My Morning Jacket

Off-Topic => Other Music => Topic started by: woodnymph on Sep 23, 2011, 09:10 PM

Title: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Sep 23, 2011, 09:10 PM
OK these guys ought to have their own thread, I think...  there are at least a few other people who might enjoy the space.

A Perfect Circle and Puscifer, etc, all welcome too!

Just find myself getting caught in the Lateralus album lyrics again.  And

Tool - Lateralus (

Tool-Disposition (
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: BH on Sep 23, 2011, 09:54 PM
What an intense band.   I saw them on the side stage at Lollapalooza II right after Undertow came out.  It was like 100 degrees, I was 10 feet away and they just blew my mind.  It was just soooo heavy and evil like nothing I had ever heard or seen.   I just remember the bass just snapping and Maynard scarring the living shit out of me.  Still to this day I don't think there is another band that does what they do.   My sophmore year in college we used get wasted, put on Undertow, turn out the lights and just thrash up the room for an hour straight.  What a dork. ::)  (But wow it was fun.)

Do you like APC's Thirteeth Step?   I love that album.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Sep 23, 2011, 10:06 PM
Nice live story!!!

And for the record, thrashing around to Undertow is NOT dork material!!  That's some badassery.  I've yet to see Tool from that close of a distance, damn!  I can only imagine........

But I used to listen to them a whole lot in my freshman/sophomore years in highschool and saw them live a few times those years, but never so close!  My story is that I used to paint the Lateralus eyes all over my bedroom wall.... they were f'n sweet though, looked just like big Alex Grey eyes, really deep and colorful.... then I went through a phase thinking Maynard was pretty evil, and I actually painted over them hahahah there's a dork story for ya.  I've grown up (if you can call it that!) a good bit since then though, and I can relate to the lyrics more than before, and I feel a closer bond than before... worked through my psychedelically-induced fears hahah

There's definitely not another band that does what they do.  Powerful shit, any way you cut it.

I do like the Thirteenth Step (a LOT from what I remember!) But it hasn't stuck to me as much as Mer has, yet.... it's my own doing though, I just haven't taken the time with it.  The few times I've spun it though I've really dug it.  Glad you dig 'em too!!
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: BH on Sep 23, 2011, 10:34 PM
Thirteeth Step is one of those albums that just takes me away somewhere the moment I hear the first notes, like a Floyd album or something.   Can't explain it but the production and sound is just awesome.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: BH on Sep 23, 2011, 10:36 PM
Turn this up on some headsets and close your eyes.

It comes alive at the 1:53 mark.

A Perfect Circle - The Noose (
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Sep 23, 2011, 10:40 PM
Quote from: BH on Sep 23, 2011, 10:36 PM
Turn this up on some headsets and close your eyes.

It comes alive at the 1:53 mark.

A Perfect Circle - The Noose (

OK all systems go!  I hold you responsible for my disappearance out into space though!!!!
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: BH on Sep 23, 2011, 10:45 PM
Hold on tight!
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Sep 23, 2011, 10:48 PM
Oooooooooohhhhh yeeeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhhh I love that one!!! I wouldn't have remembered its name to see the title, but I do remember it well!!

APC played it in Pitt the night before MMJ played.... and Jim said they heard the show from up on Mt. Washington when they were sight-seeing that night!!!  That would've been sick to hear it echoing over the rivers in Pitt.......... wheeeeewwwwww

Oh you're spot-on about the lift-off experience too, such as a Floyd album, etc.  Nice!!  So great....
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Sep 23, 2011, 10:51 PM
OK so I'm spinning the album again tonight  :)  Thanks for the shove!  Another great Autumn feel experience
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: BH on Sep 23, 2011, 10:54 PM
Cheers. :beer:  Happy effin Friday!
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Sep 23, 2011, 11:00 PM
Quote from: BH on Sep 23, 2011, 10:54 PM
Cheers. :beer:  Happy effin Friday!

Hell yeah!  Cheers indeed  :beer:  Happy Friday and Happy Fall!
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: MrWhippy on Sep 24, 2011, 12:37 AM
Yay for a Tool thread.  I'm a huge fan and have been to about 12 shows since 1993.  I made the pilgrimage to Red Rocks to see them last year like many on here did for MMJ this year. 

I also got hooked after hearing Undertow and seeing them in a club around that time.  Deep, evil music like nothing I had heard before.

I do find one similarity between Tool and MMJ, and that is that both band just completely blow me away every time I see them.  Sort of like every time just exceeds the high bar that was set by the time before.  Not many bands do that to me, but Tool and MMJ do.

I agree with you guys that APC's 13th Step is amazing as well, and one of those records that really takes somewhere. 

What would you guys pick as your favorite Tool record?  For me it would definitely be Lateralus.  I feel like I will always remember the first time I ever heard The Grudge.  That might be the hardest I've ever been knocked on my ass by a song on first listen.

Puscifer is great as well, and something that I think you need to see live to truely get what Maynard is trying to do with it.  There will be a Puscifer tour this fall after the new record comes out.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: sweatboard on Sep 24, 2011, 12:57 AM
One Great Big Festering Neon Distraction, I Have A Suggestion To Keep You All Ocupied. 

Lyrics and Riff in a perfect union.
These lyrics have been forever planted in my brain....... 

Don't just call me pessimist.
Try and read between the lines.

Tool - Ænema [uncut version - hq - fullscreen] (

Some say the end is near.
Some say we'll see armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will.
I sure could use a vacation from this

Bullshit three ring circus sideshow of

Here in this hopeless fucking hole we call LA
The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
Any fucking time. Any fucking day.
Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona bay.

Fret for your figure and
Fret for your latte and
Fret for your hairpiece and
Fret for your lawsuit and
Fret for your prozac and
Fret for your pilot and
Fret for your contract and
Fret for your car.

It's a
Bullshit three ring circus sideshow of

Here in this hopeless fucking hole we call LA
The only way to fix it is to flush it all away.
Any fucking time. Any fucking day.
Learn to swim, I'll see you down in Arizona bay.

Some say a comet will fall from the sky.
Followed by meteor showers and tidal waves.
Followed by faultlines that cannot sit still.
Followed by millions of dumbfounded dipshits.

Some say the end is near.
Some say we'll see armageddon soon.
I certainly hope we will cuz
I sure could use a vacation from this

Silly shit, stupid shit...

One great big festering neon distraction,
I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied.

Learn to swim.

Mom's gonna fix it all soon.
Mom's comin' round to put it back the way it ought to be.

Learn to swim.

Fuck L Ron Hubbard and
Fuck all his clones.
Fuck all those gun-toting
Hip gangster wannabes.

Learn to swim.

Fuck retro anything.
Fuck your tattoos.
Fuck all you junkies and
Fuck your short memory.

Learn to swim.

Fuck smiley glad-hands
With hidden agendas.
Fuck these dysfunctional,
Insecure actresses.

Learn to swim.

Cuz I'm praying for rain
And I'm praying for tidal waves
I wanna see the ground give way.
I wanna watch it all go down.
Mom please flush it all away.
I wanna watch it go right in and down.
I wanna watch it go right in.
Watch you flush it all away.
Time to bring it down again.
Don't just call me pessimist.
Try and read between the lines.

I can't imagine why you wouldn't
Welcome any change, my friend.

I wanna see it all come down.
suck it down.
flush it down.

Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: sweatboard on Sep 24, 2011, 02:19 AM
It's interesting to me how he's cut off everytime he starts to make sense....

L. Ron Hubbard 1968 Full Interview Part 1 (
6min in this takes a a serious wrong turn.  ;D
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: sweatboard on Sep 24, 2011, 03:22 AM
L. Ron Hubbard 1968 Full Interview Part 4 (
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: sweatboard on Sep 24, 2011, 03:30 AM
oh Yes, the one man in the world who Never believes he's mad IS the mad man....

Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: sweatboard on Sep 24, 2011, 03:59 AM
Inside Scientology - L. Ron Hubbard explains 1/3 (

Including The White Race  :D
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: sweatboard on Sep 24, 2011, 04:22 AM
Cash In Baby, Cash In!!!

Ron Hubbard Jr.: Scientology has always been a Business 1/3 (

He left the church because his wife wanted him to and because he wasn't making enouhg money?

The "Truth" Is are a douche. FACT
L.Ron Hubbard is starting a brand new SS.   :-\
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: dragonboy on Sep 24, 2011, 06:13 AM
Was lucky enough to see Tool twice with RATM back in the early 90s, first time was at the London Astoria (capacity 1800) Paw was on the bill too, used to love them. Needless to saw they were incredible shows.

Saw Perfect Circle a couple of years ago too...
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: Ghosts_on_TV on Sep 24, 2011, 06:27 AM
46 & 2, just ahead of me...
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: BH on Sep 24, 2011, 09:26 AM
Quote from: Ghosts_on_TV on Sep 24, 2011, 06:27 AM
46 & 2, just ahead of me...

Nice.  I almost put 46 AND2 on my liscence plate once because I like that song and the meaning behind it so much.

