My Morning Jacket

My Morning Jacket => The Music => Topic started by: corey on May 16, 2005, 05:47 PM

Title: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on May 16, 2005, 05:47 PM
Who's up for doing another tribute album?
I'm ready to get the ball rolling. EC and I will be in charge of it since she helped me out so much with the last one.

For those of you that haven't heard the first tribute CD, go to this link :

Here are a few things to keep in mind:
1. I would prefer that we not do any of the songs that were included on the first tribute CD. MMJ has released several albums and EPs, so we should should have plenty of material to choose from. If you do decide that you want to do one of the songs that was on the first CD, try to make it somewhat different than the first version (Ex: since "Phone Went West" was acoustic on the first CD, it would be OK if you do a full-band version).
2. When you decide which song you want to record, post the title here and we'll keep an updated list so other people will know which tracks have been claimed. We'll go with the "first come, first served" style of choosing tracks.  
3. When you are done with your track, let me know and we'll figure out the best way to get the track to me. With all of the nifty storage thingies out there now, we can probably avoid sending things through the mail which will be much easier for our overseas friends. Also, Yahoo now has 1G of storage space, so you can probably e-mail tracks to me. I think that would work as well if you can upload it to that site and I can grab it from there. We'll work those details out when you finish your track.

How long do you guys need to finish your tracks? A couple of months? I know a couple of people have mentioned that they might start working on their songs already, so there may be some tracks ready to be sent to me. You guys leave some feedback and we'll set a deadline based on what you all think.

If I think of anything else, I'll leave some notes here.
Let's have some fun!

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on May 16, 2005, 05:59 PM

Can I pick Come Closer? :)

Oh yeah, hey Corey, maybe you should keep an ongoing list on your first post there (just keep modifying it), that way people can know where to check to see who's picked what, and if the song they want to do is available.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on May 16, 2005, 06:00 PM
If'n ya want it. Let me know fer sure.

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on May 16, 2005, 06:01 PM
Fer sure I do.  I's wanna.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on May 16, 2005, 06:03 PM
Alright y'all. The first song has been picked... and I'll be damned if I still haven't picked a song. My initial plan was to pick my song before I started up this round of the tribute...  :)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on May 16, 2005, 09:55 PM
Hell yes! I'm in. Now I just have to pick... if only i could hit those high bits on "I think I'm Goin to Hell"

Just a thought, Megan, would you want to collaborate on "Nashville to Kentucky" while we're at Bonnaroo? I don't know if this would count as a song selection or what, but we could we possibly do that, and have seperate songs as well?

Right now I'm thinkin either "Golden", "I Won't Cry", or "One in the Same"
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: ChiefOKONO on May 17, 2005, 12:03 AM
dammit i wanted to do Bermuda Highway!!
hmm now ill have to pick another...

i think we'll need at least a couple months to get things together too btw....
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on May 17, 2005, 06:36 AM
QuoteMegan, would you want to collaborate on "Nashville to Kentucky" while we're at Bonnaroo?

Of COURSE I want to do that!!  Yar! :)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: Dave Rayburn on May 17, 2005, 11:34 AM
Hey y'all!  Count me in for "The Way That He Sings"!  I started recording a home version of this at the time that last year's collection was being rounded out.  I didn't have it finished in time, but my duo's version of "Phone Went West" made it (luckily)!  I will definitely dust off the tracks I had laid down, and I will have a finished version done to submit within the next month or two... just give me a deadline.

I can also help out with some artwork if needed.

Glad to be part of ANOTHER great thing.  You guys (and gals) all rock!
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: utonynashm on May 17, 2005, 12:37 PM
Well since I can't sing...Mine would be an instrumental...

Maybe, one big holiday??
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on May 17, 2005, 12:42 PM
(tony, you could always send your tracks to someone else, who could layer vocals onto it...  if you wanted.  Or else you could just give 'er and sing your fucking face off, because it's all about love, and nobody gives a crap if you're a fancy singer or not!!!  :))
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on May 17, 2005, 02:18 PM
I just got an e-mail from someone named Brad that wants to claim "By My Car".


Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on May 17, 2005, 02:43 PM
That IS awesome.  

Okay, so:

EC (Megan) - Come Closer
Dave Rayburn - The Way That He Sings
utonynashm (Tony) - One Big Holiday
Brad - By My Car
EC, Eisey (and whoever else is around maybe? group effort?) - Nashville to Kentucky

word.  Anyone else finalized?

I really hope somebody picks Mahgeetah.  If nobody does, I might do a bonus track.  :)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on May 17, 2005, 02:54 PM
I just had a thought about the artwork.  I wonder if maybe this time it would be nice if people who maybe aren't musically inclined would like to do it?  That way you could still be involved.  If anybody wants.  It's just a thought.  :)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on May 17, 2005, 03:01 PM
It's a good idea. Let's go with that. I'd like to nail down a basic concept within the next few weeks if possible.... so when all of the songs are done, we can forward that info to the artist to finish up the artwork.

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on May 17, 2005, 03:39 PM

Okay!!  Who's arty?  C'mon - I know you're out there...

(we can have more than one, too...  Like, someone can do a cover, someone can do liner notes, someone can do a back cover...  and I can upload it to the site, OR, does anybody want to design a site?)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: utonynashm on May 17, 2005, 05:34 PM
I def aint singing on it...That is the only one I try singing to...but it doesnt work...

Ill just try to make a good instrumental...cause I know I can sing on it but it would just sound bad-i don't like sounding bad
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on May 17, 2005, 09:54 PM
Alrighty, throw me down for Golden. I won't be ale to have this done til at least the middle of June, seein as I wont have the PowerBook til graduation and then i have Bonnaroo to attend and whatnot :)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on May 17, 2005, 09:55 PM
Anybody else think that we shoudl have a gianormous collaborative Cobra as the bonus track? Let different people claim the different sections and have us pair up and whatnot. This could be amazing if done right
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: utonynashm on May 18, 2005, 07:09 AM
Well...I got the instrumental of "One Big Hoilday" done...I might host it at my site cause I would like to now if it is good enough to be the final cut...anyone willin to listen???
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on May 18, 2005, 07:27 AM
QuoteWell...I got the instrumental of "One Big Hoilday" done...I might host it at my site cause I would like to now if it is good enough to be the final cut...anyone willin to listen???
chyyya - of course.  It's supposed to be a surprise, though...  We were pretty careful of not letting anything leak before the final compilation was done..  

'wiggum, you hold ranking seniority here.  what do you think? ;)

p.s.  NOBODY'S version will EVER not "make" it.  It's really, really not about that.  It's only all about appreciation, and effort.  It matters more to do it, than what it actually is.  (That's how I feel about it anyhow.)  I mean, unless it sounds like shit.

(just kidding)

As long as you can hear it, and it's your take on the song (meaning you made it your own), it's allll gooooood.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on May 18, 2005, 07:40 AM
Yeah, everyone makes it unless there are too many submissions.... which probably won't be the case.

As far as letting other people hear it, it seems like more of a surprise if you wait until everyone else is done. If someone has already heard 2-3 of the songs when the project is finished, then it kind of lessens the experience of hearing the whole thing. Does that makes sense?
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: utonynashm on May 18, 2005, 09:06 AM
Could we have 2?
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: SMc55 on May 18, 2005, 09:33 AM
QuoteYeah, everyone makes it unless there are too many submissions.... which probably won't be the case.

As far as letting other people hear it, it seems like more of a surprise if you wait until everyone else is done. If someone has already heard 2-3 of the songs when the project is finished, then it kind of lessens the experience of hearing the whole thing. Does that makes sense?

I enjoyed the surprise of hearing them all for the first time when the album was ready. Loved the excitement of the last few days  :D
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: cmasters on May 18, 2005, 04:34 PM
hey I'd be interested in doing "I will be there when you die" if that would be okay... thanks...
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on May 18, 2005, 05:39 PM
Sounds good to me.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: lfish on May 19, 2005, 04:52 AM
Hey guys,

I'm thrilled to hear a new tribute album is ready to be made.  Unfotunately, I can't participate in this round, due to lack of time.  Live is just rushing by .  I don't even have the time to visit the forum and keep up with al the news (hmm well you guys seem to write a lot too  ;) ).

Nevertheless I give you all my psychological and spiritual support and I'm very anxious to hear the new thing.  So good luck to everyone and most of all... Enjoy!
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: Tore on May 19, 2005, 08:42 AM
If no one has selected The Bear, i'm gonna convince my bandmates to do a live version of it, and record it.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on May 19, 2005, 09:13 AM
Go for it. I was thinking about doing that one, but I don't want to program the drumtrack for that song.  :)

Looking forward to hearing it.

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on May 19, 2005, 09:15 AM
 EC (Megan) - Come Closer
Dave Rayburn - The Way That He Sings
utonynashm (Tony) - One Big Holiday
Brad - By My Car
EC, Eisey (and whoever else is around maybe? group effort?) - Nashville to Kentucky
Eisey- Golden
cmasters- I will be there when you die
Tore- The Bear
Olwiggum - Old September Blues
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: marktwain on May 19, 2005, 03:47 PM
I had mentioned I would like to do Hopefully, but I don't think it's gonna happen.  

So somebody else please do it!  it's a beautiful song.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: darkglow on May 19, 2005, 05:26 PM
sign me up for the arts and crafts for this one :)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on May 19, 2005, 05:36 PM
Quotesign me up for the arts and crafts for this one :)

AWESOME!!!  Totally, totally awesome.  You're in.

really, tundra?  That's too bad.  Although, completely understandable.

And wiggum, I think your choice is love-ly.  Really nice.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: sweatboard on May 19, 2005, 05:44 PM
I'd like to try some cover art if it's still available.  I'd like to get a campfire jam picture at Bonnaroo for the cover possibly?
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on May 19, 2005, 05:55 PM
QuoteI'd like to try some cover art if it's still available.  I'd like to get a campfire jam picture at Bonnaroo for the cover possibly?


Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on May 19, 2005, 07:41 PM
haha, ok, lookin at this again there's a bunch of stuff I'm gonna record this summer. I'll probably try my hand at West end Girls, and definitely Why Dont You Love Me? which i know are both covers, but what ever. I'll probably also throw down That Someone Else was You, or I Won't Cry, or both. Whatever. I'll let you know when I get these done, but by no means are these taken. Anybody wants to do anything I just listed, go for it, this is just stuff I personally wanna record. If you need bonus tracks or anything, i'll be glad to offer up whatever I get recorded. So yeah...
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on May 19, 2005, 08:04 PM
Eisey, that sounds cool although we can't use the covers. I guess we could, technically, but it kind of goes against the spirit of the tribute CD. Also, I say that because when I first put together one of the DBT tributes, someone mentioned to me that you're not supposed to cover a band's cover because of other legal issues.
Did that make sense? I'm tired.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on May 19, 2005, 09:18 PM
(hooooold on a second, did mmj cover Hank Williams' Why Don't You Love Me?  Where is that?!)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on May 19, 2005, 09:23 PM
its on the Learning disc of the B-sides releases. Its pretty kickin.

and to wiggum, thats cool. I'll still record em though.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: Oz on May 20, 2005, 04:15 AM
I wanna do 'How do you know?' I've already figured out how I'm going to do it and I might even be able to record it next weekend (I have my own microphone now, hurry! only no good software yet :(). Only, it only lasts 1:40 minutes or something, so I wanna do another track as well... I wanna give 'The Dark' a go as well.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on May 20, 2005, 05:35 AM
I'm okay with that.  (But I would have to be, seeing as I took up 30% of the space on the first one ;))

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on May 20, 2005, 06:56 AM
I'm good with it.

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: inertiatic_jpc on May 20, 2005, 08:28 AM
put me down for 'run thru' please
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: utonynashm on May 20, 2005, 09:53 AM
i have re-done this song so many times but only have one's hard to record all by myslef-every instrument...

I dont like how it came out....
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: Oz on May 20, 2005, 02:04 PM
Personally, I think the idea of an instrumental track on it is pretty cool! Just for some variation.

I miraculously managed to re-arrange my version of 'How do you know' to 4:30 minutes. So I'll save 'The Dark' for later. :)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on May 20, 2005, 02:14 PM
QuoteI miraculously managed to re-arrange my version of 'How do you know' to 4:30 minutes.
Wicked.   :D  (I can't wait to hear it!!)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: Sal Paradise on May 20, 2005, 05:45 PM
Nice! Can you put me down for a song? I'm not sure which one yet, I'm thinking Heartbreakin Man but in a really fucked up way! War Begun is also a possibility. Either way, it's gonna be fucked up beyond all recognition!
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: Oz on May 21, 2005, 09:43 AM
Fucked uop is awlays good. :)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: utonynashm on May 22, 2005, 02:39 PM
Now I sent Jim an e-mail a while back and he sent me back a great, long, response!  (he also went to my music site!)

When I appear on this tribute I hope he puts two and two together or somehow realizes it me...He would probably get a laugh from it or something...

