OK, so I got to thinking as I begin my abstinence from coffee: rumors swirl that May is the magic month for music. So between now and then, who else will take a pledge to remain virginal as to
studio releases/leaks/advances? That means that the only exposure you will have to new MMJ will be from live performances.
Of course, if you go out of your way to listen to some live leaks of songs that are not Friends Again/Circuital/Wonderful, it'd be like buttsecks...you'd still technically be a virgin, but not really.
Then on whenever that special day is, you can go out and buy it and fall in love all over again and have a very clumsy, awkard, first time with the new album.
Anyone else want a MMJ Purity Ring?
Here's how to do regrow or keep your virginity, all without the help of Jebus
- No listening to leaks. Don't even "put it in for a second to see what it feels like". It will feel good and you won't want to stop
- If the band releases a song officially as a single for promo reasons or radio play, it will be fair game
- If the band plays any shows prior to the release and new songs are played, it is fair game
- Reading reviews is like looking at porn. It may turn you on, so just do it at your own risk. There's nothing wrong with that, but it may make you a sinner
- If you're going to do it, do it right, and BUY the album. You're a fan, act like it.
If theres an option to pre-order it, I'm going to. And as soon as they get my money, leaks are fair game. If there isn't an option to pre-order it then I'm waiting for the day. Basically, I'm not gonna listen to it until I give them $$ so I don't feel sleezy. If they just pulled a Radiohead there would be no challenge....
What about that old school anticipation of waiting until the official release date? Like when you used to leave school early and head to the local shop to get the goods?
I remember doing this with Z...told my boss I was coming in late because I needed to be someplace and then I converted him to a fan.
EU I had no such option, but I'm going back to the good ol days
I think I'm with you on the El C. It will be hard fighting temptation and I am proud that I have paid for every ounce of MMJ that I have (that was available for sale, sometimes twice over- digital and CD). I can understand Eric's sentiment that, if he's paying for it anyway, an early listen is less wrong, but... Maybe an early, advanced streaming but no "illegal" downloads for me.
The point isn't the morality of downloading, it's holding out until the intended release date. the anticipation. I mean if you go and pirate it on that date, its your call. if you pirate it before hand and hold off, same effect
not that i'm encouraging it.
but it's part of the album experience, at least in my opinion
Quote from: el_chode on Feb 25, 2011, 09:41 AM
What about that old school anticipation of waiting until the official release date? Like when you used to leave school early and head to the local shop to get the goods?
I'm going to wait until I have either the vinyl or a CD to put into a playing device and press that sideways triangle. I like the old-school feeling of having album art and disc in hand at the same time. Digi downloads don't do it for me...
I don't think I can hold out and not listen to it if I get it in the mail before Hangout Fest or any other show though...when it lands in my box Ima listen to it that night surrounded by wine and billowing clouds of Bodhi Sattva incense ;D
I'm in on this....I believe can do it bc I went chaste before Z....The only slip I had with EU was the streamed live premiere on NPR from the SXSW show.....This is what I love about this band. It can evoke a respectable mania! :D
One of my dickhead friends of a friend (y'know the guy who thinks he knows everything about music but just embaresses himself over how much he doesn't know) was wasted in the parking lot at the TPHB show this summer in which MMJ was opening....I was talking to him how MMJ is (at least in contention) but my definitive pick for greatest rock band of all-time. In his drunken stupidity (never having listened to MMJ) he chided me stating "better than the Zep, the Floyd, better than the Doors? No way man!"
My response: "you douche, do you have any clue what you are about to see, you weren't even old enough to see any of those bands live. Your saying a band who rightfully deserves the title of greatest rock band of all-time, can't be equal because they didn't exist in the 1970's or earlier? Your living in the past man the jacket is the epitome of rock and you have no idea."
This asshole proceeded to miss the set in order to get more drunk in the lot while MMJ melted my face to oblivion.
I know that story is not related to anything but I am just glad I have this forum to understand my nerding out over this band....It's like a f-ing support group in here :)
I'm not going to even talk or write about it... ;)
I'm in.
May as well, I mean I've been saving my virJIMnity all these years..
edited exactly 5 seconds later: No, I can't do it. (the FIRST one I mean)..
All hell breaks loose around here when people start showing up with their reviews of the new album a month or so before it's "released".
Evil Urges was brutal
I'm with you, Choder, et al. And as Tracy alluded to, I will remain blissfully ignorant by staying away from the melee when the leakers weigh in with their worthless reviews.
I did it for Z and for EU, and I'll do it again. The first time I hear this record will be when a brand-new new stylus touches down on the fresh vinyl that gets delivered to my doorstep.
But I also won't begrudge anybody who gives it an early listen either.
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Feb 25, 2011, 05:23 PM
All hell breaks loose around here when people start showing up with their reviews of the new album a month or so before it's "released".
Evil Urges was brutal
Yes it was, we lost some good forum members over downloading leaked copies of EU. Download if you must, but please don't bring it here.
Personally, I only listened to the SXSW stream last time. Got rewarded with a listening party and access to the album before it was released. Karma.
*plus, MMJ is best heard on vinyl or live...no exceptions for this girl. Digital music sucks.
I pledge to not get so worked up this time when things get weird in here. I might have to disappear for a few weeks/months...
Waiting for the release date isn't hard.
I would be very very happy with a release date, album title, or any official information. 3 months seems soon for there being no info.
Quote from: e_wind on Feb 25, 2011, 06:21 PM
I would be very very happy with a release date, album title, or any official information. 3 months seems soon for there being no info.
Didn't EU really have no big information until the SXSW set?
I remember listening to that nonstop at work for the longest time on NPR. I heard that before anything else actually
Quote from: bbill on Feb 25, 2011, 05:56 PM
I pledge to not get so worked up this time when things get weird in here. I might have to disappear for a few weeks/months...
Waiting for the release date isn't hard.
Words of wisdom Lloyd, my man. Words of wisdom
Im in.
I will stop by every store in town to try hunt the cd on release day and that will hold me over until i get the vinyl copy. I will avoid all reviews, snippets, and pirated copies. I'm new to this board but not to fan boards but this is the best board i have been on so far.
You can add my name to the pledge
I always like to hold out hope that the studio recordings won't leak, and that no one will have the downloads, and that way the temptation won't even be there....but I promise to stay strong, not listen prior to the release date, and on that special day I will pick up a copy on the way home from work, kick the girlfriend out of the apartment, turn off the lights, turn on the surround sound, light one up, and take a journey....yeah man....holding out will be well worth the wait
I'm in. I'll probably steer clear of the board if people start to jump the gun....it's not worth ruining the friendly vibe we've developed in here...
Quote from: kydiddle on Feb 28, 2011, 09:50 AM
I'm in. I'll probably steer clear of the board if people start to jump the gun....it's not worth ruining the friendly vibe we've developed in here...
How about those of virgins also pledge to not get on anyone's case who chooses to go with the leaks. We'll be all dressed in white and shit, and then bring out the leather on the drop date
Quote from: el_chode on Feb 28, 2011, 02:12 PM
Quote from: kydiddle on Feb 28, 2011, 09:50 AM
I'm in. I'll probably steer clear of the board if people start to jump the gun....it's not worth ruining the friendly vibe we've developed in here...
How about those of virgins also pledge to not get on anyone's case who chooses to go with the leaks. We'll be all dressed in white and shit, and then bring out the leather on the drop date
white clashes with my soul...
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Feb 28, 2011, 04:12 PM
Quote from: el_chode on Feb 28, 2011, 02:12 PM
Quote from: kydiddle on Feb 28, 2011, 09:50 AM
I'm in. I'll probably steer clear of the board if people start to jump the gun....it's not worth ruining the friendly vibe we've developed in here...
How about those of virgins also pledge to not get on anyone's case who chooses to go with the leaks. We'll be all dressed in white and shit, and then bring out the leather on the drop date
white clashes with my soul...
how about taupe?
Quote from: el_chode on Feb 28, 2011, 02:12 PM
Quote from: kydiddle on Feb 28, 2011, 09:50 AM
I'm in. I'll probably steer clear of the board if people start to jump the gun....it's not worth ruining the friendly vibe we've developed in here...
How about those of virgins also pledge to not get on anyone's case who chooses to go with the leaks. We'll be all dressed in white and shit, and then bring out the leather on the drop date
It's worth a try, choder...
I'm in! Good luck to everyone :beer:
I think if I can quit smoking, I can wait for the offical release date for my "official release."
So, it seems everyone is going with "Circuital" as the album's title?
Is it possible to regain your MMJ release virginity, to re-grow your official release hymen? If so, I'm in. The run up to EU was, as Tracy says, pretty brutal around here.
I caved and listened to a leak (although I didn't discuss it) and was disappointed. It wasn't the final mix (sounded clipped) and I felt like it ruined the first listen of the release for me - IMO you need the full awesomeness of the new songs in the way the band want them to be listened to.
Just got it off soulseek. It's too short, I wish it rocked harder, and it needs more reverb. I'd put it just above EU and below everything else. I give it a solid c+ :-*
I can't wait for some awesome reviews like that!!
