Bass guitar
Pancho Morales - Congas
Billy Preston - Electric Organ
Bernard Purdie - Drums
Truman Thomas - Electric piano
The Memphis Horns:
Jack Hale - Trombone
Roger Hopps - Trumpet
Wayne Jackson - Lead, Trumpet
Andrew Love - Tenor Saxophone
Jimmy Mitchell - Baritone Saxophone
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Quote from: jones on Feb 08, 2012, 11:21 AM
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Does anyone else use this site? (
Natty Dread
Shame, Shame
Blue Album
Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga
Girls Can Tell
Quote from: Penny Lane on Feb 09, 2012, 01:35 PM
Does anyone else use this site? (
Yep! I bought a Dr. Dog/Floating Action split 7" there.
Wolf People - Steeple - FINALLY! now hopefully they put something out this year
Tallest Man on Earth - Shallow Grave - After Sara restarted that old thread, I remembered that I hadn't gotten this one on vinyl yet.
Whoa, I just ordered that Wolf People record, I wish it would hurry up and get here!
The Band
More of a trade than a purchase.
original pressings of:
Neil Young - After the Gold Rush
Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere
Allman Brothers - Eat a Peach
35bucks. hell yes.
Just got Lambchop's Mr. M.
My most recent vinyl purchases were a 1967 pressing of The Moody Blues Days of Future Passed, and Pink Floyd Meddle. Both were at a funky little alleyway record store I happened across in Victoria, BC.
The original DoFP master tapes were damaged, so the 1967 version is different from the 1978 remastered rerelease, and has never been reproduced on CD. I was pretty excited to find the original vinyl. Unfortunately the sound quality on this did not stand the test of 40+ years and is pretty sketchy.
Quote from: Devil Ledbetter on Feb 20, 2012, 10:38 AM
My most recent vinyl purchases were a 1967 pressing of The Moody Blues Days of Future Passed, and Pink Floyd Meddle. Both were at a funky little alleyway record store I happened across in Victoria, BC.
MEDDLE!!!!! I need to fucking get a slab of this.
Quote from: DewieCox on Feb 20, 2012, 11:25 AM
Quote from: Devil Ledbetter on Feb 20, 2012, 10:38 AM
My most recent vinyl purchases were a 1967 pressing of The Moody Blues Days of Future Passed, and Pink Floyd Meddle. Both were at a funky little alleyway record store I happened across in Victoria, BC.
MEDDLE!!!!! I need to fucking get a slab of this.
It's just the best.
Pink Floyd - Meddle - 03 - Fearless (
Ok, kinda funny story with this one. Bought my wife a pair of earrings and a Kathleen Lolley print ("Creation of Fireflies") for Valentine's Day. So I get a package in the mail, thinking it's the Lolley print. I put a bow on it, write a nice note, and set it on the table all proud. My wife and her mom show up at our place and I tell her to open it...she's like "this isn't a record is it?"...and i'm all "no of course not"...turns out it was the ISM record. I felt like a boner of a husband, but we got a good laugh out of it! Even funnier, I'm like "well you know what size your gift is now"...and she's like "it's an owl picture, isn't it"...dammit! She's so good at guessing my gifts... :embarassed:...Still waiting on the print and the earrings.
Here's the print I got:
We're having an owl themed nursery, so I thought this would fit. Our little "owl" bringing light into our lives! Bonus: some day I'll get to explain the MMJ connection to the little one :thumbsup:
Good story. And I love that owl print!
just bought M83's Hurry Up, We're Dreaming..
can't say enough about it!
Quote from: Hawkeye on Feb 20, 2012, 11:58 AM
Ok, kinda funny story with this one. Bought my wife a pair of earrings and a Kathleen Lolley print ("Creation of Fireflies") for Valentine's Day. So I get a package in the mail, thinking it's the Lolley print. I put a bow on it, write a nice note, and set it on the table all proud. My wife and her mom show up at our place and I tell her to open it...she's like "this isn't a record is it?"...and i'm all "no of course not"...turns out it was the ISM record. I felt like a boner of a husband, but we got a good laugh out of it! Even funnier, I'm like "well you know what size your gift is now"...and she's like "it's an owl picture, isn't it"...dammit! She's so good at guessing my gifts... :embarassed:...Still waiting on the print and the earrings.
Here's the print I got:
We're having an owl themed nursery, so I thought this would fit. Our little "owl" bringing light into our lives! Bonus: some day I'll get to explain the MMJ connection to the little one :thumbsup:
We have an owl themed nursery too! I think I've posted a pic on here before. Let me see if I can find it...
I got Cortney Tidwell's Stars EP on vinyl, which I figure is a hell of a find, and I got this out-of-print gem from GEMM:
Quote from: Crispy on Feb 22, 2012, 10:30 PM
I got Cortney Tidwell's Stars EP on vinyl, which I figure is a hell of a find, and I got this out-of-print gem from GEMM:
Excellent album!
Found a stash of The New Lost City Ramblers LPs, so I bought 'em all!
I work with a guy named Ben Nichols, wonder if it's THE Ben Nichols ;) Seriously, never heard of him though. But I do like the cover. Will investigate.
Edit: Purchased.
Edit 2: I just have to say that every time I play this, I'm going to think of this Ben Nichols guy that I work with. He's a character:
1) He golfs like Happy Gilmore: as in, he steps into his golf swing. He seriously thinks he golfs better this way (he doesn't)
2) He played football in 8th grade, and from this experience alone, he thinks he could honestly be an NFL player, because he has "good hands" and his "size is comparable to Hines Ward" (false). I mentioned that NFL players are almost always blazingly fast, especially at the receiver position, and he thought he could overcome this by precise route running (he couldn't). ::)
Quote from: Hawkeye on Feb 23, 2012, 10:22 AM
I work with a guy named Ben Nichols, wonder if it's THE Ben Nichols ;) Seriously, never heard of him though. But I do like the cover. Will investigate.
He's the frontman and songwriter for Lucero. He wrote that book based on the Cormac McCarthy novel
Blood Meridian. Each song is a different character..
Quote from: Crispy on Feb 22, 2012, 10:30 PM
I got Cortney Tidwell's Stars EP on vinyl, which I figure is a hell of a find, and I got this out-of-print gem from GEMM:
I think it probably is an epic find. I love it when I come across something that hard to find. :thumbsup:
Also, I just want to mention that even though I have THE CRAPPIEST record player (and it is a record player, not a turntable) the sound from that thing is still so much better than when I listen to mp3s. If anyone is interested, I'm currently listening at school on a portable record player from the 1950's that has shorts in the volume knob and sometimes the turntable quits turning for no apparent reason. It was covered in dust when I dug it out of a book storage room. I really need to purchase a real turntable for home. I just really need one less thing to spend money on and right now that turntable it is.
This arrived yesterday and the fidelity is pretty darn good:
record store day reissue, I've been eyeing it up for awhile and finally gave in.
Truth, that George Harrison box is one of my favorite vinyl purchases.
More recently...
I could not resist (photo courtesy of jones)
pre-ordered reissue, due May 5
pre-ordered new album, out April 10
I'm holding out on the New Multitudes vinyl, thinking I might buy it at their show and try to get it signed.
Listening now, it sounds awesome!
Hey True! I just got that box set down here in Asheville a few weeks ago!! Poster and all! Want to frame it now :) Good find!! :thumbsup:
Quote from: woodnymph on Feb 27, 2012, 11:18 PM
Hey True! I just got that box set down here in Asheville a few weeks ago!! Poster and all! Want to frame it now :) Good find!! :thumbsup:
Well worth the $50 (most i've spent on an album yet). I need some headphones for my record player, I can hear backup vocals and stuff I haven't noticed before as it is.
I am a vinyl noob (actually a retread if you count Zeppelin and AC/DC records in the early 80's). My son wanted the Beetlejuice dvd, so we went to a record store and I couldn't resist taking the plunge- MMJ- Circuital and the Black Angels- Phosphene Dream are now in my possession and I am very manic :D :D. I do however need, want, covet, must have At Dawn immediately. A 1985 Onkyo amp will power my analog bliss but no turntable yet (will get something vintage off of Craig's List thanks to the guidance offered in the turntable thread in this here forum)...patience grasshopper...patience :-\
I got this in early February:
and it came with this:
and I have also picked up these:
and finally picked up, after never actually owning it....
Quote from: blucas on Mar 03, 2012, 03:30 PM
I am a vinyl noob (actually a retread if you count Zeppelin and AC/DC records in the early 80's). My son wanted the Beetlejuice dvd, so we went to a record store and I couldn't resist taking the plunge- MMJ- Circuital and the Black Angels- Phosphene Dream are now in my possession and I am very manic :D :D. I do however need, want, covet, must have At Dawn immediately. A 1985 Onkyo amp will power my analog bliss but no turntable yet (will get something vintage off of Craig's List thanks to the guidance offered in the turntable thread in this here forum)...patience grasshopper...patience :-\
PM sent.
Here's a direct link to the At Dawn reissue (, slated to release on May 22, 2012. $20 w/download code included.
I bought one of the blue vinyl Acoustic Citsuoca Lp's as well.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 03, 2012, 06:41 PM
Quote from: blucas on Mar 03, 2012, 03:30 PM
I am a vinyl noob (actually a retread if you count Zeppelin and AC/DC records in the early 80's). My son wanted the Beetlejuice dvd, so we went to a record store and I couldn't resist taking the plunge- MMJ- Circuital and the Black Angels- Phosphene Dream are now in my possession and I am very manic :D :D. I do however need, want, covet, must have At Dawn immediately. A 1985 Onkyo amp will power my analog bliss but no turntable yet (will get something vintage off of Craig's List thanks to the guidance offered in the turntable thread in this here forum)...patience grasshopper...patience :-\
PM sent.
Here's a direct link to the At Dawn reissue (, slated to release on May 22, 2012. $20 w/download code included.
Moochas gracias JohnnYYac! :dankk2:
Quote from: Hawkeye on Jan 01, 2012, 04:31 PM
Have you listened to this much Hawkeye? I listened to it right when it came out and haven't listened to it again until today. I want to love it but I think it falls just a little short. Still an awesome 3rd outing. :)
EDIT: I haven't heard their first record yet
Quote from: Ruckus on Mar 05, 2012, 10:32 AM
Quote from: Hawkeye on Jan 01, 2012, 04:31 PM
Have you listened to this much Hawkeye? I listened to it right when it came out and haven't listened to it again until today. I want to love it but I think it falls just a little short. Still an awesome 3rd outing. :)
EDIT: I haven't heard their first record yet
I've only listened to it twice so far. Pretty much it, don't love it yet. Might grow on me, who knows. I like their last one better so far, but probably just because I'm more familiar with it...I'm like that. If I can sing along and know the melody, I tend to play it more, so new records usually take a bit to catch. Need to give it a few more spins.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 08, 2012, 07:56 PM
Just got a new record player again, since 2 years, so I re-started collecting:
-MMJ Circuital
-MMJ Friends Again Single
-MMJ "Z"
-Monsters of Folk
-Black Keys "Thickfreakness"
-Black Keys "Chulahoma"
-Brian Olive "Two of Everything"
-Cadillac Sky (Produced by Dan Auerback)
-Bob Dylan New Morning 2nd hand
Furnace Room Lullaby on clear red vinyl, Blacklisted on yellow, and TTHS on white. Bought FRL a few weeks ago from Neko's website, and the other two through e-mail correspondence with the guy from Lance Rock Records, since their website wasn't up to date. Bought Blacklisted again since my other copy doesn't sound good for some reason. Talked him down a little on the price, thanks to American Pickers I've learned to negotiate a price on buying multiple things!
Vinyl starter kit? (
Rediscovered some Silversun Pickups on On Demand > Music and the next thing I know...
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 22, 2012, 11:39 AM
Vinyl starter kit? (
Good deal there! May consider bidding on it for the vinyl alone!
Not too bad for $40
Good scores, Dan!! Crazy, I just busted out Comes A Time for the first time in a long while and have been jamming it 8) And Creek Drank the Cradle = :thumbsup: I have that on vinyl too!! And I just got
I think I remember you posting that you got I&W Woman King on vinyl awhile ago? Haven't given it a spin yet, but I know it will be supreme! And the Ravi/Ali is great listening too, just listened to it earlier this afternoon while cleaning
Still don't have Woman King... I got Our Endless Numbered Days a few months back. Today I spotted "Creek..." but I really, really want Woman King.
just found prince's "dirty mind" at best buy for 12 bucks. i absolutely love when you were mine.
How did you and Kate like Long in the Tooth?
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Mar 26, 2012, 10:02 PM
How did you and Kate like Long in the Tooth?
It was solid. Very good selection of new records that did lean a little towards the heavy side. It's where I grabbed the Kylesa and Red Fang albums. They were blasting some High on Fire while we were there too. The used selection was good as well with some good jazz and blues. I was out of money by the time I got around to those sections though. Didn't get to talk to the "guy" though. There was some lady behind the counter. That said, Beautiful World Syndicate was gold mine. VG condition Bruce and Dead for bottom prices as well as a new copy of a tough to find Arbouretum and a dirt cheap VG+ Pink Mountaintops. Great stuff!
Wow, Ruckus, vinylgasm! :o
Ahhh...the Pink Mountaintops was my last vinyl purchase too! Was considering suggesting it in the perfect album thread, but figured I'd get mercilessly booo'd off the stage (sorry the pic is so gigantic)
And before that, I got this...
And I'm going out of my skin waiting for a Darla re-issued copy of At Dawn to
show up at my doorstep on my BDay :D :D
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 26, 2012, 11:22 PM
Wow, Ruckus, vinylgasm! :o
Well we took a mini vacation to Philly this weekend. I made it a point to go to as many stores as possible and still hardly spent a penny except for the Red Fang and Kylesa prints.
Blucas. I'm listening to Axis of Evol right now and it sounds spectacular! And I unrelentingly cheer for your addition of Pink Mountaintops to the perfect album thread.
Axos of Evol is so good!!
Drive-by Truckers, Third Man Records release
Finally got this last night---it was recorded a year ago, has the Percy Sledge cover "Take time to know her" which is so beautiful, love Patterson's gritty and heartfelt cover (thanks to HH for playing it for me a few weeks ago!) I thought it was out of print--only the special blue vinyl was limited.
Quote from: Penny Lane on Mar 28, 2012, 09:17 AM
Axos of Evol is so good!!
Drive-by Truckers, Third Man Records release
Finally got this last night---it was recorded a year ago, has the Percy Sledge cover "Take time to know her" which is so beautiful, love Patterson's gritty and heartfelt cover (thanks to HH for playing it for me a few weeks ago!) I thought it was out of print--only the special blue vinyl was limited.
:thumbsup: Great acquisition Penny!!!
It would be nirvana to have a collection that included all of these albums...too bad there can't be an MMJ site music commune where we all take our shoes off and listen to everyone's music. Loving the artwork too.
My most recent purchase is a limited edition, 2 record combo set of Alice in Chains "Jar of Flies" and "Sap" EP's, both of which would be worthy additions to a perfect '10' EP thread.
I gotta get a damn turntable soon or I'm gonna lose it!!!
I hear you, blucas. I've got an old, old turntable that I use. When I say old, I mean that it is a school record player probably from the early 1960's. It has a short in the volume control, but the music surprisingly still sounds better than listening to digital music.
Today I went to Grimey's in Nashville and bought the following:
While I was in there, The Black Belles, a Third Man Records act, was in there having a photoshoot. They had all of their white face makeup on and their black and white outfits with big floppy hats. They are very young. It sounded like they had been at The Basement filming music videos. I've never actually heard anything by them. But I thought it was neat seeing a new young band doing promotional stuff.
Beyond ecstatic right now...
Fate is out of print and really hard to find. It wasn't cheap (some trades softened the blow) but I couldn't walk out of the store without it because I really had no idea when I'd find it again. Can't even find it online. And Summerteeth too? Holy shit. I shouldn't be this happy about a couple of records but Im tap dancing right now.
Neil Young's collab with Pearl Jam... I am beside myself. After trading in old CDs it cost me $27. Usually goes for around $70.
I picked up that Alabama Shakes album at lunch. Can't wait to break it open tomorrow night for "New Music Friday Night" on the back porch. It does come w/ the 7" but I have not opened it yet. Best Buy dot com was absolutely killing it earlier in the week/last week. I actually ordered the 180g pressing of Valleys of Neptune for $1.99+tax w/ free shipping!!
Didn't think Corndawg would have any vinyl at his shows, glad to see I was wrong...
After being quite impressed with their live show on Wednesday night, I ordered White Denim's Live at Third Man. Can't wait for it to arrive.
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Apr 13, 2012, 12:52 PM
After being quite impressed with their live show on Wednesday night, I ordered White Denim's Live at Third Man. Can't wait for it to arrive.
Where did you end up ordering from, out of curiosity?
Third Man's webstore. Pretty excellent selection and good prices.
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Apr 13, 2012, 02:18 PM
Third Man's webstore. Pretty excellent selection and good prices.
I guess if I'd paid more attention to the title I'd have figured that out. Thanks!
Quote from: j_rud on Apr 07, 2012, 11:11 AM
Didn't think Corndawg would have any vinyl at his shows, glad to see I was wrong...
....jealous, love this album!
Quote from: johnnYYac on Apr 13, 2012, 05:19 PM
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Apr 13, 2012, 02:18 PM
Third Man's webstore. Pretty excellent selection and good prices.
I guess if I'd paid more attention to the title I'd have figured that out. Thanks!
No problemo! Apparently its also half black/half blue... which is awesome.
Quote from: j_rud on Dec 28, 2011, 03:20 PM
Picked this up today, been after it since I started with vinyl. Found it in the "new used" section, interestingly enough it looks like someone broke up their Heady Nuggs box set. Why I have no idea, but their bad decision is my gain...
they released this in February and used the same labels as the heavy nuggs box set.
"151a" by Kishi Bashi. Looking back, I don't know how I found this or really what possessed me to buy it, but it's ended up being a pretty good surprise and I think it will be a fine summer album. I'd at least give it a try.
Quote from: BH on Apr 19, 2012, 12:00 AM
All mint and unplayed....
Nice! Mirror Ball and No Code are tough finds
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Apr 21, 2012, 08:49 AM
Nice! Mirror Ball and No Code are tough finds
and yield isn't? super jealous. though that must have cost you a pretty penny.
Quote from: Dillsnufus on Apr 21, 2012, 01:18 PM
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Apr 21, 2012, 08:49 AM
Nice! Mirror Ball and No Code are tough finds
and yield isn't? super jealous. though that must have cost you a pretty penny.
