Yesterday I received a small package from ground(ctrl) that had a laminate in it and nothing else. Not even a note or anything. I renewed my Roll Call membership last week, and thought that maybe they're sending laminates out ASAP since Jim's got some shows coming up soon, but it's last year's laminate. I also requested a new laminate in the spring, as I only had the card from 2011, and got a new one at will call at Jim's show in Denver. Maybe this was an oversight and I just received another really late.
Anywho, just wondering. Did anyone else who renewed receive this package?
I got the laminate and a few days later the poster came.
The laminate looks the same as last year, only there is no year on it and it's a different color.
Also for me. I got the laminate and the poster arrived few days later. So you should get it.
Dit to the toe!