It's so much more civil around here these days. I figured it would go the other direction.
Quote from: sweatboard on Mar 03, 2011, 11:06 AM
I can't wait for some awesome reviews like that!!
It's so much more civil around here these days. I figured it would go the other direction.
Give it time -- in fact, I think it's about to begin with some of the info coming from RS.
Here are the rules on how to regrow/maintain your virginity, all without the help of Jesus.
- No listening to leaks. Don't even "put it in for a second to see what it feels like". It will feel good and you won't want to stop
- If the band releases a song officially as a single for promo reasons or radio play, it will be fair game
- If the band plays any shows prior to the release and new songs are played, it is fair game
- Reading reviews is like looking at porn. It may turn you on, so just do it at your own risk. There's nothing wrong with that, but it may make you a sinner
- If you're going to do it, do it right, and BUY the album. You're a fan, act like it.
I'll repost this in the first post too because, why not.
Quote from: el_chode on Feb 28, 2011, 02:12 PM
Quote from: kydiddle on Feb 28, 2011, 09:50 AM
I'm in. I'll probably steer clear of the board if people start to jump the gun....it's not worth ruining the friendly vibe we've developed in here...
How about those of virgins also pledge to not get on anyone's case who chooses to go with the leaks. We'll be all dressed in white and shit, and then bring out the leather on the drop date
:thumbsup: Hey, if it leaks I'm gonna listen to it. Of course I'm still gonna order whatever primo uber deluxe special edition vinyl package that is offered. BUT, just for you guys, I won't splash it all over the forum, just my facebook page ;D Am I a lesser being?
I agree with Sweatboard. I'd put it just above EU and it could use even more reverb.
Quote from: el_chode on Feb 25, 2011, 07:05 PM
Quote from: e_wind on Feb 25, 2011, 06:21 PM
I would be very very happy with a release date, album title, or any official information. 3 months seems soon for there being no info.
Didn't EU really have no big information until the SXSW set?
I remember listening to that nonstop at work for the longest time on NPR. I heard that before anything else actually
The June release date for EU was announced in January. I think release date timing has compressed since 08 (see: radiohead :) ) but it really feels like we should know more by now.
are we gonna get to do cd release parties again?
for EU, Sean and I had about 8 people...but after T5, there are a ton more NY vicinity-ers who know each other...
Quote from: el_chode on Mar 03, 2011, 12:08 PM
Here are the rules on how to regrow/maintain your virginity, all without the help of Jesus.
- No listening to leaks. Don't even "put it in for a second to see what it feels like". It will feel good and you won't want to stop
- If the band releases a song officially as a single for promo reasons or radio play, it will be fair game
- If the band plays any shows prior to the release and new songs are played, it is fair game
- Reading reviews is like looking at porn. It may turn you on, so just do it at your own risk. There's nothing wrong with that, but it may make you a sinner
- If you're going to do it, do it right, and BUY the album. You're a fan, act like it.
I'll repost this in the first post too because, why not.
And you got to slay a goat
Quote from: Penny Lane on Mar 03, 2011, 01:26 PM
are we gonna get to do cd release parties again?
for EU, Sean and I had about 8 people...but after T5, there are a ton more NY vicinity-ers who know each other...
I would love to do this!
Quote from: el_chode on Mar 03, 2011, 12:08 PM
Here are the rules on how to regrow/maintain your virginity, all without the help of Jesus.
- No listening to leaks. Don't even "put it in for a second to see what it feels like". It will feel good and you won't want to stop
- If the band releases a song officially as a single for promo reasons or radio play, it will be fair game
- If the band plays any shows prior to the release and new songs are played, it is fair game
- Reading reviews is like looking at porn. It may turn you on, so just do it at your own risk. There's nothing wrong with that, but it may make you a sinner
- If you're going to do it, do it right, and BUY the album. You're a fan, act like it.
I'll repost this in the first post too because, why not.
Good rules, but I may need Jesus to stay strong.
Quote from: el_chode on Mar 03, 2011, 12:08 PM
Here are the rules on how to regrow/maintain your virginity, all without the help of Jesus.
- No listening to leaks. Don't even "put it in for a second to see what it feels like". It will feel good and you won't want to stop
- If the band releases a song officially as a single for promo reasons or radio play, it will be fair game
- If the band plays any shows prior to the release and new songs are played, it is fair game
- Reading reviews is like looking at porn. It may turn you on, so just do it at your own risk. There's nothing wrong with that, but it may make you a sinner
- If you're going to do it, do it right, and BUY the album. You're a fan, act like it.
I'll repost this in the first post too because, why not.
my goal is to simply not listen until a perfect copy is available. I'm going to buy it regardless but I have nowhere near enough will power to resist a fresh MMJ record early. haven't listened to any of the new songs more than a couple times, must wait until the supreme version is available. Are they self releasing via the website at all? instant download via this site would work for sure without a doubt. can't fuckin wait.
Quote from: Penny Lane on Mar 03, 2011, 01:26 PM
are we gonna get to do cd release parties again?
for EU, Sean and I had about 8 people...but after T5, there are a ton more NY vicinity-ers who know each other...
count me in but it should be a "record release party". i'm sure ruckus and crispy will agree. I'm happy to bring the vinyl.
Does ATO or the management do a street team release party type thing? I used to run them in college with Sony. You get a space, a decent PA/stereo system, pizza, "soda", and the label gives you swag to lure in the n00bs and then you rock out all night long.
Quote from: el_chode on Mar 03, 2011, 11:33 PM
Does ATO or the management do a street team release party type thing? I used to run them in college with Sony. You get a space, a decent PA/stereo system, pizza, "soda", and the label gives you swag to lure in the n00bs and then you rock out all night long.
I street team for ATO hopefully something like this happens.
Quote from: el_chode on Mar 03, 2011, 11:33 PM
Does ATO or the management do a street team release party type thing? I used to run them in college with Sony. You get a space, a decent PA/stereo system, pizza, "soda", and the label gives you swag to lure in the n00bs and then you rock out all night long.
When I first signed up here there was a street team for MMJ. I never got "called to service" and I don't think they really need one anymore.
BUT I did get a listening party package for EU. Vespa did too so we joined forces and hosted one together in a bar here that was down. They sent me the cd, buttons and a poster. Everything else was up to me. I took out a cheap, back page ad in one of the local weekly rags and posted info here as well. We had a good showing. Dylan from badman also was so very kind and kicked down some vinyl and cd's for us to raffle off. I would say there was somewhere between 20 and 30 people who came, not just our friends either .
Just wait people...it will be worth it. I promise!
Quote from: headhunter on Mar 03, 2011, 09:42 PM
Quote from: Penny Lane on Mar 03, 2011, 01:26 PM
are we gonna get to do cd release parties again?
for EU, Sean and I had about 8 people...but after T5, there are a ton more NY vicinity-ers who know each other...
count me in but it should be a "record release party". i'm sure ruckus and crispy will agree. I'm happy to bring the vinyl.
i'm down w/ either a cd release party OR a record release party ;D
Quote from: el_chode on Mar 03, 2011, 12:08 PM
Here are the rules on how to regrow/maintain your virginity, all without the help of Jesus.
- No listening to leaks. Don't even "put it in for a second to see what it feels like". It will feel good and you won't want to stop
- If the band releases a song officially as a single for promo reasons or radio play, it will be fair game
- If the band plays any shows prior to the release and new songs are played, it is fair game
- Reading reviews is like looking at porn. It may turn you on, so just do it at your own risk. There's nothing wrong with that, but it may make you a sinner
- If you're going to do it, do it right, and BUY the album. You're a fan, act like it.
I'll repost this in the first post too because, why not.
Can I lock the door, close my eyes, try to imagine what Circuital sounds like and then play it in my head all alone? Will I go blind?
You might go blind, But you'll have to shave your palms for sure.
Yeah, I'll join your virgin cult. I remember there was some site that had a 5 song sampler of EU at least a month before it came out (think it was Im Amazed, Evil Urges, TMIGTS2, Thank You Too, Highly Suspicious..something like that, all album sound quality), and I think I had played those songs so much before I got the album, it was a weird initial listening experience to EU.
Now if its not one of the few songs most of us have heard live that is the EU song released on this T5 countdown thing, I might give in, especially if its this Black Metal song or something, but at that point it should be pretty close to the release date, so I might be able to stay cold turkey.
Im also doing this for Storytellers. Not looking at the setlist, reading reviews from here. Want to watch that shit with a clean slate.
As Im getting busy with school already, it probably wont be too hard to stay out of here for the month before Circuital drops. That'll also almost certainly make it easier to hold out til the due date.
An update on how to stay pure:
- 30 second sample on Amazon is pure. If it is band-sanctioned, it is not a sin to play (with) it
- The release tomorrow (the 12th) is pure.
- Any concert streams or youtubes of LIVE versions of the songs are ok. If the band wants us to hear it, how can it not be OK?
Quote from: el_chode on Apr 11, 2011, 07:59 PM
An update on how to stay pure:
- 30 second sample on Amazon is pure. If it is band-sanctioned, it is not a sin to play (with) it
- The release tomorrow (the 12th) is pure.
