I've actually heard the record. On my 4th listen now. Its growing on me but is a bit disappointing. Look, I believe some of the best music, you have to work for as a listener... but Circuital just isn't amazing. No matter how much I may come to enjoy it, as an album or even a collection of tracks, its not what I had hoped for. For the record, MMJ is my favorite band.
If you've heard the 3 available songs (Circuital, Wonderful and Holdin' On To Black Metal), you've heard the 3 best songs on the record. Although the demo version of Wonderful sounds better and more organic to me than the more meticulous studio cut. To be fair, there isn't anything here I don't like... but why settle for good when you could have had shit kicking, heart wrenching, spirit soaring amazingness?
I was jumpin out my skin as I sat down last night and fired it up.
Circuital starts with such promise and then meanders into uninspired territory for most of the middle (black metal excluded) and in the end sort of fades out, slowly and... somewhat generically. Lyrically tracks vary from flat out amazing to just flat and easy. Think slam dunk vs. layups.
At times there are sounds coming from the speakers that seem to defy imagination. But in equal measure, Circuital has compositions that sound so... established and... heard. Only tiny nuances place the Jacket stamp on sounds that have been done before. From a distance, it feels like MMJ looked back at their catalogue and crafted 10 songs that encapsulated a different aspect of their sound over the years, with 1 or 2 new ideas thrown in. Its like each track is from a different band all trying to sound like a component of the MMJ we know and love.
Vocally Jim is much more restrained then ever before. If you've been a fan through their evolution, you might be able to envision what they're capable of. This album is kind of like an A student turning in a B paper. You can't fail him or her for not living up to their potential, but you want to. A shortage of solos and the typical guitar personality of MMJ fame makes parts of Circuital feel smaller than they should.
Victory Dance - is amazing, new, familiar and epic - but I would have loved to see this a few tracks later with its guts blown out the back of the track in an extra 2 minute jam session.
Circuital - at track 2 is perhaps the best. Its the only one with any aforementioned instrumental part.
The Day Is Coming - has Bo bouncing keys off the back of your mind, while scattered chops of Jim's vocals ease you into a track that basically is the indie rock equiv of Live Like You Were Dying. Its good, but small and contained.
Wonderful - is just that. But again, the studio seems to take its toll on vocals and instruments. Its too... in place and feels more meticulous than it needs to.
Outta My System - starts with promise and a great opening line. But just when you think the tempo's gonna kick up, it goes for a more languid vibe and the lyrics sort of falter. It def doesn't feel back to their roots at all.
Holdin On To Black Metal - Is the wildest, new-fangled and rockin cut. But where I had hoped the track would be a wave of genius in an ocean, it winds of standing out as possibly the most inspired.
First Light - Fun, fuzzy and infectious this is the Aluminum Park of Circuital. It doesn't need to exist, but you'll take it.
You Wanna Freak Out - So this one cut out abruptly @ 1:40 for me. I hope to all that is good in the world that there's like 5 - 7 minutes missing from a great track. If not then its fated to fall in with the bottom half of the tracks.
Slow Slow Tune - Evocative pedal steel threatens to overwhelm before warm vocals hush its aching fever. This happens twice. A slow song that doesn't seem to get off the ground. Its nice.
Movin Away - I really do love this song. Its honest and emotional. Could have done without Slow Slow Tune and just had this one. As a closer it works but we've been spoiled by MMJ closers in the past few records. Will there ever be another Dondante? Probably not... but one can wish.
A lot of Circuital doesn't feel like it will rock live, despite MMJ claims of this being a live record. A few great tracks will be assimilated into the repertoire and the rest of the record will probably be forgotten. And it doesn't feel too rootsy either. Maybe just echos of the trail they've blazed, but its all meshed in the chaos of post-indie identity crisis. Where there should have been rockin arena glam bursting through the seams of back-to-the-earth rockers reminiscent of 03 - 05, there's a contained pop foundation with moderate flare on top.
No disrespect to MMJ, after all they've done and been, we can let this slide. Again, its good enough, just not great. To the point where you kind of want to ask for some sort of explanation. Where did all the personality go? The jams, the twist and turns through a fluid yet alien sonic plane of existence? Where be they Mr. James & co? Considering we're probably not getting another album until @ 2014... this will have to do. Steel yourselves MMJ fans cause there will be some haters when this drops. Until next time... beggars can't be choosers so learn to love what you got folks.
Quote from: MyJacket18 on May 04, 2011, 06:08 PM
Circuital starts with such promise and then meanders into uninspired territory
Sort of like your review :thumbsup:
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on May 04, 2011, 06:16 PM
Quote from: MyJacket18 on May 04, 2011, 06:08 PM
Circuital starts with such promise and then meanders into uninspired territory
Sort of like your review :thumbsup:
Speak for yourself. This is the single greatest review of a record I have ever read.
why the fuck did I just read that bullshit? It's better than evil urges. I'm Amazed, Sec Walkin', Thank You Too, Two Halves. not one of those tracks stand up to any of the tracks on Circuital with the exception of maybe Outta My System and First Light (only because of they're repetitive). However, even first lights outro is supreme. The horns and string work is top notch. Slow Slow Tune sounds like it was recorded on tape, sent back to the past and re-recorded during tennessee fire or at dawn and then left to settle in the dust until now. My predication is these songs will rock way harder live than expected. there is plenty of room for them to grow and the dense melodic songs are really nice and fresh.
i went into reading this pissed off waiting to pick it apart and what not. then I found myself agreeing with almost all of it.
my main disagreement is that i thought the studio wonderful was WONDERFUL. so, so beautiful. really really loved it.
after hearing Wonderful live over the years, it's hard to listen to the studio version--i agree with this, i just wanted it raw
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on May 04, 2011, 07:00 PMSlow Slow Tune sounds like it was recorded on tape, sent back to the past and re-recorded during tennessee fire or at dawn and then left to settle in the dust until now.
I felt the same way about this one,
and I also felt Movin' Away would have fit on ISM or AD
I also really like the studio version of Wonderful, live the added Omnichord!
I guess I can sort of agree with the "review" that started this thread, but my overall impression is more positive.
First of all, and THIS is why I love MMJ, they didn't make this or any album or song to make YOU happy. This is what Jim conceives and the other 4 boys help him to realize. This is HIS concept and passion. If YOU like it, great. But MMJ isn't making music to make money, score a radio hit, sell records, sell out stadiums, or taking orders from "fans".
I miss the lack of epic guitar mindfucks, but MMJ doesn't want them in this album. Guess what? That's their choice. We can come along for this ride or hop off and wave goodbye.
Me, I jumped on the MMJ bus in May of 2008 and am loving the ride. I don't know where we're going, sometimes I'd prefer we go left when they go right, but its fun as hell and often a sweet surprise.
Quote from: Penny Lane on May 04, 2011, 09:50 PM
after hearing Wonderful live over the years, it's hard to listen to the studio version--i agree with this, i just wanted it raw
oh penny, no!! Wonderful is produced to perfection and way less boring than it is live. the strings, perfect accompaniment. the ending when it all comes in is exactly what it needs. oye people are going to be snarlin' when this puppy comes out officially.
Quote from: FiddleCastro on May 04, 2011, 10:20 PM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on May 04, 2011, 07:00 PMSlow Slow Tune sounds like it was recorded on tape, sent back to the past and re-recorded during tennessee fire or at dawn and then left to settle in the dust until now.
I felt the same way about this one,
and I also felt Movin' Away would have fit on ISM or AD
I also really like the studio version of Wonderful, live the added Omnichord!
yeah, The Day Is Coming has an almost Touch Me I'm Going to Scream Pt. 1 vibe going on with it. I love that tune so much. Wonderful reminds me of Golden 2.0 or Bermuda Highway 2.0. something in that zone. then outta my system has an MOF vibe to me. Victory Dance reminds me of a Cobra-ish type vibe. first four tracks crossfade into each other. plus we've still got an entire song missing from the album. You Wanna Freak Out is waiting in the wings to blow minds still.
I'd actually say First Light is the only song I'm not in love with. Like I've said many times, every listen I discover something great in every song. In VD the "SETTING SUNNNSS" background vocals are amazing.
The song seems like its DYING to explode at the very end, and I bet it does live.
Quote from: johnnYYac on May 04, 2011, 11:20 PM
I guess I can sort of agree with the "review" that started this thread, but my overall impression is more positive.
First of all, and THIS is why I love MMJ, they didn't make this or any album or song to make YOU happy. This is what Jim conceives and the other 4 boys help him to realize. This is HIS concept and passion. If YOU like it, great. But MMJ isn't making music to make money, score a radio hit, sell records, sell out stadiums, or taking orders from "fans".
I miss the lack of epic guitar mindfucks, but MMJ doesn't want them in this album. Guess what? That's their choice. We can come along for this ride or hop off and wave goodbye.
Me, I jumped on the MMJ bus in May of 2008 and am loving the ride. I don't know where we're going, sometimes I'd prefer we go left when they go right, but its fun as hell and often a sweet surprise.
Very well put Johnyyac. :beer:
Quote from: MyJacket18 on May 04, 2011, 06:08 PM
"If you've been a fan through their evolution, you might be able to envision what they're capable of. This album is kind of like an A student turning in a B paper. You can't fail him or her for not living up to their potential, but you want to."
That gem there is the absolute reason I stopped ever reading any sort of review about anything that has to do with anything about 20 years ago, other than for my own amusement and to thank God all-mighty that I don't take myself so seriously that I feel the need to "grade" someone's heart. I haven't heard this album, but I guarn-damn-tee you that it's not at all "like" an A student turning in a B paper. Maybe you can encourage Jim and the boys to work harder to pull up their grades...to live up to "their" potential that you know they are capable of achieving.
THEIR potential that YOU want them to reach so YOU will be satisfied.
I'll clean that up later.
Good night :)
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on May 05, 2011, 12:29 AM
Quote from: MyJacket18 on May 04, 2011, 06:08 PM
"If you've been a fan through their evolution, you might be able to envision what they're capable of. This album is kind of like an A student turning in a B paper. You can't fail him or her for not living up to their potential, but you want to."
That gem there is the absolute reason I stopped ever reading any sort of review about anything that has to do with anything about 20 years ago, other than for my own amusement and to thank God all-mighty that I don't take myself so seriously that I feel the need to "grade" someone's heart. I haven't heard this album, but I guarn-damn-tee you that it's not at all "like" an A student turning in a B paper. Maybe you can encourage Jim and the boys to work harder to pull up their grades...to live up to "their" potential that you know they are capable of achieving. THEIR ptential that YOU want them to reach so YOU will be satisfied.
I'll clean that up later.
Good night :)
Sweet dreams schnuckums.
10 bucks on shorty
Ruckus thank you for your reply to this post. While I'm a new poster on this forum I've been reading and following the band through this site since I discovered them in '06. The review by the OP'er sounds like retreads from Pearl Jam's site ever since Riot Act came out. The guitar's this, rhythm section that, Jim shoulda sang it this way. Same folks who get mad because the band didn't play their particular deep cut favorite during the 10th time they've seen the band live while they sit on their hands because they've lost the magic of just enjoying what's being created. But that's just my particular opinion not being able to play a note on an instrument while having listened to a lot of music over my many years. ::)
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on May 04, 2011, 06:16 PM
Quote from: MyJacket18 on May 04, 2011, 06:08 PM
Circuital starts with such promise and then meanders into uninspired territory
Sort of like your review :thumbsup:
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on May 05, 2011, 12:29 AM
Quote from: MyJacket18 on May 04, 2011, 06:08 PM
"If you've been a fan through their evolution, you might be able to envision what they're capable of. This album is kind of like an A student turning in a B paper. You can't fail him or her for not living up to their potential, but you want to."
That gem there is the absolute reason I stopped ever reading any sort of review about anything that has to do with anything about 20 years ago, other than for my own amusement and to thank God all-mighty that I don't take myself so seriously that I feel the need to "grade" someone's heart. I haven't heard this album, but I guarn-damn-tee you that it's not at all "like" an A student turning in a B paper. Maybe you can encourage Jim and the boys to work harder to pull up their grades...to live up to "their" potential that you know they are capable of achieving.
THEIR potential that YOU want them to reach so YOU will be satisfied.
I'll clean that up later.
Good night :)
Agreed. I have listened to the album and my mind is in a tornado. Fan FUCKING tastic is an understatement.
I don't agree with everything in the review but the essence is correct. It's better than Evil Urges (not hard) but that's two average records in a row by a band who are capable of a so much more. I can't lie, I'm disappointed and I suspect many others will be as well.
Give it a week. You'll change your mind.
Quote from: Running Oz on May 05, 2011, 01:24 AM
Ruckus thank you for your reply to this post. While I'm a new poster on this forum I've been reading and following the band through this site since I discovered them in '06. The review by the OP'er sounds like retreads from Pearl Jam's site ever since Riot Act came out. The guitar's this, rhythm section that, Jim shoulda sang it this way. Same folks who get mad because the band didn't play their particular deep cut favorite during the 10th time they've seen the band live while they sit on their hands because they've lost the magic of just enjoying what's being created. But that's just my particular opinion not being able to play a note on an instrument while having listened to a lot of music over my many years. ::)
To be honest, I think this is one of my major beefs with music fans these days. The way that music is consumed, through entire catalogues that that can be found essentially for free over the internet if you so choose, fans invest a lot less energy in one particular band, and look too much at the big picture.
Instead of buying records from a band that writes a lot of GOOD Americana songs, modern fans only want to buy the BEST Americana songs, as objectively chosen by God-knows-who. As much as I love top 10 lists, they're a big part of the problem; they try to hold unique, worthwhile songs up to the "greatest" songs in a genre, which they will never be able to reach because those original songs defined the standards in the first place. So many modern reviewers make a living off of this type of journalism, only ever comparing albums to their influences and giving middling grades for not living up to those standards.
In the same way, if a band ever makes a "great" record, everything they do after will be judged unfairly against it. Because Circuital is somewhat similar in sound to Z, all the reviews will complain about what Circuital doesn't do that Z did: no rockers, not as innovative, etc. Yet at the same time, innovation gets frowned upon too; Z still gets criticism for not being It Still Moves Pt 2, because so many people couldn't be arsed to view the band as anything other than "southern-fried" and "alt-country". Mark my words: no publication will ever rank Circuital or any album after it as the best MMJ album.
But us saying that picking between MMJ albums is like picking between children isn't just an exaggeration; that's exactly how it is. In both cases, there's no good reason for you to be picking between them in the first place.
/rant. Enjoy Circuital. It's pretty amazing.
You can't remove context, I'm afraid. Cicruital and Evil Urges don't exist in vacuums. Standards have been set and if fans don't think those standards are being met they will come away disappointed.
QuoteMark my words: no publication will ever rank Circuital or any album after it as the best MMJ album.
I agree rock journalists are idiots but if this does indeed happen it may, just may be because those albums aren't as good. Rock critics aren't fans of MMJ like the folks here. Who's to say 'they' even think ISM or At Dawn are 'great' or 'classic' records like 'we' do anyway? Besides, Z has their most consistent ranking over on metacritic despite being noticably different from what came before so, clearly, the critics aren't hung up on ISM and that particular MMJ sound and are quite capable of judging each album on its own merits.
I'm sure this album will grow on me and after the huge disappointment of Evil Urges (don't get me started!) this has re-confirmed that the band still has 'it' but Circuital still falls short of being 'great', or even 'very good' and three years on from Evil Urges I don't think this is enough. Not for ME anyway.
I'll still turn up to see 'em live though if I get the chance.
The Good...
Victory Dance
You Wanna Freak Out (maybe)
Movin' Away
Slow Slow Tune
The Day Is Coming
Outta My System (unsure about this one tbh)
Black Metal
First Light (worst song on the album)
Jeff Tweedy recently had lunch at Sky Blue Sky Sandwich Company. His review...
"I liked the sandwich, but I prefer their earlier, more experimental sandwiches."
Quote from: The DARK on May 05, 2011, 05:04 AM
Quote from: Running Oz on May 05, 2011, 01:24 AM
Ruckus thank you for your reply to this post. While I'm a new poster on this forum I've been reading and following the band through this site since I discovered them in '06. The review by the OP'er sounds like retreads from Pearl Jam's site ever since Riot Act came out. The guitar's this, rhythm section that, Jim shoulda sang it this way. Same folks who get mad because the band didn't play their particular deep cut favorite during the 10th time they've seen the band live while they sit on their hands because they've lost the magic of just enjoying what's being created. But that's just my particular opinion not being able to play a note on an instrument while having listened to a lot of music over my many years. ::)
To be honest, I think this is one of my major beefs with music fans these days. The way that music is consumed, through entire catalogues that that can be found essentially for free over the internet if you so choose, fans invest a lot less energy in one particular band, and look too much at the big picture.
Instead of buying records from a band that writes a lot of GOOD Americana songs, modern fans only want to buy the BEST Americana songs, as objectively chosen by God-knows-who. As much as I love top 10 lists, they're a big part of the problem; they try to hold unique, worthwhile songs up to the "greatest" songs in a genre, which they will never be able to reach because those original songs defined the standards in the first place. So many modern reviewers make a living off of this type of journalism, only ever comparing albums to their influences and giving middling grades for not living up to those standards.
In the same way, if a band ever makes a "great" record, everything they do after will be judged unfairly against it. Because Circuital is somewhat similar in sound to Z, all the reviews will complain about what Circuital doesn't do that Z did: no rockers, not as innovative, etc. Yet at the same time, innovation gets frowned upon too; Z still gets criticism for not being It Still Moves Pt 2, because so many people couldn't be arsed to view the band as anything other than "southern-fried" and "alt-country". Mark my words: no publication will ever rank Circuital or any album after it as the best MMJ album.
But us saying that picking between MMJ albums is like picking between children isn't just an exaggeration; that's exactly how it is. In both cases, there's no good reason for you to be picking between them in the first place.
/rant. Enjoy Circuital. It's pretty amazing.
Duuuuuuuuuude you just made my philosophical heart asplode.
Quote from: The DARK on May 05, 2011, 05:04 AM
But us saying that picking between MMJ albums is like picking between children isn't just an exaggeration; that's exactly how it is. In both cases, there's no good reason for you to be picking between them in the first place.
/rant. Enjoy Circuital. It's pretty amazing.
Great point here. What I struggle with is fans pointing out these predetermined ideas of what the band should be in comparison to the past. For me I am just happy they have made another album (and seemingly will make many more, they're still a young band). I can't think of what the creative process is for them because I'm not creative, and I'm not in MMJ. I take the stance that I leave the musical direction to the band (bc that's the way it should be) and therefore, if I like the band, generally speaking, I will most likely enjoy their output (not always true but I never wind up not liking something bc its different).
I guess in simpler terms, I enjoy trying to figure out how the band settled on these songs, what they were going for in each individual track and then as an album whole. Each album should be viewed as its own unique entity having its own identity and one of the great mysteries in music is going with the sounds, seeing where it takes us (and the band), and deconstructing the creative process. I know this is heady and maybe I am the only one who thinks this but for me its a much better way to approach music from a band I love and trust. So to judge an album based upon a band's previous efforts would seem arbitrary to me, it also seems like a highly unenjoyable way to take in new music. It's a much more transient process
Additionally, a point was made by Easyryder about the band's age and that the musical direction could be connected to that, along with their own development as individual people and a band. I think this is definitely true. Hell, I just learned of the band Big Star and this week on music series Patrick talked about seeing them and how much Carl and Patrick were influenced by them. Didn't know that before. Most of us don't know them personally, and what makes their creative juices flow, apparently Big Star does and I need to consider that that band is a part of the band's collective unconscious now. Just like our own personal identities are made up of different influences.
Also I don't take issue with people not liking the album, however not liking it bc it doesn't "compare" in an individual's terms to their previous efforts is that individuals opinion. Just stating that Circuital is dissappointing is fine for the person saying it, but doesn't make it true. Just like saying Circuital is their best effort does not necessarily make it true for me either. Haven't heard the album yet, just speaking to the nature of what reviews/opinions are, subjective.
Sorry for the ramble, unsure if this makes sense but I needed to get some of these points out.
Quote from: The DARK on May 05, 2011, 05:04 AM
Quote from: Running Oz on May 05, 2011, 01:24 AM
Ruckus thank you for your reply to this post. While I'm a new poster on this forum I've been reading and following the band through this site since I discovered them in '06. The review by the OP'er sounds like retreads from Pearl Jam's site ever since Riot Act came out. The guitar's this, rhythm section that, Jim shoulda sang it this way. Same folks who get mad because the band didn't play their particular deep cut favorite during the 10th time they've seen the band live while they sit on their hands because they've lost the magic of just enjoying what's being created. But that's just my particular opinion not being able to play a note on an instrument while having listened to a lot of music over my many years. ::)
To be honest, I think this is one of my major beefs with music fans these days. The way that music is consumed, through entire catalogues that that can be found essentially for free over the internet if you so choose, fans invest a lot less energy in one particular band, and look too much at the big picture.
Instead of buying records from a band that writes a lot of GOOD Americana songs, modern fans only want to buy the BEST Americana songs, as objectively chosen by God-knows-who. As much as I love top 10 lists, they're a big part of the problem; they try to hold unique, worthwhile songs up to the "greatest" songs in a genre, which they will never be able to reach because those original songs defined the standards in the first place. So many modern reviewers make a living off of this type of journalism, only ever comparing albums to their influences and giving middling grades for not living up to those standards.
In the same way, if a band ever makes a "great" record, everything they do after will be judged unfairly against it. Because Circuital is somewhat similar in sound to Z, all the reviews will complain about what Circuital doesn't do that Z did: no rockers, not as innovative, etc. Yet at the same time, innovation gets frowned upon too; Z still gets criticism for not being It Still Moves Pt 2, because so many people couldn't be arsed to view the band as anything other than "southern-fried" and "alt-country". Mark my words: no publication will ever rank Circuital or any album after it as the best MMJ album.
But us saying that picking between MMJ albums is like picking between children isn't just an exaggeration; that's exactly how it is. In both cases, there's no good reason for you to be picking between them in the first place.
/rant. Enjoy Circuital. It's pretty amazing.
Damn Sportscenter generation! Only watching the slam dunks and not weakside rotations...
I appreciate your point about the way music is"consumed" nowadays but what I don't understand is why an individual is not allowed to dislike an album or when they do, it is due to a deficiency in the way they listen to music.
RUSH is my favorite band ever. I find approximately a quarter of their output to be unlistenable. A Tribe Callled Quest, another of my favorite artists. 1st four albums were great (2nd and 3rd being masterpieces IMHO) while their 5th was an utter travesty. Sound familiar? ;)
I dunno. I guess I just don't get why people take it personally when someone doesn't do the OMG dance for the Jacket. Sure reviews are often self serving and obnoxious but can I like one dish at my favorite restaurant more than another? Are all Picassos equally respected?
Quote from: wolof7 on May 05, 2011, 09:22 AM
Quote from: The DARK on May 05, 2011, 05:04 AM
But us saying that picking between MMJ albums is like picking between children isn't just an exaggeration; that's exactly how it is. In both cases, there's no good reason for you to be picking between them in the first place.
/rant. Enjoy Circuital. It's pretty amazing.
So to judge an album based upon a band's previous efforts would seem arbitrary to me, it also seems like a highly unenjoyable way to take in new music. It's a much more transient process
And what should it be judged against? The last Kings Of Leon album? Justin Bieber? Ravi Shankar? Context is there and you can choose to ignore it if you want, that's cool, but it's hardly arbitrary for fans of a band to judge their albums against previous ones, is it? It's entirely logical and predictable. We don't judge Beatles For Sale on its own merits; we judge it based on the quality of the songs and that is based on the records that came before and after. It's found wanting hence it's a minor Beatles album.
QuoteAlso I don't take issue with people not liking the album, however not liking it bc it doesn't "compare" in an individual's terms to their previous efforts is that individuals opinion. Just stating that Circuital is dissappointing is fine for the person saying it, but doesn't make it true. Just like saying Circuital is their best effort does not necessarily make it true for me either. Haven't heard the album yet, just speaking to the nature of what reviews/opinions are, subjective.
all opinions are subjective, who knew?
Quote from: Ruckus on May 05, 2011, 09:41 AM
Quote from: The DARK on May 05, 2011, 05:04 AM
Quote from: Running Oz on May 05, 2011, 01:24 AM
Ruckus thank you for your reply to this post. While I'm a new poster on this forum I've been reading and following the band through this site since I discovered them in '06. The review by the OP'er sounds like retreads from Pearl Jam's site ever since Riot Act came out. The guitar's this, rhythm section that, Jim shoulda sang it this way. Same folks who get mad because the band didn't play their particular deep cut favorite during the 10th time they've seen the band live while they sit on their hands because they've lost the magic of just enjoying what's being created. But that's just my particular opinion not being able to play a note on an instrument while having listened to a lot of music over my many years. ::)
To be honest, I think this is one of my major beefs with music fans these days. The way that music is consumed, through entire catalogues that that can be found essentially for free over the internet if you so choose, fans invest a lot less energy in one particular band, and look too much at the big picture.
Instead of buying records from a band that writes a lot of GOOD Americana songs, modern fans only want to buy the BEST Americana songs, as objectively chosen by God-knows-who. As much as I love top 10 lists, they're a big part of the problem; they try to hold unique, worthwhile songs up to the "greatest" songs in a genre, which they will never be able to reach because those original songs defined the standards in the first place. So many modern reviewers make a living off of this type of journalism, only ever comparing albums to their influences and giving middling grades for not living up to those standards.
In the same way, if a band ever makes a "great" record, everything they do after will be judged unfairly against it. Because Circuital is somewhat similar in sound to Z, all the reviews will complain about what Circuital doesn't do that Z did: no rockers, not as innovative, etc. Yet at the same time, innovation gets frowned upon too; Z still gets criticism for not being It Still Moves Pt 2, because so many people couldn't be arsed to view the band as anything other than "southern-fried" and "alt-country". Mark my words: no publication will ever rank Circuital or any album after it as the best MMJ album.
But us saying that picking between MMJ albums is like picking between children isn't just an exaggeration; that's exactly how it is. In both cases, there's no good reason for you to be picking between them in the first place.
/rant. Enjoy Circuital. It's pretty amazing.
Damn Sportscenter generation! Only watching the slam dunks and not weakside rotations...
I appreciate your point about the way music is"consumed" nowadays but what I don't understand is why an individual is not allowed to dislike an album or when they do, it is due to a deficiency in the way they listen to music.
RUSH is my favorite band ever. I find approximately a quarter of their output to be unlistenable. A Tribe Callled Quest, another of my favorite artists. 1st four albums were great (2nd and 3rd being masterpieces IMHO) while their 5th was an utter travesty. Sound familiar? ;)
I dunno. I guess I just don't get why people take it personally when someone doesn't do the OMG dance for the Jacket. Sure reviews are often self serving and obnoxious but can I like one dish at my favorite restaurant more than another? Are all Picassos equally respected?
It's not the album it's YOU!
People said the same with Evil Urges. You just don't 'get' it hence your opinion is invalid.
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 05, 2011, 09:45 AM
Quote from: wolof7 on May 05, 2011, 09:22 AM
Quote from: The DARK on May 05, 2011, 05:04 AM
But us saying that picking between MMJ albums is like picking between children isn't just an exaggeration; that's exactly how it is. In both cases, there's no good reason for you to be picking between them in the first place.
/rant. Enjoy Circuital. It's pretty amazing.
So to judge an album based upon a band's previous efforts would seem arbitrary to me, it also seems like a highly unenjoyable way to take in new music. It's a much more transient process
And what should it be judged against? The last Kings Of Leon album? Justin Bieber? Ravi Shankar? Context is there and you can choose to ignore it if you want, that's cool, but it's hardly arbitrary for fans of a band to judge their albums against previous ones, is it? It's entirely logical and predictable.
QuoteAlso I don't take issue with people not liking the album, however not liking it bc it doesn't "compare" in an individual's terms to their previous efforts is that individuals opinion. Just stating that Circuital is dissappointing is fine for the person saying it, but doesn't make it true. Just like saying Circuital is their best effort does not necessarily make it true for me either. Haven't heard the album yet, just speaking to the nature of what reviews/opinions are, subjective.
all opinions are subjective, who knew?
1) You're right, it is logical and predictable. However, with a band who is changing things up each time as MMJ does, I was speaking to the idea that it is important to not let these comparisons get in the way and taint one's view of the new album bc it is not MMJ trying to be "alt-country" or "space rocky" or "insert tired band label here"
2) C'mon man have you seen all the shitty "Circuital is dissappointing" proclaimations by relatively new posters round here....it's a lazy, depressing and negative statement when it's not backed by "my opinion is that...." I mean I ain't no lawyer but these statement seem invalid.
Quote from: wolof7 on May 05, 2011, 09:55 AM
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 05, 2011, 09:45 AM
Quote from: wolof7 on May 05, 2011, 09:22 AM
Quote from: The DARK on May 05, 2011, 05:04 AM
But us saying that picking between MMJ albums is like picking between children isn't just an exaggeration; that's exactly how it is. In both cases, there's no good reason for you to be picking between them in the first place.
/rant. Enjoy Circuital. It's pretty amazing.
So to judge an album based upon a band's previous efforts would seem arbitrary to me, it also seems like a highly unenjoyable way to take in new music. It's a much more transient process
And what should it be judged against? The last Kings Of Leon album? Justin Bieber? Ravi Shankar? Context is there and you can choose to ignore it if you want, that's cool, but it's hardly arbitrary for fans of a band to judge their albums against previous ones, is it? It's entirely logical and predictable.
QuoteAlso I don't take issue with people not liking the album, however not liking it bc it doesn't "compare" in an individual's terms to their previous efforts is that individuals opinion. Just stating that Circuital is dissappointing is fine for the person saying it, but doesn't make it true. Just like saying Circuital is their best effort does not necessarily make it true for me either. Haven't heard the album yet, just speaking to the nature of what reviews/opinions are, subjective.
all opinions are subjective, who knew?
1) You're right, it is logical and predictable. However, with a band who is changing things up each time as MMJ does, I was speaking to the idea that it is important to not let these comparisons get in the way and taint one's view of the new album bc it is not MMJ trying to be "alt-country" or "space rocky" or "insert tired band label here"
Could not agree more. :thumbsup:
Whatever Wolof. I want my shit wet dog in the rainforest during that time it rains a lot season soaked and drenched and dripping in reverb soaked wet. ;D
HAHA I don't even know how to respond to that Ruckus....Wolof over and out
Back to Purity Rings for my virgin ears, eyes and mind!
Quote from: wolof7 on May 05, 2011, 10:09 AM
HAHA I don't even know how to respond to that Ruckus....Wolof over and out
Back to Purity Rings for my virgin ears and mind!
;D. It's funny that I'm holding off too. Part of it is that I got new Polk speakers and I wanna spin the vinyl 1st but also I'm feeling rather rebellious and contrarian and you guys are helping me pass the time. I'm in full troll mode! ;D
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 05, 2011, 04:47 AM
I don't agree with everything in the review but the essence is correct. It's better than Evil Urges (not hard) but that's two average records in a row by a band who are capable of a so much more. I can't lie, I'm disappointed and I suspect many others will be as well.
you suspect right. I've given it a little time and my mind is not changed. This is the worst album this band has ever done IMO. I honestly did not think it was possible to make a worse record than EU. I've gotten about 10 new albums in the last 3 weeks or so..and this is the last one I want to listen to.
I think people are disappointed since they expected an At Dawn, It Still Moves mix and it isn't. My only beef is it is really all over the place with the recording. Outta My System is the only song I skip over but I don't think it is their worst album. I think some of these songs are going to translate good live. We'll see....
Quote from: wolof7 on May 05, 2011, 09:55 AM
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 05, 2011, 09:45 AM
Quote from: wolof7 on May 05, 2011, 09:22 AM
Quote from: The DARK on May 05, 2011, 05:04 AM
But us saying that picking between MMJ albums is like picking between children isn't just an exaggeration; that's exactly how it is. In both cases, there's no good reason for you to be picking between them in the first place.
/rant. Enjoy Circuital. It's pretty amazing.
So to judge an album based upon a band's previous efforts would seem arbitrary to me, it also seems like a highly unenjoyable way to take in new music. It's a much more transient process
And what should it be judged against? The last Kings Of Leon album? Justin Bieber? Ravi Shankar? Context is there and you can choose to ignore it if you want, that's cool, but it's hardly arbitrary for fans of a band to judge their albums against previous ones, is it? It's entirely logical and predictable.
QuoteAlso I don't take issue with people not liking the album, however not liking it bc it doesn't "compare" in an individual's terms to their previous efforts is that individuals opinion. Just stating that Circuital is dissappointing is fine for the person saying it, but doesn't make it true. Just like saying Circuital is their best effort does not necessarily make it true for me either. Haven't heard the album yet, just speaking to the nature of what reviews/opinions are, subjective.
all opinions are subjective, who knew?
1) You're right, it is logical and predictable. However, with a band who is changing things up each time as MMJ does, I was speaking to the idea that it is important to not let these comparisons get in the way and taint one's view of the new album bc it is not MMJ trying to be "alt-country" or "space rocky" or "insert tired band label here"
2) C'mon man have you seen all the shitty "Circuital is dissappointing" proclaimations by relatively new posters round here....it's a lazy, depressing and negative statement when it's not backed by "my opinion is that...." I mean I ain't no lawyer but these statement seem invalid.
It makes no difference. Every Beatles album is different but we still judge and rank them. This album is slightly different to the last therefore it needs to be judged by different criteria? No, it really doesn't. The only criteria I have is 'memorable songs', that's all. The last two albums have been short of this, amongst other annoyances. I don't expect It Still Moves part two but I do expect an album with more songs as potent as Victory Dance.
The newness of these posters is irrelevant. Their opinion is worth no less. Everything we say here is subjective for cring out loud. We are all offering opinions on the music of MMJ. It does not need to be reiterated tediously with 'in my opinion, of course' at the end of every post. Depressing? Yes, it is depressing when you are let down by an album. Negative? Well if they don't like it the post will, undeniably, be a bit 'negative' from your perspective. Other people are such a fucking pain in the ass, eh? Maybe you shouldn't be reading this thread if it's bringing you down, man but fans are just offering up their thoughts.
*not a dig at you* If some people can wait till the end of the month before hearing Circuital then maybe they should avoid opening certain threads until then as well.
Quote from: Honest Man on May 05, 2011, 10:24 AM
I think people are disappointed since they expected an At Dawn, It Still Moves mix and it isn't. My only beef is it is really all over the place with the recording. Outta My System is the only song I skip over but I don't think it is their worst album. I think some of these songs are going to translate good live. We'll see....
I'm glad you know what the people expected. You must be able to read minds.
I didn't expect that AT ALL for the record.
Oh boy, fine, I submit, look what I started, I officially don't care anymore....no more trolling for Wolof
I am going to put myself out on a limb here and say this album is going to be pretty divisive. ;D
I like your point, Wolof, about not comparing it to their other releases. IMO, I feel like maybe the expectations are a little too high with all of the talk of "returing to their roots", etc... I don't really get that from this album. So I think in that context people might be a little let down or disappointed. However, now that I am past my confusion of it not being what I was expecting necessarily, I'm enjoying the shit out of it. I'm not going to judge it against anything else or grade it because I've had it for one full day. I listened to it several times yesterday and when I woke up this morning, I had First Light in my head. That was one of my least favorites on my first listen, yet I woke up with it in my head. That's a good sign for me. I really can't wait to hear these songs live cuz I think they are going to be pretty effing sweet. I can see Victory Dance going all skitzo at the end like Via Chicago. Awww hell, now I'm ramblin' again.
Thank Jon T. but I respectfully decided to decline trolling on this thread anymore about 2 posts back, but I am glad the album is growing on you, I hope I like it too. :D
Quote from: Honest Man on May 05, 2011, 10:24 AM
I think people are disappointed since they expected an At Dawn, It Still Moves mix and it isn't. My only beef is it is really all over the place with the recording. Outta My System is the only song I skip over but I don't think it is their worst album. I think some of these songs are going to translate good live. We'll see....
I wish they had recorded this album in a much more live setting...it's just had so much of its life sucked out in the studio. They should have also stretched out some of them with more epic jamming, IMO...
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on May 04, 2011, 11:32 PM
Quote from: Penny Lane on May 04, 2011, 09:50 PM
after hearing Wonderful live over the years, it's hard to listen to the studio version--i agree with this, i just wanted it raw
oh penny, no!! Wonderful is produced to perfection and way less boring than it is live. the strings, perfect accompaniment. the ending when it all comes in is exactly what it needs. oye people are going to be snarlin' when this puppy comes out officially.
ha ha snarlin' in a bad way..
just Yim + song=nirvana (no need for strings or drums or slide G)
Quote from: Jon T. on May 05, 2011, 10:33 AM
I am going to put myself out on a limb here and say this album is going to be pretty divisive. ;D
I like your point, Wolof, about not comparing it to their other releases. IMO, I feel like maybe the expectations are a little too high with all of the talk of "returing to their roots", etc... I don't really get that from this album. So I think in that context people might be a little let down or disappointed. However, now that I am past my confusion of it not being what I was expecting necessarily, I'm enjoying the shit out of it. I'm not going to judge it against anything else or grade it because I've had it for one full day. I listened to it several times yesterday and when I woke up this morning, I had First Light in my head. That was one of my least favorites on my first listen, yet I woke up with it in my head. That's a good sign for me. I really can't wait to hear these songs live cuz I think they are going to be pretty effing sweet. I can see Victory Dance going all skitzo at the end like Via Chicago. Awww hell, now I'm ramblin' again.
completely agree...i don't think very many people are going to to say "eh, it was okay.." newer generation of Z/EU fans will eat it up...old schoolers (TTF-Z) fans will be even further pushed away--like JYAC said, that's part of the excitement of following them...(or agony)
Quote from: TAFKAGB]
It makes no difference. Every Beatles album is different but we still judge and rank them. This album is slightly different to the last therefore it needs to be judged by different criteria? No, it really doesn't.
I think his point is, people are going in to the album expecting it to sound like AD or ISM, and it doesn't, and it's not going to. MMJ has a track record of not doing the same shit over and over again At least that's my take. You can compare albums all you want, seems logical. However if you're popping in Circuital hoping it sounds like AD, ISM, Z (or whatever) all you are doing is setting yourself up for a major letdown.
When is the last time they put out something that was identical to what they've done before? I'll hang up and listen.
Quote from: Penny Lanenewer generation of Z/EU fans will eat it up...old schoolers (TTF-Z) fans will be even further pushed away
Wow. What about the people that can appreciate each album on it's own? Are we "new generation" or "old schoolers?"
Quote from: BigHerm on May 05, 2011, 11:00 AM
Quote from: Penny Lanenewer generation of Z/EU fans will eat it up...old schoolers (TTF-Z) fans will be even further pushed away
Wow. What about the people that can appreciate each album on it's own? Are we "new generation" or "old schoolers?"
Can you please confirm that you are not me and I am not you. I know there are a few people that are wondering. ;) I am BH and my friends call me Herm so it is quite a coincidence. It ain't me Penny and Ruckus!
Quote from: BH on May 05, 2011, 11:03 AM
Quote from: BigHerm on May 05, 2011, 11:00 AM
Quote from: Penny Lanenewer generation of Z/EU fans will eat it up...old schoolers (TTF-Z) fans will be even further pushed away
Wow. What about the people that can appreciate each album on it's own? Are we "new generation" or "old schoolers?"
Can you please confirm that you are not me and I am not you. I know there are a few people that are wondering. ;) I am BH and my friends call me Herm so it is quite a coincidence. It ain't me Penny and Ruckus!
It's quite the coincidence. I can't confirm or deny if I am you or you are me, it's all too confusing right now.
Quote from: BigHerm on May 05, 2011, 11:00 AM
Quote from: Penny Lanenewer generation of Z/EU fans will eat it up...old schoolers (TTF-Z) fans will be even further pushed away
Wow. What about the people that can appreciate each album on it's own? Are we "new generation" or "old schoolers?"
i just think that's where the divide will be (as in an album being divisive)...it's a general statement...a lot of people don't fit anywhere, but on AVERAGE that's where the line will be drawn...
i'm not saying there aren't a ton of people in the middle who love it all or certain albums specifically, but on average, if people liked EU, then i think they'll like this album...of the 50 or so people i've talked to so far about the album, most who didn't like EU say this is on par
Quote from: BigHerm on May 05, 2011, 11:06 AM
Quote from: BH on May 05, 2011, 11:03 AM
Quote from: BigHerm on May 05, 2011, 11:00 AM
Quote from: Penny Lanenewer generation of Z/EU fans will eat it up...old schoolers (TTF-Z) fans will be even further pushed away
Wow. What about the people that can appreciate each album on it's own? Are we "new generation" or "old schoolers?"
Can you please confirm that you are not me and I am not you. I know there are a few people that are wondering. ;) I am BH and my friends call me Herm so it is quite a coincidence. It ain't me Penny and Ruckus!
It's quite the coincidence. I can't confirm or deny if I am you or you are me, it's all too confusing right now.
ha ha Ruckus was confused, i wasn't!
Quote from: Penny Lane on May 05, 2011, 11:07 AM
Quote from: BigHerm on May 05, 2011, 11:00 AM
Quote from: Penny Lanenewer generation of Z/EU fans will eat it up...old schoolers (TTF-Z) fans will be even further pushed away
Wow. What about the people that can appreciate each album on it's own? Are we "new generation" or "old schoolers?"
i just think that's where the divide will be (as in an album being divisive)...it's a general statement...a lot of people don't fit anywhere, but on AVERAGE that's where the line will be drawn...
i'm not saying there aren't a ton of people in the middle who love it all or certain albums specifically, but on average, if people liked EU, then i think they'll like this album...of the 50 or so people i've talked to so far about the album, most who didn't like EU say this is on par
I've been a fan since the early days and I really don't think this matters...an album should stand on its own. Neil Young makes albums all over the place..Crazy Horse, solo...weird albums like Trans and all kinds of things with different bands. That really shouldn't matter. The only thing that should matter is when you listen to it does it sound good to you.
I'm not listening to this album and going "it is too much like EU"..or it is not enought like "It Still Moves" i'm mostly going..."I don't like this..I don't think it is a good album". Plain and simple.
bold99----you just illustrated my point..you didn't like EU and you don't like the new album..
i said that is where the line will be drawn for most people..i'm not commenting WHY people like or don't like it...? every album does stand on its own, that has nothing to do with my point..i just think in the end, people who didn't like EU are not going to like this...
Quote from: The DARK on May 05, 2011, 05:04 AM
Quote from: Running Oz on May 05, 2011, 01:24 AM
Ruckus thank you for your reply to this post. While I'm a new poster on this forum I've been reading and following the band through this site since I discovered them in '06. The review by the OP'er sounds like retreads from Pearl Jam's site ever since Riot Act came out. The guitar's this, rhythm section that, Jim shoulda sang it this way. Same folks who get mad because the band didn't play their particular deep cut favorite during the 10th time they've seen the band live while they sit on their hands because they've lost the magic of just enjoying what's being created. But that's just my particular opinion not being able to play a note on an instrument while having listened to a lot of music over my many years. ::)
To be honest, I think this is one of my major beefs with music fans these days. The way that music is consumed, through entire catalogues that that can be found essentially for free over the internet if you so choose, fans invest a lot less energy in one particular band, and look too much at the big picture.
Instead of buying records from a band that writes a lot of GOOD Americana songs, modern fans only want to buy the BEST Americana songs, as objectively chosen by God-knows-who. As much as I love top 10 lists, they're a big part of the problem; they try to hold unique, worthwhile songs up to the "greatest" songs in a genre, which they will never be able to reach because those original songs defined the standards in the first place. So many modern reviewers make a living off of this type of journalism, only ever comparing albums to their influences and giving middling grades for not living up to those standards.
In the same way, if a band ever makes a "great" record, everything they do after will be judged unfairly against it. Because Circuital is somewhat similar in sound to Z, all the reviews will complain about what Circuital doesn't do that Z did: no rockers, not as innovative, etc. Yet at the same time, innovation gets frowned upon too; Z still gets criticism for not being It Still Moves Pt 2, because so many people couldn't be arsed to view the band as anything other than "southern-fried" and "alt-country". Mark my words: no publication will ever rank Circuital or any album after it as the best MMJ album.
But us saying that picking between MMJ albums is like picking between children isn't just an exaggeration; that's exactly how it is. In both cases, there's no good reason for you to be picking between them in the first place.
/rant. Enjoy Circuital. It's pretty amazing.
Traveler's Rest Dirt FTW. Good job Dark.
i cannot wait to hear this album. if it doesnt floor me right off the bat, thats ok because i bet it eventually will. z gave me confused face the first few times through b/c it was different from the first 3 albums. after a week, i loved it.
gotta radiate the gold
Quote from: meltingaway on May 05, 2011, 12:26 PM
gotta radiate the gold
Love that line! And the delivery of it. Really the vocals on that whole track are pretty great even though it's not his "normal" voice.
Looks like I set off a chain reaction!
Don't get me wrong here, you've got every right to not like this album. Just make it for reasons like "I don't like his singing style" rather than "He doesn't sing like he used to." If you really love the band, you'll be able to judge the new album on it's own terms.
Alright. Time to make the 7 hour drive home. 8)
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 05, 2011, 10:27 AM
Quote from: Honest Man on May 05, 2011, 10:24 AM
I think people are disappointed since they expected an At Dawn, It Still Moves mix and it isn't. My only beef is it is really all over the place with the recording. Outta My System is the only song I skip over but I don't think it is their worst album. I think some of these songs are going to translate good live. We'll see....
I'm glad you know what the people expected. You must be able to read minds.
I didn't expect that AT ALL for the record.
Wow dude it is just a forum with an opinion. The attitude really isn't necessary and yes a lot of people were expecting it from articles that were out there stating they were "returning to their roots".
I think once some of these tunes are played live, and are allowed to develop on stage...much like the EU tunes did, people will gain a whole new appreciation for some of the songs that they might not have liked with a few listens of the album.
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 05, 2011, 10:27 AM
Quote from: Honest Man on May 05, 2011, 10:24 AM
I think people are disappointed since they expected an At Dawn, It Still Moves mix and it isn't. My only beef is it is really all over the place with the recording. Outta My System is the only song I skip over but I don't think it is their worst album. I think some of these songs are going to translate good live. We'll see....
I'm glad you know what the people expected. You must be able to read minds.
I didn't expect that AT ALL for the record.
Easy, tiger. Let's all try and play nicely together, shall we?
Quote from: The DARK on May 05, 2011, 12:38 PM
Looks like I set off a chain reaction!
Don't get me wrong here, you've got every right to not like this album. Just make it for reasons like "I don't like his singing style" rather than "He doesn't sing like he used to." If you really love the band, you'll be able to judge the new album on it's own terms.
Alright. Time to make the 7 hour drive home. 8)
Safe travels, Mr. Dark. Glad you're getting home this weekend since your Mom is completely awesome! ;)
so when is it time to start a thread about why this album is a return to their roots? is it in the production? the concept overall--of circuitalness/ality (whatever the noun form of the word is?) it was recorded in an old church...for what purpose? questions questions questions...
walt-think you're right about these songs evolving for people as they're played live
15 days i'll find out !
wonderful is the into the woods of this album
Quote from: Dillsnufus on May 05, 2011, 01:27 PM
wonderful is the into the woods of this album
why you gotta be comparing everything to the old stuff ;)
Quote from: Dillsnufus on May 05, 2011, 01:27 PM
wonderful is the into the woods of this album
disagree, I think Wonderful is the new golden, and the beginning of the Day is Coming reminds me of Into The Woods.
The intro of First Light reminds me of recent pearl jam.
Quote from: Penny Lane on May 05, 2011, 01:22 PM
so when is it time to start a thread about why this album is a return to their roots? is it in the production? the concept overall--of circuitalness/ality (whatever the noun form of the word is?) it was recorded in an old church...for what purpose? questions questions questions...
walt-think you're right about these songs evolving for people as they're played live
15 days i'll find out !
I think it has to be in concept and process of making the record. I can't even say I think that the production is a return. Maybe because the approach to recording was more organic? Maybe because they returned "home" to record? I don't know. I wish that "returning to roots" wasn't thrown around so much. I think that's going to cause a lot of disappointment. People (including me) are/were expecting maybe an extension of AD or ISM and it isn't even close. I think it's a good (potentially great) pop album in its own right but it's certainly not in the same direction as anything pre Z.
Quote from: walterfredo on May 05, 2011, 01:30 PM
Quote from: Dillsnufus on May 05, 2011, 01:27 PM
wonderful is the into the woods of this album
why you gotta be comparing everything to the old stuff ;)
Though, it's obvious Wonderful is the Wonderful of this album!
I caved hard yesterday. I'm Catholic, so I went to confession and the priest said it was okay as long as I burn him a copy.
In any case, I've listened to it on Bose home speakers, my car system, noise canceling headphones, and my computer speakers and it sounds different to me on every one of them. I like this, but I can't figure out why it happens....so far my car system is my favorite.
This album completes me in a weird way. I was skeptical at first, but if you haven't listened to it turned all the way up, you're not doing the album justice. I was converted the second I blared it.
The pit will be wild for these tunes. Primal wildness awaits. Sry ahead of time to those around me for losing control of my limbs the first time I hear Victory Dance/Out of My System. Also, I think Slow Slow Tune will be the real live space-tune from this album.
yes, everytime i listen to it I love it more. Just this morning I saw the light in First Light for the first time. Still the weakest on the record, imo, but thats like saying the worst of the best. Up until Black Metal its consistently brilliant. Then it strays but the last two tracks bring it back.
IT's good to see that the songs do different things for different MMJ fans. Seems a lot of people like Victory Dance... I do...except the whole "duh duh doo duh duh doo duh duh doo duh duh doo duh duh doo!" vocal thing bugs me for some reason. Am I the only one? But I really like The Day is Coming. Lots of folks not into it.... lots of subjectivity here, and I enjoy it.
Quote from: mahgeetah on May 05, 2011, 02:38 PM
IT's good to see that the songs do different things for different MMJ fans. Seems a lot of people like Victory Dance... I do...except the whole "duh duh doo duh duh doo duh duh doo duh duh doo duh duh doo!" vocal thing bugs me for some reason. Am I the only one? But I really like The Day is Coming. Lots of folks not into it.... lots of subjectivity here, and I enjoy it.
You mean Jim using an onomatopoeia to make the horn sound? Sorry, it's not everyday you get an opportunity to use that word - I had to take advantage. ;D
I know what you're saying and if it were any other band that I wasn't as familiar with, I'd probably think the same thing. But it works for me in this song. Maybe it's because I know at the heart of it all Jim's just a big goofball and it cracks me up to picture him sounding a trumpet. I know I can't wait to actually see him doing it. Whenver that may be...
Quote from: mahgeetah on May 05, 2011, 02:38 PM
IT's good to see that the songs do different things for different MMJ fans. Seems a lot of people like Victory Dance... I do...except the whole "duh duh doo duh duh doo duh duh doo duh duh doo duh duh doo!" vocal thing bugs me for some reason. Am I the only one? But I really like The Day is Coming. Lots of folks not into it.... lots of subjectivity here, and I enjoy it.
I agree on the bit about The Day is Coming. I have seen several people say that it and First Light are the weakest of the album but I think they are my 2 favorites. To each their own I guess.
I remember hearing Jim say, in an interview here or a Storytellers clip there, that he considers Circuital to feel like water or milk in your mouth, smooth and pure. He considers Evil Urges to be like ginger ale, kinda spiky and sharp. That would make the other albums perhaps a good whiskey, a hearty burgundy, or a cup of coffee perhaps? Each beverage serves a function, a purpose, meets a need, sometimes a need we don't know we have. Maybe the next album will be like cough syrup or the nectar of the gods. Either way, drink up!
Quote from: johnnYYac on May 05, 2011, 03:48 PM
Each beverage serves a function, a purpose, meets a need, sometimes a need we don't know we have. Maybe the next album will be like cough syrup or the nectar of the gods. Either way, drink up!
I like how you put that, because I definitely feel like this one has filled a musical space in my mind that A) I didn't know existed and B) feels incredible to now be occupied.
For them to create something that sounds so familiar yet so alien all at the same time just defines mastery in my opinion. This is why I love this band. I also have enjoyed the process of working to settle the album in my head... mmm
First Light is going to be fucking nasty live.
By the way, this album is amazing. Didn't really feel it at first, but it REALLY does grow on you. I ask anyone who is skeptical, like I was, to truly try to base it on its own terms (I know I'm beating a dead horse) and just determine whether it SOUNDS good to YOU. Once it hit me, I got it, and my life is now better for it.
Quote from: patrickbateman on May 05, 2011, 04:14 PM
First Light is going to be fucking nasty live.
By the way, this album is amazing. Didn't really feel it at first, but it REALLY does grow on you. I ask anyone who is skeptical, like I was, to truly try to base it on its own terms (I know I'm beating a dead horse) and just determine whether it SOUNDS good to YOU. Once it hit me, I got it, and my life is now better for it.
And yes, First Light is going to rule live.
Have just caved and listened to Victory Dance on YouTube. Has to be the set opener for the forthcoming tour...
Quote from: MarkW on May 05, 2011, 07:39 PM
Have just caved and listened to Victory Dance on YouTube. Has to be the set opener for the forthcoming tour...
Quote from: flyguy on May 05, 2011, 07:40 PM
Quote from: MarkW on May 05, 2011, 07:39 PM
Have just caved and listened to Victory Dance on YouTube. Has to be the set opener for the forthcoming tour...
I wish they would start opening with it at Hangout in a couple weeks, but I suppose the palace theater will steal our thunder :P and our new tunes :'(
Quote from: EasyRyder on May 05, 2011, 07:58 PM
Quote from: flyguy on May 05, 2011, 07:40 PM
Quote from: MarkW on May 05, 2011, 07:39 PM
Have just caved and listened to Victory Dance on YouTube. Has to be the set opener for the forthcoming tour...
I wish they would start opening with it at Hangout in a couple weeks, but I suppose the palace theater will steal our thunder :P and our new tunes :'(
:P :-* :bath:
Don't want to retread too much of what has been said, but here's my take after about 3 listens.
First 2 songs are incredible. Long and epic. After that, there's some good stuff, but nothing earth shattering, upon the first few listens.
Production is very good, as I expected.
This album is very subdued in tone. Comparing it to Evil Urges doesn't really seem fair, because its clearly meant to be very different. I loved Evil Urges from the get go. This one, I do not. It's going to have to grow on me, and I think it will.
Going in a different direction from EU may benefit this record. Very curious to see how these songs evolve live.
I really think they screwed up with the Track order.. It's front loaded and top heavy that way.
So we'll see. Not wowed, but not disappointed.
Quote from: Honest Man on May 05, 2011, 12:39 PM
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 05, 2011, 10:27 AM
Quote from: Honest Man on May 05, 2011, 10:24 AM
I think people are disappointed since they expected an At Dawn, It Still Moves mix and it isn't. My only beef is it is really all over the place with the recording. Outta My System is the only song I skip over but I don't think it is their worst album. I think some of these songs are going to translate good live. We'll see....
I'm glad you know what the people expected. You must be able to read minds.
I didn't expect that AT ALL for the record.
Wow dude it is just a forum with an opinion. The attitude really isn't necessary and yes a lot of people were expecting it from articles that were out there stating they were "returning to their roots".
well maybe he was speaking Off the Record.. ever think about that smart guy??
i not only agree w/ honest man on the level of expectations leading up to this new album, but even if i disagreed, he's just stating his opinion.
in MY opinion - the album is less cohesive (song to song, structure wise), more focused on creating something NEW, (rather than retread the same old sound over and over again - remember metallica?); but that don't make it a let down either.
the way I hear it.. seems like they're tryin to infuse their rawness into more of a modern sound.
wait'll i put up the hunter mountain vids, we'll see who's complaining then.
change is a good thing.. it shows the band's still alive, not dead inside like all the other sellout-grammy-winning-douchers who pump out the same album for 20 years straight (eric clapton).
:) :) :) dont understand the negativity surrounding this album.its brilliant and original ,mmj keep evolving and changing thats why i love them so much,i dont wanna hear ism or dawn number 2,this is a damn fine album that does what i wanted,makes me go ' what the hell'!!!ps i love evil urges a LOT.again diff sounds. how good the songs on circuital will sound live excites the hell outta me. first light will rock hard!!!i think mmj are always better live anyhoo.anyways love the album :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
The last notes are just winding down on my first listen. I came here and lowered my expectations reading all these reviews first but.. IMHO: This is more great music from MMJ :thumbsup:
Personally I am so happy to have new MMJ and can't wait to see how these new songs sound live and add to the setlists.
I'm not sure why would anyone would expect the band who put out EU to put out a "back to their roots" album. It kind of makes sense they would push the envelope again as part of their musical progression. I love the new songs but it actually seems to me a bit less of a jump in style than Z>EU was.
second lap thoughts:
Victory dance :thumbsup: probably the new opener, or closer?
Circuital is sick, classic mmj
The day is coming: cool omnichord track but doesn't quite gel for me
Wonderful: not sure why people don't like the studio, it's wonderful :)
Outta my system: two halves of the album, but way better
Black Metal shows really shows off their range and talent and jim's inner black man
First Light: luv the fuzz, jam at the end will be so nasty live
You wanna freak out: ?? incomplete I hope its 11 minutes long!
Slow slow song: mandatory ballad aptly named like the way it builds
Moving away: jim's crooning is beautiful but I wish there was a song after this!
Moving Away just smacked me straight in the face at work! WOW.
Gotta say, I was one of the early haters, but this baby has grown like kudzu on me...ba da ba ba ba, I'm loving it!
First Review of Circuital from Stereogum
http://stereogum.com/700671/my-morning-jacket-circuital-premature-evaluation/franchises/premature-evaluation/ (http://stereogum.com/700671/my-morning-jacket-circuital-premature-evaluation/franchises/premature-evaluation/)
I think a lot of the early haters are going to come around in a big way. This album rules.
I thought it was a pretty fair review.
I think it's a very good album overall, but most of us have come to expect greatness from MMJ. Circuital isn't an album that I'll listen to endlessly like ISM or Z, but it's certainly a nice gift for the start of summer. I agree that it's a "more consistent and enjoyable" sound when compared with EU. There are some solid additions that leave plenty of room for growth and have the potential to be really amazing when performed live. IMHO, it's a step in the right direction, but the spark and inspiration that resulted in the band's best work feels just a tad muted.
Rereading my post, I think my review sounds more lukewarm than I intended. I think the majority Jacket fans will be very pleased.
Quote from: Ghosts_on_T5 on May 06, 2011, 04:50 PM
I think a lot of the early haters are going to come around in a big way. This album rules.
Quote from: Jahmazed on May 06, 2011, 08:58 AM
The last notes are just winding down on my first listen. I came here and lowered my expectations reading all these reviews first but.. IMHO: This is more great music from MMJ :thumbsup:
Personally I am so happy to have new MMJ and can't wait to see how these new songs sound live and add to the setlists.
I'm not sure why would anyone would expect the band who put out EU to put out a "back to their roots" album. It kind of makes sense they would push the envelope again as part of their musical progression. I love the new songs but it actually seems to me a bit less of a jump in style than Z>EU was.
second lap thoughts:
Victory dance :thumbsup: probably the new opener, or closer?
Circuital is sick, classic mmj
The day is coming: cool omnichord track but doesn't quite gel for me
Wonderful: not sure why people don't like the studio, it's wonderful :)
Outta my system: two halves of the album, but way better
Black Metal shows really shows off their range and talent and jim's inner black man
First Light: luv the fuzz, jam at the end will be so nasty live
You wanna freak out: ?? incomplete I hope its 11 minutes long!
Slow slow song: mandatory ballad aptly named like the way it builds
Moving away: jim's crooning is beautiful but I wish there was a song after this!
You know, I think reading that thought at the end of your post really spells out what I'm not so happy about with Circuital... it feels incomplete right now. Not because its only 10 songs.. hell the 10 songs are mostly long.... it just feels like there ought to be more.. that the collection is too homogenous or there should be at least another 'rise' in the album. I have never wanted a band to repeat themselves, but this record just feels like its missing something right now.
I stress that I need more listens to really figure out how I really feel.. and while I feel underwhelmed, this album hasn't left my player.. and that's a good sign that its going to grow on me... that feeling makes me happy.
Again, the first two songs are absolutely gorgeous, and I can't get enough of them.
Z is the same length about and the same number of songs.
Anybody get a Prince- Beautiful Ones, vibe off of The Day Is Coming
Quote from: e_wind on May 06, 2011, 10:31 PM
Z is the same length about and the same number of songs.
I'm assuming that was meant for my post... so to clarify, I think I pretty much said it's not short, it just feels like it needs more to me, that's all.
Quote from: jo_mama on May 06, 2011, 10:56 AM
Moving Away just smacked me straight in the face at work! WOW.
"I hope your heart beats where my home is"
Such a great song.
My mind is numb from reading these reviews, at least the one's that are like "I thought it would be like It Still Moves and it isn't". Production wise it is very similar. Very similar. indisputably similar. They even left the hiss from the ground in. The Horns. The Vocal sound. All most definitely pay tribute to that era but it's been almost a decade, technology is better.
Second, this is the first album Bo truly shines on. Victory Dance, Circuital, some of Bo's best work to date.
The Guitars sound beefy as shit. they've got that classic tone we're use to from MMJ, reverby with distortion and feedback. Coated with Jim's vocals. The yelling at the end of Victory Dance sounds like early my morning jacket, period.
I've heard a lot of you saying this album is nothing you expected or that it's divisive. That's a good thing. That's how a band creates longevity.
To me the shows for Evil Urges were straight up "Here is Evil Urges, we'll play some other tunes and try and make them fit in the set". with Circuital the songs can fit anywhere in the set. People aren't even sure if Victory Dance is going to be the opener because it literally could go anywhere in the set like most of the others. I doubt they'll close with Slow Slow Tune->Moving Away every show of the tour.
Segue possibilities are ridiculous.
Something tells me "You Wanna Freak Out", will have a couple more minutes of freaking out when we get to hear it.
It seems to me the most obvious change in sound coming from the last 3 albums is Carl and the Pedal Steel. It's slowly becoming a trademark of MMJ's sound rather than the guitar leads and such. There was slide work done on some of the early Jacket albums but nothing even slightly comparative to what Carl does now. This I could see a plus or minus for people. I like guitars and guitar solos more than pedal steel but what can ya do, they're from the south.
If people were looking for straight up progressive rock songs with tons of lyrics from these guys with this album you really haven't paid attention to the last few albums.
I'm most thankful there isn't an evil urges/wordless chorus falsetto type tune on this album.
All things considered the fuckers made a legit rock pop album that is beyond what most bands even attempt to put out. Not many ridiculous studio tricks or layering. Just pure My Morning Jacket.
These songs have so much potential live it's sickening. First Light is one of the weaker songs (still good) but it's the song that reminds me MOST of it still moves. the ending is like Easy Morning Rebel.
I could go on and on about how wrong a lot of you are but I'll avoid anymore negativity. It's kinda funny people are saying it's missing something and there's still basically an entire song left to be released. some people will never be happy.
Mix these songs in with the older stuff. It works.
So I figured I'd do a song by song review!
Victory Dance- At first I was a little iffy on horns/vocal stuff in the beginning, but it's since grown on me. If I could use one word to describe this song it would be restrained. The tension starts building in this song with the first note and is relentless, the whole song you're just waiting for it to explode, which it kind of does at the end, but I think the greatness is in the tension that is built. Can't wait to see this one live!
Circuital- We all know this well by now, but it is very good. Kind of reminds me of Peter Gabriel a tiny bit, at least during the instrumental parts in the middle. I'm very glad this song is connected to Victory Dance on the album because because they fit very well together. This sounds different from a lot of MMJ's early stuff, but it seems a very natural progression for them to take.
The Day is Coming- Another one where I was a bit skeptical with the vocal stuff in the beginning but it also grew on me. This sounds the most like an Evil Urges tune, but it doesn't quite hit the level of cheekiness that some of those songs had, which is a good thing. I love the melody of this song, The strings that come in on the second verse sound fantastic.
Wonderful- An instant favorite of mine when I heard it live. It's a nice little ballad along the lines of Hopefully, Bermuda Highway and Librarian, Always nice to hear some Jim James acoustic slower songs. The pedal steel that comes in halfway through the song is fantastic as well.
Outta My System- Sounds like Beach Boys at first, which took me by surprise, but not in a bad way. I like how as the song builds you think it might get real loud, but again it is restrained which was nice. I don't mind rockers one bit, but the band is so talented it's nice to hear the subtleties in the music sometimes!
Holdin' On To Black Metal- I know a lot of people love this, but it hasn't hit me yet I guess. I don't care for the falsetto throughout the whole song. The music is great, I like the guitar line running throughout and the horns. The little break near the end is pretty rocking also, but I just don't care for that style of singing in combination with the music.
First Light- I like this song, but this one didn't grow on me quite as much as the others. Sounds a bit in the same style as Elvis' "A Little Less Conversation". It just doesn't seem to go anywhere. Again, it's not bad, it's just not one of my favorites.
You Wanna Freak Out- Obviously cut short, but I liked what I heard. The guitar part sounded nothing like what I expected from My Morning Jacket, it sounded like some sort of 90's alternative rock song from someone like the Goo-Goo Dolls, but as soon as the melody kicks in, it feels right at home. Reminds me a tad of "Into the Woods" but a bit fuller sounding.
Slow Slow Tune- My first thought was "Crimson and Clover" with the music, except.....wait for it........slower! HA! It took me awhile to get used to the vocal delivery on this one, but I like it now. The thing that keeps me coming back is the instrumental break. I love when everything fades out and then it just comes back full force. Such an emotional instrumental part for me, it's very soothing to listen to. Sounded like it might as well have been released in the 60's/70's.
Movin' Away- Possibly my favorite song on the album. It's slow, yeah, but it is absolutely beautiful. Reminds me of "If It Smashes Down" a bit, for the raw emotion, fueled by one of James' best vocal deliveries. Absolutely loved it on first listen and it gets better every time.
I was trying so hard to hold out and just wait for the release date... but I finally caved last night after work when I got home and couldn't sleep and I knew it was out there and other people were already listening to it. Apparently my willpower is nothing against the lure of new MMJ.
I f---ing love it! So ridiculously good. I honestly cannot wait until this comes out and I can listen to it properly. The songs really, really work together as a cohesive whole in a way that I never felt Evil Urges did, and for the most part the songs are all really great. I definitely see what the guys were saying about the production harkening back to the ole days of barn & grain silo recording, and I prefer the production of these songs over the production of the Evil Urges stuff. I don't mean to keep comparing this to EU, I know it's a different beast - it's just EU was the last thing they did and this is the next step so my mind just kinda goes there.
My one minor disappointment on very early listening is that Movin' Away is probably my least favorite of the tracks, and it's the closer, and it's a slower song, and it comes on the heels of another slower song. It left me wanting when the album ended, and not in the way where I needed to start the whole thing right over again, but more with the feeling of "oh, that's it." It's not a bad song, I just found it to be the least compelling, and they have a history of such epic album closers like Dondante. I read other people listing it as one of their favorites so maybe it will grow on me over time. It's how they wanted to wrap the album up and they apparently featured it on Storytellers and I trust the guys.
I don't want to sound negative here. There is new My Morning Jacket entering the world and it is awesome and it makes me very happy. I remember when they had kinda gone on hiatus a while back and I was so bummed thinking they might be done. I discovered them in a write up in The Boston Globe in 2006 when they played with The Boston Pops and fell in love with their entire catalogue then, and they have remained my favorite band since. It's celebration time.
Quote from: Honest Man on May 06, 2011, 06:57 PM
Quote from: Ghosts_on_T5 on May 06, 2011, 04:50 PM
I think a lot of the early haters are going to come around in a big way. This album rules.
some of these songs will absolutely melt face live.
Victory Dance - this is my favorite overall song MMJ has ever written. i can totally see them opening or closing w/ it. kinda reminds me of tool (and in the air tonight by phil collins), how the heaviness builds and builds.. to a crushing finale. gives me goosebumps 78% of the time, every time.
Circuital - this track has been talked about enough, and rightfully so. one thing i can say is, i like the way the they recorded it; good overall soundscape.
The Day is Coming - a solid tune overall. a nice example of how Jim's voice should be recorded "in my opinion".. i've often said how his voice and the way he bends and twists it reminds me of a saxophone.
Wonderful (the way i feel) - best overall song on the album. and don't trip on how they pop'd it up at the end. it doesn't differ much from how they played it at Terminal 5; the drums just weren't as prominent in the mix.
Outta My System - once i figured out the lyrics, this track quickly became one of my favs. in the past, i used to film just random songs (based on how many of them already existed on youtube), but now i realize i have to go the extra mile and bring 2 mem cards and batteries.. from now on expect full show recordings front to back. can't wait to capture this tune.
Holdin' on to Black Metal - i can't even wrap my head around this tune yet.. though i keep coming back to it, hearing different things each time. can't wait to shoot this w/ the horns at Hunter Jam. my only hope is that a lot of forum members are cool enough to let me join them in the front. you've seen my vids before.. you know i don't mess around.
First Light - this tune speaks for itself. a solid rocker.. and once again, the vocals on this track are superb. the lyrics aren't half bad either.
You Wanna Freak Out - another solid tune and recording. what's everyone's deal w/ this album..? i have yet to find a truly weak song.
Slow, Slow Tune - my friend Honest Man said it best, "this will be their new Dondante." i can see them stretching this one out w/ epic solos.
Movin' Away - my god, Jim's voice is amazing on this track. really laid back and chill.. i like it.
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on May 07, 2011, 12:22 PM
All things considered the fuckers made a legit rock pop album that is beyond what most bands even attempt to put out. Not many ridiculous studio tricks or layering. Just pure My Morning Jacket.
Mix these songs in with the older stuff. It works.
That's what most struck me upon first listens, but I couldn't pin point what "it" was for the longest time...there's virtually no unnecessary studio special effects. It's so rare to hear a raw and honest album like this nowadays that the strangeness in Circuital is just the sheer naturalness of it.
That's what makes it milky for me....
P.S. The faint bird calls in the background of "Wonderful" re-invoke subtler feelings of the crickets in "Bermuda Highway"...mmm
I love the faint sound of cars driving by in the rain at the end of Movin Away. Everytime I listen to this album I notice something different.
Quote from: EasyRyder on May 07, 2011, 04:55 PM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on May 07, 2011, 12:22 PM
All things considered the fuckers made a legit rock pop album that is beyond what most bands even attempt to put out. Not many ridiculous studio tricks or layering. Just pure My Morning Jacket.
Mix these songs in with the older stuff. It works.
That's what most struck me upon first listens, but I couldn't pin point what "it" was for the longest time...there's virtually no unnecessary studio special effects. It's so rare to hear a raw and honest album like this nowadays that the strangeness in Circuital is just the sheer naturalness of it.
That's what makes it milky for me....
P.S. The faint bird calls in the background of "Wonderful" re-invoke subtler feelings of the crickets in "Bermuda Highway"...mmm
maybe that's what the album concept/title is about.. "coming full circle". like w/ every album they drifted further and further out into space, exploring the unkowns of music. and now they're back to reveal all they've learned in their travels. some of it stuck, and some of it got dusted off. i think they relied less on outside musicians and tried to play more as a unit, like they do on the road.
so i finally caved in as well and downloaded it last night. and i must say... I fucking love it! Its not Z, but i also dont think they will ever be able to replicate that album. But i must say after only one day of listening to it, i think i just might enjoy it more than EU. I even like the slower songs, especially slow slow tune. It reminds me of my kids. I also think these songs are going to sound amazing on vinyl...I cant wait for my super duper deluxe package extreme to arrive :thumbsup:!!!
i'll be honest, i haven't read the first 6 pages of this thread. but this is a good album. It is MMJ through and through. MMJ is not just It Still Moves. That is my favorite album and will be forever. Nothing will ever touch that album for me. It can't be topped. Dancefloors, One Big Holiday, and Steam Engine are the best 3 songs ever written in my opinion. I love them more than I love my girlfriend. Or my parents. They are the best. Jim's music means more to me than I can put into words. But I love this album. There is so much goodness. MMJ will never do the old stuff that just jams and ebbs and flows like we grew to love. I think Tommy said it - they can't do albums like that anymore. Its too hard. But to hate this album or to be disappointed is a shame. Because its beautiful. There's so much to love but you have to love it in a vacuum because ever Jacket album stands on its own. And they are all great in their own way. Love the goodness they are giving us time and time again. I listen to Movin' Away and immediately think its my wedding song. No other band conveys that to me in an instant moment of time. I'm drunk and babbling on...but I'm satisfied with what they have given us. Because while we all wish that each album was written for each one of us, it isn't - it is written for 5 people who come together to make the best music since The Band.
Quote from: Brother Beck on May 07, 2011, 01:42 PM
My one minor disappointment on very early listening is that Movin' Away is probably my least favorite of the tracks, and it's the closer, and it's a slower song, and it comes on the heels of another slower song. It left me wanting when the album ended, and not in the way where I needed to start the whole thing right over again, but more with the feeling of "oh, that's it." It's not a bad song, I just found it to be the least compelling, and they have a history of such epic album closers like Dondante. I read other people listing it as one of their favorites so maybe it will grow on me over time. It's how they wanted to wrap the album up and they apparently featured it on Storytellers and I trust the guys.
On this.. I think the order of the tracklisting would maybe improve it. I'm ok with a slow song, but this one is clearly top heavy with two of the 'biggest' songs at positions 1 & 2. I liked whoever said those two songs go together as well. To be fair, I don't know how I'd reorder it yet.. I'd need more time with it.. but I'm quite sure I'd close with Circuital.
I'm sure after several listens I'll settle in to the order, but it just seems oddly ordered, and I think that's why it feels like it's missing something, to me.
I'm downloading now...can't wait to listen. The great thing is, everybody has always had ill things to say about MMJ. I mean, the love is always there but the expectations are always so high. I was guilty of this for EU - i went in with these expectations, and when MMJ didn't live up to them, I was disappointed. But my expectations were self conceived. It wasn't like Jim James and Co. told me personally "the record is gonna sound like ________". No, I created these expectations, thus letting my own self down. This time around, I am putting faith in the band I love, knowing they know how to make great music, knowing they wouldn't put out a record they didn't truly love themselves.
MMJ reminds me A LOT of Radiohead in this matter - they make the music the want to. Eventually people will come around to it...I mean come on, how many listens did it take everyone to finally appreciate and love "King Of Limbs"...a lot, I know.
Here we go....bowl is loaded, sun is on my face...LETS DO THIS!
hahahahahaha :D :D :D You guys are NUTS! This album is wonderful! It rocks, it rolls, it soothes, it's grooves and it moves. Bam! My Morning Jacket baby! Doing what they do best, make good fuckin' music that we'll be able to listen to for years to come. Not only that, the songs are LIVE as all hell - "Outta My System" is gonna blow right through when that shit comes pouring over Red Rocks speaker system. "Victory Dance" is gonna by a head explosion to watch live..i mean fuck, those guitars in that song are mean. "First Light" has some of the coolest bass drops. Pair it up with "Highly Suspicious" and "Wordless" and you got yourself a boogie woogie good time!
The boys seem so poised on this album. It feels free, light hearted, fun and most importantly, sincere. They defiantly made an album for themselves and in the end that's what people love. Look at their catalog now - each album grows into one another - no one similar but each one embodying the beautiful spirit that is My Morning Jacket.
Wow - love it. Absolutely love this album. I get them. They get me.
i can't stop listening to slow slow tune. the song is absolute beautiful. its going to sound so great on the porch this summer with some brown water and the sun going down. this album is fantastic.
Quote from: DaFunkyPrecedent on May 08, 2011, 06:58 PM
hahahahahaha :D :D :D You guys are NUTS! This album is wonderful! It rocks, it rolls, it soothes, it's grooves and it moves. Bam! My Morning Jacket baby! Doing what they do best, make good fuckin' music that we'll be able to listen to for years to come. Not only that, the songs are LIVE as all hell - "Outta My System" is gonna blow right through when that shit comes pouring over Red Rocks speaker system. "Victory Dance" is gonna by a head explosion to watch live..i mean fuck, those guitars in that song are mean. "First Light" has some of the coolest bass drops. Pair it up with "Highly Suspicious" and "Wordless" and you got yourself a boogie woogie good time!
The boys seem so poised on this album. It feels free, light hearted, fun and most importantly, sincere. They defiantly made an album for themselves and in the end that's what people love. Look at their catalog now - each album grows into one another - no one similar but each one embodying the beautiful spirit that is My Morning Jacket.
Wow - love it. Absolutely love this album. I get them. They get me.
glad somebody knows what up. well said dafunky.
"Taste the war paint on my tongue,
as it's drippin with my sweat..."
Bo's intro/main chord he vamps on to Victory Dance reminds me of a "No Quarter" vibe for sure. shit is EVIL as fuck no doubt.
Oh wow, haven't been here in a long time. Nice album. Doesn't top AD/ISM, but not much could. Will definitely buy a physical copy.
After the first few listens, I...
DISLIKE the title track. Like the beginning, but then it gets messy and too long. Not too crazy about Black Metal, but it's sort of charming me a bit.
LIKE Outta My System, First Light, Slow Slow Tune (dislike the title tho....a bit uninspired?), and You Wanna Freak Out.
LOVE Victory Dance, Movin' Away, Wonderful and The Day Is Coming.
As far as tracklist, I think maybe if Slow Slow Tune and First Light switched places, it might flow better.
