will do my best to post set list updates here!
Will not be posting the opening act tonight
Songs will be in ALLCAPS
Commentary, if any, will be in regular writing
If someone on the outside can edit their own post on the thread with the full setlist that would be awesome
Will do my best to stay with it tonight. Thanks for the effort dcfire. Have fun and Happy New Year!!!
Thank you!! Everyone have fun!
Gonna try to broadcast on. Mixlr under username IXFIT (SIGNAL and battery permitting).
Quote from: DayDrinkin on Dec 31, 2017, 11:21 PM
Gonna try to broadcast on. Mixlr under username IXFIT (SIGNAL and battery permitting).
The effort would be greatly appreciated. Good luck and have a blast!!
Lights out 947 !!!
(Bad signal tonight sorry guys)
My Morning Jacket
1st Bank Center-Broomfield, CO
Victory Dance
Touch Me I'm Going To Scream Pt 1
Evil Urges
Compound Fracture
Dancing In The Dark (Springsteen)
Sound any good?
DANCING IN THE DARK (Springsteen) w horns
It's a little boomy but pretty solid overall. Jim's vocals come through nice. Thanks for making it happen
My Morning Jacket
1st Bank Center-Broomfield, CO
Victory Dance
Touch Me I'm Going To Scream Pt 1
Evil Urges
Compound Fracture
Dancing In The Dark (Springsteen)
A New Life
Spring (Among The Living)
Tropics (Erase Traces)
My Morning Jacket
1st Bank Center-Broomfield, CO
Victory Dance
Touch Me I'm Going To Scream Pt 1
Evil Urges
Compound Fracture
Dancing In The Dark (Springsteen)
A New Life
Spring (Among The Living)
Tropics (Erase Traces)
Holding On To Black Metal
Magic Bullet
Nice to hear this tune live, it sounds great.
This set sucks
Don't hold back, tell us what you really think :cool:
Without any hyperbole you eliminate Danicing in the dark and you couldn't have asked for worse
night 3 of 3 dude. cobra. you satisfied now?
My Morning Jacket
1st Bank Center-Broomfield, CO
Victory Dance
Touch Me I'm Going To Scream Pt 1
Evil Urges
Compound Fracture
Dancing In The Dark (Springsteen)
A New Life
Spring (Among The Living)
Tropics (Erase Traces)
Holding On To Black Metal
Magic Bullet
Highly Suspicious
Touch Me I'm Going To Scream Pt 2 ->
Miss You (Rolling Stones)
That was awesome
Don't get upset
The show is redeemable yet
solid cover. :cool: do i hear gideon?
My Morning Jacket
1st Bank Center-Broomfield, CO
-Set 1-
Victory Dance
Touch Me I'm Going To Scream Pt 1
Evil Urges
Compound Fracture
Dancing In The Dark (Springsteen)
A New Life
Spring (Among The Living)
Tropics (Erase Traces)
Holding On To Black Metal
Magic Bullet
Highly Suspicious
Touch Me I'm Going To Scream Pt 2 ->
Miss You (Rolling Stones)
Bermuda Highway
Phone Went West
-Set 2-
countdown by Jim
"Happy New Year"
Wordless Chorus
Everyday People (Sly & The Family Stone)
Slightly under 16 minute pww
My Morning Jacket
1st Bank Center-Broomfield, CO
-Set 1-
Victory Dance
Touch Me I'm Going To Scream Pt 1
Evil Urges
Compound Fracture
Dancing In The Dark (Springsteen)
A New Life
Spring (Among The Living)
Tropics (Erase Traces)
Holding On To Black Metal
Magic Bullet
Highly Suspicious
Touch Me I'm Going To Scream Pt 2 ->
Miss You (Rolling Stones)
Bermuda Highway
Phone Went West
-Set 2-
Countdown by Jim
"Happy New Year!!"
Wordless Chorus
Everyday People (Sly & The Family Stone)
What The World Needs Now (Bacharach)
All You Need is Love (The Beatles)
Lay Low
Thank You (Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin) (Sly & The Family Stone)
One Big Holiday
*Horns Accompany Many of The Songs*
Happy New Year everyone
Be safe, have fun
Thank you DayDrinkin for the steady Mixlr stream, I appreciate it
Thanks very much for the updates. Happy New Year to you all!
There was a Janet Jackson song rhythm nation in second set that came out of one of the sings
Quote from: KingCobra on Jan 01, 2018, 11:42 AM
There was a Janet Jackson song rhythm nation in second set that came out of one of the sings
yeah I saw a video of that on Twitter. it led into Thank you, 2nd to last song.
Who posts on a forum to complain about a set...during the set?!
Quote from: RobRoy286 on Jan 01, 2018, 01:28 PM
Who posts on a forum to complain about a set...during the set?!
Lots of people. I've followed Springsteen set list threads on a few of his forums for years and it happens all the time.
It gets really funny when people who were actually there visit the thread after the show and post their replies. I don't get set list watchers complaining either but it takes all kinds. :huh:
Yes, if i saw the setlist for the first half i would have been bummed too, but being there was a totally different story. They destroyed it. And the theatrics (lighting, discoball solar system, pyro) took it over the edge into a very special place.
NYE countdown and Wordless Chorus:
Everyone knew half of the songs they were gonna play before they even came on. It was still a blast.
Quote from: RobRoy286 on Jan 01, 2018, 01:28 PM
Who posts on a forum to complain about a set...during the set?!
No kidding! How ridiculous.
Quote from: RobRoy286 on Jan 01, 2018, 01:28 PM
Who posts on a forum to complain about a set...during the set?!
I'm glad they were posting.
Eric once again seems to be the sole voice of reason here.
I flew in just for New Years as I was unable to attend the first two shows. As a result my long post will be somewhat informed by my not having been there for the whole 3 day experience. Nonetheless, this is basically a mini-review and both a clarification and justification for my violation of MMJ Forum Commandment #4 not to post in the forum during a show (unless its purely positive).
The good: As I've written here before this band lives by their own adage and doesn't ever turn it off. Seeing them on an off night (last night was not an off night) is vastly more enjoyable than seeing most bands on an "on" night. Colorado is a great place to spend time and in theory would seem like a great place to have a special MMJ show. The same way it was nice for midwesterners to get the Chicago Theatre shows a couple years back its nice for people not on the Northeast Corridor and not in California to be graced with a special series of MMJ shows. Horns also are always an enhancement (though we'll come back to this in "THE BAD" later) and certain songs almost feel incomplete without them "Easy Morning Rebel" (which I'm saddened to have missed) being one of them.
Before I knew about the ticket selling woes I thought a 6500 person venue was probably a smart choice in maintaining the intimate club feel but avoiding an arena show with thousands of empty seats (like the MSG 12/14/11 show that I am amaaaaazed was over 6 years ago). I still think their thought process in this regard was pretty smart though the choice of venue was a mistake (which we will also come back to).
The show itself: Karl Denson was a solid opener and the crowd seemed to be giving him more attention/adulation than other openers could potentially be getting (going back to 12/14/11 I felt that Band of Horses was largely ignored almost painfully so.) Always good to have someone upbeat to rile the crowd up for a horn-heavy main act.
The setlist was not so much different than Boston NYE 2012 and San Fran NYE 2006 which both had 27 songs. I was personally expecting something closer to MSG 2008 with 32 songs but I realize that not every show can be an all time great and it seems that in retrospect the MSG show was particularly special and the Boston show was not. This was definitely an "enhanced" setlist (solely due to the covers) but more akin to a Red Rocks setlist than a T5/MSG2008.
I loved the fact that the Cobra segued into the Miss you (and seemed at the end to segue back into Cobra shortly) and I also loved that the Thank You Falletenme Be Mice Elf segued into the Rhythym Nation (at least that's the way I heard it but its not the way its listed on the setlists). On the topic of covers they were all good to very good (and I loved Carl singing the "She Loves You" parts at the end of All You Need Is Love) though the only two that I think I'll be listening to in years from now are the Thank You (which had an additional increased funkiness and didn't sound like a note-for-note replication) and the following Rhythym Nation which reminded me of some T5 covers (and Jim at Lockn singing Jane's Addiction this past summer) where there's a grittiness and you know they're hearking back to a song they loved as kids.
The pyrotechnics were cool but a little simplistic and the lighting was cool as usual. Neither of those things did anything to make me think that what I was experiencing was "epic" but they were cute and appropriate.
The Bad:
Firstly I was in the stands Carl side and I think the Floor looked great. I just couldn't deal with standing for 5-6 hours so I took the lazy route. My first criticism is therefore somewhat linked to sitting there and looking at the empty seats (that were cordoned off) on the sides of the stage which got me to think about all of the empty seats in the building (apparently a lot more pronounced on the first 2 nights).I don't know if its a reflection on band management, a reflection on whats' sadly a weak fan base (not the people here obviously) or just a minor error on the part of the band but frankly its embarrassing. As I said above its nice to spread the (in keeping with the completely overplayed theme of the evening) "LOVE" all over the country but you kinda realize why bands both like playing and often have disproportionately more shows in NYC - people show up!!
At the Aloft Broomfield I asked one the employees whether things were "crazy" and she basically said "nope. nothing like previous bands." This is sad for me. I think this band is so great and they can't even sell out a small(er) venue after announcing that they aren't playing US shows again till 2019??? Look, none of us can force the masses into becoming dedicated fans and history is replete with bands that never got their due in their lifetime but this should have been easy. I have no doubt that Umphreys and other Denver area NYE shows took some fans away but that again is indicative of poor management.
When I posted "this set sucks" (EGAD! in the middle of the show!) I was correct. YOU ARE PLAYING YOUR FINAL US SHOW FOR OVER A YEAR AND 12 SONGS IN YOU HAVE ONE COVER AND NOT A SINGLE SONG FROM THE FIRST 3 ALBUMS!??!?! Sitting at my computer at home 1000+ miles away and almost a day removed I actually am more bothered by this now than I was at the time. This was simply inexcusable. I fully understand that this was the THIRD night and that REALLY they were 60 songs in at this point but I unfortunately to not accept that as a valid excuse. Rollin Back for example is not a By My Car but it hasn't been played since the Beacon (over 2 years ago) and should have (or pick your song) taken the place of Compound Fracture , Spring or Tropics in their "Farewell show." (Dancing in the Dark was fine and fun.)
Starting with Cobra things started to resemble what the show should have been. The Waterfall filler was out of the way and the band could start having fun with the upbeat covers that had made their previous New Years shows memorable. Sadly, Jim at least feels the need to be overly overtly political at the expense of an enjoyable evening. Don't get me wrong: My politics are the same left of center that most people's here seem to be. We all deplore racism/sexism/chauvinism and we all love love and hate hate. That being said...... ughghgghgghg.
I'm not 100% sure why they needed a 25 minute break to then play for another 40 minutes but I'm not a singer or a musician so maybe this was NECESSARY. It would seem to me that on a momentous occasion like this maybe play a few more songs especially of you don't have any shows for weeks?? Like I said I don't know and Jim definitely has to rest his vocal cords from time to time so maybe this is an invalid criticism.
In keeping with this theme though I thought the combination of the video the guys with the signs and the LOVE songs was trite and took what could have been a dance party and made it something more mellow. Maybe this is what Jim thinks is necessary at this time but this was New Years Eve. Save the political stuff for interviews/social media/ or other shows. I understand that he wanted to destroy 2017 and usher in 2018 ASAP but I really think it was over the top and was an additional damper on the evening. (By the way I'll mention now that I don't mind you coming along and responding that I'm totally off base and that all of this was needed and well-taken last night. I genuinely have no idea what percentage of others here share my feelings but I'm sure they exist.)
The mix was off. Really off. At times the keys were way too loud and often the horns were completely drowned out. I know Tom was fiddling with stuff all night and between hand signals to techies and all that fiddling there seemed to have been more sound issues going on than I've seen before.) I don't know if this is an MMJ issue or a venue issue but the mix problem was very evident to me. It could be that this was largely a result of where I was in the stands and if I was in the center of the floor I would have had more balance. Maybe? I'd love to hear what others thought about this.
Finally, coming back to the song choices the fact that there were 3 Tenn Fire, At Dawn, and It Still Moves songs (other than OBH) is INSANE. If you're not willing to acknowledge this then you're in denial. As I mentioned above I know that for many they feel they got their fix by going to all three nights and aren't gonna be as miffed as I am having only been to NYE but the criminality fo this should not have to be elaborated upon.
Honestly, I think its time this band takes a long break. I love em and emotionally I want there to be lots of shows in 2018 but intellectually I realize that something is wrong. Distance makes the heart grow fonder and hopefully that aphorism holds true both from the fans to the band and from the band to the fans. Wilco are doing it in 2018 and they too have had their share of "live staleness" over the course of the last couple years. I want to see this band to continue performing at their peak for the years and decades ahead and maybe (probably?) a nice long refresher is exactly what everybody needs.
Quote from: dontgetupset on Jan 01, 2018, 08:59 PM
Eric once again seems to be the sole voice of reason here.
I flew in just for New Years as I was unable to attend the first two shows. As a result my long post will be somewhat informed by my not having been there for the whole 3 day experience. Nonetheless, this is basically a mini-review and both a clarification and justification for my violation of MMJ Forum Commandment #4 not to post in the forum during a show (unless its purely positive).
The good: As I've written here before this band lives by their own adage and doesn't ever turn it off. Seeing them on an off night (last night was not an off night) is vastly more enjoyable than seeing most bands on an "on" night. Colorado is a great place to spend time and in theory would seem like a great place to have a special MMJ show. The same way it was nice for midwesterners to get the Chicago Theatre shows a couple years back its nice for people not on the Northeast Corridor and not in California to be graced with a special series of MMJ shows. Horns also are always an enhancement (though we'll come back to this in "THE BAD" later) and certain songs almost feel incomplete without them "Easy Morning Rebel" (which I'm saddened to have missed) being one of them.
Before I knew about the ticket selling woes I thought a 6500 person venue was probably a smart choice in maintaining the intimate club feel but avoiding an arena show with thousands of empty seats (like the MSG 12/14/11 show that I am amaaaaazed was over 6 years ago). I still think their thought process in this regard was pretty smart though the choice of venue was a mistake (which we will also come back to).
