Hey y'all
I have about 6 complete shows and some odds and ends of live records of MMJ available for you to download.
It's really easy if you don't know anything about FTP, and the quality is pretty good on all the tracks.
Feel free to drop me a line at:
and I'll send ya the instructions.
Enjoy! :D
Hey y'all-
Just met a fine young man named Blue who happened to have a few shows I didn't have...some are on tape so I'm busy converting them to CD for conversion to MP3's and .wav's.
Give me a few days, I'll post here when they are up. Also, if you have already emailed me, I'll send a broadcast message to let you know that new tracks are on...if you haven't, drop me a line and i'll email you the login and instructions.
Thanks! Spread the word...
Update: Just added the Louisville Planetarium show (parts one and two) and an unnamed European show (Riny, little help here)...both are good, both are free, come and get it!
My friend is converting the tapes for me. Soon, three MORE shows will be added, bringing the grand total to 12+ various odds and ends.
Wear it. Feel it. Own the Jacket.
QuoteUpdate: an unnamed European show
just listened to a song and memories came rushin back... it's the Cactus Festival - Brugge, Belgium - July 8, 2000
is the unfortunate O.J. catcher still around?
I knew you would know!
Hey there-
I've had a few folks report trouble today, so the FTP site is officially down until further notice. Sorry.
I'll be home from work around 5 today, so anytime after that, god willing, it should be back up. I'm guessing it's my DSL connection - it's raining, so sometimes there's problems during rain, unfortunately.
Sorry for the trouble...I'll post here when it's back up!
Okey dokey..back up. Sorry for the problem...good reboot doesn't hurt eh???
This FTP site is incredible - I happened to catch the boys at the Cotton Club last week and they rocked oot as usual, but this time w/ acoustics and a lapsteel which was very cool.
My question: Any setlist available for the Cactus show? Is "Sooner" on there? Someone has gotta put a live version of this song up. Thanks for the help!
My question: Any setlist available for the Cactus show? Is "Sooner" on there? Someone has gotta put a live version of this song up. Thanks for the help!
hey breedy,
see this page for all cactus details:
well, thanks all around. thanks to riny for posting the link and thanks to jbreedy for the feedback.
two days till jillian's show...life is good.
hey y'all,
the server was down today for a while, when I came home it was crashed!
Sorry for the inconvienence...if you were trying to connect today and could not, please try again.
Thanks to downdownyoubringmedown for adding Live at KVRX from way back in 2000....awesome!
Also, big thanks to Blue for the tapes, the CD's are forthcoming to me.
I may just have to get a new hard drive just for the FTP server as I have so many tracks! Kudos!
Thanks to everyone who has contributed! You rawk!
:P Status: the server was down for a few hours yesterday as my DSL connection went out during a huge thunderstorm (kinda normal)...not to mention the roof started leaking again and I had to cut the power!
I was getting ready to go to the etown show...it was raining, then hailing, then....a sound comes from the living room, a terrible sound...the sound of water running from the ceiling! quick, man the lifeboats! an hour later, with every empty container I own displayed on the floor in some really sad attempt to catch the dripping water, I crawl up into the ceiling to investigate...
Various poking objects stick into my hands...a cubic ton of insulation in my mouth....I struggle with two buckets, a garbage bag, and a staple gun...home ownership is SO MUCH fun!
Needless to say, after all that it stopped raining (OF COURSE!!) so off to the etown show...see my posts on a report.
Oh right-the server is back up baby! :D
Right on to Dave K for uploading a new show...the set list is not complete yet, so if you see a new folder beware...most tracks are unmarked, but GREAT quality.
Hey Dave, is this from Toronto? Why do I think it is?
Also, the tapes from Blue will be back on Thurs, so I'll have em up there ASAP.
I downloaded the Toronto show yesterday, and it sounds great, except Evelyn cuts off right in the middle of the guitar solo. Does she do that to everyone, or just me?
Maybe I should try downloading that song again.
I have a killer copy of the Detroit show, albeit an abbreviated set..I can send it to John and have him put it on the FTP site. It's not a long set, but the quality is relly good.
coolio! that sounds great.
Hey Otter-
Once you've uploaded that show, let me know so I can put the word out.
Hey everyone else-
I should be getting two more shows today. I'll post later when I've got em in my greedy little hands.
Muhwahahahaa! :D
Alert: the server is down, has been for a while today. thanks to kevin for alerting me.
I will check it in about 2 hours when I go home.
Sorry for the trouble.
Hey, it's back up!
hey john,
i just DL'ed the 5/15/03 show and was wondering if you wanted me to upload it to the server. its in SHN format. thanks.
