My Morning Jacket

My Morning Jacket => The Music => Topic started by: primushead on Sep 09, 2005, 09:56 AM

Title: New Streams
Post by: primushead on Sep 09, 2005, 09:56 AM
Props on the new streams Riny.  Wordless chorus is suuuuweeeeet!
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: Specialist on Sep 09, 2005, 10:49 AM
holy shit, Wordless Chorus is amazing! i think it is great that they are trying something different, and i think it will serve as a great album opener.
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: Todd Richardson on Sep 09, 2005, 12:48 PM
I'm disappointed - I don't care for either song, to be honest. I remember "Off the Record" from their live set a few months ago - it came off better there.

I know better than to expect another "It Still Moves" or "At Dawn," but I do expect more than these two tracks offer.


Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: EC on Sep 09, 2005, 01:33 PM
Oh wow!  Oh I'll have to listen when I get home. yay! :)

Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Sep 09, 2005, 02:33 PM
oh man, I love the feel of this album. It's such eerie surf music, or something. I could go for a little bit more reverb on the verse of wordless chorus, but i love all the synth.

We are the innovators!!!
They are the immitators!!

Holy shit!!!!

Jim's voice at the end of Worldess Chorus is amazing.
I love how it ends with a brief nod to Benny and the Jets.

This album will be amazing.
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Sep 09, 2005, 02:42 PM
Also, this song is definitely an opener. I get the feeling that there's something just on the other side of this that explodes. Damnit Riny!!! I love you.
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: The Boar on Sep 09, 2005, 02:47 PM
These new-fangled non-CD "streams" sure are tempting. I may just have to give into temptation and pop my "Z" cherry when I get home.
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: EC on Sep 09, 2005, 02:49 PM
QuoteThese new-fangled non-CD "streams" sure are tempting. I may just have to give into temptation and pop my "Z" cherry when I get home.
See, I don't feel bad if it's from here.  :)

Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: ba on Sep 09, 2005, 02:50 PM
i wasnt a big fan of wordless chorus either, but in my opinion it is the second weakest track (next to into the woods), but the rest of the album is head and shoulders better than "wordless chorus" and "into the woods"
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Sep 09, 2005, 02:55 PM
bah, i think its a great opener, because it sets the stage. It doesn'y hold its own, because it's meant to give you a taste of whats coming, and to set you up for the album, and i think that this song leaves me wanting more, which is what it should do. Because if you feel satisfied at track one, then it changes the scope of the album.

I guess its kind of like the difference between At Dawn and Mahgeeta. There's two ways to open an album, in MMJ's case, and this one is more of a subtle approach. And i sure don;t mind.
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: The Boar on Sep 09, 2005, 02:57 PM
See, I really just love gripping a brand new, long awaited album in the store, setting it on my dash as I drive home, unwrapping the cellophane and putting it on in a dark room as the sun goes down with a glass of wine or a beer or a whisky (depending on the album) and totally being engrossed in it. Kinda like wrapping your arms around a long sought lover, and breathing her slowly in, knowing that the anticipation and the wait were well worth it, delighting in each new moment and also taking pleasure in the fact that you were able to wait and the experience was that much better because of it.

But gosh darnit, if these beer-googled floozies called "new streams" aren't tempting me to indulge in that fleeting if immediate one-night stand.  ;)
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: MMJ_fanatic on Sep 09, 2005, 03:17 PM
Holy crap Boar!  I felt kinda like a voyeur reading that.  But it kinda embodies my experience with a new long awaited biscuit.  Thanks for that
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: goosemeister on Sep 09, 2005, 03:29 PM
i apologize for this sacrilege, but i feel that i must be honest.

if "wordless chorus" and "off the record" were the first songs that i'd heard from mmj, i'd have never expressed enough interest to purchase their music.  i know, i know, i know... how could i be a mmj fan after saying and thinking those things?  well, that's just what i think.  i'm not bashing; i'm just expressing.  mmj doesn't owe me anything.  they create and we choose to listen or not.  nevertheless, i'm sure that i'll buy z.  the music may, for me, require a handful of listens to peel away the layers.  

Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: SMc55 on Sep 09, 2005, 04:08 PM
QuoteSee, I really just love gripping a brand new, long awaited album in the store, setting it on my dash as I drive home, unwrapping the cellophane and putting it on in a dark room as the sun goes down with a glass of wine or a beer or a whisky (depending on the album) and totally being engrossed in it. Kinda like wrapping your arms around a long sought lover, and breathing her slowly in, knowing that the anticipation and the wait were well worth it, delighting in each new moment and also taking pleasure in the fact that you were able to wait and the experience was that much better because of it.

