Carl and Jim did a little interview and acoustic session for Lauren Laverne/BBC 6 yesterday, you can listen at the link below, it's online this week only.
- Slow Slow Tune
- Wonderful (The Way I Feel)
starts around 1h 41m (
Thanks, that was quite enjoyable to listen to as I grade papers this morning in my cold, non-heated classroom. :thumbsup:
Yessss, thank you CC! So beautiful, I'm so excited over this tour, wooohoo! :D :D :D
If anyone is interested in having this little gem in the 'ol library, I recorded the audio and made a nice and zipped up folder for you kind folks :beer: (
these two tunes stripped down sound so perdy. Wonderful without strings I particularly like...and Carl's additions are brilliant in both. It's worth checking out!
Excellent, thanks ER!
Quote from: EasyRyder on Nov 01, 2011, 08:30 PM
If anyone is interested in having this little gem in the 'ol library, I recorded the audio and made a nice and zipped up folder for you kind folks :beer: (
these two tunes stripped down sound so perdy. Wonderful without strings I particularly like...and Carl's additions are brilliant in both. It's worth checking out!
Muches Grassyass! :beer: