NPR's stream popped my Circuital cherry. I couldn't resisit. Anyway...
Holyeffincrap "Slow Slow Tune" is the JAM. I want this on a 45. Makes me think of sweaty dances in the junior high gym with some teacher busting your game by separating you and your young love, telling you to leave room for Jesus...
Can't wait to head to Oz (our local record shop) and buy my copy just so I can listen to this song on repeat because OH MY GOD.
Anyone else feeling it?
Yep it's pretty badass.
Love Jim's vocals on this track.
I agree....I love how the guitars bust in at 2:41. It doesn't get any better.
After hearing all the songs 1 time (except for Circuital - been playing it a lot since it was released) this is my favorite.
I dig it as a song.
Quote from: Nikkogino on May 23, 2011, 06:09 PM
I agree....I love how the guitars bust in at 2:41. It doesn't get any better.
might be my favourite part of the album.
My favorite on the album
its pretty amazing. my favorite lyrics on the album. probably my favorite all around but I also really love the day is coming
best song on the album. going to be an awesome live song. carl and jimbo will hit those guitar solos eventually and extend this baby out. love everything about it.
Really loving this song and can't wait to hear it live! The guitar tone on this one is classic. Just love it. Would be great for them to do an extended jam on this one.
I am also loving this track. I wonder if MOF's "Slow Down Jo" was any kind of inspiration?
Quote from: Jackets N Pones on May 30, 2011, 10:31 PM
I am also loving this track. I wonder if MOF's "Slow Down Jo" was any kind of inspiration?
That thought has also crossed my mind!
best new tune of the night tonight!! This one has serious potential to really go somewhere live. Great freaking song!
Quote from: walterfredo on Jun 01, 2011, 12:12 AM
best new tune of the night tonight!! This one has serious potential to really go somewhere live. Great freaking song!
That reminds me. Some of the big guitar sounds were really great on the audio tonight. Piercing in just the right way.
i would love this to be in rock band.
Climax of the album, fersher.
Luckily they give us Movin Away so that our heart rates can return to normal.
Quote from: BH on Jun 01, 2011, 12:44 AM
That reminds me. Some of the big guitar sounds were really great on the audio tonight. Piercing in just the right way.
I agree at times it got alot louder which was bad at all.
So I'm listening to Circuital while running along the Ohio on the Flood Wall this afternoon and when Slow Slow Tune stated I stopped to take in the sounds and the surroundings. Carl's solo after the break from "Radiate the Gold" may very well be the most perfectly placed and played solo of all time, but I am extremely biased on that song. ::) I think it's been mentioned on the board here somewhere that SST is similar to Pearl Jam's Come Back, which is another huge favorite of mine, except that McCready (in my humble opinion) holds back purposely on a huge solo after the second verse if favor of a bit of finger picking because the lyrics tell of restraint and of a longing that can't be fulfilled which a nice bluesy solo would have done. Here Carl is in fact able to radiate gold outta that Les Paul because that's where the song is leading, simply amazing!
Quote from: walterfredo on Jun 01, 2011, 12:12 AM
best new tune of the night tonight!! This one has serious potential to really go somewhere live. Great freaking song!
This song was at the end of the last American Dad episode, also in StanĀ“s room where he was hanging out with Steve was a MMJ poster
Great that they continue with the American Dad/MMJ joint venture :)