My Morning Jacket

My Morning Jacket => The Music => Topic started by: pawpaw on Jun 03, 2011, 08:50 PM

Title: Here's what I think.
Post by: pawpaw on Jun 03, 2011, 08:50 PM
In my opinion, two of the biggest disappointments from Evil Urges were:

-MMJ took a genre that I knew they could've given a nasty strut to and made it sound corny – the title track could've been a dirty, funkin' R&B tune but to this day it still sounds to me like an awkward attempt.

-Jim's voice sounded purposefully muted throughout. I really don't care that it wasn't given the reverb soaked production from the first three albums, but that voice needs a chance to soar, and I never felt like it was given it on EU.

I think that Circuital succeeds outstandingly where its predecessor let me down. Victory Dance comes out struttin' HARD, and by the time Jim get's to the following lyric, we get maybe the baddest sounding delivery Mr. Jim James has ever given us on record, and we're less than a minute into the album!

"Hey there, I'm flying up above
Looking down, on the tired earth"

Victory Dance itself is a pretty amazing tune when you pick out all the sounds and influences in there. Between the badness of it and the smoothness of The Day is Coming, I'd say that they completely nailed the album's hyrbrid take on a serious R&B strut. Seriously. Full on head nodding, struttin' in my seat. The Strut. They found it on this record, and it's all about Patrick and Tommy. Those two are the engine to The Strut.

Truthfully, I was never a big fan of the song Wonderful. It was always just a little too sappy for me, but Jim's singing of it on Circuital plays so true and beautifully. If his vocal on that tune had been washed with reverb, it wouldn't have had the impact that it does, and I feel like that's one of the keys to this album. Jim's voice is presented honestly and he sounds fantastic. I really do think that his voice has never sounded better on record.

The last two tracks (Slow Slow Tune and Movin Away) kind of set the lasting impression of the album as a "slow burner" because of their placement, and I think it's actually a pretty cool move. I like that MMJ hasn't always sequenced their album tracks along what's often the predictable arc of a concert, with the big blast money shot rocker encores closing out the final side. The two final songs on Circuital are stunners too, gorgeous, two of my three favorite songs on the album.

The third is Holdin On To Black Metal. That song struts in like a motherfucker right from the beginning, and when all the singers come in, it's just too good! It's wild, so damn cool and a complete original. I actually emailed a few electronic music producers that I'm big fans of and recommended that they get in touch with the band for a remix, because in the right hands that would be one bad ass track.

I'll also say that the musicianship on this album is the best yet, both the individual performances and the band as a whole. Slow Slow Tune is a perfect example of this, with the light touch on the rhythm that Patrick and Tommy lay down, and then the brilliant flare of guitars (THAT TONE!!!), it's just awesome. That song is just so impressive to me, I love it.

ISM, TTF and AD are a big part of my personal history, and I fell into them at a time when music meant everything to me, at an age where they could really consume me. Music just has a different impact on me now...I still love it, and appreciate it now maybe more than ever, but for different reasons. Those first three albums can't be touched though – it's probably unfair, but they just got in my head at the right time. I will say though, that with Circuital, they've surprised me again in the best possible way. It's a great, great record, and I haven't listened to anything off the first three since I've had it.
Title: Re: Here's what I think.
Post by: capt. scotty on Jun 03, 2011, 09:43 PM
I reserve this place for 5 minutes until I can read BB's long ass west coast post

Edit: B-Squared, I totally agree with you. I also just answered my first 10:56PM alarm prior to Storytellers but I think you hit the nail on the head a few times. For one, Jim had no vocal range on EU as u said but he really carries Circuital with the pipes often.

Also, I ADMIT (kill me now), I was never a big fan of Wonderful, but the album version has me sold. Im glad someone else thought the same thing!
Title: Re: Here's what I think.
Post by: Bigsky on Jun 03, 2011, 10:28 PM
Quote from: capt. scotty on Jun 03, 2011, 09:43 PM
I reserve this place for 5 minutes until I can read BB's long ass west coast post

;D ;D...I'm after Scotty
Title: Re: Here's what I think.
Post by: Nikkogino on Jun 03, 2011, 10:56 PM
I will probably use the word strut like a motherfucker this week now.   :dankk2:

Nah, good post...I agree with what you are saying about EU.  I still love Smokin' from Shootin into Touch Me 2 though.  And Circuital is a way better is like a really good movie that is really short and although the shortness is perfect for the film, you still want to see more!!!!
Title: Re: Here's what I think.
Post by: Jellyfish on Jun 03, 2011, 11:34 PM
I was disappointed with a couple of songs on EU and it took me seeing the songs live to really enjoy it but Circuital is miles ahead of EU in every way.
Title: Re: Here's what I think.
Post by: My Monkey Friend on Jun 04, 2011, 02:34 AM
i love this album. its perfect
Title: Re: Here's what I think.
Post by: pawpaw on Jun 04, 2011, 05:57 PM
Thanks guys!  :beer:
Title: Re: Here's what I think.
Post by: wolof7 on Jun 05, 2011, 03:56 PM
I think Z was a dissappointing effort......

.....ehhhhhhhhhhh just joshin you guys, that album is great  ;D :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Here's what I think.
Post by: BH on Jun 05, 2011, 10:42 PM
Awesome review Bbill.   That was fun to read.
Title: Re: Here's what I think.
Post by: halesdd on Jun 06, 2011, 06:13 PM
While I dont fully agree with you, I think you lay it out there in a meaningful manner of explaining your distaste for EU.  EU brings in a whole different range of vocals from Jim that we may have not been used too (Evil Urges and Highly Suspicious come to mind), but that doesnt mean that it wasn't a step in the right direction.  It may just not have been a step in the right direction for some that are used to the old.  EU was an experiment and a branching off into unknown territory in that they incorporated almost a funk, prince-ish type of feel to their music.  Some of the people that I know who are just now getting into MMJ are more turned on to EU then anything else.  I take EU for what it is and that is a damn good album.  It is absolutely different then their previous work which is what excites me.  Although I have to admit, when I first heard Evil Urges the song, I was very frightened to hear what the rest of the album was going to sound like.  However, after hearing the title track of Evil Urges live, it's hardly an ackward attempt at all.  Circuital does the same in that in continues to charter into still unknown territory but yet, in some ways, returns back to "their roots" as they've stated in interviews.  I think it's all a matter of interpretation in how you take in their music.  So although I believe you make some very valid points, and in some ways would agree with you that Circuital succeeds EU, but in my opinion, I wouldn't go as far as to say "outstandingly" as though it were by a huge margin that Evil Urges is succeeded.  To put it that way makes is seem like Evil Urges was something the band should have never attempted all together.

Again, glad you love the new album and respect your opinion but just wanted to lay out there my opinion of the comparisons between the two albums.
Title: Re: Here's what I think.
Post by: Tracy 2112 on Jun 06, 2011, 06:16 PM
Quote from: halesdd on Jun 06, 2011, 06:13 PM
While I dont fully agree with you, I think you lay it out there in a meaningful manner of explaining your distaste for EU.  EU brings in a whole different range of vocals from Jim that we may have not been used too (Evil Urges and Highly Suspicious come to mind), but that doesnt mean that it wasn't a step in the right direction.  It may just not have been a step in the right direction for some that are used to the old.  EU was an experiment and a branching off into unknown territory in that they incorporated almost a funk, prince-ish type of feel to their music.  Some of the people that I know who are just now getting into MMJ are more turned on to EU then anything else.  I take EU for what it is and that is a damn good album.  It is absolutely different then their previous work which is what excites me.  Although I have to admit, when I first heard Evil Urges the song, I was very frightened to hear what the rest of the album was going to sound like.  However, after hearing the title track of Evil Urges live, it's hardly an ackward attempt at all.  Circuital does the same in that in continues to charter into still unknown territory but yet, in some ways, returns back to "their roots" as they've stated in interviews.  I think it's all a matter of interpretation in how you take in their music.  So although I believe you make some very valid points, and in some ways would agree with you that Circuital succeeds EU, but in my opinion, I wouldn't go as far as to say "outstandingly" as though it were by a huge margin that Evil Urges is succeeded.  To put it that way makes is seem like Evil Urges was something the band should have never attempted all together.

Again, glad you love the new album and respect your opinion but just wanted to lay out there my opinion of the comparisons between the two albums.

fuck you
Title: Re: Here's what I think.
Post by: pawpaw on Jun 06, 2011, 07:21 PM
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Jun 06, 2011, 06:16 PM
Quote from: halesdd on Jun 06, 2011, 06:13 PM
While I dont fully agree with you, I think you lay it out there in a meaningful manner of explaining your distaste for EU.  EU brings in a whole different range of vocals from Jim that we may have not been used too (Evil Urges and Highly Suspicious come to mind), but that doesnt mean that it wasn't a step in the right direction.  It may just not have been a step in the right direction for some that are used to the old.  EU was an experiment and a branching off into unknown territory in that they incorporated almost a funk, prince-ish type of feel to their music.  Some of the people that I know who are just now getting into MMJ are more turned on to EU then anything else.  I take EU for what it is and that is a damn good album.  It is absolutely different then their previous work which is what excites me.  Although I have to admit, when I first heard Evil Urges the song, I was very frightened to hear what the rest of the album was going to sound like.  However, after hearing the title track of Evil Urges live, it's hardly an ackward attempt at all.  Circuital does the same in that in continues to charter into still unknown territory but yet, in some ways, returns back to "their roots" as they've stated in interviews.  I think it's all a matter of interpretation in how you take in their music.  So although I believe you make some very valid points, and in some ways would agree with you that Circuital succeeds EU, but in my opinion, I wouldn't go as far as to say "outstandingly" as though it were by a huge margin that Evil Urges is succeeded.  To put it that way makes is seem like Evil Urges was something the band should have never attempted all together.

Again, glad you love the new album and respect your opinion but just wanted to lay out there my opinion of the comparisons between the two albums.

fuck you


I don't completely dislike EU, there's a lot I really do like about it. I just listed those two things that disappointed me most about it that I thought Circuital really did a much better job with. When I said that the title track from EU sounded awkward, I was selfishly saying that it didn't sound (to me) like the pimpin' track I knew they had in them – how dare they not write music to my expectations! ;D I always felt like it was trying to be sexy and cool and muppet-friendly all at the same time, but it just never convinced me that it could be all of that. Maybe that's just me.

With EU the album, I always kind of appreciated it more for its intent than its music. I like that MMJ tries to push their music, that's one of the things that makes them great. I just was never big on EU as a whole.

Glad you like the new album halesdd. I do too.

Title: Re: Here's what I think.
Post by: halesdd on Jun 06, 2011, 07:48 PM
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Jun 06, 2011, 06:16 PM
Quote from: halesdd on Jun 06, 2011, 06:13 PM
While I dont fully agree with you, I think you lay it out there in a meaningful manner of explaining your distaste for EU.  EU brings in a whole different range of vocals from Jim that we may have not been used too (Evil Urges and Highly Suspicious come to mind), but that doesnt mean that it wasn't a step in the right direction.  It may just not have been a step in the right direction for some that are used to the old.  EU was an experiment and a branching off into unknown territory in that they incorporated almost a funk, prince-ish type of feel to their music.  Some of the people that I know who are just now getting into MMJ are more turned on to EU then anything else.  I take EU for what it is and that is a damn good album.  It is absolutely different then their previous work which is what excites me.  Although I have to admit, when I first heard Evil Urges the song, I was very frightened to hear what the rest of the album was going to sound like.  However, after hearing the title track of Evil Urges live, it's hardly an ackward attempt at all.  Circuital does the same in that in continues to charter into still unknown territory but yet, in some ways, returns back to "their roots" as they've stated in interviews.  I think it's all a matter of interpretation in how you take in their music.  So although I believe you make some very valid points, and in some ways would agree with you that Circuital succeeds EU, but in my opinion, I wouldn't go as far as to say "outstandingly" as though it were by a huge margin that Evil Urges is succeeded.  To put it that way makes is seem like Evil Urges was something the band should have never attempted all together.

Again, glad you love the new album and respect your opinion but just wanted to lay out there my opinion of the comparisons between the two albums.

fuck you

TeHeeHee.  Even funnier that its in another thread.  Glad I wasnt drinking milk!
Title: Re: Here's what I think.
Post by: Tracy 2112 on Jun 06, 2011, 08:33 PM
Quote from: halesdd on Jun 06, 2011, 07:48 PM
Quote from: Tracy 2112 on Jun 06, 2011, 06:16 PM
Quote from: halesdd on Jun 06, 2011, 06:13 PM
While I dont fully agree with you, I think you lay it out there in a meaningful manner of explaining your distaste for EU.  EU brings in a whole different range of vocals from Jim that we may have not been used too (Evil Urges and Highly Suspicious come to mind), but that doesnt mean that it wasn't a step in the right direction.  It may just not have been a step in the right direction for some that are used to the old.  EU was an experiment and a branching off into unknown territory in that they incorporated almost a funk, prince-ish type of feel to their music.  Some of the people that I know who are just now getting into MMJ are more turned on to EU then anything else.  I take EU for what it is and that is a damn good album.  It is absolutely different then their previous work which is what excites me.  Although I have to admit, when I first heard Evil Urges the song, I was very frightened to hear what the rest of the album was going to sound like.  However, after hearing the title track of Evil Urges live, it's hardly an ackward attempt at all.  Circuital does the same in that in continues to charter into still unknown territory but yet, in some ways, returns back to "their roots" as they've stated in interviews.  I think it's all a matter of interpretation in how you take in their music.  So although I believe you make some very valid points, and in some ways would agree with you that Circuital succeeds EU, but in my opinion, I wouldn't go as far as to say "outstandingly" as though it were by a huge margin that Evil Urges is succeeded.  To put it that way makes is seem like Evil Urges was something the band should have never attempted all together.

Again, glad you love the new album and respect your opinion but just wanted to lay out there my opinion of the comparisons between the two albums.

fuck you

TeHeeHee.  Even funnier that its in another thread.  Glad I wasnt drinking milk!