The show itself: Karl Denson was a solid opener and the crowd seemed to be giving him more attention/adulation than other openers could potentially be getting (going back to 12/14/11 I felt that Band of Horses was largely ignored almost painfully so.) Always good to have someone upbeat to rile the crowd up for a horn-heavy main act.
The setlist was not so much different than Boston NYE 2012 and San Fran NYE 2006 which both had 27 songs. I was personally expecting something closer to MSG 2008 with 32 songs but I realize that not every show can be an all time great and it seems that in retrospect the MSG show was particularly special and the Boston show was not. This was definitely an "enhanced" setlist (solely due to the covers) but more akin to a Red Rocks setlist than a T5/MSG2008.
I loved the fact that the Cobra segued into the Miss you (and seemed at the end to segue back into Cobra shortly) and I also loved that the Thank You Falletenme Be Mice Elf segued into the Rhythym Nation (at least that's the way I heard it but its not the way its listed on the setlists). On the topic of covers they were all good to very good (and I loved Carl singing the "She Loves You" parts at the end of All You Need Is Love) though the only two that I think I'll be listening to in years from now are the Thank You (which had an additional increased funkiness and didn't sound like a note-for-note replication) and the following Rhythym Nation which reminded me of some T5 covers (and Jim at Lockn singing Jane's Addiction this past summer) where there's a grittiness and you know they're hearking back to a song they loved as kids.
The pyrotechnics were cool but a little simplistic and the lighting was cool as usual. Neither of those things did anything to make me think that what I was experiencing was "epic" but they were cute and appropriate.
The Bad:
Firstly I was in the stands Carl side and I think the Floor looked great. I just couldn't deal with standing for 5-6 hours so I took the lazy route. My first criticism is therefore somewhat linked to sitting there and looking at the empty seats (that were cordoned off) on the sides of the stage which got me to think about all of the empty seats in the building (apparently a lot more pronounced on the first 2 nights).I don't know if its a reflection on band management, a reflection on whats' sadly a weak fan base (not the people here obviously) or just a minor error on the part of the band but frankly its embarrassing. As I said above its nice to spread the (in keeping with the completely overplayed theme of the evening) "LOVE" all over the country but you kinda realize why bands both like playing and often have disproportionately more shows in NYC - people show up!!
At the Aloft Broomfield I asked one the employees whether things were "crazy" and she basically said "nope. nothing like previous bands." This is sad for me. I think this band is so great and they can't even sell out a small(er) venue after announcing that they aren't playing US shows again till 2019??? Look, none of us can force the masses into becoming dedicated fans and history is replete with bands that never got their due in their lifetime but this should have been easy. I have no doubt that Umphreys and other Denver area NYE shows took some fans away but that again is indicative of poor management.
When I posted "this set sucks" (EGAD! in the middle of the show!) I was correct. YOU ARE PLAYING YOUR FINAL US SHOW FOR OVER A YEAR AND 12 SONGS IN YOU HAVE ONE COVER AND NOT A SINGLE SONG FROM THE FIRST 3 ALBUMS!??!?! Sitting at my computer at home 1000+ miles away and almost a day removed I actually am more bothered by this now than I was at the time. This was simply inexcusable. I fully understand that this was the THIRD night and that REALLY they were 60 songs in at this point but I unfortunately to not accept that as a valid excuse. Rollin Back for example is not a By My Car but it hasn't been played since the Beacon (over 2 years ago) and should have (or pick your song) taken the place of Compound Fracture , Spring or Tropics in their "Farewell show." (Dancing in the Dark was fine and fun.)
Starting with Cobra things started to resemble what the show should have been. The Waterfall filler was out of the way and the band could start having fun with the upbeat covers that had made their previous New Years shows memorable. Sadly, Jim at least feels the need to be overly overtly political at the expense of an enjoyable evening. Don't get me wrong: My politics are the same left of center that most people's here seem to be. We all deplore racism/sexism/chauvinism and we all love love and hate hate. That being said...... ughghgghgghg.
I'm not 100% sure why they needed a 25 minute break to then play for another 40 minutes but I'm not a singer or a musician so maybe this was NECESSARY. It would seem to me that on a momentous occasion like this maybe play a few more songs especially of you don't have any shows for weeks?? Like I said I don't know and Jim definitely has to rest his vocal cords from time to time so maybe this is an invalid criticism.
In keeping with this theme though I thought the combination of the video the guys with the signs and the LOVE songs was trite and took what could have been a dance party and made it something more mellow. Maybe this is what Jim thinks is necessary at this time but this was New Years Eve. Save the political stuff for interviews/social media/ or other shows. I understand that he wanted to destroy 2017 and usher in 2018 ASAP but I really think it was over the top and was an additional damper on the evening. (By the way I'll mention now that I don't mind you coming along and responding that I'm totally off base and that all of this was needed and well-taken last night. I genuinely have no idea what percentage of others here share my feelings but I'm sure they exist.)
The mix was off. Really off. At times the keys were way too loud and often the horns were completely drowned out. I know Tom was fiddling with stuff all night and between hand signals to techies and all that fiddling there seemed to have been more sound issues going on than I've seen before.) I don't know if this is an MMJ issue or a venue issue but the mix problem was very evident to me. It could be that this was largely a result of where I was in the stands and if I was in the center of the floor I would have had more balance. Maybe? I'd love to hear what others thought about this.
Finally, coming back to the song choices the fact that there were 3 Tenn Fire, At Dawn, and It Still Moves songs (other than OBH) is INSANE. If you're not willing to acknowledge this then you're in denial. As I mentioned above I know that for many they feel they got their fix by going to all three nights and aren't gonna be as miffed as I am having only been to NYE but the criminality fo this should not have to be elaborated upon.
Honestly, I think its time this band takes a long break. I love em and emotionally I want there to be lots of shows in 2018 but intellectually I realize that something is wrong. Distance makes the heart grow fonder and hopefully that aphorism holds true both from the fans to the band and from the band to the fans. Wilco are doing it in 2018 and they too have had their share of "live staleness" over the course of the last couple years. I want to see this band to continue performing at their peak for the years and decades ahead and maybe (probably?) a nice long refresher is exactly what everybody needs.
going to all 3 nights would've made you dig the show a lot more, but as a final final final show for a year and a half, possibly two, and you don't even break the 28 song barrier? Its gradually dropped over the years: in the mid 2000s the big shows got 29-36 songs with Bonnaroo 2008 being the most generous, then in 2010-2012 it became 29, then in 2015 it became 28, now it's 26.....
Not being able, or willing, to break out the Bear or Rollin Back after A New Life was inexcusable. Also, the shortest fucking Cobra ever? It was mostly played as an excuse to play Miss You...I thought that was really fucked up. The band, voice and limbs being tired, could've easily played two or three more. They didn't even do an encore.......
Something is wrong. I don't know what it is, but the band seemed to be all in great spirits throughout the 3 night stand, I gotta say, with smiles and stoned looks permeating the first two nights especially. The NYE night seemed to be more buisness, with the setlist being quite fucking stale until things got a bit mixed up by Cobra.....once again....THE SHORTEST COBRA OF ALL TIME....i dont even know if i wanna call it my first Cobra. I'll call it my first half of Cobra.
The band were fucking fantastic, they brought the awesome pyro and things but they played way too much to the mainstream crowd. What everyone finds so charming about this band, is their massive catalog. They simply aren't showing it off enough.
I DID however see 28 new songs and 12 covers. The first two nights set lists couldn't have been better, couldn't be topped. I was unbelievably privileged to go to see these shows. The NYE night was as trippy and as much of a spectacle as you'd hope, but they could've continued to burn the place down with four or five more: Get Down On it (which the band can play in their sleep), They Ran which was the main offendor for me that was missing. Couldn't believe this song wasnt apart of the NYE show, let alone all 3 nights and Rolling Back or The Bear, they could've easily played those three and then saved Phone for a bit later?
That Phone Went West was fucking bonkers, nobody can deny that.
The fact that Thank You into Rhythm Nation back into Thank You was only 6 minutes and 28 seconds when it really should've gone on for 10 minutes that groove was so sick, that new riff Jim played was outrageously funky and badass and we needed to hear it for a lot longer. Rhythm Nation was fucking epic, just once again TOO SHORT.
Just looking at the time the band spent on stage, 2 hours and 35 minutes give or take, really pisses me off. They could've given us another half hour, no problem. It doesn't have to be DANCE DANCE DANCE every damn track....i get Jim had a vision, but fuck it to hell if you cant even include Its About Twilight Now or something....it's not too hard....
I would have ZERO complaints of that NYE show if itd just been this:
= one of The Bear or Rollin Back at a quiet segment
= four more minutes of jamming with Thank You into Rhythm Nation
= It's About Twilight Now after midnight
= at 11:45PM after they'd already had 20 minutes of break time, they could've come out BEHIND THE SCREEN, and jammed a ten minute They Ran to lead into the madness. The ease of this option would've been tremendous, but alas they didn't take that opportunity and its a fucking shame for that.
= two more minutes of that badass Dancefloors, which is the greatest Jacket moment I've yet had in person, seeing them rock and roll that Dancefloors, while still believing there was another forty minutes left, was a pyrrhic victory i wanna hold on to for years.
= also: this is the first BIG Jacket show where they only played 2 hours and 30 minutes. I was very impressed with OBHIII night I's 2 hours and 47 minutes, but lately ever since Boston 2012 (2 hours and 55 minutes), the band has gradually lowered their shows' times. THIS WAS THE LOWEST. THE SHORTEST. ......and it was their first NYE show in 5 years, and their last SHOW period for at least a year and a half.
people came from states away, braved intensely horrible conditions both on road and in the air, people came from countries away and when I heard the hi hat chug of OBH I instantly got a little teary eyed that it was over, but kinda got a little sad at the band for WANTING to end it so soon....they could've gone off for another break, if they needed it so badly (the 20 minute break for only playing 35-40 more minutes after was EXTREMELY BIZARRE) and come back with an encore of The Bear, Rollin Back, It's About Twilight Now and then Dancefloors into OBH, with Dancefloors' spot earlier in the set being taken by Get Down On It or Hit It and Quit It
I almost feel like the rest of the band (minus Patrick and Tom to a small degree) are getting sick of following Jim's every whim, whether that's playing an extra five minutes of an intro to Dondante because Jim wants to explore his guitar, or if he's doing his big ideas with politics lately, it seems there's a weird distance. I could be totally fucking wrong. When JohnnyYac took that picture with the guys they all seemed so genuinely happy.
Maybe they are that its ending....I dunno....
First two nights:
12/ 29 = 10/10
12/30= 10/10
12/31= spectacle 9/10, as a show=7/10, as a performance= 9/10, setlist minus covers=3/10
Last two posters def know their stuff.Its def painc time if your a MMJ fan.
I understand the reasons for disappointment because there are definitely some deeper cuts they could've busted out but I don't really see how any of this could be reason to panic. The first two nights were absolutely INCREDIBLE!!! Sure the last night could've been a little less vanilla in the setlist and could've gone a bit longer, but I left nothing less than euphoric every night. The jams in Phone, Dondante, and Carried Away were by far my favorite versions of the songs, (the Phone was the longest Phone performance to date as was the extended Xmas Curtain I think), and that Slow Slow Tune solo from Carl that he kept playing through the last verse was just beyond ridiculous. It's really hard for me to look at those moments and see how this band won't come back stronger than ever in 2019 with a kickass new album and monstrous tour to go with it.
Quote from: jttouch2 on Jan 02, 2018, 02:07 AM
I understand the reasons for disappointment because there are definitely some deeper cuts they could've busted out but I don't really see how any of this could be reason to panic. The first two nights were absolutely INCREDIBLE!!! Sure the last night could've been a little less vanilla in the setlist and could've gone a bit longer, but I left nothing less than euphoric every night. The jams in Phone, Dondante, and Carried Away were by far my favorite versions of the songs, (the Phone was the longest Phone performance to date as was the extended Xmas Curtain I think), and that Slow Slow Tune solo from Carl that he kept playing through the last verse was just beyond ridiculous. It's really hard for me to look at those moments and see how this band won't come back stronger than ever in 2019 with a kickass new album and monstrous tour to go with it.
totally agree with this too!
To each their own, I personally would have been in heaven if I was able to catch this three night run, and that is coming from somebody who has seen probably too many 'post waterfall' shows and sets.
While I understand the NYE show disappointment to some diehard fans, you have to think the band treats a show like this similar to a festival set. New/Casual fans are at the show, probably even some people that never heard their music before.. it's a play it safe atmosphere, play the songs that might create some buzz and some new fans, play some party favorite covers since its NYE.
All this being said, these reactions don't surprise me.. People around here were starting to get angry with the band in the summer when their one off shows were pretty much the same standard stale set list night in and night out, and while diehard fans (myself alike) would have loved to hear They Ran or The Bear on NYE, those aren't really NYE get the party going type songs, the fact a few are upset they weren't played is surprising to me.
I mean it happens, the band is overdue for a new album, or at the very least they were due to stop touring the Waterfall release. These guys have families, side projects, and need to live their lives. Since The Waterfall both Jim and Carl released solo albums, and toured them. Carl did some shows recently with Stealism and Jim went on his acoustic solo outings, it's not like they're sitting around doing nothing. They're constantly giving us new music even though it's not MMJ branded music.
Personally, somehow, this band always grabs me, I enter this euphoric state and close my eyes and am taking to another world, there are very few other places I'd rather be then a jacket show. On NYE this year I saw Dopapod in Boston, one of my other favorite bands. They played for 4+ hours and quite honestly it was too much for me, they started to lose me and they actually lost a lot of the crowd. A few people I were with never saw them before, loved the first 2 hours and by the end all said that they don't think they would ever go see them again. So while a sub 3 hour show might seem short to some, a longer show might have lost new fans they were trying to grab.. A key to success is always leave with the fans wanting more. These dudes just shredded for 3 nights straight and played over 60 tunes, and it sounds like they left with a lot of you wanting more.
Either way just be grateful we have it while we still do. The new music scene these days is not very good.