I just assumed yield was pretty readily available because I have a copy. Apparently I was wrong! haha
well if you can show me where i can get it for a good price let me know
RSD 2012
Quote from: johnnYYac on Apr 21, 2012, 08:02 PM
RSD 2012
Are the Juntas both Pollack editions? They're going for over $200 on ebay already. I got mine for $75
need a home for that other new multitudes disc?
Quote from: robb on Apr 21, 2012, 08:25 PM
need a home for that other new multitudes disc?
Yes. PM sent.
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Apr 21, 2012, 08:11 PM
Are the Juntas both Pollack editions? They're going for over $200 on ebay already. I got mine for $75
Yeah, they're both Pollacks. $75.99 at Newbury Comics in Leominster, MA. They had quite a few. The Blunderbuss vinyl was a nice surprise, as was the Mermaid Ave. CD set. Had to go to my former employer for the M. Ward single, which he held for me. e_wind gets the Vedder 7".
i'm gonna regret not getting the tupelo records.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Apr 21, 2012, 08:28 PM
Quote from: robb on Apr 21, 2012, 08:25 PM
need a home for that other new multitudes disc?
Yes. PM sent.
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Apr 21, 2012, 08:11 PM
Are the Juntas both Pollack editions? They're going for over $200 on ebay already. I got mine for $75
Yeah, they're both Pollacks. $75.99 at Newbury Comics in Leominster, MA. They had quite a few, but I spent damn near $400 as it is. The Blunderbuss vinyl was a nice surprise, as was the Mermaid Ave. CD set. Had to go to my former employer for the M. Ward single, which he held for me. e_wind gets the Vedder 7".
What's that on the bottom right?
EDIT: nevermind, figured it out.
Quote from: Dillsnufus on Apr 21, 2012, 07:11 PM
well if you can show me where i can get it for a good price let me know
Got mine as a gift 8 or 9 years ago... but I'll keep my eye out. I'm shocked its worth as much as it is (~$70 on ebay)... I had no idea.
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Apr 21, 2012, 10:07 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Apr 21, 2012, 08:28 PM
Quote from: robb on Apr 21, 2012, 08:25 PM
need a home for that other new multitudes disc?
Yes. PM sent.
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Apr 21, 2012, 08:11 PM
Are the Juntas both Pollack editions? They're going for over $200 on ebay already. I got mine for $75
Yeah, they're both Pollacks. $75.99 at Newbury Comics in Leominster, MA. They had quite a few, but I spent damn near $400 as it is. The Blunderbuss vinyl was a nice surprise, as was the Mermaid Ave. CD set. Had to go to my former employer for the M. Ward single, which he held for me. e_wind gets the Vedder 7".
What's that on the bottom right?
EDIT: nevermind, figured it out.
Everyone needs a 40-minute Dark Star! This performance will be exactly 40 years old in 12 days!
Quote from: Dillsnufus on Apr 21, 2012, 09:20 PM
i'm gonna regret not getting the tupelo records.
The 7 inch set is what I got. It comes with a download code which I haven't been able to use. The singles sound great! The other albums I'll try to get off another site someday.
Quote from: Im The Dude on Apr 22, 2012, 01:52 AM
Quote from: Dillsnufus on Apr 21, 2012, 09:20 PM
i'm gonna regret not getting the tupelo records.
The 7 inch set is what I got. It comes with a download code which I haven't been able to use. The singles sound great! The other albums I'll try to get off another site someday.
Yeah Dills. I'm assuming you meant the 7 inch set. As dude said, the 12"s will be available soon in quantity.
I ended up getting all three Uncle Tupelo reissues. I've only listened to "March 16-20, 1992" so far, but DAMN is it good! :thumbsup:
No download or CD, though. :(
Went back to the record store to get Blunderbuss and see what was leftover from RSD. They had the Hand Springs 45 I was looking for that they said came in today. Also grabbed Exile, and Turbo Fruits at the Deer Tick show. No more vinyl for me for awhile.
Turbo Fruits is skipping a lot, can't make it past track one. :(
The Black Keys-Chulahoma
The Black Keys-El Camino
Sufjan Stevens-Michigan
Radiohead-Ok Computer
Just started really collecting over the past year, have gotten around 30 total, I just want to be able one day to only listen to Vinyl, and nothing else.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Apr 21, 2012, 08:28 PM
Quote from: robb on Apr 21, 2012, 08:25 PM
need a home for that other new multitudes disc?
Yes. PM sent.
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Apr 21, 2012, 08:11 PM
Are the Juntas both Pollack editions? They're going for over $200 on ebay already. I got mine for $75
Yeah, they're both Pollacks. $75.99 at Newbury Comics in Leominster, MA. They had quite a few. The Blunderbuss vinyl was a nice surprise, as was the Mermaid Ave. CD set. Had to go to my former employer for the M. Ward single, which he held for me. e_wind gets the Vedder 7".
That's so bad ass you got ewind the Vedder 7". 8) I'm guessing that was quite the hot commodity?
Quote from: Ruckus on Apr 25, 2012, 08:19 AM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Apr 21, 2012, 08:28 PM
Quote from: robb on Apr 21, 2012, 08:25 PM
need a home for that other new multitudes disc?
Yes. PM sent.
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Apr 21, 2012, 08:11 PM
Are the Juntas both Pollack editions? They're going for over $200 on ebay already. I got mine for $75
Yeah, they're both Pollacks. $75.99 at Newbury Comics in Leominster, MA. They had quite a few. The Blunderbuss vinyl was a nice surprise, as was the Mermaid Ave. CD set. Had to go to my former employer for the M. Ward single, which he held for me. e_wind gets the Vedder 7".
That's so bad ass you got ewind the Vedder 7". 8) I'm guessing that was quite the hot commodity?
Yea, well done johnny. I don't think any store in Pittsburgh got that one.
Johnny, those Uncle Tupelo albums are on my list to get. March 92 is one of my favorite albums. Glad you like it. If you or anyone else sees the 7 inch set GET IT! They give you a small poster and download card for all the songs in the set. Two of which are old demos they made into a new single to promote the re-releases and re-release of "No Depression" 2 CD set (which I can't seem to find out any info on, all I know is it comes out May 2012).
Quote from: Ruckus on Apr 25, 2012, 08:27 AM
How badass is the Hush Arbors/Arbouretum album, Ruckus? I've been debating whether I should get it or not.
Quote from: Ruckus on Apr 25, 2012, 08:19 AM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Apr 21, 2012, 08:28 PM
Quote from: robb on Apr 21, 2012, 08:25 PM
need a home for that other new multitudes disc?
Yes. PM sent.
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Apr 21, 2012, 08:11 PM
Are the Juntas both Pollack editions? They're going for over $200 on ebay already. I got mine for $75
Yeah, they're both Pollacks. $75.99 at Newbury Comics in Leominster, MA. They had quite a few. The Blunderbuss vinyl was a nice surprise, as was the Mermaid Ave. CD set. Had to go to my former employer for the M. Ward single, which he held for me. e_wind gets the Vedder 7".
That's so bad ass you got ewind the Vedder 7". 8) I'm guessing that was quite the hot commodity?
There was only one at the store in Mass. and I knew Eric mentioned it, so I snagged it for $7. Seems to be going for over $20 on eBay. A lot of RSD releases are rising in value.
Quote from: Im The Dude on Apr 25, 2012, 08:27 AM
Quote from: Ruckus on Apr 25, 2012, 08:19 AM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Apr 21, 2012, 08:28 PM
Quote from: robb on Apr 21, 2012, 08:25 PM
need a home for that other new multitudes disc?
Yes. PM sent.
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Apr 21, 2012, 08:11 PM
Are the Juntas both Pollack editions? They're going for over $200 on ebay already. I got mine for $75
Yeah, they're both Pollacks. $75.99 at Newbury Comics in Leominster, MA. They had quite a few. The Blunderbuss vinyl was a nice surprise, as was the Mermaid Ave. CD set. Had to go to my former employer for the M. Ward single, which he held for me. e_wind gets the Vedder 7".
That's so bad ass you got ewind the Vedder 7". 8) I'm guessing that was quite the hot commodity?
Yea, well done johnny. I don't think any store in Pittsburgh got that one.
Johnny, those Uncle Tupelo albums are on my list to get. March 92 is one of my favorite albums. Glad you like it. If you or anyone else sees the 7 inch set GET IT! They give you a small poster and download card for all the songs in the set. Two of which are old demos they made into a new single to promote the re-releases and re-release of "No Depression" 2 CD set (which I can't seem to find out any info on, all I know is it comes out May 2012).
The Uncle Tupelo 7" set was going for around $40-45. What does it have beyond the three reissues to justify the cost? Just wondering, as I'm hearing Uncle Tupelo for the first time this week and have spend mucho $$$, but my "local" shop had a couple of the 7" boxes left on Sunday...
It's worth it if you like what you've heard on the LPs. I've been trying to get a complete set of their vinyl. The set has all their singles in it:
I Got Drunk/Sin City
Gun/I Wanna Destroy You
Sauget Wind/Looking For A Way Out (acoustic) /Take My Word
That Year (1988 Demo)/ Pickle River (1987 Demo) Only released in this set!
Plus Download card and small poster.
I got mine for $35. To get each of the first 3 of ebay would cost at least $25 each for original releases. Sauget Wind is a great song, so that was one of the big reasons I got it.
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Apr 24, 2012, 10:28 PM
Turbo Fruits is skipping a lot, can't make it past track one. :(
Old school tip: tape a nickel on the head of your arm. Works every time. I had the same problem with my Dr. John LP.
Quote from: Fully on Apr 25, 2012, 12:41 PM
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Apr 24, 2012, 10:28 PM
Turbo Fruits is skipping a lot, can't make it past track one. :(
Old school tip: tape a nickel on the head of your arm. Works every time. I had the same problem with my Dr. John LP.
once upon a time i used to do this too but now that i know better, NOT recommended. You can end up damaging the record and worse, might damage the cartridge.
Might be better to give a good cleaning and try again. If the problem continues, skip the track or buy another copy.
Quote from: headhunter on Apr 25, 2012, 01:22 PM
Quote from: Fully on Apr 25, 2012, 12:41 PM
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Apr 24, 2012, 10:28 PM
Turbo Fruits is skipping a lot, can't make it past track one. :(
Old school tip: tape a nickel on the head of your arm. Works every time. I had the same problem with my Dr. John LP.
once upon a time i used to do this too but now that i know better, NOT recommended. You can end up damaging the record and worse, might damage the cartridge.
Might be better to give a good cleaning and try again. If the problem continues, skip the track or buy another copy.
I tried cleaning it already and it didn't work. My other records work so I know it's not the turntable. It was actually side 2 that skipped, the sides aren't marked so I'll give both sides a try.
Ralph, YAGTF, other Pearl Jam peeps. Does anyone know anything about the latest Ten repress. About a year ago I bought Ten from my local shop and it had a sticker that said "classic Limited Album" or something. I just assumed it was some mass repress, but there are some on eBay for close to 100$. Can someone set me straight?
And I happen to be given an original pressing of Vitology. Is that worth anything? I believe (I was like 6 so I can't be sure) that it was super widely available because it was released as vinyl first.
Hello, All.
In regard to the Uncle Tupelo releases, PopMarket has them for about $21/free shipping. Then put in "Save10now" to get 10%. Grand Total, $19+ to your doorstep!
Wilco World also has a deal on the 3 album UT package, but not as good as PopMarket.
Was going to pick up "Summerteeth" form $14 (WOW!), but they wanted $8.95 to ship it (WOW!)
I would rather pay the $24.95 @ my shop.
Quote from: jcoyote on Apr 26, 2012, 02:25 PM
Hello, All.
In regard to the Uncle Tupelo releases, PopMarket has them for about $21/free shipping. Then put in "Save10now" to get 10%. Grand Total, $19+ to your doorstep!
Wilco World also has a deal on the 3 album UT package, but not as good as PopMarket.
Was going to pick up "Summerteeth" form $14 (WOW!), but they wanted $8.95 to ship it (WOW!)
I would rather pay the $24.95 @ my shop.
Thanks for passing that along! :beer:
Quote from: e_wind on Apr 26, 2012, 02:05 PM
Ralph, YAGTF, other Pearl Jam peeps. Does anyone know anything about the latest Ten repress. About a year ago I bought Ten from my local shop and it had a sticker that said "classic Limited Album" or something. I just assumed it was some mass repress, but there are some on eBay for close to 100$. Can someone set me straight?
And I happen to be given an original pressing of Vitology. Is that worth anything? I believe (I was like 6 so I can't be sure) that it was super widely available because it was released as vinyl first.
Original pressing of Vitalogy (Epic – 66900) isn't very rare. Goes for about $20 on ebay.
Is your copy of ten the remastered version? I'm nearly certain PJ re-released that as a box set on vinyl with a copy of the original on one LP and the Brendan O'Brien remastered version on another LP. If you have the catalog number (usually printed on the spine) that would help.
Quote from: Fully on Apr 25, 2012, 10:12 AM
How badass is the Hush Arbors/Arbouretum album, Ruckus? I've been debating whether I should get it or not.
I think it is excellent Fully. This was my introduction to Hush Arbors and they are very good as well. They have a much more folky/American classic rock sound and find their side enjoyable. Arbouretum never really branches out to much from their current comfort zone sound perfected in the Gathering. If you wanted to just purchase one of their vinyls, I'd go Song of the Pearl or Gathering first but if you are looking for new material, this split is a great purchase all around. :thumbsup:
Quote from: Ruckus on Apr 26, 2012, 03:29 PM
Quote from: Fully on Apr 25, 2012, 10:12 AM
How badass is the Hush Arbors/Arbouretum album, Ruckus? I've been debating whether I should get it or not.
I think it is excellent Fully. This was my introduction to Hush Arbors and they are very good as well. They have a much more folky/American classic rock sound and find their side enjoyable. Arbouretum never really branches out to much from their current comfort zone sound perfected in the Gathering. If you wanted to just purchase one of their vinyls, I'd go Song of the Pearl or Gathering first but if you are looking for new material, this split is a great purchase all around. :thumbsup:
I've already got Song of the Pearl. I think I'm going to pull the trigger and get this one. There is something about Arbouretum that I really like. They've got that psychedelic hard rock/folk sound that I miss always enjoy. Thanks for giving me your opinion on it. I don't know too many other Arbouretum fans in my mid-forties, mom-with-three-kids life. So it's always nice to have someone else's opinion
Updated RSD haul (not all from RSD)
Junta- Pollock edition
Flaming Lips - Heady Fwends
Alabama Shakes - Boys and Girls
Flaming Lips/Mastadon split 7"
Eddie Vedder 7"
Pearl Jam/REM split 7"
Pearl Jam "classic 7" Immortality/Rearview mirror from an old RSD.
Pearl Jam 10 cassette (for my car)
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Apr 26, 2012, 03:22 PM
Quote from: e_wind on Apr 26, 2012, 02:05 PM
Ralph, YAGTF, other Pearl Jam peeps. Does anyone know anything about the latest Ten repress. About a year ago I bought Ten from my local shop and it had a sticker that said "classic Limited Album" or something. I just assumed it was some mass repress, but there are some on eBay for close to 100$. Can someone set me straight?
And I happen to be given an original pressing of Vitology. Is that worth anything? I believe (I was like 6 so I can't be sure) that it was super widely available because it was released as vinyl first.
Original pressing of Vitalogy (Epic – 66900) isn't very rare. Goes for about $20 on ebay.
Is your copy of ten the remastered version? I'm nearly certain PJ re-released that as a box set on vinyl with a copy of the original on one LP and the Brendan O'Brien remastered version on another LP. If you have the catalog number (usually printed on the spine) that would help.
It's not a double LP. The catalogue number (or some number on the side) is SVLP0068
Quote from: e_wind on Apr 26, 2012, 04:36 PM
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Apr 26, 2012, 03:22 PM
Quote from: e_wind on Apr 26, 2012, 02:05 PM
Ralph, YAGTF, other Pearl Jam peeps. Does anyone know anything about the latest Ten repress. About a year ago I bought Ten from my local shop and it had a sticker that said "classic Limited Album" or something. I just assumed it was some mass repress, but there are some on eBay for close to 100$. Can someone set me straight?
And I happen to be given an original pressing of Vitology. Is that worth anything? I believe (I was like 6 so I can't be sure) that it was super widely available because it was released as vinyl first.
Original pressing of Vitalogy (Epic – 66900) isn't very rare. Goes for about $20 on ebay.
Is your copy of ten the remastered version? I'm nearly certain PJ re-released that as a box set on vinyl with a copy of the original on one LP and the Brendan O'Brien remastered version on another LP. If you have the catalog number (usually printed on the spine) that would help.
It's not a double LP. The catalogue number (or some number on the side) is SVLP0068 ( (
Boom. 180 gram repress by a label that does this with "Classic" albums. Pretty cool. :thumbsup:
Whoot whoot!
Pearl jam- I Am Mine 7"
Pearl Jam - Wishlist 7"
Nice! Where did you find that I am Mine single? I just lsitened to Riot Act on my way to work today.
eBay 99cents plus 4$ shipping :)
Growing up I liked TEN (like from when I was 6 and my brother would show me a picture of eddie Vedder and if I didn't know his name kick me out of his room ;D), but I never listened to anything else by pearl jam. Ever. Then when Riot Act came out, I bought it, and the rest is history. Its weird, because I know over on the PJ forum Riot Act is usually regarded as the worst album, but I LOVE it. Its probably in my top 3. 1. Yeild 2. Ten 3. Tie between Vs and Riot Act.
I think Thumbing my way is one of the best "mellow" songs PJ has.
Quote from: e_wind on Apr 27, 2012, 10:56 AM
eBay 99cents plus 4$ shipping :)
Growing up I liked TEN (like from when I was 6 and my brother would show me a picture of eddie Vedder and if I didn't know his name kick me out of his room ;D), but I never listened to anything else by pearl jam. Ever. Then when Riot Act came out, I bought it, and the rest is history. Its weird, because I know over on the PJ forum Riot Act is usually regarded as the worst album, but I LOVE it. Its probably in my top 3. 1. Yeild 2. Ten 3. Tie between Vs and Riot Act.
I think Thumbing my way is one of the best "mellow" songs PJ has.
Riot Act was the beginning of my PJ Superfan period as well.
I got "Ten" for christmas in 1997 (I was 11 yrs old). Listened to no other PJ until I got Riot Act when it first came out. Wore that CD out... started listening to everything else. My username here is a combination of my 2 favorite PJ songs at the time.
Did you get the black vinyl or the turquoise for that I am Mine? If you scored that turquoise for 99 cents, that was the deal of the century!
According to the picture I got turquoise. I
Just looked at it again and it may be missing the sleeve. I guess I'll find out soon. I'm not too nuts about vinyl, I don't try to get multiple copies of things in different colors or anything, so for 99cents I'm happy no matter the outcome.
Given To Fly may be the best song of all time. I'm also supporting a strong obsession with Release as of late, because the recording of it from Alpine Valley last year as the opening song is out of this universe.
Quote from: e_wind on Apr 27, 2012, 11:08 AM
According to the picture I got turquoise. I
Just looked at it again and it may be missing the sleeve. I guess I'll find out soon. I'm not too nuts about vinyl, I don't try to get multiple copies of things in different colors or anything, so for 99cents I'm happy no matter the outcome.
Given To Fly may be the best song of all time. I'm also supporting a strong obsession with Release as of late, because the recording of it from Alpine Valley last year as the opening song is out of this universe.
Release was definitely a favorite of mine... but once I got Riot Act "You Are" hooked me because I didn't even know PJ made music that sounded like that. And of course, Given to Fly is in a whole different realm when it comes to PJ best songs... up there with In My Tree and Present Tense.
I've been pretty unlucky over the past few years seeing PJ. PJ20 fest didn't fit into my schedule last year (vacation) and when they closed the Spectrum here in Philly with 4 straight shows I was in Washington DC for a week for work. Haven't seen them since June 2008 >:(
i didn't make it to PJ20 either. I opted for MMJ in St Louis>Flaming Lips at Red Rocks>MMJ at Red Rocks. They were too close to afford both. Even though that was the best 3 nights in a row of music ive ever seen, I still question my decision. I feel like I missed out on a major part of rock and roll history. I mean those set lists are insane! I would pay 150$ or whatever it was to see Pearl Jam with Cornell play Reach Down and Call Me a Dog
Quote from: jones on Sep 05, 2012, 11:29 AM
Doesn't get much better than this EP.
Need bananas right about now.
Good day at Half Price Books today! I recommend this store if there's one in your area. Pixies Surfer Rosa was new for only $15, most new vinyl at stores are $20+.
Nice! My first Dylan record was Desire. Played the crap out of it. Still do!
I'd buy Pixies Surfer Rosa just for the cover. :kiss:
oops, posted a pic of the Desire CD, oh well.
Quote from: searchinbig on Sep 11, 2012, 06:46 PM
Nice! My first Dylan record was Desire. Played the crap out of it. Still do!
I'd buy Pixies Surfer Rosa just for the cover. :kiss:
yeah, whoever it is is gorgeous! Found a great pic of the back photo:
Finally, some new music...
I didn't love the new one by B of H but I do really like the new Bob Dylan.
Enjoy them all.
Took me a while to finally get this:
Quote from: Crispy on Sep 18, 2012, 04:26 PM
Took me a while to finally get this:
That's my album of the year, hands down, so far.
Quote from: Crispy on Sep 18, 2012, 04:26 PM
Took me a while to finally get this:
Thanks for the recommendation. I will be buying this vinyl soon lol
not new vinyl, but....
I just bought a new turn table, nothing spectacular, but surely an upgrade from my old one from Target. :cool:
More importantly, I bought a new Denon reciever thats pretty baller, and some Energy V6.2 speakers. These were 2,500$ for the pair, but they've been discontinued and I picked em up for 550$. I heard them before I bought them, and holy shit. They're the most amazing sounding speakers I've ever heard. I tested them with Old Man, and it sounded like Neil was standing next me.
The first thing I'm gonna do when I get all this shit in the mail is play Okonokos vinyl. And soon after that I'm gonna watch Okonokos DVD. Can't wait.
Congrats Eric. I had a pair of Energy speakers for a long time. Loved them.
Should help curtail your time with the television and add to your aural hygiene.
Enjoy the music!
Yeah those two are crucial. I came home to a package today.
Mirage Rock
#1 Record
Music from Big Pink
Shepherd's Dog
Around the Well
Acoustic Citsuoca
Chocolate and Ice
A record box arrived in the mail yesterday. I didn't even remember ordering any vinyl, so it was kind of like Christmas. Opened it up and it was Portugal. The Man The Majestic Majesty. YES!
I think the offer was something that popped up on my phone when I was traveling, and I didn't think twice about ordering it. I love Portugal. The Man. (Even if the period in the middle of their name annoys me.)
I know what. you mean
I could hold off no longer based on all the positive remarks on the forum and ordered these two
Another addition for you to envy on my Discogs collection, Ruckus:
Still sealed in its original shrinkwrap! I REALLY want to open it up.
An 80's extravanganza!
Quote from: Crispy on Sep 27, 2012, 09:10 PM
Another addition for you to envy on my Discogs collection, Ruckus:
Still sealed in its original shrinkwrap! I REALLY want to open it up.
An 80's extravanganza!
It's a wonder sometimes, how I keep from goin' under.
Slowly building up my vinyl collection with these additions:
All the Joe Strummer and the Mescaleros albums have been re-released on vinyl and CD!! (
DEERPEOPLE - Explorgasm 10"
Quote from: HansAndreas on Oct 04, 2012, 04:05 PM
DEERPEOPLE - Explorgasm 10"
DUDE, are you kidding me? Their guitarist works at the wine bar where Cookie and I sometimes have Pente dates. I just got that record the other day too, btw. :beer:
Quote from: Crispy on Oct 04, 2012, 04:10 PM
Quote from: HansAndreas on Oct 04, 2012, 04:05 PM
DEERPEOPLE - Explorgasm 10"
DUDE, are you kidding me? Their guitarist works at the wine bar where Cookie and I sometimes have Pente dates. I just got that record the other day too, btw. :beer:
No, they are great. They had the Deerpeople EP for free download on their website, that's were I heard them first. I think you should try to give something back and support independent bands like DP. :beer:
Quote from: HansAndreas on Oct 04, 2012, 04:43 PM
No, they are great. They had the Deerpeople EP for free download on their website, that's were I heard them first. I think you should try to give something back and support independent bands like DP. :beer:
Outstanding, man! It was just a shock to see that, a record from a band in my town whom I have yet to see live yet, because they hardly ever play here. You might also enjoy the other bit ( they have on the bandcamp website if you don't have it already.
and FINALLY picked up this on DVD
Quote from: e_wind on Oct 08, 2012, 05:43 PM
[img width=570 height=571]
Just ordered that too! Really cheap on Amazon.
Godspeed You! Black Emperor – Allelujah! Don't Bend! Ascend!
already had this, but found a better copy
and a punk nostalgia purchase, only 3 bucks:
Went a little crazy at Amoeba in Hollywood...
MMJ - ISM & Z (I know, how could I not already own these?!)
Yim Yames - Tribute to
Wilco - YHF & AGIB
Dino Jr - Farm & livin all over me
Jonathan Wilson - gentle spirit & tomorrow's childs
Dawes - nothing is wrong
Son Volt - On Ghant & Strum
Uncle Tupelo - RSD 7" box set
Had to stop there cause of budget & baggage allowance issues, but really wanted to keep going....
Jack White's Inverted Lightning Bolt Blunderbuss
Split 12" of Trampled By Turtles and Lucero from Daytrotter
Got the Vault #13 package a few weeks ago.
Yeah I've been going a little crazy lately, but I only paid $35 for all these so I couldn't pass that up.
and bought this one awhile ago and forgot to post:
Nice haul True. I used to have that Costello hanging on my wall. I still need to get my hands on that Wilbury's LP.
Royal Thunder - CVI
First Aid Kit - Big Black and the Blue
Just ordered...
From Sargent House:
Red Fang - S/T
Indian Handcrafts - Civil Disobedience
Russian Circles - Empro
Off of Amazon:
Red Fang - Murder the Mountain
The Sword - Apocryphon
The Sword - Warp Riders
The Lumineers - S/T (The Wild Card)
Don't have a local record store so I am regulated to online shopping....
Is it just my pc or has Relapse Records website been down? I try to order direct when I can.
Quote from: Jeff Murray on Oct 26, 2012, 03:10 PM
Just ordered...
From Sargent House:
Red Fang - S/T
Indian Handcrafts - Civil Disobedience
Russian Circles - Empro
Off of Amazon:
Red Fang - Murder the MountainThe Sword - Apocryphon
The Sword - Warp Riders
The Lumineers - S/T (The Wild Card)
Don't have a local record store so I am regulated to online shopping....
Is it just my pc or has Relapse Records website been down? I try to order direct when I can.
I actually just got another copy of thise with the Pizza disk cover since I liked how that looked.
Quote from: Ruckus on Oct 26, 2012, 03:26 AM
Nice haul True. I used to have that Costello hanging on my wall. I still need to get my hands on that Wilbury's LP.
Royal Thunder - CVI
First Aid Kit - Big Black and the Blue
I finally found a good Costello album on vinyl! I know I can find whatever by ordering it, but it takes away from the thrill of the search.
Some new adds.
Futurebirds: Seney-Stovall
Futurebirds self-titled EP (each cover is unique, hand-painted by the band)
replacing my original, which came with a nasty pop
Sorry for no picture, but I picked up the Third Man Live, Drive By Truckers record a couple of weeks ago. I listened to it over the weekend, and it is absolutely beautiful. What is REALLY beautiful is the one that was handed out to those in attendance, It is 1/2 blue, 1/2 black. My copy is all black, but gorgeous in sound. I HIGHLY recommend seeking it out. You can Google for the tracklisting. Very nice sound.
Quote from: manonthemoon on Oct 26, 2012, 10:02 PM
Quote from: Jeff Murray on Oct 26, 2012, 03:10 PM
Just ordered...
From Sargent House:
Red Fang - S/T
Indian Handcrafts - Civil Disobedience
Russian Circles - Empro
Off of Amazon:
Red Fang - Murder the MountainThe Sword - Apocryphon
The Sword - Warp Riders
The Lumineers - S/T (The Wild Card)
Don't have a local record store so I am regulated to online shopping....
Is it just my pc or has Relapse Records website been down? I try to order direct when I can.
I actually just got another copy of thise with the Pizza disk cover since I liked how that looked.
They touched upon one of my biggest pet peeves... No download card when you buy the vinyl... If I'm paying that much for the vinyl I should get a download copy too!
Dr. Dog The World May Never Know 7" Gatefold
A/ The World May Never Know
B/ Adeline
I didn't even know this existed until I stumbled on it on eBay:
Apparently it's pretty rare. Does anyone know the back story on this? (
Also, this:
The M's/Dr. Dog Split 7"
A/ Al Thomas And The Robot (The M's)
B/ Me And My Girl (Dr. Dog)
new wax fang EP
Quote from: johnnYYac on Oct 29, 2012, 01:40 PM
Futurebirds self-titled EP (each cover is unique, hand-painted by the band)
Just a GEM! Headphone masterpiece!
Mine looks a lot like this
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Oct 27, 2012, 01:01 AMI finally found a good Costello album on vinyl! I know I can find whatever by ordering it, but it takes away from the thrill of the search.
I was at lunch today and saw that Costello vinyl for $5. It is @ Pappa Jazz. I told Tim that I thought someone on a forum I frequent was looking for it, and he might get a call. I did not look at the vinyl itself, so I don't know the condition, but thought you were just looking to frame the cover for some reason. Phone is 803-256-0095. Looking at your post, I think you've found a copy already.
Graveyard - Lights Out
Flying Lotus - Until The Quiet Comes
Love that Big Star album! :thumbsup:
Yes, Fully, I did.
Thank you, discogs! Now I'll be waiting impatiently for it to get to my house, so I can find out what the hell Saul T. Peter is all about. /pitching softballs/
Quote from: Crispy on Nov 15, 2012, 01:16 PM
Yes, Fully, I did.
Thank you, discogs! Now I'll be waiting impatiently for it to get to my house, so I can find out what the hell Saul T. Peter is all about. /pitching softballs/
Ask a girl, she can tell you. /bunting it back at you/
nice purchace Crispy! :thumbsup:
I got these new remastered Beatles albums that just came out last tuesday. I'd like to get Past Masters next. I already have an excellent White album and pretty good Abbey Road. I'm glad I only purchased one of The Beatles remastered CD's a couple years ago.
Quote from: Ruckus on Nov 05, 2012, 02:17 PM
Nice score on Quadrophenia - the greatest "mood" album I have ever encountered. It's not for every occasion and it's anything but upbeat but it is a masterpiece that should be listened to in its entirety when you're in the right mood.
I have my vinyl from when it first came out and I don't play it enough.
I guess I will here much of this at Who's Philly show in Dec.
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Nov 15, 2012, 05:23 PM
nice purchace Crispy! :thumbsup:
I got these new remastered Beatles albums that just came out last tuesday. I'd like to get Past Masters next. I already have an excellent White album and pretty good Abbey Road. I'm glad I only purchased one of The Beatles remastered CD's a couple years ago.
I used to have both of those albums from the original pressing. They had belonged to my parents. I wonder what ever happened to them....
WOW, I hadn't heard that they were releasing those remasters on vinyl! I was hoping for that when the great box sets come out.
Quote from: Crispy on Nov 16, 2012, 09:43 AM
WOW, I hadn't heard that they were releasing those remasters on vinyl! I was hoping for that when the great box sets come out.
I didn't know they came out 'til the day of, thank you Record Store Day facebook page! Sgt Peppers is in a nice gatefold and comes with a chart of who everyone is on the cover, a cardboard cutout page with a mustache, Sgt peppers drum logo etc..., and extra inner sleeve. Past Masters comes with both volumes together in a two LP set, it's next on my list! Might have to get at least one early Beatles album too sometime, perhaps With the Beatles.
Adrian Younge presents - Something About April - performed by Venice Dawn
The last vinyl I purchased was the new CORROSION OF CONFORMITY - self-titled album on vinyl. Picked it up at their show here last week.
Last record before that was the new TAME IMPALA album.
1997 Reprise pressing, hell yes.
I got these CHEEP on Discogs, in excellent condition:
Nice picks Crispy
here are 3 that I recently bought that if you have not heard you must (specially the Blasters!)
All this talk of the greatness that is Live at Fillmore East and I realized I'd never heard it! Picked up a new 180g 2xLP on eBay for $20, but a new 200g version is coming out in February for about $50.
Also, wanted to hear this via vinyl, having only owned it on CD... and cassette.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Dec 08, 2012, 07:20 PM
All this talk of the greatness that is Live at Fillmore East and I realized I'd never heard it! Picked up a new 180g 2xLP on eBay for $20, but a new 200g version is coming out in February for about $50.
Also, wanted to hear this via vinyl, having only owned it on CD... and cassette.
If you got stuck on a desert island with these (and a turntable, of course) you'd be in fine shape :cool:
Quote from: GO4IT on Dec 11, 2012, 09:26 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Dec 08, 2012, 07:20 PM
All this talk of the greatness that is Live at Fillmore East and I realized I'd never heard it! Picked up a new 180g 2xLP on eBay for $20, but a new 200g version is coming out in February for about $50.
Also, wanted to hear this via vinyl, having only owned it on CD... and cassette.
If you got stuck on a desert island with these (and a turntable, of course) you'd be in fine shape :cool:
Funny you should say that... This is from our local paper a while back.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Dec 11, 2012, 10:53 PM
Quote from: GO4IT on Dec 11, 2012, 09:26 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Dec 08, 2012, 07:20 PM
All this talk of the greatness that is Live at Fillmore East and I realized I'd never heard it! Picked up a new 180g 2xLP on eBay for $20, but a new 200g version is coming out in February for about $50.
Also, wanted to hear this via vinyl, having only owned it on CD... and cassette.
If you got stuck on a desert island with these (and a turntable, of course) you'd be in fine shape :cool:
Funny you should say that... This is from our local paper a while back.
I now recall you posting that a while back.
If we get to take 3 to the desert island, can I add Okonokos?
Quote from: ChronicHunger on Dec 11, 2012, 12:07 AM
Great Album. Can't wait for their next one set for release next year.
I went to the record store, and Merry Christmas to me!
(Kurt Vile & the Violators - The Hunchback EP)
(Woods - Bend Beyond)
And I just got this:
A bootleg, but still pretty awesome.
:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:
I bought a really nice used copy of this today for $50, no taxes. First time I had ever seen it in person: Opeth - Live at the Royal Albert Hall 4LP/2DVD boxed set (#1901/4000)
Nice snags!
How does that Wild Race EP sound? Is that the picture disc?
Quote from: oistheone on Jan 21, 2013, 10:34 PM
Nice snags!
How does that Wild Race EP sound? Is that the picture disc?
I think it sounds solid. It's just the black vinyl. I didn't even know there was a picture disc. The Country Mice is a preorder (comes out 2/19) and I hope it sounds better than their debut album which sounded awful on vinyl.
OOO Ruckus, you got the new Arbouretum! That reminds me I need to get it. How is it?
Ruckus- I used to love that TTD album and have played it a ton. I still spin it on occasions. A very good listen.
Quote from: Fully on Jan 22, 2013, 01:55 AM
OOO Ruckus, you got the new Arbouretum! That reminds me I need to get it. How is it?
they can do no wrong in my mind. excellent!
Quote from: headhunter on Jan 22, 2013, 10:37 AM
Ruckus- I used to love that TTD album and have played it a ton. I still spin it on occasions. A very good listen.
yeah i saw it for a few bucks at the record store before xmas and had to snag it. i wore out my dad's cassette back in the late 80's was it? so nostalgic and a great listen for sure.
Quote from: Ruckus on Jan 22, 2013, 10:46 AM
Quote from: Fully on Jan 22, 2013, 01:55 AM
OOO Ruckus, you got the new Arbouretum! That reminds me I need to get it. How is it?
they can do no wrong in my mind. excellent!
YES! Looking forward to that Country Mice record too.
Just ordered the following....
Brown Bird - Salt for Salt
Deftones - Koi No Yokan
Clutch - Earth Rocker
Just received a kickass package from Karate Body:
(Wax Fang - Mirror Mirror)
(Louisville Is for Lovers 2009)
and a long overdue upgrade!
i still need to get summerteeth and being there!
i bought their "holiday bundle" vinyl boxset off their site. 120$ + you get a shirt and a Live show DL. great deal.
Quote from: e_wind on Jan 29, 2013, 01:00 PM
i bought their "holiday bundle" vinyl boxset off their site. 120$ + you get a shirt and a Live show DL. great deal.
i bought the kicking television boxset back in 2011 on that black friday special they do. amazing set with 4LPs... less than $50.