My Morning Jacket
May 15,2003
The Metro - Chicago, IL
Taped By: Jamie Syrek and Eric Creighton
Source: Schoeps Mk4v > KC5 > CMC6 > Lunatec V2 > Apogee AD1000 (48khz) > Sony D7
Notes: 20' from stage, 7' stand, DFC
Conversion: Conner CTD-8000E-S > DAT2WAV > Cool Edit 2000 (downsample) > SHN
Disc 1:
01. Dance Floors
02. Lowdown
03. The Dark
04. One Big Holiday
05. I Will Sing You Songs
06. The Bear
07. Eveyln Is Not Real
08. There's Just One Thing
09. Heartbreakin Man
10. The Way That He Sings
11. Mah Geetah
12. Steam Engine
Disc 2:
01. At Dawn *
02. Bermuda Highway *
03. Sooner *
04. Everybody's Talkin' * (Fred Neil cover)
05. O Is the One That Is Real
06. Phone Went West
*Jim James solo
hey, that's cool. I have an encoder/decoder so .shn is fine.
I will leave it in that format and convert to MP3's as well...thanks for the show!!!
News flash: the server was down for an extended period yesterday....sorry! trying to upgrade the video card with not a whole lotta luck, so it may go down again later today.
Check here for status....
the server was down last night, sorry. it's all good now!
feel free to download away again! :)
Bandwidth upgrade! My DSL line is now upgraded to a different oversubscription rate...meaning, instead of 100 people on my node, there's only 10-which means the pipe is a lot less clogged with traffic. Downloading from the server should see an increase in speed/throughput.
I just got tired of watching you poor saps downloading and the traffic was causing disruptions. This eases that problem a bit, especially for those on dialup connections.
You guys on cable or DSL won't notice too much of a difference, I'm sorry to report.
[glb]Enjoy the tunes!![/glb]
New here. Trying to understand what this FTP stuff is and means. If it helps get some of the live stuff, I'd appreciate the help! Been into the band for a couple of months. Finally going to get to see them at Leeds festival.
Best wishes...
hey friend,
drop me a line at
and I'll fix you right up!
Hey there
I'm going to be out of the loop for a few days (goin' to Pittsburgh!) so if things go down, they will be down until I get back on Monday. Please be patient, I will get to it!
Hey y'all
I'm back....the shit was down for a bit, but it's all good now!
Enjoy the tunes!
Ehm, John, I've been kinda fucking up your server. I added some songs of my own, but the first time I uploaded wma-files. I thought mp3's would be easier, but I couldn't remove the wma's, so now they're double. Then I wanted to put them in a directory named "Music by O" and I created the directory, but I couldn't get the files in there. So could you please remove the wma's and put the mp3's in that directory? Thanks! :)
All fixed up! "Fucking up the server" is impossible, BTW...
Hey, everybody-O has some tracks on the FTP server.
Hey John any new shows loading up on the server anytime soon? Would love to see the Bonnaroo show up there or the May NYC gig from the Bowery Ballroom if anyone has them...
Thanks to Igor for two new shows!
12-15-00 Brussels
10-15-00 Denton, KVRX live show
Have at em! ;)
The server has been down since early Saturday...I'm typing this from my laptop, trying to find a solution to the Direct X 9 upgrade that caused this mess!
I'll keep you posted...
The computer gods have smiled on me once again...I'm typing this from the server, all is well!
hey john, i'm still working on getting the rest of the bonnaroo shn files up there, i had some problems last week, and was away all weekend, that should be up there soon. i'll keep you posted.
Thank you very much! Thankfully, you've got a server to connect to.
I was reading up on the problem I was having...holy shite! The new DirectX 9 upgrade rewrites the win.ini file as wininit.ini (usually for NT based systems) and the 16 bit OS I use can't handle it, so it's stuck in this endless loop of trying to read a file meant for an NTFS...thank goodness for bootable CD's that take you to a command prompt-file deleted, problem solved!
Thanks again for the tunes. Do you have a good link to some shn information? I need to read up some more on this...
here's a good SHN FAQ: http://research.umbc.edu/~hamilton/shnfaq.html
As I'm in Kentucky, my power wasn't off last night, but the server was down all night due a firewall problem.
However, it's all good now and you can proceed with the downloadin'.
Enjoy the tunes! ;D
Weather report:
The server was down all last night again...sorry for the trouble, had some issues with the power.
You may pass go and collect your 200 songs! ;D
Sorry guys, the server has been bouncin' due a huge storm coming through here....please try again.
Weather report:
Sorry folks...the server is down AGAIN today due to some glitches with my firewall. I will be working on it this evening, so please, PLEASE be patient. Very sorry! :-[
Can I get the info for the ftp? Long time MMJ fan, new to the msgboard. I found a few shows online about a month ago and am craving more. :) thanks.
hey there
send me an email at
and I'll hook ya up!
Okay, I got my shit together and the firewall is working properly...begin your downloadin' pleasure!
Start your engines!
Never managed to get on the site yet :-[ Perhaps I need a clue.
Email me what exactly the error messages are...and please be patient, my server has crashed a few times today.
I will help the best I can! We'll figure it out.
Howdy y'all,
I am writing to apologize for anyone who hasn't rec'vd an email from me, I am really far behind on getting back to you guys...tonight is the night! I swear I'm gonna take an hour and just reply so you can get the tunes...
Was just wondering if you sent out the ftp info the other day? If so, I must have deleted it.. can you resend? ratbastards@hotmail.com
hi, i've got the login details, but i've never been able to explore the files, it logs in then tries to list the files in c:/off/mmj then times out ???
230 User mmj logged in.
215 UNIX Type: L8
211-Extensions supported:
211 END
REST 100
350 REST supported. Ready to resume at byte offset 100.
350 REST supported. Ready to resume at byte offset 0.
257 "/C:/Off/MMJ/" is current directory.
200 Type set to A.
227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,100,6,122).
Opening data connection IP: PORT: 1658.
A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.
PORT 194,165,163,199,8,24
200 Port command successful.
Opening data connection IP: PORT: 2072.
150 Opening data connection for directory list.
Connection closed. Server timeout.
yo, turn off passive mode...won't work with this version of FTP software.
Any chance of the Conan video being put up on the FTP site? or any more SHN-sourced shows?
Any other FTPs out there?
Very real chance the Conan vid will be ready soon.
Is the Soundscape Jim James Solo show on the FTP?
Any other recommendations for the best shows?
Much thanks to John for making this stuff available. I am loving all the stuff so far.
Hey y'all,
Just a quick note to announce that I have to change the number of logins allowed per session from 2 to 1...meaning, you can't have 3 windows open with tunes downloading all at once, only 1 at a time from here on out.
Sorry guys. Once the mirror site at work is set up, that will change... ;D
ah, it becomes clearer now...
It appears that there are some bandwidth caps in place on my ISP at home. This is the first time this has happened, but since this month was a popular month ;D for downloading, I have exceeded my allowance on October 27. Ruh-roh Shaggy!
Looks like I have to step up my transfer to the mirror site.
Watch here for details...this could get ugly!
Well, I knew this day would come....
I gotta shut down the server until November 1 due to "bandwidth overutilization"...my ISP cut my speed in half until then!!
Sorry y'all. It will come back very soon, and I have a plan to work around this problem.
Hey John sorry to hear about the BW limitations. I'd like to discuss maybe setting up a streaming station with all of your killer mp3s over at shoutcast.com. I think we can put something really sweet together in about 2-3 weeks, you interested?
BTW I'd want to get the band's permission before moving forward...flo 502.777.5252
Hey, that's a nifty idea.
Also, I'm appealing to my ISP to let me run the server without restrictions. It's not against the AUP, so I don't see what their issue is.
If they give me any shit, I'm taking my money somewhere else! I'll be damned. >:(
John, who's your internet provider? What type of traffic did you serve out this month? Meaning how many Gigs did folks download from you??? 2-3? 6???
I'd also like to help you start mirror sites as well, I can set one up myself but I need some help putting it all together, OK? I can think of at least 5-6 people who might also be interested if need be, let me know...flo 502.777.5252, five2media@yahoo.com
hey y'all,
it's November 1, and the server is ONLINE! Let the downloading begin! 8)
Howdy y'all,
Firstly, I have a backlog of requests to get to. Unfortunately, I've been quite busy and sick, so I haven't replied just yet. All apologies.
Secondly, to you guys having issues...are you still having issues connecting? I've noticed a whole lotta folks on there in the past few days...is that you Mike Boston, Flo?? Lemme know.
Thanks for your patience. I really appreciate that.
;D ;D ;D ;D
I am very pleased to announce that through the charity of a certain Heather that the Conan appearance is now uploaded to the FTP server in a video format ...on your mark, get set....go download!!
Oh thank you, thank you so much. My prayers have been answered. John, right here today, I give you my eternal blessing. No way you can go to hell man. Heaven does exist!
Wow, that's quite an endorsement! Thank you...maybe that will cancel out some of the bad stuff ;)
sorry to ask this... what's the address of the ftp? also do you need a login name and password? :-[
yo saddle
drop me an email and I'll hook ya up with the details!