Ya think?
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on May 22, 2005, 07:25 PM
 :) Hee hee, craaaazier things have happened in this world.  (you could always write about that in the liner notes - that would jog his memory)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: boxybrown on May 23, 2005, 09:26 PM
 :D dibs on Evelyn is Not Real!    where is the list btw?
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on May 23, 2005, 09:44 PM
 EC (Megan) - Come Closer
Dave Rayburn - The Way That He Sings
utonynashm (Tony) - One Big Holiday
Brad - By My Car
EC, Eisey (and whoever else is around maybe? group effort?) - Nashville to Kentucky  
Eisey- Golden
cmasters- I will be there when you die
Tore- The Bear
Olwiggum - Old September Blues

These are claimed for the new CD. Evelyn was done on the first disc, so I'd prefer that it not be done for the new CD unless you do a totally different version of it. the list of songs for the first CD can be found if you follow the link in the first post of this thread.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: boxybrown on May 23, 2005, 09:49 PM
acknowledged.  will continue with version of Evelyn. rest assured it will be completely different. but will try for another as well.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on May 23, 2005, 10:03 PM
copy on that boxybrown.  Word up.  (where is greggy these days?)

p.s.  c'mon hellacious, what're you going to pick?  Also, Brian, are you going to do this?  You have fancy recording gear now.  And you play guitar.  Git it!

Add to the list:  sweatboard (Brian) is going to get in on cover art (possibly with a picture), and darkglow is also in for artwork.

Also add to the list that O is doing How do You Know. (which is very very very very very exciting.) and Sal Paradise is going to do something very fubar.

(fellows and ladies, if we've left someone out, please let us know.)  (speaking of, hey ladies!  come on!)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: sweatboard on May 23, 2005, 10:37 PM
Don't put me down for a song just yet.  I need to find a singer, and I can only play a couple of songs.  I'm going to see if I can find someone to sing Picure Of You or Steam Engine with me, but if someone else is wanting to do it, go ahead.  Also, Just a thought, but if my recording turns out good at Bonnaroo mabey we can submit one of the songs from that.  Everyone should start working on "Cobra" if we could pull off a big collababrative Cobra Jam at our Star Lit Bonnaroo Jam Session that would be awesome to have on the tribute.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on May 24, 2005, 05:53 AM
QuoteStar Lit Bonnaroo Jam Session

What an excellent name for it.  wicked.

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: Tore on May 24, 2005, 06:35 AM
So when is the deadline for this?
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on May 24, 2005, 06:51 AM
QuoteSo when is the deadline for this?

Good question.  I was just thinking about that this morning.  I guess it depends on how long people need...  Like, I'll be recording mine at home, and it's almost kind of maybe close to being done if I would just leave it alone and stopping messing with it.  

How long do you need?
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: Tore on May 24, 2005, 07:17 AM
Well, the plan is to make a live recording either on June 6th or June 10th, but we haven't tried it with the band yet. First I need to convince them that The Bear is an amazing song, and that it fits the bill...

If I am to record it myself, I probably need a little more time. Say, to the end of June. Have no idea really... I'll adjust anyway...
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on May 24, 2005, 07:20 AM
QuoteFirst I need to convince them that The Bear is an amazing song
Shouldn't be too hard...  ;)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: Tore on May 24, 2005, 07:25 AM
My thought exactly
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: Zmog1974 on May 24, 2005, 08:08 AM
Hey i would like to do One Big Holiday but ive noticed its in the can...oh damn ...Nevermind..I 'll think of something else maybe..."I needed it most". Can i submit One Big Holiday and maybe you could use it if you like it?
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: Oz on May 24, 2005, 09:51 AM
Glad you're excited, EC! I have to admit that I'm also excited to hear what you guys think, but I still don't have the right software to record more than one track. But someone would send it to me, so maybe next weekend...
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: ben grimm on May 24, 2005, 10:55 AM
Hello boys and girls, I have been away from the fold but I am back. Count me in, not sure what track yet though.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on May 24, 2005, 11:14 AM
QuoteHello boys and girls, I have been away from the fold but I am back. Count me in, not sure what track yet though.
YEAH!!!  Awesome.

Has anyone heard from lfish recently?
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: SMc55 on May 24, 2005, 12:36 PM

Has anyone heard from lfish recently?

He posted the other day.

Here it is:
Hey guys,
I'm thrilled to hear a new tribute album is ready to be made.  Unfotunately, I can't participate in this round, due to lack of time.  Live is just rushing by .  I don't even have the time to visit the forum and keep up with al the news (hmm well you guys seem to write a lot too   ).
Nevertheless I give you all my psychological and spiritual support and I'm very anxious to hear the new thing.  So good luck to everyone and most of all... Enjoy!

lfish kicks ass as hell  ;D
(that last bit was me)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on May 24, 2005, 02:59 PM
(thanks dith - I should've checked...)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: inertiatic_jpc on May 25, 2005, 03:17 AM
i want to attempt 'run thru'
if thats ok
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on May 25, 2005, 06:44 AM
Quotei want to attempt 'run thru'
if thats ok
It's okay with me!  That song has my favourite Patrick drum solo.  And my favourite keyboard styles.  
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: inertiatic_jpc on May 26, 2005, 05:33 AM
QuoteThat song has my favourite Patrick drum solo.  And my favourite keyboard styles.

are you refering to a live version?
because i cant hear any drum solo in run thru. true good keyboard styles though
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: ben grimm on May 26, 2005, 02:13 PM
Anyone sign up for 'Rocket Man' yet? If not I'd like to try it.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on May 26, 2005, 08:58 PM
you might have the same deal with covers. There's some sort of copyright thing where you can't do covers of covers.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: boxybrown on May 27, 2005, 11:22 PM
any word on a deadline for the tribute2?
and what format file needs to be in?
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on May 28, 2005, 08:15 AM
Let's shoot for the end of July as a deadline. I'm afraid that of I set it for the end of June that there will be several people that still need extra time (myself included because I'm busy as shit for the next few weeks).
If you're in the states and want to send it to me on a CD, that's great. Or, if you want to compress it to a FLAC or SHN and send it to me through, that would be easy. I'd prefer not to get mp3s, because I'll convert them to wavs when mastering, then back to mp3 for web hosting...
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: utonynashm on May 28, 2005, 10:14 AM
Can I just send a wave?
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on May 28, 2005, 11:24 AM
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Jun 01, 2005, 09:25 AM
End of July is good for me.  Mine's in a crap state right now.  Too much tweaking.  I need to chill it out.  :)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: blueskygrey on Jun 04, 2005, 12:29 AM
I think I'll do The Bear.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Jun 05, 2005, 08:39 AM
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: 52media on Jun 08, 2005, 06:58 PM
End of July is perfect.

Count me in for "I think I'm going to hell". OK?

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Jun 08, 2005, 07:22 PM
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Jun 08, 2005, 07:32 PM
Here's what I have that are claimed:

EC (Megan) - Come Closer
Dave Rayburn - The Way That He Sings
utonynashm (Tony) - One Big Holiday
Brad - By My Car
EC, Eisey (and whoever else is around maybe? group effort?) - Nashville to Kentucky  
Eisey- Golden
cmasters- I will be there when you die
Tore- The Bear
Olwiggum - Old September Blues
O-How do you know?
inertiatic jpc - Run thru
blueskygrey- The Bear
52media- I think I'm going to hell
Shamu - Can you see the hard helmet on my head?