Wonderful is such a beautiful song. I try to keep personal life off the internet, but my grandmother just passed tonight and I can't stop listening to this song now. It was expected, but still rough. This song just does it for me. This birds chirping, the lyrics, everything, just make it such a pleasant experience. My grandma is an extremely religious person, and though I'm not, the lyrics at the end of this song will forever remind me of her now, because of the "heaven" innuendo.
Quote from: e_wind on May 08, 2011, 11:30 PM
Wonderful is such a beautiful song. I try to keep personal life off the internet, but my grandmother just passed tonight and I can't stop listening to this song now. It was expected, but still rough. This song just does it for me. This birds chirping, the lyrics, everything, just make it such a pleasant experience. My grandma is an extremely religious person, and though I'm not, the lyrics at the end of this song will forever remind me of her now, because of the "heaven" innuendo.
That's weird that you say that. I just found out tonight that an ex is moving out of state soon, so Movin' Away has become personal to me.
Condolences on your loss...
Listen. I adore this band. I really do. I am a music junkie and can safely say that MMJ is my absolute favorite band. But I'm not being honest with myself if I don't express some disappointment in Circuital. I find myself acting as an apologist for the band in my internal dialogue when evaluating it. I WANT to love it so badly that I convince myself that certain lyrics aren't cringe-worthy or that certain songs need to be heard live to realize their full potential. The truth is that this is a good record by a great band.
Don't get me wrong, there's some outstanding stuff here. "Wonderful", which I've been listening to on bootleg from the Newport Folk Fest for years, is such a gorgeous and uplifting tune. I literally cannot wait to hear "Holdin' On to Black Metal" live. The crowd will take that to another level. "Victory Dance", "You Wanna Freak Out" and 'The Day is Coming" are all great songs. But why didn't "Friends Again" make the cut? Why have I been blasting that new Jim James and Booker T song "Progress" more than a lot of Circuital?
The truth is, I wanted this to be that undeniable classic album that would bring them the credit and accolades that they deserve. I don't think Circuital is that record. But I have all of the faith in the world that their best work is still ahead of them and that's just fine with me. I look forward to growing with this album and I'm sure I will love it over time, but I thought I should share my thoughts with you guys who love the band as much as I do.
This album is going to make a whole lot of new fans. Good lord, this is a pop masterpiece. Kids are gonna eat up "Outta My System".
Quote from: DaFunkyPrecedent on May 08, 2011, 05:58 PM
MMJ reminds me A LOT of Radiohead in this matter - they make the music the want to. Eventually people will come around to it...I mean come on, how many listens did it take everyone to finally appreciate and love "King Of Limbs"...a lot, I know.
I consider myself a Radiohead fan, and I still do not like that album.
Quote from: AlbertNiles on May 09, 2011, 12:20 AM
Listen. I adore this band. I really do. I am a music junkie and can safely say that MMJ is my absolute favorite band. But I'm not being honest with myself if I don't express some disappointment in Circuital. I find myself acting as an apologist for the band in my internal dialogue when evaluating it. I WANT to love it so badly that I convince myself that certain lyrics aren't cringe-worthy or that certain songs need to be heard live to realize their full potential. The truth is that this is a good record by a great band.
Don't get me wrong, there's some outstanding stuff here. "Wonderful", which I've been listening to on bootleg from the Newport Folk Fest for years, is such a gorgeous and uplifting tune. I literally cannot wait to hear "Holdin' On to Black Metal" live. The crowd will take that to another level. "Victory Dance", "You Wanna Freak Out" and 'The Day is Coming" are all great songs. But why didn't "Friends Again" make the cut? Why have I been blasting that new Jim James and Booker T song "Progress" more than a lot of Circuital?
The truth is, I wanted this to be that undeniable classic album that would bring them the credit and accolades that they deserve. I don't think Circuital is that record. But I have all of the faith in the world that their best work is still ahead of them and that's just fine with me. I look forward to growing with this album and I'm sure I will love it over time, but I thought I should share my thoughts with you guys who love the band as much as I do.
this is exactly how I feel...and the Booker T song with Jim just makes me wish Circuital sounded like that...best song he will do all year.
Quote from: AlbertNiles on May 09, 2011, 12:20 AM
Listen. I adore this band. I really do. I am a music junkie and can safely say that MMJ is my absolute favorite band. But I'm not being honest with myself if I don't express some disappointment in Circuital. I find myself acting as an apologist for the band in my internal dialogue when evaluating it. I WANT to love it so badly that I convince myself that certain lyrics aren't cringe-worthy or that certain songs need to be heard live to realize their full potential. The truth is that this is a good record by a great band.
Pretty much. I understand how MMJ are more of a live band than a studio one but all this 'it'll sound great live!' shit is annoying. Some of us live in Europe! All we really have are the records and it's these we will return to, not the live shows.
James has always been capable of cheesy lyrics but I think there are more on EU (Librarian! Left foot, right foot!) and Circuital than before. Personally I don't think MMJ have ever mastered or understood the studio and generally producers, even John leckie, haven't got the best out of them. A conundrum for sure.
Having said that I edited some of the tracks and sequenced them differently and the album works better that way....
Victory Dance
The Day Is Coming
Outta My System
Slow Slow Tune
Black Metal
First Light
You Wanna Freak Out
Movin' Away
A lot more satisfying. Shame they didn't include Friends Again as I think it's stronger than a couple of tracks there.
Quote from: Robbman on May 09, 2011, 08:13 AM
Quote from: DaFunkyPrecedent on May 08, 2011, 05:58 PM
MMJ reminds me A LOT of Radiohead in this matter - they make the music the want to. Eventually people will come around to it...I mean come on, how many listens did it take everyone to finally appreciate and love "King Of Limbs"...a lot, I know.
I consider myself a Radiohead fan, and I still do not like that album.
But what is the reason you do not like it? Because it's Dubstep? Or because the songs are bad?
King Of Limbs is fucking shit. An album of b sides frankly.
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 09:49 AM
James has always been capable of cheesy lyrics but I think there are more on EU (Librarian! Left foot, right foot!) and Circuital than before. Personally I don't think MMJ have ever mastered or understood the studio and generally producers, even John leckie, haven't got the best out of them. A conundrum for sure.
Having said that I edited some of the tracks and sequenced them differently and the album works better that way....
Victory Dance
The Day Is Coming
Outta My System
Slow Slow Tune
Black Metal
First Light
You Wanna Freak Out
Movin' Away
I couldn't agree more with your observations.
I appreciate you re-working the sequence of the new songs, too. I have yet to hear the album, but as soon as I download it (probably illegally) I'm going to sequence it in the order you suggested.
Thanks, man. :thumbsup:
Fuck, such corrosive wit!
If you somehow have the will power to not (yawn) illegally download (I'm sure you've never done anything illegal in your life of course) the album then maybe you should stop opening threads where the simple expression of peoples thoughts bothers you so much.
It really fucking bugs you, eh? ;D
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 12:13 PM
Fuck, such corrosive wit!
If you somehow have the will power to not (yawn) illegally download (I'm sure you've never done anything illegal in your life of course) the album then maybe you should stop opening threads where the simple expression of peoples thoughts bothers you so much.
It really fucking bugs you, eh? ;D
Seriously, though. What/who is this in reference to?
Tracy 2112
Circuital is a horrible closer.
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 11:03 AM
King Of Limbs is fucking shit. An album of b sides frankly.
I was in the same camp until one day - completely sober, mind you - it just opened up for me. Once I realized that it was my expectations getting in the way of enjoying it all of the sudden I could appreciate it on its own terms. And I can say the same thing for Circuital...once I put aside any hope that it would be their magnum opus I realized that it was a very enjoyable album.
All that said, neither band is likely to top The Bends/OK Computer or ISM/Z.
Quote from: Tennessee Jed on May 09, 2011, 12:26 PM
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 11:03 AM
King Of Limbs is fucking shit. An album of b sides frankly.
I was in the same camp until one day - completely sober, mind you - it just opened up for me. Once I realized that it was my expectations getting in the way of enjoying it all of the sudden I could appreciate it on its own terms. And I can say the same thing for Circuital...once I put aside any hope that it would be their magnum opus I realized that it was a very enjoyable album.
All that said, neither band is likely to top The Bends/OK Computer or ISM/Z.
I'll try again one day but not anytime soon to be honest. I don't think it's even close to In Rainbows.
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 12:13 PM
Fuck, such corrosive wit!
If you somehow have the will power to not (yawn) illegally download (I'm sure you've never done anything illegal in your life of course) the album then maybe you should stop opening threads where the simple expression of peoples thoughts bothers you so much.
It really fucking bugs you, eh? ;D
It's just sarcasm, man. Chill...
You are free to post your silly ideas how MMJ doesn't know how to use a studio and put their songs in proper sequence, and I am free to post sarcastic rebuttals.
Be safe out there :)
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on May 09, 2011, 12:56 PM
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 12:13 PM
Fuck, such corrosive wit!
If you somehow have the will power to not (yawn) illegally download (I'm sure you've never done anything illegal in your life of course) the album then maybe you should stop opening threads where the simple expression of peoples thoughts bothers you so much.
It really fucking bugs you, eh? ;D
It's just sarcasm, man. Chill...
You are free to post your silly ideas how MMJ doesn't know how to use a studio and put their songs in proper sequence, and I am free to post sarcastic rebuttals.
Be safe out there :)
Tracy you need to be careful...these new members are very sensative...
TAFKAGB...that track list order sucks...just like a straw...you must not have finished school
I think the album works wonderfully...I've had it on repeat all weekend and Moving Away into Victory Dance is very nice.
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on May 09, 2011, 12:56 PM
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 12:13 PM
Fuck, such corrosive wit!
If you somehow have the will power to not (yawn) illegally download (I'm sure you've never done anything illegal in your life of course) the album then maybe you should stop opening threads where the simple expression of peoples thoughts bothers you so much.
It really fucking bugs you, eh? ;D
It's just sarcasm, man. Chill...
You are free to post your silly ideas how MMJ doesn't know how to use a studio and put their songs in proper sequence, and I am free to post sarcastic rebuttals.
Be safe out there :)
This is what I'm sayin. It's funny to hear people say that the professional multi million dollar band doesn't know what they're doing. There is a difference between bad and dislike, just sayin.
Quote from: Bigsky on May 09, 2011, 01:27 PM
Tracy you need to be careful...these new members are very sensative...
TAFKAGB...that track list order sucks...just like a straw...you must not have finished school
I think the album works wonderfully...I've had it on repeat all weekend and Moving Away into Victory Dance is very nice.
This is too beautiful. Judging by your spelling and grammar neither did you my learned friend. It's 'sensitive' and if you're going to use analogies at least make them fucking analogies.
Oh, and Victory Dance is not preceded by Movin' Away.
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 06:01 PM
and if you're going to use analogies at least make them fucking analogies.
It's like a monkey fucking a football. :-\
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 06:01 PM
Quote from: Bigsky on May 09, 2011, 01:27 PM
Tracy you need to be careful...these new members are very sensative...
TAFKAGB...that track list order sucks...just like a straw...you must not have finished school
I think the album works wonderfully...I've had it on repeat all weekend and Moving Away into Victory Dance is very nice.
This is too beautiful. Judging by your spelling and grammar neither did you my learned friend. It's 'sensitive' and if you're going to use analogies at least make them fucking analogies.
Oh, and Victory Dance is not preceded by Movin' Away.
dude, your an idiot. it's very pleasant around here, so please don't come here to just be an asshole. also, what our friend Big was saying, is that ON REPEAT, VD follows Movin' Away.
Quote from: e_wind on May 09, 2011, 03:13 PM
This is what I'm sayin. It's funny to hear people say that the professional multi million dollar band doesn't know what they're doing. There is a difference between bad and dislike, just sayin.
Multi million dollar? Riiiiight. I'll pretend they are massively successful to back up a non existent argument as if their success has anything to do with the point in question. Of course, how stupid of me, bands never get production wrong, do they? I mean, it's not like U2, a true multi million dollar band didn't fuck up with Pop, did they? Oh, no, they got it right! After all, they are a.....'professional multi million dollar band'. Some bands never properly master the studio and consequently make records that sound crap. Husker Du is a perfect example: GREAT albums, lousy production and they did that consistently throughout their career. It does happen. Christ, listen to Remnants and tell me the production is good! It's horribly sterile, stiff and removes any sense of rhythm the band has. EU is full of moments like that. Z was better but still sounded slightly parched at times.
I would also argue this problem is more common these days because you have artists not used to working in
proper studios and without decent engineers who actually know what they're doing. I've seen in first person bands struggle to make records sound like they want them to; it's far from an easy process recording musicians and is dependant on several factors. Furthermore they only make albums every few years so they lack the fairly
consistent experience bands had in the 60's, for example. MMJ are a live band who tour a LOT. The studio is not their preferred environment and it shows I think. That's all I'm saying but judging by the reactions you'd think I'd declared the world was run by shape shifting, lizard aliens who eat babies!
Quote from: e_wind on May 09, 2011, 06:08 PM
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 06:01 PM
Quote from: Bigsky on May 09, 2011, 01:27 PM
Tracy you need to be careful...these new members are very sensative...
TAFKAGB...that track list order sucks...just like a straw...you must not have finished school
I think the album works wonderfully...I've had it on repeat all weekend and Moving Away into Victory Dance is very nice.
This is too beautiful. Judging by your spelling and grammar neither did you my learned friend. It's 'sensitive' and if you're going to use analogies at least make them fucking analogies.
Oh, and Victory Dance is not preceded by Movin' Away.
dude, your an idiot. it's very pleasant around here, so please don't come here to just be an asshole. also, what our friend Big was saying, is that ON REPEAT, VD follows Movin' Away.
If someone has a dig saying I didn't finish school then proceeds to type a post with spelling mistakes and an analogy that isn't one am I not allowed to take the piss a bit?
Of course, I'M the idiot! You're the one who's calling people names, mate.
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 06:11 PM
Quote from: e_wind on May 09, 2011, 06:08 PM
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 06:01 PM
Quote from: Bigsky on May 09, 2011, 01:27 PM
Tracy you need to be careful...these new members are very sensative...
TAFKAGB...that track list order sucks...just like a straw...you must not have finished school
I think the album works wonderfully...I've had it on repeat all weekend and Moving Away into Victory Dance is very nice.
This is too beautiful. Judging by your spelling and grammar neither did you my learned friend. It's 'sensitive' and if you're going to use analogies at least make them fucking analogies.
Oh, and Victory Dance is not preceded by Movin' Away.
dude, your an idiot. it's very pleasant around here, so please don't come here to just be an asshole. also, what our friend Big was saying, is that ON REPEAT, VD follows Movin' Away.
If someone has a dig saying I didn't finish school then proceeds to type a post with spelling mistakes and an analogy that isn't one am I not allowed to take the piss a bit?
Of course, I'M the idiot! You're the one who's using names.
ha a dig
A dig is a mild prod. Calling me an 'idiot' is different and I haven't done that.
I don't care if you call me an idiot, by the way, just pointing out the hypocrisy.
TAFKAGB, your posts read like you should be typing in ALL CAPS.
chill 8)
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 06:08 PM
Multi million dollar? Riiiiight. I'll pretend they are massively successful to back up a non existent argument as if their success has anything to do with the point in question...The studio is not their preferred environment and it shows I think. That's all I'm saying but judging by the reactions you'd think I'd declared the world was run by shape shifting, lizard aliens who eat babies!
Wow, walked in the door looking for an argument, got one and then acts offended. Only on the interweb...not really it happens everywhere these days. Guess that's why I'm enjoying the overall hopeful vibe I receive with every listen for the 45 minutes or so this new album lasts; it's a brief escape from everything else. Maybe that's what the band is really after, but I'm sure I'm just a simpleton who doesn't really know what's up.
I AM chilled! I am smoking JOINTS.
Here, pass it round but DON'T bogart the fucking thing and, sorry, but it's SIDELINING a bit.
Quote from: Running Oz on May 09, 2011, 06:24 PM
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 06:08 PM
Multi million dollar? Riiiiight. I'll pretend they are massively successful to back up a non existent argument as if their success has anything to do with the point in question...The studio is not their preferred environment and it shows I think. That's all I'm saying but judging by the reactions you'd think I'd declared the world was run by shape shifting, lizard aliens who eat babies!
Wow, walked in the door looking for an argument, got one and then acts offended. Only on the interweb...not really it happens everywhere these days. Guess that's why I'm enjoying the overall hopeful vibe I receive with every listen for the 45 minutes or so this new album lasts; it's a brief escape from everything else. Maybe that's what the band is really after, but I'm sure I'm just a simpleton who doesn't really know what's up.
Trust your instincts.
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 06:08 PM
I would also argue this problem is more common these days because you have artists not used to working in proper studios and without decent engineers who actually know what they're doing. I've seen in first person bands struggle to make records sound like they want them to; it's far from an easy process recording musicians and is dependant on several factors.
<Season's Restaurant>
David: I hate to keep harping on this, but I think that the
notion of a black album has really cursed us, in a way.
Ian: Believe me, we're getting some very substantial reports
of airplay. I don't think we have to worry about that.
TAFKAGB: You know, it might have been better if the, uh, album had
been mixed right.
David: Well I suppose you could cry about that, of course it's
true. I mean it's true.
TAFKAGB: It wasn't...it was mixed all wrong, wasn't it?
Nigel: It was mixed wrong?
TAFKAGB: Yeah....
Nigel: Were you there?
TAFKAGB: ...you couldn't hear the...
Nigel: How do you know it was mixed wrong?
David: But she's...she's heard the...she's heard the record.
TAFKAGB: No, but I've heard the album.
Nigel: So you're judgement is it was mixed wrong.
TAFKAGB: You couldn't hear the lyrics on all of it.
David: You don't agree that you can't hear the vocals?
Nigel: No, I don't. I do not agree. No.
David: Well I think maybe....
Nigel: It's interesting that she's bringing it up.
David: Well she'd like to hear the vocals.
Nigel: I mean it's like it's me saying, you know, you're using
the wrong conditioner for your hair. It looks sort of...
David: Don't be stupid.
TAFKAGB: You don't, you don't do heavy metal in dobly, you know,
I Mean...it's
Nigel: In what??? In what???
TAFKAGB: In dobly...
Nigel: In doubly!?! What's that?
David: She means Dolby, alright? She means Dolby, you know?
You know perfectly well what she means.
Nigel: ...ha ha...
David: We shan't recover from this one. We shan't recover from
this one.
let's not start quoting that particular film or we'll be here all night.
Quote from: TAFKAGB
Oh, and Victory Dance is not preceded by Movin' Away.
lol you dum and you're trac list suks
(I lef plenty of speling errers and gramer mistaiks here intetionally, that way you can atack me for speling and gramor instead of addressing how you can't comprehend a simple fucking sentance)
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 06:08 PM
Quote from: e_wind on May 09, 2011, 03:13 PM
This is what I'm sayin. It's funny to hear people say that the professional multi million dollar band doesn't know what they're doing. There is a difference between bad and dislike, just sayin.
Multi million dollar? Riiiiight. I'll pretend they are massively successful to back up a non existent argument as if their success has anything to do with the point in question. Of course, how stupid of me, bands never get production wrong, do they? I mean, it's not like U2, a true multi million dollar band didn't fuck up with Pop, did they? Oh, no, they got it right! After all, they are a.....'professional multi million dollar band'. Some bands never properly master the studio and consequently make records that sound crap. Husker Du is a perfect example: GREAT albums, lousy production and they did that consistently throughout their career. It does happen. Christ, listen to Remnants and tell me the production is good! It's horribly sterile, stiff and removes any sense of rhythm the band has. EU is full of moments like that. Z was better but still sounded slightly parched at times.
I would also argue this problem is more common these days because you have artists not used to working in proper studios and without decent engineers who actually know what they're doing. I've seen in first person bands struggle to make records sound like they want them to; it's far from an easy process recording musicians and is dependant on several factors. Furthermore they only make albums every few years so they lack the fairly consistent experience bands had in the 60's, for example. MMJ are a live band who tour a LOT. The studio is not their preferred environment and it shows I think. That's all I'm saying but judging by the reactions you'd think I'd declared the world was run by shape shifting, lizard aliens who eat babies!
listen n00b, your track order blew hard, deal with it. It's funny you mention the production on Z and Evil Urges. Z was produced by the guy who recorded "The Bends" and Evil Urges was recorded by the dude who recorded Zappa and some other people. All the other records the band self produced if memory serves me right, and now circuital, another self-produced album. a different group of people made circuital, it's not the same production team that did evil urges or Z. It's cool to not like something but shit mang, no need to dis people's grammar and spelling, that's the lowest blow of all. plus it increases your chances of getting hit in the nuts if we're ever at a show together.
Quote from: BigHerm on May 09, 2011, 06:56 PM
Quote from: TAFKAGB
Oh, and Victory Dance is not preceded by Movin' Away.
lol you dum and you're trac list suks
(I lef plenty of speling errers and gramer mistaiks here intetionally, that way you can atack me for speling and gramor instead of addressing how you can't comprehend a simple fucking sentance)
haha you're post sux!
The man said Victory Dance follows Movin' Away but it doesn't. One is the opening track and the other is the closer and that's a fact. Look at the tracklisting moron LOL! You're logic sux!!
Of course he meant if you have it on repeat but he didn't say that, did he? So clearly I CAN comprehend a sentence, Sir.
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 11:03 AM
King Of Limbs is fucking shit. An album of b sides frankly.
really? to me it's pretty solid. I could do without Give Up The Ghost, but the rest, particularly Bloom are pretty great. These Are My Twisted Words, Harry Patch, Supercollider, and The Butcher make it a little more fun.
now that I know what's going on this thread is becoming kinda legendary.
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on May 09, 2011, 06:58 PM
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 06:08 PM
Quote from: e_wind on May 09, 2011, 03:13 PM
This is what I'm sayin. It's funny to hear people say that the professional multi million dollar band doesn't know what they're doing. There is a difference between bad and dislike, just sayin.
Multi million dollar? Riiiiight. I'll pretend they are massively successful to back up a non existent argument as if their success has anything to do with the point in question. Of course, how stupid of me, bands never get production wrong, do they? I mean, it's not like U2, a true multi million dollar band didn't fuck up with Pop, did they? Oh, no, they got it right! After all, they are a.....'professional multi million dollar band'. Some bands never properly master the studio and consequently make records that sound crap. Husker Du is a perfect example: GREAT albums, lousy production and they did that consistently throughout their career. It does happen. Christ, listen to Remnants and tell me the production is good! It's horribly sterile, stiff and removes any sense of rhythm the band has. EU is full of moments like that. Z was better but still sounded slightly parched at times.
I would also argue this problem is more common these days because you have artists not used to working in proper studios and without decent engineers who actually know what they're doing. I've seen in first person bands struggle to make records sound like they want them to; it's far from an easy process recording musicians and is dependant on several factors. Furthermore they only make albums every few years so they lack the fairly consistent experience bands had in the 60's, for example. MMJ are a live band who tour a LOT. The studio is not their preferred environment and it shows I think. That's all I'm saying but judging by the reactions you'd think I'd declared the world was run by shape shifting, lizard aliens who eat babies!
listen n00b, your track order blew hard, deal with it. It's funny you mention the production on Z and Evil Urges. Z was produced by the guy who recorded "The Bends" and Evil Urges was recorded by the dude who recorded Zappa and some other people. All the other records the band self produced if memory serves me right, and now circuital, another self-produced album. a different group of people made circuital, it's not the same production team that did evil urges or Z. It's cool to not like something but shit mang, no need to dis people's grammar and spelling, that's the lowest blow of all. plus it increases your chances of getting hit in the nuts if we're ever at a show together.
I like you. You've got spunk.
First of all....
1. I am not a NOOB but registered 4 years before you NOOOOOOOOOOOOB so suck my withered teats, sonny jim.
2. My tracklisting did indeed BLOW HARD and I can only aplogise. What a total cunt!
3. John leckie is indeed a notable producer but that doesn't mean he did a great job with MMJ, does it? I don't dislike the production, I just find it a little flat sometimes. A personal thing, maybe but such an opinion isn't heresy for crying out loud. You think Remnants sounds good? Really? Again, there are so many factors involved in these things to assume that by simply having a name producer with a track record will result in sonic glory is wrong, of course. Life ain't that simple.
I only dissed his spelling after he mentioned 'school'. Seemed an obvious thing to do. Cheap? For sure but I'm not above such things, I admit, and it was simply too tempting. Apologies.
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on May 09, 2011, 07:04 PM
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 11:03 AM
King Of Limbs is fucking shit. An album of b sides frankly.
really? to me it's pretty solid. I could do without Give Up The Ghost, but the rest, particularly Bloom are pretty great. These Are My Twisted Words, Harry Patch, Supercollider, and The Butcher make it a little more fun.
There's two really good songs on there - Codex and Lotus Flower - and even those are hardly 'great' by their standards. The rest is substandard though pleasant.
Quote from: TAFKAGB
Of course he meant if you have it on repeat but he didn't say that, did he? So clearly I CAN comprehend a sentence, Sir.
Oh! There is your problem. You can't fucking read. :D
Go back and read it again, and again...and again.
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 07:18 PM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on May 09, 2011, 06:58 PM
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 06:08 PM
Quote from: e_wind on May 09, 2011, 03:13 PM
This is what I'm sayin. It's funny to hear people say that the professional multi million dollar band doesn't know what they're doing. There is a difference between bad and dislike, just sayin.
Multi million dollar? Riiiiight. I'll pretend they are massively successful to back up a non existent argument as if their success has anything to do with the point in question. Of course, how stupid of me, bands never get production wrong, do they? I mean, it's not like U2, a true multi million dollar band didn't fuck up with Pop, did they? Oh, no, they got it right! After all, they are a.....'professional multi million dollar band'. Some bands never properly master the studio and consequently make records that sound crap. Husker Du is a perfect example: GREAT albums, lousy production and they did that consistently throughout their career. It does happen. Christ, listen to Remnants and tell me the production is good! It's horribly sterile, stiff and removes any sense of rhythm the band has. EU is full of moments like that. Z was better but still sounded slightly parched at times.
I would also argue this problem is more common these days because you have artists not used to working in proper studios and without decent engineers who actually know what they're doing. I've seen in first person bands struggle to make records sound like they want them to; it's far from an easy process recording musicians and is dependant on several factors. Furthermore they only make albums every few years so they lack the fairly consistent experience bands had in the 60's, for example. MMJ are a live band who tour a LOT. The studio is not their preferred environment and it shows I think. That's all I'm saying but judging by the reactions you'd think I'd declared the world was run by shape shifting, lizard aliens who eat babies!
listen n00b, your track order blew hard, deal with it. It's funny you mention the production on Z and Evil Urges. Z was produced by the guy who recorded "The Bends" and Evil Urges was recorded by the dude who recorded Zappa and some other people. All the other records the band self produced if memory serves me right, and now circuital, another self-produced album. a different group of people made circuital, it's not the same production team that did evil urges or Z. It's cool to not like something but shit mang, no need to dis people's grammar and spelling, that's the lowest blow of all. plus it increases your chances of getting hit in the nuts if we're ever at a show together.
I like you. You've got spunk.
First of all....
1. I am not a NOOB but registered 4 years before you NOOOOOOOOOOOOB so suck my withered teats, sonny jim.
2. My tracklisting did indeed BLOW HARD and I can only aplogise. What a total cunt!
3. John leckie is indeed a notable producer but that doesn't mean he did a great job with MMJ, does it? I don't dislike the production, I just find it a little flat sometimes. A personal thing, maybe but such an opinion isn't heresy for crying out loud. You think Remnants sounds good? Really? Again, there are so many factors involved in these things to assume that by simply having a name producer with a track record will result in sonic glory is wrong, of course. Life ain't that simple.
I only dissed his spelling after he mentioned 'school'. Seemed an obvious thing to do. Cheap? For sure but I'm not above such things, I admit, and it was simply too tempting. Apologies.
I hate the production on Evil Urges. but that's my point, I like the new one better because Jim and Co. produced it themselves and it feels more intimate.
That's true. I'm just a fussy bastard I guess.
Enjoy the album folks.
whelp, this thread has turned to shit :thumbsup:
Quote from: gardenparty on May 09, 2011, 07:42 PM
whelp, this thread has turned to shit :thumbsup:
Did you expect any different?
Quote from: DougMac on May 09, 2011, 06:11 PM
Quote from: e_wind on May 09, 2011, 06:08 PM
Quote from: TAFKAGB on May 09, 2011, 06:01 PM
Quote from: Bigsky on May 09, 2011, 01:27 PM
Tracy you need to be careful...these new members are very sensative...
TAFKAGB...that track list order sucks...just like a straw...you must not have finished school
I think the album works wonderfully...I've had it on repeat all weekend and Moving Away into Victory Dance is very nice.
This is too beautiful. Judging by your spelling and grammar neither did you my learned friend. It's 'sensitive' and if you're going to use analogies at least make them fucking analogies.
Oh, and Victory Dance is not preceded by Movin' Away.
dude, your an idiot. it's very pleasant around here, so please don't come here to just be an asshole. also, what our friend Big was saying, is that ON REPEAT, VD follows Movin' Away.
If someone has a dig saying I didn't finish school then proceeds to type a post with spelling mistakes and an analogy that isn't one am I not allowed to take the piss a bit?
Of course, I'M the idiot! You're the one who's calling people names, mate.
I'm a very sorry for the misbelling...I was at werk andd had to type vast befour the boss walked bye.
I wasn't trying to impress anyone with my analogy or comment about finishing school...the track list didn't do it for me. I think if someone actually took me seriously about saying they didn't finish school, then they're deeper problems here that I can't try to solve. I was also coming down on him because he was preaching. I don't like preachers so go fly a kite...I'm a preacher. :thumbsup:
Quote from: Ghosts_on_T5 on May 09, 2011, 07:54 PM
Quote from: gardenparty on May 09, 2011, 07:42 PM
whelp, this thread has turned to shit :thumbsup:
Did you expect any different?
This is like deja vu from 3 years ago only no Bluntmasta (even though he's grown up now and plays well with others).
Quote from: DougMac on May 09, 2011, 07:03 PM
Quote from: BigHerm on May 09, 2011, 06:56 PM
Quote from: TAFKAGB
Oh, and Victory Dance is not preceded by Movin' Away.
lol you dum and you're trac list suks
(I lef plenty of speling errers and gramer mistaiks here intetionally, that way you can atack me for speling and gramor instead of addressing how you can't comprehend a simple fucking sentance)
haha you're post sux!
The man said Victory Dance follows Movin' Away but it doesn't. One is the opening track and the other is the closer and that's a fact. Look at the tracklisting moron LOL! You're logic sux!!
Of course he meant if you have it on repeat but he didn't say that, did he? So clearly I CAN comprehend a sentence, Sir.
I know you are just a guest...so I'll try to be nice...did you read my entire post that started this? I clearly stated "I think the album works wonderfully...I've had it on repeat all weekend and Moving Away into Victory Dance is very nice."
So kiss my jacket!
Quote from: Darklands on May 09, 2011, 08:37 PM
Quote from: Ghosts_on_T5 on May 09, 2011, 07:54 PM
Quote from: gardenparty on May 09, 2011, 07:42 PM
whelp, this thread has turned to shit :thumbsup:
Did you expect any different?
This is like deja vu from 3 years ago only no Bluntmasta (even though he's grown up now and plays well with others).
it was bluntmaster. and you're not too far off. This thread has just been ravaged by the goat. TAFKAGB is Goat Boy. he's a nice dude but I think his schtick is too edgy for you squares.
no worries...it's all circuital
Who's loving the lyrics on this album? JJ is the man when it comes to making me all soft...Wonderful is always making my eyes feel weird.
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on May 09, 2011, 08:47 PM
Quote from: Darklands on May 09, 2011, 08:37 PM
Quote from: Ghosts_on_T5 on May 09, 2011, 07:54 PM
Quote from: gardenparty on May 09, 2011, 07:42 PM
whelp, this thread has turned to shit :thumbsup:
Did you expect any different?
This is like deja vu from 3 years ago only no Bluntmasta (even though he's grown up now and plays well with others).
it was bluntmaster. and you're not too far off. This thread has just been ravaged by the goat. TAFKAGB is Goat Boy. he's a nice dude but I think his schtick is too edgy for you squares.
No way!? Goat Boy from Scotland? What's up? Ahh memories of Camera Obscura at the Tunnels in Aberdeen in '06. Wait, am I all wrong?
Quote from: Ruckus on May 09, 2011, 09:15 PM
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on May 09, 2011, 08:47 PM
Quote from: Darklands on May 09, 2011, 08:37 PM
Quote from: Ghosts_on_T5 on May 09, 2011, 07:54 PM
Quote from: gardenparty on May 09, 2011, 07:42 PM
whelp, this thread has turned to shit :thumbsup:
Did you expect any different?
This is like deja vu from 3 years ago only no Bluntmasta (even though he's grown up now and plays well with others).
it was bluntmaster. and you're not too far off. This thread has just been ravaged by the goat. TAFKAGB is Goat Boy. he's a nice dude but I think his schtick is too edgy for you squares.
No way!? Goat Boy from Scotland? What's up? Ahh memories of Camera Obscura at the Tunnels in Aberdeen in '06. Wait, am I all wrong?
And Sticky, you will always be Bluntmasta. I refuse to use ER.
I'm not sure where he's from, he's goat boy, or was previously in another life and that's all that matters. a legend or myth, like mist from a fog or a shadow that follows you. he got banned and he got banned hard. then he went to Amsterdam or something and until today that's all I've heard of the mysterious goat. some say he was a revolutionary, others say a traitor. one must never let their guard down in the presence of such a beast.
Quote from: DougMac on May 09, 2011, 06:08 PM
Quote from: e_wind on May 09, 2011, 03:13 PM
This is what I'm sayin. It's funny to hear people say that the professional multi million dollar band doesn't know what they're doing. There is a difference between bad and dislike, just sayin.
Multi million dollar? Riiiiight. I'll pretend they are massively successful to back up a non existent argument as if their success has anything to do with the point in question. Of course, how stupid of me, bands never get production wrong, do they? I mean, it's not like U2, a true multi million dollar band didn't fuck up with Pop, did they? Oh, no, they got it right! After all, they are a.....'professional multi million dollar band'. Some bands never properly master the studio and consequently make records that sound crap. Husker Du is a perfect example: GREAT albums, lousy production and they did that consistently throughout their career. It does happen. Christ, listen to Remnants and tell me the production is good! It's horribly sterile, stiff and removes any sense of rhythm the band has. EU is full of moments like that. Z was better but still sounded slightly parched at times.
I would also argue this problem is more common these days because you have artists not used to working in proper studios and without decent engineers who actually know what they're doing. I've seen in first person bands struggle to make records sound like they want them to; it's far from an easy process recording musicians and is dependant on several factors. Furthermore they only make albums every few years so they lack the fairly consistent experience bands had in the 60's, for example. MMJ are a live band who tour a LOT. The studio is not their preferred environment and it shows I think. That's all I'm saying but judging by the reactions you'd think I'd declared the world was run by shape shifting, lizard aliens who eat babies!
So you're saying that My Morning Jacket doesn't have an overall income of more than 1,000,000 dollars? You're wrong, plain and simple. I'd like to know what your job is, or where you've spent the majority of your adult life, because you knowan awful lot about production and album making in general. I get the feeling that successful people in the music industry don't spend a lot of time arguing of the production style or set list of an album that they have nothing to do with. ;)
Well, that was mighty painful. Not sure what the hell happened, but back to our regularly scheduled program, already in progress.
Likin' this more and more each time, probably listen to it 2-3 times a day. I might need an intervention. I understand some of the negative reactions, but free your mind of all bullshit and you'll really enjoy it.
I've been intriqued by something Jim's been doing vocally since at least early 2010, putting hard emphasis on concluding consonants at the end of verses. He doesn't do it consistently, but here are some examples, from Victory Dance:
"My good work" "the meek" "you should work"
I'm also finding the tempo shifts or something happens to the vocal sync with the melody in The Day is Coming, subtle and challenging, keeps you on your toes. I'm sure I'm not making any sense here.
And First Light will explode on stage! Much louder, heavier fuzz bass, and a killer light show!!!
And don't forget, Mountain Jammers, Preservation Hall Jazz Band is playing right before Grace Potter and MMJ's sets, so we got some horns at the ready!
Hell yeah!
If TAFKAGB really were Goat Boy, he's cleaned up his posting style. No more multi-paragraph posts with deeply personal attacks on forum members...
Just sayin, could be a lot worse. ;)
Jesus..I leave for a weekend and come home to this bull shit??
Get over it people - Radiohead and My Morning Jacket both rule. They make great albums. King of Limbs is a good album. Circuital is a good album. Both albums are gonna be explosive live. "ohhhh productions style", "ohhhh song order", "ohhhh Jim's voiiiiice" "ohhhhhhh album length" "ohhhhhhh I want the ooooold sound". I beg you to silence yourself and learn to enjoy it.
And new people...behave!
Ladies and gentlemen, this thread has gone critical.
As proof, I submit to you johnYYac, who has re-railed the conversation back to point. A feat long-rumored, but none thought possible. And he did it without the help of the Large Hadron Collider to prove this theoretical possibility.
You might even say this thread is now circuital.
Quote from: The DARK on May 09, 2011, 11:52 PM
If TAFKAGB really were Goat Boy, he's cleaned up his posting style. No more multi-paragraph posts with deeply personal attacks on forum members...
Just sayin, could be a lot worse. ;)
This place just got even gayerrrrr. :P
damn birthers, can't you just take my word for it? here:
subject: goat boy
« Sent to: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on: May 09, 2011, 06:51 PM »
« You have forwarded or responded to this message. »
Reply with quote
arite man,
it's goat boy here....we spoke a bit a few years back before I was banned from the board!
Jesuschrist. I came here to read many other views and opinions about the brand new album, but this thread has become messy and shameful.
;D Goat Boy's still worked up 'cause I whupped his ass in the Desert Island Draft! This all makes sense now!
I think he lived in the Netherlands...still might.
Quote from: bbill on May 10, 2011, 09:05 AM
;D Goat Boy's still worked up 'cause I whupped his ass in the Desert Island Draft! This all makes sense now!
I think he lived in the Netherlands...still might.
;D That was grandpaboy dude
Quote from: Ruckus on May 10, 2011, 09:11 AM
Quote from: bbill on May 10, 2011, 09:05 AM
;D Goat Boy's still worked up 'cause I whupped his ass in the Desert Island Draft! This all makes sense now!
I think he lived in the Netherlands...still might.
;D That was grandpaboy dude
;D Wrong boy! Thanks for setting me straight. ;D
Grandpaboy, if you read this, I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Please. Forgive me.
Quote from: johnnYYac on May 09, 2011, 11:07 PM
Well, that was mighty painful. Not sure what the hell happened, but back to our regularly scheduled program, already in progress.
Likin' this more and more each time, probably listen to it 2-3 times a day. I might need an intervention. I understand some of the negative reactions, but free your mind of all bullshit and you'll really enjoy it.
I've been intriqued by something Jim's been doing vocally since at least early 2010, putting hard emphasis on concluding consonants at the end of verses. He doesn't do it consistently, but here are some examples, from Victory Dance:
"My good work" "the meek" "you should work"
I'm also finding the tempo shifts or something happens to the vocal sync with the melody in The Day is Coming, subtle and challenging, keeps you on your toes. I'm sure I'm not making any sense here.
And First Light will explode on stage! Much louder, heavier fuzz bass, and a killer light show!!!
And don't forget, Mountain Jammers, Preservation Hall Jazz Band is playing right before Grace Potter and MMJ's sets, so we got some horns at the ready!
Hell yeah!
I think I'm enjoying this album so much, because I never have any assumptions when listening to a new album...I am able to listen to it without thinking about previous releases and just enjoy it for being new and different. I have also become accustom to MMJ music sounding very different live. Being brainwashed by MMJ also helps...I'll enjoy anything they do.
The only track that I'm still not loving is "Outta My System"...I wish it was played louder and a bit quicker and not so friendly.
I am loving how JJ is playing with the K's in VD...he is always bending the English language.
I also notice on a couple of the tracks that Patrick seems to be dragging the beat and slowing things down...just for a couple seconds and he picks it back up...it's very subtle, but it tends to play with me ears.
As a whole, I think "Circuital" is a pretty solid album, albeit one with a more laid back send off. To be fair most MMJ albums end with a slow song or two just like this one, yet those previous albums' closing tracks tend the be a bit more epic. Going out a bit more laid back this time makes sense. But I still can't shake the feeling...that I want one more good scream to the heavens before the album ends. Oh well.
I honestly do miss the guitars. They are still there, but they aren't front and center like the older songs. And that's not a bad thing. Rather than being hamstrung by having to center each song around them, the band seems to have relegated them to just another one of their weapons. It's more about creating a good song, than a good "rock" song. And I can respect that. But, I seriously wouldn't mind a couple more solos thrown in here and there. I like rock n roll, what can I say?
Overall production and sound is really tight and really suits the band. Sounds a bit like Z and I love that album's sound.
Lastly, I'm not really getting all the non-love for "Outta My System" at all. I think it's the best song on the album BY FAR. I don't think it sounds anything like MOF. Sounds like a newer Gideon to me. And I think it's going to grab a bunch of people by the balls when it's unleashed in concert.
Also, I'm thinking the leaked version is incomplete...seems that maybe some of the mixing/mastering wasn't finished in addition to the incomplete "YWFO". Can't wait to hear the final version...when I buy it.
It Still Moves is their worst album because One in the Same is so slow and boring and not One Big Holiday
I don't wanna be "this guy" but I always did think OBH would make a bested album
Opener than mahgeeta
No, Z is the worst album because Dondante should have been put on Evil Urges to make it better and then Anytime should have been the closer because that's what they did on tour. And to fill up space on Z they could have added "chiils" and "where to begin". God, I should be in this band.
Quote from: SplatSplatSplat on May 10, 2011, 12:02 PM
As a whole, I think "Circuital" is a pretty solid album, albeit one with a more laid back send off. To be fair most MMJ albums end with a slow song or two just like this one, yet those previous albums' closing tracks tend the be a bit more epic. Going out a bit more laid back this time makes sense. But I still can't shake the feeling...that I want one more good scream to the heavens before the album ends. Oh well.
I honestly do miss the guitars. They are still there, but they aren't front and center like the older songs. And that's not a bad thing. Rather than being hamstrung by having to center each song around them, the band seems to have relegated them to just another one of their weapons. It's more about creating a good song, than a good "rock" song. And I can respect that. But, I seriously wouldn't mind a couple more solos thrown in here and there. I like rock n roll, what can I say?
Overall production and sound is really tight and really suits the band. Sounds a bit like Z and I love that album's sound.
Lastly, I'm not really getting all the non-love for "Outta My System" at all. I think it's the best song on the album BY FAR. I don't think it sounds anything like MOF. Sounds like a newer Gideon to me. And I think it's going to grab a bunch of people by the balls when it's unleashed in concert.
Also, I'm thinking the leaked version is incomplete...seems that maybe some of the mixing/mastering wasn't finished in addition to the incomplete "YWFO". Can't wait to hear the final version...when I buy it.
and you're wrong. Outta My System = MOF
This thread reminds me of the argument skit on Monty Python:
http://youtu.be/teMlv3ripSM (http://youtu.be/teMlv3ripSM) (No idea how to embed the video).
Holy shit! I'm so glad I decided to read through those 12 pages?! :D
I was late to the forum party and missed all the fun after EU. Is this just a sample of what we have to look forward to after the 31st when the album is officially released?
I've always wondered why people join the forum for the sole purpose of ragging on a new album. From what I hear, there were a bunch of new members who joined to give their 'expert' opinions on EU and now it appears that trend is starting over again with Circuital?! ::)
As for the new record, well, I caved and decided to download the leak! Couldn't resist the urge to become acclimated with the new music before seeing them on the 31st. :beer: I also figured I've already purchased the album when I joined Roll Call, so why pass up the opportunity to enjoy this new record for an extra 3 weeks! 8) I downloaded it last Friday and, like Johnny I can't stop listening to it!
Quote from: Bigsky on May 10, 2011, 10:37 AM
Quote from: johnnYYac on May 09, 2011, 11:07 PM
Well, that was mighty painful. Not sure what the hell happened, but back to our regularly scheduled program, already in progress.
Likin' this more and more each time, probably listen to it 2-3 times a day. I might need an intervention. I understand some of the negative reactions, but free your mind of all bullshit and you'll really enjoy it.
I've been intriqued by something Jim's been doing vocally since at least early 2010, putting hard emphasis on concluding consonants at the end of verses. He doesn't do it consistently, but here are some examples, from Victory Dance:
"My good work" "the meek" "you should work"
I'm also finding the tempo shifts or something happens to the vocal sync with the melody in The Day is Coming, subtle and challenging, keeps you on your toes. I'm sure I'm not making any sense here.
And First Light will explode on stage! Much louder, heavier fuzz bass, and a killer light show!!!
I think Im enjoying this album so much, because I never have any assumptions when listening to a new album
I am able to listen to it without thinking about previous releases and just enjoy it for being new and different. I have also become accustom to MMJ music sounding very different live. Being brainwashed by MMJ also helps
Ill enjoy anything they do.
The only track that Im still not loving is Outta My System
I wish it was played louder and a bit quicker and not so friendly.
I am loving how JJ is playing with the K's in VD...he is always bending the English language.
I also notice on a couple of the tracks that Patrick seems to be dragging the beat and slowing things down...just for a couple seconds and he picks it back up...it's very subtle, but it tends to play with me ears.
Well said by both of you! Thanks for at least attempting to steer this thread back to some normalcy! BigSky, I could not agree more with your opinion. I totally feel the same way! I had no assumptions as to what to expect from this album. My first listen, I was in my car with the music cranked and I was just happy as hell to be listening to some new tunes by my favorite fucking band! I wasn't thinking about what songs are too slow, or how the track order doesn't work or what songs I did or didn't like! I was just HAPPY! 8)
BTW, maybe a more appropriate name for the album for some of you would have been Critical instead of Circuital!
SPIN Review 8/10
http://www.spin.com/reviews/my-morning-jacket-circuital-ato (http://www.spin.com/reviews/my-morning-jacket-circuital-ato)
Quote from: DaFunkyPrecedent on May 10, 2011, 01:33 PM
Quote from: SplatSplatSplat on May 10, 2011, 12:02 PM
As a whole, I think "Circuital" is a pretty solid album, albeit one with a more laid back send off. To be fair most MMJ albums end with a slow song or two just like this one, yet those previous albums' closing tracks tend the be a bit more epic. Going out a bit more laid back this time makes sense. But I still can't shake the feeling...that I want one more good scream to the heavens before the album ends. Oh well.
I honestly do miss the guitars. They are still there, but they aren't front and center like the older songs. And that's not a bad thing. Rather than being hamstrung by having to center each song around them, the band seems to have relegated them to just another one of their weapons. It's more about creating a good song, than a good "rock" song. And I can respect that. But, I seriously wouldn't mind a couple more solos thrown in here and there. I like rock n roll, what can I say?
Overall production and sound is really tight and really suits the band. Sounds a bit like Z and I love that album's sound.
Lastly, I'm not really getting all the non-love for "Outta My System" at all. I think it's the best song on the album BY FAR. I don't think it sounds anything like MOF. Sounds like a newer Gideon to me. And I think it's going to grab a bunch of people by the balls when it's unleashed in concert.
Also, I'm thinking the leaked version is incomplete...seems that maybe some of the mixing/mastering wasn't finished in addition to the incomplete "YWFO". Can't wait to hear the final version...when I buy it.
and you're wrong. Outta My System = MOF
Actually, I'm not wrong. Because that would imply there is a right answer. And there isn't, buddy. Our perceptions differ. I was merely pointing out for those that may have not listened to the LP yet that this song isn't as bad as the rep it's getting around here.
But, I mean, really. What do I know? I don't have over 1,000 posts so I must be new here and therefor know nothing about anything related to the Jacket.
This thread really never got going :-\
Quote from: SplatSplatSplat on May 10, 2011, 04:55 PM
Quote from: DaFunkyPrecedent on May 10, 2011, 01:33 PM
Quote from: SplatSplatSplat on May 10, 2011, 12:02 PM
As a whole, I think "Circuital" is a pretty solid album, albeit one with a more laid back send off. To be fair most MMJ albums end with a slow song or two just like this one, yet those previous albums' closing tracks tend the be a bit more epic. Going out a bit more laid back this time makes sense. But I still can't shake the feeling...that I want one more good scream to the heavens before the album ends. Oh well.
I honestly do miss the guitars. They are still there, but they aren't front and center like the older songs. And that's not a bad thing. Rather than being hamstrung by having to center each song around them, the band seems to have relegated them to just another one of their weapons. It's more about creating a good song, than a good "rock" song. And I can respect that. But, I seriously wouldn't mind a couple more solos thrown in here and there. I like rock n roll, what can I say?
Overall production and sound is really tight and really suits the band. Sounds a bit like Z and I love that album's sound.
Lastly, I'm not really getting all the non-love for "Outta My System" at all. I think it's the best song on the album BY FAR. I don't think it sounds anything like MOF. Sounds like a newer Gideon to me. And I think it's going to grab a bunch of people by the balls when it's unleashed in concert.
Also, I'm thinking the leaked version is incomplete...seems that maybe some of the mixing/mastering wasn't finished in addition to the incomplete "YWFO". Can't wait to hear the final version...when I buy it.
and you're wrong. Outta My System = MOF
Actually, I'm not wrong. Because that would imply there is a right answer. And there isn't, buddy. Our perceptions differ. I was merely pointing out for those that may have not listened to the LP yet that this song isn't as bad as the rep it's getting around here.
But, I mean, really. What do I know? I don't have over 1,000 posts so I must be new here and therefor know nothing about anything related to the Jacket.
Finally, someone gets it.
Quote from: markcel on May 10, 2011, 01:38 PM
This thread reminds me of the argument skit on Monty Python:
http://youtu.be/teMlv3ripSM (http://youtu.be/teMlv3ripSM) (No idea how to embed the video).
Monty Python - Argument Clinic (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=teMlv3ripSM#)
Quote from: kotchishm on May 10, 2011, 04:36 PM
SPIN Review 8/10
http://www.spin.com/reviews/my-morning-jacket-circuital-ato (http://www.spin.com/reviews/my-morning-jacket-circuital-ato)
Weird review... I agree that it sounds like the Who in parts, but it takes the comparison overboard. The key standout track on the album, Holdin on to Black Metal, sounds nothing like the Who, so it hardly gets mentioned.
Also, I hope that Evil Urges assessment doesn't become a trend in the way that "southern-fried" did... yes, one can argue that it is a weaker album, but when did 1 1/2 songs (HS and only the verse of Evil Urges) on a 13 song album define it as jam-funk? Also, it seems to be the only way that writers can think of to introduce their previews and reviews of Circuital. Nothing about the unique recording process or an interesting piece of an interview, only about how Evil Urges sucked (Spin gave it a 9/10, anyway).
Quote from: Darklands on May 10, 2011, 08:33 PM
This thread really never got going :-\
Most appropriate post of all time?
Quote from: sweatboard on May 11, 2011, 02:27 AM
Quote from: Darklands on May 10, 2011, 08:33 PM
This thread really never got going :-\
Most appropriate post of all time?
of all time? I would have to disagree. there were more appropriate posts around the time of "bluntmaster" (2008)
You guys who think this album sucks are nuts. That is all.
Trying to actually talk about the music here can be almost as annoying as trying to ignore the loud talkers at a show >:(
Quote from: Ghosts_on_T5 on May 11, 2011, 04:46 AM
You guys who think this album sucks are nuts. That is all.
I think you ment to say they suck nuts... ;D
I've been listening to the new album non-stop since I got it...it has become part of my daily life and it's pretty sweet. The variety of music on this album is unbelievable, with each track being unique and powerful on its own.
As a whole the album is well engineered; the way the songs blend into one another is effortless and smooth... I can't wait to watch the making of the album. VD is such a good start...I really hope they use this as an opener to get the crowd pumped...and JJ better be wearing war paint. The lyrics of all the track are incredible...simple words with powerful messages.
Quote from: Bigsky on May 11, 2011, 08:58 AM
I've been listening to the new album non-stop since I got it...it has become part of my daily life and it's pretty sweet. The variety of music on this album is unbelievable, with each track being unique and powerful on its own.
As a whole the album is well engineered; the way the songs blend into one another is effortless and smooth... I can't wait to watch the making of the album. VD is such a good start...I really hope they use this as an opener to get the crowd pumped...and JJ better be wearing war paint. The lyrics of all the track are incredible...simple words with powerful messages.
agreed. it's a pop masterpiece.
Quote from: DaFunkyPrecedent on May 11, 2011, 04:23 PM
Quote from: Bigsky on May 11, 2011, 08:58 AM
I've been listening to the new album non-stop since I got it...it has become part of my daily life and it's pretty sweet. The variety of music on this album is unbelievable, with each track being unique and powerful on its own.
As a whole the album is well engineered; the way the songs blend into one another is effortless and smooth... I can't wait to watch the making of the album. VD is such a good start...I really hope they use this as an opener to get the crowd pumped...and JJ better be wearing war paint. The lyrics of all the track are incredible...simple words with powerful messages.
agreed. it's a pop masterpiece.
Quote from: Sticky Icky Green Stuff on May 09, 2011, 10:58 AM
Quote from: Robbman on May 09, 2011, 08:13 AM
Quote from: DaFunkyPrecedent on May 08, 2011, 05:58 PM
MMJ reminds me A LOT of Radiohead in this matter - they make the music the want to. Eventually people will come around to it...I mean come on, how many listens did it take everyone to finally appreciate and love "King Of Limbs"...a lot, I know.
I consider myself a Radiohead fan, and I still do not like that album.
But what is the reason you do not like it? Because it's Dubstep? Or because the songs are bad?
I'm not an audiophile, but I get the quality of the production. I just don't like the album. Does the music suck? I don't know.. I think it has value it just doesn't speak to me on any level. Too much like techno. I'm not a fan of techno, so if a band is going to use electronic elements, it's a fine line. Radiohead has tended to get more of a pass in that department from me in the past, because they incorporate electronic elements so much better than other bands. I loved, loved, loved In Rainbows and OK Computer is my all-time Radiohead favorite, but this is the first album of theirs that I have flat out disliked.
Back to Circuital.. as others have said, it has grown on me significantly. I'm super excited that the band announced they're coming to Charlotte for the second time ever in August! Woot!
Please, I keep giving this collection of averageness a chance but really I can only listen to Victory Dance, Circuital and Wonderful. The rest is just far below what we would expect from MMJ.
What the hell has gone wrong here? I was so looking forward to this album.
By far the worst album to date and sadly I rank this behind Evil Urges by far.
Quote from: steve_h on May 12, 2011, 11:55 AM
Please, I keep giving this collection of averageness a chance but really I can only listen to Victory Dance, Circuital and Wonderful. The rest is just far below what we would expect from MMJ.
What the hell has gone wrong here? I was so looking forward to this album.
By far the worst album to date and sadly I rank this behind Evil Urges by far.
Hmmmm.. this kind of post seems vaguely familiar in this thread.
From a new user who didn't join the forum for the purpose of bashing the new record, this record is definitely growing on me. I'm still not sure what I think, but I am really enjoying these new songs and find myself wanting to listen to them everyday. That is a good sign. It doesn't matter how the record compares to the others, I'm just happy to have a new batch of songs from the band I love, and a band that has lots more in store for the future.
Quote from: adl6690 on May 12, 2011, 01:52 PM
From a new user who didn't join the forum for the purpose of bashing the new record
Good to have you here. Makes a change...
Quote from: adl6690 on May 12, 2011, 01:52 PM
Hmmmm.. this kind of post seems vaguely familiar in this thread.
From a new user who didn't join the forum for the purpose of bashing the new record, this record is definitely growing on me. I'm still not sure what I think, but I am really enjoying these new songs and find myself wanting to listen to them everyday. That is a good sign. It doesn't matter how the record compares to the others, I'm just happy to have a new batch of songs from the band I love, and a band that has lots more in store for the future.
Best first post I've seen round these parts in a while...welcome!
As my first official post (although I believe I have signed up at one point and have no clue what happened to my account). I have been a huge fan since 2004 (seen them more times then I can even count) but am just now getting on board with keeping up with the forum.
Anyways, I am in love with the Circuital album. It is simply a beautiful rollercoaster of great music that takes you on a wild ride. There is only one little thing I would change and that is You Wanna Freak Out. The song brings in a great vibe that leaves you wanting more after 1:47 of music. Hopefully the preordered full album will feature a full out jam on that song (although I have a feeling it won't).
Too all those that are hating on the new album, you are more then entitled to your opinion but my advise is to give it time. I remember when they first released the song Evil Urges before the CD came out I couldn't hardly listen to the whole thing with out wanting to shut the song off. Then as time went on, as the full CD was released, and I heard it live, it really grew on me. My Morning Jacket perhaps is one of the most innovative bands because with each release they show just how it is they can evolve into something totally unexpected and is one of the reasons I have come to love them so much. Even though ISM, Z, and AD are simply amazing albums (along with TF and EU), I would hate for the band to be continously playing the same ole sound on each subsequent album. Each album bring something different and Circuital is a CD that I am slightly addicted to for the time being.
Well, just wanted to make my first official post known and am excited to be involved in a crowd of true fans invested in a band that will continue to shape our existance. Can't wait to see them play live at the Louisville Palace on May 31st and (God willing if I can get tickets and ticketbastard doesn't $%&# me over) see them in Atlanta on August 20th.
Quote from: halesdd on May 12, 2011, 04:37 PM
As my first official post (although I believe I have signed up at one point and have no clue what happened to my account). I have been a huge fan since 2004 (seen them more times then I can even count) but am just now getting on board with keeping up with the forum.
Anyways, I am in love with the Circuital album. It is simply a beautiful rollercoaster of great music that takes you on a wild ride. There is only one little thing I would change and that is You Wanna Freak Out. The song brings in a great vibe that leaves you wanting more after 1:47 of music. Hopefully the preordered full album will feature a full out jam on that song (although I have a feeling it won't).
Too all those that are hating on the new album, you are more then entitled to your opinion but my advise is to give it time. I remember when they first released the song Evil Urges before the CD came out I couldn't hardly listen to the whole thing with out wanting to shut the song off. Then as time went on, as the full CD was released, and I heard it live, it really grew on me. My Morning Jacket perhaps is one of the most innovative bands because with each release they show just how it is they can evolve into something totally unexpected and is one of the reasons I have come to love them so much. Even though ISM, Z, and AD are simply amazing albums (along with TF and EU), I would hate for the band to be continously playing the same ole sound on each subsequent album. Each album bring something different and Circuital is a CD that I am slightly addicted to for the time being.