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Jan 29, 2013, 01:03 PM
Quote from: e_wind on Jan 29, 2013, 01:00 PM
i bought their "holiday bundle" vinyl boxset off their site. 120$ + you get a shirt and a Live show DL. great deal.
i bought the kicking television boxset back in 2011 on that black friday special they do. amazing set with 4LPs... less than $50.
I think the Kicking Television vinyl box set is one of the greatest vinyl live albums I own. I play it as much as I play Okonokos. Which means ALOT!!
Quote from: headhunter on Jan 29, 2013, 01:05 PM
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Jan 29, 2013, 01:03 PM
Quote from: e_wind on Jan 29, 2013, 01:00 PM
i bought their "holiday bundle" vinyl boxset off their site. 120$ + you get a shirt and a Live show DL. great deal.
i bought the kicking television boxset back in 2011 on that black friday special they do. amazing set with 4LPs... less than $50.
I think the Kicking Television vinyl box set is one of the greatest vinyl live albums I own. I play it as much as I play Okonokos. Which means ALOT!!
Yep... i got it out last night to play a bit. The photography is great, the packaging is great, and of course it sounds fucking great.
I figured out what my tax return is this year... and right now I've got about 1/5th of it in my shopping cart at Music Direct.
I should be getting the following bundle of reissues from Third Man Records soon:
The Mississippi Shieks
Blind Willie McTell
Charley Patton
Quote from: e_wind on Jan 29, 2013, 01:00 PM
i bought their "holiday bundle" vinyl boxset off their site. 120$ + you get a shirt and a Live show DL. great deal.
That is a hell of a deal, and I'd have gotten it if I didn't already have all but two of those records.
Arrived yesterday:
Interesting format, fours sides of 10" clear orange goodness
Wear out your old copy of Z, YAGTF? :beer:
Quote from: Crispy on Jan 31, 2013, 12:43 PM
Wear out your old copy of Z, YAGTF? :beer:
MMJ is embarassingly under-represented in my vinyl collection. All I've got is At Dawn, acoustic citsuoca, louisville '08 10", and Circuital.
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Jan 31, 2013, 01:03 PM
Quote from: Crispy on Jan 31, 2013, 12:43 PM
Wear out your old copy of Z, YAGTF? :beer:
MMJ is embarassingly under-represented in my vinyl collection. All I've got is At Dawn, acoustic citsuoca, louisville '08 10", and Circuital.
I was so shocked by this, that it took me hours to recover and respond. You should get TTF, it's great on vinyl, and the later pressing of ISM is better than the first.
Also, when I saw "louisville '08 10"" I thought you were talking about Louisville Is for Lovers from '08 and '10, and nearly had a heart attack until I realized you were talking about Celebración De La Ciudad Natal.
Quote from: Crispy on Jan 31, 2013, 03:45 PM
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Jan 31, 2013, 01:03 PM
Quote from: Crispy on Jan 31, 2013, 12:43 PM
Wear out your old copy of Z, YAGTF? :beer:
MMJ is embarassingly under-represented in my vinyl collection. All I've got is At Dawn, acoustic citsuoca, louisville '08 10", and Circuital.
I was so shocked by this, that it took me hours to recover and respond. You should get TTF, it's great on vinyl, and the later pressing of ISM is better than the first.
Also, when I saw "louisville '08 10"" I thought you were talking about Louisville Is for Lovers from '08 and '10, and nearly had a heart attack until I realized you were talking about Celebración De La Ciudad Natal.
I've heard the early pressing of ISM (Badman pressing) was the superior version on this forum in the past, so witch is it? I only have the pic disc of ISM and would eventually like to get another.
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Jan 31, 2013, 04:49 PM
Quote from: Crispy on Jan 31, 2013, 03:45 PM
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on Jan 31, 2013, 01:03 PM
Quote from: Crispy on Jan 31, 2013, 12:43 PM
Wear out your old copy of Z, YAGTF? :beer:
MMJ is embarassingly under-represented in my vinyl collection. All I've got is At Dawn, acoustic citsuoca, louisville '08 10", and Circuital.
I was so shocked by this, that it took me hours to recover and respond. You should get TTF, it's great on vinyl, and the later pressing of ISM is better than the first.
Also, when I saw "louisville '08 10"" I thought you were talking about Louisville Is for Lovers from '08 and '10, and nearly had a heart attack until I realized you were talking about Celebración De La Ciudad Natal.
I've heard the early pressing of ISM (Badman pressing) was the superior version on this forum in the past, so witch is it? I only have the pic disc of ISM and would eventually like to get another.
It was my understanding that the Badman pressing wasn't as good as ATO's, but maybe I have it backwards. I have both, so I'll give a listen later.
Darla has TTF 180 gram 2xLPs for $10 due to a "bendy corner". I picked one up to have a back-up set of LPs. Credit to ewind for pointing this out to me. (
Quote from: johnnYYac on Jan 31, 2013, 08:53 PM
Darla has TTF 180 gram 2xLPs for $10 due to a "bendy corner". I picked one up to have a back-up set of LPs. Credit to ewind for pointing this out to me. (
What is a "bendy corner", just the album jacket or the vinyl itself?
Quote from: GO4IT on Jan 31, 2013, 08:59 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Jan 31, 2013, 08:53 PM
Darla has TTF 180 gram 2xLPs for $10 due to a "bendy corner". I picked one up to have a back-up set of LPs. Credit to ewind for pointing this out to me. (
What is a "bendy corner", just the album jacket or the vinyl itself?
What kind of circle has a corner? :wink: Sorry I've been feeling very smartassy lately.
I just looked at my copy of TTF and it is clear orange. I don't think it's 180 gram.
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Jan 31, 2013, 09:04 PM
Quote from: GO4IT on Jan 31, 2013, 08:59 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Jan 31, 2013, 08:53 PM
Darla has TTF 180 gram 2xLPs for $10 due to a "bendy corner". I picked one up to have a back-up set of LPs. Credit to ewind for pointing this out to me. (
What is a "bendy corner", just the album jacket or the vinyl itself?
What kind of circle has a corner? :wink: Sorry I've been feeling very smartassy lately.
Man, if you hadn't said it, I would have. I just feel smartassy every day.
Guess I could get one of those bendy corner jobs as a back-up to my back-up...
Quote from: Crispy on Jan 31, 2013, 09:15 PM
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Jan 31, 2013, 09:04 PM
Quote from: GO4IT on Jan 31, 2013, 08:59 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Jan 31, 2013, 08:53 PM
Darla has TTF 180 gram 2xLPs for $10 due to a "bendy corner". I picked one up to have a back-up set of LPs. Credit to ewind for pointing this out to me. (
What is a "bendy corner", just the album jacket or the vinyl itself?
What kind of circle has a corner? :wink: Sorry I've been feeling very smartassy lately.
Man, if you hadn't said it, I would have. I just feel smartassy every day.
Guess I could get one of those bendy corner jobs as a back-up to my back-up...
They don't call us "those forum assholes" for nothing. :beer:
A nice mint copy of
Hey everybody, I got my copy of TTF with the "bendy corner" and I can't even tell what its referring to. Its not even creased. the case is just kind of, not flat. You can't even tell without hearing it first. Great deal for 10$.
and YAGTF, thats fucking awesome. I was obsessed with that Desa album when I was 16.
I just got this at Grimeys before the Jim show:
Quote from: e_wind on Feb 04, 2013, 12:22 PM
Hey everybody, I got my copy of TTF with the "bendy corner" and I can't even tell what its referring to. Its not even creased. the case is just kind of, not flat. You can't even tell without hearing it first. Great deal for 10$.
I have that single, too!
Also ordered TTF for $10, waiting for it to arrive.
I'm going heavy on a hardcore kick right now...
possibly my favorite EP of all time:(
Quote from: e_wind on Feb 04, 2013, 12:22 PM
Hey everybody, I got my copy of TTF with the "bendy corner" and I can't even tell what its referring to. Its not even creased. the case is just kind of, not flat. You can't even tell without hearing it first. Great deal for 10$.
I got mine just now, and it looks pristine. I wonder if someone pulled clean, un-bendy copies to fill these orders by mistake. Definitely worth ordering if you don't have TTF vinyl or if you're wearing it out and need backup. :thumbsup:
Eric and Dan---was TO WILLIE on sale somewhere?
i'd like to get :cool:
I bought it physically at Grimeys in Nashville, and it was 9.99
The Littlest Viking - Labour & Lust
The Littlest Viking - S/T
Quote from: Penny Lane on Feb 04, 2013, 02:39 PM
Eric and Dan---was TO WILLIE on sale somewhere?
i'd like to get :cool:
Haha I got it b/c I had an giftcard burning a hole in my pocket! Shoot I think I got ripped off tho...pretty sure the one I ordered was like $20!
Picked up the 3 White Stripes 45's from the Black Friday Record Store Day sale.
I wish this record store had more promise with new stock rather than mostly used... and wasn't cash only!!! I would have walked out with maybe another album or two.
Love the To Willies that have gone off the board :beer:
and some other stuff
Just stopped at the post office and picked up
On the Beach
The Doppelgangaz- 2012: The New Beginning
Some recent adds
For $84 I got today:
Cannonball Aderley with Milt Jackson; Things are Getting Better
Jefferson Airplane; Flight Log
Fleetwood Mac; S/T
Bob Dylan; Blood on the Tracks
The Doors; Greatest Hits
Pink Floyd; DSOTM
Ten Years After; A Space in Time
Ray Charles; Have a Smile With Me
Cream; Wheels of Fire
Delaney & Bonnie & Friends; On Tour with Eric Clapton
The Comprehensive Charlie Parker; Live Performances Vol I
Funkadelic; One Nation Under a Groove
Cheap Trick; at Budokan
Pink Floyd; Meddle
Hendrix; Band of Gypsys
Neil Young & Crazy Horse; Rust Never Sleeps
Joni Mitchell; Blue
The Allman Brothers Band; Live at Fillmore East
I had 3 LP's today by Phosphorescent: "Pride", "To Willie" and "Here's to taking it easy". Also got the debut album from the Swedish duo Dödens Dal "Gå ensam förbi horisonten". From last week Jim James and Sibille Attar's first EP "Flower's Bed.
Got another copy of Z today, since my other copy is a pic disc. Regions of Light arrived on time last week, HB from the show several weeks ago, and the others I've gotten in the last few months and forgot to post. Beatles are the new remastered LPs.
Ben Harper and Charlie Musselwhite's Get Up today... first listen happening now...
Bon Iver; For Emma Forever Ago
Jimi Hendrix; Blues
Tribute To
Country Mice- Hour of the Wolf
The Builders and the Butchers self-titled and Salvation is a....220g picture disc :shocked:
Vedder- LBC/Wishlist
Quote from: Osistheones on Feb 23, 2013, 09:20 PM
Country Mice- Hour of the Wolf
Let us know what you think about this man. I loved Twister so much I assumed Howl of the Wolf would have to be a step down. It's different but I'm enjoying it big time. I think the production ans sound is a definite step up. Just solid rock.
Finally got this:
but also this, mint, for $3!
and these:
I went on a serious binge.
I bought In Rainbows yesterday only because it was priced wrong and 10$. And this record store next to my house is way expensive usually.
For Real? .....seriously is that real life?
Why did the GD do a disco album? I must have it NOW!!!!
Did the Bee Gees sue them over this?
Led Zep - In Through the Out Door
Carole King - Tapestry
Black Flag - I Can See You
Quote from: sweatboard on Feb 24, 2013, 01:55 PM
Why did the GD do a disco album? I must have it NOW!!!!
Ha! Though the cover sure makes Go to Heaven look that way, I think Shakedown Street may have been more of a disco record. Mydland's songs on GtH make the Dead sound like the Eagles. Both have their clunkers, but I still like 'em.
Quote from: he.who.forgets on Feb 24, 2013, 07:25 PM
Led Zep - In Through the Out Door
Hey, which cover did you get?
Quote from: Crispy on Feb 24, 2013, 10:06 PM
Quote from: sweatboard on Feb 24, 2013, 01:55 PM
Why did the GD do a disco album? I must have it NOW!!!!
Ha! Though the cover sure makes Go to Heaven look that way, I think Shakedown Street may have been more of a disco record. Mydland's songs on GtH make the Dead sound like the Eagles. Both have their clunkers, but I still like 'em.
Quote from: he.who.forgets on Feb 24, 2013, 07:25 PM
Led Zep - In Through the Out Door
Hey, which cover did you get?
Quote from: he.who.forgets on Feb 25, 2013, 11:06 AM
Quote from: Crispy on Feb 24, 2013, 10:06 PM
Quote from: he.who.forgets on Feb 24, 2013, 07:25 PM
Led Zep - In Through the Out Door
Hey, which cover did you get?
So that's version E, I think—you can tell by looking at the spine, it will have the letter by the top. Here's some interesting info ( on the topic, which was a shameless marketing gimmick. I have the B version, and haven't tried real hard to get the others.
^^^Pretty interesting info. I'd read a little about the covers before but never in that much detail. I wonder if 'wiping' the interior sleeve will still reveal any color on a second hand album that old...may have to try tonight.
Quote from: he.who.forgets on Feb 25, 2013, 11:52 AM
^^^Pretty interesting info. I'd read a little about the covers before but never in that much detail. I wonder if 'wiping' the interior sleeve will still reveal any color on a second hand album that old...may have to try tonight.
I've never got up the nerve to try that with mine, let us know how it goes!
Quote from: johnnYYac on Feb 28, 2013, 04:30 PM
:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Quote from: Penny Lane on Feb 22, 2013, 09:49 AM
Penny have you listened to any of there other stuff? I love this album but for whatever reason never listening to anything after. Wondering if the other stuff is worth checking out. I think I read somewhere that Simone released a s/t album as well.
Quote from: Crispy on Feb 25, 2013, 12:33 PM
Quote from: he.who.forgets on Feb 25, 2013, 11:52 AM
^^^Pretty interesting info. I'd read a little about the covers before but never in that much detail. I wonder if 'wiping' the interior sleeve will still reveal any color on a second hand album that old...may have to try tonight.
I've never got up the nerve to try that with mine, let us know how it goes!
Upon closer inspection, it appears the inner sleeve was already "wiped". The colors are faint but they're there.
Quote from: Angelo on Feb 28, 2013, 06:18 PM
Quote from: Penny Lane on Feb 22, 2013, 09:49 AM
Penny have you listened to any of there other stuff? I love this album but for whatever reason never listening to anything after. Wondering if the other stuff is worth checking out. I think I read somewhere that Simone released a s/t album as well.
this is such an incredible album... the follow up is almost as good, too. ..Simone is one of those artists who can usually do no wrong but his solo album last year really didn't hit me as hard as the Duke and the king albums..i haven't heard anything else, i'd have to look and see if there is anything else--- i put this album down for a year and recently came back to it..holy smokes. every time he's playing in NYC, i've had a commitment...big big fan, though....i think because i read about this before i heard it (his wife had a late term miscarriage and he holed himself up in a cabin in the catskills and made this with his friend), it took on more meaning to me..almost like he was singing to his unborn child.
he is clearly my favorite Felice Bros.. :cool:
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 01, 2013, 01:20 AM
one of my favorite Patterson covers is on there! Percy Sledge's
Take time to know her..
I had a bunch of great new vinyl given to me this week, but this is the last thing I bought. One of my favourites of 2012
Just bought Eddie Vedder Love Boat Captain 7inch from 10 Club.
Quote from: Penny Lane on Feb 28, 2013, 11:18 PM
Quote from: Angelo on Feb 28, 2013, 06:18 PM
Quote from: Penny Lane on Feb 22, 2013, 09:49 AM
Penny have you listened to any of there other stuff? I love this album but for whatever reason never listening to anything after. Wondering if the other stuff is worth checking out. I think I read somewhere that Simone released a s/t album as well.
this is such an incredible album... the follow up is almost as good, too. ..Simone is one of those artists who can usually do no wrong but his solo album last year really didn't hit me as hard as the Duke and the king albums..i haven't heard anything else, i'd have to look and see if there is anything else--- i put this album down for a year and recently came back to it..holy smokes. every time he's playing in NYC, i've had a commitment...big big fan, though....i think because i read about this before i heard it (his wife had a late term miscarriage and he holed himself up in a cabin in the catskills and made this with his friend), it took on more meaning to me..almost like he was singing to his unborn child.
he is clearly my favorite Felice Bros.. :cool:
Cool, I'll have to at least check out their follow up, thanks. Agreed, knowing the circumstances before listening to this album gave it extra meaning to me as well. I wonder if that's what led to him leaving his brothers?
From what I can recall he is a hell of a drummer in the sense that he seems to try and destroy his kit when he's playing. I saw the entire Felice Bros in '08 and it was comical to me how violently he was playing. Funny side note about that show, Justin Townes Earle opened for them. I don't envision that ever happening again!
The brand new reissue:
Jim James - Regions of Light and sound of God
MMJ - It Still Moves
Portugal. The Man - Censored Colors
Baroness - Yellow and Green
Baroness - Red Album
Baroness - Blue Album
Brown Bird - Fits of Reason
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Specter At The Feast
Still waiting on my Brown Bird "Salt For Salt" album that I ordered back in January... sent them a nice reminder last night.
Quote from: he.who.forgets on Mar 04, 2013, 06:04 PM
Jim James - Regions of Light and sound of God
MMJ - It Still Moves
Portugal. The Man - Censored Colors
censored colors is great. that was my intro into PtM. The song Colors is what made me think they were awesome
Quote from: e_wind on Mar 06, 2013, 03:05 PM
Quote from: he.who.forgets on Mar 04, 2013, 06:04 PM
Jim James - Regions of Light and sound of God
MMJ - It Still Moves
Portugal. The Man - Censored Colors
censored colors is great. that was my intro into PtM. The song Colors is what made me think they were awesome
me too! I'm fairly new to vinyl but figured PTM should sound pretty good on the ole turntable. Looking forward to spinning it.
Iron & Wine: Our Endless Days are Numbered
Pearl Jam: Vs
Pearl Jam: Ten
Fleet Foxes: S/T
Jimi Hendrix: Live @ Monterey
Cat Power: The Greatest
The Black Keys: Rubber Factory
I picked up PJ self-titled at the PO today. The booklet is tight! Also, the mailman dropped off Country Mice-Twister and it included a handwritten note and a cd called Transmissions. :beer:
Our friend is moving and decided he'd rather clear some of his vinyl collection out than move it. We dropped by yesterday and got these, including a little bit of MMJ magic:
That Comets On Fire record is bad ass
Which one - Blue Cathedral or Avatar?
