Hey, if there are any MMJ fans from the San Francisco/Bay area, KFOG 104.5 has been playing "Golden". I've only heard it played a couple of times though. I was curious how much airplay they are getting in other parts? Also, I just have to mention that I had a garage sale last weekend, and I was wearing an MMJ T-shirt. I had quite a few people ask about them, and there were a couple very enthusiastic new fans! I was really excited that people knew who they were.
'Golden' has also been getting heavy airplay on WXRT 93.1 in Chicago. I haven't heard it myself, but my girlfriend says she hears it almost every day at work. That surely was a big factor for them selling out the Metro.
WBCN in Boston has "One Big Holiday" on a pretty good rotation. Will be interesting to see if they play anything else. Very commercial market.
92.5 WXRV (Haverhill, MA) is also playing MMJ pretty regularly. I heard Golden the other night. :)
hmm, none here in Lexington KY
Then again I don't listen to the radio crap they like to play here anyways.
'Golden' could become a huge hit, if you ask me. It would fit really well on classic rock stations, for example.
By the way, I've always thought 'Golden' resembles 'Everybody's talkin' by Harry Nilsson. Or is that just me?
I've noticed that too. I heard that song (Everybody's Talking) on the radio the other day. Hasn't Jim also done that song? I've read that Harry Nilsson was an interesting character, and that a couple of his albums are really good. He was buddys with John Lennon and the Monkeys so he must be cool.
I have no problem saying that I do not ever listen to the radio for music....having to listen to so much of the garbage that is on isn't worth it. One of the best places to find out about good music is this site in the "what else have you been listening to" section.
I do agree that the radio is a garbage bin for lousy overplayed crap. But, some of us do not have the luxury of cd players at our places of work. So, we are forced to take in healthy helpings of POD, Puddle of Mud, and not so bad Chili Peppers' songs all day. Also, there is some good talk radio worth listening to. Anyone who likes sports, in the Boston area, should listen to WEEI. But overall, radio sucks. At least they are playing the Jacket and maybe we will see a reform in the entire industry. Yeah right.
Yeah, you're all totalloy right, I simply never listen to the radio except maybe sometimes for interviews and documentaries and stuff.
WFPK (www.wfpk.org) has played quite a few tracks from ISM...
I've heard "Golden" on the world cafe a few times, but outside of public radio, I haven't heard it at all on the radio in da ville. which, of course, is a crying shame.
Quotehmm, none here in Lexington KY
Call 'em up at WRFL 88.1 and demand some MMJ. If nobody will listen to you, try my brother Dave, who is one of the DJs from 3-6p.m. on Thursdays.
Yeah.....some of us don't get any music at work at ALL. So when there is the opportunity to here some great music throwing on a radio station is way to big a risk. Pop on At Dawn and your all dialed in.
QuoteI haven't heard it at all on the radio in da ville. which, of course, is a crying shame.
Man you got that right. They should be all over the airways down there bro'!
yah man, outside of the public radio station ya ain't finding it on the dial. at least here tho:
go down to "active rock new and active" it's gettin' played somewheres out there...
I'll tell ya what, though. I would rather hear them play on a commercial station like WBCN in Boston, who also has Modest Mouse on heavy rotation, than hear "Mahgeetah" on an Aspen Edge commercial. Don't get me wrong, any oppurtunity to get it out there is good, but hopefully some of these idiots will realize that there is another kind of rock music out there. I do hope they paly "Golden" next, but I don't think WBCN will paly another MMJ or Modest Mouse song ever again. That is just the way they are. All about the money, not the music. Peace.
Amen to that Link! 'BCN used to be about braking great new bands now they're about sucking corporate music company cock! I barely listen any more unless I clisk by and they are actually playing something I want to listen to. 92.5 isn't bad but for all their babbling about being "independent" they still do a lot of repetitive rotations. Clark University has a pretty good station in Worcester and WUMB (91.9) is cool (if you like folk music) Brown University radio is pretty good too. Commercial radio is kind of a wasteland overall. Public radio does pretty good breaking new music but you have to wait awhile in between replays. Can you tell this is a hot button for me 2? >:(
I have a real gripe about the Deep South and MMJ actually. Like someone said on this forum, MMJ, I think, would fit in quite well on a lot of classic rock stations. I even describe MMJ to friends as sounding like "what southern rock would sound like today, if Lynyrd Skynyrd hadn't died (or, as my signature says, didn't suck)." Despite this, I've heard MMJ on exactly zero radio stations. I live in Alabama (don't pick on me, I'm in college), and I've let several people borrow my cds, yet I can count the number of people who've responded positively on one hand. My two year old daughter loves the shit out of them, so what the hell is wrong with the rest of these supposed southerners. Do they still hold a grudge against Neil Young, and all those that would aspire for Buffalo Springfield's greatness? I mean, how do you argue with the musical tastes of a two year old (music's greatest critic). Anyway, rant over. Radio music obviously is programmed to reflect the Madison Avenue interests. But it's been that way for a looooooooong time, and they still played the Beatles every once in a damn while.
Well, it seems that the west and east coast have us covered, and in more metro areas (Chicago, looking at you) we seem to have airplay...
To echo what Drunkre said, "classic rock for the indie set" or "classic rock updated"...I've long held that position. As an older fella with a deep schooling in all things classic rock, and growing up with AOR as the format of choice, one of the first things I noticed was the deep love and appreciation MMJ must have for older music.
With Clear Channel owning a lot of the stations these days, their formats are set in stone, no variations. Adding a new "classic sounding" band on a classic rawk station is career suicide...some of these stations sound like life support for Bob Seger or something...I'm guessing that one geek in the country writes playlists, as a lot of stations sound exactly the same, no matter where you go. That's a whole other topic, IMHO-the decline of FM radio is pathetic. It's a wasteland on the dial, no matter how you choose to slice it.
With all that said, public stations are the outlet of choice for music like MMJ's. Yes, there are other commercial outlets playing their tunes, but unfortunately its not the majority. What to do about it?
"there's just one thing" you can do about it. Call your local radio stations, often-and demand MMJ. Don't ask-asking is for wimps. Fucking strong arm them into playing something. Or at the very least, repeated calls will get them thinking "say, what's up with that band that everyone keeps calling about". Create a buzz. Stir the pot. Change isn't inevitable, but inevitable is change. "sooner or later", the folks who make these kind of decisions will be like "so, i've heard a lot about MMJ. are you playing them at all?"
And that goes for you Louisville heads as well. I don't have FPK or LRS's numbers programmed for speed dial on my cell phone for nothing! Expose the masses to something other than Nickleback, fer chrissakes.
Quotesome of these stations sound like life support for Bob Seger or something
That may well be one of the funniest lines I've ever read.
:) thanks mate.
[rant on] between seger, boston, skynryd, zz top, and queen (god bless em, but damn), i've just about had it with radio. my cd player is far cooler than "la grange" for the 10 trillionth fucking time...I think there's some microscopic organisms in the Great Salt Lake that haven't heard it enough, but for all of us.....[rant off]
[Gimme that microphone]
Is this thing on?
Is this thing on?
Okay. Look, I can almost excuse the top 40 and popular music stations for playing the limited drivel they play. They're only responding to what seems to be popular at the moment a la MTV and your local mall's music store. Albeit, teenagers are being fooled into thinking they want that new Korn, or puddle of mud, or [insert name here]. But still, those stations are simply responding to a percieved want.
Classic rock stations on the other hand have a plethora, a veritable ocean sized catalogue of music to choose from. It's "classic rock" for christ's sakes. That would seem to include all music recorded between 1963 and 1979, maybe even wider of a spectrum of time. Yet, despite this obvious fact, these stations play the same 15-30 songs over and over and over and over and over and over. You think you had been transported back in time to the classic rock era and were simply tuned into a top 40 station. WTF?
Okay, here's your microphone back...there's some spit on it but you can just wipe that off.
I heard "golden" today on http://www.kgsr.com , pretty cool radio station, listen in at their web site.
Entire CD is getting airplay on WXPN, University of PA., in Philadelphia. Great "public radio" station(NO COMMERCIALS). Listen online @ www.xpn.org
One of the most frustrating experiences of my life occurred when I agreed to attend a survey hosted by a "Classic Rock" station here in Louisville. Nobody made me do it but I figured maybe I could make a dent in the playlist of whichever of our two Classic Rock stations was paying for the survey. I rated all the Van Morrison and Roxy Music very high but all these other guys wanted was more Bad Company or more Uriah Heep. I give up on Louisville radio other than FPK and the goofy high school station at 88.1. I got XM radio for Father's Day but haven't installed it yet, maybe this is the answer.
Re: 'Everybody's Talking' by Harry Nillson, I've always thought the intros are similarly brilliant but that's as far as it goes. 2 great great songs that should get a lot more radio play.
"I am the morning DJ at WOLD-D-D-D"
Mr. Whatshisname...
That's a fine link. Thanks. :-*
Hi Drundre! or maybe I should say "Hi innervoicethingy"!!! ;)
I picked up a copy of "It Still Moves" after hearing quite a bit of it on WXPN 88.5 Philly and I absolutely dig it! But what's with the REEVVERRBB on every tune? Is this an added effect or the way it was mic'ed when it was recorded? I'd like to pick up another disc to hear some more MMJ, but I'd prefer to hear the band cleaner, without all the REEVVERRBB. Any recommendations? Thanks in advance. JW
Jim has always said that reverb is the 6th member of the band. So, if you are looking for MMJ without reverb, you are not going to get very far. Your best bet would be Acoustic Citsuoca, their most recent EP. You must learn to love the reverbbbbbb!
come into the reverbbbb children... all are welcome...all are welcome! :D :D :D :D
Thanks for the info & advice. I shall begin work at once on my "reverb elimination machine". Look for it soon on Ebay. Thank you, goodnight, we love you all.... JW
QuoteThanks for the info & advice. I shall begin work at once on my "reverb elimination machine". Look for it soon on Ebay. Thank you, goodnight, we love you all.... JW
Not to discourage your entrepreneurial spirit but in this case it sounds like a losing proposition.... ::)
John, you said
"That's a whole other topic, IMHO-the decline of FM radio is pathetic. It's a wasteland on the dial, no matter how you choose to slice it."
Yes by in large it is. But there are stations out there.
I just got through the programmer classes at our good one in Michigan. Imagine going into the station for three hours a week and playing what you want, no commercials. And the goal is to play the non commercial songs off of the discs of good artists that we don't get to hear on commercial crap stations.
I'll play a My Morning Jacket song on each of my shifts until I retire from the radio volunteer gig.
If anyone ever wants to hear one of my shows, tune in on your computer at 11:59pm EST Tuesdays, as I said you're guaranteed 1 MMJ song...I start next tuesday.
yo otter, that rawks! gonna have a listen...
my comments were really about louisville in particular. i know there's other stations out there with a modicum of quality about them...but here, all we have is either clear channel or public radio. i just think we can do better.