Okay, I have been searching for an mp3 version of where to begin, oh sweet nothing, move on up, chills, how could I know etc, but they are not available on iTunes or Amazon :(.
If any of you know where I can grab some of these, I'd be thankful!
If you go to archive.org, you can specify your search by artist, date, relevance, and file type...and it's all free!!!! So you can get all that stuff you're looking for...in fact, if you click on that link, I did it by "date" and "mp3", and the first show to pop up was The Wiltern, which has a sweet version of "Oh, Sweet Nothin'"
P.S. Where to Begin is a few shows down...at Somerset, WI in August. If you get a chance, download the whole show. It's a really good one. I mean...I think they're all good, but I really liked that one.
P.P.S. I know there is a good version of Move On Up with John Oates from the Red Rocks show downloads, which you can buy...and Where to Begin should be available on Celebracion de Ciudad Natal...I dunno if that helps a search, or if they sell individual songs that way.
I appreciate the help, Mama Kel!
I am trying to avoid the archive, because those songs won't play loud enough in my car. :angry:
iTunes does not carry Celebracion de Ciudad Natal and Amazon only has it available has a CD, not mp3 format. I just want to purchase the individual songs and download them immediately for my MMJ collection, since these are some of the last ones I do not own.
Where can I purchase the Red Rocks 2012 sets? I'd love to have them, but I remember a lot of forum members having a hard time downloading them when it was available.
They are now downloading easily. I just finally dl'd mine this weekend. You buy them on the music section of the main site.
Quote from: Fully on Dec 10, 2012, 03:13 AM
They are now downloading easily. I just finally dl'd mine this weekend. You buy them on the music section of the main site.
Just got it, and love it!! The second Red Rocks set is unbelievable. Too bad they didn't do O is the One or Strangulation on one of the nights.