Okay, so if you had to choose three LPs/EPs from MMJ's catalogue to fuse together to produce their upcoming LP what would they be? (Live albums do not count)
Z (I love the overall sound of this album. To me, this is their best production as a whole yet.)
It Still Moves (Some of the most groundbreaking songs from the band are on this album. Also, the guitar work and the way Jim sings throughout makes it one of their best.)
Evil Urges (A lot of people might be surprised with this choice, but I feel like if this album was as strong in the middle as it is at the beginning and especially at the end, it could have been nearly perfect. The variety of this album is wonderful.)
It's weird that you brought this up, because I was actually thinking about what I would want to hear them create over the last couple days...
And if I may deviate from the game until I have time to think about it...and instead offer what my thoughts were on the album?
I thought it would be really cool...since they are all such music-lovers and connoisseurs...to hear an album where each track is their interpretation of what various music legends would be making if they were still alive. Like...I'd love to see them get into the mindset of a bunch of artists, stylistically and motivationally...centered around a theme...and see what they could come up with. I think it would be cool to hear a band explore the variety of voices by which they are influenced, and intentionally craft their unified voice to mold a message/theme, which only an entire album could accomplish.
Like, you can hear certain influences already...whether it's Neil Young or Pink Floyd or Curtis Mayfield or Shannon Hoon. It's there. But it changes the approach when the artist is forced to look at each influence specifically, and really isolate the essence of that influence.
Something I discovered a long time ago while painting portraits was that I would do these meditations on these individuals...more often than not, they are religious, social, or musical figures. These meditations were basically practices of ingesting each individual's art/work until I felt I knew these people intrinsically. Basically, taking the external, and filtering it through my being, thus internalizing it. And then, having become one with it, I would paint/write my vision of this synthesis. Of two spirits becoming one. Which is why I think artists always have a style or theme reflected in their work...is because this is the intrinsic/instinctual process of creativity and creation.
This said, I think it would be so mind-blowing to hear MMJ's vision of what Tupac would be doing, or Otis Redding, or Bob Marley, or Sam Cooke, or Jimi Hendrix or John Lennon...you name it. I'd want to hear it.
Sorry for going so off topic. I've just been thinking about that somewhere in my brainwaves for a few days, so I had to say it.
I also thought it would be cool to do an album centered around the theme "mediations from the unknown" where a band goes around on tour, and takes in the local music scene, and based on what they see, decide to do a track with a different artist from each place they visit on tour. Not only would it be an amazing opportunity for so many young musicians to learn from the wise old owls who'd been on the circuit a while, but I think it would encourage all big-name musicians to start genuinely looking for talent slipping through the cracks in the local communities. I feel like it would provide both mentorship (which is largely missing from mainstream music) and bring that sense of magic back to a small show, where artists can begin to believe that they are one great show away from getting a shot.
That is very interesting. I wouldn't want them to try and make music based on what those bands would sound like if they were around today, but rather, I would love for them to isolate a specific influence of theirs and make a song based off that influence and then go to the next.
An isolated Pink Floyd influenced song would be killer! The closest song to representing Pink Floyd so far from MMJ is probably Smokin From Shootin for me. There is something to the beginning of that song that rings Dark Side of the Moon to me.
Quote from: EverythingChanges on Dec 10, 2012, 07:42 PM
Okay, so if you had to choose three LPs/EPs from MMJ's catalogue to fuse together to produce their upcoming LP what would they be? (Live albums do not count)
Z (I love the overall sound of this album. To me, this is their best production as a whole yet.)
It Still Moves (Some of the most groundbreaking songs from the band are on this album. Also, the guitar work and the way Jim sings throughout makes it one of their best.)
Evil Urges (A lot of people might be surprised with this choice, but I feel like if this album was as strong in the middle as it is at the beginning and especially at the end, it could have been nearly perfect. The variety of this album is wonderful.)
I would choose these albums as well, with a dash whatever is happening on Jim's new song...
That's EXACTLY what I'm saying...like an album where each song is a journey into the heart and soul of artists who had a major influence on them...oh man...I just feel like they could execute it so damn well.
I definitely hear the Floyd on Smokin From Shooting, btw. I hear a lot of Floyd in the reverb in general. I feel like I hear snips of so many of the greats, that I just want expanded outward into infinity. Like how "Little Wing" or "Driftin'" by Jimi is never quite long enough...
Quote from: EverythingChanges on Dec 10, 2012, 08:17 PM
That is very interesting. I wouldn't want them to try and make music based on what those bands would sound like if they were around today, but rather, I would love for them to isolate a specific influence of theirs and make a song based off that influence and then go to the next.
An isolated Pink Floyd influenced song would be killer! The closest song to representing Pink Floyd so far from MMJ is probably Smokin From Shootin for me. There is something to the beginning of that song that rings Dark Side of the Moon to me.
God, now that you mentioned a Floyd type song, my imagination is just running!!! :rolleyes: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :grin: :evil: :thumbsup: