I gotsta say, FEMA seems way on top of this one eh? No fighting for bottled water at the supermarket peoples! Weather Channel was just showing potential Irene track models and had two going through B'more though the greater likelihood seems like Jersey and LI is gonna get hit harder other than of course the Carolinas.
I got a 14 team live fantasy football draft on Sunday at my house. Come on Irene, turn right!
i am supposed to fly to michigan sunday morning for work....bob said i should start driving now ;D ;D
Quote from: tdb810 on Aug 25, 2011, 09:38 AM
i am supposed to fly to michigan sunday morning for work....bob said i should start driving now ;D ;D
He's probably right ;D You might have a window to escape right? ???
Quote from: Ruckus on Aug 25, 2011, 09:40 AM
Quote from: tdb810 on Aug 25, 2011, 09:38 AM
i am supposed to fly to michigan sunday morning for work....bob said i should start driving now ;D ;D
He's probably right ;D You might have a window to escape right? ???
i might...unfortunately i'm not that motivated :)
Quote from: Ruckus on Aug 25, 2011, 09:37 AM
I gotsta say, FEMA seems way on top of this one eh? No fighting for bottled water at the supermarket peoples! Weather Channel was just showing potential Irene track models and had two going through B'more though the greater likelihood seems like Jersey and LI is gonna get hit harder other than of course the Carolinas.
I got a 14 team live fantasy football draft on Sunday at my house. Come on Irene, turn right!
I hear ya ruckus. Watching this biggie VERY closely! Where I live on Long Beach Island it's only three blocks wide from bay to ocean, so it could get scary. A big storm surge and it'll be one body of water! Thankfully my living space isn't ground level, but downstairs is sure to fllood. I'm worried about Irene taking my roof or downing the power lines right in front of my house. Hopefully she passes far enough out to sea, and not do too much damage here, but gotta be prepared.
I'm already packing up anything important, and plan on heading inland to ride it out.
Fingers crossed for anyone in harms way, and be safe everyone.
I'm supposed to head out to MONTAUK (Long Island) Saturday AM for a bachelorette party weekend, this would be PERFECT if the Hamptons were evacuated and we couldn't go! PLEASE please let this jitney from NYC be cancelled. I can't handle a group of girls I barely know and have nothing in common with, drag me out to nightclubs.
PLEASE PLEASE, if you're going to hit, hit before I start that 4 hour bus ride on Sat AM heading 'straight into a storm'...
Everyone else, be safe! Water and flashlights and AAA batteries...and cans of lentils.
Oh man, looks like this is going to be a mess for a lot of folks. Hope it turns away, or at least lets up -- be well, Eric! Glad you're prepared, man.
Now Penny, what could be more fun than being around a bunch of Lon Giland nightclub girls getting blasting by a hurricane! If you see Ron Cantore out there, you know you're in the shit.
Damn Irene!!! or maybe i should file this under current complaints...i am now sitting back in my office when i was meant to be out on Nantucket. About to reach the point of laughing back at the world since it keeps laughing at me....
N.J. Gov. just declared a State of Emergency, and is considering a mandatory evacuation of the Shore area.
I'm planning on getting off the island, but would sure like to get back asap. Hoping a mandatory evac gets lifted quickly after Irene.
On a plus side.... maybe it'll take out some cameras from that damned tv show, and we won't ever have to be embarrassed by that stain on all good Jersey people ever again.
Quote from: bluesky on Aug 25, 2011, 12:34 PM
Damn Irene!!! or maybe i should file this under current complaints...i am now sitting back in my office when i was meant to be out on Nantucket. About to reach the point of laughing back at the world since it keeps laughing at me....
Oh that's a bummer, Val! Be safe, lady - all you east coasters be safe, please!
ericm----thinking of you, man.....be safe
bluesky---if you're forced to be here this weekend, let's hang...and i'll just laugh at you, too! ..sorry about your vacation, though :-( this storm sucks (for everyone except me)
Thanks Penny, I will. I've got a place to stay on the mainland. Ten miles or so away from the beach.
I might not be able to say the same for the house, but I've got everything important to me packed in the car. Whatever happens to the rest......I try to never worry about things out of my control, so hopefully Mother Nature will be gentle this weekend.
You be safe too. Montauk might not be the best place to be this weekend. Saturday might be ok out there, but Sunday into Monday looks like a different story. Keep a close eye on this one. She's shaping up to be trouble.You definitely don't want to be stranded out there with no power for who knows how long.
Quote from: Crispy on Aug 25, 2011, 10:49 AM
Oh man, looks like this is going to be a mess for a lot of folks. Hope it turns away, or at least lets up -- be well, Eric! Glad you're prepared, man.
Now Penny, what could be more fun than being around a bunch of Lon Giland nightclub girls getting blasting by a hurricane! If you see Ron Cantore out there, you know you're in the shit.
Thanks Crispy. I will be.
Too funny about Cantore. You nailed it...just heard he's on his way to NYC!!
Quote from: bluesky on Aug 25, 2011, 12:34 PM
Damn Irene!!! or maybe i should file this under current complaints...i am now sitting back in my office when i was meant to be out on Nantucket. About to reach the point of laughing back at the world since it keeps laughing at me....
Not a great weekend to hit the Island, I pushed my plans too. Sorry I missed seeing you at The Mann. Eric be safe. I am hunkered down on the coast off Conn. hoping this just passes through with some rain???
sending good vibes for all those who may be affected...I'm in N Florida so it looks like we're going to get lucky. This baby has the potential to be scary powerful. Be smart and be safe.
awe jen, wish i had seen you the other night. i am so thankful for the mann show wish we had another show to cheer me up! christine i'm gonna see if there is any music this weekend and maggie when are you coming to nyc?
Quote from: My Morning Tube top on Aug 25, 2011, 05:16 PM
Quote from: bluesky on Aug 25, 2011, 12:34 PM
Damn Irene!!! or maybe i should file this under current complaints...i am now sitting back in my office when i was meant to be out on Nantucket. About to reach the point of laughing back at the world since it keeps laughing at me....
Not a great weekend to hit the Island, I pushed my plans too. Sorry I missed seeing you at The Mann. Eric be safe. I am hunkered down on the coast off Conn. hoping this just passes through with some rain???
Quote from: My Morning Tube top on Aug 25, 2011, 05:16 PM
Quote from: bluesky on Aug 25, 2011, 12:34 PM
Damn Irene!!! or maybe i should file this under current complaints...i am now sitting back in my office when i was meant to be out on Nantucket. About to reach the point of laughing back at the world since it keeps laughing at me....
Not a great weekend to hit the Island, I pushed my plans too. Sorry I missed seeing you at The Mann. Eric be safe. I am hunkered down on the coast off Conn. hoping this just passes through with some rain???
I hope you're right Jenn, and you get lucky there in Conn. You be safe too, and keep a close eye on this baby. It's looking like she's going to bring a big swell, and one helluva storm surge with her. Hopefully none of us get hit at high tide especially with the new moon.
Im in Southport, NC right now...the beach today was friggin fantastic. The waves were about 5x as intense as they were just a few days ago. Bodysurfing was great, the waves were so wicked they sent me doing underwater cartwheels a few times, and the tide was so high it was like sliding into home plate. The water was about 10 feet from reaching the dunes as far as how far it went up the beach. Almost lost my shorts a couple times, luckily my cat-like reflexes told me to flex my knees and I didnt totally lose them. On that note, also thankful I had no close encounters with the sand on those occasions. :bath:
Quote from: ericm on Aug 25, 2011, 07:15 PM
Quote from: My Morning Tube top on Aug 25, 2011, 05:16 PM
Quote from: bluesky on Aug 25, 2011, 12:34 PM
Damn Irene!!! or maybe i should file this under current complaints...i am now sitting back in my office when i was meant to be out on Nantucket. About to reach the point of laughing back at the world since it keeps laughing at me....
Not a great weekend to hit the Island, I pushed my plans too. Sorry I missed seeing you at The Mann. Eric be safe. I am hunkered down on the coast off Conn. hoping this just passes through with some rain???
I hope you're right Jenn, and you get lucky there in Conn. You be safe too, and keep a close eye on this baby. It's looking like she's going to bring a big swell, and one helluva storm surge with her. Hopefully none of us get hit at high tide especially with the new moon.
damn....hope everyone is safe and makes out ok with this.
moved my flight to michigan from sunday to saturday, so i will be outta here....but feel kind of guilty leaving everyone behind :(
have a great time in michigan trish!! call or text if you have any questions!!! :thumbsup:
South shore of Long Island here! Hoping for the best.
Quote from: capt. scotty on Aug 25, 2011, 09:47 PM
Im in Southport, NC right now...the beach today was friggin fantastic. The waves were about 5x as intense as they were just a few days ago. Bodysurfing was great, the waves were so wicked they sent me doing underwater cartwheels a few times, and the tide was so high it was like sliding into home plate. The water was about 10 feet from reaching the dunes as far as how far it went up the beach. Almost lost my shorts a couple times, luckily my cat-like reflexes told me to flex my knees and I didnt totally lose them. On that note, also thankful I had no close encounters with the sand on those occasions. :bath:
you should have seen trish's bobby and i getting PUMMELLED by the first wave he took with us as i was trying to show him how to bodysurf in Gulf Shores before the Hangout Fest weekend
Quote from: darkglow on Aug 26, 2011, 06:58 AM
Quote from: capt. scotty on Aug 25, 2011, 09:47 PM
Im in Southport, NC right now...the beach today was friggin fantastic. The waves were about 5x as intense as they were just a few days ago. Bodysurfing was great, the waves were so wicked they sent me doing underwater cartwheels a few times, and the tide was so high it was like sliding into home plate. The water was about 10 feet from reaching the dunes as far as how far it went up the beach. Almost lost my shorts a couple times, luckily my cat-like reflexes told me to flex my knees and I didnt totally lose them. On that note, also thankful I had no close encounters with the sand on those occasions. :bath:
you should have seen trish's bobby and i getting PUMMELLED by the first wave he took with us as i was trying to show him how to bodysurf in Gulf Shores before the Hangout Fest weekend
Scotty clearly articulated my experience down at Gulf Shores " doing cartwheels in the surf" and dark glow almost had to break out his medic skills........I hope that everyone stays safe over the weekend.
