My Morning Jacket

Off-Topic => Off-Topic Ramblings => Topic started by: MrWhippy on Mar 11, 2013, 06:43 AM

Title: Last night's dream with Fully cameo
Post by: MrWhippy on Mar 11, 2013, 06:43 AM
So, in the dream I had last night, I was with my mom (not sure where) and we went to a fast food restaurant (not sure which one).  We got up to the counter and taking our order was Fully.  She explained that this was where she worked in the summer when she wasn't teaching. 

I ordered some kind of vegetarian breakfast burrito or something.  Then my mom and I sat down to eat.  I got partway through my burrito and found five packets of hot sauce baked into the middle of it (plastic and all) and also a fishhook on a string. 

What does this mean?
Title: Last night's dream with Fully cameo
Post by: Fully on Mar 11, 2013, 07:08 AM
 Strangely enough I took one of our own to Bolton's Hot Chicken in Nashville this past Saturday night. It was good and ridiculously spicy, plus the beverage selection was vast (Coke Zero or Grape Drink) I don't believe I get to pick out the restaurant next time - the burning when the air came through Penny's male escort's nose was particularly painful. There was a very friendly woman there with no front teeth, but she left before our guest of honor arrived.
Title: Re: Last night's dream with Fully cameo
Post by: Fully on Apr 12, 2013, 03:36 PM
I just wanted to mention that last night I dreamed of my niece who for some reason was being a horrible person. In the middle of it, Tater walks in and puts a stop to it. Thanks, Tater. I owe you one. (He walked in in my dream world, not my real world. That would be even more strange.) :thumbsup: