Which one do you like better? If the new album only had one on it which would you want it to be?
I think Oxyen is incredible, the vocal melody is beautiful. I can't really get into It Beats For You to much, not sure what it is. I like the drums and the new bass line, mabey it's the lack of guitar. I'm deffinatly looking forward to a studio version of Oxen.
I remember at one of the shows Jim was asking for suggestions on a new name for Oxyen, anyone got a good suggestion?
Oxen is my choice over IBFY, though of course I like both very much ;)
Have to go for It Beats For You. It just has a great beat and I love that foolish dancing in the end ;D I think this song will develop over time, become a crowd favourite. Maybe they'll all start dancing in the end. Watch my words.
QuoteI love that foolish dancing in the end ;D
What's that, Sal? Did this happen at a show? This song is really growing on me.
doctor, i'm pretty sure it went down in london too. you must have seen it! maybe you were payin too much attention to the spaceship effect ;)
That must be it, Riny, I'm usually pretty observant ;)
DAMN IT! what's the spaceship thing?!?! ;)
Its a secret. ::)
What's that, Sal? Did this happen at a show? This song is really growing on me.
Yes, it happened at a show. Words can't really describe it though. What's with the spaceship? Never seen that before! What's that?
It just floated down at the London show and whizzed off. I think it was spotted at one of the other European shows as well. It was weird. In a cool way 8)
I believe tha same spaceship is seen behind Jim in that now famous photo of him offering up his flying V at Bonnaroo ;)
If I had to pick just one, I would have to say, "How could I know" aka Oxen, The part when Jim sings hhhoooowww could iiiii kknnoowwww, folllowed by that quaint guitar strum, hit me like a ton of bricks, from the first listen. Now It beats4U, gotta say it has grown on me over time.
I gotta copy of the show at The Opera House, 5.28.04, when Jim is askin folks for help thinking of a new name, because he isn't real fond of Oxen. I've tried to think of a couple: Should Have Known Better: & : Let Me Be, I dunno ???
QuoteIf I had to pick just one, I would have to say, "How could I know" aka Oxen, The part when Jim sings hhhoooowww could iiiii kknnoowwww, folllowed by that quaint guitar strum, hit me like a ton of bricks, from the first listen. Now It beats4U, gotta say it has grown on me over time.
I gotta copy of the show at The Opera House, 5.28.04, when Jim is askin folks for help thinking of a new name, because he isn't real fond of Oxen. I've tried to think of a couple: Should Have Known Better: & : Let Me Be, I dunno ???
Should Have Known Better would be great. Or how about "NO BETTER"?
Is 'Oxen' the one with the 'How could I know?'-chorus that has been played live for some years and is somewhere on my computer under the name of, yep, 'How could I know?'?
If that is the case O, then I'll go for Oxen instead of it beats for you. Maybe this last song still has to grow on me, but for the moment I prefer How could I know. I love those yelling guitars.
'Oxen' is great but my vote goes to 'It Beats For You'. the bass line is great...it just locks me in.