Love the mad man quote B
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: Ghosts_on_TV on Sep 24, 2011, 03:37 PM
God that album is so good. I only ever saw Tool once, it was when lateralus came out. They had these dudes painted silver climbing all over the fucking stage, and maynard kind of just stood in this dark corner of the stage the whole time. It was actually one of the best shows ive ever seen. I saw APC once too, right when the first album came out. Maynard had on these white shiny vinyl pants, and during the 2nd or 3rd song, he said "this song is about taking of your pants...these are Gucci, by the way..." , and just took his pants off and played the rest of the show in bikini brief underwear.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: Ghosts_on_TV on Sep 24, 2011, 09:43 PM
Quote from: BH on Sep 23, 2011, 10:34 PM
Thirteeth Step is one of those albums that just takes me away somewhere the moment I hear the first notes, like a Floyd album or something.   Can't explain it but the production and sound is just awesome.

This album reminds me so much of Disintegration by The Cure.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Sep 25, 2011, 12:06 AM
Dang dragonboy, that had to be NUTS with RATM!!!!  Wheeeeeewwww......... killer!

Ghosts, I saw them around the time of Lateralus too, and those silvery green people climbing oh man.  That's hilarious Maynard pulled that pants stunt at your show  ;D  Man I wish I could remember more about the few shows I caught... he definitely had something going on with his wardrobe (amongst everything else, of course)

Salival is one of my favorites by them too, all the live goodness.  The live tablas on Pushit.... and the You Lied, Third Eye, and No Quarter.

I'll need to catch up with those L. Ron Hubbard vids, I've been meaning to read more about him and all since forever.... since I first heard Aenima.  (Even though he says 'fuck 'im,' I'd still like to know what the dude's about, more.)  The handful of times I tried to learn up on him, I got sidetracked rather easily....  Guess I have a lot to look forward to  :P

Hahah but man oh man.... I love Opiate too and Undertow, their rawness just scratches my itches sometimes.

And I probably already mentioned it, but I'm still proud of the fact that my highschool boyfriend and I cracked the symbol code of Mer De Noms.  (He started it though, I'll have to give him credit for the idea)  We figured out what each symbol stands for, and got most of the letters of the alphabet down.  I think there were 2 or 3 we couldn't find, though.  We liked the album a little.  Then we wrote notes in the code  :-X  I'd never remember them nowadays, but the translation pages are somewhere in a box back home....

Wish I saw APC circa Mer, but couldn't find a ride out to the show which was like an hour or more from my house.  Really glad I caught them this summer, the night before MMJ.  What a crazy two days of music.....  and they played 3 or 4 songs off of Mer too, so I was stoked. (And let me just add they covered Joni Mitchell too. It was a great set...)  Wish they woulda just kept playing though.....
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Sep 25, 2011, 01:38 AM
How many times I feel like I'm in his shoes singing this......  just want to wake people up sometimes......

7. Sleeping Beauty - A Perfect Circle (
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Sep 25, 2011, 02:14 AM
I just looked up the Tool shows I'd been to, to see their setlists and dates, etc.... and it's no wonder the Fall always gets me amped about them.  Saw them September 28, 2001 at the Civic Arena in Pitt and October 19, 2002 at the Erie Civic Center.  Between those shows, they played Opiate, Prison Sex, 4 Degrees, Cold & Ugly, Stinkfist, 46 & 2, and Aenema, amongst Lateralus tunes that I also love.  Oh and Pushit (which was entirely too significant at the time........)  And they played Pushit in Pittsburgh. The "they knew I was there" feeling still remains.  High times.........  8)
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: buymycar on Sep 25, 2011, 03:50 AM
Those "silvery green people" climbing on the stage are called Osseus Labyrint.  From the wiki:

Osseus Labyrint is an experimental arts entity which has been working in multiple disciplines and forms of media since 1989.

The group describes its work as "a manifestation of accumulated data from billions of years of evolving and recombining of matter and energy." Founded and directed by Hannah Sim and Mark Steger, Osseus Labyrint has inhabited extreme, remote, conventional, and self-made environments. The group's work has been presented live and broadcast throughout the USA, Canada, Mexico, England, Scotland, Switzerland, Germany, Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Australia, New Zealand and over the World Wide Web.

The pair has found much fame through their work with the band Tool; they have appeared in Tool's music video "Schism" and live on stage at many of Tool's concerts. Osseus Labyrint has also appeared as a pair in the film Men in Black II doing the same "interpretative dance" seen in the "Schism" music video.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: MrWhippy on Sep 25, 2011, 07:46 AM
If you are a big Tool fan and didn't get to see the 2010 tour, check this out.  They opened all the shows with Third Eye, and had an incredible new visual presentation for it.  This is just about the best opening for a show I've ever seen.

TOOL - Third eye Live 2010 St Charles MO HD (

Yeah, the 2001 tour with Osseus Labyrint suspended above the stage upsidedown contorting themselves was nuts.  Also one of the best shows I've ever seen in my opinion, though Tool always is.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Sep 25, 2011, 12:19 PM
Good christ, man!!!

I swore that I saw Third Eye at one of the shows I was at, but the evidence isn't exactly mounting.....  hmmmm

Those LIGHTS!  That's just great.... I feel like that song might have even been the reason I even first heard of a third eye, so you can imagine how that set me reeling.....  fantastic, thanks for posting that!

And I'd heard that the Osseus Labyrint people were some team of sorts that traveled and performed, but I wouldn't have ever remembered the name they go by..... a good name though!!  Hopefully one I'll remember now! (
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Sep 25, 2011, 12:41 PM
OK!  I think maybe I've solved my riddle...... someone wrote on that they played Opiate at the Erie Civic Center, but played the Tim Leary quotes from the Salival version of Third Eye.  If so, thus would certainly have left a residual Third Eye feeling of having heard it.  Pun intended  ::)

All I know is my mind was permanently fucked from both shows.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: DewieCox on Sep 25, 2011, 07:19 PM
Great fucking band!!!

Doesn't get better than Aenema for me, such a terrific blend of the intensity of Undertow with the technical mastery of Lateralus, which runs a close second for me.

I thought 10k Days was solid, but a leap back. Too much rehashed material,imo. I know there's not a huge range of musical ideas, but quite a bit of that album is riffs and patterns from Aenema and Lateralus minor alterations.

Mer de Noms and 13th Step are both top shelf albums too. I prefer 13th Step as it's just a massive journey.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: sweatboard on Sep 25, 2011, 11:13 PM
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: sweatboard on Sep 25, 2011, 11:14 PM
He's so high!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: sweatboard on Sep 25, 2011, 11:22 PM
his one job is to reduce guilt and reduce fear.   :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-* :-*
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: sweatboard on Sep 25, 2011, 11:24 PM
Timothy Leary - Evolution of Intelligence (

America, the greatest Mafia of them all.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: sweatboard on Sep 25, 2011, 11:46 PM
Too far ahead..... so what's next?
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: sweatboard on Sep 25, 2011, 11:53 PM

Ram Dass "Awareness" (
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Sep 26, 2011, 12:04 AM
Quote from: sweatboard on Sep 25, 2011, 11:53 PM

Ram Dass "Awareness" (

Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Sep 26, 2011, 12:08 AM
Don't tempt me to make a Be Here Now thread........... it'll rank right up there with the vegetarian recipe thread  :P
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: sweatboard on Sep 26, 2011, 12:13 AM
When we identify with ALL BODIES.

The hand analogy is so spot on. 

5000 miles     

You can't look for awareness, you can only Be awareness, be your awareness and I be my awareness and in "that being aware" we are not 500 miles away.  It's from Omega to California......................I knew I had made a mistake

We have to transcend 5ooooooooooo miles


Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Sep 26, 2011, 12:14 AM
9. Renholder - A Perfect Circle (
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Sep 26, 2011, 12:17 AM
Quote from: sweatboard on Sep 26, 2011, 12:13 AM
When we identify with ALL BODIES.

The hand analogy is so spot on. 

5000 miles  ;D ;D ;D ;D

You can't look for awareness, you can only Be awareness, be your awareness and I be my awareness and that being aware we are not 500 miles away.  It's from Omega to California......................I knew I had made a mistake  ;D :D ;) ;) :D ;D :D :D :D ;) :)

Definitely love that part.  I more than avidly read and listen to Ram Dass and utilize his helpful awareness tools... bringing it all home...
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: sweatboard on Sep 26, 2011, 12:29 AM
Specs on the tip of a tidal wave, that's all we are, even my vegan friends.  We've already taken much more than we can give.  It's too late to turn it back around again.  I just want to drown in the flood
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: sweatboard on Sep 26, 2011, 12:36 AM
I think the worst mistake we can make is thinking that just because it's been so misrepresented that there is no God. 

Can we make a new religion?  Should we?

Now that I think about it, we might even be able to make some money on this  :P :P :P
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Sep 26, 2011, 12:50 AM
Quote from: sweatboard on Sep 26, 2011, 12:36 AM
I think the worst mistake we can make is thinking that just because it's been so misrepresented that there is no God. 