- Any concert streams or youtubes of LIVE versions of the songs are ok. If the band wants us to hear it, how can it not be OK?
Thanks chode, guess I'm not as much of a slut as I thought :D :D
Quote from: el_chode on Apr 11, 2011, 07:59 PM
An update on how to stay pure:
- 30 second sample on Amazon is pure. If it is band-sanctioned, it is not a sin to play (with) it
- The release tomorrow (the 12th) is pure.
- Any concert streams or youtubes of LIVE versions of the songs are ok. If the band wants us to hear it, how can it not be OK?
What about if they release it a week early for streaming on MySpace ala EU? I remember it like it was yesterday... ::)
http://www.mymorningjacket.com/forum/index.php?topic=4142.0 (http://www.mymorningjacket.com/forum/index.php?topic=4142.0)
So basically, don't download a leak.
itunes messed up and posted the album online for 30minutes. found it in a blog via google. there isn't an online emotion to express how solid this album is. you will all be satisfied thoroughly. if you search around a bit, you might be able to find it
Quote from: e_wind on Apr 11, 2011, 08:30 PM
So basically, don't download a leak.
Yep. If we're gonna nitpick about the lost art of the album, and the album is a total work of art that the band is intending for us to experience a certain way, I'll let them guide me through it.
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Apr 11, 2011, 09:25 PM
itunes messed up and posted the album online for 30minutes. found it in a blog via google. there isn't an online emotion to express how solid this album is. you will all be satisfied thoroughly. if you search around a bit, you might be able to find it
Seriously? If so, I should go ahead remind y'all of what happened with Evil Urges, where it got pretty nasty around here over leak PMs. So keep your filesharing off this board!
That said, I'm curious as to the tracklist of this here album. ;)
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on Apr 11, 2011, 09:25 PM
itunes messed up and posted the album online for 30minutes. found it in a blog via google. there isn't an online emotion to express how solid this album is. you will all be satisfied thoroughly. if you search around a bit, you might be able to find it
Need i remind those who abandoned their pledge.......
Ring still in place, pledge still honored. Only 28 more days :thumbsup:
Same here. Must. Hold. Strong. Again, I don't care if others download, I just want to sit in my chair, with headphones and the album artwork and soak it all in at once. But this is going to be tough!
I'm out.
I'm Out (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwH__x6jV6A#noexternalembed)
And I have no regrets. Been smiling all day.
Very tough. But I've got a whole unboxing ritual planned. Gonna get me some special beer, turn hte lights low, and caress the box
Still pure as the driven snow here. I've even only listened to Black Metal once! All I have to do is think of the payoff when I get to hear the whole thing the right way -- also with a choder-like ritual, but with a nice bourbon (there will probably be caressing). Also no worries to those who have listened. I did check to see what the traffic was like for torrents, which was surprisingly low.
(staying away from the leak threads helps)
Can I get some carressing pictures from you two for my Circuital scrapbook?
Chrispy, were you talking about carressing the deluxe package, the bourbon or chode's deluxe package? Either way, can I get some pictures for my scrapbook?
haha, I would be in on a timed bourbon toast/ needle drop as those others who receive the album on the same day :beer:
Quote from: el_chode on May 03, 2011, 11:17 AM
Very tough. But I've got a whole unboxing ritual planned. Gonna get me some special beer, turn hte lights low, and caress the box
Just because I'm no longer pure doesn't mean I won't have a special ritual (and pre-Mt. jam listening party) when the Vinyl box set arrives. After all, MMJon Vinyl is always something special and I will still eagerly await the arrival.
I will refrain from all comments otherwise until we all get a taste.
Quote from: BH on May 03, 2011, 11:26 AM
Can I get some carressing pictures from you two for my Circuital scrapbook?
Chrispy, were you talking about carressing the deluxe package, the bourbon or chode's deluxe package? Either way, can I get some pictures for my scrapbook?
There will be no photodocumentation. Any caressing will remain unplanned and spontaneous for now, but senor chode's package will definitely not be involved.
We'll see if any remnants are available for your scrapbook. ;D
Quote from: headhunter on May 03, 2011, 11:15 AM
I'm out.
I'm Out (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwH__x6jV6A#noexternalembed)
And I have no regrets. Been smiling all day.
Yeah I got the vinyl leak as well.
Quote from: wolof7 on May 03, 2011, 11:31 AM
haha, I would be in on a timed bourbon toast/ needle drop as those others who receive the album on the same day :beer:
I like this idea! But then there's the idea of waiting for the specified time when one receives his package earlier...
