Does anyone happen to have the tabs for this song? I know all the chords, but I can't figure out that main riff...there's a wierd chord in there I'm missing. I know it's tuned down a whole step on each string...but that's as far as i've gotten. any help would be appreciated:)
woah, you've been badly misinformed.
The tuning is EBEGBE, so it's an E minor chord. Tune the A and D strings up a whole step to get this tuning. Then you capo it on the first fret.
After that, the chords are in this order. i'm not gonna bother with the rhythm, but basically, each line is a bar, i think. The chord change comes halfway through the bar. you should be able to figure it out once you hear the chords. Keep in mind, this is fingerpicked.
000100 000120
000220 000240
000440 000450
000650 000670
then at the end, make this chord - 005670 - and strum for a couple bars, alternating in hitting the 7th fret and the open high e. Hard to explain, but you'll probably see what I mean when you play it.
The tuning change probably means you need the rest of the chords, too. They are as follows.
During the little interlude right before each chorus, it slides between the - 005670 - and - 007890 -
The chorus is...
People always told me
That bars are dark and lonely
And talk is often cheap and filled with air
And that should do ya.
Hope that helped.
By the way, if you don't understand my chords (as has experienced) the go like this
and that would be an E chord.
I've gotta check out this alternate tuning business. Do you do it mostly because it makes it easier to pick?
it allows you to free up your fingers and form chords that you wouldn't be able to use otherwise, allowing for some pretty beautiful songs. Check out Led Zeppelin's "The Rain Song" or "Bron-yr-Aur" if you wanna hear some gorgeous open tuning action. Jim tends to use the open E minor tuning a good bit. He also uses it for Mahgeetah, which is also capoed at eh 1st fret.
Iiiiiiinteresting... Thanks, Eisey. :)
no prob. Those are excellent songs, by the way, and Rain Song is relatively easy to learn. By the way, you guys can call me Tom.
Quoteno prob. Those are excellent songs, by the way, and Rain Song is relatively easy to learn. By the way, you guys can call me Tom.
Okay Tom. You can call me Meg if you'd like. :)
Tom, you the man....Golden sounds rad.
tuning and retuning is a bitch, but it's damn fun to play once you're set up.
Thanks, Tom.
Y'all can call me 'sir.' ;)
yes sir, tunings really aren't that big of a pain once you develop your ear. I use em a ton so it gets pretty easy to glide back and forth between. And since your really only gonna be using it for one key or another, you don't have to worry so muhc about having everything intonated perfectly, jsut as longs as its close to sounding right in relevance to the root.
On that note, anybody have a clue as to which tuning "I Think I'm Going To Hell" is in? In the parking garage video he's strumming open harmonics at the twelfth and seventh fretsd and they sound like full chords, so I'm thinking either Open G, Open E, or DADGBD. Has anybody else come closer to this? (Oh, what a sneaky way to weave a Jacket pun in)