Anyone have an extra Nashville for sale? Missed out today
Of course they sell out again in like ten min. FML.
I was able to snag one but they really should've put more up for Nashville. Still available for the other two shows. I've been to tons of MMJ shows and have never missed out if I there in time for the opener. It was REDICULOUS in Nashville. Sorry guys.
need a nash is anyone has it
Also looking for a Nashville
I said piss on it and got hosed on Ebay. Went all out on the foil one. By God I'll frame the shit out of this one. Ouch!
Quote from: bloodthirsty on Jul 18, 2017, 02:02 PM
I said piss on it and got hosed on Ebay. Went all out on the foil one. By God I'll frame the shit out of this one. Ouch!
Great post considering your user name!! It is disgusting that some people are selling these on eBay. Hope it wasn't over 200. 100 was enough already.
Yeah it sucks that people gobble them up at shows only to drain people on eBay. It was just under 200. Complete rip off but show posters from shows I go to are my thing.
FYI, screen name is reference to days of the new.
And now there's another on eBay. Looks like the seller is from here. Took the pic right off the website. Real nice.
Quote from: bloodthirsty on Jul 18, 2017, 01:36 PM
Of course they sell out again in like ten min. FML.
1 min. I was on the website starting at noon and refreshed every minute. They were immediately gone. Which tells me Justin told people exactly the time it was going to be open.
Quote from: odelljaj on Jul 19, 2017, 11:09 AM
1 min. I was on the website starting at noon and refreshed every minute. They were immediately gone. Which tells me Justin told people exactly the time it was going to be open.
Not necessarily the case at all. I frequently use a Firefox addon called check4change, which can essentially notify you when a webpage was changed in any way, great way to try on these releases when you know a window of time it will be released. Very commonly used for these poster releases.
Quote from: walterfredo on Jul 19, 2017, 08:03 PM
Quote from: odelljaj on Jul 19, 2017, 11:09 AM
1 min. I was on the website starting at noon and refreshed every minute. They were immediately gone. Which tells me Justin told people exactly the time it was going to be open.
Not necessarily the case at all. I frequently use a Firefox addon called check4change, which can essentially notify you when a webpage was changed in any way, great way to try on these releases when you know a window of time it will be released. Very commonly used for these poster releases.
Was the interest really that high for the Nashville show? Seems like a reach.
Only 125 sold at the venue. No idea why the pressing was so low.