I don't think I left anyone off.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: Tore on Jun 09, 2005, 11:31 AM
Two versions of The Bear?
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: mysleazypony on Jun 09, 2005, 12:53 PM
hey yall im new here but i'd love to contribute...if you don't want a newbie doin a song i'd understand..however i'd love to do :i think i'm going to hell,they ran, or strangulation!
if you guys do accept me,is there a deadline to do this by?
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Jun 09, 2005, 03:49 PM
Someone else claimed "I think I'm going to hell", but you could give one of the other 2 a try.

As far as 2 versions of the Bear, that's an oversight on my part. We'll go ahead and take both of those submissions if they get done. We had several people claim songs last time, but never sent anything to me. I'm not saying that I don't want anyone to NOT submit a song, but shit happens sometimes.

We had 2 versions of "At Dawn" the first time, so if we have 2 of "The Bear" it won't kill us. I'd just prefer not to have other songs claimed twice from here on out...

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: 52media on Jun 09, 2005, 06:41 PM
Does anyone know the tuning to "I think i'm going to hell"? I had it figured out years ago but need some help. Thanks...Flo
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: aMillionDreams on Jun 09, 2005, 08:44 PM
it's in open E.  That's EBEG#Be
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: 52media on Jun 09, 2005, 11:55 PM
aMillionDreams, thanks that works except for the harmonics for some reason, maybe its cause I don't have a high-E string???
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: Tore on Jun 11, 2005, 08:54 PM
Hey, thats fair, wiggum. My plan originally was to record The Bear live during a concert, but that plan got washed down the drain, sadly. Now i will probably record a version, either on my own, or with our vocalist, who seem to be getting into MMJ.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Jun 15, 2005, 10:04 PM
woah! hang on. its actually not open E. I figured it out some months back from that parking garage video, I'll dig up the page for you.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Jun 15, 2005, 10:08 PM
here it is;action=display;num=1034296491;start=165

i think thats pretty much as accurate as it gets
good luck with that one, the vocals are pretty tough
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Jun 17, 2005, 11:54 AM
Where're we at Corey?  Do we have enough peeps?

Are you artist-types still into doing imagery?

I think a deadline would help me.  I need to add some Kentucky egg.  ;)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: sweatboard on Jun 18, 2005, 08:47 PM
I think I'll try "Steam Engine".
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Jun 18, 2005, 09:04 PM
yes! Hope you have a good headvoice  ;)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Jun 18, 2005, 09:07 PM
We definitely have enough people if everyone contributes. I think it's gonna be good.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: sweatboard on Jun 19, 2005, 01:10 AM
Quoteyes! Hope you have a good headvoice  ;)

I don't have shit, other than a love for the music, a crapy acoustic guitar, a slim knowledge of guitar chords, and a bathroom shower, which I plan on recording in..............Dark Side Of The Moon has got nothing on me.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: utonynashm on Jun 19, 2005, 08:49 AM
NICE! Rock n' Roll!
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Jun 19, 2005, 12:47 PM
oh hey, count me and Meg out for from Nashville to Kentucky, unless you want to do it, Meg. Or if someone wants to hear me do it.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Jun 19, 2005, 07:50 PM
Quoteoh hey, count me and Meg out for from Nashville to Kentucky, unless you want to do it, Meg. Or if someone wants to hear me do it.
If you do it and send it to me, I could add vocals to it.  :)


I seriously just cheered.  You get in that bathroom and give her fucking hell.  Awe-some.  :)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Jun 19, 2005, 11:07 PM
how will it sound though? I'm using GarageBand on a mac. Would I send you the garageband file or a wav of my completed part of the song?
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: utonynashm on Jun 20, 2005, 06:38 AM
a wav file might be best...

oh and ROCK THAT SHIT MAN!  Just do it, the passion and emotion is all that counts!
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Jun 20, 2005, 07:13 AM
Quotehow will it sound though? I'm using GarageBand on a mac. Would I send you the garageband file or a wav of my completed part of the song?
Ummm Corey?  If Eisey sends me the garageband file, would it open in..

Wait.  I know.  You send me a wave file (I have an ftp, so I'll tell you how to upload it).  Then I record a single (or triple) vocal track.  I send  you the tracks back as waves, and you open them as separate channels in your garageband file, and then you'll mix it all together and get volumes and frequencies all good 'n up.

If that's the right thing to do, I shall give myself a pat on the back this morning.  :)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Jun 20, 2005, 07:14 AM
That sounds like it would work, but I don't use Garageband, so I don't know for sure. In theory, it will work unless GB uses different files than wavs.

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Jun 20, 2005, 07:21 AM
QuoteThat sounds like it would work, but I don't use Garageband, so I don't know for sure. In theory, it will work unless GB uses different files than wavs.

Right.  If it doesn't, I think I have a program that can convert any file into another file.  Does garageband use wavs, Eisey?
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Jun 20, 2005, 12:31 PM
yup, you can either use .wav, .mp3, or.aiff if you so please. You might need to help instruct me on how to mix it, but I'm getting pretty capable
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Jun 20, 2005, 12:47 PM
Quoteyup, you can either use .wav, .mp3, or.aiff if you so please. You might need to help instruct me on how to mix it, but I'm getting pretty capable

Okay.  Or else I can maybe mix it in my program.  I'm also not very good, but I'm learning.  :)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Jun 20, 2005, 01:15 PM
for the vocals, i was thinkin I'd do the lower harmony and the verse, and you could do the high harmony? Or maybe I'd do first verse you do second or something, and then we both kick in on the humming and the "take me out..." bit? Did you want to cover any of the guitar, or just vocals?
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Jun 20, 2005, 02:10 PM
QuoteDid you want to cover any of the guitar, or just vocals?                          

You're a much better guitar player than me.  :)  I think I should just stick with singing.  

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Jun 21, 2005, 01:21 AM
deal. i should have something in the next week or so
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Jun 21, 2005, 06:51 AM
Quotedeal. i should have something in the next week or so

(that's the french version)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: BadfooT on Jul 03, 2005, 02:25 PM
My bad is going to try and play One Big Holiday this week at a show...might be already picked up, we will rip it anyways
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: MickeyReds on Jul 03, 2005, 04:31 PM
My Band is outta philly. The Tressels. We have a myspace and pure volume if you wanna check us out. We would like to do The Bear, If it hasnt already been done. Please let me know.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Jul 04, 2005, 03:26 AM
ok, so what do i do to get this sucker to ya?
Finished "Golden" a couple hours ago
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Jul 05, 2005, 09:59 AM
When you guys get done with your tracks, let me know and I'll tell ya where to send it.
Eisey, check your PMs.

