With MMJ invading Europe, I was wondering if anyone out there know if MMJ were doing any radio sessions? They usually do a VPRO session, don't they? I'd love to listen over the net, and more importantly, hopefully someone over their will record it from the radio. Love to have a top-notch FM quality show. Maybe get it on John's FTP server (when it's back up). If anyone has heard anything, let us know! THANKS!
oh, yeah...
tomorrow, wednesday nov.5th they'll be doin a vpro/club lek session
you can listen online at:
and watch it at
(webtv link)
starts sometime after 10pm (4pm EST)
hey, I'm back now! 8)
I hope Jim can sing tonight, because yesterday in the ancienne belgique in brussels, Jim had some problems to sing. That's why he sang only 4 numbers out of 8, I think. The other four were instrumental. Kind of funny, "the way that he sings" played without singing.
Ok the gig for tonight on vpro is also cancelled. Alas, but it seems that Jim's voice is seriously suffering from a cold or something else. I hope he gets better real soon.
I had planned to go to Amsterdam to see the VPRO gig, but eventually, 'cuz of shortage of time, I didn't. Now it turns out that was a good decission. Still, yeah, let's hope Jims voice gets better soon...
darn...I hope he really takes care of himself...colds can last so damn long if you don't look after yourself.
I hope he stays in bed and takes his vitamins so he will be ready to rock Tilburg :)
What was f$cking weird: 4 (great)instrumental songs and all of a sudden Jim singing again: "Is there a doctor in the house tonight - if there's a wrong, he can make it right!"
yeah yeah yeah!!!
Not that I'm into that stuff, but maybe if we all think of him, we can send some positive energy to poor Jim so he'll be healthy soon :D!!
He's got my thoughts, that's for sure.