Quote from: Jbpats on Jan 02, 2018, 09:00 AM
To each their own, I personally would have been in heaven if I was able to catch this three night run, and that is coming from somebody who has seen probably too many 'post waterfall' shows and sets.
While I understand the NYE show disappointment to some diehard fans, you have to think the band treats a show like this similar to a festival set. New/Casual fans are at the show, probably even some people that never heard their music before.. it's a play it safe atmosphere, play the songs that might create some buzz and some new fans, play some party favorite covers since its NYE.
All this being said, these reactions don't surprise me.. People around here were starting to get angry with the band in the summer when their one off shows were pretty much the same standard stale set list night in and night out, and while diehard fans (myself alike) would have loved to hear They Ran or The Bear on NYE, those aren't really NYE get the party going type songs, the fact a few are upset they weren't played is surprising to me.
I mean it happens, the band is overdue for a new album, or at the very least they were due to stop touring the Waterfall release. These guys have families, side projects, and need to live their lives. Since The Waterfall both Jim and Carl released solo albums, and toured them. Carl did some shows recently with Stealism and Jim went on his acoustic solo outings, it's not like they're sitting around doing nothing. They're constantly giving us new music even though it's not MMJ branded music.
Personally, somehow, this band always grabs me, I enter this euphoric state and close my eyes and am taking to another world, there are very few other places I'd rather be then a jacket show. On NYE this year I said Dopapod in Boston, one of my other favorite bands. They played for 4+ hours and quite honestly it was too much for me, they started to lose me and they actually lost a lot of the crowd. A few people I were with never saw them before, loved the first 2 hours and by the end all said that they don't think they would ever go see them again. So while a sub 3 hour show might seem short to some, a longer show might have lost new fans they were trying to grab.. A key to success is always leave with the fans wanting more. These dudes just shredded for 3 nights straight and played over 60 tunes, and it sounds like they left with a lot of you wanting more.
Either way just be grateful we have it while we still do. The new music scene these days is not very good.
All good points. I can assure you that no MMJ crowd would ever get lost if the band played for 3.5 hours plus!
It would be abnormal for any band to remain constant without and ups or downs both because of the reasons you mentioned (family, side-projects) and because the nature of any of these artists is that they're naturally averse to staleness and have to be constantly creative i.e. looking for that next hit (like an addict).
If it emerges in 5 years from now that the band members hated each other (or all hated Jim) or that they simply felt that after almost 20 years they needed something new I wouldn't be the slightest bit surprised. Phish probably would have either disbanded permanently or had member(s) succumb to their demons if they hadn't taken the post-2.0 break. Though they didn't immediately regain their form upon "reuniting" by the time Magnaball and the post- Fare Thee Well shows happened they were in a completely new and refreshed place after 30+ years.
As stated previously a (maybe even multi year) break might be just what the doctor ordered.
i think a lot of dontgetupset's feedback stems from the fact that we're all so deep in this band that attending multi-night runs is the only way for us to feel anywhere close to satisfied. I mean, the strongest "complaint" about NYE is that they didn't play much off first 3 albums (valid) but Night 1 offered one of the most old school runs of songs I can recall since Beacon.
But definitely count me in for more old school songs vs covers (unless those covers are It Makes No Difference or Never Tear Us Apart lol).
As someone who has seen 40 plus MMJ shows starting in 2002. 3 MMJ NYE shows, the first 2 Boston pop shows, all 5 terminal 5 shows, most of the Red Rocks shows. I thought it was a great 3 nights. And NYE is exactly what I expected. It definitely was closer to the Boston NYE than MSG. With more of a wrap up vibe than an all out night of new covers etc. People that are upset need to let go of their expectations. I personally think there were great moments every night.
The Touch Me > Cobra > Miss You (was worth the weekend alone and reminded me a lot of Terminal 5 at Dawn night were they also combined the two songs but it was Miss You into Cobra)
Steam Engine > The First Time (was sick and a great version)
Don Dante ( was a very interesting version)
PS they played Rhythm Nation and that was awesome.
I certainly hope the band doesn't read this board. It seems like some of you are coming off as ungrateful. Its a privileged not a right to go these shows. They don't owe us anything. Nothings guaranteed. I am thankful I am alive the same time they are so I get to see them live. I didn't go to any shows but from what I have seen on social media it looked incredible. I can't wait for OBH4.
Quote from: midwesterner on Jan 02, 2018, 10:57 AM
As someone who has seen 40 plus MMJ shows starting in 2002. 3 MMJ NYE shows, the first 2 Boston pop shows, all 5 terminal 5 shows, most of the Red Rocks shows. I thought it was a great 3 nights. And NYE is exactly what I expected. It definitely was closer to the Boston NYE than MSG. With more of a wrap up vibe than an all out night of new covers etc. People that are upset need to let go of their expectations. I personally think there were great moments every night.
The Touch Me > Cobra > Miss You (was worth the weekend alone and reminded me a lot of Terminal 5 at Dawn night were they also combined the two songs but it was Miss You into Cobra)
Steam Engine > The First Time (was sick and a great version)
Don Dante ( was a very interesting version)
PS they played Rhythm Nation and that was awesome.
I couldn't agree more with this :beer: I know myself and everybody with me and around me had the time of our lives. These were great shows. Expectations can really disappoint you, it's not 2012 anymore and the band has evolved over the years. Like it or not you're never gonna see a 30 song show again. Come on OBH4 :cheesy: :thumbsup:
Quote from: rna2525 on Jan 02, 2018, 01:47 AM
Its def painc time if your a MMJ fan.
you'll have to forgive those of us who don't. got a tropical vacation to look forward to :beer:
Quote from: piton87 on Jan 02, 2018, 11:01 AM
I certainly hope the band doesn't read this board. It seems like some of you are coming off as ungrateful. Its a privileged not a right to go these shows. They don't owe us anything. Nothings guaranteed. I am thankful I am alive the same time they are so I get to see them live. I didn't go to any shows but from what I have seen on social media it looked incredible. I can't wait for OBH4.
Meh, while i'm with you it's a privilege to attend a jacket show, I disagree that fans don't have a right to voice their opinion.
It's not like MMJ are playing these shows for free, people are paying their hard earned money and many travel to attend. They have a right to voice their opinion and honestly I think it might be good if the band sees criticism.. Can't always be sunshine and rainbows.
I can understand how someone would be a little disappointed with the lack of deep cuts on night three, especially if you werent there for the first two nights. That said, i tbought they absolutely killed the songs that they did play and I dont understand how anyone could be disappointed with the performance overall. It felt like they treated it very much like their last US show for a year+ and left it all on the stage energy and execution-wise Especially Jim. Dude was losing his voice halfway through the set and powered through like a professional.
Setlist expectations are an easy way to ruin a good time for yourself. Ive seen them 40 times, so Ive been there. But a while back I just decided to take whatever they give me and appreciate it for what it is and Ive enjoyed the performances a lot more.
Perhaps one reason it didnt sell out is that many have already committed to spending multiple thousand dollars going to OBH. But honestly Im glad it wasnt full. The crowd size was perfect.
All valid points. I feel like an asshole to complain about anything. This is my favorite band and always will be and over those three nights I lost my mind with how great they were. That's all it is guys . ...they just leave me dying for more. That's all it is. I just want more. No hate towards the band whatsoever in fact I think they're in a good place with the evidence of them and their families being close and all that is a good reminder to us all that are gonna miss them extremely bad for a year . It's just . .... I needed more.
On NYE a song like They RAN is a perfect prom night type comedown before the countdown in my opinion . Just saying. The Bear isn't a big party song I get that but neither is Bermuda Highway. Just wish they didn't feel the need to cater to people who came to party more than listen . I like that it was a party vibe just wish it didn't have to be that nonstop. So many memories . This band tore our faces off guys. Just keep listening to these shows over and over and I gotta say these nights had the greatest versions of:
DONDANTE in my opinion tied with Lollapalooza 2011
And some extremely strong versions of
and a Phone Went West that s so crazy and so long it's hard to tell how good it is although to say in person it was unreal
These shows were great and I feel zero disappointment. The band was firing on all cylinders. To those complaining of a lack of deep cuts, check night 1 and the two debuts (First Time, Magic Bullet). I do agree that night three had more of a "standard" set (especially early on); however, they put everything into it and went HARD.
If there was anything that bothered me, it was that they never introduced their horn section nor really collaborated with the other bands. I figured at the very least Merill from Tune-Yard would sing on Spring. Or Karl Denson (who plays for the Rolling Stones) would have came out for "Miss You". It felt like a huge miss to me and very off.
One last thing, I hope they never do that awful countdown again. My god was that ticking noise annoying. I do feel it was weird they took such a long break to only play a short time after new years.
The lack of collaborations at OBH 2017 (Lucius aside) was disappointing as well.
I posted this in the other thread before the last show and guessed every song. Seemed obvious they had planned to save these songs for night 3 and have a "party atmosphere' so it is surprising people expected something different.
QuoteSo what's left? Some heavy hitters. Hopefully a few rare gems sprinkled in
Black Metal
Phone Went West
Evil Urges
Compound Fracture
Touch me 2
Victory Dance
Highly Suspicious
The Bear?
I'm not one to withhold critique of bands, but I cannot for the life me understand how anyone could have a single gripe about any moment of this absolutely kick-ass three-night run they just pulled off. I enjoyed every single second and it was pure awesomeness.
And Jesus people, if you're posting to a band forum during a rock show, you're doing it wrong. As I tell my three teenage children, Hang up and live.
Quote from: walterfredo on Jan 02, 2018, 07:17 PM
I'm not one to withhold critique of bands, but I cannot for the life me understand how anyone could have a single gripe about any moment of this absolutely kick-ass three-night run they just pulled off. I enjoyed every single second and it was pure awesomeness.
And Jesus people, if you're posting to a band forum during a rock show, you're doing it wrong. As I tell my three teenage children, Hang up and live.
fuck yeah to the last.
im torn because i feel the same way , i just wanted more! thats all
might i add that Wordless Chorus was obviously the greatest EVER
Quote from: walterfredo on Jan 02, 2018, 07:17 PM
I'm not one to withhold critique of bands, but I cannot for the life me understand how anyone could have a single gripe about any moment of this absolutely kick-ass three-night run they just pulled off. I enjoyed every single second and it was pure awesomeness.
And Jesus people, if you're posting to a band forum during a rock show, you're doing it wrong. As I tell my three teenage children, Hang up and live.
I feel the same exact way.
We'll said Mr.White and Walter. :thumbsup:
Right there with you guys. :beer:
I want to preface this with the fact that I had an awesome night all three nights. I liked the first two nights sets much more than the third, but they played out exactly like I expected. I have no gripes with them playing more widely popular songs on NYE and leave the deeper cuts for the first two nights. I also have no gripes with the declining lengths of shows over the years.
What I first had issue with was the set break. The length of it absolutely killed the excitement in the building leading up to the ball drop. To add to the issue, the image on the screen during the break had the most annoying clock ticking sound throughout the whole thing. Secondly, the MLK animation just before the new year was absolutely ridiculous and bizarre. I am on Jim's side of politics, but just can't stand bringing it into that situation. NYE should be about having a good time with the people you love, not contemplating the larger issues of the world. I don't like being preached to, but they are the artists and can do what they want, I just felt bringing it to that event was distasteful and ridiculous. Add on top of that dancing rainbow guy, I was just left shaking my head. Lastly, if I have to see What the World Needs Now at another live jacket show I am going to point my finger in anger at the band. I can't imagine a lamer song to play on NYE.
On the other hand the PWW and Wordless were just amazing. All said and done, had a great time and an thankful I was able to attend.
Quote from: Doobiedoobie87 on Jan 02, 2018, 11:33 PM
I want to preface this with the fact that I had an awesome night all three nights. I liked the first two nights sets much more than the third, but they played out exactly like I expected. I have no gripes with them playing more widely popular songs on NYE and leave the deeper cuts for the first two nights. I also have no gripes with the declining lengths of shows over the years.
What I first had issue with was the set break. The length of it absolutely killed the excitement in the building leading up to the ball drop. To add to the issue, the image on the screen during the break had the most annoying clock ticking sound throughout the whole thing. Secondly, the MLK animation just before the new year was absolutely ridiculous and bizarre. I am on Jim's side of politics, but just can't stand bringing it into that situation. NYE should be about having a good time with the people you love, not contemplating the larger issues of the world. I don't like being preached to, but they are the artists and can do what they want, I just felt bringing it to that event was distasteful and ridiculous. Add on top of that dancing rainbow guy, I was just left shaking my head. Lastly, if I have to see What the World Needs Now at another live jacket show I am going to point my finger in anger at the band. I can't imagine a lamer song to play on NYE.
On the other hand the PWW and Wordless were just amazing. All said and done, had a great time and an thankful I was able to attend.
My sentiments exactly.
Mr. White- great post and great insight into band dynamics. Definitely gave me cause for hope.
I wish I was as much of an optimist as anyone coming here and essentially saying "all the songs were played well and this band rocks so I can't complain" but unfortunately that's not my makeup.
Even with that approach we can probably all agree that some time off will probably do the band some good. I'm curious to see if OBH4 is somewhat of a reset or possibly a continuance of 12/31 but either way hopefully everyone there will have a great time and the next time we all convene to witness the 2019 version of the band (or maybe a Summer 2018 Amsterdam show?) they'll be back in Port Chester/T5 mode.
Quote from: Doobiedoobie87 on Jan 02, 2018, 11:33 PM
I want to preface this with the fact that I had an awesome night all three nights. I liked the first two nights sets much more than the third, but they played out exactly like I expected. I have no gripes with them playing more widely popular songs on NYE and leave the deeper cuts for the first two nights. I also have no gripes with the declining lengths of shows over the years.
What I first had issue with was the set break. The length of it absolutely killed the excitement in the building leading up to the ball drop. To add to the issue, the image on the screen during the break had the most annoying clock ticking sound throughout the whole thing. Secondly, the MLK animation just before the new year was absolutely ridiculous and bizarre. I am on Jim's side of politics, but just can't stand bringing it into that situation. NYE should be about having a good time with the people you love, not contemplating the larger issues of the world. I don't like being preached to, but they are the artists and can do what they want, I just felt bringing it to that event was distasteful and ridiculous. Add on top of that dancing rainbow guy, I was just left shaking my head. Lastly, if I have to see What the World Needs Now at another live jacket show I am going to point my finger in anger at the band. I can't imagine a lamer song to play on NYE.
On the other hand the PWW and Wordless were just amazing. All said and done, had a great time and an thankful I was able to attend.
They took similar length breaks at the Boston NYE and MSG NYE. But I understand it isn't ideal. I actually liked the imagery and appreciate Jim's strong political stance. There aren't many people making political music these days and I really like what Jim is doing. There really is no convenient time to talk politics and I didn't feel like this was over kill.
Heres what I've learned from Jim and this band.If jim speaks during the show I am not a fan of that show.I went to a stretch in 2012 wiltern & a few others after that when he actually doesn't even say how u doing?
I love that!
Also Ive noticed Jims autograph on the VIP posters are the worst Ive ever seen .Basically a "J" line.
Hes def over it at the moment.
Quote from: rna2525 on Jan 03, 2018, 02:15 PM
Also Ive noticed Jims autograph on the VIP posters are the worst Ive ever seen .Basically a "J" line.
Hes def over it at the moment.
Over signing autographs? I mean that can't be that much fun. Over playing in this band? I highly doubt it. Sorry you are so easily turned off by a show just because a member talks.
Pat Myers our hero from RR16 is back again!!!
Quote from: parkervb on Jan 03, 2018, 02:59 PM
Pat Myers our hero from RR16 is back again!!!
Oh this is awesome! Pat you are a great guy, thanks so much. :beer:
was this the first time magic bullet has been played live? really hope we get it in punta cana.
Quote from: slappymoe on Jan 03, 2018, 04:17 PM
was this the first time magic bullet has been played live? really hope we get it in punta cana.
it's noted as first live performance on Setlist.com but I thought it was played 1 other time....
Quote from: slappymoe on Jan 03, 2018, 04:17 PM
was this the first time magic bullet has been played live? really hope we get it in punta cana.
Definitely a FTP. Love it!
Quote from: rna2525 on Jan 03, 2018, 02:15 PM
Also Ive noticed Jims autograph on the VIP posters are the worst Ive ever seen .Basically a "J" line.
Hes def over it at the moment.
I rarely type this acronym, but....LOL!
You are hilarious.
YES to Pat being the man. I'll have to watch soon. Parker..... if he has other Denver videos and you find them, please post. I wouldn't have known about this if not for your diligence. Thank you.
The other audio recordings I've heard are incredible. The three shows were incredible too. Everyone in that venue was non-stop happy for three nights. There were great performances of their regular songs, great jams to enhance many songs, terrific surprises, and fitting covers. What else could you want? Sure, I'd like to hear Rollin' Back once after 45 shows. Yes, hearing Come Closer would have been a huge bonus. But disappointed I am not. What I am is bummed about is that there won't be any US shows in 2018. It has been three days since Denver, and already I can not wait to see the best band on earth again.
The band is taking a hiatus in 2018 because of its whiney, unappreciative fan base.
Quote from: dontgetupset on Jan 03, 2018, 07:43 AM
Mr. White- great post and great insight into band dynamics. Definitely gave me cause for hope.
I wish I was as much of an optimist as anyone coming here and essentially saying "all the songs were played well and this band rocks so I can't complain" but unfortunately that's not my makeup.
Even with that approach we can probably all agree that some time off will probably do the band some good. I'm curious to see if OBH4 is somewhat of a reset or possibly a continuance of 12/31 but either way hopefully everyone there will have a great time and the next time we all convene to witness the 2019 version of the band (or maybe a Summer 2018 Amsterdam show?) they'll be back in Port Chester/T5 mode.
Your last sentence perfectly illustrates my earlier point.. I was at Port Chester and I wasn't all that thrilled with it because of how I wanted or expected it to go. Red Rocks 2012 had put big dreams in my head. Anyway, you're entitled to feel less than blown away by it. We all have our own needs and wants when it comes to MMJ shows.
The sooner some of you can move past the whole "needs and wants" thing and can just sit back and enjoy, the more happiness will come your way. If you have "needs" that this band (or any band) should be expected to fulfill (and you feel letdown or unfulfilled when they don't), you should re-examine how you look at a rock show. This is not a marriage or a job, it's a rock n roll show intended to provide a couple hours of entertainment into your life....and absolutely no band does it better.
Quote from: walterfredo on Jan 03, 2018, 11:50 PM
The sooner some of you can move past the whole "needs and wants" thing and can just sit back and enjoy, the more happiness will come your way. If you have "needs" that this band (or any band) should be expected to fulfill (and you feel letdown or unfulfilled when they don't), you should re-examine how you look at a rock show. This is not a marriage or a job, it's a rock n roll show intended to proved a couple hours of entertainment into your life....and absolutely no band does it better.
Sage advice my man. :thumbsup:
The only things I needed and wanted from this run was to see MMJ with my friends and enjoy every priceless minute with them and the band. I feel incredibly fortunate to have accomplished just that. It might've only been a few hours of shows total but the hours we all spent together will be memories I'll have forever.
No regrets for me in the least,and I'm so grateful the band decided to do this run. The only thing I feel even slightly bummed about is it wasn't a four night run so we could've had even more time together with this amazing band. :wink:
Here's hoping when they do return they decide to make a return to the Beacon and take over where the Allmans left off. March is still open there pretty much every year now. :grin:
Quote from: Tracy 3000 on Jan 03, 2018, 10:17 PM
The band is taking a hiatus in 2018 because of its whiney, unappreciative fan base.
Quote from: ericm on Jan 04, 2018, 12:09 AM
Quote from: walterfredo on Jan 03, 2018, 11:50 PM
The sooner some of you can move past the whole "needs and wants" thing and can just sit back and enjoy, the more happiness will come your way. If you have "needs" that this band (or any band) should be expected to fulfill (and you feel letdown or unfulfilled when they don't), you should re-examine how you look at a rock show. This is not a marriage or a job, it's a rock n roll show intended to proved a couple hours of entertainment into your life....and absolutely no band does it better.
Sage advice my man. :thumbsup:
The only things I needed and wanted from this run was to see MMJ with my friends and enjoy every priceless minute with them and the band. I feel incredibly fortunate to have accomplished just that. It might've only been a few hours of shows total but the hours we all spent together will be memories I'll have forever.
No regrets for me in the least,and I'm so grateful the band decided to do this run. The only thing I feel even slightly bummed about is it wasn't a four night run so we could've had even more time together with this amazing band. :wink:
Here's hoping when they do return they decide to make a return to the Beacon and take over where the Allmans left off. March is still open there pretty much every year now. :grin:
"The only bad thing about a three-night run is that it's not a four-night run!" --ericm :beer:
Quote from: ericm on Jan 04, 2018, 12:09 AM
Quote from: walterfredo on Jan 03, 2018, 11:50 PM
The sooner some of you can move past the whole "needs and wants" thing and can just sit back and enjoy, the more happiness will come your way. If you have "needs" that this band (or any band) should be expected to fulfill (and you feel letdown or unfulfilled when they don't), you should re-examine how you look at a rock show. This is not a marriage or a job, it's a rock n roll show intended to proved a couple hours of entertainment into your life....and absolutely no band does it better.
Sage advice my man. :thumbsup:
The only things I needed and wanted from this run was to see MMJ with my friends and enjoy every priceless minute with them and the band. I feel incredibly fortunate to have accomplished just that. It might've only been a few hours of shows total but the hours we all spent together will be memories I'll have forever.
No regrets for me in the least,and I'm so grateful the band decided to do this run. The only thing I feel even slightly bummed about is it wasn't a four night run so we could've had even more time together with this amazing band. :wink:
Here's hoping when they do return they decide to make a return to the Beacon and take over where the Allmans left off. March is still open there pretty much every year now. :grin:
Couldn't agree more. Well put by both.
no one mentioned the costumes for the midnight set? Carl is looking fuckin' shaaarrrppp in that white suit and boa!
Who were the horn players? Antibalas again or somebody else?
What a great Dancefloors, but its always great. Even better with horns, though!
And on paper, All You Need Is Love didn't seem that impressive of a cover, but now that I'm hearing it, I'm getting that emotional heartstring tug taking me back to my childhood love of the Beatles and their simple and more-relevant-than-ever message. i hear a lot of positivity in Jim's vibe on this set and in the film collage that preceeded it, even though its in reaction to really really discouraging negativity in our society. I think Jim is a kind of avatar whose soul-purpose is to bring that positivity to us. I can see he is struggling just as much as many of us with the fucked up backsliding of culture and spirituality that we are currently experiencing as a species, but I can also see he is doing the best he fucking can to be a voice and role model for positivity. God bless him, I say. Thank you, Jim and the Jacket dudes, for doing what you do. I hope you keep doing it for a long time!
All great thoughts on this page, you guys rock :beer:
Shrug, they never introduced the horn players so I have no clue who they were myself. I've always wished MMJ would just take PHJB or Trombone Shorty on tour with them. MMJ and Horns go together like peanut butter and jelly.
Quote from: rkwedge on Jan 04, 2018, 12:35 PM
All great thoughts on this page, you guys rock :beer:
Shrug, they never introduced the horn players so I have no clue who they were myself. I've always wished MMJ would just take PHJB or Trombone Shorty on tour with them. MMJ and Horns go together like peanut butter and jelly.
the horn section was made up of Oscar Utterstrom, Vincent Ciesielski and Tyler Summers - hired guns out of TN that clearly studied the catalogue and practiced with the band. they were tight AF
Quote from: millerjustin on Jan 04, 2018, 01:30 PM
Quote from: rkwedge on Jan 04, 2018, 12:35 PM
All great thoughts on this page, you guys rock :beer:
Shrug, they never introduced the horn players so I have no clue who they were myself. I've always wished MMJ would just take PHJB or Trombone Shorty on tour with them. MMJ and Horns go together like peanut butter and jelly.
the horn section was made up of Oscar Utterstrom, Vincent Ciesielski and Tyler Summers - hired guns out of TN that clearly studied the catalogue and practiced with the band. they were tight AF
Mystery solved. Thanks for that Justin, they were tight! :beer:
Quote from: rkwedge on Jan 04, 2018, 12:35 PM
MMJ and Horns go together like peanut butter and jelly.
Ha ha ha! You got that right! :thumbsup: Thanks for the info on the players, millerjustin!
Love the David Lynch audio/video piece before the New Years countdown :beer: :thumbsup:
I wasn't sure that was Lynch with the weird effects on his voice, but thought it might be by looking at him and the cool stuff he was saying about dark and light.
Rewatching the original Twin Peaks to get ready to watch the 3rd season that I have not started yet. Lynch is rad.
Quote from: Crispy on Jan 04, 2018, 11:47 AM
Quote from: ericm on Jan 04, 2018, 12:09 AM
Quote from: walterfredo on Jan 03, 2018, 11:50 PM
The sooner some of you can move past the whole "needs and wants" thing and can just sit back and enjoy, the more happiness will come your way. If you have "needs" that this band (or any band) should be expected to fulfill (and you feel letdown or unfulfilled when they don't), you should re-examine how you look at a rock show. This is not a marriage or a job, it's a rock n roll show intended to proved a couple hours of entertainment into your life....and absolutely no band does it better.
Sage advice my man. :thumbsup:
The only things I needed and wanted from this run was to see MMJ with my friends and enjoy every priceless minute with them and the band. I feel incredibly fortunate to have accomplished just that. It might've only been a few hours of shows total but the hours we all spent together will be memories I'll have forever.
No regrets for me in the least,and I'm so grateful the band decided to do this run. The only thing I feel even slightly bummed about is it wasn't a four night run so we could've had even more time together with this amazing band. :wink:
Here's hoping when they do return they decide to make a return to the Beacon and take over where the Allmans left off. March is still open there pretty much every year now. :grin:
"The only bad thing about a three-night run is that it's not a four-night run!" --ericm :beer:
And that is a direct quote, which I heard and agreed with the other day. I'm looking forward to a four night run one day and hearing eric say that the bad thing is that "it's not a five night run."
Quote from: APR on Jan 05, 2018, 12:12 PM
Quote from: Crispy on Jan 04, 2018, 11:47 AM
Quote from: ericm on Jan 04, 2018, 12:09 AM
Quote from: walterfredo on Jan 03, 2018, 11:50 PM
The sooner some of you can move past the whole "needs and wants" thing and can just sit back and enjoy, the more happiness will come your way. If you have "needs" that this band (or any band) should be expected to fulfill (and you feel letdown or unfulfilled when they don't), you should re-examine how you look at a rock show. This is not a marriage or a job, it's a rock n roll show intended to proved a couple hours of entertainment into your life....and absolutely no band does it better.
Sage advice my man. :thumbsup:
The only things I needed and wanted from this run was to see MMJ with my friends and enjoy every priceless minute with them and the band. I feel incredibly fortunate to have accomplished just that. It might've only been a few hours of shows total but the hours we all spent together will be memories I'll have forever.
No regrets for me in the least,and I'm so grateful the band decided to do this run. The only thing I feel even slightly bummed about is it wasn't a four night run so we could've had even more time together with this amazing band. :wink:
Here's hoping when they do return they decide to make a return to the Beacon and take over where the Allmans left off. March is still open there pretty much every year now. :grin:
"The only bad thing about a three-night run is that it's not a four-night run!" --ericm :beer:
And that is a direct quote, which I heard and agreed with the other day. I'm looking forward to a four night run one day and hearing eric say that the bad thing is that "it's not a five night run."
Yes! I won't make the mistake of missing another Beacon run if that happens again. And let's all hope for Eric's wishes to come true! :cheesy:
The Wiltern 7 before album 8 drops...my post T5 dream. But yes agreed, let the show happen we are spoiled with greatness. Never seen an MMJ show that didn't give 150%. Reliving these shows too much good to recap right now. Let's start with the light rig, while blinded at times it was unreal. Major props to Marc Janowitz and crew! The pyrotechnics kept me laughing in disbelief, unreal rock n roll shows! Great times with great peeps as always! Happy New Year!