Pacific Ocean Blue! :thumbsup:
..even glows in the dark!
Quote from: Penny Lane on Mar 15, 2013, 11:52 AM
..even glows in the dark!
just like rudolph's nose!! how awesome. great album by the way.
popmarket deal of the day. 180-gram triple-vinyl reissue for $36.
i don't even have a turntable...yet. i know, i have a disease....
I just started listening to Phosphorescent recently because they were performing at the Heartbreak Banquet so I wanted to familiarize myself with them. Athough his songs are generally sleepy/chill, they really are transformed live.
So I just ordered Phosphorescent, "Here's to Taking it Easy" from amazon this morning after seeing them last night. Love "Los Angeles"
Anyone else into his group?
Quote from: alienlanes on Mar 13, 2013, 01:21 AM
Which one - Blue Cathedral or Avatar?
Blue Cathedral...I haven't heard the other one. Which do you prefer?
Quote from: justbcuzido on Mar 15, 2013, 01:49 PM
I just started listening to Phosphorescent recently because they were performing at the Heartbreak Banquet so I wanted to familiarize myself with them. Athough his songs are generally sleepy/chill, they really are transformed live.
So I just ordered Phosphorescent, "Here's to Taking it Easy" from amazon this morning after seeing them last night. Love "Los Angeles"
Anyone else into his group?
lots of people are into him...Pride is incredible and also his Willie Nelson covers album, too...his live show is a bit too sleepy for me but others here love him..(see other music threads)
on that To Willie album, i never knew
Reasons to Quit was written by Merle Haggard???
Some RSD leftovers.
Quote from: Angelo on Mar 18, 2013, 08:42 PM
Some RSD leftovers.
just picked up that myself!
Nice! :thumbsup: I haven't had a chance to look at it yet but I'm wondering/hoping there is a download card included. It's still sealed.
Quote from: Angelo on Mar 19, 2013, 12:03 AM
Nice! :thumbsup: I haven't had a chance to look at it yet but I'm wondering/hoping there is a download card included. It's still sealed.
I'm not sure there is a D/L card for that NM 10". I believe, however, that I might have mp3s from a vinyl rip courtesy of a fellow forum pal. Looks like I'll be home with a snow day, so I'll look into it, but first it's back to bed...
Some good finds at the record store and my girlfriend's parents' attic this past weekend.
Quote from: e_wind on Mar 19, 2013, 10:59 AM
Awesome single & Deep mag this year, isnt it?
Quote from: johnnYYac on Mar 19, 2013, 05:20 AM
Quote from: Angelo on Mar 19, 2013, 12:03 AM
Nice! :thumbsup: I haven't had a chance to look at it yet but I'm wondering/hoping there is a download card included. It's still sealed.
I'm not sure there is a D/L card for that NM 10". I believe, however, that I might have mp3s from a vinyl rip courtesy of a fellow forum pal. Looks like I'll be home with a snow day, so I'll look into it, but first it's back to bed...
That would be great if you would do that, John. I just opened it and there is no d/l card.
Another binge:
(been kicking myself since being in too much of a hurry to get the $15 copy at their show 2 years ago - finally found it for a little more than that through discogs, at one of my OKC shops, freakishly)
(Swans - The Seer)
(Windsor for the Derby)
(got my copy too :wink: )
(a good rebus on this cover)
I now have 666 records, according to discogs. :evil:
Quote from: Crispy l
This is definitely a winner. I'll have to dust off my old copy which has been played, conservatively, a million times and spin it this weekend. The last studio album with the original lineup.
Just pre-ordered the Shovels & Rope 7" from Thirdman. Cover of Bruce's Johnny 99 and Tom Waits' Bad as Me (
Quote from: GO4IT on Mar 20, 2013, 11:06 PM
This is definitely a winner. I'll have to dust off my old copy which has been played, conservatively, a million times and spin it this weekend. The last studio album with the original lineup.
I used to be an Allmans nut(!), and it's a big surprise that I never had a copy of this, when I have almost all of their other early records. Only trouble with this copy is it looks like it's been played a million times too.
Quote from: Crispy on Mar 20, 2013, 11:13 PM
Quote from: GO4IT on Mar 20, 2013, 11:06 PM
This is definitely a winner. I'll have to dust off my old copy which has been played, conservatively, a million times and spin it this weekend. The last studio album with the original lineup.
I used to be an Allmans nut(!), and it's a big surprise that I never had a copy of this, when I have almost all of their other early records. Only trouble with this copy is it looks like it's been played a million times too.
I saw the Allmans shortly after this record came out but, unfortunately, just after Duane and Berry met their untimely fates - early '73 as I recall. I was the official university photographer for the show at the Palace Theater (think Capitol Theater-type venue) in Albany, NY and was on stage with them and with totally free access to roam all areas of the stage the whole show.
I can't put into words how amazing an experience that was.
Nice selections, John! I LOVE that Tidings cover—it's easy to see with the LP and the info sheet inside, each of those little pieces of "equipment" are cut paper boxes, really cool. And of course the music is fantastic. Is that a Silbury Sands 12" single?
I still don't have Muchacho, but oh! I see it's finally on Spotify!
Quote from: Crispy on Mar 20, 2013, 10:48 PM
I now have 666 records, according to discogs. :evil:
AWESOME album right there ...I think you should celebrate 666 records with purchasing this lil guy:
Quote from: Crispy on Mar 24, 2013, 11:07 AM
Nice selections, John! I LOVE that Tidings cover—it's easy to see with the LP and the info sheet inside, each of those little pieces of "equipment" are cut paper boxes, really cool. And of course the music is fantastic. Is that a Silbury Sands 12" single?
I still don't have Muchacho, but oh! I see it's finally on Spotify!
Sillsbury Sands is a 7"single b/w Dry (a track not found on Steeple) (
Nine mile skid...on a ten mile ride...
Thanks to JohnnYY for the heads up! AND thanks for the DVDs, which also came in the mail today! A banner fuckin' day at the Berry household.
:beer: :beer: :beer:
Shovels and Rope - O'Be Joyful
The Lumineers - Winter Ep
Houndmouth - From The Hills Below The City - Pre-ordered
Cold War Kids - Dear Miss Lonelyhearts
Intronaut - Habitual Levitations - Red vinyl
Document Reissue Volume 2 Bundle fromThird Man Records including:
Charley Patton
Blind Willie McTell
The Mississippi Shieks
Cold War Kids - Live at Third Man
Shovels & Rope 7" - Johnny 99
Brittany Howard & Ruby Amanfu 7" - I Wonder
Quote from: Dillsnufus on Apr 09, 2013, 04:21 PM
Kurt Vile - Wakin' On A Pretty Daze - Vinyl Opening - Deluxe Version (
Damn, I need that Kurt Vile record!
Acquired today:
(The Besnard Lakes - Until in Excess - Imperceptible UFO)
(The Besnard Lakes - You Lived in the City)
Somebodies on a Ben Harper kick! Nice. I've got to get that new Kurt Vile too. After listening to the stream, I'm in love.
( (
califone - roomsound and heron king blues reissues
...and i still don't own a turntable
You need to get yourself a table, e-stone!
Just got these two gems in the mail:
That is a glittery gold record!
Damn you, Discogs.
and hoping this is pressed but unlikely since none of their other onces have. love the cover
Just picked up Derek & The Dominoes - Layla and The Milk Carton Kids - Prologue
Quote from: e-stone on Mar 15, 2013, 01:44 PM
popmarket deal of the day. 180-gram triple-vinyl reissue for $36.
i don't even have a turntable...yet. i know, i have a disease....
This is easily one of my top 10 favourite albums of all time. The China Cat>Rider is one of the best and there are so many killer songs making their first album appearance here (Tennessee Jed, He's Gone, etc). Also love the Morning Dew on it. I have owned this album on cassette (worn out), 8-track (given to a friend), LP (worn out) and CD. Soooo great
My most recent acquisitions over the past month or so:
( (
I got my copy of Baba Yaga yesterday, on beautiful purple vinyl:
(recent 180g pressing)
Quote from: Crispy on Apr 14, 2013, 10:49 AM
I got my copy of Baba Yaga yesterday, on beautiful purple vinyl:
(recent 180g pressing)
I'm still waiting for mine. I could have bought one last night at the show, but then I would have two of them, and that would be not necessary. I like these songs. I'm so glad they finally got a new album out.
Quote from: e_wind on Apr 14, 2013, 02:01 PM
my favorite beatles album..
180 gram set - I actually have very little Grateful Dead on vinyl... but lots and lots of shows on cassette! :thumbsup:
Curse you, PopMarket!
Purple Tapes on clear vinyl
German Issue (used)
Quote from: Ruckus on Apr 11, 2013, 12:50 PM
Just got Fain today; Baba Yaga last week. :thumbsup:
Finally added this to my collection. Picked it up at the show last night. :beer:
Quote from: johnnYYac on Apr 30, 2013, 04:01 PM
Quote from: Ruckus on Apr 11, 2013, 12:50 PM
Just got Fain today; Baba Yaga last week. :thumbsup:
:thumbsup: :beer:
Well actually my Fain has not arrived yet and there was a problem with my records store in getting Baba Yaga so I am without both though I've listened to Baba Yaga a ton already. Fain should be arriving tomorrow.
I hope it was a forum member that just outbid me on that NIB Okonokos Vinyl...went up nearly 50 bucks in the last 10 seconds. :angry:
I don't think I'll ever get this vinyl..
Quote from: davymac on May 04, 2013, 05:49 PM
I hope it was a forum member that just outbid me on that NIB Okonokos Vinyl...went up nearly 50 bucks in the last 10 seconds. :angry:
I don't think I'll ever get this vinyl..
Saw that! $187 I believe. The highest I've seen it go is $200. Honestly, I love it and I'm glad I got my copy for about $40, but I'd never pay over $100. Its gotta be reissued someday... :undecided:
Quote from: johnnYYac on May 04, 2013, 05:51 PM
Quote from: davymac on May 04, 2013, 05:49 PM
I hope it was a forum member that just outbid me on that NIB Okonokos Vinyl...went up nearly 50 bucks in the last 10 seconds. :angry:
I don't think I'll ever get this vinyl..
Saw that! $187 I believe. The highest I've seen it go is $200. Honestly, I love it and I'm glad I got my copy for about $40, but I'd never pay over $100. Its gotta be reissued someday... :undecided:
Mannn I wish I could have got my hands on a copy back in the day for under $100! I was pretty bummed, I thought I had it!
Guess I'll have to keep checking ebay. A reissue would be awesome.
Also, is this person delusional or what? (
Quote from: davymac on May 04, 2013, 06:02 PM
Also, is this person delusional or what? (
Yes. :cheesy: That one has been on eBay for a couple of years.
Yeah that shits been up forever. I got my copy if bad jazz for less than 100. As for okonokos... I held a new copy in my hands for 40$ many times at ear x tacy. But always passed. I regret it now
Yeah that shits been up forever. I got my copy if bad jazz for less than 100. As for okonokos... I held a new copy in my hands for 40$ many times at ear x tacy. But always passed. I regret it now
Didn't buy any new vinyl, but I was happy to be in an actual record store while I was in Nashville. Grimey's has an incredible selection of new vinyl, I was like a kid in a candy store with no money! Since I was flying I would have had to ship my purchases home and I 'm sure that would have been cost prohibitive. But it was nice to see a store with more new vinyl records than previously loved records. If only someone in the Harrisburg area would run with this concept.....
Got my Baba Yaga as well, in peasant black vinyl
Managed to get a copy of JTE's RSD release. Yay!
Quote from: Jeff Murray on May 07, 2013, 01:57 PM
Didn't buy any new vinyl, but I was happy to be in an actual record store while I was in Nashville. Grimey's has an incredible selection of new vinyl, I was like a kid in a candy store with no money! Since I was flying I would have had to ship my purchases home and I 'm sure that would have been cost prohibitive. But it was nice to see a store with more new vinyl records than previously loved records. If only someone in the Harrisburg area would run with this concept.....
This happens to me every time I go to San Francisco, like I'm just about to do, and I end up with more records than I can fit in my bag. But, it's not that bad to have them shipped home, I think it cost me $12 last time, for about 20 discs.
Quote from: Ruckus on May 10, 2013, 12:08 AM
Got my Baba Yaga as well, in peasant black vinyl
I just got In the Marrow in the mail yesterday. I too have the lowly non-colored Baba Yaga vinyl. :embarrassed:
Quote from: Osistheones on May 10, 2013, 04:07 PM
Quote from: Ruckus on May 10, 2013, 12:08 AM
Got my Baba Yaga as well, in peasant black vinyl
I just got In the Marrow in the mail yesterday. I too have the lowly non-colored Baba Yaga vinyl. :embarrassed:
I do too. Maybe we'll still get to talk to the cool kids.
Quote from: Fully on May 10, 2013, 04:29 PM
Quote from: Osistheones on May 10, 2013, 04:07 PM
Quote from: Ruckus on May 10, 2013, 12:08 AM
Got my Baba Yaga as well, in peasant black vinyl
I just got In the Marrow in the mail yesterday. I too have the lowly non-colored Baba Yaga vinyl. :embarrassed:
I do too. Maybe we'll still get to talk to the cool kids.
Do you want to approach Crispy while he's petting his Grimace pancake with a twisted grin?
Quote from: Ruckus on May 11, 2013, 11:54 AM
Quote from: Fully on May 10, 2013, 04:29 PM
Quote from: Osistheones on May 10, 2013, 04:07 PM
Quote from: Ruckus on May 10, 2013, 12:08 AM
Got my Baba Yaga as well, in peasant black vinyl
I just got In the Marrow in the mail yesterday. I too have the lowly non-colored Baba Yaga vinyl. :embarrassed:
I do too. Maybe we'll still get to talk to the cool kids.
Do you want to approach Crispy while he's petting his Grimace pancake with a twisted grin?
Hmmph. Perhaps I'll deign to talk to you and your oily sable saucers when I've tired of my sweet platter of grape goodness.
There was a local small record swap here in Hamilton, ON Canada. I took $50 as my limit and here is what I got. Really happy with the Bad Brains and the Enruptured Records comp that has a really early Mogwai song on it, plus Roy Montgomery and the Asuza Plane. Also, the Black Sabbath LP is original Canadian pressing (no gatefold) with the Green Warner Bros lp label!
( (
Plust a lot more. Just started collecting Vinyl. This is going to be fun and expensive :cheesy:
I just pre-ordered the Floating Action release of Desert Etiquette! I am pumped to get it in the next two weeks.
I just preordered All Hail West Texas. :beer:
I picked this up last night and got it signed by the band's main songwriter/guitarist Deniz Tek
Apparently one of the people I work with used to be room mates with someone from Radio Birdman. Don't know if it's true or not.
can't wait for it to come
can't wait for it to arrive! Will start listening to digital copy first thing tomorrow morning. I really like the Amazon aut rip feature on vinyl purchase, digital copy in the cloud as soon as you buy.
Quote from: e-stone on May 20, 2013, 06:32 PM
I am very jealous.
Quote from: Dillsnufus on May 20, 2013, 03:37 PM
can't wait for it to come
Uh, where did you get that!??!?! Apple is untouchable! I would love to have this version!
Quote from: jcoyote on May 21, 2013, 05:23 PM
Quote from: Dillsnufus on May 20, 2013, 03:37 PM
can't wait for it to come
Uh, where did you get that!??!?! Apple is untouchable! I would love to have this version! (
preorders are sold out as far as I know so you'll have to check google and ebay. I got mine on ebay and it's sold out now . I'll update this post with a link if i find anything. (
not that cheap but relatively cheap compared to other mlb vinyl. (
not the Purple vinyl version but Black is usually best anyway. (
Came home to 2 packages on my doorstep. One was Houndmouth, still haven't heard the leak so first listen will be on vinyl. The other was Wrecking Ball by Dead Confederate.
Some spoils from another nice SF binge:
I needed another copy, found one in great shape
(Tortoise and Bonny Prince Billy - The Brave and the Bold...I got this mostly for the cover art)
(Lord Huron - Lonesome Dreams)
Just wanted to thank Dillsnufus. Had no idea that the MLB was released on vinyl!! Picked it up off of soundstagedirect. I am much grateful.
Quote from: jcoyote on May 30, 2013, 04:58 PM
Just wanted to thank Dillsnufus. Had no idea that the MLB was released on vinyl!! Picked it up off of soundstagedirect. I am much grateful.
you're welcome. I got the purple on tuesday :cry: :cry: But it's very warped.
Nice choices folks! I'll finally have Muchacho proper next week. Can't wait. Song of the Pearl is almost a perfect record IMO Crispy.
Quote from: Crispy on May 30, 2013, 10:59 AM
Some spoils from another nice SF binge:
I needed another copy, found one in great shape
(Tortoise and Bonny Prince Billy - The Brave and the Bold...I got this mostly for the cover art)
(Lord Huron - Lonesome Dreams)
i'm still confused about how many ladies are laying in that bed on the phosy cover :huh:
classic Roxy Music love it!
Quote from: Dillsnufus on May 30, 2013, 06:25 PM
Quote from: jcoyote on May 30, 2013, 04:58 PM
Just wanted to thank Dillsnufus. Had no idea that the MLB was released on vinyl!! Picked it up off of soundstagedirect. I am much grateful.
you're welcome. I got the purple on tuesday :cry: :cry: But it's very warped.
Oh No!!! What are you going to do? There are tips out there where you can put a record between two sheets of glass and put it in the oven, but I would be very careful w/ a record that costs that much. Are you going to return it? Good luck!
Desert Etiquette by Floating Action.. He only made 300 copies of it and it sounds great on vinyl!!!
snag one up if there are any left.
Val, I'm sticking to my assertion that there are three Phossy ladies...that we can see.
I also ordered that Desert Etiquette record, as well as this:
( (
(click to get yer own)
Getting warped vinyl when you've paid good money for it sucks bad, dilly, here's hoping you can return it and get a good one. I've never tried de-warping, I have a couple that I might try it with but I wouldn't expect much.
Just ordered the new ASG album "Blood Drive"
It is streaming on bandcamp here.... (
Also pre-ordered the new Baroness ep... was able to get the clear with black and gold splattering.
The Mother Love Bone purple, numbered(#100) vinyl arrived today.
Quote from: Crispy on May 31, 2013, 02:19 PM
Val, I'm sticking to my assertion that there are three Phossy ladies...that we can see.
I also ordered that Desert Etiquette record, as well as this:
( (
(click to get yer own)
Getting warped vinyl when you've paid good money for it sucks bad, dilly, here's hoping you can return it and get a good one. I've never tried de-warping, I have a couple that I might try it with but I wouldn't expect much.
Got this vinyl on its way!
( (
Took me a while to find, but I just bought Rites of Uncovering.
Quote from: Osistheones on Jun 14, 2013, 03:12 PM
Took me a while to find, but I just bought Rites of Uncovering.
Nice man! I just can never fork over the cash for that one. If you don't mind me asking, how much did you get it for?
Just got
The sound is perfect, the artwork is gorgeous, and the vinyl is a cool almost clear clear
Quote from: justbcuzido on Jun 02, 2013, 12:52 PM
Quote from: Crispy on May 31, 2013, 02:19 PM
Val, I'm sticking to my assertion that there are three Phossy ladies...that we can see.
I also ordered that Desert Etiquette record, as well as this:
( (
(click to get yer own)
Getting warped vinyl when you've paid good money for it sucks bad, dilly, here's hoping you can return it and get a good one. I've never tried de-warping, I have a couple that I might try it with but I wouldn't expect much.
Got this vinyl on its way!
My local record store has this. Are there limited pressings? Should I get it sooner than later?
Quote from: Ruckus on Jun 14, 2013, 05:25 PM
Quote from: Osistheones on Jun 14, 2013, 03:12 PM
Took me a while to find, but I just bought Rites of Uncovering.
Nice man! I just can never fork over the cash for that one. If you don't mind me asking, how much did you get it for?
Saw a sealed copy go up on discogs for $19 and jumped on it. It was only on my radar because it was in my cart a while ago but I didn't pull the trigger and regretted it. Then it showed up "no longer available" forever. I assume I got it cheap?
Went crazy this weekend!
Portugal. The Man - Evil Friends
Brown Bird - Fits of Reason
I finally got my forum splatter Choc & Ice today, with a nice surprise included... Clear orange "super-limited" Acoustic Citsuoca (only 625 pressed, according to Discogs).
Pre-ordered. Out July 9th! Includes a new track, previously unreleased, perfect for today... The Third of July!
I can't believe it took so long to get this.
Just picked up a Soundgarden Outshined promo 12 inch at a market.
Love this album cover
And finally
May also be getting this via trade, but I can't decide what to give up for it...
My most recent arrivals. The NYE picture disc is unsigned. The It Still Moves is a 2003 pressing, #0824/1000. The Prine and Pres Hall albums kick ass! Now, no more vinyl purchases until I've moved...
A numbered 2003 ISM? Is from ATO or Badman? I got my Badman LP in 2003 and it ain't got no numbers on it that I can see.
I got these today:
And this is on the way:
(by The Silver Seas)
Quote from: Crispy on Jul 23, 2013, 08:24 PM
A numbered 2003 ISM? Is from ATO or Badman? I got my Badman LP in 2003 and it ain't got no numbers on it that I can see.
Its this one, ATO 2003 LE Europe.
I'd heard this was a better sounding pressing. Can't do the comparison 'til tomorrow.
My latest acquisitions:
( (
( (
The Billie Holiday is a flawless 4-lp box set complete with the booklet. It's in immaculate shape and sounds great!
( (
( (
MFSL, 2 x LP, audiophile, 180 gram, and other descriptors!!!
That copy of Sea Change was an expensive one at $53 (+ $7 shipping) but I've heard the Mobile Fidelity version sounds AMAZING. Don't buy the $99+ copies on fleabay! I got mine at Insound.
I just preordered NOIR by Blue Sky Black Death. I'm pumped that it's getting pressed up.
On Friday I took the kids to the local Value Village thrift store and came home with
The Fall - Peel Session 12"
Patti Smith - Horses
Patti Smith Group - Wave
Rock & Roll Ensemble - Faithful Friends
This Mortal Coil - Filigree & Shadow 2LP
All of them were $2 each and all are in excellent condition!
I got a bunch of CDs too: townes van zandt, lucinda williams, circle jerks, woods of ypres, etc. but who cares about CDs really....
Rolling Stones - Sticky Fingers (COC 59100, 1st US press) with zipper
my favorite Stones album, expected wear and tear on cover but record is in fantastic shape (the most imp't part)
Wax Fang EP - Mirror Mirror
Sounds great!
Got the Drumgasm record (Matt Cameron, Janet Weiss, Zach Hill) in the mail this week. I don't want to take it out of the sleeve. Number 487 of, we'll I'm not sure really.
This caught my eye. We'll see, come Oct. 8...
Coming October 8th, 2013
Limited edition of 500 LPs (
"Most lost-classic reissues fit snugly into genre ghettos, but Don Muro's 1977 masterpiece It's Time defies even our precise 21st-century methods of classification. Rock, funk, synth-pop, disco, ambient, space-age: nothing suffices. It's funny, it's solemn, it's light, it's shady, it's sly, it's earnest, and it's none and all of the above. Enjoy it ironically and suddenly it gets sublime; take it seriously and soon enough it's having fun at your expense. I dare you to try to file this one away - chances are it'll keep poking its head out of your collection, challenging you to figure it all out before it even attracts a speck of dust." - Marc Masters (Pitchfork, The Wire)
2013 remaster by Alex DeTurk at Masterdisk
Don Muro "It's Time" Reissue Announcement (
From the original 1977 back cover...
"On this album Don plays the following instruments:
ARP Polyphonic Synthesizer System (2600, Odyssey, String Ensemble)
ARP Pro-Soloist
Oberheim Digital Sequencer
Acoustic Piano
Rhodes 73 and 88 Electric Pianos
Hammond RT3 Organ
Electric and Acoustic Guitars
Bass Guitar
Drums and Percussion
Found my first record shop in Iowa City!
My first haul...
came with a hand-painted (137/140) 7" - In Every Craft and Line
Also, this
and for $1 (not one pop or skip!)...
brought home a decent variety the other day
( (
( (
( (
Nice, 96 is one of my favorite years for hip-hop and ATLiens is one of the genre's best from that year.
Porcupine Tree- Stupid Dream
Ugly Heroes- s/t
Castle- Gasface
Got the new Neko Case deluxe vinyl and the new Laura Veirs both in the mail today. The Laura Veirs came signed, they were doing that for the album presales but had some left over. It was a bit dented up and the record looked a bit warped, but sounded fine on my player. Got RAM earlier this week.
Plus these three in VG condition for 8 bucks total.
Quote from: Hawkeye on Sep 01, 2013, 04:51 PM
A nice pair.
picking this up today from the local record shack, Elephant re-issue
Quote from: Hawkeye on Sep 03, 2013, 11:30 AM
Ha, I just picked up these two recently as well. Along with Grievous Angel.
Nice, Osis. :beer:
For Gram Parsons albums on vinyl, I have:
FBB - Gilded Palace of Sin
FBB - Burrito Deluxe
FBB - Sleepless Nights (original promotional copy)
Gram Parsons - Another Side of This Life
Gram Parsons - GP
Gram Parsons - Grievous Angel
( (
( (
a 7" from old faves from Chapel Hill, with Ryan Pickett on guitar...
And some pre-orders to surprise me throughout the fall...
The Clash - Combat Rock
Traffic - John Barleycorn must die
Traffic - Greatest Hits
Santana & Buddy Miles - live
Blood Sweat & tears - 3
Got the new Pixies EP in the mail today, bought the Pinback and Deathfix records at the show last friday.
The Doppelgangaz- Loan Sharks (pumped about the reissue, great album)
Nighthawks (Cage & Camu Tao)- S/T
Leak Bros (Cage & Tame One)- Waterworld
Drag the River- Closed
Drag the River- You Can't Live This Way
I got this beauty today:
Eels' Blinking Lights and Other Revelations, numbered and "begrudgingly signed by the author himself."
Happy to find this one at Half Price Books, they don't have a real deep selection of new stuff but they will always have some random gems. Also I enjoy looking at this without the album title printed on the cover.
I went to the store just to get the new Pearl Jam CD today since they sell new releases a day early, and ended up with a nice haul. Almost passed on Nebraska but they told me buy 3 and get one free.
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Oct 14, 2013, 09:14 PM
I went to the store just to get the new Pearl Jam CD today since they sell new releases a day early, and ended up with a nice haul. Almost passed on Nebraska but they told me buy 3 and get one free.
Nice. I love Nebraska.
( (
(I wanted a signed copy)
Seems like there was a theme going on...
then I saw this:
(the one with a fucking cobra on it)
Townes!!! I love that album. Fare Thee Well Miss Carousel is probably my favourite.
I just ordered this from PopMarket. Looking forward to hearing it. I've only heard the one song with excellent video posted on the PopMarket site (and now below). The opening instrumental reminds me of "Putting Out Fire". Time to start or revive a Bowie thread...
David Bowie - The Stars (Are Out Tonight) (
Preordered this one, yet another good album by them.
I just bought some stuff on, they're having clearance sale that I'm hoping is legit. Picked up Floating Action for $6.39, Apollo Brown's The Reset for $5.09! There was a lot of stuff on there that boarders would enjoy for low prices. Blitzen Trapper, Band of Horses, Arbouretum, etc. ( :cheesy:
I am on vinyl buying spree. Getting a bunch of my favorites from this year.
Quote from: Osistheones on Nov 11, 2013, 09:27 PM ( :cheesy:
Thanks for this link man. I purchased a couple off of the site. :thumbsup: (
Yeah that Oldies sale was insane. I went nuts and got a bunch of stuff including
10th Anniversary Edition. I always wanted this on vinyl anyway...seemed like a good excuse to finally pull the trigger.
Recently picked up:
- Entroducing...DJ Shadow
- Songs: Ohia
- Glen Hansard: Drive All Night EP
- Portishead: S/T
- Built to Spill: You in Reverse
- Otis Redding: History of...
- John Coltrane: Blue Train
- The National - Alligator
- A Musical Tribute to Shel Silverstein (RSD)
- Matador Records RSD release feat QOTSA, Yo La Tengo, Savages, Magical Cloudz, Body/Head, Kurt Vile, Chelsea Light Moving, Lee Ranaldo & The Dust, & Ice Age
- The Civil Wars: Between the Bars (RSD)
My Black Friday Haul
Y'all got any disco ball back there?
Nice, Seth! I only managed the Grateful Dead Family Dog release, as I'm outta town at the in-laws and didn't get to a store until 3:30. I managed to get the Dawes @ Grimeys 12" and the Silversun Pickups 10" online tonight.
Yoshimi on red transparent, German edition 1st pressing via Half Price Books - cool chain store, if anyone has one near them check it out.
Quote from: ManNamedTruth on Dec 09, 2013, 10:29 PM
Yoshimi on red transparent, German edition 1st pressing via Half Price Books - cool chain store, if anyone has one near them check it out.
Great fine. I have the red clear vinyl but not same edition. I have not had great luck with the half priced books by me. Lots of damage on sleeves :( but i love that store!
If anyone is in the Baltimore-DC-Harrisburg area, I would definitely recommend the Arbutus Record show. They finally have a decent web site: (
I went this past Sunday and had a blast. Just a big vibrant room filled with about 50 dealers and a hundred customers doing what they love in a low-key fashion - BS'ing about good music and pawing through a million albums, 45s and CDs. Striking up conversations and listening in on countless others is priceless. You can find $1 bargains (even 10 cent bargains, see below) or $200 rare albums - a real diversity of sellers show up. And it's freaking free and you can get blue-collar Arbutus grub as well.
I was enjoying myself for a couple of hours this Sun but only picked up two albums - Big Joe Turner's Greatest Hits and a pristine copy of the soundtrack to The Harder They Come. And, then, as I'm about to leave, and as they do sometimes, they make an announcement of something special going down. So the gal gets on the loudspeaker and says that one of the dealers doesn't want to bring his albums home so everything is going for 10 cents an album. It didn't take me long to get over there and grab about a dozen. I still haven't made it through all of them but for my two bucks I scored at least one gem - Peter Paul and Mary's third album from 1963 - "In the Wind". It's hard to believe that this is now from 50 years ago and the copy I got was in pristine condition - not a scratch on it. This is the first album where Bob Dylan's songs appear - Don't Think Twice, It's Allright, Quit Your Lowdown Ways, and Blowin in the Wind - and he also wrote a long intro on the back of the album about the whole scene going down in Greenwich Village at that time.
I will be back in the New Year.
These types of record shows are SO great. I caught one this weekend in Tulsa, and though it was about 1/5th the size of the one you describe, I got several good items, including a fairly pristine copy of All Things Must Pass (the box corners have the usual splits, but not bad and the records look unplayed), The Jam's All Mod Cons, a nice Asbury Park, Cowboy Junkies' Trinity Sessions, Closer by Joy Division (cover damage, but the record's good), among others. Live music was going, it was also cool to talk with the vendors and other folks, and like you say, eavesdrop a bit on more weirdness. One funny was when this kid came up to me trying to sell about ten of his parents' Eagles, Kiss, and Steve Miller records, asking if I wanted some classic rock. I told him I already had every record he was holding, and wasn't lying. :grin:
This is my newest vinyl:
I cannot get over how great it sounds. Also, the bonus tracks on the last LP are great. I really like the live version of How to Fight Loneliness.
Quote from: EverythingChanges on Dec 17, 2013, 12:56 PM
This is my newest vinyl:
I cannot get over how great it sounds. Also, the bonus tracks on the last LP are great. I really like the live version of How to Fight Loneliness.
This and Okonokos are generally in constant rotation on my player.
I also love the extraas you get on the vinyl edition. How to Fight Loneliness is great! The bonus of Kamera/Monday/Outta Site is awesome as well.
Quote from: justbcuzido on Dec 18, 2013, 01:34 AM
Quote from: EverythingChanges on Dec 17, 2013, 12:56 PM
This is my newest vinyl:
I cannot get over how great it sounds. Also, the bonus tracks on the last LP are great. I really like the live version of How to Fight Loneliness.
This and Okonokos are generally in constant rotation on my player.
I also love the extraas you get on the vinyl edition. How to Fight Loneliness is great! The bonus of Kamera/Monday/Outta Site is awesome as well.
got this gem a few years ago when it came out on record store day when not as many people were buying records...and those bastards used to laugh at me when I started buying nothing but vinyl around 2005...about 900 records later and growing exponentially...who's laughing now...headhunter has the ultimate vinyl library's quite is his turntable
Quote from: scosby2 on Dec 18, 2013, 01:05 AM
Quote from: justbcuzido on Dec 18, 2013, 01:34 AM
Quote from: EverythingChanges on Dec 17, 2013, 12:56 PM
This is my newest vinyl:
I cannot get over how great it sounds. Also, the bonus tracks on the last LP are great. I really like the live version of How to Fight Loneliness.
This and Okonokos are generally in constant rotation on my player.
I also love the extraas you get on the vinyl edition. How to Fight Loneliness is great! The bonus of Kamera/Monday/Outta Site is awesome as well.
got this gem a few years ago when it came out on record store day when not as many people were buying records...and those bastards used to laugh at me when I started buying nothing but vinyl around 2005...about 900 records later and growing exponentially...who's laughing now...headhunter has the ultimate vinyl library's quite is his turntable
It is brilliant. I wish I could get my hands on Okonokos for a reasonable price. That is my #1 must have vinyl ever since I bought my record player.
Luckily I found it on the interwebz back in 2006 in a little store in Texas on the vinyl record database(site doesn't exist anymore bc vinyl is so popular these days so there is no need for the site anymore, it was a site that had links to tons of small music stores(not CIMS) and I got a bunch of stuff from stores like that the first couple years I bought vinyl when most stuff was really hard to come by
Quote from: scosby2 on Dec 18, 2013, 01:05 AM
Quote from: justbcuzido on Dec 18, 2013, 01:34 AM
Quote from: EverythingChanges on Dec 17, 2013, 12:56 PM
This is my newest vinyl:
I cannot get over how great it sounds. Also, the bonus tracks on the last LP are great. I really like the live version of How to Fight Loneliness.
This and Okonokos are generally in constant rotation on my player.
I also love the extraas you get on the vinyl edition. How to Fight Loneliness is great! The bonus of Kamera/Monday/Outta Site is awesome as well.
got this gem a few years ago when it came out on record store day when not as many people were buying records...and those bastards used to laugh at me when I started buying nothing but vinyl around 2005...about 900 records later and growing exponentially...who's laughing now...headhunter has the ultimate vinyl library's quite is his turntable
thanks for the compliment seth. i've been addicted to vinyl for over 35 years now and my collection keeps on multiplying. records are really the only thing that i spend $$$ for myself (other than concert tickets). i too bought that Kicking Television box set on RSD when it came out and it is one of my all-time favorite live box sets. Probably just a slight #2 behind Okonokos.
I wish I had Kicking TV and Okonokos on vinyl, but I'm not going to pay the kind of prices they're asking these unless I come across a deal, I'll have to settle for Kicking TV on CD and Okonokos on DVD :tongue:
Some of these vinyl prices are crazy. I was looking to buy PJ's Binaural on vinyl and the cheapest I could find it at was like $250?! Hoping for a re-issue...
Quote from: Hawkeye on Dec 19, 2013, 10:20 AM
I wish I had Kicking TV and Okonokos on vinyl, but I'm not going to pay the kind of prices they're asking these unless I come across a deal, I'll have to settle for Kicking TV on CD and Okonokos on DVD :tongue:
Some of these vinyl prices are crazy. I was looking to buy PJ's Binaural on vinyl and the cheapest I could find it at was like $250?! Hoping for a re-issue...
Kicking Television is still being printed, so it is around $70 online and at any local record store that carries it. My girlfriend bought mine for Christmas when Wilco had their store sale. Okonokos is ridiculously expensive now though...
I was inspired by EC post
I completed my Wilco LP collection (have quite a few 7"s left to buy)
I I only need 3 MMJ vinyls left to complete. Unfortunately one of those is that Jim James autographed test press or whatever
Quote from: Hawkeye on Dec 19, 2013, 10:20 AM
I wish I had Kicking TV and Okonokos on vinyl, but I'm not going to pay the kind of prices they're asking these unless I come across a deal, I'll have to settle for Kicking TV on CD and Okonokos on DVD :tongue:
Some of these vinyl prices are crazy. I was looking to buy PJ's Binaural on vinyl and the cheapest I could find it at was like $250?! Hoping for a re-issue...
I just saw an OPENED ONCE PLAYED vinyl of Okonokos on Ebay starting at $350. Is that guy an idiot, or would someone pay that? (if the seller is posting here, no offense, you just got BALLS!!!)
Quote from: rincon2 on Dec 27, 2013, 09:22 PM
Quote from: Hawkeye on Dec 19, 2013, 10:20 AM
I wish I had Kicking TV and Okonokos on vinyl, but I'm not going to pay the kind of prices they're asking these unless I come across a deal, I'll have to settle for Kicking TV on CD and Okonokos on DVD :tongue:
Some of these vinyl prices are crazy. I was looking to buy PJ's Binaural on vinyl and the cheapest I could find it at was like $250?! Hoping for a re-issue...
I just saw an OPENED ONCE PLAYED vinyl of Okonokos on Ebay starting at $350. Is that guy an idiot, or would someone pay that? (if the seller is posting here, no offense, you just got BALLS!!!)
So is he/she an idiot or does he/she have BALLS?!
Hey Ruckus, I approve of each of those purchases. Good choices my friend :beer:
Wax Fang - The Astronaut (limited editon of 100 white vinyl)
Deal of the day on Pop Market (
Record Store Day release (10")
7" b/w Where's The Money
Quote from: Ruckus on Dec 28, 2013, 03:06 PM
Quote from: rincon2 on Dec 27, 2013, 09:22 PM
Quote from: Hawkeye on Dec 19, 2013, 10:20 AM
I wish I had Kicking TV and Okonokos on vinyl, but I'm not going to pay the kind of prices they're asking these unless I come across a deal, I'll have to settle for Kicking TV on CD and Okonokos on DVD :tongue:
Some of these vinyl prices are crazy. I was looking to buy PJ's Binaural on vinyl and the cheapest I could find it at was like $250?! Hoping for a re-issue...
I just saw an OPENED ONCE PLAYED vinyl of Okonokos on Ebay starting at $350. Is that guy an idiot, or would someone pay that? (if the seller is posting here, no offense, you just got BALLS!!!)
So is he/she an idiot or does he/she have BALLS?!
Just covering the bases. Maybe it is oves. Is that price practical?
Quote from: rincon2 on Dec 28, 2013, 08:41 PM
Quote from: Ruckus on Dec 28, 2013, 03:06 PM
Quote from: rincon2 on Dec 27, 2013, 09:22 PM
Quote from: Hawkeye on Dec 19, 2013, 10:20 AM
I wish I had Kicking TV and Okonokos on vinyl, but I'm not going to pay the kind of prices they're asking these unless I come across a deal, I'll have to settle for Kicking TV on CD and Okonokos on DVD :tongue:
Some of these vinyl prices are crazy. I was looking to buy PJ's Binaural on vinyl and the cheapest I could find it at was like $250?! Hoping for a re-issue...
I just saw an OPENED ONCE PLAYED vinyl of Okonokos on Ebay starting at $350. Is that guy an idiot, or would someone pay that? (if the seller is posting here, no offense, you just got BALLS!!!)
So is he/she an idiot or does he/she have BALLS?!
Just covering the bases. Maybe it is oves. Is that price practical?
Let me just say that I listened to the box set vinyl Okonokos last night with my new cartridge and it is amazing. I hadn't listened in a while and wasn't planning on playing the whole thing but once I got started there was no turning back.
I got the album a long time ago and the pressing is really stellar. It shows why live performances are what this band is all about.
Quote from: GO4IT on Dec 29, 2013, 12:41 AM
Quote from: rincon2 on Dec 28, 2013, 08:41 PM
Quote from: Ruckus on Dec 28, 2013, 03:06 PM
Quote from: rincon2 on Dec 27, 2013, 09:22 PM
Quote from: Hawkeye on Dec 19, 2013, 10:20 AM
I wish I had Kicking TV and Okonokos on vinyl, but I'm not going to pay the kind of prices they're asking these unless I come across a deal, I'll have to settle for Kicking TV on CD and Okonokos on DVD :tongue:
Some of these vinyl prices are crazy. I was looking to buy PJ's Binaural on vinyl and the cheapest I could find it at was like $250?! Hoping for a re-issue...
I just saw an OPENED ONCE PLAYED vinyl of Okonokos on Ebay starting at $350. Is that guy an idiot, or would someone pay that? (if the seller is posting here, no offense, you just got BALLS!!!)
So is he/she an idiot or does he/she have BALLS?!
Just covering the bases. Maybe it is oves. Is that price practical?
Let me just say that I listened to the box set vinyl Okonokos last night with my new cartridge and it is amazing. I hadn't listened in a while and wasn't planning on playing the whole thing but once I got started there was no turning back.
I got the album a long time ago and the pressing is really stellar. It shows why live performances are what this band is all about.
Agree 100%. Just a little alarmed that a once played version going for $350. I inherited a thousand or so albums, and even an unopened Smithsonian history of Jazz piano from 1980, 6 LP's, is worth $15. Mint condition Mosaic 100 LP Complete Commodore Jazz collection is under $1000, and there were only less than a thousand made. If Okonokos is going used for $350, maybe they should considering making some more, at a "reasonable" price like $75. Regardless of the stellar image the band projects, I am sure they are still in this business to make some $$.
Ah, the joys of a new cartridge! I agree, MMJ and Badman should really do another pressing of Orkonorkos.
Here are some highlights from my binge at that recent Tulsa vinyl show:
(nearly mint!)
(a FACT∙XXV UK first pressing!)
And I finally got this in the mail:
Wifey got me a record store gift card and my boss gave me an Amazon gift card resulting in:
Near-Mint+ with postcards
As well as:
I would love to plunder your vinyl collection some time Os. Finally got this and it is awesome! I love the alternate En Garde with the different third verse
Quote from: Osistheones on Jan 14, 2014, 08:00 PM
How is that? I'm a huge John Frusciante fan but his last 2 releases didn't do much for me.
I haven't listened to anything Frusciante has done since The Empyrean until this project. The production is really impressive for his first foray into hip-hop. The emcees aren't amazing, but overall it's solid to me.
Pixies EP2 -
I just got 3 more in the mail! Zeppelin IV, The Beatles Live at the BBC and Celebracion de la Ciudad Natal.
Now, that is an excellent picture. Love shots of spinning turntables!
I recently picked up:
and check this out, fellow Lycanthropophiles!
Nice table, Crispy! :thumbsup:
Is that a Thorens or whut?
Quote from: Hawkeye on Jan 23, 2014, 12:56 PM
Nice table, Crispy! :thumbsup:
Is that a Thorens or whut?
Thanks! It's a Marantz 6300, circa 1972. It sounds great, but could use some TLC on the tonearm damper, and the pitch pots are shot too.
:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:
Quote from: Crispy on Jan 25, 2014, 01:47 AM
:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:
Nice! Didn't know it was out on vinyl.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I've been contemplating getting One From The Vault. You have a chance to spin it yet?
Quote from: Osistheones on Jan 25, 2014, 01:51 PM
I've been contemplating getting One From The Vault. You have a chance to spin it yet?
Sure did, last night as soon as I got home. The remastering is great, it sounds fantastic, and it's worth every penny to me now, but I had to get past the sticker shock.
Quote from: Crispy on Jan 22, 2014, 10:56 PM
Now, that is an excellent picture. Love shots of spinning turntables!
I recently picked up:
and check this out, fellow Lycanthropophiles!
How did you get it? Wasn't this the one that was impossible to get?
I got mine on, where practically anything can be found, and now I just need the other two Battered Ornaments singles, and they're out there. There are three of the Storm Cloud / Cotton Strands on discogs, and a Tiny Circles / Mercy II is on ebay, but they want way too much for it. I need to take a break from vinyl-buying after my recent binges...and I need to build another record shelf!
Became a huge Warren Zevon fan (always been but recently re-discovered him), amazing artist, great song writer and musician. Hope MMJ will do some Warren Zevon Covers someday, too ;)
My Morning Jacket - Chocolate & Ice
Wilco - Kicking Television
Wilco - Sky Blue Sky
Wilco - Yankee Hotel Foxtrot
QOTSA - ...Like Clockwork (Black Friday edition)
And I scored this little gem on eBay this weekend:
My Morning Jacket - Okonokos
Nice! I noted a copy of Oko went for a semi-reasonable price recently. Hope that was you.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I want Okonokos soooo badly. How much does it usually go for these days?
You can buy it now on eBay for $195.00. The last one sold there for $225
I got my copy (well it's still in transit) for $115 shipped. It's obviously not sealed and the packaging is somewhat dinged up. The actual records are supposed to be in very good shape though. I had the feeling I would never find a better price so I went ahead and pulled the trigger. Also the fact that I don't have to be obsessively looking for it is quite a relief.
Quote from: CountSA on Jan 30, 2014, 12:10 PM
I got my copy (well it's still in transit) for $115 shipped. It's obviously not sealed and the packaging is somewhat dinged up. The actual records are supposed to be in very good shape though. I had the feeling I would never find a better price so I went ahead and pulled the trigger. Also the fact that I don't have to be obsessively looking for it is quite a relief.
that's about what I saw it for recently from a German ebay site. I was a little wary of pulling the trigger myself. But I'm naturally highly suspicious.
Quote from: CountSA on Jan 30, 2014, 12:10 PM
I got my copy (well it's still in transit) for $115 shipped. It's obviously not sealed and the packaging is somewhat dinged up. The actual records are supposed to be in very good shape though. I had the feeling I would never find a better price so I went ahead and pulled the trigger. Also the fact that I don't have to be obsessively looking for it is quite a relief.
Geez, at my old job we had 5 copies of this on LP and I balked on it because the employee price for me would have been.... $55.
I should have bought them all!
Glad I got Okonokos right before the prices went way up. I can't remember what I paid, but I don't think it was more than $60. i even bought it before i got my record player, with intentions of getting one soon.
Ahh, the days of the $40 Okonokos...and when I sent the extra one that I received by mistake back to Dylan at Badman...on my own dime. :beer:
Magnolia Electric Company is a near perfect album!
Bonus: Don Johnson on backing vocals
Nice choices Ob1, I have those 3 and I want to get that Temples too. Are they reissues or older copies? I have all the newer reissues, and have both the first pressing (i think) and reissue of Exile.
All reissues. I have not had much luck finding or getting first pressings. Rumor has it that you can get lucky at half priced books here in dallas but I have yet hit pay dirt.
Temples is my favorite album so far this year. Listening to digital download but can't wait for vinyl to arrive next week.
I have buying a lot recently
I got this on Sunday. I now know my local record store will put albums out prior to actual release date!
spinning that Beck right now. It's a great "quiet" record to play loudly if that makes sense
Black Flag - 10 1/2
Beck - Morning Phase
Jawbreaker - Dear You
Hard Working Americans 7"
Clash - London Calling
White Reaper 7"
Los Angeles - X
I'm forgetting something....
Quote from: e_wind on Feb 27, 2014, 10:10 PM
Black Flag - 10 1/2
Beck - Morning Phase
Jawbreaker - Dear You
Hard Working Americans 7"
Clash - London Calling
White Reaper 7"
Los Angeles - X
I'm forgetting something....
Is that a reissue ?
Shakey Graves
Shovels & Rope - O be Joyful
Dispatch - Bang Bang & Silent Steeples
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Quote from: Ob1jacobe on Feb 27, 2014, 11:16 PM
Quote from: e_wind on Feb 27, 2014, 10:10 PM
Black Flag - 10 1/2
Beck - Morning Phase
Jawbreaker - Dear You
Hard Working Americans 7"
Clash - London Calling
White Reaper 7"
Los Angeles - X
I'm forgetting something....
Is that a reissue ?
I bought it new, so I'm guessing yes.
I didn't buy this but my amazing wife surprised me with it last night
Got Black Joe Lewis signed LP at the show a couple weeks ago. Would've been cool to have the rest of the band sign it, with how he signed right next to his image. He was right at the merch table and the rest of the band wasn't around, didn't feel like waiting for them. Got the other two in the mail today.
I haven't posted here in a bit. Some are on order, some are very well played already...
signed by Sharon after the show...
and today...
Just got bought Modest Mouse - Good News for People that love Bad news (green vinyl) and The Strokes This is it (Blue & Gold vinyl). Limited to 1000 copies. (
JohnYYac, you have been on roll. I forgot about the Lone Bellow, i got that last year and really like a lot. I need to check out the new Hold Steady.
Aerosmith's first 3 LPs...
Aerosmith - Vinyl Bundle
from PopMarket (
Finally back on vinyl! Exclusive bundle of Aerosmith's first three studio albums – individually numbered, remastered, 180-gram audiophile pressings!
• Aerosmith's first three classic albums for one great price!
• Featuring classic Aerosmith: "Dream On," "Mama Kin," "Same Old Song and Dance," "Train Kept A-Rollin'," "Sweet Emotion," "Walk This Way," "Toys In The Attic" and more!
• Individually numbered 180-gram audiophile vinyl pressings
• All LPs remastered from the original source tapes
• Originally released for Record Store Day 2013
Original Price: $74.94
Cloud Nothings - Here And Nowhere Else
Timber Timbre - Hot Dreams
Timber Timbre - Creep On Creepin' On
Mirkwood, Marvin Gaye Superhits to hear the original don't do it, Hollis Brown Gets Loaded cannot stress enough how much i love that record, uhhhh Drive-By Truckers English Oceans, The Pixies newest work, Black Keys Turn Blue which is excellent, Success Life on the Rocks which is a terrific punk band in Seattle please check them out they are Rad Dudes too. and some others i think...
Built To Spill self titled first time on vinyl, pretty tasty
Turn Blue Black Keys seriously might have mentioned this before but its that good that i list it again.
A letter Home Neil Young
Phosphorescent Harvest Chris Robinson Brotherhood
Boxer The National
Ooh, I want that new Horrors record. Here are some recent acquisitions:
(the RSD reissue)
(The Asteroid #4 S/T)
How many albums you up to, Crispy? I just broke 300 recently.
Quote from: johnnYYac on May 28, 2014, 09:59 PM
How many albums you up to, Crispy? I just broke 300 recently.
Discogs sez ( I am 40 short of 1000. Almost time to build another record shelf!
Who wants to be Discogs friends? I am mjacobe. I only have about 60 albums in my collection but have only been collecting for the past year.
I would love to check out some of these massive collection. I am looking at you Crispy & JohnnYYac
Quote from: Ob1jacobe on May 30, 2014, 04:09 PM
Who wants to be Discogs friends? I am mjacobe. I only have about 60 albums in my collection but have only been collecting for the past year.
I would love to check out some of these massive collection. I am looking at you Crispy & JohnnYYac
You are now in my friends list! You can add whoever you want without a confirmation from them, you just need to know their handle -- mine you can get from the link above.
Quote from: Ob1jacobe on May 30, 2014, 04:09 PM
Who wants to be Discogs friends? I am mjacobe. I only have about 60 albums in my collection but have only been collecting for the past year.
I would love to check out some of these massive collection. I am looking at you Crispy & JohnnYYac
I didn't know Discogs did the "friends" thing. I've added Crispy and Ob1jacobe. I'm johnnYYac there, too.
My Expresso Beans poster collection ( is also public, if anyone is interested is checking it out. You have to be a registered EB user and log in to view, I believe.
I'm sweatboard
From tonight's show...(
Quote from: johnnYYac on May 31, 2014, 04:11 AM
From tonight's show...(
That is awesome! how was the show?
I now have major album collection envy after looking through y'alls discogs collections. I felt the need to add a couple. Really I want to add a couple dozen but don't have the budget at this time :grin:
You guys ever have people inquire about items in your collection? I had someone ask about the Futurebirds EP and someone else asked about Masters of the Universe by Binary Star.
Quote from: Ob1jacobe on May 31, 2014, 04:41 PM
Quote from: johnnYYac on May 31, 2014, 04:11 AM
From tonight's show...(
That is awesome! how was the show?
Great show, hot and sweaty. I hadn't rocked out in a while, but these guys were tight and fun as hell. I don't know their catalog well so can't share the setlist, but they closed a lengthy encore with Kravitz's Are You Gonna Go My Way, which somehow fit in and ended the night powerfully. A great introduction to BT!
Quote from: Osistheones on Jun 01, 2014, 01:38 AM
You guys ever have people inquire about items in your collection? I had someone ask about the Futurebirds EP and someone else asked about Masters of the Universe by Binary Star.
Yeah, I had somebody ask about my In a Cloud - New Sounds from San Francisco compilation (Thee Oh Sees, Ty Segall, Fresh & Onlys and others), which turns out to be pretty desirable. I told him to go screw! Not really, but it's not for sale. Yet.
Does anyone have Damien Jurado - Brothers and Sisters ... ? If so how does it sound and how's the packaging. I have been listening to a lot and debating adding.
Quote from: Ob1jacobe on Jun 03, 2014, 05:56 PM
Does anyone have Damien Jurado - Brothers and Sisters ... ? If so how does it sound and how's the packaging. I have been listening to a lot and debating adding.
I do, mine sounds awesome. It's a standard non-gatefold package, but i think there might be a deluxe edition. Favorite album of the year so far BTW.
EDIT: Here is the deluxe, with a write up from Father John Misty when you scroll down. (
Inside Llewyn Davis and SPANISH GOLD!
I have the Damien Jurado deluxe vinyl edition...well worth it :thumbsup:
The "Sisters" disc is just.... :bath: ...yes, a spiritual bubble bath. With the way my listening room is and the stereo I have's got a church-like sound...great natural reverb on the "sisters" voices, enhanced by my listening room! A great late-night listen...I've been listening to that more than the "proper" album, although they are both great.
Thanks ManNameTruth and Hawkeye, i will be buying the deluxe copy of Borother and Sisters of .... soon.
Stopped in for the new Fucked Up album and found the Cave In album for half the price it usually goes for. I couldn't resist...
And might I add... holy crap what an album. WAY better than I thought it would be...
European Edition 418/1000
Last one is 12 Step Program by People Under The Stairs. Also got the Zeppelin and Definitely Maybe reissues.
The Louvin Brothers Satan is real. Excellent old country
Strand of Oaks 3-fer
Love that Jason Isbell record!
Quote from: ffghtrs on Jun 30, 2014, 09:53 PM
Love that Jason Isbell record!
I finally bought it at my first Isbell show! Spectacular all around!
still working on tracking down "Metamodern..."
cancelled my Amazon order of High Top Mountain and ordered Metamodern... from Sturgill's site now that he has some more.
Dude looking through this thread has just spent my next four paychecks. i love buying records but this could get dangerous. do homeless shelters have record players! only joking. wish i could get and listen to all of these great records.
I met a guy from Des Moines who is going through the collection of a vinyl hoarder who died recently without a will. He has over 2000 new/unopened titles and over 8000 used. He's posting them in batches on eBay (as basement-cleaner (, but also puts lists out the day before on Craigslist (, so I negotiated for these 20 titles, which he delivered today.
Exile on Main Street, Infinite Arms, and Heady Nuggs are box sets.
That looks like a good start, John. You should just make an offer for the whole collection and be done with it! :thumbsup: :grin: :beer:
thanks JY (i think). I'm already in on a couple of records and will be stalking this guys ebay page for weeks now.
Range of Light Wilderness:
Need Sturgill Simpson, love it sooo much!
Quote from: johnnYYac on Jul 09, 2014, 02:33 PM
I met a guy from Des Moines who is going through the collection of a vinyl hoarder who died recently without a will. He has over 2000 new/unopened titles and over 8000 used. He's posting them in batches on eBay (as basement-cleaner (, but also puts lists out the day before on Craigslist (, so I negotiated for these 20 titles, which he delivered today.
Exile on Main Street, Infinite Arms, and Heady Nuggs are box sets.
Good look on that yac. Just put a bid on Elvis Costello - My Aim is True, been wanting that on vinyl for awhile.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Jul 14, 2014, 05:20 PM
Nice! I bought the Lucius 7" too. Still want to snag that Dallas Buyers Club album as well.
Dallas Buyers Club soundtrack, much less than I paid: (
In the midst of moving across the country, we stopped in Michigan to visit our families for a week, so naturally I had to go to the ol' stomping grounds.
And I convinced my sister to pick up this gem for an outrageous $15. I was actually shocked at how cheap it was and demanded that she buy it.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Jul 28, 2014, 04:35 PM
I'm jealous. A friend and I were just discussing the fact that neither of us have seen it for much less than $40.
Quote from: getinthevan on Jul 29, 2014, 12:51 AM
Quote from: johnnYYac on Jul 28, 2014, 04:35 PM
I'm jealous. A friend and I were just discussing the fact that neither of us have seen it for much less than $40.
I lucked out... $15 on eBay, new.
Should we let this guy post on this thread? :grin: :grin: :grin:®ion=bottom-well&WT.nav=bottom-well (®ion=bottom-well&WT.nav=bottom-well)
Quote from: GO4IT on Aug 10, 2014, 10:48 PM
Should we let this guy post on this thread? :grin: :grin: :grin:
No. :grin:
Recent pickups:(
(The Asteroid #4 - S/T)
(Volume I) ( :cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:
:cheesy: :cheesy: :cheesy:
( orange copy -- THANKS JOHNNY!
I've been trying to get my hands on that Sun Kil Moon for years now. Nice Job!
Quote from: sweatboard on Aug 11, 2014, 09:03 PM
I've been trying to get my hands on that Sun Kil Moon for years now. Nice Job!
Same here. Johnny facilitated that one too, picking it up
from his local pusher and shipping it to me. :cheesy:
Quote from: Crispy on Aug 12, 2014, 09:08 AM
Quote from: sweatboard on Aug 11, 2014, 09:03 PM
I've been trying to get my hands on that Sun Kil Moon for years now. Nice Job!
Same here. Johnny facilitated that one too, picking it up from his local pusher and shipping it to me. :cheesy:
man, JY got the hook up! I lurk almost every day on that guy's eBay page to see what other goodies he's posted up. Some solid deals.
Quote from: parkervb on Aug 12, 2014, 10:25 AM
Quote from: Crispy on Aug 12, 2014, 09:08 AM
Quote from: sweatboard on Aug 11, 2014, 09:03 PM
I've been trying to get my hands on that Sun Kil Moon for years now. Nice Job!
Same here. Johnny facilitated that one too, picking it up from his local pusher and shipping it to me. :cheesy:
man, JY got the hook up! I lurk almost every day on that guy's eBay page to see what other goodies he's posted up. Some solid deals.
Hell yeah -- after landing the whale above, I had to stop looking at his stuff. :grin:
Bought the CD when it came out based on reviews in the LA Times and other paper sources. There was really very few ways to discover new music in the 80's, so it was a gamble that resulted in one of to my top ten favorite albums ever. Just picked up the vinyl. It is so varied that all the other Pixies albums I have listened to just sound like the same song over and over.
This fine trilogy
Also just FYI...and not sure if this is allowed here or not...but I will have some vinyl for sale on Discogs. Nothing brand new, but in good shape. Need to finance some recent stereo purchases, lol! I'll post a link when the list is more complete. Will probably have a Songs: Ohia "Journey On" box set available (only played a few sides).
signed by Tim at the SoO show in Boston
limited red vinyl, new for $12 (contains MMJ cover of Turn, Turn, Turn)
Wow what a haul Yaccster, isn't that Lucero live album like 6 records?
Quote from: wolof7 on Aug 15, 2014, 07:08 PM
Wow what a haul Yaccster, isn't that Lucero live album like 6 records?
Quote from: johnnYYac on Aug 16, 2014, 02:51 AM
Quote from: wolof7 on Aug 15, 2014, 07:08 PM
Wow what a haul Yaccster, isn't that Lucero live album like 6 records?
Still.....that's 8 sides. I dl it last night, great live record!
This album is amazing...
Finally bought this one:
and a little local color:
( (
Badger Clark? That's cool. My sister bought me a book of his poems last year for my birthday- Sun and Saddle Leather. I love it.
Quote from: weeniebeenie on Aug 17, 2014, 05:49 AM
Badger Clark? That's cool. My sister bought me a book of his poems last year for my birthday- Sun and Saddle Leather. I love it.
I love Badger Clark. South Dakota's first Poet Laureate. His poster has been staring at me in my office. I could not resist buying this record. Do you have any connection to SoDak?
I love you guys!
Quote from: Santo on Aug 17, 2014, 06:16 AM
Quote from: weeniebeenie on Aug 17, 2014, 05:49 AM
Badger Clark? That's cool. My sister bought me a book of his poems last year for my birthday- Sun and Saddle Leather. I love it.
I love Badger Clark. South Dakota's first Poet Laureate. His poster has been staring at me in my office. I could not resist buying this record. Do you have any connection to SoDak?
No connection to SoDak. I've never been to America (I'm from Australia), my sister found the book and assumed I would like it. I actually had no idea who he was until I read it.
From last night's show.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Aug 21, 2014, 06:03 PM
From last night's show.
Jealous of the signatures. I've got Born on Flag Day on vinyl but I think it's a little messed up. Always sounded a bit odd when playing.
Also, in case anyone wasn't aware -
there's a 50% off moving sale going on right now at
There's a HUGE number of items for sale. Some are backordered but may come back in stock. Anyway, here's a Reddit link that has a lot of details including an excel spreadsheet with the full list and discounts (so you don't have to click through hundreds of pages) as well as a 10% coupon code:
I am not sure if they are backordered but there was some Jacket stuff on there. Also a ton of Third Man Records stuff (Live from Third Man, 7" singles)
Quote from: itrainmonkeys on Aug 22, 2014, 03:51 PMAlso, in case anyone wasn't aware - there's a 50% off moving sale going on right now at
There's a HUGE number of items for sale. Some are backordered but may come back in stock. Anyway, here's a Reddit link that has a lot of details including an excel spreadsheet with the full list and discounts (so you don't have to click through hundreds of pages) as well as a 10% coupon code: LINK (
I am not sure if they are backordered but there was some Jacket stuff on there. Also a ton of Third Man Records stuff (Live from Third Man, 7" singles)
Looks like you can get At Dawn and The Tennessee Fire vinyl for a great price! ([]=Vinyl
Yup. And while it's backordered (there's still a slim chance it gets back in stock...hopefully) they've got Chocolate and Ice for $8. That's a steal.
original pressing, not the 180g reissue
Deluxe with additional record of demos:
Just received a few albums out of the Tame Impala/Pond camp
$11.22 on Amazon (
original 2003 Badman pressing (now have 4 versions of ISM vinyl)
I have been to a garage sale this morning and I have found an original pressure of Days of Future Passed by the Moody Blues, a masterpiece! I also found The Piper at the Gates of Dawn, Obscured by Clouds and Meddle by Pink Floyd, all original pressures! We find so great things in garage sales, and it's very cheap. :grin:
Does anyone of you buy their vinyls at garage sales?
They are the best sounding vinyl I have ever heard, right up with the newer release of At Dawn and Tennessee Fire.
Thanks to PopMatters bundles
just picked up the new Flying Lotus - You're Dead
Went crazy for xmas
Steve Gunn way out weather
Ice cube amerikkka's most wanted
DE LA soul 3 feet high and rising
Kurt vile walking on a pretty daze
Ratking canal
just finally cashed in a gift card I had for awhile
Jason Isbell - Here We Rest
Sturgill Simpson - Metamodern
Songs:Ohia - Mag Electric Co
Neutral Milk Hotel - Aeroplane
Other than SS, I haven't heard any of these records. I'm excited.
Quote from: e_wind on Jan 17, 2015, 01:31 PM
just finally cashed in a gift card I had for awhile
Jason Isbell - Here We Rest
Sturgill Simpson - Metamodern
Songs:Ohia - Mag Electric Co
Neutral Milk Hotel - Aeroplane
Other than SS, I haven't heard any of these records. I'm excited.
You've never heard Mag Electric Co?! That shit is amazing. One of the best records of the past decade IMO. And Farewell Transmission is one of my favorite tunes. Cool that you'll hear it all on vinyl first.
Dr. Dog "Live at a Flamingo Hotel" Finally a live album from this grossly underrated band. GREAT band, GREAT lp, GREAT place for the uninitiated to start. And for all you OBH'ers, a phenomenal add to the lineup. You'll be thinking "WHY the hell was Wayne here last year!?!" And for any fans of music who can't make OBH II, "The OBH'ening," go see them live. They never disappoint. All around solid musicians.
Just one guys opinion :thumbsup:
been a minute since i posted here, but this is what I've picked up in the last few weeks:
The Rolling Stones - Let it Bleed (ABKCO repress, 2003)
Jason Isbell - Southeastern
The Avett Bros - The Carpenter & I and Love and You (wifey's favorite group)
Otis Redding - Live in Europe
CCR - Cosmo's Factory (reissue, Steve Hoffman master)
and just received on Saturday:
The Ravenna Colt - Terminal Current (i've only been able to spin it once, but I can tell I am going to listen to it quite a bit).
How'd you get the Ravenna Colt's record so early? I thought it wasn't shipping until Feb 10.
Quote from: Crispy on Jan 19, 2015, 10:36 AM
How'd you get the Ravenna Colt's record so early? I thought it wasn't shipping until Feb 10.
I have no idea, I ordered on 1/5 from Karate Body and it shipped last week, received it on Saturday.
Quote from: parkervb on Jan 19, 2015, 10:50 AM
Quote from: Crispy on Jan 19, 2015, 10:36 AM
How'd you get the Ravenna Colt's record so early? I thought it wasn't shipping until Feb 10.
I have no idea, I ordered on 1/5 from Karate Body and it shipped last week, received it on Saturday.
Hmm. That's what I get for doing the kickstarter, I guess.
Quote from: EverythingChanges on Jan 17, 2015, 02:03 PM
Quote from: e_wind on Jan 17, 2015, 01:31 PM
just finally cashed in a gift card I had for awhile
Jason Isbell - Here We Rest
Sturgill Simpson - Metamodern
Songs:Ohia - Mag Electric Co
Neutral Milk Hotel - Aeroplane
Other than SS, I haven't heard any of these records. I'm excited.
You've never heard Mag Electric Co?! That shit is amazing. One of the best records of the past decade IMO. And Farewell Transmission is one of my favorite tunes. Cool that you'll hear it all on vinyl first.
MECo has turned out to be amazing. Jason Molina in general is probably going to end up being someone I become obsessed with. I get the same feeling from him that I get from Jeff Buckley.
Quote from: e_wind on Jan 24, 2015, 09:50 AM
Quote from: EverythingChanges on Jan 17, 2015, 02:03 PM
Quote from: e_wind on Jan 17, 2015, 01:31 PM
just finally cashed in a gift card I had for awhile
Jason Isbell - Here We Rest
Sturgill Simpson - Metamodern
Songs:Ohia - Mag Electric Co
Neutral Milk Hotel - Aeroplane
Other than SS, I haven't heard any of these records. I'm excited.
You've never heard Mag Electric Co?! That shit is amazing. One of the best records of the past decade IMO. And Farewell Transmission is one of my favorite tunes. Cool that you'll hear it all on vinyl first.
MECo has turned out to be amazing. Jason Molina in general is probably going to end up being someone I become obsessed with. I get the same feeling from him that I get from Jeff Buckley.
I really don't like the vocals on Old Black Hen. But other than that, I love that album. I'm bummed I didn't discover Molina before he died. He gives me a darker Neil Young vibe.
Its been a while since I last posted in this thread, so this list includes some preorders that came while I was in the hospital.
Dr. Dog - Live At A Flamingo Hotel
Dan Blakeslee - Owed To A Tanglin' Wind
Bright Eyes - I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning
Hayes Caryll - Trouble In Mind
The Ravenna Colt - Terminal Current
The Ravenna Colt - Slight Spell
Wilco - Alpha Mike Foxtrot
Yuuki Matthews - Funny Mornings
J. Roddy Walston & The Business - Hail Mega Boys
She & Him - Classics
Roadkill Ghost Choir - In Tongues
Pink Floyd - The Endless River
The New Basement Tapes - Lost On The River
Don Muro - Souffrances Et Extases Du Jeune Amour
Lucius - Wildewoman Deluxe Bonus Tracks
Led Zeppelin - IV deluxe reissue
Led Zeppelin - Houses Of The Holy deluxe reissue
Foxygen - ...And Star Power
Flaming Lips - With A Little Help From My Fwends
The Districts - BBC Sessions
Delta Spirit - Into The Wide
The Amazing -- Picture You
Anybody else get this record? I love the music and the songs, but both of the records themselves (2x LP) sound terrible to me. I played them next to a bunch of other records the other night, including Gentle Stream, and they just have very little depth and sonic range. I think it's a bad pressing, and a serious bummer, I love these guys.
I spun it once and it sounded mediocre. But yeah great album, hard to see it being knocked out of my top 10 of 2015.
I spun in once on Sunday morning and liked it, but then I put on Music Hall and my face melted. Again. :drum:
Living in rural New Hampshire, I get really excited when I get to go to a good record store. This time it was Bull Moose in Salem, NH.
Axis of Love
200 grams
Angelo, just got that in the mail yesterday, along with Gunn's Boerum Palace. Also
Picking up Primrose Green and the new William Elliott Whitmore on Tuesday. Can't wait.
For the Jim songs...
Oooh cool. How is it? That Robert Plant song is fucking awesome!
Who Done It is cool...again, it kinda makes me feel like it is inside a bathtub . I bet his bathtub tiles could be sold as like healing rocks to cure gout or something. :bath: I mostly sing like Johnny Cash,and then play some mean New Orleans-style trumpet...but there's always plenty of room to get weirder.
Greensky Bluegrass "If sorrows swim"
Sturgill Simpson "Metamodern songs in country music"
Bought a bunch of stuff lately but excited I was able to get in the 2nd run of this:
Record Store Day was kind of a bust, but I did come home with this. (
Between my girlfriend and I, we managed to grab the following for RSD:
John Butler - Ocean
Built to Spill
Florence and the Machine
Elvis Presley
Blitzen Trapper - live cover of Neil's Harvest album
Father John Misty
Twenty One Pilots
Death Cab
And we grabbed these as well:
Bright Eyes - I'm Wide Awake
Water Liars - Wyoming
Alt J - their first record
Head and the Heart
Not a bad haul! How's the Florence and Father John Misty?
All I wanted from RSD was The Hold Steady - Boys And Girls In America reissue and I had no luck. Hopefully I'll stumble across it later. Regardless, I still enjoyed getting out and browsing the racks!
picked up:
Grateful Dead box set - Wake Up to Find Out (3/29/90)
Springsteen - Darkness... Remaster on 180g
The White Stripes - Peel Sessions <- so stoked on this one
Futurebirds/T Hardy Morris split 7"
Twin Peaks 7"
The Dead sounds so good and the last disc has a beautiful etching on one side.
Quote from: getinthevan on Apr 18, 2015, 05:41 PM
Not a bad haul! How's the Florence and Father John Misty?
All I wanted from RSD was The Hold Steady - Boys And Girls In America reissue and I had no luck. Hopefully I'll stumble across it later. Regardless, I still enjoyed getting out and browsing the racks!
They sound great!
The weirdly shaped vinyl this year is a cool collectors thing too.
All old British folk for me this RSD:
Nick Drake, Pink Moon
Nick Drake, Made to Love Magic
Bert Jansch, Heartbreak
I visited 4 record stores and didn't find even ONE thing on my RSD specials list. I really wanted that Air-Playground Love and the Citizen Dick 7"s. Oh well. Sunny and 77 in Ann Arbor today I can hardly complain.
Jason Isbell - Something More Than Free
Ray Charles - Modern Sounds in Country & Western Music (1st press)
Hendrix - Axis: Bold As Love (repress on Reprise)
My Morning Jacket - At Dawn (red and yellow colored vinyl)
Its been awhile...
And, of course...
plus two other copies, one the red variant cover from Urban Outfitters. I have a problem.
Quote from: johnnYYac on Aug 12, 2015, 08:16 PM
Its been awhile...
OOooooooooo fancy :)
I have a few Band albums but would love to grab something like this.
Also nice to see you got the puzzle package. Put that lil guy together (assuming you haven't already).
Edit: Just realized you were probably posting a bunch of stuff over a period of time....and not a bunch of things you JUST got haha
Yeah, that's my haul from May to present. The Band box o' LPs was only $120. That's $15 per 180g album. I own Stagefright, Music From Big Pink, and S/T already, so they're going on eBay. I got this here:
Seems to have been a one-day-only deal. Its also available here, for $150:
Awesome, thanks. I spend way too much on vinyl as it is (and I'm running out of room, too!) but may find a way to purchase that at some point. Need to go through and see which ones I already have.
Peter Tosh - Legalize It
MMJ - At Dawn, red and yellow vinyl
Father John Misty - ILY Honeybear
"The Wallflowers - Bringing Down The Horse" 20 years edition (first time on vinyl)
Can not believe this record is already 20 years old. Having very fond memories hearing it on tape in my very first car windows down and turning it up to eleven :-)
One of my ten records to bring on a deserted island......