Can we make a new religion?  Should we?

Now that I think about it, we might even be able to make some money on this   

Hahah sure, why not... call it Scienceology, like Scientology only completely different.... The $$$ I see it now.......

I really oughtn't get going too much about spirituality here.  I like how Mr. Dass says "Being is Dying by Loving."

It's a big cosmic soup out there, friends...... glad Tool has been a part of my awareness, they've put me on to some big concepts
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: sweatboard on Sep 26, 2011, 01:07 AM
Mooji ◦ What causes Awakening to happen? (

Play at same time..

My Morning Jacket (
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: sweatboard on Sep 26, 2011, 01:10 AM
"It" Still Moves

My "Morning" Jacket


Sorry, but Johnny STILL belongs in this band. 
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Sep 26, 2011, 01:26 AM
Quote from: sweatboard on Sep 26, 2011, 01:10 AM
"It" Still Moves

My "Morning" Jacket


Jim and the boys are on a really beautiful conscious level, and it just keeps the magic flowing.....  Jim's lyrics are so often spot-on with being an awake individual, and the music behind the words just gives the words that much more power  8)

And Maynard with his

With my feet upon the ground
I lose myself between the sound
And open wide to suck it in
I feel it move across my skin

I'm reaching up
And reaching out
I'm reaching for
The Random or
Whatever will
Bewilder me
Whatever will
Bewilder me

And following our will and wind
We may just go where no one's been, we'll
Ride the spiral
To the end

And may just go
Where no one's been

Spiral out--



The phrase It Still Moves has hit me home in a million ways, MMJ definitely get me there
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: sweatboard on Sep 26, 2011, 01:31 AM
I like to think that you can't make that kind of music unless there is something to express other than the strong desire to be making money.  It's so simple yet so complicated. 
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Sep 26, 2011, 01:34 AM
Amen to that!
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: sweatboard on Sep 26, 2011, 02:03 AM
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: sweatboard on Sep 26, 2011, 02:13 AM
Children of the Holocaust (

Please play these two at the same time....  :-*

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer on Ellen (
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: sweatboard on Sep 26, 2011, 02:36 AM
The truth is...

All of us are SPIRTUAL beings, having a HUMAN experience.

It's the spirit that gives life, the flesh Calls for nothing

Radical Humility!!!
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: Jon T. on Sep 26, 2011, 09:27 AM
I love some good TOOL talk!  Before MMJ came along, they were easily my favorite band.  If I had to pick a favorite I would go with Lateralus, but it and Aenima are such perfect back to back albums that I could go with either one.  I feel like Aenima was so completely different and mind blowing compared to anything I had ever heard and then Lateralus was simlar, only perfected.

I've seen them several times and had forgotten about the "silvery" people.  That was an incredible tour.  As an aside, I wonder what their message boards have to say about their setlists??? haha. 

One of my favortie Maynardisms I've seen.. It was at Oak Mtn. Amphitheater in B'ham supporting Lateralus.  It was a NASTY downpour and tons of people were wearing big black trash bags over their clothes.  Maynard says to the crowd something to the effect of, "if you're so concerned with keeping your clothes dry, why don't you all just take your clothes off and put them in your trash bags.  Problem solved".   ;D  I've probably seen TOOL or APC around 10 times, and I'd say that probably 9 of those times Maynard has tried to convince the crowd to get naked.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: MrWhippy on Sep 26, 2011, 12:37 PM
Quote from: Jon T. on Sep 26, 2011, 09:27 AM
One of my favortie Maynardisms I've seen.. It was at Oak Mtn. Amphitheater in B'ham supporting Lateralus.  It was a NASTY downpour and tons of people were wearing big black trash bags over their clothes.  Maynard says to the crowd something to the effect of, "if you're so concerned with keeping your clothes dry, why don't you all just take your clothes off and put them in your trash bags.  Problem solved".   ;D  I've probably seen TOOL or APC around 10 times, and I'd say that probably 9 of those times Maynard has tried to convince the crowd to get naked.

That's a good one.  One Manynardism I liked was, at an outdoor show in early October on an absoultely freezing night was, "You know, it wil make you warmer if you rub up against eachother."  At Red Rocks last year, before the last song, he said, "Now might be a good time to find your clothes and put them back on."

Have any of you guys seem Puscifer before?  If not, I really recommend it when they tour later this year.  Very different side of Maynard and very interesting shows.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Sep 26, 2011, 08:11 PM
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA I love the stories!!!  Jon that's hilarious "take your clothes off and put them in your trash bags"  ;D ;D ;D  Wish I had 9-10 shows of theirs under my belt..... or under my belt in my trash bag  :P  :P

That's also super classic what he said at Red Rocks, mr. whip!  Wish I could remember any of the banter from the shows that I saw.... maybe some day I'll look and they'll surface for my downloading pleasure  8)

I've not seen a Puscifer show thus far, but I've got V is for Vagina and another Puscifer disc with some mixed tracks on it.... definitely dig some of them, but having a hell of a time embracing them as my own  :-\  Definitely interesting to hear what Maynard does with his voice with Puscifer...... he's one crazy dude.  I'm sure I'd still love to catch them live sometime!
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: MrWhippy on Sep 27, 2011, 07:20 AM
This is classic if you guys haven't seen it, and the best ever band respose to a fan charging the stage.  The fun starts at about 2:40.

Tool- Pushit /The Fan Incident Part 1 (
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: buaawwww on Sep 27, 2011, 12:28 PM
I worship this band.  Tool can do no wrong.  Think the last time I saw them was at Radio City Music Hall in NY on the Lateralus tour... had no one to go with so I bought a solo ticket and wound up 5th row orchestra.  Maynard comes out in black underwear, and the rest of him covered head to toe in day-glo paint. 

Long overdue for a new album and tour.

APC I like though not as much. 
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Sep 27, 2011, 08:39 PM
Super stoked to see so many Tool 'heads on the board!!!  I figured there would be, peeps here sure have good music taste  8)

Seeing APC last month made me want to see Maynard spin off into a Tool set hahah  But it felt REALLY GOOD to hear The Hollow, Rose, 3 Libras, and Joni's Fiddle & The Drum.  Been wanting to hear the Mer De Noms tunes since the album came out, and it was great to finally see them live
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: MrWhippy on Dec 15, 2011, 06:28 PM
Time to bump this thread...Tool on tour in the US in Jan/Feb! 
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Dec 15, 2011, 10:56 PM
Quote from: MrWhippy on Dec 15, 2011, 06:28 PM
Time to bump this thread...Tool on tour in the US in Jan/Feb!

Whoa whoa thanks for the updayyyttt  :thumbsup:

Aaaaannnnddd (
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: Jaimoe on Dec 16, 2011, 10:26 AM
Am I alone here in loving Tool and not caring at all for Tool Light, AKA A Perfect Circle? I think it is their horrendous cover of "Imagine" that originally put me off. I'm pissed that Tool are coming to Toronto next month and I won't be going due to over $20,000 in upcoming home renos.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: DewieCox on Dec 16, 2011, 10:43 AM
Quote from: Jaimoe on Dec 16, 2011, 10:26 AM
Am I alone here in loving Tool and not caring at all for Tool Light, AKA A Perfect Circle? I think it is their horrendous cover of "Imagine" that originally put me off. I'm pissed that Tool are coming to Toronto next month and I won't be going due to over $20,000 in upcoming home renos.

I think calling them Tool Light is kinda off the mark. They don't share many similarities.

If you think Imagine is bad, you should hear what they did to When The Levee Breaks, but don't let either of those put you off. That whole album is much more hit than miss. The remixes and covers are decent at best. Passive is the only track really worth gettin off there imo.

Their 1st 2 albums are both trememdous. Go pirate them and sit and give them a good listen. Took me awhile to come around to Mer de Noms, but it's fantastic.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: BH on Dec 16, 2011, 10:45 AM
Quote from: DewieCox on Dec 16, 2011, 10:43 AM
Quote from: Jaimoe on Dec 16, 2011, 10:26 AM
Am I alone here in loving Tool and not caring at all for Tool Light, AKA A Perfect Circle? I think it is their horrendous cover of "Imagine" that originally put me off. I'm pissed that Tool are coming to Toronto next month and I won't be going due to over $20,000 in upcoming home renos.

I think calling them Tool Light is kinda off the mark. They don't share many similarities.

If you think Imagine is bad, you should hear what they did to When The Levee Breaks, but don't let either of those put you off. That whole album is much more hit than miss. The remixes and covers are decent at best. Passive is the only track really worth gettin off there imo.

Their 1st 2 albums are both trememdous. Go pirate them and sit and give them a good listen. Took me awhile to come around to Mer de Noms, but it's fantastic.

Agreed, that album with Imagine was awful.   But the other two?   Spectacular.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: Jon T. on Dec 16, 2011, 11:02 AM
Quote from: MrWhippy on Dec 15, 2011, 06:28 PM
Time to bump this thread...Tool on tour in the US in Jan/Feb!

How bizarre.  I didn't even know there was a new album (just don't keep up with them like I used to) but I have been listening to a lot of Tool lately.  I could definitely use a Tool concert fix - even if it'll be the same set they've played for the last several years.  I miss the angry, doesn't give a shit about his vocal cords Maynard.   :'(
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: MrWhippy on Dec 17, 2011, 09:53 AM
It does not look like the new Tool album will be out before the Jan/Feb tour, but should be coming sometime in 2012. 

My guess is that the upcoming tour is just to generate interest in them again prior to the new album release. 

They are serious control freaks about their music getting out there before an album is released, so I would be this upcoming tour won't have any new songs yet.  There will then be a proper tour after then new album is released.  If that scenario is true, the Jan/Feb tour might be quite different than the tour later this year after the record.

Their 2010 tour was absolutely amazing, I'd be very happy if they did a similar show for this upcoming tour.

Also, regarding APC, as other have said, you can't judge them on the covers album.  The records of original material are amazing, particularly 13th Step in my opinion.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: NSLrecordings on Dec 17, 2011, 11:48 AM
Bojangles Coliseum, Charlotte, NC - Feb 4th

Hell yes
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Dec 17, 2011, 09:53 PM
Quote from: NSLrecordings on Dec 17, 2011, 11:48 AM
Bojangles Coliseum, Charlotte, NC - Feb 4th

Hell yes

Whoa how did I not see this show date?!?!  That might be my night to catch 'em!  :thumbsup:
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: Jon T. on Dec 17, 2011, 11:12 PM
I'm curious to see where the new album goes.  I don't have too high of hopes for it.  I feel like they are past their prime.  I think Maynard isn't into it like he used to be. IMO, there was huge step back lyrically from Lateralus to 10k days.  How do you all feel?

Mahgeeta, I've picked up you are/were a big Tool fan?  Where do you stand with them now?

In contrast to Maynard, Danny Carey just keeps getting better and better.  That guy is unreal.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Dec 17, 2011, 11:18 PM
Quote from: Jon T. on Dec 17, 2011, 11:12 PM
I'm curious to see where the new album goes.  I don't have too high of hopes for it.  I feel like they are past their prime.  I think Maynard isn't into it like he used to be. IMO, there was huge step back lyrically from Lateralus to 10k days.  How do you all feel?

Mahgeeta, I've picked up you are/were a big Tool fan?  Where do you stand with them now?

In contrast to Maynard, Danny Carey just keeps getting better and better.  That guy is unreal.

Good calls, sir...  I haven't found myself into 10K near as much as Lateralus, though I do enjoy most of it.  Haven't found myself memorizing lyrics and etc the way I have for Lateralus, but time has also passed for my darker music kicks too, for what it's worth

Hard to top Lateralus lyrics, sheewwttttt

Danny Carey = beast, for sure.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: Jon T. on Dec 17, 2011, 11:51 PM
Quote from: woodnymph on Dec 17, 2011, 11:18 PM
Quote from: Jon T. on Dec 17, 2011, 11:12 PM
I'm curious to see where the new album goes.  I don't have too high of hopes for it.  I feel like they are past their prime.  I think Maynard isn't into it like he used to be. IMO, there was huge step back lyrically from Lateralus to 10k days.  How do you all feel?

Mahgeeta, I've picked up you are/were a big Tool fan?  Where do you stand with them now?

In contrast to Maynard, Danny Carey just keeps getting better and better.  That guy is unreal.

Good calls, sir...  I haven't found myself into 10K near as much as Lateralus, though I do enjoy most of it.  Haven't found myself memorizing lyrics and etc the way I have for Lateralus, but time has also passed for my darker music kicks too, for what it's worth

Hard to top Lateralus lyrics, sheewwttttt

Danny Carey = beast, for sure.

Yeah, 10k was still a great album, just not near the( i guess depths and comlexities?) of Lateralus, or Aenema for that matter.

That's interesting you bring up time passing... I've wondered about that, too.  If maybe it's just me getting older.  I think that's part of it, but Maynard's changed quite a bit, too.  Which is perfectly normal, it's just not the same.

You've seen APC recently, right?  How was that?
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Dec 18, 2011, 12:44 AM
Quote from: Jon T. on Dec 17, 2011, 11:51 PM
Yeah, 10k was still a great album, just not near the( i guess depths and comlexities?) of Lateralus, or Aenema for that matter.

That's interesting you bring up time passing... I've wondered about that, too.  If maybe it's just me getting older.  I think that's part of it, but Maynard's changed quite a bit, too.  Which is perfectly normal, it's just not the same.

You've seen APC recently, right?  How was that?

I feel ya on the depth & complexity note (for Aenema as well, like you said).  And yeah I definitely wonder if it's age-related changes in my perception of things, but Maynard's definitely evolved a lot too, you're right. Between all that, my listening experience with them has seemed to come to a head... but I do hope the 2012 album will spark things up and rekindle a bit of a flame  ;)  They had me a roaring bonfire for a great deal of my late teens, and Lateralus still tickles my fancies quite a bit (as does Aenema, and a very  occasional Undertow/Opiate listening session)   Salival still pulls me in a great deal.

And for APC, Mer De Noms is where I can be found swimming around in the most, still.  The best way I can describe it is like an olde Renaissance vibe, for me... and I wind up envisioning castles and forests and all that, for some reason.  Not to mention the trip down highschool nostalgia lane haha

Seeing APC was a magic time, hands down... I bumped into an old friend from highschool (which made it even more surreal of course) and we wound up hanging out the whole show and talking about old & new times in between rocking out. And it was the night before MMJ played the exact same venue..... only to hear Jim say the next night that the boys were up on Mt. Washington looking down at the city during APC and hearing the concert echoing all over the city down below.... pure awesome...

Hope to catch Tool when they play NC Feb. 4!!  When was the last time you saw them again?  I think I remember you mentioning it, but I can't recall
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Dec 18, 2011, 12:48 AM
OH THAT'S RIGHT!!  A quick look back and your live Tool experience was the shit!! Hahahahahahah good stuff  ;D
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: buaawwww on Dec 19, 2011, 11:40 AM
No NYC date?  IZOD center in NJ is garbage... Argh!
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: mahg33ta on Dec 19, 2011, 04:48 PM
Quote from: Jon T. on Dec 17, 2011, 11:12 PM
Mahgeeta, I've picked up you are/were a big Tool fan?  Where do you stand with them now?

There's probably a half dozen or so bands that at one point in my life were my favorite band in the world obsession.   The first was Peter Gabriel in the early 80s and MMJ has been the one since 05.   

Tool held the honor there for a stretch, probably late 90s early 00s.   Loved aenima, loved lateralus.   10k days had moments of greatness on there, but with lots of filler (right in two is on my short list of fav songs).   I've seen them 7 or 8 times I think; used to love the live vibe.    One of my fondest concert memories is seeing them at the Orpheum here in boston, a pretty small venue.   I was in the balcony and it was rocking so hard up and down (felt like at least a foot!) I was sure it was going to collapse.

But like ex-girlfriends, some remain friends some drift apart bigtime.    I don't listen to Tool much anymore- sometimes for good late night driving music.   What happened?   First I've certainly mellowed a bit (listening to Head and the Heart right now lol).   Second, I think Maynard has run out of things to say, a bit.   He's no spring chicken either.   Lastly, the last 2 concerts I saw (07 and 09) were carbon copies of each other.
Now, for all the handwringing we do about MMJ setlists, imagine seeing a show 2 years apart, with the same setlist, same lights, same videos, etc.    Maynard sings about us being the idiots lapping this stuff up, but damn when it's so obvious you feel a bit ripped off.  Going again makes me the bigger idiot, without a new album. 

So, I didn't buy tix when they went on sale Saturday.   Will probably be a last minute decision and check out setlists first.   If an extra ticket surfaces though, I'll probably be there.   Don't think I have any other Jan shows planned.

Oh, his wine is overpriced too.

Oh, and I never get tired of watching Danny Carey.   The guy is a beast.

Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: MrWhippy on Dec 19, 2011, 07:22 PM
Quote from: mahg33ta on Dec 19, 2011, 04:48 PM
Quote from: Jon T. on Dec 17, 2011, 11:12 PM
Mahgeeta, I've picked up you are/were a big Tool fan?  Where do you stand with them now?

Lastly, the last 2 concerts I saw (07 and 09) were carbon copies of each other.
Now, for all the handwringing we do about MMJ setlists, imagine seeing a show 2 years apart, with the same setlist, same lights, same videos, etc.    Maynard sings about us being the idiots lapping this stuff up, but damn when it's so obvious you feel a bit ripped off.  Going again makes me the bigger idiot, without a new album. 

Hey Mag, I wouldn't judge too much from the 09 tour.  From all accounts, that was a quickly thrown together thing, probably because they got offers to headline some festivals too big to refuse.  Supposedly Maynard really didn't want to do that tour, and they just rehashed what they had done last time they were out in 07.