Quote from: walterfredo on Jan 03, 2018, 11:50 PM
The sooner some of you can move past the whole needs and wants thing and can just sit back and enjoy, the more happiness will come your way. If you have needs that this band (or any band) should be expected to fulfill (and you feel letdown or unfulfilled when they dont), you should re-examine how you look at a rock show. This is not a marriage or a job, its a rock n roll show intended to provide a couple hours of entertainment into your life....and absolutely no band does it better.
Well said walter! :beer: Some of us would have killed just to be there. One thing I can't stand is to hear people whine who were fortunate enough to have actually been in attendance?!?!
Betsy and I were lucky enough to be able to attend the NYE run. I jumped at the opportunity the minute it was made available and am very happy I did. MMJ was on fire all three nights and the three support bands were all good fun too. Pretty much sums it up for me when MMJ blows away The Revolution when playing one of their own songs. Sound, lights and pyro were all fantastic the only glitch I saw/heard was during the first confetti shoot during the second night (sound seemed to stop for a few seconds when the confetti went off) but even that was a good bit of fun all all part of the live music experience. We loved all of the covers, especially America, the Sly songs, and anytime anyone plays All You Need Is Love is just fine by me. 100% satisfied across the board including the VIP fun.
There were some bittersweet moments though. Walking by the last three MMJ Roll Call lines EVER, which we have been enjoying since 2013 (?), definitely hit home. And knowing that there's nothing on the horizon for the rest of the year for us is a big bummer, but that's only because we have been spoiled rotten by our favorite live rock and roll band over the last few years. OBH has never been an option for us due to work obligations (it's even on my birthday this year!) but I sure do wish this year we were going and we'll be watching for news on what's next.
Where can we get one of those mirror ball rigs?
Quote from: ranyart on Jan 05, 2018, 05:37 PM
Betsy and I were lucky enough to be able to attend the NYE run. I jumped at the opportunity the minute it was made available and am very happy I did. MMJ was on fire all three nights and the three support bands were all good fun too. Pretty much sums it up for me when MMJ blows away The Revolution when playing one of their own songs. Sound, lights and pyro were all fantastic the only glitch I saw/heard was during the first confetti shoot during the second night (sound seemed to stop for a few seconds when the confetti went off) but even that was a good bit of fun all all part of the live music experience. We loved all of the covers, especially America, the Sly songs, and anytime anyone plays All You Need Is Love is just fine by me. 100% satisfied across the board including the VIP fun.
There were some bittersweet moments though. Walking by the last three MMJ Roll Call lines EVER, which we have been enjoying since 2013 (?), definitely hit home. And knowing that there's nothing on the horizon for the rest of the year for us is a big bummer, but that's only because we have been spoiled rotten by our favorite live rock and roll band over the last few years. OBH has never been an option for us due to work obligations (it's even on my birthday this year!) but I sure do wish this year we were going and we'll be watching for news on what's next.
Where can we get one of those mirror ball rigs?
Here you go! Only company left in America making them, Louisville, KY where MMJ is from of course. :cheesy:
Quote from: Tracy 3000 on Jan 03, 2018, 10:17 PM
The band is taking a hiatus in 2018 because of its whiney, unappreciative fan base.
Just listened to Night 3 again - LOL not liking that show!
Thanks to whoever posted night 3 set 2 video. Very special night indeed. I'll be there for their next NYE performance for sure
Quote from: unravelled on Jan 07, 2018, 12:39 AM
Thanks to whoever posted night 3 set 2 video. Very special night indeed. I'll be there for their next NYE performance for sure
A wise man once told me "never miss a night 1" so make plans to do the whole run. :wink: :thumbsup:
Quote from: bobmono on Jan 06, 2018, 07:31 PM
Just listened to Night 3 again - LOL not liking that show!
why not? Too predictable?
Digging the youtube links for the shows. Has anyone posted downloadable files for those anywhere?
I bought KeepVidPro to download HD video as mp4 from YouTube and other sites.
Thanks for the tip! I'll look into it tonight.
someone saying they didn't enjoy certain aspects of the show doesn't make them ungrateful.
shows were great. too many covers.
Quote from: dookie shoot bandit on Jan 04, 2018, 05:15 PM
Love the David Lynch audio/video piece before the New Years countdown :beer: :thumbsup:
I guess the David Lynch part explains why it seemed so weird and reminded me of the Apex Twin video Rubber Johnny.
Quote from: SplatSplatSplat on Jan 09, 2018, 07:23 PM
too many covers.
this is no different than the other three NYE shows they've done. All were heavy on covers compared to their normal shows, and I'm all for the fun that fun covers add to the mix for a festive, party environment like NYE. The band is well aware that, compared to most shows, there will be a ton of non-hardcore fans that are coming out for an NYE party. We brought 2 MMJ virgins with us to 12/30 and 12/31, they loved all of it, and I know they dug the covers.
Covers were perfect.
Quote from: walterfredo on Jan 09, 2018, 08:28 PM
Quote from: SplatSplatSplat on Jan 09, 2018, 07:23 PM
too many covers.
this is no different than the other three NYE shows they've done. All were heavy on covers compared to their normal shows, and I'm all for the fun that fun covers add to the mix for a festive, party environment like NYE. The band is well aware that, compared to most shows, there will be a ton of non-hardcore fans that are coming out for an NYE party. We brought 2 MMJ virgins with us to 12/30 and 12/31, they loved all of it, and I know they dug the covers.
Covers were perfect.
the covers were perfection!!!!!! be lucky to have been there!!! they played so many things for the first or second time EVER ...
Quote from: walterfredo on Jan 09, 2018, 08:28 PM
Quote from: SplatSplatSplat on Jan 09, 2018, 07:23 PM
too many covers.
this is no different than the other three NYE shows they've done. All were heavy on covers compared to their normal shows, and I'm all for the fun that fun covers add to the mix for a festive, party environment like NYE. The band is well aware that, compared to most shows, there will be a ton of non-hardcore fans that are coming out for an NYE party. We brought 2 MMJ virgins with us to 12/30 and 12/31, they loved all of it, and I know they dug the covers.
Covers were perfect.
Let me preface this post with the following: I recognize the band knows better than me. Look at em: they're super successful. I'm just thinking out loud with you guys/gals.
First off, I'm well aware that they like to throw in covers on NYE shows. I wasn't surprised by this, but it felt to me like there were still too many covers. The encore was an even split of originals to covers. I go to MMJ shows for MMJ songs, not for their OK covers of other peoples songs. I feel like MMJ songs are better than ANY cover they could throw my way. And that includes material from the various solo LPs.
And please, any time someone critiques a song choice/setlist, why does the response have to be, "but think of all the new people out there - they've got to appeal to them, too."
No, they don't.
I mean, if they are touring behind a new LP, sure, I get it 100%. But, I'm also sure a lot of people on this board went to jacket shows not knowing every single song and they turned out just fine. They don't have to play to the cheap seats all the time.
Case in point: almost every OBH. Why are they playing covers instead of going deep down the rabbit hole? Everyone there is a super fan. I can't imagine someone throwing down all that $$$ for a band they don't love. And, yes, it's a party. But it's also a celebration of MMJ and their songs. You'd honestly rather hear Rainy Day Woman or Everyday People over Sooner? I mean... I can party melancholy. I'm at a jacket show, I'm super OK with melancholy.
Just listened to the Phone again from 12/31 and just noticed it sounds like Jim sings some of the lyrics from One Heart in it.
Quote from: SplatSplatSplat on Jan 11, 2018, 10:45 AM
Quote from: walterfredo on Jan 09, 2018, 08:28 PM
Quote from: SplatSplatSplat on Jan 09, 2018, 07:23 PM
too many covers.
this is no different than the other three NYE shows they've done. All were heavy on covers compared to their normal shows, and I'm all for the fun that fun covers add to the mix for a festive, party environment like NYE. The band is well aware that, compared to most shows, there will be a ton of non-hardcore fans that are coming out for an NYE party. We brought 2 MMJ virgins with us to 12/30 and 12/31, they loved all of it, and I know they dug the covers.
Covers were perfect.
Let me preface this post with the following: I recognize the band knows better than me. Look at em: they're super successful. I'm just thinking out loud with you guys/gals.
First off, I'm well aware that they like to throw in covers on NYE shows. I wasn't surprised by this, but it felt to me like there were still too many covers. The encore was an even split of originals to covers. I go to MMJ shows for MMJ songs, not for their OK covers of other peoples songs. I feel like MMJ songs are better than ANY cover they could throw my way. And that includes material from the various solo LPs.
And please, any time someone critiques a song choice/setlist, why does the response have to be, "but think of all the new people out there - they've got to appeal to them, too."
No, they don't.
I mean, if they are touring behind a new LP, sure, I get it 100%. But, I'm also sure a lot of people on this board went to jacket shows not knowing every single song and they turned out just fine. They don't have to play to the cheap seats all the time.
Case in point: almost every OBH. Why are they playing covers instead of going deep down the rabbit hole? Everyone there is a super fan. I can't imagine someone throwing down all that $$$ for a band they don't love. And, yes, it's a party. But it's also a celebration of MMJ and their songs. You'd honestly rather hear Rainy Day Woman or Everyday People over Sooner? I mean... I can party melancholy. I'm at a jacket show, I'm super OK with melancholy.
I would buttress your argument by saying that some of the deep cuts are so ridiculously strong (to throw something out there: Friends Again) that an MMJ newbie would be turned on even faster hearing that rather than What The World Needs now...
Quote from: SplatSplatSplat on Jan 11, 2018, 10:45 AM
No, they don't.
But they do.
I am 100% with you that I go for their songs, not the cover songs. I agree that I would MUCH rather hear a rare MMJ tune than a random cover.
The part that I think many overlook is that they are not just playing for me. They're also playing for every other person in attendance. I can guarantee you there was a significant portion of the crowd that thought the covers were amazing. Most of those people, by the way, likely only attended NYE and were not in attendance on 12/29. They know what they're doing and they do it well!
Quote from: SplatSplatSplat on Jan 11, 2018, 10:45 AM
Case in point: almost every OBH. Why are they playing covers instead of going deep down the rabbit hole? Everyone there is a super fan. I can't imagine someone throwing down all that $$$ for a band they don't love. And, yes, it's a party. But it's also a celebration of MMJ and their songs. You'd honestly rather hear Rainy Day Woman or Everyday People over Sooner? I mean... I can party melancholy. I'm at a jacket show, I'm super OK with melancholy.
I'm with you on this one. Although I had an amazing time at OBH2 (the only one I've attended) and enjoyed most of the covers that year as well.
My point goes back to one of my earlier posts, if you go into think they owe you something or set expectations, you will be disappointed. If you get past that and enjoy a break from reality, you'll be just fine. Let them be who they want to be, it's up to you to take it or leave it.
Quote from: midwesterner on Jan 11, 2018, 10:57 AM
Just listened to the Phone again from 12/31 and just noticed it sounds like Jim sings some of the lyrics from One Heart in it.
I think 'sings' is a bit of an overstatement. Kinda more like Jim moans / yodels part of One Love during Phone.
Quote from: sillyboob on Jan 11, 2018, 12:27 PM
Quote from: midwesterner on Jan 11, 2018, 10:57 AM
Just listened to the Phone again from 12/31 and just noticed it sounds like Jim sings some of the lyrics from One Heart in it.
I think 'sings' is a bit of an overstatement. Kinda more like Jim moans / yodels part of One Love during Phone.
Fair. I just didn't even hear it at the show.
Quote from: midwesterner on Jan 11, 2018, 02:01 PM
Quote from: sillyboob on Jan 11, 2018, 12:27 PM
Quote from: midwesterner on Jan 11, 2018, 10:57 AM
Just listened to the Phone again from 12/31 and just noticed it sounds like Jim sings some of the lyrics from One Heart in it.
I think 'sings' is a bit of an overstatement. Kinda more like Jim moans / yodels part of One Love during Phone.
Fair. I just didn't even hear it at the show.
I understand why and how you would have missed it!
Quote from: SplatSplatSplat on Jan 11, 2018, 10:45 AM
Quote from: walterfredo on Jan 09, 2018, 08:28 PM
Quote from: SplatSplatSplat on Jan 09, 2018, 07:23 PM
too many covers.
this is no different than the other three NYE shows they've done. All were heavy on covers compared to their normal shows, and I'm all for the fun that fun covers add to the mix for a festive, party environment like NYE. The band is well aware that, compared to most shows, there will be a ton of non-hardcore fans that are coming out for an NYE party. We brought 2 MMJ virgins with us to 12/30 and 12/31, they loved all of it, and I know they dug the covers.
Covers were perfect.
Let me preface this post with the following: I recognize the band knows better than me. Look at em: they're super successful. I'm just thinking out loud with you guys/gals.
First off, I'm well aware that they like to throw in covers on NYE shows. I wasn't surprised by this, but it felt to me like there were still too many covers. The encore was an even split of originals to covers. I go to MMJ shows for MMJ songs, not for their OK covers of other peoples songs. I feel like MMJ songs are better than ANY cover they could throw my way. And that includes material from the various solo LPs.
And please, any time someone critiques a song choice/setlist, why does the response have to be, "but think of all the new people out there - they've got to appeal to them, too."
No, they don't.
I mean, if they are touring behind a new LP, sure, I get it 100%. But, I'm also sure a lot of people on this board went to jacket shows not knowing every single song and they turned out just fine. They don't have to play to the cheap seats all the time.
Case in point: almost every OBH. Why are they playing covers instead of going deep down the rabbit hole? Everyone there is a super fan. I can't imagine someone throwing down all that $$$ for a band they don't love. And, yes, it's a party. But it's also a celebration of MMJ and their songs. You'd honestly rather hear Rainy Day Woman or Everyday People over Sooner? I mean... I can party melancholy. I'm at a jacket show, I'm super OK with melancholy.
So here's my two cents on the cover song issue:
My perspective on My Morning Jacket is heavily shaped by the One Big Holiday 2015 experience, as prior to that I had only seen the band once, on the Americarama tour (and they weren't why we went, we went for Wilco & Dylan - Dylan sucked - and MMJ were a band I had heard of and figured they'd be cool). We went, they were cool, and like I said, Dylan sucked.
Fast forward a year or two later, and I see the ad for OBH2, with Band Of Horses doing two sets. Now the wife & I are big BOH fans, and the chance to see them at a Mexican resort, all-inclusive, in addition to a bunch of other shows, well we were hooked. We had seen MMJ once before and thought they were good so let's do it. I kinda boned-up on some Jacket songs, but really went into OBH 2015 pretty blind as far as MMJ went.
Night one started off great with The War On Drugs. Very cool vibe to them (first time seeing them). But then Jacket came on, opening up with 'Ride Like The Wind'. Wow - what a way to start things off!! Their night one set was pretty heavy with the covers, including their 90s 4 song medley, along with some Hall & Oates to close out the covers for night one. The covers were all songs from my formative years, and the guys played the covers perfectly. Nights two & three had some fun covers as well, with Elton John, a couple of country tunes, & Bob Marley getting some representation. Night 3 the covers included the Stones, the Velvet Underground, and the two Ferris Bueller songs, with the everyone singalong to Bob Dylan near the end of the show.
The cover songs from OBH2, along with how strong of a performance MMJ put on over the three nights (along with the hugely awesome vibe of One Big Holiday), got me hooked. I got home and almost immediately began buying their albums, their live shows, tracking down rarities and downloading all of their festival sets and other downloadable shows I could find. The wife & I also decided to catch our first Red Rocks show ever - MMJ in 2015 (followed 2 nights later by Alabama Shakes with the Drive-by Truckers). And we waited for the next OBH announcement, which unfortunately was that there was no 2016 OBH.
But there was a OBH 2017, and again, the covers did not disappoint, nor did the whole festival. It started with someone on Facebook sharing some of their soundcheck, with Jim singing 'Here Comes The Sun'. Then the shows themselves... 'This Land Is Your Land' was a leftfield choice to start everything out, but it made perfect sense, given the political climate of the time. That night we got 'Here Comes The Sun' and 'Wish You Were Here'. 'Purple Rain' closed the main set, and was truly awesome, then it was followed-up with 'Bermuda Highway' - a perfect combo. Closing the show with 'Phone Went West' into 'Like A Rolling Stone' - I remember thinking Phone was the last song, but then hearing the slowly strummed chords for 'Like A Rolling Stone' and realizing what it was, my brain melted just a little bit.
Nights two and three had their share of great cover songs too. More Pink Floyd, Bowie, a Cosby Show tribute cover, Prince, The Beatles, The Commodores, & Burt Bacharach. There were a couple covers I didn't know, but that was okay. What they played was great.
So now, looking forward to OBH 2018, and knowing what was played over the NYE run in Colorado, here's my thoughts on MMJ doing covers: I dig the covers, and think they add some fun to the multi-night runs. That being said, I think there should be a limit on the covers, and the last night of a run should be all Jacket. The one exception I'd give to this is a run like NYE, where the last night is the big draw and is a known party day. In a NYE run, I'd have night one be the all MMJ night, for the diehards. Night two can introduce a few covers, and the party night could be like this past NYE, with party songs and covers. For OBH, I'd almost expect the opposite - night one is the party night with a lot of covers. Night two could still include some covers, but mostly Jacket. Night three should be all Jacket. Like has been said, it's going to be mostly diehards down at OBH (even with the expanded crowd), so bring us the rare cuts.
It took me nine shows to finally hear 'I Will Sing You Songs' live, night three of OBH 2017 (white whale # 1 for me). Mixing in other rarities into nights two and three would be a huge treat for so many of us down in the DR (cough cough 'Where To Begin'). The guys have a great set of original songs to choose from, and the fans all have favorites that rarely get played. One Big Holiday is the perfect setting for those rarely played gems, and the perfect crowd to hear them!
Quote from: walterfredo on Jan 11, 2018, 12:02 PM
The part that I think many overlook is that they are not just playing for me. They're also playing for every other person in attendance. I can guarantee you there was a significant portion of the crowd that thought the covers were amazing. Most of those people, by the way, likely only attended NYE and were not in attendance on 12/29. They know what they're doing and they do it well!
Dude, no need to explain how things work. I get the gist of it. They don't play shows just for me. If they did, your mind would explode reading the setlist. I know going in to each show what to expect and I'm perfectly okay with that. We're always going to get a Lowdown, I'm Amazed, etc. Those are songs for the casual fans. But then they get the covers, too? I mean, c'mon. Swap out one of those covers for a deep cut and that NYE show would've been 10/10.
Quote from: walterfredo on Jan 11, 2018, 12:02 PM
My point goes back to one of my earlier posts, if you go into think they owe you something or set expectations, you will be disappointed. If you get past that and enjoy a break from reality, you'll be just fine. Let them be who they want to be, it's up to you to take it or leave it.
Yeah, I saw that post and you're not wrong, but you are a bit dismissive. So, instead of watching them play a show, having a conversation about it, you seem to say we should just take it and that's it? Art is meant to be discussed. That's all this is. They put it out there, we consume and digest. So forgive me if I don't bail on MMJ just because I felt they played a few too many covers on NYE.
Its largely a cost/benefit thing: Forget about the covers for a moment and just focus on any Waterfall song or Highly Suspicious (a song I happen to really like). They could have deleted 2 or 3 of those songs and kept the show at the same length while pleasing many more people and causing (I assume) ZERO dissatisfaction. They opted not to do that and to me thats inexplicable.
They KNEW people were paying thousands of dollars to come to these shows (based on the amount of people that bought CID packages that included hotels). The argument that "they owe us nothing" is patently ridiculous. WE owe them nothing. If we were going for free and not buying $8 beers and $40 T-Shirts and $100 concert tickets it would be another story.
For me it really boils down to the fact that they didn't even try to throw us a bone in the final show with a single deep cut. I could deal with the politics and the ridiculous break before a 40 minute set and those ridiculous costume guys in exchange for a simple Honest Man and a Look At You.
I'm still very disappointed.
Quote from: dontgetupset on Jan 11, 2018, 06:29 PM
Its largely a cost/benefit thing: Forget about the covers for a moment and just focus on any Waterfall song or Highly Suspicious (a song I happen to really like). They could have deleted 2 or 3 of those songs and kept the show at the same length while pleasing many more people and causing (I assume) ZERO dissatisfaction. They opted not to do that and to me thats inexplicable.
They KNEW people were paying thousands of dollars to come to these shows (based on the amount of people that bought CID packages that included hotels). The argument that "they owe us nothing" is patently ridiculous. WE owe them nothing. If we were going for free and not buying $8 beers and $40 T-Shirts and $100 concert tickets it would be another story.
For me it really boils down to the fact that they didn't even try to throw us a bone in the final show with a single deep cut. I could deal with the politics and the ridiculous break before a 40 minute set and those ridiculous costume guys in exchange for a simple Honest Man and a Look At You.
I'm still very disappointed.
I honestly don't see how you could entertain the thought of them omitting the Waterfall tunes. It's their latest album for crying out loud. Frankly, I'm surprised (and a little thankful) we didn't get more off that album. I also don't think your point about pleasing "many" more people is necessarily true. Certainly not on NYE, as there were way more casual fans there IMO.
I too would always welcome more deeper cuts but they threw us plenty of bones in the first two nights IMO and night three went pretty much exactly how I expected it to go. In fact the whole run went even better than I expected since I expected more newer tunes and not as much of the older songs we got nights 1&2, so I came away really happy. Nights 1&2 made the run for me and night 3 was the bonus,celebration, dance party I think most fans either knew or expected it to be and I was fine with that.
Sorry to hear you're very disappointed but I'm feeling the opposite.
Quote from: ericm on Jan 11, 2018, 07:29 PM
Quote from: dontgetupset on Jan 11, 2018, 06:29 PM
Its largely a cost/benefit thing: Forget about the covers for a moment and just focus on any Waterfall song or Highly Suspicious (a song I happen to really like). They could have deleted 2 or 3 of those songs and kept the show at the same length while pleasing many more people and causing (I assume) ZERO dissatisfaction. They opted not to do that and to me thats inexplicable.
They KNEW people were paying thousands of dollars to come to these shows (based on the amount of people that bought CID packages that included hotels). The argument that "they owe us nothing" is patently ridiculous. WE owe them nothing. If we were going for free and not buying $8 beers and $40 T-Shirts and $100 concert tickets it would be another story.
For me it really boils down to the fact that they didn't even try to throw us a bone in the final show with a single deep cut. I could deal with the politics and the ridiculous break before a 40 minute set and those ridiculous costume guys in exchange for a simple Honest Man and a Look At You.
I'm still very disappointed.
I honestly don't see how you could entertain the thought of them omitting the Waterfall tunes. It's their latest album for crying out loud. Frankly, I'm surprised (and a little thankful) we didn't get more off that album. I also don't think your point about pleasing "many" more people is necessarily true. Certainly not on NYE, as there were way more casual fans there IMO.
I too would always welcome more deeper cuts but they threw us plenty of bones in the first two nights IMO and night three went pretty much exactly how I expected it to go. In fact the whole run went even better than I expected since I expected more newer tunes and not as much of the older songs we got nights 1&2, so I came away really happy. Nights 1&2 made the run for me and night 3 was the bonus,celebration, dance party I think most fans either knew or expected it to be and I was fine with that.
Sorry to hear you're very disappointed but I'm feeling the opposite.
FUCK YES ERICM thats exactly how i felt. Night I and II delivered all of the expectations of a die hard Jacket fan who loves his melancholic sounds, they delivered. They didnt play EVERY SINGLE THING i wanted them to, of course not, but they pulled out so many things I'd never seen before. I'd only seen them twice before this, so opening the run with At Dawn (which was my prediction) just blew my fucking mind! then just look at the next songs after that: At Dawn, Lowdown, the best Xmas Curtain ever, Beats 4 U one of the best ever, Aluminum Park, Heartbreakin Man, Evelyn's Not Real, Slow Slow Tune Carried Away Smokin From Shootin and Hopefully....that run right there had 2 songs i'd seen once before already and I had NO PROBLEM AT ALL them playing them for my 2nd. But look at that list of songs....seeing them, being there, hearing them, watching them go nuts and rock the fuck out to those songs was EVEN BETTER....i couldn't believe it.
Dontgetupset, I think a lot of this is a jealousy at only being able to make Night III. Seriously.
Let it go.
I've had to sit on here and be happy for everyone else going to Red Rocks 2016, Red Rocks 2015, Red Rocks 2012, OBH I II III and now IV, The Beacon 2015 run, the Capitol Theatre run, not being able to go to Agganis Arena in 2012, not being able to go to NYE 2008 or be at Bonnaroo 2008.
But guess what? You can't know how damn good it was like to be there if you weren't there, you can relive it and watch or listen to the captures of it and these recordings are fucking lightning in a bottle, I'll tell you that, but you can also not be outrageously angry at the band for not playing exactly what you wanted and when you wanted it. NYE was awesome, I in fact have no criticism other than I wished it had gone on for another half hour, at least.
Yes, I wanted to here I Think I'm Going To Hell ALL WEEKEND, I wanted SOONER, I wanted COME CLOSER, I wanted STRANGULATION! AT LEAST , I want I want I want I want I want I want.....
well that can get in the way of GETTING WHAT YOU NEED...and I got what I needed....I got a triple dose of Jacket doing it every way they could, doing it anyway they wanted to or felt like and destroyed my brain from it all.
If you're disappointed by hearing Wordless Chorus , a song we all love and was PERFECT for that situation and occasion (i even put it on my dream setlist for the NYE countdown song) while the confetti surrounds you in your own private vortex and its so white all of a sudden from the light, the confetti and the balloons , its so surreal, its so beautiful and so insane and then you're disappointed??
No offense man, but damn im glad i wasn't watching the show next to you.
And yet I thought I was being a dick for being disappointed that they didn't play for another 30 minutes hahahha.
This is insane.
The times i've seen this band fulfill every single pre-show expectation and STILL get shit on is insane. Criticize the setlists for a show like Bonnaroo 2015, or NYE for being safe, but......to just throw the whole experience out?
You won't be able to dampen THIS fan's experience.
The only thing I would also say would've been better is i would've hung out with people more. I have bad anxiety and what with the whole people helping me get there thing, I didn't feel too comfortable. I should've reached out more though.
Although, It was beautiful meeting Johnny for a bit there.
Just wish I could've met Rkwedge and EricM though .....
dontgetupset, I like you man, but....don't be so fucking angry at the band for nothing. They should've played longer and broken out two or three epic deep cuts on NYE , but they didnt. They still played 2 hours and 48 minutes on the dot.
Lonn :beer:
Quote from: ericm on Jan 11, 2018, 07:29 PM
Quote from: dontgetupset on Jan 11, 2018, 06:29 PM
Its largely a cost/benefit thing: Forget about the covers for a moment and just focus on any Waterfall song or Highly Suspicious (a song I happen to really like). They could have deleted 2 or 3 of those songs and kept the show at the same length while pleasing many more people and causing (I assume) ZERO dissatisfaction. They opted not to do that and to me thats inexplicable.
They KNEW people were paying thousands of dollars to come to these shows (based on the amount of people that bought CID packages that included hotels). The argument that "they owe us nothing" is patently ridiculous. WE owe them nothing. If we were going for free and not buying $8 beers and $40 T-Shirts and $100 concert tickets it would be another story.
For me it really boils down to the fact that they didn't even try to throw us a bone in the final show with a single deep cut. I could deal with the politics and the ridiculous break before a 40 minute set and those ridiculous costume guys in exchange for a simple Honest Man and a Look At You.
I'm still very disappointed.
I honestly don't see how you could entertain the thought of them omitting the Waterfall tunes. It's their latest album for crying out loud. Frankly, I'm surprised (and a little thankful) we didn't get more off that album. I also don't think your point about pleasing "many" more people is necessarily true. Certainly not on NYE, as there were way more casual fans there IMO.
I too would always welcome more deeper cuts but they threw us plenty of bones in the first two nights IMO and night three went pretty much exactly how I expected it to go. In fact the whole run went even better than I expected since I expected more newer tunes and not as much of the older songs we got nights 1&2, so I came away really happy. Nights 1&2 made the run for me and night 3 was the bonus,celebration, dance party I think most fans either knew or expected it to be and I was fine with that.
Sorry to hear you're very disappointed but I'm feeling the opposite.
Understood. I would have proposed eliminating ONE Waterfall and ONE other thing (one of the Touch Me's/ Highly Suspicious etc...) and replacing them with 2 Deep Cuts.
I'm jealous of those that a) are/were content with Night 3 and b) those that saw all 3 nights. I have no doubt I would have felt more satisfied being there for all 3 and knowing how much of the total catalog I would have experienced.
In my initial post I mentioned the messed up mix. Did anyone else think that was the case? I'm totally open to being the only (I guess audio-logically impaired) one to have perceived this.
a buddy recently asked me to choose which was better - NYE17 run or PC3. Hard questions, but my answer was that if PC3 included NYE, it would've been wrecked. They were both amazing, but for very different reasons.
I wrote a long piece for Live Music Daily on the NYE run (https://livemusicdaily.com/2018/01/10/one-big-new-years-party-with-my-morning-jacket/)
so I won't bore you with a repeat - but if you know Jacket and their rhythms, you know what to expect on NYE or the final night of any given OBH. First night shakes the jitters, second night is the heater and third night is for the band to have fun.
I was completely satisfied overall - sure, more Omnichord songs would have been great, as would playing with openers and maybe a petty cover, but hey, WE WERE DOWN TO THE LAST 6 SHOWS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE. Drink it up kids, we're going on a diet this year
The only place a deep cut would've worked would be after (or before) Bermuda or maybe after Phone. As much as it wouldn't have bothered me personally, there's no way I'd advocate coming out of of New Years on anything but some high energy dance grooves.
Quote from: dontgetupset on Jan 12, 2018, 08:54 AM
Quote from: ericm on Jan 11, 2018, 07:29 PM
Quote from: dontgetupset on Jan 11, 2018, 06:29 PM
Its largely a cost/benefit thing: Forget about the covers for a moment and just focus on any Waterfall song or Highly Suspicious (a song I happen to really like). They could have deleted 2 or 3 of those songs and kept the show at the same length while pleasing many more people and causing (I assume) ZERO dissatisfaction. They opted not to do that and to me thats inexplicable.
They KNEW people were paying thousands of dollars to come to these shows (based on the amount of people that bought CID packages that included hotels). The argument that "they owe us nothing" is patently ridiculous. WE owe them nothing. If we were going for free and not buying $8 beers and $40 T-Shirts and $100 concert tickets it would be another story.
For me it really boils down to the fact that they didn't even try to throw us a bone in the final show with a single deep cut. I could deal with the politics and the ridiculous break before a 40 minute set and those ridiculous costume guys in exchange for a simple Honest Man and a Look At You.
I'm still very disappointed.
I honestly don't see how you could entertain the thought of them omitting the Waterfall tunes. It's their latest album for crying out loud. Frankly, I'm surprised (and a little thankful) we didn't get more off that album. I also don't think your point about pleasing "many" more people is necessarily true. Certainly not on NYE, as there were way more casual fans there IMO.
I too would always welcome more deeper cuts but they threw us plenty of bones in the first two nights IMO and night three went pretty much exactly how I expected it to go. In fact the whole run went even better than I expected since I expected more newer tunes and not as much of the older songs we got nights 1&2, so I came away really happy. Nights 1&2 made the run for me and night 3 was the bonus,celebration, dance party I think most fans either knew or expected it to be and I was fine with that.
Sorry to hear you're very disappointed but I'm feeling the opposite.
Understood. I would have proposed eliminating ONE Waterfall and ONE other thing (one of the Touch Me's/ Highly Suspicious etc...) and replacing them with 2 Deep Cuts.
I'm jealous of those that a) are/were content with Night 3 and b) those that saw all 3 nights. I have no doubt I would have felt more satisfied being there for all 3 and knowing how much of the total catalog I would have experienced.
In my initial post I mentioned the messed up mix. Did anyone else think that was the case? I'm totally open to being the only (I guess audio-logically impaired) one to have perceived this.
The shows sounded absolutely PERFECT. If anyone could criticize how clear that band sounds onstage it would be absolutely retarded. I dont use that word lightly. Ryan Pickett is the best in the business and i told him so on our way out on new years eve. The band sounded so robust and clear and only let it get mushed and outta control on the freakouts during Dondante and Phone. Then of course the cannons killing the audio durinh Steam and somehow it didn't even affect it...thats a fucking grade A sound crew right there. A confetti cannon shut the whole PA down right at the apex of Steam Engine. You'd think theyd have been screwed but instead Ryan gets it back on only a split second after realizing what had even just happened. Criticize sound or the mix? Jesus have you ever heard a band play in a room before? Sometimes things bleed together AND THAT'S HOW REAL ROCK AND ROLL IS....and even then SOMEHOW Ryan Pickett is able to separate the band from each other and make it clearer than Walter White's meth. Like seriously man youre getting on my nerves. You really have to let the band know they failed you, dont you? I don't know why you're upset. DON'T get upset because, frankly, while you do have every right to be a jerk to MMJ for giving you 3 hours of epic brilliance ( that many on this forum would've done quite a bit to be in your shoes to witness and at least be at one show, let alone the longest of three and a new years jacket show ) we dont wanna hear it. At least i dont.
2018 is gonna be a year of positivity and frankly mr shankly you are being fucking swallowed up by your disappointment. Theres absolutely nothing to be disappointed at.
They fucking debut'd The First Time and you were there for the livedebut of Magic bullet.
They played at least 10 songs they hadnt played in two years or longer.
They debut'd Mercy Mercy Me, America, Everyday people, Thank You, Rhythm Nation.
Played Miss You for the first time sinceT5
Played Tonight ill be staying here with you first time since 2013 when it was played once and before that at T5.
Played at least ten songs that have only been played 30 times in their entire career which is fucking 18 years long!!!
They playeda few covers that have been played under3 times total and Purple Rain which has been played maybe 8 times at most.
How many shows have you been to of the band?
Where and when?
Quote from: Lonndown27 on Jan 13, 2018, 07:13 PM
Quote from: dontgetupset on Jan 12, 2018, 08:54 AM
Quote from: ericm on Jan 11, 2018, 07:29 PM
Quote from: dontgetupset on Jan 11, 2018, 06:29 PM
Its largely a cost/benefit thing: Forget about the covers for a moment and just focus on any Waterfall song or Highly Suspicious (a song I happen to really like). They could have deleted 2 or 3 of those songs and kept the show at the same length while pleasing many more people and causing (I assume) ZERO dissatisfaction. They opted not to do that and to me thats inexplicable.
They KNEW people were paying thousands of dollars to come to these shows (based on the amount of people that bought CID packages that included hotels). The argument that "they owe us nothing" is patently ridiculous. WE owe them nothing. If we were going for free and not buying $8 beers and $40 T-Shirts and $100 concert tickets it would be another story.
For me it really boils down to the fact that they didn't even try to throw us a bone in the final show with a single deep cut. I could deal with the politics and the ridiculous break before a 40 minute set and those ridiculous costume guys in exchange for a simple Honest Man and a Look At You.
I'm still very disappointed.
I honestly don't see how you could entertain the thought of them omitting the Waterfall tunes. It's their latest album for crying out loud. Frankly, I'm surprised (and a little thankful) we didn't get more off that album. I also don't think your point about pleasing "many" more people is necessarily true. Certainly not on NYE, as there were way more casual fans there IMO.
I too would always welcome more deeper cuts but they threw us plenty of bones in the first two nights IMO and night three went pretty much exactly how I expected it to go. In fact the whole run went even better than I expected since I expected more newer tunes and not as much of the older songs we got nights 1&2, so I came away really happy. Nights 1&2 made the run for me and night 3 was the bonus,celebration, dance party I think most fans either knew or expected it to be and I was fine with that.
Sorry to hear you're very disappointed but I'm feeling the opposite.
Understood. I would have proposed eliminating ONE Waterfall and ONE other thing (one of the Touch Me's/ Highly Suspicious etc...) and replacing them with 2 Deep Cuts.
I'm jealous of those that a) are/were content with Night 3 and b) those that saw all 3 nights. I have no doubt I would have felt more satisfied being there for all 3 and knowing how much of the total catalog I would have experienced.
In my initial post I mentioned the messed up mix. Did anyone else think that was the case? I'm totally open to being the only (I guess audio-logically impaired) one to have perceived this.
The shows sounded absolutely PERFECT. If anyone could criticize how clear that band sounds onstage it would be absolutely retarded. I dont use that word lightly. Ryan Pickett is the best in the business and i told him so on our way out on new years eve. The band sounded so robust and clear and only let it get mushed and outta control on the freakouts during Dondante and Phone. Then of course the cannons killing the audio durinh Steam and somehow it didn't even affect it...thats a fucking grade A sound crew right there. A confetti cannon shut the whole PA down right at the apex of Steam Engine. You'd think theyd have been screwed but instead Ryan gets it back on only a split second after realizing what had even just happened. Criticize sound or the mix? Jesus have you ever heard a band play in a room before? Sometimes things bleed together AND THAT'S HOW REAL ROCK AND ROLL IS....and even then SOMEHOW Ryan Pickett is able to separate the band from each other and make it clearer than Walter White's meth. Like seriously man youre getting on my nerves. You really have to let the band know they failed you, dont you? I don't know why you're upset. DON'T get upset because, frankly, while you do have every right to be a jerk to MMJ for giving you 3 hours of epic brilliance ( that many on this forum would've done quite a bit to be in your shoes to witness and at least be at one show, let alone the longest of three and a new years jacket show ) we dont wanna hear it. At least i dont.
2018 is gonna be a year of positivity and frankly mr shankly you are being fucking swallowed up by your disappointment. Theres absolutely nothing to be disappointed at.
They fucking debut'd The First Time and you were there for the livedebut of Magic bullet.
They played at least 10 songs they hadnt played in two years or longer.
They debut'd Mercy Mercy Me, America, Everyday people, Thank You, Rhythm Nation.
Played Miss You for the first time sinceT5
Played Tonight ill be staying here with you first time since 2013 when it was played once and before that at T5.
Played at least ten songs that have only been played 30 times in their entire career which is fucking 18 years long!!!
They playeda few covers that have been played under3 times total and Purple Rain which has been played maybe 8 times at most.
How many shows have you been to of the band?
Where and when?
^^Lawn?^^ I have been going to shows regularly for 40 years now. These were without any doubt, the best sounding shows I have ever heard. Regardless of indoors or out, size of venue, etc. The closest one to that pristine quality would probably be the Jayhawks at the Fonda about 2 years ago. They were relatively quiet and pristine, compared to Broomfield, which was thunder and pristine. I will admit, when I sat in the far back it sounded even better than sitting in the seats at the side, but, Hey, that's just physics..
Add me to the list of those saying how great the sound was. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
We were side stage Carl side in seats just off the floor, and while that's not always a good spot sound wise, these shows were definitely an exception to that. The sound was pristine as mentioned and also the mix was outstanding! We were able to hear EVERY band member LOUD and CLEAR. Many times at shows if you're not dead center, someone gets lost in the mix but not so for this run. I loved how Tommy and Bo were so clear and present in the mix all weekend. Jim and Carl were right there as well, and when it came time for a solo, it was right there. Loved it!
Tip of the cap and big kudos to Ryan. Great job! :beer:
Add me as well. I stood right in front of Ryan all three nights. That's the place to be if you want sound quality, the guys a wizard with sound. :headphones: It was also a great place to enjoy that incredible light show too. I swear to god the sun did set during Victory Dance. :cool: Maybe it was a state of mind, but maybe not. I also got night 3's set list from Ryan as an extra added bonus.
Quote from: ericm on Jan 14, 2018, 01:54 PM
Add me to the list of those saying how great the sound was. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
We were side stage Carl side in seats just off the floor, and while that's not always a good spot sound wise, these shows were definitely an exception to that. The sound was pristine as mentioned and also the mix was outstanding! We were able to hear EVERY band member LOUD and CLEAR. Many times at shows if you're not dead center, someone gets lost in the mix but not so for this run. I loved how Tommy and Bo were so clear and present in the mix all weekend. Jim and Carl were right there as well, and when it came time for a solo, it was right there. Loved it!
Tip of the cap and big kudos to Ryan. Great job! :beer:
damn! EricM night II we were sitting possibly a row or two behind you then!! Carl's side just off the floor ! not clear to the stage side seats but just a little bit further, about right before the halfway mark of the floor and it was extremely tight to the stage, just fucking perfect! It made sitting that night NO ISSUE WHATSOEVER. And my girlfriend got to enjoy that a lot and save her strength for the nYE night, which we saw from the floor.
Sorry DontGetUpset, I didn't mean to bully you or go after you like that...I just hate to have my Jacket giving their all and getting nothing in return for it.
Quote from: Lonndown27 on Jan 14, 2018, 05:24 PM
Quote from: ericm on Jan 14, 2018, 01:54 PM
Add me to the list of those saying how great the sound was. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
We were side stage Carl side in seats just off the floor, and while that's not always a good spot sound wise, these shows were definitely an exception to that. The sound was pristine as mentioned and also the mix was outstanding! We were able to hear EVERY band member LOUD and CLEAR. Many times at shows if you're not dead center, someone gets lost in the mix but not so for this run. I loved how Tommy and Bo were so clear and present in the mix all weekend. Jim and Carl were right there as well, and when it came time for a solo, it was right there. Loved it!
Tip of the cap and big kudos to Ryan. Great job! :beer:
damn! EricM night II we were sitting possibly a row or two behind you then!! Carl's side just off the floor ! not clear to the stage side seats but just a little bit further, about right before the halfway mark of the floor and it was extremely tight to the stage, just fucking perfect! It made sitting that night NO ISSUE WHATSOEVER. And my girlfriend got to enjoy that a lot and save her strength for the nYE night, which we saw from the floor.
