Check this out, the MMJ footage at the end of this movie is wonderful.... In the rain, jammin. It comes out May 17th.
The music which accompanies the DVD trailes is even Steam engine, if I'm not mistaken?
Cool trailer, cool festival, love the double CD (thx CC)
woah, that DVD is totally wearin the Jacket. I don't think there's a doubt in anybody's mind that those guys defintely delivered last year. Jeez, I wish i woulda been there.
"totally wearin the Jacket" My new favorite quote. ;D
I saw the movie last night at one of the movie premiers they are doing and it was great, MMJ plays the last track on it and it was fucking awesome. The DVD comes out today and has 4 hours of music on it, you can't beat that.
I just picked up my copy today...I haven't watched it yet but it has a lot more artists on this one than the 2003 DVD(which sucked by the way).
I was disappointed the SCI was not on this one,though.
The 04 DVD is way better than the 03.....great camera work and not near as much video of the audience.
The MMJ song was just made me wish I could have the whole set from them on DVD.I swear I would pay 100 bucks for something like that.
I am assuming that is MMJ on the cover of the DVD,right?