Well, just wanted to make my first official post known and am excited to be involved in a crowd of true fans invested in a band that will continue to shape our existance. Can't wait to see them play live at the Louisville Palace on May 31st and (God willing if I can get tickets and ticketbastard doesn't $%&# me over) see them in Atlanta on August 20th.
There's a perfectly good reason why you wanna freak out leaves you wanting more.
Quote from: Ghosts_on_T5 on May 12, 2011, 04:59 PM
Quote from: halesdd on May 12, 2011, 04:37 PM
As my first official post (although I believe I have signed up at one point and have no clue what happened to my account). I have been a huge fan since 2004 (seen them more times then I can even count) but am just now getting on board with keeping up with the forum.
Anyways, I am in love with the Circuital album. It is simply a beautiful rollercoaster of great music that takes you on a wild ride. There is only one little thing I would change and that is You Wanna Freak Out. The song brings in a great vibe that leaves you wanting more after 1:47 of music. Hopefully the preordered full album will feature a full out jam on that song (although I have a feeling it won't).
Too all those that are hating on the new album, you are more then entitled to your opinion but my advise is to give it time. I remember when they first released the song Evil Urges before the CD came out I couldn't hardly listen to the whole thing with out wanting to shut the song off. Then as time went on, as the full CD was released, and I heard it live, it really grew on me. My Morning Jacket perhaps is one of the most innovative bands because with each release they show just how it is they can evolve into something totally unexpected and is one of the reasons I have come to love them so much. Even though ISM, Z, and AD are simply amazing albums (along with TF and EU), I would hate for the band to be continously playing the same ole sound on each subsequent album. Each album bring something different and Circuital is a CD that I am slightly addicted to for the time being.
Well, just wanted to make my first official post known and am excited to be involved in a crowd of true fans invested in a band that will continue to shape our existance. Can't wait to see them play live at the Louisville Palace on May 31st and (God willing if I can get tickets and ticketbastard doesn't $%&# me over) see them in Atlanta on August 20th.
There's a perfectly good reason why you wanna freak out leaves you wanting more.
Agreed! And you know MMJ will bring it live and jam off of it anyways. Im just being greedy and want to listen to it on CD as a full on jam. Love what little of the song they do provide regardless if that's all we get.
Quote from: halesdd on May 12, 2011, 05:04 PM
Quote from: Ghosts_on_T5 on May 12, 2011, 04:59 PM
Quote from: halesdd on May 12, 2011, 04:37 PM
As my first official post (although I believe I have signed up at one point and have no clue what happened to my account). I have been a huge fan since 2004 (seen them more times then I can even count) but am just now getting on board with keeping up with the forum.
Anyways, I am in love with the Circuital album. It is simply a beautiful rollercoaster of great music that takes you on a wild ride. There is only one little thing I would change and that is You Wanna Freak Out. The song brings in a great vibe that leaves you wanting more after 1:47 of music. Hopefully the preordered full album will feature a full out jam on that song (although I have a feeling it won't).
Too all those that are hating on the new album, you are more then entitled to your opinion but my advise is to give it time. I remember when they first released the song Evil Urges before the CD came out I couldn't hardly listen to the whole thing with out wanting to shut the song off. Then as time went on, as the full CD was released, and I heard it live, it really grew on me. My Morning Jacket perhaps is one of the most innovative bands because with each release they show just how it is they can evolve into something totally unexpected and is one of the reasons I have come to love them so much. Even though ISM, Z, and AD are simply amazing albums (along with TF and EU), I would hate for the band to be continously playing the same ole sound on each subsequent album. Each album bring something different and Circuital is a CD that I am slightly addicted to for the time being.
Well, just wanted to make my first official post known and am excited to be involved in a crowd of true fans invested in a band that will continue to shape our existance. Can't wait to see them play live at the Louisville Palace on May 31st and (God willing if I can get tickets and ticketbastard doesn't $%&# me over) see them in Atlanta on August 20th.
There's a perfectly good reason why you wanna freak out leaves you wanting more.
Agreed! And you know MMJ will bring it live and jam off of it anyways. Im just being greedy and want to listen to it on CD as a full on jam. Love what little of the song they do provide regardless if that's all we get.
I was being sarcastic. Sorry. You do realize the leaked version is cut off and not the whole song right?
I had heard that but didnt know that was confirmed. I am extremely happy about that!!! I figured it didn't make a whole lot of sense to have it just abruptly cut off at 1:47. Are there any other suspected changes to the album that the leaked version is missing? Any rumors that Friends Again will be featured on the CD?
Quote from: halesdd on May 12, 2011, 05:26 PM
I had heard that but didnt know that was confirmed. I am extremely happy about that!!! I figured it didn't make a whole lot of sense to have it just abruptly cut off at 1:47. Are there any other suspected changes to the album that the leaked version is missing? Any rumors that Friends Again will be featured on the CD?
Yeah the whole song is about 4 minutes and change. Friends again is not on the album.
Ha, that remindes me of the time I downloaded the new Radiohead CD and it was actually some shitty band from the Chezk Republic doing Brian Eno covers....I was like SHIT!!!!!!! This is the best thing Radiohead has ever put out!!!!!!!
Quote from: steve_h on May 12, 2011, 11:55 AM
Please, I keep giving this collection of averageness a chance but really I can only listen to Victory Dance, Circuital and Wonderful. The rest is just far below what we would expect from MMJ.
What the hell has gone wrong here? I was so looking forward to this album.
By far the worst album to date and sadly I rank this behind Evil Urges by far.
It sounds like the Followill boys have infiltrated the MMJ forums.
Quote from: halesdd on May 12, 2011, 05:26 PM
I had heard that but didnt know that was confirmed. I am extremely happy about that!!! I figured it didn't make a whole lot of sense to have it just abruptly cut off at 1:47. Are there any other suspected changes to the album that the leaked version is missing? Any rumors that Friends Again will be featured on the CD?
I heard the Cold War Kids are playin in your home town tonight. You should go.
Quote from: DaFunkyPrecedent on May 13, 2011, 01:22 PM
Quote from: halesdd on May 12, 2011, 05:26 PM
I had heard that but didnt know that was confirmed. I am extremely happy about that!!! I figured it didn't make a whole lot of sense to have it just abruptly cut off at 1:47. Are there any other suspected changes to the album that the leaked version is missing? Any rumors that Friends Again will be featured on the CD?
I heard the Cold War Kids are playin in your home town tonight. You should go.
Really? I dont see it listed they are playing in Bowling Green. I'd be down to see that for sure.
Quote from: halesdd on May 13, 2011, 01:48 PM
Quote from: DaFunkyPrecedent on May 13, 2011, 01:22 PM
Quote from: halesdd on May 12, 2011, 05:26 PM
I had heard that but didnt know that was confirmed. I am extremely happy about that!!! I figured it didn't make a whole lot of sense to have it just abruptly cut off at 1:47. Are there any other suspected changes to the album that the leaked version is missing? Any rumors that Friends Again will be featured on the CD?
I heard the Cold War Kids are playin in your home town tonight. You should go.
Really? I dont see it listed they are playing in Bowling Green. I'd be down to see that for sure.
...they must have canceled. Dude, awesome news though - Cold War Kids are covering "Friends Again" on this tour. check it out man!
MMJ veteran here. Been on the bandwagon since TTF days.
I have to be honest, my first impressions of the new album, was that of disappointment. Some classic MMJ tracks but a few undercooked for me. In saying that, the album is MOST certainly growing on me, slowly, I am coming around. But the fact that I have to come around and feel the need to skip songs is upsetting.
At the end of the day, I believe that myself (and a few other contributors to this thread) need to get off our high horse. MMJ are not here to just please us. They are here to express their artic talents and attitude. I think they EXCEL. Since ISM one of the charms of this band is that they are forever evolving, changing it up and NOT becoming stale and stagnant. This is surely a recipe for dividing opinions. And if you ask me, that's FANTASTIC. They are keeping true to their spirit and purpose and I for one am very grateful to have a band like this in my life.
I think the vast opinions and views expressed (and hopefully respected) on this thread, is a true indication of just how far reaching & successful MMJ have become.
I'll keep this short and sweet.
I love the album, Slow Slow Tune will melt faces live.
It seems like a lot of the people who do not like Circuital are the "long time MMJ fans". I wonder what new listeners of MMJ will think. This album seems like their most accessible yet.
Quote from: Ooga on May 14, 2011, 12:03 PM
This album seems like their most accessible yet.
Right now, I can go to Grimey's and get just about any MMJ album,
except Circuital. But you seem to think it's their
most accessible? :-\
please explain
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on May 14, 2011, 12:51 PM
Quote from: Ooga on May 14, 2011, 12:03 PM
This album seems like their most accessible yet.
Right now, I can go to Grimey's and get just about any MMJ album, except Circuital. But you seem to think it's their most accessible? :-\
please explain
You know what I mean. Anyways, I just picked up the new Circuital vinyl from Best Buy yesterday, so maybe you should stop going to Grimey's. :-\
Quote from: Ooga on May 14, 2011, 01:12 PM
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on May 14, 2011, 12:51 PM
Quote from: Ooga on May 14, 2011, 12:03 PM
This album seems like their most accessible yet.
Right now, I can go to Grimey's and get just about any MMJ album, except Circuital. But you seem to think it's their most accessible? :-\
please explain
You know what I mean. Anyways, I just picked up the new Circuital vinyl from Best Buy yesterday, so maybe you should stop going to Grimey's. :-\
So, I should support big box, corporate entities (Best Buy) rather than small, locally owned record stores (Grimey's), even if Grimey's supported MMJ as they were blossoming into the force that they are today?
No thanks.
Grimey's Plug by My Morning Jacket (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsvaaWE2Hjs#)
(and you still didn't explain how Circuital is so "accessible" 2 weeks before it's official release date)
Quote from: Ooga on May 14, 2011, 12:03 PM
It seems like a lot of the people who do not like Circuital are the "long time MMJ fans". I wonder what new listeners of MMJ will think. This album seems like their most accessible yet.
I agree. As someone who has followed them since 04, support the evolution of their sound but as someone said earlier in the thread, there seems to be a slight divid between those who followed there earlier work vs EU and Circuital. I personally love there progression. Your absolutely correct, great bands have to continually transform their sound and challenge themselves to think out of the conventional box of what defines them as a band. Can't wait for the tour!!!
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on May 14, 2011, 01:32 PM
Quote from: Ooga on May 14, 2011, 01:12 PM
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on May 14, 2011, 12:51 PM
Quote from: Ooga on May 14, 2011, 12:03 PM
This album seems like their most accessible yet.
Right now, I can go to Grimey's and get just about any MMJ album, except Circuital. But you seem to think it's their most accessible? :-\
please explain
You know what I mean. Anyways, I just picked up the new Circuital vinyl from Best Buy yesterday, so maybe you should stop going to Grimey's. :-\
So, I should support big box, corporate entities (Best Buy) rather than small, locally owned record stores (Grimey's), even if Grimey's supported MMJ as they were blossoming into the force that they are today?
No thanks.
Grimey's Plug by My Morning Jacket (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsvaaWE2Hjs#)
(and you still didn't explain how Circuital is so "accessible" 2 weeks before it's official release date)
Ummm. Accessible has more than one meaning. Look it up. I thought you were joking. I was using the word accessible as in, "easy to approach, or understand".
Quote from: Ooga on May 14, 2011, 01:38 PM
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on May 14, 2011, 01:32 PM
Quote from: Ooga on May 14, 2011, 01:12 PM
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on May 14, 2011, 12:51 PM
Quote from: Ooga on May 14, 2011, 12:03 PM
This album seems like their most accessible yet.
Right now, I can go to Grimey's and get just about any MMJ album, except Circuital. But you seem to think it's their most accessible? :-\
please explain
You know what I mean. Anyways, I just picked up the new Circuital vinyl from Best Buy yesterday, so maybe you should stop going to Grimey's. :-\
So, I should support big box, corporate entities (Best Buy) rather than small, locally owned record stores (Grimey's), even if Grimey's supported MMJ as they were blossoming into the force that they are today?
No thanks.
Grimey's Plug by My Morning Jacket (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsvaaWE2Hjs#)
(and you still didn't explain how Circuital is so "accessible" 2 weeks before it's official release date)
Ummm. Accessible has more than one meaning. Look it up. I thought you were joking. I was using the word accessible as in, "easy to approach, or understand".
Oh, OK. I guess a cover song of Taiwaense pop music fits that "accessible" category as opposed to a song like Golden :-\
my bad
When Bright Eyes released the full album stream of TPK Conor jokingly said:
"Post your reviews in the comments section (...) and please we prefer if you listen to only 10 seconds of each song before deciding what you think of it and then if you see a comment make sure to viciously attack it and contradict it even if you agree with it."
That would pretty much be this thread in a nut shell. I'm amazed! Though amazed should probably be replaced with shocked... :o
Grimey's is overrated.
Oh, and it's not a cover song.
This thread is dumb....no one has even heard the COMPLETE album (with the complete "...freak out"). I have been waiting for the song to come out to complete the review of the COMPLETE ALBUM. Until we have that, everyone needs to shut up.
Quote from: onigokkiN on May 15, 2011, 03:07 PM
This thread is dumb....no one has even heard the COMPLETE album (with the complete "...freak out"). I have been waiting for the song to come out to complete the review of the COMPLETE ALBUM. Until we have that, everyone needs to shut up.
Well, only about two minutes or so of the album is missing from the leaked Circuital CD so why is it you are finding it dumb that people are telling of their initial thoughts towards this album? They are opinions after all and this is a forum to discuss opinions and to bring insight as to current happenings revolving MMJ. Its a simple matter of choice whether you choose to read it and respond or not.
Quote from: halesdd on May 15, 2011, 09:58 PM
Quote from: onigokkiN on May 15, 2011, 03:07 PM
This thread is dumb....no one has even heard the COMPLETE album (with the complete "...freak out"). I have been waiting for the song to come out to complete the review of the COMPLETE ALBUM. Until we have that, everyone needs to shut up.
Well, only about two minutes or so of the album is missing from the leaked Circuital CD so why is it you are finding it dumb that people are telling of their initial thoughts towards this album? They are opinions after all and this is a forum to discuss opinions and to bring insight as to current happenings revolving MMJ. Its a simple matter of choice whether you choose to read it and respond or not.
I don't entirely disagree with you. I just don't like it when people grab a leak and bitch. Like the people bitching about song order....you can't hate on a movie with a missing scene. You might as well wait until you see the whole thing. That's just my opinion.
Quote from: onigokkiN on May 16, 2011, 06:20 PM
Quote from: halesdd on May 15, 2011, 09:58 PM
Quote from: onigokkiN on May 15, 2011, 03:07 PM
This thread is dumb....no one has even heard the COMPLETE album (with the complete "...freak out"). I have been waiting for the song to come out to complete the review of the COMPLETE ALBUM. Until we have that, everyone needs to shut up.
Well, only about two minutes or so of the album is missing from the leaked Circuital CD so why is it you are finding it dumb that people are telling of their initial thoughts towards this album? They are opinions after all and this is a forum to discuss opinions and to bring insight as to current happenings revolving MMJ. Its a simple matter of choice whether you choose to read it and respond or not.
I don't entirely disagree with you. I just don't like it when people grab a leak and bitch. Like the people bitching about song order....you can't hate on a movie with a missing scene. You might as well wait until you see the whole thing. That's just my opinion.
I understand where your coming from. I've been following these forums for years but one of the reasons I decided to finally sign-up and participate is because there were plenty of people that were disappointed by Circuital, giving opinions that were not fully thought out and based off of only one listen or so and not thinking of how excellent these songs will be when they are performed live. But in the end, they are just opinions and are not going to change. But I do think the leaked version does leave you wanting more which I can't wait to hear the full You Wanna Freak Out because what is there is really good.
Quote from: halesdd on May 16, 2011, 07:29 PM
Quote from: onigokkiN on May 16, 2011, 06:20 PM
Quote from: halesdd on May 15, 2011, 09:58 PM
Quote from: onigokkiN on May 15, 2011, 03:07 PM
This thread is dumb....no one has even heard the COMPLETE album (with the complete "...freak out"). I have been waiting for the song to come out to complete the review of the COMPLETE ALBUM. Until we have that, everyone needs to shut up.
Well, only about two minutes or so of the album is missing from the leaked Circuital CD so why is it you are finding it dumb that people are telling of their initial thoughts towards this album? They are opinions after all and this is a forum to discuss opinions and to bring insight as to current happenings revolving MMJ. Its a simple matter of choice whether you choose to read it and respond or not.
I don't entirely disagree with you. I just don't like it when people grab a leak and bitch. Like the people bitching about song order....you can't hate on a movie with a missing scene. You might as well wait until you see the whole thing. That's just my opinion.
I understand where your coming from. I've been following these forums for years but one of the reasons I decided to finally sign-up and participate is because there were plenty of people that were disappointed by Circuital, giving opinions that were not fully thought out and based off of only one listen or so and not thinking of how excellent these songs will be when they are performed live. But in the end, they are just opinions and are not going to change. But I do think the leaked version does leave you wanting more which I can't wait to hear the full You Wanna Freak Out because what is there is really good.
Agreed....where is itttttttt.
Quote from: halesdd on May 16, 2011, 07:29 PM
Quote from: onigokkiN on May 16, 2011, 06:20 PM
Quote from: halesdd on May 15, 2011, 09:58 PM
Quote from: onigokkiN on May 15, 2011, 03:07 PM
This thread is dumb....no one has even heard the COMPLETE album (with the complete "...freak out"). I have been waiting for the song to come out to complete the review of the COMPLETE ALBUM. Until we have that, everyone needs to shut up.
Well, only about two minutes or so of the album is missing from the leaked Circuital CD so why is it you are finding it dumb that people are telling of their initial thoughts towards this album? They are opinions after all and this is a forum to discuss opinions and to bring insight as to current happenings revolving MMJ. Its a simple matter of choice whether you choose to read it and respond or not.
I don't entirely disagree with you. I just don't like it when people grab a leak and bitch. Like the people bitching about song order....you can't hate on a movie with a missing scene. You might as well wait until you see the whole thing. That's just my opinion.
I understand where your coming from. I've been following these forums for years but one of the reasons I decided to finally sign-up and participate is because there were plenty of people that were disappointed by Circuital, giving opinions that were not fully thought out and based off of only one listen or so and not thinking of how excellent these songs will be when they are performed live. But in the end, they are just opinions and are not going to change. But I do think the leaked version does leave you wanting more which I can't wait to hear the full You Wanna Freak Out because what is there is really good.
To the bold... The album has certainly grown on me since my first post, but I never understand this argument as adding value to what a person thinks of an album. If a mediocre studio song becomes a monster live, it may change your perception of the song in terms of willingness to see it live, but the studio version is what it is, so I don't see it making me think Circuital, the studio album, is a strong effort after having heard its songs live. Again, I understand that most MMJ fans find value primarily in live music rather than their studio efforts, but if this is a review of the album proper, then the live versions of songs shouldn't change that.
I don't know what folks are looking for from this band, but they are musical genisus' period. If you do not like one song on their new album then you are not a real fan.
Go buy yourself a beyonce or jay z album and see how much enjoyment you get out of it.
This is the best band to come along since Matchbox 20 and if they manage to stay togather they will be as close to a supergroup as you can get.
Quote from: randogrando on Jun 11, 2011, 11:16 AM
This is the best band to come along since Matchbox 20