Sorry DontGetUpset, I didn't mean to bully you or go after you like that...I just hate to have my Jacket giving their all and getting nothing in return for it.
Damn Lonn, that really would've sucked if we were that close and still didn't get together but we were in the section closest to the stage and it sounds like you were in the one to our right. Prime spots indeed, and glad Chelsea got to enjoy a great reserved seat for the night. :beer:
Quote from: ericm on Jan 14, 2018, 06:14 PM
Quote from: Lonndown27 on Jan 14, 2018, 05:24 PM
Quote from: ericm on Jan 14, 2018, 01:54 PM
Add me to the list of those saying how great the sound was. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
We were side stage Carl side in seats just off the floor, and while that's not always a good spot sound wise, these shows were definitely an exception to that. The sound was pristine as mentioned and also the mix was outstanding! We were able to hear EVERY band member LOUD and CLEAR. Many times at shows if you're not dead center, someone gets lost in the mix but not so for this run. I loved how Tommy and Bo were so clear and present in the mix all weekend. Jim and Carl were right there as well, and when it came time for a solo, it was right there. Loved it!
Tip of the cap and big kudos to Ryan. Great job! :beer:
damn! EricM night II we were sitting possibly a row or two behind you then!! Carl's side just off the floor ! not clear to the stage side seats but just a little bit further, about right before the halfway mark of the floor and it was extremely tight to the stage, just fucking perfect! It made sitting that night NO ISSUE WHATSOEVER. And my girlfriend got to enjoy that a lot and save her strength for the nYE night, which we saw from the floor.
Sorry DontGetUpset, I didn't mean to bully you or go after you like that...I just hate to have my Jacket giving their all and getting nothing in return for it.
Damn Lonn, that really would've sucked if we were that close and still didn't get together but we were in the section closest to the stage and it sounds like you were in the one to our right. Prime spots indeed, and glad Chelsea got to enjoy a great reserved seat for the night. :beer:
daaaamn!!! either way, we were all there and we were getting our faces ripped off!!!! AHHHHHH!!!! Im still recovering!!!! listening to Lay Low from 12/31! Does anyone feel like it was rushed?
Quote from: Lonndown27 on Jan 15, 2018, 02:31 PM
Quote from: ericm on Jan 14, 2018, 06:14 PM
Quote from: Lonndown27 on Jan 14, 2018, 05:24 PM
Quote from: ericm on Jan 14, 2018, 01:54 PM
Add me to the list of those saying how great the sound was. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
We were side stage Carl side in seats just off the floor, and while that's not always a good spot sound wise, these shows were definitely an exception to that. The sound was pristine as mentioned and also the mix was outstanding! We were able to hear EVERY band member LOUD and CLEAR. Many times at shows if you're not dead center, someone gets lost in the mix but not so for this run. I loved how Tommy and Bo were so clear and present in the mix all weekend. Jim and Carl were right there as well, and when it came time for a solo, it was right there. Loved it!
Tip of the cap and big kudos to Ryan. Great job! :beer:
damn! EricM night II we were sitting possibly a row or two behind you then!! Carl's side just off the floor ! not clear to the stage side seats but just a little bit further, about right before the halfway mark of the floor and it was extremely tight to the stage, just fucking perfect! It made sitting that night NO ISSUE WHATSOEVER. And my girlfriend got to enjoy that a lot and save her strength for the nYE night, which we saw from the floor.
Sorry DontGetUpset, I didn't mean to bully you or go after you like that...I just hate to have my Jacket giving their all and getting nothing in return for it.
Damn Lonn, that really would've sucked if we were that close and still didn't get together but we were in the section closest to the stage and it sounds like you were in the one to our right. Prime spots indeed, and glad Chelsea got to enjoy a great reserved seat for the night. :beer:
daaaamn!!! either way, we were all there and we were getting our faces ripped off!!!! AHHHHHH!!!! Im still recovering!!!! listening to Lay Low from 12/31! Does anyone feel like it was rushed?
Considering the first half of the song is played mostly with a drum machine I don't know how it could be rushed (I guess just the ending solo section could be idk). I felt like Highly Suspicious was played slower than normal in the moment but it was still a wild one
im meaning the parts with Pat playing, the last half mainly (my favorite part obviously)...
I just can't seem to lock on to the solo part and understand / deduce if it's a bad Lay Low, a middling one , or a fantastic one. In person, it was epic as all hell because, well, LAY LOW IS ALWAYS EPIC AS HELL, especially visually. I'm gonna revisit it with the Pat Myers footage. when Lay Low started being played, I felt like we were in store for about 7 more songs on NYE night, very weird it was third to last. Such an epic show and 3 night stand, though, JUST WANT MORE OF THESE GUYS ONSTAGE, AS HUMAN BEINGS, DOING WHAT THEY LOVE TO DO.
But first things first these doods need some chill time hahah
Quote from: rincon2 on Jan 14, 2018, 12:15 PM
Quote from: Lonndown27 on Jan 13, 2018, 07:13 PM
Quote from: dontgetupset on Jan 12, 2018, 08:54 AM
Quote from: ericm on Jan 11, 2018, 07:29 PM
Quote from: dontgetupset on Jan 11, 2018, 06:29 PM
Its largely a cost/benefit thing: Forget about the covers for a moment and just focus on any Waterfall song or Highly Suspicious (a song I happen to really like). They could have deleted 2 or 3 of those songs and kept the show at the same length while pleasing many more people and causing (I assume) ZERO dissatisfaction. They opted not to do that and to me thats inexplicable.
They KNEW people were paying thousands of dollars to come to these shows (based on the amount of people that bought CID packages that included hotels). The argument that "they owe us nothing" is patently ridiculous. WE owe them nothing. If we were going for free and not buying $8 beers and $40 T-Shirts and $100 concert tickets it would be another story.
For me it really boils down to the fact that they didn't even try to throw us a bone in the final show with a single deep cut. I could deal with the politics and the ridiculous break before a 40 minute set and those ridiculous costume guys in exchange for a simple Honest Man and a Look At You.
I'm still very disappointed.
I honestly don't see how you could entertain the thought of them omitting the Waterfall tunes. It's their latest album for crying out loud. Frankly, I'm surprised (and a little thankful) we didn't get more off that album. I also don't think your point about pleasing "many" more people is necessarily true. Certainly not on NYE, as there were way more casual fans there IMO.
I too would always welcome more deeper cuts but they threw us plenty of bones in the first two nights IMO and night three went pretty much exactly how I expected it to go. In fact the whole run went even better than I expected since I expected more newer tunes and not as much of the older songs we got nights 1&2, so I came away really happy. Nights 1&2 made the run for me and night 3 was the bonus,celebration, dance party I think most fans either knew or expected it to be and I was fine with that.
Sorry to hear you're very disappointed but I'm feeling the opposite.
Understood. I would have proposed eliminating ONE Waterfall and ONE other thing (one of the Touch Me's/ Highly Suspicious etc...) and replacing them with 2 Deep Cuts.
I'm jealous of those that a) are/were content with Night 3 and b) those that saw all 3 nights. I have no doubt I would have felt more satisfied being there for all 3 and knowing how much of the total catalog I would have experienced.
In my initial post I mentioned the messed up mix. Did anyone else think that was the case? I'm totally open to being the only (I guess audio-logically impaired) one to have perceived this.
The shows sounded absolutely PERFECT. If anyone could criticize how clear that band sounds onstage it would be absolutely retarded. I dont use that word lightly. Ryan Pickett is the best in the business and i told him so on our way out on new years eve. The band sounded so robust and clear and only let it get mushed and outta control on the freakouts during Dondante and Phone. Then of course the cannons killing the audio durinh Steam and somehow it didn't even affect it...thats a fucking grade A sound crew right there. A confetti cannon shut the whole PA down right at the apex of Steam Engine. You'd think theyd have been screwed but instead Ryan gets it back on only a split second after realizing what had even just happened. Criticize sound or the mix? Jesus have you ever heard a band play in a room before? Sometimes things bleed together AND THAT'S HOW REAL ROCK AND ROLL IS....and even then SOMEHOW Ryan Pickett is able to separate the band from each other and make it clearer than Walter White's meth. Like seriously man youre getting on my nerves. You really have to let the band know they failed you, dont you? I don't know why you're upset. DON'T get upset because, frankly, while you do have every right to be a jerk to MMJ for giving you 3 hours of epic brilliance ( that many on this forum would've done quite a bit to be in your shoes to witness and at least be at one show, let alone the longest of three and a new years jacket show ) we dont wanna hear it. At least i dont.
2018 is gonna be a year of positivity and frankly mr shankly you are being fucking swallowed up by your disappointment. Theres absolutely nothing to be disappointed at.
They fucking debut'd The First Time and you were there for the livedebut of Magic bullet.
They played at least 10 songs they hadnt played in two years or longer.
They debut'd Mercy Mercy Me, America, Everyday people, Thank You, Rhythm Nation.
Played Miss You for the first time sinceT5
Played Tonight ill be staying here with you first time since 2013 when it was played once and before that at T5.
Played at least ten songs that have only been played 30 times in their entire career which is fucking 18 years long!!!
They playeda few covers that have been played under3 times total and Purple Rain which has been played maybe 8 times at most.
How many shows have you been to of the band?
Where and when?
^^Lawn?^^ I have been going to shows regularly for 40 years now. These were without any doubt, the best sounding shows I have ever heard. Regardless of indoors or out, size of venue, etc. The closest one to that pristine quality would probably be the Jayhawks at the Fonda about 2 years ago. They were relatively quiet and pristine, compared to Broomfield, which was thunder and pristine. I will admit, when I sat in the far back it sounded even better than sitting in the seats at the side, but, Hey, that's just physics..
:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
Thank you!!! i loved New Years! My husband and I have been Partying for so long. We have been concerting and taping for so long. We have seen so many shows,but no money could pay for the thoughtful production like the First Bank. I know OBH was beautiful,but theres nothing like a venue that is comfortable and accepting like Colorado. We party hard and they loved it. Go to another Counrty you can't get that. The staff at First Bank took the smoke and jokes. That s America!
What's funny about all of this talk is that I was at all three Port Chester shows and i remember feeling let down with the setlists. Yep.
Why? Because i had previously been at what i consider the best Jacket shows i have witnessed (Red Rocks 2012) and my expectations were through the roof. It took quite a while for me to accept that it will hardly ever be like that.
That said, even though the NYE run wasnt full of deep cuts they still blew me away.
I feel bad for those who didnt enjoy it, i get it.
Quote from: Stevie on Apr 21, 2018, 03:17 AM
What's funny about all of this talk is that I was at all three Port Chester shows and i remember feeling let down with the setlists. Yep.
Why? Because i had previously been at what i consider the best Jacket shows i have witnessed (Red Rocks 2012) and my expectations were through the roof. It took quite a while for me to accept that it will hardly ever be like that.
That said, even though the NYE run wasnt full of deep cuts they still blew me away.
I feel bad for those who didnt enjoy it, i get it.
it blew my fucking mind!!!!! they still played 2 hours and 45+ on NYE ....they played longer than the Cap shows combined, they played THANK U FALETTINMEBEMICELFAGIN FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!! that literally blew my goddamn mind!!! I know i've put that song in more than a few of my dream setlists and the fact that they busted it out was just...wow....i didnt even know where I was and then combining it with Rhythm Nation??? I LOVE WHEN THIS BAND DOES THAT. They keep the same riff going and the same beat and everything but just throw in the lyrics and vibe and maybe a chord change or two and then go back in a circle to the original song.....I just couldn't believe what they were doing in front of my own two eyes and ears. Yes, I haven't seen the band as many times as a lot of you, so I can see why these shows were more precious to me than they were to some of you who've seen 20 Masterplans already and 15 At Dawns, well those were my third, fourth and fifth shows and I hadn't heard a lot of the Masterplans, At Dawns, Xmas Curtains, The Darks and so when they played those I went as crazy as possible! Maybe it's just my perspective and we all get wrapped up in our own feelings , but fuck....when they launch back into Thank U after Rhythm Nation...it's PURE triumph....
That was why when I heard the chugging hihats directly after i was disturbed heavily...I was ready and willing for the band to take us on a journey or another hour...
Quote from: Lonndown27 on Apr 22, 2018, 05:26 PM
Quote from: Stevie on Apr 21, 2018, 03:17 AM
What's funny about all of this talk is that I was at all three Port Chester shows and i remember feeling let down with the setlists. Yep.
Why? Because i had previously been at what i consider the best Jacket shows i have witnessed (Red Rocks 2012) and my expectations were through the roof. It took quite a while for me to accept that it will hardly ever be like that.
That said, even though the NYE run wasnt full of deep cuts they still blew me away.
I feel bad for those who didnt enjoy it, i get it.
it blew my fucking mind!!!!! they still played 2 hours and 45+ on NYE ....they played longer than the Cap shows combined, they played THANK U FALETTINMEBEMICELFAGIN FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!! that literally blew my goddamn mind!!! I know i've put that song in more than a few of my dream setlists and the fact that they busted it out was just...wow....i didnt even know where I was and then combining it with Rhythm Nation??? I LOVE WHEN THIS BAND DOES THAT. They keep the same riff going and the same beat and everything but just throw in the lyrics and vibe and maybe a chord change or two and then go back in a circle to the original song.....I just couldn't believe what they were doing in front of my own two eyes and ears. Yes, I haven't seen the band as many times as a lot of you, so I can see why these shows were more precious to me than they were to some of you who've seen 20 Masterplans already and 15 At Dawns, well those were my third, fourth and fifth shows and I hadn't heard a lot of the Masterplans, At Dawns, Xmas Curtains, The Darks and so when they played those I went as crazy as possible! Maybe it's just my perspective and we all get wrapped up in our own feelings , but fuck....when they launch back into Thank U after Rhythm Nation...it's PURE triumph....
That was why when I heard the chugging hihats directly after i was disturbed heavily...I was ready and willing for the band to take us on a journey or another hour...
Thank You was extra cool because they played it over the house speakers before every show. They also played Easy so I was hopin for that.
Can anyone recommend the best recordings of the New Years Eve run from Archive.org? There are so many versions posted. Wondering what everyone thinks the best ones are.