The 2010 tour restored a lot of people's faith in the band, as they seriously revamped their show, in terms of setlist and visuals.  I caught the '10 tour at Red Rocks and was blown away by it, and it was just about the best show I've seen them do.  Check out the video I posted near the beginning of this thread from the 2010 tour of Third Eye to get a sense of it.

If this Jan/Feb 2012 tour is similar to the 2010 tour, I will be very happy.  Then, I'm sure they will revamp things once they have a new record out.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: Jon T. on Dec 20, 2011, 08:30 AM
Quote from: mahg33ta on Dec 19, 2011, 04:48 PM
Quote from: Jon T. on Dec 17, 2011, 11:12 PM
Mahgeeta, I've picked up you are/were a big Tool fan?  Where do you stand with them now?

There's probably a half dozen or so bands that at one point in my life were my favorite band in the world obsession.   The first was Peter Gabriel in the early 80s and MMJ has been the one since 05.   

Tool held the honor there for a stretch, probably late 90s early 00s.   Loved aenima, loved lateralus.   10k days had moments of greatness on there, but with lots of filler (right in two is on my short list of fav songs).   I've seen them 7 or 8 times I think; used to love the live vibe.    One of my fondest concert memories is seeing them at the Orpheum here in boston, a pretty small venue.   I was in the balcony and it was rocking so hard up and down (felt like at least a foot!) I was sure it was going to collapse.

But like ex-girlfriends, some remain friends some drift apart bigtime.    I don't listen to Tool much anymore- sometimes for good late night driving music.   What happened?   First I've certainly mellowed a bit (listening to Head and the Heart right now lol).   Second, I think Maynard has run out of things to say, a bit.   He's no spring chicken either.   Lastly, the last 2 concerts I saw (07 and 09) were carbon copies of each other.
Now, for all the handwringing we do about MMJ setlists, imagine seeing a show 2 years apart, with the same setlist, same lights, same videos, etc.    Maynard sings about us being the idiots lapping this stuff up, but damn when it's so obvious you feel a bit ripped off.  Going again makes me the bigger idiot, without a new album. 

So, I didn't buy tix when they went on sale Saturday.   Will probably be a last minute decision and check out setlists first.   If an extra ticket surfaces though, I'll probably be there.   Don't think I have any other Jan shows planned.

Oh, his wine is overpriced too.

Oh, and I never get tired of watching Danny Carey.   The guy is a beast.

Wow, that could pretty accurately sum up my feelings on them, as well.  Maynard.. he's always been pretty prickly, but it's so odd how much, i guess contempt, maybe(?) he has toward his fans.  Anyway, using your comparison to old girlfriends, they'll always have a special place in my heart for the ten or so years they were my number one, but for the most part, that ship has sailed for me.

Mr. Whip - that's a cool vid and great opener "so good to see you, I've missed you so much"...  I don't think I've ever seen Third Eye before, if I have, I don't remember...
You think Maynard's still singing all those parts?  I'm not so sure.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: DewieCox on Dec 20, 2011, 02:41 PM
Quote from: Jon T. on Dec 20, 2011, 08:30 AM
Quote from: mahg33ta on Dec 19, 2011, 04:48 PM
Quote from: Jon T. on Dec 17, 2011, 11:12 PM
Mahgeeta, I've picked up you are/were a big Tool fan?  Where do you stand with them now?

There's probably a half dozen or so bands that at one point in my life were my favorite band in the world obsession.   The first was Peter Gabriel in the early 80s and MMJ has been the one since 05.   

Tool held the honor there for a stretch, probably late 90s early 00s.   Loved aenima, loved lateralus.   10k days had moments of greatness on there, but with lots of filler (right in two is on my short list of fav songs).   I've seen them 7 or 8 times I think; used to love the live vibe.    One of my fondest concert memories is seeing them at the Orpheum here in boston, a pretty small venue.   I was in the balcony and it was rocking so hard up and down (felt like at least a foot!) I was sure it was going to collapse.

But like ex-girlfriends, some remain friends some drift apart bigtime.    I don't listen to Tool much anymore- sometimes for good late night driving music.   What happened?   First I've certainly mellowed a bit (listening to Head and the Heart right now lol).   Second, I think Maynard has run out of things to say, a bit.   He's no spring chicken either.   Lastly, the last 2 concerts I saw (07 and 09) were carbon copies of each other.
Now, for all the handwringing we do about MMJ setlists, imagine seeing a show 2 years apart, with the same setlist, same lights, same videos, etc.    Maynard sings about us being the idiots lapping this stuff up, but damn when it's so obvious you feel a bit ripped off.  Going again makes me the bigger idiot, without a new album. 

So, I didn't buy tix when they went on sale Saturday.   Will probably be a last minute decision and check out setlists first.   If an extra ticket surfaces though, I'll probably be there.   Don't think I have any other Jan shows planned.

Oh, his wine is overpriced too.

Oh, and I never get tired of watching Danny Carey.   The guy is a beast.

Wow, that could pretty accurately sum up my feelings on them, as well.  Maynard.. he's always been pretty prickly, but it's so odd how much, i guess contempt, maybe(?) he has toward his fans.  Anyway, using your comparison to old girlfriends, they'll always have a special place in my heart for the ten or so years they were my number one, but for the most part, that ship has sailed for me.

Mr. Whip - that's a cool vid and great opener "so good to see you, I've missed you so much"...  I don't think I've ever seen Third Eye before, if I have, I don't remember...
You think Maynard's still singing all those parts?  I'm not so sure.

I'd guess he is, b/c he, or the strength of his voice rather, has been dictating the setlist and since at least the beginning of the 10k Days touring cycle. He would have the crowd carry the VIIIII CAAAAAAR IOUSLYYYYYYYYYYY outro part.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: Jaimoe on Dec 20, 2011, 03:41 PM
I like Maynard and all, but where's the love for Adam Jones? He's the force behind almost all of the compositions and groundbreaking music videos. Jones is fascinating, unpredictable and holds menace and uneasy tension in his arrangements and guitar.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: DewieCox on Dec 20, 2011, 04:23 PM
Quote from: Jaimoe on Dec 20, 2011, 03:41 PM
I like Maynard and all, but where's the love for Adam Jones? He's the force behind almost all of the compositions and groundbreaking music videos. Jones is fascinating, unpredictable and holds menace and uneasy tension in his arrangements and guitar.

He's a certifiable badass!! Probably my main guitar playing influence.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: Jaimoe on Dec 20, 2011, 04:26 PM
Quote from: DewieCox on Dec 20, 2011, 04:23 PM
Quote from: Jaimoe on Dec 20, 2011, 03:41 PM
I like Maynard and all, but where's the love for Adam Jones? He's the force behind almost all of the compositions and groundbreaking music videos. Jones is fascinating, unpredictable and holds menace and uneasy tension in his arrangements and guitar.

He's a certifiable badass!! Probably my main guitar playing influence.

Yeah, I wish I had the mindset to be influenced by Jones. I admire from afar. I'm too rooted in Townshend meets Muddy Waters with a sampling of brother Duane and Jack White.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: DewieCox on Dec 21, 2011, 12:29 AM
Quote from: Jaimoe on Dec 20, 2011, 04:26 PM
Quote from: DewieCox on Dec 20, 2011, 04:23 PM
Quote from: Jaimoe on Dec 20, 2011, 03:41 PM
I like Maynard and all, but where's the love for Adam Jones? He's the force behind almost all of the compositions and groundbreaking music videos. Jones is fascinating, unpredictable and holds menace and uneasy tension in his arrangements and guitar.

He's a certifiable badass!! Probably my main guitar playing influence.

Yeah, I wish I had the mindset to be influenced by Jones. I admire from afar. I'm too rooted in Townshend meets Muddy Waters with a sampling of brother Duane and Jack White.

Plenty of room for them all I say. He's pretty well the sole reason I keep my high gain Marshall around. Man I just get such a kick out of playing along to so many of their tunes.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: Jaimoe on Dec 21, 2011, 01:45 AM
Quote from: DewieCox on Dec 21, 2011, 12:29 AM
Quote from: Jaimoe on Dec 20, 2011, 04:26 PM
Quote from: DewieCox on Dec 20, 2011, 04:23 PM
Quote from: Jaimoe on Dec 20, 2011, 03:41 PM
I like Maynard and all, but where's the love for Adam Jones? He's the force behind almost all of the compositions and groundbreaking music videos. Jones is fascinating, unpredictable and holds menace and uneasy tension in his arrangements and guitar.

He's a certifiable badass!! Probably my main guitar playing influence.

Yeah, I wish I had the mindset to be influenced by Jones. I admire from afar. I'm too rooted in Townshend meets Muddy Waters with a sampling of brother Duane and Jack White.

Plenty of room for them all I say. He's pretty well the sole reason I keep my high gain Marshall around. Man I just get such a kick out of playing along to so many of their tunes.

I guess I'm more comfortable with vintage sounds. I feel more inspired by Stooges/MC5 raw over clean crunchy Tool metal. I'm trying to devolve too, so I think I'll stick to admiring Jones.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: The Ditchrider on Jan 06, 2012, 05:33 PM
Quote from: woodnymph on Sep 25, 2011, 12:41 PM
OK!  I think maybe I've solved my riddle...... someone wrote on that they played Opiate at the Erie Civic Center, but played the Tim Leary quotes from the Salival version of Third Eye.  If so, thus would certainly have left a residual Third Eye feeling of having heard it.  Pun intended  ::)

All I know is my mind was permanently fucked from both shows.

I too was at that Erie show and they played 4 degrees that night too!  Best set list I have seen in my 10 or so Tool shows
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Jan 06, 2012, 11:23 PM
Quote from: The Ditchrider on Jan 06, 2012, 05:33 PM
Quote from: woodnymph on Sep 25, 2011, 12:41 PM
OK!  I think maybe I've solved my riddle...... someone wrote on that they played Opiate at the Erie Civic Center, but played the Tim Leary quotes from the Salival version of Third Eye.  If so, thus would certainly have left a residual Third Eye feeling of having heard it.  Pun intended  ::)

All I know is my mind was permanently fucked from both shows.

I too was at that Erie show and they played 4 degrees that night too!  Best set list I have seen in my 10 or so Tool shows

Oh man you were there too!!!!  What are the odds of this crazy meeting of minds on this amazIng MMJ board??  Higher than I'd have suspected... LOVE 4 Degrees, I thought I remembered them playing it!!  Saw you like HUM too, just had them on again a couple nights ago.... Downward is Heavenward-- love them in the winter
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: Darkstarflashes on Jan 12, 2012, 07:58 PM
I love Tool!!! All of their music is great. 10,000 Days is the Tool album I listen to the most these days. It seems to hit me just about perfect when I need it. A Perfect Circle is pretty good, too. I got the new Puscifer album in December (on ear-x-tacy's very last day open), and I think it is inspired. I had only seen a couple of their videos prior to buying "Conditions of My Parole" and didn't really give them a full listening. This new album really grows on you. Maynard keeps busy, and I can't wait for the new Tool album!!!

Some of my favorite music, other than MMJ and Tool, (Pink Floyd, Rush, The Who, Neil Young, Todd Rundgren, Tom Waits, Pat Metheny, Pearl Jam, Foo Fighters, Miles Davis, Ben Sollee, Daniel Martin Moore, Dio, Black Sabbath, Ozzy, King's X, Kiss, Alice Cooper, John Mclaughlin's Mahavishnu Orchestra, Grateful Dead, Mike Oldfield, System Of A Down, Pixies, ZZ Top, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Radiohead, George Winston, Santana, Queensryche, R.E.M., ... and many more).
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: MrWhippy on Jan 30, 2012, 10:25 AM
A friend and I caught the current Tool tour in Philly last night and it is absoultely amazing.  Anyone else planning on going to the remaining shows? 

If you are on the fence about going, I strongly recommend it.  It's a very different show than they were doing from '06 to '09, and even quite different from the mini-tour they did in 2010.  Some great setlist picks, too, of older, rarely played songs.

These mini tours the last couple years have been an amazing gift, as their show will likely be very different once the new record comes out.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: bold992006 on Jan 30, 2012, 10:52 AM
Just saw them Saturday in Boston...Incredible mind was blown away!!
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: The Ditchrider on Feb 01, 2012, 08:07 PM
Quote from: woodnymph on Jan 06, 2012, 11:23 PM
Quote from: The Ditchrider on Jan 06, 2012, 05:33 PM
Quote from: woodnymph on Sep 25, 2011, 12:41 PM
OK!  I think maybe I've solved my riddle...... someone wrote on that they played Opiate at the Erie Civic Center, but played the Tim Leary quotes from the Salival version of Third Eye.  If so, thus would certainly have left a residual Third Eye feeling of having heard it.  Pun intended  ::)

All I know is my mind was permanently fucked from both shows.

I too was at that Erie show and they played 4 degrees that night too!  Best set list I have seen in my 10 or so Tool shows

Oh man you were there too!!!!  What are the odds of this crazy meeting of minds on this amazIng MMJ board??  Higher than I'd have suspected... LOVE 4 Degrees, I thought I remembered them playing it!!  Saw you like HUM too, just had them on again a couple nights ago.... Downward is Heavenward-- love them in the winter

The Erie show was one of the best, I always joke that they knew I was there and played my fav songs which of course is ridiculous but I'll buy it.

Yes...I love me some Hum.  They still play really random shows in the Chicago area from time to time.  The summer I first discovered Hum was one of the best summers of my life....ah the good ole days!
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: MrWhippy on Sep 08, 2012, 07:52 AM
Awesome, Mr. White.  Thanks for posting the vintage Tool!  I had seen the JC Dobbs video before, but not the other one. 

My first time seeing them was in 1993, and Maynard was such an unnerving presence.  It was also amazing to see their transition as a live band between Undertow and Aenima.  Next time I saw them was 1996, and their power as a live band had grown exponentially at that point.

I have loved seeing this band's evolution over time.  Like you could look at one of these early videos and then look at current live Tool video and it's hard to believe it's the same band, yet the progression makes sense.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: APR on Sep 08, 2012, 04:19 PM
That was some great footage.  Granted Tool has been around a long time, but with relatively few albums, they have evolved a ton.   I agree with Mr. Whippy.  Their look, style, sound is so different but it's still so them.  Think of early Radiohead versus them today.  Also so different, but you can see the path.  Similarly, compare MMJ's TF versus their two most recent albums.  The best bands in the world evolve and change.  They are all incredible and creative. 

Reminds me of the Beatles...... evolving, changing, taking chances, and being simply awesome.

Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Dec 18, 2012, 03:33 AM

Tool - Parabol + Parabola (
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: woodnymph on Jan 06, 2013, 01:27 AM
The Moon is in Scorpio. FUCKING TOOL!!!

Justify denials and grip 'em to the lonesome end
Clutch it like a cornerstone, otherwise it all comes down
Terrified of being wrong, ultimatum prison cell
Saturn ascends, choose one or ten. Hang on or be humbled again

Saturn comes back around!!!
Lifts you up like a child!!!
Or drags you down like a stone!!!
To consume you till you choose to let this


The Grudge lyrics - Tool - Lateralus (
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: APR on Jan 25, 2013, 12:03 PM
Maynard was just interviewed: (

Tool is playing in Japan in May.  Hopefully that means something as far as activity in the summer.  The article cited the band's webmaster saying the album is about half done.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: APR on Jul 21, 2013, 06:58 PM
Looks like new album in 2014. (
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: MarkW on Jul 30, 2013, 01:41 PM
Quote from: APR on Jul 21, 2013, 06:58 PM
Looks like new album in 2014. (

Good news - thanks for posting.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: MrWhippy on Jan 23, 2014, 06:01 AM
New Tool tour dates for March, 2014.  I don't think these coincide with the release of the next album, though. 

These are the first dates, and some more are expected, though this is supposedly a mostly west coast run, though there is a rumored date in Austin after the Mexico shows.

Mar. 4 Spokane, WA—Spokane Arena
Mar. 6 Portland, OR—Moda Center
Mar. 7 Eugene, OR—Matthew Knight Arena
Mar. 9 Reno, NV—Reno Event Center
Mar. 11 San Francisco, CA—Bill Graham Civic Auditorium
Mar. 18 Mexico City, MX—Palacio De Los Deportes
Mar. 21 Veracruz, MX—Festival Cumbre Tajin 2014
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: austinpsychnut on Nov 17, 2015, 09:03 PM
Tool announced some dates in Jan. 2016 with Primus(!!!) opening.  Anyone going to try and make any of these shows?

01/09 – San Diego, CA @ Viejas Arena
01/13 – San Antonio, TX @ AT&T Center
01/16 – Tulsa, OK @ BOK Center
01/17 – Grand Prairie, TX @ Verizon Theatre
01/19 – Southaven, MS @ Landers Center
01/23 – Nashville, TN @ Bridgestone Arena
01/25 – Atlanta, GA @ Infinite Energy Center
01/26 – Charlotte, NC @ Bojangles Coliseum

I'll be going to either San Antonio or Grand Prairie.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: raheuer on Nov 18, 2015, 01:29 AM
Quote from: austinpsychnut on Nov 17, 2015, 09:03 PM
Tool announced some dates in Jan. 2016 with Primus(!!!) opening.  Anyone going to try and make any of these shows?