Haven't dl'd. Yet. I REALLY want to listen on my home stereo supremely loudly or at a minium with my studio headphones (i.e., not at work on these crappy Dell speakers); we just moved this weekend and who knows when I'll get the stereo hooked up properly..... So, perhaps I shall go buy that nice bottle of bourbon and see you all back here on the 31st.... :beer:
Quote from: Crispy on May 03, 2011, 11:34 AM
Quote from: wolof7 on May 03, 2011, 11:31 AM
haha, I would be in on a timed bourbon toast/ needle drop as those others who receive the album on the same day :beer:
I like this idea! But then there's the idea of waiting for the specified time when one receives his package earlier...
Could do a listening party/timed toast on the night of the 31st anyway, for the sake of the shared bourbon consumption and MMJ experience. :thumbsup:
Quote from: headhunter on May 03, 2011, 11:31 AM
Quote from: el_chode on May 03, 2011, 11:17 AM
Very tough. But I've got a whole unboxing ritual planned. Gonna get me some special beer, turn hte lights low, and caress the box
Just because I'm no longer pure doesn't mean I won't have a special ritual (and pre-Mt. jam listening party) when the Vinyl box set arrives. After all, MMJon Vinyl is always something special and I will still eagerly await the arrival.
I will refrain from all comments otherwise until we all get a taste.
I'm gonna get re-virginized at your listening party because it will be my first VINYL listen
Hilarious! I never fully read this thread, or the general gist of it, until now, I love it! Despite not being aware of this thread and it's tactics....I had told myself I was going to wait. Struggling big time right now, don't think I can make it through the day today. I need some support! I need to see a councilor. I feel myself getting week. The end is near.
I don't even have a turntable, so I"m not sure how this unboxing will work.
I have only listened to the 2 tracks released...they have been keeping me happy so far...
Quote from: walterfredo on May 03, 2011, 11:53 AM
Hilarious! I never fully read this thread, or the general gist of it, until now, I love it! Despite not being aware of this thread and it's tactics....I had told myself I was going to wait. Struggling big time right now, don't think I can make it through the day today. I need some support! I need to see a councilor. I feel myself getting week. The end is near.
I heard one of the songs is cut short but a fair amount (so says twitter when searching Cirucital) you don't want to listen to an incomplete album do you??? Wouldn't be fair to the band.. Hope this makes it an easier decision....
what a bizarre thread. ::)
the album is awesome.
and yes track 8 is cut short...
Motivational Quotes & Quotations (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Z-ajcsewpY#)
Quote from: lasvegas on May 03, 2011, 12:32 PM
what a bizarre thread. ::)
the album is awesome.
and yes track 8 is cut short...
take your leak listening ass right the fuck out of here. ;)
Seriously though, can't we at least have one thread to ourselves?
Count me in. Together we can get through this month and listen to the new album the way the band intended! Unity in Purity.
Rick James- Unity.avi (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yLJ5NHARMk#)
I'm still hangin in here...... ::) ::) ::)
I didnt know about the leak until just now... and I'm all booked up the next couple nights. It's the nights where I have nothing going on that I'm worried about. :-\
Just had my first wet dream since 6th grade :embarassed:
Quote from: Ruckus on May 03, 2011, 05:21 PM
Just had my first wet dream since 6th grade :embarassed:
Ha! You woke up with Circuital all over you?
Quote from: BH on May 03, 2011, 05:29 PM
Quote from: Ruckus on May 03, 2011, 05:21 PM
Just had my first wet dream since 6th grade :embarassed:
Ha! You woke up with Circuital all over you?
Oh, is that what that means. I guess I did Circuital all over my best of both worlds boxer briefs. How do you pronounce that?
I have to say it is kinda a bummer that we all cannot experience the album as a collective group when it is supposed to be released. Not trying to be a downer on everyone cause I understand the need to listen and I definitely don't hold it against anyone. However, I'd rather listen than read others synopsis on an album yet to be released. I am now vowing to abstain from reading about the album until the 31st and hence will most likely avoid threads discussing the leak.
But it woulda been cool to pop our collective circuital cherries together in one big orgiastic mindmelt like the good ole pre-leakage days! Yea that last sentence just happened.
I'm in....can't stand stealing as I encounter it all the time (owning a retail store makes you even more spiteful of thieves). I will not post my moral stance on this, but I for one will not steal from anyone. Especially my boys. Here's to 28 days of telling people: no I haven't heard the album, yes I got a link and deleted the email to avoid any temptation, and why yes I do view downloading a leaked album as stealing. :-\
Quote from: BH on May 03, 2011, 05:29 PM
Quote from: Ruckus on May 03, 2011, 05:21 PM
Just had my first wet dream since 6th grade :embarassed:
Ha! You woke up with Circuital all over you?