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: utonynashm on Jul 05, 2005, 10:22 AM
Done.........f869n ce65d rfbu dx3624 smedrcf
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Jul 05, 2005, 10:50 AM
Word up. I'll send ya a PM.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: utonynashm on Jul 06, 2005, 06:32 AM
I sent it did ya get it?
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Jul 06, 2005, 12:04 PM
No. Did you go through or e-mail?
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: utonynashm on Jul 06, 2005, 03:55 PM
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Jul 07, 2005, 10:10 AM
It's downloading right now. Thanks.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Jul 07, 2005, 10:52 AM
Corey, one of my goals today is to try and finish mine.

Eisey, have you had any further luck with my ftp?  If not, we could try to find another way...

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Jul 07, 2005, 11:17 AM
Word. I'm in the final mixing stage of my song as well.
I think.
I still can't sing, by the way.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Jul 07, 2005, 12:21 PM
Neither can I today.   :-/  crap.

Anyhow, it's done, or at least, it's all I'm gonna do with it.  My limited little system is getting me down, but you gotta work with whatcha got.

I'm gonna pm you a link you can download it from (it's actually still uploading).  It's just a wave...  Heh.  That's nice.  I'm sending you a wave, Corey.  :)

Okay, where're we at?  Let's git 'er done, shall we?  darkglow, got any artistic ideas?

Something to keep in mind for the folks who're doing songs is the liner notes.  I kind of enjoyed reading everyone's little story as to why they chose the song and stuff.  Corey, do you want me to compile this stuff, or do you want to?  I don't mind doing it.

Okay, it's done.  pm on the way.  :)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Jul 07, 2005, 12:24 PM
If you don't mind putting it together, that would be great. I'll do all of the mastering and whatnot once I get all of the songs.
I think I mentioned that we would go with a deadline at the end of July, so everyone still has a few weeks left.
Can everyone post your progress so that we have an idea where we stand?

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Jul 07, 2005, 12:34 PM
No problem.  :)

Okay.  (Man, I just looked over the old one to find out the information I need from everyone, and I just remembered how fun it was when it all came out.)

So, for those of you who've recorded stuff, can you please send me the following information to megan at medusaproductions dot ca:
1.  Your name or the band's name
2.  What everybody played
3.  I guess the name of the song would be helpful.  
4.  Where you recorded it
5.  Why you chose it, or you know, whatever little thing you feel like saying about it.
6.  If you have a website, that's good and we can put it on there, too.

Here's where all the notes are from the last one:

Also, I guess we need a name for it...  Anybody got a good idea?
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Jul 09, 2005, 01:17 AM
Chapter 3 (insert witty jacketeerism here)

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Jul 09, 2005, 07:43 AM
heh - that's good.  But what if we're stealing it from them?  They might be having a Chapter 3 (something else)...

Along with albums from z to a, there might be 1188 chapters on the way.  ;)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Jul 09, 2005, 02:42 PM
true, how bout....

"Silly Dreams and Diamond Rings [size=10](just don't make it last any longer than it has to)"


could do without the parentheses, maybe make that a subtitle?

could also go with musical, instead of silly.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: Chills on Jul 09, 2005, 03:01 PM
"Forget Your Musical Dreams"

 :-X maybe not
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Jul 09, 2005, 03:20 PM
I think that we should just call it "The Way that he sings: The fans sing the songs of My Morning Jacket, Volume 2".

Just my opinion though.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Jul 09, 2005, 04:44 PM
I think we should call it:
"The Fans Rock Your Fucking Faces Off"
to pay hommage to the one who likes Beetlejuice levels.  :)
(Oh, I guess he wouldn't have said "fuck".)

But yeah, we could go with part II.

The only thing is that it's called "The Way That HE Sings", and therefore doesn't really represent the entire band.  In the title.  

Or whatever, it totally doesn't matter to me at all.  
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: Oz on Jul 10, 2005, 11:02 AM
How about: 'The way that we sing'?

By the way, it is now official that my computer is too slow for multi-track recording. Crap. I'm gonna have to find another way, therefor, and I don't know how soon things will work out. I'm sorry.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: Tore on Jul 10, 2005, 02:38 PM
Is the deadline still out this month?
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Jul 10, 2005, 07:23 PM
QuoteHow about: 'The way that we sing'?
I like that.

O, it is always so nice to see you around.  Hello.

And yes, Tore, I think the deadline is somewhere floating around the end of this month...  
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Jul 13, 2005, 12:05 AM
That's really close to the name of the first one though... if that's a bad thing.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: sweatboard on Jul 13, 2005, 12:19 AM
How about something like......."Still Moveing" A My Morning Jacket Tribute, Volume II.

Think about it it's awesome. ;)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: Dave Rayburn on Jul 14, 2005, 05:35 PM
How about "It Still Sings"?  I'll try to come up with a few more to throw in the ring.  So glad this project has some momentum going.

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Jul 19, 2005, 09:58 AM
Where does everyone stand? We're getting close to the deadline, but I can move it back some if wee need to. I may try to contact everyone who wants to contribute if I get a chance...
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Jul 19, 2005, 10:04 AM
I can get mine out in about a week. I realized that I did something totally wrong and its distracting, so i have to fix it.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Jul 19, 2005, 10:08 AM
Cool. I was wondering if you had sent it yet or not.

I should also mention that I already have EC's and utonynashm's.... and mine.

That's 3!
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: Oz on Jul 19, 2005, 01:43 PM
I'm not gonna make it. As said, I can't properly record it myself and next Sunday Il'm going to go to Sweden and then Austria for three weeks. I know someone with whom I might be able to record it, but it would take a while...  :(
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Jul 19, 2005, 02:19 PM
QuoteI'm not gonna make it. As said, I can't properly record it myself and next Sunday Il'm going to go to Sweden and then Austria for three weeks. I know someone with whom I might be able to record it, but it would take a while...  :(

(could we wait, Corey?)

That's fun about your trip, though!!!
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Jul 19, 2005, 02:31 PM
I'm ok with waiting. I'd really like for people to start finishing up if possible and letting me know the progress. I just don't want for everyone to wait and us end up with only 6-7 tracks because people keep putting it off 'cause my sorry ass ain't singing 2 songs this time....  :)

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Jul 20, 2005, 08:04 AM
QuoteI'm ok with waiting. I'd really like for people to start finishing up if possible and letting me know the progress. I just don't want for everyone to wait and us end up with only 6-7 tracks because people keep putting it off 'cause my sorry ass ain't singing 2 songs this time....  :)
Why not?  What's wrong with singing multiple songs?  (yaaarrr)

Okay.  I'm combing the thread and will find a tentative list.

(Which reminds me of that scene in Spaceballs, and I may have already mentioned this...  They're combing the desert. For clues. With combs.  And the first group of dudes is all "We're sorry sir, we can't find anything..."  And the other dudes, the ones using afro picks, are like "Man, we aint found shiiiit."  So. fucking. funny.  Oh, Riny, it was you I was talking to about that.  Moving alooooong...)

EC - Come Closer
Dave Rayburn - The Way That He Sings
utonynashm - One Big Holiday
Brad - By My Car
Eisey- Golden
cmasters- I will be there when you die
Tore- The Bear
Olwiggum - Old September Blues  
O - How do you know?
inertiatic jpc - Run thru
blueskygrey- The Bear
52media- I think I'm going to hell
Shamu - Can you see the hard helmet on my head?
sweatboard - Steam Engine

Please please chime in if I missed you.  mickeyreds, you'd mentioned maybe doing something, and also Badfoo T ...


Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Jul 20, 2005, 11:54 AM
I don't mind people doing more than one song... I'd just rather not hear my voice more if I don't have to...  :)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Jul 20, 2005, 11:55 AM
if everyone doesnt deliver, i could do an extra one. Maybe All Else Fails or somethin more obscure. I'd love to do RIPVG or Josta Dreams
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Jul 20, 2005, 01:22 PM
QuoteI don't mind people doing more than one song... I'd just rather not hear my voice more if I don't have to...  :)
But you're okay doin' a little banjjjoooooo?
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Jul 20, 2005, 01:24 PM
yup. I may do some back-ups on that track as well. It just depends on how brave I feel that day.  :)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Jul 20, 2005, 01:32 PM
Quoteyup. I may do some back-ups on that track as well. It just depends on how brave I feel that day.  :)
Perhaps you can take the Proactive Bravery Requirement.  I find that helps.  For so many different situations. ;)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Jul 20, 2005, 01:34 PM

Good call.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Jul 20, 2005, 01:36 PM

Good call.
I like to help. :)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: OceanDrive on Jul 20, 2005, 03:06 PM
hey everyone - it's Brad (By My Car). we've just about finished up on the song - and I'm heading up to Denton this weekend to help blueskygrey (Cliff) record The Bear. so we're all still in!
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Jul 20, 2005, 03:07 PM
Very cool. Very cool. I'm looking forward to those. Let me know when you're done.

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: Tore on Jul 21, 2005, 09:53 AM
Good thing The Bear is being done, as I won't be able to do my version. I've been working alot more then I expected during the summer, so I haven't had the time. Sorry.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Jul 21, 2005, 11:41 AM
I'm gonna throw down Josta Dreams once I get the words figured out, so you've got backup or bonus material or future tribute album stuff or whatever.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Jul 21, 2005, 12:02 PM
I got "Golden" from Eisey. That's 4 songs total so far.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Jul 21, 2005, 01:12 PM
I just got an email from BenGrim (how timely!) and asked him if he'd like to contribute again, so we'll see...


And I think me and Eisey are going to collaborate on Nashville to Kentucky. :)

And me and wiggum might do a surprise number.

Gee.  It happened again.   :-/
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Jul 21, 2005, 01:17 PM
That's cool. Again, I don't mind if other people have several songs, I just don't want to hear myself that much. We enjoy your voice.  :)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Jul 24, 2005, 09:51 AM
Bengrim!!  I see you there!  Did I email you back?  (crap, I think I didn't)

Anyhow, the deadline is a little extended (I think - hey Corey?)  So, if you wanted to, it would be awesome if you did a sawng.  :)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Jul 24, 2005, 05:12 PM
Me and Eisey are done.

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Jul 25, 2005, 12:04 AM
Yes, indeedy!

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Jul 25, 2005, 12:06 PM
It's on it's way, Corey.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Jul 25, 2005, 04:14 PM
I got the e-mailm but didn't download it yet. I'll do it tomorrow at work. I'm at my folks' house right now.

looking forward to hearing it.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Jul 25, 2005, 05:27 PM
QuoteI got the e-mailm but didn't download it yet. I'll do it tomorrow at work. I'm at my folks' house right now.

looking forward to hearing it.
God. damn.

I wish I could see your face when you listen.  Eisey did some crazy, crazy shit.  :)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Jul 25, 2005, 11:19 PM

You'll shit yourself.

That's all you get til you hear it at work.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: Dave Rayburn on Jul 28, 2005, 07:22 PM
Hey y'all!  Just an update on my end.  I am in the process of cleaning up tracks for my version of "The Way That He Sings".  I actually tried laying this down last year to enter as a possible second track (Buddy was my duo that made it onto the final collection).  Needless to say, I did not finish it in time, and the idea was shelved until I was asked to participate in the second volume.  Well, instead of re-recording the entire thing, I decided to use what I already had down, and to add a few things to make it listenable.  I'm not one for programming drum machines, so hopefully no one will mind.  I only need to add a little bass and some keyboards and this thing should be ready to upload somewhere.  

So, where do I send it when I'm done... and what is the new hard deadline for submissions?  I can't want to hear the collection.  I am flattered to be involved with this monster!  Kudos to all involved.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: cmasters on Jul 29, 2005, 11:55 AM
early august (i will be there when you die) shall be completed.

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Jul 29, 2005, 02:56 PM
Thanks y'all. Y'all let me know when you are done with your tracks. A couple of people have uploaded their tracks on and sent the link to me so that I could download it.
Once you're done, if you could upload the mixed wav file there and send me the link, that would be great. You can send me a PM or an e-mail:
olwiggum AT YAHOO dot com

Mid-August is OK with me as far as a deadline goes. I know OceanDrive said that they should be done soon as well.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Aug 02, 2005, 02:00 PM
Word, don't forget to send me your details, too.  I have oceandrive's, and eisey's and (oh corey, i need yours)...  I think that's it that I have.

Tony Nash?  Where are you dude?  I'm gonna email you...
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Aug 03, 2005, 12:52 AM
hey EC, all my info is correct, except for the african woodshaker deal thing. just nix that outta there
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Aug 03, 2005, 06:24 AM
Shall do. ;)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Aug 04, 2005, 02:06 PM
Mr. darkglow, can you please check your pms?

(heh.  pms.  You know, personal messages.)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Aug 04, 2005, 02:53 PM
Here's where we stand as of right now:
Me -  Old September Blues
EC - Come Closer
Eisey - Golden
Eisey and EC - Nashville to Kentucky
Tony-One Big Holiday
Trudgernaut (OceanDrive) - By My Car
me and EC - Hopefully

That makes 7.
Dave Rayburn hopes to finish his track this weekend (The way that he sings).
OceanDrive is hopefully doing another one this weekend (War Begun or Dancefloors).
Jason is recording a song this weekend (picture of you)
Bluskygrey is in the mixing process and should finish this weekend.

That makes 11 if all of those get done, and it sounds like they will.

Awesome. We have some great entries so far. I can't wait for y'all to hear these and I'm really excited to hear the other submissions.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Aug 09, 2005, 10:01 PM
And we're in the final streeeetch.