01/09 – San Diego, CA @ Viejas Arena
01/13 – San Antonio, TX @ AT&T Center
01/16 – Tulsa, OK @ BOK Center
01/17 – Grand Prairie, TX @ Verizon Theatre
01/19 – Southaven, MS @ Landers Center
01/23 – Nashville, TN @ Bridgestone Arena
01/25 – Atlanta, GA @ Infinite Energy Center
01/26 – Charlotte, NC @ Bojangles Coliseum

I'll be going to either San Antonio or Grand Prairie.
I'm gonna try like hell to make it to Grand Prairie, but I think tickets start at like $95 or some such nonsense. I love Primus but nowhere near that much tbh.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: APR on Nov 18, 2015, 01:49 PM
Quote from: austinpsychnut on Nov 17, 2015, 09:03 PM
Tool announced some dates in Jan. 2016 with Primus(!!!) opening.  Anyone going to try and make any of these shows?

01/09 – San Diego, CA @ Viejas Arena
01/13 – San Antonio, TX @ AT&T Center
01/16 – Tulsa, OK @ BOK Center
01/17 – Grand Prairie, TX @ Verizon Theatre
01/19 – Southaven, MS @ Landers Center
01/23 – Nashville, TN @ Bridgestone Arena
01/25 – Atlanta, GA @ Infinite Energy Center
01/26 – Charlotte, NC @ Bojangles Coliseum

I'll be going to either San Antonio or Grand Prairie.

YES!!  But, I'm not sure which one yet.  I'm hoping they add a few in the gaps in their schedule and after Charlotte.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: APR on Dec 17, 2015, 08:44 PM
Quote from: Mr. White on Nov 19, 2015, 08:37 PM
Quote from: Mr. White on Nov 18, 2015, 05:02 PM
I'm going to see if my brother can snag some tickets for the 1/23/16 Nashville show (he lives down there).

Just confirmed with my brother. He's super excited and can get on Ticket Master (Bastard) at his work (I can't), so he'll be looking for the best seats available. Wish us luck tomorrow! TOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did he get any tickets?  It was nearly impossible to get them on TM.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: BH on Dec 21, 2015, 05:35 PM
Quote from: APR on Dec 17, 2015, 08:44 PM
Quote from: Mr. White on Nov 19, 2015, 08:37 PM
Quote from: Mr. White on Nov 18, 2015, 05:02 PM
I'm going to see if my brother can snag some tickets for the 1/23/16 Nashville show (he lives down there).

Just confirmed with my brother. He's super excited and can get on Ticket Master (Bastard) at his work (I can't), so he'll be looking for the best seats available. Wish us luck tomorrow! TOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did he get any tickets?  It was nearly impossible to get them on TM.

I clicked split seconds into the STL sale and got nothing.   Refreshed for 40 minutes.   I just don't understand.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: APR on Dec 23, 2015, 11:41 AM
Quote from: BH on Dec 21, 2015, 05:35 PM
Quote from: APR on Dec 17, 2015, 08:44 PM
Quote from: Mr. White on Nov 19, 2015, 08:37 PM
Quote from: Mr. White on Nov 18, 2015, 05:02 PM
I'm going to see if my brother can snag some tickets for the 1/23/16 Nashville show (he lives down there).

Just confirmed with my brother. He's super excited and can get on Ticket Master (Bastard) at his work (I can't), so he'll be looking for the best seats available. Wish us luck tomorrow! TOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did he get any tickets?  It was nearly impossible to get them on TM.

I clicked split seconds into the STL sale and got nothing.   Refreshed for 40 minutes.   I just don't understand.

I tried for a variety of cities right on time and couldn't pull anything.  Not even a single.  Tons of people got shut out and waited a long time for the TM site to stop spinning, etc.  I know there is a demand for Tool, but I think this sale was unusually messed up.

Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: APR on Dec 03, 2016, 10:43 AM
This isn't Tool, but it is good news:
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: dookie shoot bandit on Dec 21, 2016, 09:38 PM
Word is that Tool is gonna headline Governors Ball in NY!!!  :cheesy:
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: parkervb on Jan 04, 2017, 01:39 PM
Quote from: dookie shoot bandit on Dec 21, 2016, 09:38 PM
Word is that Tool is gonna headline Governors Ball in NY!!!  :cheesy:

word is bond
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: APR on Mar 10, 2017, 10:56 AM
Tool announced that shows will be announced next week.  I hope they spell out their whole tour instead of releasing dates in drips and drabs like they usually do.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: parkervb on Jun 15, 2017, 12:17 PM
Show from Gov Ball. Pretty decent quality

Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: APR on Jun 16, 2017, 09:54 AM
Quote from: parkervb on Jun 15, 2017, 12:17 PM
Show from Gov Ball. Pretty decent quality

Wow.  That is unusually good Tool footage.  Thanks for posting. 
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: APR on Nov 27, 2017, 01:34 PM
They announced that they will be in Ohio in May for Rock in Range festival.  That should mean more shows around that time in that part of the US.  No way they put all their gear together and bring it out for one show.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: MMJ_fanatic on Jan 23, 2018, 07:09 AM
Quote from: APR on Jun 16, 2017, 09:54 AM
Quote from: parkervb on Jun 15, 2017, 12:17 PM
Show from Gov Ball. Pretty decent quality

Wow.  That is unusually good Tool footage.  Thanks for posting. 

Looks like a pro shot it--Mynard deosn't allow pics/video/cell phones during shows
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: APR on Jan 23, 2018, 05:02 PM
Could this finally be the near for new material????  This is from an interview on Jan 17, 2018 with Overdrive:

Scroll all the way down for this......

OD – Danny, where are we with the new Tool album? Can you give us an update?
DANNY – It's all coming together really well. We'll be hitting the studio again very soon and have a couple of gigs in May (Coachella Festival), so hopefully, we'll have the album out before that. It's wishful thinking at this point. I actually think I said that this time last year (laughing).

OD– Do you have a lot of material for the album?
DANNY – Yes, there's a lot of material that's already done so, we're looking to go into the studio pretty quickly here and off we go! Things are just rollin' along. We don't just hang about here in Hollywood, we are pretty much working all the time.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: Jbpats on Jan 26, 2018, 03:44 PM
Quote from: APR on Jan 23, 2018, 05:02 PM
Could this finally be the near for new material????  This is from an interview on Jan 17, 2018 with Overdrive:

Scroll all the way down for this......

OD – Danny, where are we with the new Tool album? Can you give us an update?
DANNY – It's all coming together really well. We'll be hitting the studio again very soon and have a couple of gigs in May (Coachella Festival), so hopefully, we'll have the album out before that. It's wishful thinking at this point. I actually think I said that this time last year (laughing).

OD– Do you have a lot of material for the album?
DANNY – Yes, there's a lot of material that's already done so, we're looking to go into the studio pretty quickly here and off we go! Things are just rollin' along. We don't just hang about here in Hollywood, we are pretty much working all the time.

strange quote since they're not in Coachella, a perfect circle is..
A perfect circle is coming out with a new album this year, Maynard confirmed it at the show I went to a few months ago in Boston.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: APR on Jan 26, 2018, 08:39 PM
Quote from: Jbpats on Jan 26, 2018, 03:44 PM
Quote from: APR on Jan 23, 2018, 05:02 PM
Could this finally be the near for new material????  This is from an interview on Jan 17, 2018 with Overdrive:

Scroll all the way down for this......

OD – Danny, where are we with the new Tool album? Can you give us an update?
DANNY – It's all coming together really well. We'll be hitting the studio again very soon and have a couple of gigs in May (Coachella Festival), so hopefully, we'll have the album out before that. It's wishful thinking at this point. I actually think I said that this time last year (laughing).

OD– Do you have a lot of material for the album?
DANNY – Yes, there's a lot of material that's already done so, we're looking to go into the studio pretty quickly here and off we go! Things are just rollin' along. We don't just hang about here in Hollywood, we are pretty much working all the time.

strange quote since they're not in Coachella, a perfect circle is..
A perfect circle is coming out with a new album this year, Maynard confirmed it at the show I went to a few months ago in Boston.

I saw that also and think the interviewer wrote in Coachella by mistake instead of the Ohio and Wisconsin fests Tool is actually playing that Danny was referring to.

Check out APC's new single Disillusioned if you haven't yet.  It's good! Maynard talked about the upcoming album at the DC show also, and said it will be out in 2018 and said "that's not fake news."
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: ChiefOKONO on Aug 29, 2019, 01:49 PM
Amazing that it is finally coming out after so long.  Can't wait!!!

Does anyone know when the CD version will be available?  They had a limited edition which seems to be all sold out already.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: ChiefOKONO on Aug 30, 2019, 03:18 PM
I looked and only saw the sold out limited edition on target's site.  Where did you see it?  I would love to get the CD version!!!
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: ChiefOKONO on Sep 03, 2019, 05:04 PM
Thanks! I want to get the FLAC version.
I also would love the cd so if you hear any news about that please let us know!
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: APR on Sep 03, 2019, 08:34 PM
I know it's last minute considering the fan club pre sale is tomorrow, but does anyone have any insight on how easy or difficult it was in the past to buy tickets thru the club?   
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: CountSA on Sep 03, 2019, 09:50 PM
Quote from: APR on Sep 03, 2019, 08:34 PMI know it's last minute considering the fan club pre sale is tomorrow, but does anyone have any insight on how easy or difficult it was in the past to buy tickets thru the club?   

