I have to say "I Will Be There When You Die" is the reverb champ of all time. That song had to have been one great take in the silo chamber. :o
Honereble Mention:
"If It Crashes Down" You can hear the rocking chair!!!!!!
Who plays all the harmonica on the "At Dawn" album? It's fantastic, If you tell me it's Jim I'm going to have an even bigger Man Crush. :-[
QuoteIt's fantastic, If you tell me it's Jim I'm going to have an even bigger Man Crush.
Did you see the red cowboy outfit? If I was a boy, that would make me have a man crush. (I don't know who plays the harmonica, but who else would it be?)
And the doo dee doo dee doooots are pretty awesome, too.
Kind of along the same lines...but, the recording of "Picture of You" on Tennessee Fire is also up there. The drums at the end of the song seem to absolutely explode on the recording.
They played an amazing live version of Picture of You at Headliner's show in Louisville in Sept. 03. I don't think I have ever them play it again live.