For those still waiting to send me the information, here's what I need:

1.  Your name or the band's name
2.  What everybody played
3.  I guess the name of the song would be helpful.  
4.  Where you recorded it
5.  Why you chose it, or you know, whatever little thing you feel like saying about it.
6.  If you have a website, that's good and we can put it on there, too.

email it to Corey or to me: megan at medusaproductions dot ca.

darkglow is on the images

I believe how it'll all work is that once all of the songs are sent to 'wiggum, he will master them, and we'll do like we did last time having the songs available for download.

I think, though, that I'll also get all the good ones, and make a compressed zip folder so that you can have good quality versions.  For those who have seventeen hours to spare downloading a big file.  ;)  But I think it will be worth it.  Actually, don't hold me to this because I'm not entirely sure that a compressed folder will be even feasible with wav files.  But I will try.

And like last time (although nobody did it), if you want a good copy, you can send me that thing where you mail me a blank cd and a return envelope, and I'll burn it for you and stick it in the mail.

Corey says everything sounds very cool, which is great but makes me jealous because I haven't heard any of it yet.

Word up, amigos. :)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Aug 09, 2005, 10:06 PM
We'll definitely have the mp3s...
but instead of doing wavs for higher quality, we could do Flacs, which are compressed, but pretty lossless in the grand scheme of things. Then maybe you could put all of those in one file and compress them if'n ya want to. :)

And yeah, everything sounds great. I can't wait to let you all hear it.

I'm waiting on 2 more entries:
Cmasters (got a message from him tonight. he's done, just waiting to hear from me about where to send it)

and blueskygrey (I'm pretty sure he's done too. he went out of town and apparently forgot to send it to me so I'm gonna follow up with him on Friday)

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Aug 09, 2005, 10:11 PM
(I love when you say if'n ya want :))

We can do FLACs fer sure.  Well, YOU can do FLACs if'n ya know how ta make 'em.  Cuz I sure don't.  :)

Terribly exciting.  

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Aug 09, 2005, 10:14 PM
yeah, i can make flacs from the wavs and send them when I send the mp3s.

word up.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Aug 09, 2005, 10:33 PM

What's a spaceghost?

I don't know if I can handle you as anything other than Will Farrel.

I need time for this.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Aug 10, 2005, 07:51 PM
Woah! I forgot to send in my Jim interview song thing.

It's on its way broski!
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Aug 10, 2005, 10:19 PM
Broski.  Awesome.

Don't forget to send the deets Monsieur Eisey.  :)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Aug 11, 2005, 05:09 PM
Couple of things:

Cmasters, pm me if you want to add any other stuff to yer notes

Tom, are you gonna add the extra song?  If so, can you get notes to me as soooooon as possible?

As it stands I have notes for everyone except for OceanDrive's 2nd song and Blueskygrey's song.


And darkglow is making beeeeautiful things.  :)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Aug 11, 2005, 08:51 PM
ooops. Forgot to tell you. Oceandrive isn't going to be able to do a 2nd track.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Aug 11, 2005, 11:25 PM
Coolio.  :)

(I mean, that's too bad, but thanks for letting me know.)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Aug 13, 2005, 12:01 AM
yeah, i sent it off to wiggum

I call it "Self Doubt gets a proper Jacketeering"

It's all loops and that interview and a live show form cats cradle this year
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Aug 13, 2005, 06:37 AM
Quoteyeah, i sent it off to wiggum

I call it "Self Doubt gets a proper Jacketeering"

It's all loops and that interview and a live show form cats cradle this year
Heh.  I had that little byte that I made for you, and I was cleaning up my desktop yesterday, and I was like "what is that?".  So I listened to it again.  sweet.

Okay, so I'm just going to use that then for the notes?  Is there anything else you want to say about why you decided to do that?  (You don't have to, I'm just giving you the option.  We're almost there...  Like, really soon.  Like REALLY soon.  hooooray!)

And I believe we got our final entry from (I think) bluegreysky - so I just need the deets from that and we can git 'er done.

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Aug 13, 2005, 08:05 AM
Didn't get that one from BSG yet. Hopefully this weekend...
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: darkglow on Aug 14, 2005, 11:20 AM
se hacen las ilustraciones.. i think
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Aug 14, 2005, 12:15 PM
Quotese hacen las ilustraciones.. i think
ummmm, I don't speak German, so....   ;)

lemme check my box...  my in box. ha.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Aug 14, 2005, 12:24 PM
de nada, senor?  
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: darkglow on Aug 14, 2005, 12:55 PM
still waiting on the band name for the bear
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Aug 14, 2005, 12:58 PM
Quotestill waiting on the band name for the bear
Oh yes.  

Ach, the website is down at the moment anyhow, so not too much to be done.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Aug 14, 2005, 01:01 PM
Okay, I take it back.  It's up.  whew.

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Aug 14, 2005, 08:39 PM
Okay.  darkglow and 'wiggum, I'm still here, but I'm just packing and stuff.

darkglow, I'm not sure if you know yet but your email was bounced, so I gave you an alternate email address.  The account is lame-o and won't take such big files.

'wiggy, if you've gone to bed, I will try and check the computer as much as I can tomorrow.

I think the machines hate me today.  :(
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Aug 15, 2005, 12:41 AM
Corey, did you get the file?
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Aug 15, 2005, 06:21 AM
Yeah man,
Sorry I didn't reply. It's been hectic this week.

EC has it ready to go.  :)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Aug 15, 2005, 06:27 AM
QuoteYeah man,
Sorry I didn't reply. It's been hectic this week.

EC has it ready to go.  :)

It's pretty wicked, Eisey.  I'm going to listen to it. right. now.  Kick my day off good.  ;)

Okay peeps, I was really really really really really really really hoping to get everything up before going away, but there's a chance that may not happen.  So that's cool, and you should be excited because I've heard almost everything now, and these versions are hot and sexy.  

Plus, darkglow's coverwork is really beautiful.  :)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: mars_in_furs on Aug 16, 2005, 04:06 PM
I just started reading this forum and an album made by the fans and posted on the internet is an unheard of, brilliant idea.  I have some good news.  I have already covered and recorded myself doing "till Im gone" or whatever the song is called from learning.  When I have more time I will read this thread in its entirity and mail it to whomever.  In the meantime, I was wondering how you, EC, go about arranging something like this so I could do this in other forums, namely Ween and They Might Be Giants.  If you give email me and give me all the details I will  be forever cyber-indebted to you.  My email address is  Peace, love and monkey business.

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Aug 16, 2005, 04:24 PM
Word. Check your e-mail.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Aug 18, 2005, 11:20 AM
Wait, so Meg is gone right? For how long? Do you need any art help? Let me know if I can draw anything or write anything. I can do sorta cool stuff with a pen.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Aug 18, 2005, 11:22 AM
Darkglow is just about done with the artwork. He was waiting on the band name for "The Bear", which I got this morning. He should have it done soon.
I sent Marsinfurs another e-mail about submitting his track, but we're gonna have to leave it off unless I get it before Saturday.

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: Paul Laxer on Aug 23, 2005, 01:33 AM
I want to submit "When Im Gone" onto the tribute cd.  What format do you want it it? a wav? or what...?  email me quick cause i want to get this in asap!
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Aug 23, 2005, 05:03 PM
If you can get it to me tonight, you can probably be in. Meg gets back tomorrow, so the site will go live sometime in the next couple of days.
Is "when I'm gone", "I won't cry" from the early recordings? If so, someone already did that one.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: mars_in_furs on Aug 23, 2005, 05:13 PM
Paul Laxer happens to be my buddy.  He and I recorded the same song I recorded by myself (I Wont Cry).  We'll just give you both versions and you can decide for yourself which to put on.  I sang much better on my personal version but I encourage you to put on Paul's because we didn't do it exactly like the album version.  That is probably my biggest complaint about the other tribute CD.  I feel we should thrive on our own creativity, not just how well we can emulate the band.    
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: corey on Aug 23, 2005, 05:22 PM
If you can get it to me tonight, I can probably make it happen.
Oh, and there are definitely some new interpretations this time around. In my notes about the new tribute, I pointed out how my tunes were more or less copies of the original tunes.

There's nothing wrong with that though... especially if you do the song really well, like a couple of people on this new one did.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: jefferoo on Aug 23, 2005, 06:05 PM
this is my first post.
hi all!

I would love to contribute a cover of "heartbreakin man".

I live in NYC, so if anyone needs a bass, guitar or drummer on their track contact me! ::)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: Oz on Aug 24, 2005, 12:32 PM
Okay, so check it out.

A few days ago, I was reading this topic again and I felt bad because it all sounded so exciting and I hated the fact that I wouldn't be on this new tribute album, 'cause I couldn't get a hold on some good recording equipment, so I had to abandon my idea of a multi-layered version of 'How do you know?', full of harmonies and keyboards and stuff. My computer can only handle 1-track-recording, wich is often quite boring, at least considering what I had planned.

Then, tonight, I had one of these nights where I should have been writing a paper for university - a paper wich I should have finished August the 1st - and I discovered that once again I had not found the right literature and I was like  'oh, fuck it'. Then I turned on my computer and recorded an absolutely ridiculous spoken word version of 'Mahgeeta'.

I can send it to you, if you want it. Just listen to it and see what you think. It's utterly stupid, I must warn you. But maybe as a bonus track or something. Somewhere hidden far in the back. Just tell me if you want it.

God, I'll make a fool of myself if this gets out. But sometimes you have to make yourself look stupid, is my motto.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: Oz on Aug 24, 2005, 01:01 PM
Hey, Olwiggum, if you would find somebody to remix it, or add some sounds to it, that would be splendid. Someone like yourself, maybe. :)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: Oz on Aug 24, 2005, 01:01 PM
But first, tell me if you want it, and if so, how.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Aug 24, 2005, 08:37 PM

O, if you want a remix of it, I could most certainly make that happen.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Aug 24, 2005, 09:22 PM
WOAH!  Wicked.  

Okay, I'm really confused as to what's happening - wiggy, are you around?  I'm going to have to redo a bit of stuff.  Does darkglow need any more information?  O, we're totally going to use your spoken word Mahgeetah.  That. is. very. rad.

To the person who asked me about organizing these things, it's actually olwiggum who is the master planner.  I help.  But it looks like he maybe already spoke to you, so that's good.

Um, okay.  Lemme check the ftp and see what we have.

hi everyone.  :)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: Oz on Aug 25, 2005, 03:54 AM
Well, I listened to it again and I think it's fine as it is. Only a bit weird. :)

But hey, how should I get this to you guys? I''m not on John's ftp-server anymore. He changed things a while ago (I think that's a really long while ago) and somehow I never got to it anymore. So let me know what I should do with it.

I have it in WAV-format.

Oh, Eisly, the remix-story was this: the track has instrumental guitar-parts and spoken word-parts. The guitar parts are okay, but I thought maybe the spoken word-parts needed some extra background noises to make 'em less boring. But then again, those parts have a lot of extra sounds that I really want people to hear, and I'm also mumbling a bit here and there, so I'm afraid that if something would be added, that that wouldn't be the case anymore.

It would have to be somewhere near the end of the album, though, otherwise it would definitely destroy the flow, I think...
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Aug 25, 2005, 07:04 AM
O, do you know about  Go there and it'll upload it for you and then email the link to someone (ie me) and then they can download it.

You can plug in megan at medusaproductions dot ca .  If'n you wanna.  ;)

Everything's just about ready...  Expect it soooooooon...

Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Aug 25, 2005, 12:56 PM
groovy, i just thought it was  like a straight-up reading, to which a backing track would be quite cool.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Aug 25, 2005, 01:07 PM
Quotegroovy, i just thought it was  like a straight-up reading, to which a backing track would be quite cool.
Eisey, are you going to Nashville for school soon?  Are you there already?
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Aug 25, 2005, 01:10 PM
I am already here and ready to go back home. I realized that i don't need to be doing a music business major and am now majoring in English and minoring in secondary education. I want to be a high school English teacher and mentor, or possibly teach english as a second language on the mission field in foreign countries like south america or africa. Who knows. I'm taking spanish for the first time in my life. I have no idea where its oging to take me, but i'm more certain that i will be helpoing people with this rather than music business, and serving God with what He's given me, so I feel a lot more confident about this route.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Aug 25, 2005, 01:31 PM
Oh.  Well that sounds good.  Are you enjoying it?  Are you in residence?  Have you met people, yet?  What do you mean you're ready to go back home?  Are you feeling weird because you're away?

I'm railroading this thread.  Send me a note with what's up if you'd like.  I'd like to know how yer doin' out there.  :)

Maybe we should get Carl to show you around.  ;)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Aug 25, 2005, 05:02 PM
Quotethis is my first post.
hi all!

I would love to contribute a cover of "heartbreakin man".

I live in NYC, so if anyone needs a bass, guitar or drummer on their track contact me! ::)
jefferoo, it looks like maybe we forgot to respond.  We're all full for this version, but I'm sure there'll be another version sometime down the road.  So keep checking back.  :)
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Aug 25, 2005, 05:14 PM
dudes, I'm stepping out for a smoke.  I'm still here.  

Listen, do you hear that?  The remote sounds of something beautiful lingering in the distance?  I think it's getting closer...  and closer...

Okay, I'm getting delerious.
Title: Re: MMJ tribute album : Round 2!
Post by: EC on Aug 25, 2005, 06:23 PM
We started a new thread to make it easier.  :);action=display;num=1125015338