It seems like the club presale is only for VIP tickets.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: APR on Sep 05, 2019, 10:15 AM
Quote from: CountSA on Sep 03, 2019, 09:50 PM
Quote from: APR on Sep 03, 2019, 08:34 PMI know it's last minute considering the fan club pre sale is tomorrow, but does anyone have any insight on how easy or difficult it was in the past to buy tickets thru the club?   

It seems like the club presale is only for VIP tickets.

That is what I read yesterday, and apparently it didn't go well at all.... website crashes, people mad they didn't get thru, and also mad they didn't have regular tickets.  $500 is steep.  Good luck getting tickets Friday.

Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: ChiefOKONO on Sep 05, 2019, 07:14 PM
Mr. White, thanks again for that link to buy the hi res version... I got it and it sounds spectacular!!!

Quote from: Mr. White on Aug 30, 2019, 03:56 PM
Quote from: ChiefOKONO on Aug 30, 2019, 03:18 PMI looked and only saw the sold out limited edition on target's site.  Where did you see it?  I would love to get the CD version!!!

Looks like you're right. I thought they would have some, but I guess not. I'm still hoping my independent record store up in Louisville will still have one for me to buy tomorrow night. Who knows.

I got the download from Qobuz. They have unlimited download for anything you buy, and they have various quality downloads. I go for FLAC most all the time. Here's the link.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: CountSA on Sep 05, 2019, 08:39 PM
Good luck to everyone trying to get tix tomorrow...I think it's gonna be a mess.

Also, if you are looking for a physical copy of the CD the official store has it available (tonight only).
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: APR on Sep 06, 2019, 01:34 PM
Quote from: Mr. White on Sep 06, 2019, 11:12 AM
Quote from: CountSA on Sep 05, 2019, 08:39 PMGood luck to everyone trying to get tix tomorrow...I think it's gonna be a mess.

Also, if you are looking for a physical copy of the CD the official store has it available (tonight only).

I almost got the Deluxe Edition from their store last night after reading your post, but I decided not to after seeing how shipping would increase the price to just over $55. (I already got the FLAC Download and spent $18.54, and my brother got the Deluxe CD. If it pops up at a store for lower, I'll get it.)


Right on!  I got three for DC.  I was shocked to get thru and get good seats.  Usually for Tool my luck is awful.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: ChiefOKONO on Sep 06, 2019, 04:08 PM
Tickets were tough to get and the scalpers didn't help!!!  The site kept crashing and I think my order went though even though there was no confirmation page and it said there was an error processing order.  They need to really increase capacity or something!!!

I tried to get the physical version last night but it was already sold out again by the time I tried.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: CountSA on Sep 06, 2019, 08:34 PM
Quote from: ChiefOKONO on Sep 06, 2019, 04:08 PMTickets were tough to get and the scalpers didn't help!!!  The site kept crashing and I think my order went though even though there was no confirmation page and it said there was an error processing order.  They need to really increase capacity or something!!!

I tried to get the physical version last night but it was already sold out again by the time I tried.

I might have an extra if you're'd be a little pricier than retails ($67 shipped = what I paid).  Let me know if you're interested.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: ChiefOKONO on Sep 09, 2019, 03:50 PM
Great! I sent you a PM on here.

Quote from: CountSA on Sep 06, 2019, 08:34 PM
Quote from: ChiefOKONO on Sep 06, 2019, 04:08 PMTickets were tough to get and the scalpers didn't help!!!  The site kept crashing and I think my order went though even though there was no confirmation page and it said there was an error processing order.  They need to really increase capacity or something!!!

I tried to get the physical version last night but it was already sold out again by the time I tried.

I might have an extra if you're'd be a little pricier than retails ($67 shipped = what I paid).  Let me know if you're interested.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: RMarcil34 on Sep 12, 2019, 10:39 PM
Fear Inoculum sounds good but it's not worth the 13 years of waiting.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: parkervb on Sep 13, 2019, 10:40 AM
Quote from: RMarcil34 on Sep 12, 2019, 10:39 PMFear Inoculum sounds good but it's not worth the 13 years of waiting.

what is worth waiting 13 yrs for? I can't think of anything beside fine wine and Pappy Van Winkle
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: walterfredo on Sep 13, 2019, 11:06 AM
Quote from: parkervb on Sep 13, 2019, 10:40 AMwhat is worth waiting 13 yrs for?

Today's Friday the 13th Full moon (if you're not on the east coast)...

(and a few species of Cicadas)
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: APR on Sep 16, 2019, 09:53 AM
I like the new album a lot.  Pneuma is incredible and on repeated listens keeps blowing my mind.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: ChiefOKONO on Sep 16, 2019, 05:47 PM
After listening to it a bunch of times on good headphones, I think it's a pretty amazing album and I love it.  There is so much to process here and I am glad I got the FLAC Hi-Res version because it sounds even better!!

The songs are so long it's like a symphony with different movements.  My favorites are Pneuma, Descending, Invincible, Chocolate Chip Trip, and 7empest.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: APR on Sep 17, 2019, 09:31 AM
I totally agree Mr. White..... the album is great but just needs a little more Maynard loud/heartfelt/screaming vocals.  I have been thinking the same thing during a few songs.

Good post chiefO..... I like that your favorites are practically every song on the album.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: ChiefOKONO on Sep 17, 2019, 01:42 PM
I have to say, I agree with you guys as well... some more louder vocals/screaming would have been pretty awesome but maybe he wasn't feeling that...or maybe Maynard felt that the lyrics and themes didn't lend themselves to more loudness.  I read a couple of articles on the new album but I think they like the listener figure it out for themselves rather than explain the songs, which is a good thing IMO.

I guess we'll have to go see them live for the screaming vocals.  Their show is one of the biggest light and visual spectacles I've ever seen!  I'll never forget the last show I saw a few years ago when they opened with an amazing cover of No Quarter!  !!!!

Btw, I never heard Opiate until now and while I liked it, I like their last 2-3 albums much better.  They have evolved a long way!

Ok gotta go, Descending just came on! :)
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: ChiefOKONO on Sep 18, 2019, 01:30 PM
Oh yeah, forgot about that.  I never got Salival but I will check online for it!
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: Jbpats on Sep 18, 2019, 02:41 PM
Quote from: ChiefOKONO on Sep 17, 2019, 01:42 PMI have to say, I agree with you guys as well... some more louder vocals/screaming would have been pretty awesome but maybe he wasn't feeling that...or maybe Maynard felt that the lyrics and themes didn't lend themselves to more loudness.  I read a couple of articles on the new album but I think they like the listener figure it out for themselves rather than explain the songs, which is a good thing IMO.

I guess we'll have to go see them live for the screaming vocals.  Their show is one of the biggest light and visual spectacles I've ever seen!  I'll never forget the last show I saw a few years ago when they opened with an amazing cover of No Quarter!  !!!!

Btw, I never heard Opiate until now and while I liked it, I like their last 2-3 albums much better.  They have evolved a long way!

Ok gotta go, Descending just came on! :)

There is no screaming because his voice is gone, can't hit that range anymore. I think that was one of the main reasons he toured with APC for so long, the songs were less demanding on his vocal chords. I remember reading an article when 10,000 days came out where he said the screaming is too hard on his voice these days.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: ChiefOKONO on Oct 10, 2019, 04:44 PM
This is Incredible!
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: ChiefOKONO on Oct 21, 2019, 02:42 PM
By the way this tour is Incredible!!!  I hope all the fans who want to go get to see it or they add more dates.   They are playing better than ever IMO and Danny is just such a Beast!  Also their light show and visuals are spectacular.  The new songs fit in live really well too.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: APR on Oct 25, 2019, 03:32 PM
I'd love it if they brought back No Quarter to the setlist.  I saw them open with it once, and it was amazing.  One more month until their DC show.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: ChiefOKONO on Nov 05, 2019, 03:29 PM
really cool looking poster! I have a ton of posters but I would have probably gotten that to frame!
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: APR on Nov 26, 2019, 02:19 PM
The DC show was great.  The new stuff was on another level - Invincible and Pneuma.  I hope they add Tempest for the next leg of the tour. 

That poster above is crazy and cool.  Very hit and miss posters in my opinion.  Tool posters sell out fast, but they often put them on their website for sale after the tour so keep an eye open.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: walterfredo on Jan 16, 2020, 01:05 PM
Saw TOOL for the first time last night. Didn't know a single song of there's. Thoroughly impressed!
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: APR on Feb 24, 2020, 05:13 PM
A lot more shows added April - June.
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: ChiefOKONO on Jun 07, 2023, 04:20 PM
Awesome! I wonder if TOOL is working on any new music?
Title: Re: TOOL
Post by: ChiefOKONO on Jun 29, 2023, 01:59 PM
Pilgrims Are Flocking to This Psychedelic Temple
Alex and Allyson Grey, the artists behind Tool's album covers, have built the world's trippiest museum