Just wondering if anyone had a copy of the It Still Moves album would they be allowed to share it or would they get into big trouble?
I would have to say "in big trouble".
Come on y'all, only a month or so to go...the LP will be out soon on Badman....little longer...it's worth the wait...
I know but if you could hear it early would you want to? Someone out there must have an idea what it is like... I saw them do most of the new stuff at Glastonbury and it got me excited about hearing the new album I guess I am just impatient
how bout some live versions of the tracks? i have a bunch of em on my FTP server...drop me a line!
I have emailed you, if you don't recieve it would it be possible to drop me a line at philnewts@hotmail.com I would realy like to hear the live stuff. Thanks
I see that someone is selling an advance copy on ebay.
Also John I am having trouble logging onto FTP site I have emailed you. Thanks
Hey, I hope you're not havin' trouble getting in, but if you are, please email me again and I'll help the best I can.
The new album on ebay is up to $76 WOW!!!!
How do these things get to the public like this??
How can they be allowed to sell it openly on ebay more to the point!!
Is anyone going to bid?
I think that that is far too much money anyway, and because it is not going to the band thats even worse.....
hopefully the band is notified of this and the item is taken off...if ato records knew about this i'm sure they would lay the hammer down. please, no one bid on this item--it is certainly not worth spending that much money on when it will be available very very soon. i hope that someone has notified ato.
If someone can notify ATO then do as it will only get out onto Kazza or Limewire etc which is just crap as lesser fans will not care..
I told johnny about it today and he seemed not so mad just disappointed.
QuoteI told johnny about it today and he seemed not so mad just disappointed.
See, right there...that just plain sucks. Come on y'all, can't we wait just a little bit longer?
Well, I have to admit, if I´d find it on a market or something, I´d probably buy it, but this is just way too fucking much money. Still, it´s kinda cool that our band is now so popular that people are stealing and selling the album before release, wich tells they´re really in the league, finally! Yes, that album will be a killer! :)
Haven´t you noticed, by the way, how much the album cover looks like `Monster´ by R.E.M.? And Riny told me he had heard some songs already and said it was their heaviest rock-album to date. That can´t be a coincidence.. My Morning Jacket´s `Monster´ is coming! ;)
I officially lodge my protest to this activity. Please, I'm begging you all, just please be patient. This kind of crap is just plain wrong.
It is exciting to know that people are willing to bid up to $76 on a new MMJ record, but at the same time it seems bad and hurtful to the band, the last people on God's green earth we want to do any harm to. If I've got any say around here (which I don't, but hey) I'd tell you all NOT to do this. But I'm just asking nicely, politely-please don't do it. :'(
Feel the love and download the live tracks from the FTP server ;D which ARE groovy with the boys...
I hate that the album is out there on p2p's because lots of people will download it and never buy a copy. I'm stoked that i've gotten a copy online because i get to listen to it now. I'll still go out and buy one when it comes out. I have no problem with it as long as people buy the albums when they come out.
The album is fantastic by the way. It captures the feel of the live show as well as a studio album can.
oh yeah and screw the guy who is selling it on ebay. that's just wrong
I have to agree with Plank on advance songs but ONLY and I mean Only that you pay for the album when it comes out...
But to be totaly two sided ,This will not always apply to all bands and I am sure that many out there have downloaded the odd song they have heard and liked but have then have not gone out and bought it, but when it is for the bands we love this is not good as it COULD put the bands future at stake, but then again if you love a band wouldn't this always be the case.
Example you hear an advance version of It Still Moves, on a download with no cover art etc, YOU WILL STILL BUY IT IF YOU ARE A FAN.
I am fairly new to MMJ but when I get hooked on a band I will always INVEST in their music but if I can enjoy other tunes (Johns FTP) I will.
Thanks and sorry for going on abut this.
i'm with plank on this one, i really have no problems with fans getting ahold of this, b/c i'm sure they'll all be picking this album up when it comes out, because it's so damn good. ;)
it sure does suck that it's out on p2p and ebay right now. for those who have it, remove it from your hard drive especially if you're using p2p.
Man, I just got a look at that cover art...I don't know. 'TF' and 'AD' had such beautiful art and this just looks like some hokey 70s cheese rock record. I'm sure that's not what it sounds like, but packaging, dammit, is important.