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
I'm signing up to this thread. No leak for me... Gonna treat it like the good old days when you had to wait to the record shop got it in. No instant gratification this time round...
i am beyond excited to hear it all....but want to wait for it, just like old times....just for today :) :coffee:
THANKS GUYS!! This thread may be my home base. I've avoided all reviews and have only listened to what's been officially released from the new album (and maybe not even everything officially released, I'm hiding out!!) I've been breezing through a lot of the new threads and hangin' out in the off-topic section lately.. glad there are others in a similar boat!
Not sure what it is for me that makes me hang on to it in such a way... it would be like celebrating xmas in November and gettin' all the same gifts again on Dec. 25 (or something!)
Super pumped for the release!! :D :bath:
Still holding strong here!!! Didn't even know anything about a leak until i got a text late last night. I haven't even thought about checking this thing this past weekend with all of the stuff that's been going on here. My hospital unit is just now getting a little back to normal after last week's tornado disaster and everything. Thanks again to everyone that checked on us down here. It means a lot...I got more texts from my MMJ family than from people down here. I now know why I scheduled around May 31st...for work...it was gonna be an awesome day regardless but now that there is gonna be a bad ass webcast...and people wonder why this is our favorite band?
Sigh. Caving song by song. I'm gonna leave First Light and You Wanna Freak Out untouched, to leave that sense of discovery.
I've been having to stay away from the Ten Most Recent Posts view just to avoid absorbing relevant messages having to do with specific tracks and styles. But then, I can't remain entirely pure just being here at all, so I'm not taking any of it that seriously -- just hearing the record on its own will do the trick in the end. This is going to be a long month!
so.. I got really wasted last night gang... I wasn't thinking straight... I was impulsive... I was having fun... but I didn't use protection. I wish there was a morning after pill I could take. psych. album rocks tits. My favorite part is when it's awesome.
They told me not to smoke drugs
but I wouldn't listen,
never thought I'd get caught
and wind up in prison.
chalk it up to youth,
but young age I ain't dissin'.
I guess I just had to get it outta my system
outta my system, outta my system
oh lord, I'd never do it now I know what I ain't missin'
glad I went it got it all outta my system.
The lust of youth versus married security,
I'm glad I'm here now,
but just between you and me,
I had to get out and make the deals
and livin up ____?? but that ain't real
outta my system, outta my system,
there's a way to have it all you know I ain't kiddin'
some things I know I'll never get outta my system.
If you're gonna live now, you ain't even tryin
____?? you're on your way to a midlife crisis,
live it out anyway you feeeeeel.
you can feel it in your bones
and try to deny it,
wipe it off your face
but your eyes won't hide it,
you ____ all alone??
but never made it grow
They told me not to steal cars,
said I'd wind up in prison
thought I knew it all
yeah I wouldn't listen.
chalk it up to young,
It's the youth I ain't dissin'.
I guess I just had to get it outta my system
outta my system, outta my system
I'm glad I did it all then I know I ain't missin
glad I went and got it all outta my system.
outta my system, outta my system, (etc)
it's cool if I try and figure out the lyrics in this thread right?
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on May 03, 2011, 11:50 PM
They told me not to smoke drugs
but I wouldn't listen,
never thought I'd get caught
and wind up in prison.
chalk it up to youth,
but young age I ain't dissin'.
I guess I just had to get it outta my system
outta my system, outta my system
oh lord, I'd never do it now I know what I ain't missin'
glad I went it got it all outta my system.
The lust of youth versus married security,
I'm glad I'm here now,
but just between you and me,
I had to get out and make the deals
and livin up ____?? but that ain't real
outta my system, outta my system,
there's a way to have it all you know I ain't kiddin'
some things I know I'll never get outta my system.
If you're gonna live now, you ain't even tryin
____?? you're on your way to a midlife crisis,
live it out anyway you feeeeeel.
you can feel it in your bones
and try to deny it,
wipe it off your face
but your eyes won't hide it,
you ____ all alone??
but never made it grow
They told me not to steal cars,
said I'd wind up in prison
thought I knew it all
yeah I wouldn't listen.
chalk it up to young,
It's the youth I ain't dissin'.
I guess I just had to get it outta my system
outta my system, outta my system
I'm glad I did it all then I know I ain't missin
glad I went and got it all outta my system.
outta my system, outta my system, (etc)
it's cool if I try and figure out the lyrics in this thread right?
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on May 03, 2011, 11:13 PM
so.. I got really wasted last night gang... I wasn't thinking straight... I was impulsive... I was having fun... but I didn't use protection. I wish there was a morning after pill I could take. psych. album rocks tits. My favorite part is when it's awesome.
ok, this is SO weird. I had a DREAM about you last night! you were in a light silvery blue Honda CRV and your license plate said - what else - STICKYICKY -- so I was driving behind you and kept beeping and beeping, and passing you and trying to get your attention.....but you couldn't see me for the smoky haze in your rockin' CRV.
k, that's it for now....still holding strong.....what are all the virgins doing on the release day? do we have a plan to pop our collective cherries ?
In some thread we were contemplating how to make a group timed needle drop/toast/shot idea happen on the 31st but that was before the youtube show announcement....we can still do it around the time that starts even if it includes the other sluts trolling around these parts! ;) :beer:
PS- Victory Dance was poted to HypeM this AM ~ is this fair game or is it part of the leak? I'll await the decision to be made by fellow virgins. I really just want to hear the album in its full context.
Quote from: wolof7 on May 04, 2011, 09:22 AM
In some thread we were contemplating how to make a group timed needle drop/toast/shot idea happen on the 31st but that was before the youtube show announcement....we can still do it around the time that starts even if it includes the other sluts trolling around these parts! ;) :beer:
PS- Victory Dance was poted to HypeM this AM ~ is this fair game or is it part of the leak? I'll await the decision to be made by fellow virgins. I really just want to hear the album in its full context.
That's leakish i think, I'm staying away....... (leakish??)
my purity ring has sprung a leak...and it sounds so good :D
Quote from: wolof7 on May 04, 2011, 09:22 AM
PS- Victory Dance was poted to HypeM this AM ~ is this fair game or is it part of the leak? I'll await the decision to be made by fellow virgins. I really just want to hear the album in its full context.
FWIW - whatever guilt you may feel for listening to the song will quickly be overcome with how badass this song is. :D
It's not posted on ATO's YouTube channel, so I'm going to go with leak.
I haven't listened, and I don't plan to, but this album is on my hard drive. Why do I do this to myself?
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on May 04, 2011, 02:47 PM
I haven't listened, and I don't plan to, but this album is on my hard drive. Why do I do this to myself?
Quote from: YouAre_GivenToFly on May 04, 2011, 02:47 PM
I haven't listened, and I don't plan to, but this album is on my hard drive. Why do I do this to myself?
C'mon man make it last....think of how sweet it'll be when that package hits your doorstep in a virignal white box waiting for you to open it up and explore the endless pleasures it has waiting for you inside! You can open up the album covers and pull the record sleeves off and admire its pure naked glow and its fresh vinyl smell and think to yourself, "I'm glad I waited for this, the time is right...." then take your senses to pleasuretown :thumbsup:
Quote from: tdb810 on May 04, 2011, 09:16 AM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on May 03, 2011, 11:13 PM
so.. I got really wasted last night gang... I wasn't thinking straight... I was impulsive... I was having fun... but I didn't use protection. I wish there was a morning after pill I could take. psych. album rocks tits. My favorite part is when it's awesome.
ok, this is SO weird. I had a DREAM about you last night! you were in a light silvery blue Honda CRV and your license plate said - what else - STICKYICKY -- so I was driving behind you and kept beeping and beeping, and passing you and trying to get your attention.....but you couldn't see me for the smoky haze in your rockin' CRV.
k, that's it for now....still holding strong.....what are all the virgins doing on the release day? do we have a plan to pop our collective cherries ?
I was driving a honda? wtf? at least there was a smokey haze. dream on sister.
Slow, not the meter(?) of today,
But I'm not singin' for that anyway,
This slow slow tune.
You, somewhere in the future listening,
I hope the present for ya's glistening,
with notes that ring so true,
this slow slow tune,
slow slow tune.
(Insert awesome rock out moment)
Slow, daddy's playin' just for you,
The tempo's right, I'm in a mellow mood, oh
this slow slow tune.
Gotta radiate the gold
Gotta radiate the gold
Gotta radiate the gold, woo...
(hit again extremely hard with guitars)
True, daddy's here just for you,
But do you hear baby, anymore now that you have grown?
this slow slow tune
Come/Go(?) with the meter(?) all your own,
you decide the pace,
you set the tone, the future
now you're old,
this slow slow tune
slow slow tune.
dammit I did it again, sorry spoiler alert virgies.
come on sticky. I love ya man, but don't be a ass.
Watch it Sticky or else this may happen.
Dead mans shoes - woah (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNc3nNe2wYY#)
Quote from: BH on May 07, 2011, 02:42 PM
come on sticky. I love ya man, but don't be a ass.
It's in my blood but alas, no more lyrics for the virgies.