Mandatory evacuation here on LBI starting at 8:00 am today. Kinda glad actually, as all the vacationers are on their way off the island, and it should make it a lot easier to get off tomorrow or Sunday at the latest.
Thankfully the Twp. has issued evac re-entry permits to year-round residents, so at least I can come and go to the mainland for the next day or so, until I plan on bailing for the storm.
It's actually a beautiful day here, and aside from some stronger surf, it's a great beach day!
Is it true they are shutting down NYC public transportation? What will people do?
Quote from: ericm on Aug 26, 2011, 10:57 AM
Mandatory evacuation here on LBI starting at 8:00 am today. Kinda glad actually, as all the vacationers are on their way off the island, and it should make it a lot easier to get off tomorrow or Sunday at the latest.
Thankfully the Twp. has issued evac re-entry permits to year-round residents, so at least I can come and go to the mainland for the next day or so, until I plan on bailing for the storm.
It's actually a beautiful day here, and aside from some stronger surf, it's a great beach day!
Hey, that's good news at least, that the out-of-towners will be gone soon and that you'll be able to get back in a timely manner. Sunday morning seems a little late to get out of there, no? Good luck, all.
The weather channel is indicating 18 foot waves in South Carolina. Good surfing :o
Quote from: Crispy on Aug 26, 2011, 11:36 AM
Quote from: ericm on Aug 26, 2011, 10:57 AM
Mandatory evacuation here on LBI starting at 8:00 am today. Kinda glad actually, as all the vacationers are on their way off the island, and it should make it a lot easier to get off tomorrow or Sunday at the latest.
Thankfully the Twp. has issued evac re-entry permits to year-round residents, so at least I can come and go to the mainland for the next day or so, until I plan on bailing for the storm.
It's actually a beautiful day here, and aside from some stronger surf, it's a great beach day!
Sunday morning seems a little late to get out of there, no? Good luck, all.
Yeah Crispy it most likely will be. I'm keeping a close eye on it, and I'll probably be out of here sometime tomorrow night unless she slows down a lot.
Crazy though.... you'd never know we're in for some deep sh*t by the beautiful weather we're having today. ???
I don't know how often Google maps updates, but a while back I put a pin where I live on the map you put up on page 21 of the JFW thread. It might be good for some before and after pics.
Best to all of you dealing with this swirling low pressure system. Anytime you want me watch your beach house Eric.
In other news, while packing his belongings after being told to evacuate, Jordan Jefferson repeatedly kicked his bank card, prescription card, birth certificate and high school diploma under his bed for safekeeping. However, he safely managed to squeeze 49 pairs of brand new sneakers into the trunk of his brand new H3 ::)
QuoteCome on Irene
"Is that code?"
Quote from: Ruckus on Aug 26, 2011, 01:09 PM
Best to all of you dealing with this swirling low pressure system. Anytime you want me watch your beach house Eric.
In other news, while packing his belongings after being told to evacuate, Jordan Jefferson repeatedly kicked his bank card, prescription card, birth certificate and high school diploma under his bed for safekeeping. However, he safely managed to squeeze 49 pairs of brand new sneakers into the trunk of his brand new H3 ::)
;D ;D Heard he was being charged with felony assault. They must've found something on one of those sneaks. ;) What an asshat! Hope he gets found guilty for not only the assault, but thinking he was above everything. You know ol Les is sweating bullets about now. Where there's smoke.........
You can check out the house all you want now Rob, but do it soon, cause it might not be here long. :-\
So, am I the only one thinking of this is a positive way................MMJ Disaster Relief Concert in NYC after this storm passes through. If it worked in Bama, it'll work in NYC.
Quote from: Haldon on Aug 26, 2011, 03:33 PM
So, am I the only one thinking of this is a positive way................MMJ Disaster Relief Concert in NYC after this storm passes through. If it worked in Bama, it'll work in NYC.
Like the way you're thinking there Haldon! :thumbsup: Not to mention the kick start to the construction industry.
Gotta find a silver lining somewhere. ;)
They've closed schools here on Monday, in anticipation of post-storm cleanup, power outages, and flooding, plus the potential need for the schools to be used as shelters. Everyone stay safe.
Quote from: bluesky on Aug 25, 2011, 07:00 PMmaggie when are you coming to nyc?
Well, after this storm, for sure... ;D
Stay safe, everybody! It's sounding pretty ominous. Evacuate early if you can!
(and I'll be back in NYC sometime this fall/winter, count on it!)
definitely feels weird in nyc right now. i feel like its half and half people who are freaking out and others who are not worried at all/think it will pass. the mandatory evacuation of people in low lying areas and the subway shutting down is kinda crazy... but smart and safe.
Hipstering it now: the storm will be overhyped and overrated.
Quote from: subinai on Aug 26, 2011, 05:31 PM
definitely feels weird in nyc right now. i feel like its half and half people who are freaking out and others who are not worried at all/think it will pass. the mandatory evacuation of people in low lying areas and the subway shutting down is kinda crazy... but smart and safe.
yeah it's weird...i'm still down in lower manhattan at work, and i have to go out in the city tonight....i can't tell which zone i'm in but right now where i work is mandatory evac and where i live is voluntary.
chode--agreed....i hope
Quote from: el_chode on Aug 26, 2011, 05:43 PM
Hipstering it now: the storm will be overhyped and overrated.
I bought batteries and water last week for Irene. You should check out this little bubbling volcano in NW, PA. No one's heard of it but I might be able to show you a picture of it....maybe
I don't doubt there will be flooding, but the big deal this morning is that it'd hit NYC as a cat 2, meaning sustained winds at like 100mph. That happens once every 100 years. I think the latest trajectory has it at a cat 1, while not to minimize the situation, that is much less dire than a cat 2, which is pretty unprecedented.
Here they're acting like we're getting a hurricane in northwest nj, but we'll get a trop storm on par with the nor'easters we get 3x a year. it's the saturated ground that's the problem.
View from my apt:
I hope you're right chode, but even a cat 1 could spell trouble.
In addition to the flooding, it's quite possible that we'll get heavy rain and sustained winds +/- 80mph for 20 hours, due to the size of this baby and it's slow movement.
I'd be careful in buildings higher up also. The upper winds could still be at cat2 levels. Not sure how many apt. buildings have windows made to withstand those winds for that long. Skyscrapers probably yes, older apartment buildings....not so sure.
Yeh I don't mean to say there won't be serious implications, it's just that the worst of it will be more concentrated. Imagine 100mph for a 100 mile radius instead of a 50 mile radius. the increase in loss will be exponentially higher
Quote from: el_chode on Aug 26, 2011, 06:37 PM
Yeh I don't mean to say there won't be serious implications, it's just that the worst of it will be more concentrated. Imagine 100mph for a 100 mile radius instead of a 50 mile radius. the increase in loss will be exponentially higher
Oh, I get that, it's just I'm worried a lot of people think a cat 1 is nothing. Just trying to point out it could still do some serious damage. I'm sure the people in the 50 or so mile radius won't care what it's rating is when they're getting pounded.
i've sent txts to those that i have cell #'s for: if anyone needs an inland place to stay - let me know. my parents place is not too far from "upstate" ny (to nyc dwellers) - like - 2 towns from suffern, near the ramapo mountains. i'm prob heading there tomorrow to keep an eye on the place, as they are away. there are plenty of beds.
hurricane party anyone?
but seriously - everyone BE SAFE!
Quote from: ericm on Aug 26, 2011, 07:00 PM
Quote from: el_chode on Aug 26, 2011, 06:37 PM
Yeh I don't mean to say there won't be serious implications, it's just that the worst of it will be more concentrated. Imagine 100mph for a 100 mile radius instead of a 50 mile radius. the increase in loss will be exponentially higher
Oh, I get that, it's just I'm worried a lot of people think a cat 1 is nothing. Just trying to point out it could still do some serious damage. I'm sure the people in the 50 or so mile radius won't care what it's rating is when they're getting pounded.
I think the real story is that an actual hurricane is hitting NYC and the rare track it's taking up the coast. The jersey shore will be sanitized a bit, and NYC will definitely get some significant water. But for the rest of us I think it might resemble a really nasty nor'easter as far as winds.
Regardless of whether it's a tropical depression or cat 5, we're boned because we're already oversaturated with water. That won't really be changing the game much.
Wishing you all well. Spent the day battening down the place (went to 3 home depots and not one had any flashlights or 6 volt batteries) and hoping for the best. Hoping for the best but need to keep the basement dry (stereo and thousands of lps). Best of luck to all you by the sea and hoping that as Bruce said, "someday we'll look back on this and it will all seem funny".
Thanks Liz for the kind thoughts and generous offer. Next show, the rail's on me. ;)
Quote from: headhunter on Aug 26, 2011, 10:08 PM
Best of luck to all you by the sea and hoping that as Bruce said, "someday we'll look back on this and it will all seem funny"
Ahh Rosie Baby!! Just what the doctor ordered....a little Bruce to get the juices flowing.
I'm sitting here on my deck with a nice martini on a spooky deserted street listening to some old school Genesis. They've been one of the soundtracks of my life, and always good for the soul.
Here's something sweet if anyone wants to join me.
Firth Of Fifth : Genesis - Firth Of Fifth - Six Hours Live (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJJP-MfI9ls#)
I've spent the past 2 days (less the couple of hours I was in the ER yesterday with an allergic reaction to the hornet stings I got) preparing for the storm.
fueled, oiled and sharpened the chains on these today:
http://youtu.be/U8JOOS8LjiI (http://youtu.be/U8JOOS8LjiI)
Made a Hurricane Irene collaborative playlist if anyone wants to contribute:
Hurricane Irene (http://open.spotify.com/user/elchode/playlist/5xSElXo4mCF0vNamfYAihD)
I hope I did this right.
I just ask you don't put on Dylan's Hurricane or the Scorpions
All the stores around here are wiped out, and I have to work a shift stocking tomorrow at my grocery store. It's going to be complete chaos.
Black Line: Projected path,
Quote from: kotchishm on Aug 26, 2011, 11:34 AM
Is it true they are shutting down NYC public transportation? What will people do?
Talk about over reaction to the fullest. We drove out of North Carolina at noon today, didnt hit traffic on 40-West like the news stations had been saying, and got back to the Burgh under great weather in about 12 hours.
On another note, my Moms wouldnt go to the beach this morning (I wanted to just to check out the waves, and pull a Point Break moment, but oh well). However, I introduced her to Fat Tire in NC, and she loved it. She's not a drinker, let alone a beer drinker. They dont sell it in PA, but its been 1 of my favorite brews for awhile. We hit up the Walmart around 1130am, and while everyone else was undergoing hurricane precautions, we cleared out the Fat Tire and bought five 12 packs ;D
Still hangin. Looks like I'll definitely get to be here most of the day into tonight. So far only some light rain and a bit of wind.
The ocean's starting to kick up a bit, but not really raging yet. Sounds louder than it looks right now. It's at low tide, so I'm sure the swells will be picking up as the day progresses.
I'll keep you posted, and be safe everyone. :beer:
Deer Tick-- "Goodnight Irene" at AS220 3/31/07 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTDQthv4vlk#)
Ok, enough with the doom and gloom, whatchy'all got to pass the time?
We have:
(1) Jack-Ass Asskisser Double IPA 22oz
(1) Young's Dbl Chocolate Stout
(1) Bananabread Beer
(1) Greenflash Le Freak Belgian Double IPA 22oz
(6) Saranac Pumpkins (gross, not for me)
(6) Lagunitas Lil' Sumthin Sumthin
Misc detritus beers from all summer long
Misc whisk(e)ys
Home made italian bread dough in the bread machine scavenged from various types of flour in the apartment (4 C flour, 1/3 C water, 1.5 tsp oil/salt, .25 oz yeast, 2 TBSP brown suga)
Home made gravy to go with the bread
Home made meatballs to go with the gravy
1 Poker set
36 bottles of water
...and a bottle of Mead that we got as a gift (where the hell do you get Mead?)
Quote from: el_chode on Aug 27, 2011, 04:39 PM
Ok, enough with the doom and gloom, whatchy'all got to pass the time?
We have:
(1) Jack-Ass Asskisser Double IPA 22oz
(1) Young's Dbl Chocolate Stout
(1) Bananabread Beer
(1) Greenflash Le Freak Belgian Double IPA 22oz
(6) Saranac Pumpkins (gross, not for me)
(6) Lagunitas Lil' Sumthin Sumthin
Misc detritus beers from all summer long
Misc whisk(e)ys
Home made italian bread dough in the bread machine scavenged from various types of flour in the apartment (4 C flour, 1/3 C water, 1.5 tsp oil/salt, .25 oz yeast, 2 TBSP brown suga)
Home made gravy to go with the bread
Home made meatballs to go with the gravy
1 Poker set
36 bottles of water
I loaded up on a whole bunch of Oktoberfests last time I was at my local bottleshop. Might have to break some of them out tonight.
Truly bummed that I had to move a 14 team fantasy draft tomorrow from live to online. It's one of the most fun days of the year. Oh well. Cars moved away from all my trees in the backyard above the driveway.
I have:
New Belgium - Fat Tire, Ranger, Trippel, Hoptober
Smutty Nose - Brown Ale, Porter, IPA, Pale Ale
Flying Dog - Ragin Bitch, Classic Pale Ale, IPA, and the great Simcoe Imperial IPA (brilliant)
Mendocino - Red Hawk Ale
James Boag's Tasmanian Lager
8 gallons of Starr Blu Vodka
Whole roasted chicken from last night and currently making Japanese style beef curry.
Enjoy the weekend to those that can.
Quote from: FiddleCastro on Aug 27, 2011, 02:40 AM
All the stores around here are wiped out, and I have to work a shift stocking tomorrow at my grocery store. It's going to be complete chaos.
Black Line: Projected path,
I'd pretty much would say fuck that.
Spending the night playing scrabble, drinking wine, eating popcorn and watching Okonokos.
So far so good.
it stinks that I can't have beers. I just have to wait until Irene hits and be ready to get called in. :(
Here's a pic of Atlantic City, where it's looking like Irene will hit tomorrow morning. :(
http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/6410/33400423553389220461207.jpg (http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/6410/33400423553389220461207.jpg)
Holy crap. Did u take that?
hang in there Rich!!!
Quote from: mjk73 on Aug 27, 2011, 05:28 PM
Quote from: FiddleCastro on Aug 27, 2011, 02:40 AM
All the stores around here are wiped out, and I have to work a shift stocking tomorrow at my grocery store. It's going to be complete chaos.
Black Line: Projected path,
I'd pretty much would say fuck that.
Quote from: bluesky on Aug 27, 2011, 10:58 PM
hang in there Rich!!!
Quote from: mjk73 on Aug 27, 2011, 05:28 PM
Quote from: FiddleCastro on Aug 27, 2011, 02:40 AM
All the stores around here are wiped out, and I have to work a shift stocking tomorrow at my grocery store. It's going to be complete chaos.
Black Line: Projected path,
I'd pretty much would say fuck that.
Sitting back, listening to some MMJ vinyl. Hopefully the power stays on. :)
Oh goodness all, be safe!!! Asheville's doing fine as inland as it is, and the mountain fortress seems to be working lovely. But I hope everyone's ok!! Will keep you all in my thoughts! Glad you made it out of NC efficiently, Scott! :thumbsup: Pittsburgh's a little fortress of its own too, usually :)
Quote from: Ruckus on Aug 27, 2011, 05:21 PM
Truly bummed that I had to move a 14 team fantasy draft tomorrow from live to online. It's one of the most fun days of the year. Oh well. Cars moved away from all my trees in the backyard above the driveway.
I have:
New Belgium - Fat Tire, Ranger, Trippel, Hoptober
Smutty Nose - Brown Ale, Porter, IPA, Pale Ale
Flying Dog - Ragin Bitch, Classic Pale Ale, IPA, and the great Simcoe Imperial IPA (brilliant)
Mendocino - Red Hawk Ale
James Boag's Tasmanian Lager
8 gallons of Starr Blu Vodka
Whole roasted chicken from last night and currently making Japanese style beef curry.
Enjoy the weekend to those that can.
You prepare well, man!
The best part of this Hurricane is El Bloombito:
eye of the storm
it's bright and want to go out, brooke says no!
staying in watch mmj austin 2003
Quote from: bluesky on Aug 28, 2011, 11:12 AM
staying in watch mmj austin 2003
compliments of mister yac !!
i think the worst of the storm was me drinking so much bourbon in preparation for said storm (http://www.thejamgirlz.com/phorums/images/smiles/eusa_whistle.gif)
thanks Johnny for the videos, perfect for today!
Quote from: br00ke on Aug 28, 2011, 11:21 AM
Quote from: bluesky on Aug 28, 2011, 11:12 AM
staying in watch mmj austin 2003
compliments of mister yac !!
i think the worst of the storm was me drinking so much bourbon in preparation for said storm (http://www.thejamgirlz.com/phorums/images/smiles/eusa_whistle.gif)
sean riley, plenty of wine, 12 song rock band setlist.
Quote from: bluesky on Aug 28, 2011, 11:12 AM
eye of the storm
it's bright and want to go out, brooke says no!
staying in watch mmj austin 2003
I was really hoping this was a haiku ;D
Glad to hear everyone's all right!
i do not know how to write haiku's that's danz thing
Quote from: ALady on Aug 28, 2011, 08:02 PM
Quote from: bluesky on Aug 28, 2011, 11:12 AM
eye of the storm
it's bright and want to go out, brooke says no!
staying in watch mmj austin 2003
I was really hoping this was a haiku ;D
Glad to hear everyone's all right!
got my power back . :)
one nice thing about that the storm is it got my teenage son off the internet and we actually played some family board games by candlelight while listening to music on a battery-powered ipod docking station. all in all not to bad.
Quote from: headhunter on Aug 29, 2011, 11:15 AM
got my power back . :)
one nice thing about that the storm is it got my teenage son of the internet and we actually played some family board games by candlelight while listening to music on a battery-powered ipod docking station. all in all not to bad.
i think you mean it got
you off the mmj board long enough to spend time with your family ;)
Well I made it home to see absolutely NO real damage to my place. :o Pretty hard to believe, but we were real lucky. A little shift in the wind and it would've been real big trouble.
Sad to see others were not so lucky. Millions without power, and serious flooding in many states. My thoughts are with all who are dealing with the aftermath, and hopefully no one here has been affected too badly.
Quote from: ericm on Aug 29, 2011, 06:48 PM
Well I made it home to see absolutely NO real damage to my place. :o Pretty hard to believe, but we were real lucky. A little shift in the wind and it would've been real big trouble.
Sad to see others were not so lucky. Millions without power, and serious flooding in many states. My thoughts are with all who are dealing with the aftermath, and hopefully no one here has been affected too badly.
Glad to hear your place is ok and same to you hh. I know that Bob and Trish's hood flooded pretty badly. I am still w/o power but all is good. Kinda crazy to think of the extensive damage here when we hardly got hit.
A pic of the rapids that have emerged a block away from my house. That graffiti you see is usually about head-level, and the stream is popular for fly fishing.
Quote from: Ruckus on Aug 29, 2011, 07:19 PM
Quote from: ericm on Aug 29, 2011, 06:48 PM
Well I made it home to see absolutely NO real damage to my place. :o Pretty hard to believe, but we were real lucky. A little shift in the wind and it would've been real big trouble.
Sad to see others were not so lucky. Millions without power, and serious flooding in many states. My thoughts are with all who are dealing with the aftermath, and hopefully no one here has been affected too badly.
Glad to hear your place is ok and same to you hh. I know that Bob and Trish's hood flooded pretty badly. I am still w/o power but all is good. Kinda crazy to think of the extensive damage here when we hardly got hit.
glad u are all ok - losing power is no big deal and flooding really sucks. Wishing T&B a quick recovery and drying out and happy to know that their posters hang proudly upstairs. NJ seems to get hit hard way too often by flooding.
Quote from: Ruckus on Aug 29, 2011, 07:19 PM
Quote from: ericm on Aug 29, 2011, 06:48 PM
Well I made it home to see absolutely NO real damage to my place. :o Pretty hard to believe, but we were real lucky. A little shift in the wind and it would've been real big trouble.
Sad to see others were not so lucky. Millions without power, and serious flooding in many states. My thoughts are with all who are dealing with the aftermath, and hopefully no one here has been affected too badly.
Glad to hear your place is ok and same to you hh. I know that Bob and Trish's hood flooded pretty badly. I am still w/o power but all is good. Kinda crazy to think of the extensive damage here when we hardly got hit.
Thanks man. I saw they were evacuating in parts of Trish and Bob's town ahead of Irene. I know it's known for flooding there, but hopefully not in their part of town. Fingers crossed for them.
Glad you're good, and hope you get power back soon. :beer:
excellent news to hear both eric & jeff :thumbsup: valerie and i were wondering about you guys on sunday!! trish & bob .. le woah, i saw the pictures.
good vibes on a quick and easy clean up (http://www.thejamgirlz.com/phorums/images/smiles/049.gif)
Great news guys, glad to hear everyone's okay, and best wishes for a speedy cleanup for Bob and Trish. Big mess for a lot of folks, lots of big good vibes for all affected.
Good to hear everyone's okay. What's up with Trish and Bob, though? Sounds like they got some flooding. I didn't know. I hope its not too bad and things are back to normal soon.
Still without power, have a tree down in my yard, lucky it fell where it did,
Quote from: FiddleCastro on Aug 30, 2011, 02:31 AM
Still without power, have a tree down in my yard, lucky it fell where it did,
Hang in there, Rich. And check your PMs.
Hey guys....I've been in Michigan since Saturday, so poor Bob has been doing the post hurricane clean up without me, but has had the help of many friends and family. We ended up with over three feet of water(sewage) in our basement. Needless to say everything is garbage. Washer, dryer, hot water heater, tons of photos, decorations etc. From what I have seen of the rest of my town, we were very lucky....just kinda weird still being away, but I am leading a 4 day training out here and just needed to be here for all of the people who registered and travelled to be here.
Bob has been amazing, as has our daughter who was in the basement at 6 am with him Sunday morning bailing the water out. Fortunately, about two months ago we brought all of our vinyl upstairs, so totally grateful for that.
From what I hear, there will be plenty of work for me when I return to jersey, so hopefully that will assuage some of thus guilt :-\
Thanks guys, and glad everyone is safe! Fiddle, hope you get your power back soon!
Sorry about the damage but glad all are safe. Wonderful to have a terrific and strong family when things get rough. Gotta count your blessings when things could be worse. Hopefully insurance covers most of the damage and I really hope you didn't lose to many irreplaceable things (glad the vinyl is safe - :) )
This too shall pass.
Wow, Trish - what a mess! So glad everyone's all right, that's what counts. :)
Exactly, They were talking about Cranford on the radio and I thought about you and Bob. I was going to text you, but I didn't have your number for some reason.
I'm still without power, hanging out at my school, though. Using their wifi and power to charge my laptop.
Red Cross & FEMA here today. We are all good, just cleaning & stuff ;)
Quote from: tdb810 on Sep 05, 2011, 04:27 PM
Red Cross & FEMA here today. We are all good, just cleaning & stuff ;)
Glad you're okay, despite the damage. Only took 'em a week!
Quote from: johnnYYac on Sep 05, 2011, 04:32 PM
Quote from: tdb810 on Sep 05, 2011, 04:27 PM
Red Cross & FEMA here today. We are all good, just cleaning & stuff ;)
Glad you're okay, despite the damage. Only took 'em a week!
I know, I am actually amazed.
My town finally cleaned up this thing in my front yard today!
Trish--so happy to hear you guys are being taken care of. What a mess.
As for me...power went out twice, basement flooded about 2 feet of water causing our hot water boiler to be flooded out. Have NOT had hot water in over a week. Landlord is finally sending a plumber over tomorrow to get this fixed. Piece of shit. Hopefully only have to take one more freezing cold shower. Not fun when it is chilly and raining in the morning. Meh. >:(
Quote from: lil sis on Sep 06, 2011, 02:08 PM
Trish--so happy to hear you guys are being taken care of. What a mess.
As for me...power went out twice, basement flooded about 2 feet of water causing our hot water boiler to be flooded out. Have NOT had hot water in over a week. Landlord is finally sending a plumber over tomorrow to get this fixed. Piece of shit. Hopefully only have to take one more freezing cold shower. Not fun when it is chilly and raining in the morning. Meh. >:(
ugh-- that sucks! hopefully you didn't lose anything precious. hope you are back to normal soon!
Nothing precious was lost...just was totally miserable for the past week. New boiler was installed today and we finally have hot water. Huzzah!!! :D
Quote from: FiddleCastro on Sep 06, 2011, 02:03 PM
My town finally cleaned up this thing in my front yard today!
Good thing! That is one ugly birdhouse!
Just kidding. Glad to see and hear of folks slowly getting back to normal. Did you get power back, Rich? Anything good in the mail lately?
Shits gettin real in Wilkes-Barre. Potentially the worst flooding since 1972.
Quote from: Ghosts_on_TV on Sep 07, 2011, 08:54 PM
Shits gettin real in Wilkes-Barre. Potentially the worst flooding since 1972.
good luck out there Ghosts! i saw a photo that Ky posted -- insane! be safe!
They evacuated the low lying areas already, and are going to make the call on places protected by the levee by 6 am. My whole neighbourhood is on a hill so ill be alright.
Quote from: lil sis on Sep 07, 2011, 07:06 PM
Nothing precious was lost...just was totally miserable for the past week. New boiler was installed today and we finally have hot water. Huzzah!!! :D
good day for hot water...these last few have been wet and chilly!!! Glad all the forum friends have made it through these series of storms! :)
It's gross here today. Talk about flash flood. Part of my library flooded, so no work for me there tomorrow. Not sure how the museum I work at fared since we left at 2:00. Gah! There is a creek that runs through Hershey and Hersheypark. Sadly, there is a zoo that's part of the park and the bison had to be euthanized when their area flooded and they couldn't get them out. Not sure why they didn't move them, oh, yesterday when all the flash flood warnings were issued? There's a really disturbing picture someone took of these poor bison standing in muddy water, almost completely submerged. No personal damage yet, just...watching everything get flooded is disgusting. And it's still raining....
Goll LEE!!! Pittsburgh folks, what is happening up there right now??? Is it raining that bad???
Quote from: johnnYYac on Sep 07, 2011, 08:25 PM
Quote from: FiddleCastro on Sep 06, 2011, 02:03 PM
My town finally cleaned up this thing in my front yard today!
Good thing! That is one ugly birdhouse!
Just kidding. Glad to see and hear of folks slowly getting back to normal. Did you get power back, Rich? Anything good in the mail lately?
Yes, Indeed! Thank you! I haven't had a chance to watch it fully!
The levee system in Wilkes-Barre is under "extreme stress" right now. If they fail, it will end up worse than the Agnes flood of 1972, which at the time was considered the worst natural disaster in the country. The river crested at like 42.6 or something, a record high, sometime last night.
It's not going to hold.
oh man Ghosts.....this is scary stuff... be safe!
I was trying to post a pic, but I'm at work on my phone and its a pain in the ass. Go on Facebook and search wbre news and check out their wall if you want to see pictures of what's going down in the WB.
Wow, those pictures are crazy. Stay safe Ghosts.
Thanks guys. My house isn't in the flood zone, but many of my family and friends homes and businesses are in danger if these levees dont hold. All of that on top of the fact that there are some towns already pretty much completely under water. It's wild!
Stay safe!
So they held up. I really don't think anyone thought they would. Granted, towns not protected by the levees are pretty much fucked, it really could've been much worse.