Why on fucking earth would anyone pay $76 for a cardboard-sleeved promo CD? MMJ are really great, but you can't wait a mere month to get the real record at a decent price? With not disrespect to the record, what a waste of money. Here's to hoping the person who wins this ridiculous bid one day realizes the power of financial management and good sense.
The item seems to have been withdrawn from EBAY......
Just off topic slightly not heard much news from Glastonbury where they played a couple of weeks ago with REM etc. ??? CRACKING SHOW, which is what got me thinking about hearing the new album. any news or FTP sites etc would be cool. Thanks
PS Sorry for posting as a guest my login does not seem to be working I may have to register again.
as I'm telling you boys that I'm guilty of downloading the album I recall the time i was searching for a few old toys up in the attic and came across my coming birthday present--optimus prime-leader of the autobots in his brand new box. now some part of me had to know that these types of things aren't normal occurences but hey I ran downstairs to tell my mother of my wonderful discovery. she was not pleased. I'm hoping to avoid the same sort of reaction here.
seriously though, I always pick up both the cd and lp of my favorite bands (as recently with the american analog set) but that same love also drives me to go on a treasure hunt to hear the albums as soon as I possibly can.
I limit what I have to say about the new album to only a few lines--it is absolutely amazing. the work that they put into it is self-evident. remember when you got at dawn and your favorite songs kept changing the more you listened to it. it still moves will most likely hit the lot of you the same way. presently, the last four tracks rollin back, just one thing, steam engine, and one in the same I am unable to stop listening to.
to the boys--thanks for all your hard work--quite simply an unforgetable album. oh...and don't forget to come back to iowa city:D
Hey y'all, I'd be happy with a tracklisting for the new album...anyone got that?
1. Mahgeetah
2. Dancefloors
3. Golden
4. Master Plan
5. One Big Holiday
6. I Will Sing You Songs
7. Easy Morning Rebel
8. Run Thru
9. Rollin Back
10. Just One Thing
11. Steam Engine
12. One In The Same
The album clocks in at 1 hour 11 minutes 43 seconds.
I'm really happy Just One Thing is on it. The live version that is on the FTP-server has been haunting me for months now. And let me say again, if I could download it now, I would, but then I'd still buy it in September. Just like all the fans that are going nuts while waiting, I think.
Yeah- I have to admit that I have a Promo copy of the album. It's incredible, and worth the wait. I will also be purchasing the vinyl AND the CD the day they come out. Let me tell you though - Sometimes I wish I hadn't gotten it early. It's a real bitch to not be able to talk about it with the board! I really, sincerely mean that. I also want you all to know that I would never even think about selling copies on Ebay! As a real fan, I wouldn't dream of doing anything detrimental (sp?) to the best band around. I can't wait for September 9th, when we all get to share in the glory of the new record together... until then...
There is nothing wrong with owning an advance copy so long as it is an original and it is not sold or anything.
I have been offered an original from a local record store and I am tempted, as a collector of all MMJ stuff (Their full discography on From Nashville to Kentucky site) this would add to my collection and so would the cd and vinyl and any other release of the album (which I will stil buy).
I know that the record shop should not sell it and this in itself is a bad thing but I would sooner buy it from them and stop someone else getting hold of it who would try to sell it or but it out on the Internet.
I am still wondering if this is the right way to go...
Wouldn't it be great if the person bidding so much money on e-bay for the new album would just wait for it to come out.
If he or she is dead set on spending so much money, why not spend the same amount of money and buy multiple copies at the record store. Why give all that money to an unauthorized vendor on e-bay when the money could be used to help the band. I bought several copies of At Dawn when it came out. MMJ makes such a lovely Christmas gift.
Good Call!!! I don't know how many copies of At Dawn I bought! At least 4 or 5. And everyone I gave a copy to is forever indebted to me!! HA HA!
Hey guys. I don't get on here much but I thought I'd say hi and thanks for the support. We're really excited about the new record and we can't wait to get out there and play all those new songs for you. It's so awesome that you all are so into what we're doing.
As far as selling promos, downloading, etc. goes ... It's cool that so many people like our stuff and are anxious to get it. But promos are sent out to radio people, promoters, writers, etc. in the trust that they won't sell, copy, or distribute them. It sucks when you can't trust people. But for us, it's not so much about trust or money or sales or whatever ... it's about the whole package and the event that goes with it.
I remember when the G-n'-fn'-R Use Your Illusion CDs came out, I had my Mom take me to the record store right after school to go buy them. They still sold CDs in those long cardboard cases. I ripped into them as soon as I got home, threw my headphones on, and started reading through the booklets as I listened. The liner notes, lyrics, and pictures were a pretty big part of the whole experience; not to mention the surprise of hearing a bunch of songs that I'd never heard before.
I think when you download or buy a promo or whatever, it kind of takes away from the whole experience. As the artwork guy for the band, I guess that stuff is pretty important to me. But that's totally up to you guys.
In closing, G-n'-R should have made one U.Y.I. record instead of two. Just put the good stuff in there like You Could Be Mine or anything Izzy Stradlin wrote. And get rid of that stupid techno song that Axl wrote. What a dumbass!
With a surname like Cash :Dyour pretty liberal about the whole downloading matter...I agree with you that there is nothing like getting the album on the day it comes out, with covers and artwork. This is all part of the music buying experience. I have taped your songs for around 20 of my friends now and they absolutely love the work you do ..which then makes them go to the record store and buy your albums,eps..I feel this is no different than having songs on them free cd's on the music magazines and believe me it has given MMJ a lot of exposure.. My friends have all snapped up your back catalogue and the gigs are like 20 guys on a mission, already to get our fixes..I just wonder what the future holds with the kids. Will they feel the same as we do or will cover art becoming a thing of the past. I bought my 8 year old daughter the new Good Charlotte (its a start in the right direction, her friends listen to rap-pop idol crap)album the other day to encourage her to buy cd's..and she is getting a good collection together..I could have easily of downloaded the album..but want to encourage her otherwise. I have around 3000 cd's and i love seeing them in my bookshelf, 15 years of collecting...i still think there will always be cd buyers , like alot of people still love buying vinyl. Well look on the plus side if the band need food and water on there tables and there not selling records...They'll just have to play more gigs...now that cant be a badthing can it.hahaha.If all else fails you can come and stay at my house...keep up the good work & see u soon.
Hey, Danny, we've been discussing this downloading-thing so long here, it's great to hear the opinion from a band member. Thanks a lot! :)
I totally agree with you on the artwork, by the way. The MMJ discography definitely contains some of the finest record covers ever! I do however not agree on the GnR thing, but maybe we'll discuss that some other time... ;)
I concur, and think that the live stuff being downloaded just encourages people to buy more. I know it has for me!
One cd would have been so much better but if they had to include all the crap they could have bundled it into a two disc release.
Hey Danny
I was readin' in the LEO article that you put ethernet between the silo and the studio...
is there any lightning protection? sometimes, when ethernet is put between buildings, there's the risk of conducting electricity if there is a lightning strike close by...which could cause equipment burnouts, not to mention being a risk to our favorite musicians of electrocution ???
Just wonderin'.
Actually we wrapped the ethernet cable back up after the recordings were done. I never thought of that though. I guess it is a bad idea to have a conductive cable running from the aluminum top of a grain silo straight into our studio. I guess we're just lucky.
One funny note about using the silo for reverb: you could hear Jim's voice from a mile away. I bet it kept the cows up at night.
Wow, cool. That is lucky. I've had lightning ruin a lot of equipment over the years-the worst one was a business telephone system, 20K in value...poof! Gone.
A mile away? Yeah, those cows weren't sleeping! Talk about total reverb-you guys should put up mics at about the same distance away, so that the echo effect is even greater! The cows mooing would also add a cool sound as well...very Floydian.
Maybe it would be interesting for scientist to do a survey on the impact of Jim james voice on the milk production of the louisvillian cows (or is it the"shelbyvillian" cows?). I think it would give some funny results.
That's funny! I think I recall a story about some farm in England using Cher or Celine Dion or something to affect the cows' production of milk...
Surely Jim's voice would be more pleasurable than Cher's or Celine's...wait, did I just say that?? Damn straight! It really is more pleasurable than Cher's or Celine's...but would it be to the cows?
How cool would it be if you were out one night, and just off in the distance, you hear Jim's voice singin' some beautiful little melody? oooh.
I read each of the posts of this thread and there are a lot of really good thoughts on a relatively uneasy subject.
I don't make all that much money, so I can't buy every disc that I want to. However, I do buy the discs that I need to...such as It Still Moves. I will also spend money on tickets to an average of four shows per year...and tell all of my music worthy friends how kick ass this band is. And they will at a minimum go to shows with me...maybe buy records, but more importantly experience it and share with others to build it...they used to call it grass roots..anyway
\I felt a little guilt last night when I was on Kazaa and saw it..I couldn't help myself, but I did and deleted it less than 24 hours after having gotten it with no one having downloaded it from me. I like to think I had good Kharma recently and it was sent by a little MMJ angel. I promise I will buy it.
..and to the band..you guys already had my loyalty in my budget..I'll spend more money on you than most..less than some (due to my budget, otherwise I'd be on tour in a black tye-dye, do they make those..could you make one?) maybe)
One last note...I found it ironic in a way that as I was burning those songs to disc earlier and the song I put at the end of my 80 min disc as a fill was the radio edit off the ftp I Can't Wait..that disc was burning as I was reading this thread.
Here's the (probably) first review of It Still Moves. It kinda confirms my doubts. Hmm...
hello all you beautiful people...craig here from vhs or beta....just wanted to leave you all with a few thoughts about the whole filesharing thing.....
don't do it. lightning will strike you. the earth will open it's smoldering mouth and devour your greedy stealing body. your entire body will break out in a rash of burning hell and you will wish you had saved your precious few dollars and REALLY supported your favorite bands by anticipating and counting down every single day until that record is yours...all yours....every beautiful page of liner note, lyric, and artwork....every song will be heard as the band wanted you to hear it.....not encoded to MP3 where all the hihats sound like sizzling bacon....you will be able to feel the disc/record in your hand...your eyes will become part of the whole process of looking at the artwork and layout...and you will feel better about yourself as the whole process of band writes music, band records music, label releases music, person BUYS music, band gets to KEEP MAKING MUSIC will have just right in front of your eyes, come to fruition.....
hope i wasn't too offensive.....just wanted to share my opinion...
are you counting down the days till "IT STILL MOVES"?
i am, and i'll be first in line....
Yo Craig
I totally dig where you're coming from.
I hope you don't think that downloadin' live MP3 tracks is a bad thing-'cause it ain't. The fans are most appreciative, and as a whole, I'd bet dollars to donuts that those that download live stuff are 100 times more likely to purchase It Still Moves by the armload for their friends, neighbors, girlfriends, wives, boyfriends, etc.
Besides, the live stuff is free! No money changes hands at all. I'd be the first to pull the plug in a Louisville minute if I thought MMJ didn't like what was being traded.
That said, I am counting the days as well, and maybe I'll be right behind you in line.
P.S. What's up with a new record from you guys? 'Cause I'm counting the days till that comes out as well! ;D
i'm all for the trading of live shows...it builds an amazing sense of community...spread the good word!!!
i'm also not saying that the technology behind filesharing is to blame....it's just that simply.....music should not be free...and the programs that encourage filesharing let imply the sentiment that the information retrieved from usage of such programs should be considered free...
keep being excited about music as i know you are...
oh about our new record.....we're finishing the pre-recording phase....should be tracking in the fall....album out in the spring....i'm really excited about it!!!!
Wow, cool! I'm glad a new record is coming. I hawk you guys to anyone who will listen (hello Riny?!) and hope for nothing but success for you.
When someone from somewhere else asks about Louisville music, I mention you guys and MMJ in the same breath. I feel so incredibly lucky to have both amazing bands here in my home city...which for so long seemed like it was teeming with Slint wannabees and hardcore bands I couldn't get into like y'all and MMJ.
Peace, my brother. We will meet again soon!
Wow, I really should hear something from VHS or Beta. The only thing is, I can't find anything from you guys here in Holland, so I'd have to purchase something from you on the internet. But before I do that, I'd want to listen to some of your songs first. And the most handy way to do that would be to... download 2 or 3 of your songs and then decide wether I want to buy a CD. That's what I use the whole downloading thing for. I bought a bunch of CD's from bands I got into after downloading some MP3's. It's a nice way to check bands out. And then, if I really like them, I buy. But I never download an entire CD, 'cuz yes, if I want a CD, I want to have the artwork, I want to read all the liner notes and stuff (yeah, I wanna be able to know who the engineer is! I have no idea what an engineer does, or who he is, or whatever, but I wanna have that booklet that has that information, wether or not it helps me in any way!) and I want to hold the original in my hands. But I still think downloading is a great way to check out bands. So, Craig, what's your thought on this?
Splendid news: I´m finally digging Mahgeeta. For the longest time I just couldn´t fall in love with that song, I liked it, but not as much as I wanted to, right up to this very morning. I was listening to a recording of the Paradiso show and damn, that song kicked my ass! It´s been ringing through my head the whole day now. Yes, that song truly rocks! :)
that's splendid O! glad you're enjoying the discs :) my favourite moment from that night is Strangulation... just before the geetah
QuoteHey guys. I don't get on here much but I thought I'd say hi and thanks for the support. We're really excited about the new record and we can't wait to get out there and play all those new songs for you. It's so awesome that you all are so into what we're doing.
As far as selling promos, downloading, etc. goes ... It's cool that so many people like our stuff and are anxious to get it. But promos are sent out to radio people, promoters, writers, etc. in the trust that they won't sell, copy, or distribute them. It sucks when you can't trust people. But for us, it's not so much about trust or money or sales or whatever ... it's about the whole package and the event that goes with it.
I remember when the G-n'-fn'-R Use Your Illusion CDs came out, I had my Mom take me to the record store right after school to go buy them. They still sold CDs in those long cardboard cases. I ripped into them as soon as I got home, threw my headphones on, and started reading through the booklets as I listened. The liner notes, lyrics, and pictures were a pretty big part of the whole experience; not to mention the surprise of hearing a bunch of songs that I'd never heard before.
I think when you download or buy a promo or whatever, it kind of takes away from the whole experience. As the artwork guy for the band, I guess that stuff is pretty important to me. But that's totally up to you guys.
In closing, G-n'-R should have made one U.Y.I. record instead of two. Just put the good stuff in there like You Could Be Mine or anything Izzy Stradlin wrote. And get rid of that stupid techno song that Axl wrote. What a dumbass!
not to sound rediculous, but I've been thinking about this ever since Danny posted it--mostly because earlier that day I found a used copy on sale at a indy record store... I was so shocked that I picked it up immediately (completely planning on buying a regular copy on the 9th). Since that day when I bought it I listened to the album and didn't fully enjoy it. I'm not sure if it was me or what Danny said or other factors... I just couldn't get into it.
At any rate I bought the album yesterday and listened to it first thing, reading the lyrics and liner notes etc, and it completely rocked my socks off!! I love it so much (I keep Runthru on repeat) Its really true that the whole experience means so much more than the music alone, and I have never realized that before It Still Moves.
In closing, I wish that I had just waited like all the other good little kiddies, but I really feel that it taught me a lesson. Man, that's cheezy--but true.
Danny and the band: thank you so much, it is a beautiful record and I can't wait to grow with it.
I wish I was seeing y'all in Rochester or Buffalo but I can't make it. Next time in NYC!!
Wow! I totally understand! Same thing happened to me. Anyway - It Still Moves hasn't moved from my CD played for 6 days now.
Just saw the Billboards Top Twenty Five Heatseakers.
MMJ I.S.M. #2 on the chart in its first week!!
Just saw the Billboards Top Twenty Five Heatseakers.
MMJ I.S.M. #2 on the chart in its first week!!
Alright! My faith in society is back! :)
Okay, just some info that none of you might be interested in, but It still moves is fucking great music to listen to when you're in love... I am, as you might guess, and yesterday I went to see her and it was amazing, and then on the way home I listened to It still moves... That's so great, then! I mean it! Just the intro of Mahgeeta when you're all happy and flying, that's just an amazing combination. Or Masterplan and Steam Engine, songs that are so freaking romantic... Well, nevermind, just thought I'd share this with you. :)
Hey O guess what...I fell in love today ..well I think...and I also bought the album today (haven't had the chance to listen to it properly though)
but I'll let you know if I feel the same thing ;)