But gosh darnit, if these beer-googled floozies called "new streams" aren't tempting me to indulge in that fleeting if immediate one-night stand.  ;)

Really nice description Boar. Very evocative.

QuoteHoly crap Boar!  I felt kinda like a voyeur reading that.  But it kinda embodies my experience with a new long awaited biscuit.  Thanks for that
Long awaited biscuit! Excellent! That one really made me smile.

When I press the thing that says 'streams' I can't see any reference to the new songs. The latest I can see is June 2004. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Long awaited biscuit!! Superb  ;D
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: The Boar on Sep 09, 2005, 04:12 PM
QuoteLong awaited biscuit!! Superb  ;D

Haha, agreed. I just hope you ain't talking about some kind of Limp Bizkit or any such nonsense.
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: SMc55 on Sep 09, 2005, 04:19 PM

Haha, agreed. I just hope you ain't talking about some kind of Limp Bizkit or any such nonsense.

I'm not. And I can't believe the fanatic is. He strikes me as the king of guy who appreciated the value of a long awaited biscuit  :D
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: whothrewthecake on Sep 09, 2005, 04:42 PM
well, i listened because i felt as though if the site has it, i can do it. and i peed my pants.
the end of the wordless chorus blows my mind! i want a whole song of just those jim yells.  :D
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: EC on Sep 09, 2005, 05:28 PM

I'm not. And I can't believe the fanatic is. He strikes me as the king of guy who appreciated the value of a long awaited biscuit  :D
Lady doctor, the new songs are on the news page.  :)

Okay.  I have been waiting all day to listen to this.  Well, I mean ever since I heard there was a song called Wordless Chorus, I've really really wanted to hear it.  And 'wiggum told me it was up, and I cursed being at work, but then I just kind of felt better the whole day because I knew I could come home and listen.

1.  The bass is hot as fuck.  Go Tom!
2.  I swear to everything in the world that is important to me, if we could stick evil people in a room and only let them hear Jim James harmonies, we would never have to worry about wars anymore.  I can't even believe how fucking awesome they are.  If I could describe my face when I was listening to this, it would be like somebody told me that we found a way for people to fly.

This song makes me want to dance.  

Fuck me, I am so excited for Z.
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: The Boar on Sep 09, 2005, 05:32 PM
Quote If I could describe my face when I was listening to this, it would be like somebody told me that we found a way for people to fly.

That has to be, like, the best simile I've heard all week. I can imagine about 20 different expressions on your face, but believe you me, they all are awesome.  :D

Oh shit, I guess I'm going to have to go listen too.
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: SMc55 on Sep 09, 2005, 05:55 PM
Lady doctor, the new songs are on the news page.  :)

Thanks a lot Megan. Thought I was going daft (er  ;))
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: EC on Sep 09, 2005, 05:56 PM
QuoteThanks a lot Megan. Thought I was going daft (er  ;))
Yer welcome!  Please be daft(er).  :)
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: EC on Sep 09, 2005, 06:12 PM
p.s.  Riny, I think you're gone for the night now, but when you get up - I've been listening to Wordless Chorus nonstop - is this screwing you for bandwidth?

Cuz I can stop.

Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: The Boar on Sep 09, 2005, 06:15 PM
P.S. Also Riny, when you get a sec, can you check the link for the I Think I'm Going to Hell video on the Streams page? It's not working for me for some reason. Danke...
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: EC on Sep 09, 2005, 06:20 PM
QuoteP.S. Also Riny, when you get a sec, can you check the link for the I Think I'm Going to Hell video on the Streams page? It's not working for me for some reason. Danke...
You have to cut and paste it into a real player...
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: The Boar on Sep 09, 2005, 06:27 PM
So I just listened to "Worldless Chorus" for the first time. Or "Wordless Chorus". Actually, I think I am going to call it "Worldless Chorus" because it sounds so otherworldly. I love the bass line and the dripping-faucet guitar sounds. I don't know I'm just at a loss for words, or worlds, or whatever. There's so much depth there, so much to be listened to over and over again. I agree that it definitely sounds like an introductory song, kinda like "At Dawn," which is just great in my opinion. I have a feeling this album is definitely going to be a night album. Like all the previous ones. Anyway, initial reaction is "Fuck, that is a greatly wonderous song" but I need to hear more. Time for "Off the Record".
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: The Boar on Sep 09, 2005, 06:41 PM
So I thought I was at a loss for words before....

I just don't know how to begin to describe this song. I agree with Eisey that it sounds like some weird surf song. Except that doesn't even tell the half of it. Maybe a weird surf song that was lost for millennia and now has been rediscovered up by aliens in the distant Z galaxy and is now being re-routed to earth via their antennae with their own unique additions and interpretations tacked on? Yeah, I think that about describes it.

This is light years away from The Tennessee Fire. But not in a bad way, at all. It's just different. I've never heard anything like it. I'm going to have to shut up now and go listen to it again. Wow.
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: The Boar on Sep 09, 2005, 06:42 PM
You have to cut and paste it into a real player...

In the spirit of "Wordless Chorus":

Ooooooooohhhhhhhh! Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh

Thanks  ;D
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: Specialist on Sep 09, 2005, 11:31 PM
wow, i'll express my love for WC one more time, it's such a great song and like stated above, has an "eerie" vibe and will definetly set the tone for Z.

alot of people have been critical of MMJ lately and their experimentation with different kinds of music, and while i understand that everyone has an opinion and i respect that, it still pains me to see Jacket fans not totally digging the new stuff. in all honesty, MMJ could put out anything and i would probably dig it because of the fact that it is MMJ. that may not be right to some people, but i love every note of music MMJ has given the world and will continue to love it, just because i do.
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: CC on Sep 10, 2005, 01:26 AM
Quotep.s.  Riny, I think you're gone for the night now, but when you get up - I've been listening to Wordless Chorus nonstop - is this screwing you for bandwidth?

Cuz I can stop.


nah, you can listen to it 24/7! ;)
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: CC on Sep 10, 2005, 02:09 AM
You have to cut and paste it into a real player...

yeah. it works directly for some, others will have to do a copy and paste job.
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: dragonboy on Sep 10, 2005, 03:23 AM
Love Off the Record but I've been listening to that for for a while now.
Didn't like Wordless at first but it's slowly growing on me.
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: doEVILslittle on Sep 10, 2005, 04:25 PM
i love off the record but where is the dreeeeeeenching reverb in jimmy's vox? that was the mainstay of the song when i heard it live many times this summer...gotta have it
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: MMJ_fanatic on Sep 10, 2005, 05:02 PM
Wordless is in the lead for current favorite for the cd (still like OTR too but this one hit me harder in my goosebumps spot)
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: CC on Sep 11, 2005, 10:55 AM
check out the new one

if it's not there, refresh 200000 times ;)
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: sweatboard on Sep 11, 2005, 11:32 AM
Oh Man, I always wonder what they are going to come up with next to top what they've already done and they always seem to find a way to do it in the most unexpexted ways.  The character voices are brilliant.  What an amazing look into the band and the recording studio.  Beautiful atmosphere scenery, and editing.  That is literally one of the "COOLEST" thing's I've ever layed eyes on.  

Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: tomEisenbraun on Sep 11, 2005, 11:43 AM
I love how patrick has the creepy voice transformer on, and Tommy is backtracked. Any clue if these play into what going on on the album?

And interviewing Jim in that reverb room is brilliant.

And I love how Jim is utilizing the muppet screams on this one. I don't know if its a nod to the people who thought his voice went a bit kermit-y on It Still Moves when he was hittin higher notes or what, but I think it's hilarious and I think that this album will be a Muppet Beach Party.
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: sweatboard on Sep 11, 2005, 11:58 AM
It (the special voices) makes them seem even more like superheros.  They each have thier own little superpowers.  Whoever put this together is my hero, the use of the music and the transitions are sublime.  It has to be the same person that did the short film for It Still Moves it has the same feel only it's even better.   I just keep watching it over and over again and noticing new stuff.  The songs that were recorded we haven't heard.........How Could I Know, Devils are not better?, Milking Song, Chills, Thats 2 Bad.      
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: sweatboard on Sep 11, 2005, 12:03 PM
Does Patrick say that Tom kicks his ass in Ice Hocky?  
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: sweatboard on Sep 11, 2005, 12:13 PM
My favorite part is when Jim and Patrick are sitting on the couch with the Omnichord and thier both talking in thier supervoices to each other.  Patrick says something about the Omnitone and Jim say's "Anything That Adds Reverb Is Better"  ;D
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: whothrewthecake on Sep 11, 2005, 12:19 PM
holy shit! this is completely awesome, i keep watching it over and over. i like the list of things to do in the studio - seems to sum it up pretty well i would think!  :D
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: corey on Sep 11, 2005, 12:33 PM
I like how you refer to it as an omnichord in one sentence, then call it an omnitone in the next. Was that a safety precaution because you still can't remember which one it is?>
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: sweatboard on Sep 11, 2005, 12:34 PM
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: corey on Sep 11, 2005, 12:35 PM
You were right in the first sentence, btw.   ;D
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: fitzcarraldo on Sep 11, 2005, 12:54 PM
How awesome is that video! Well done guys!
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: EC on Sep 11, 2005, 02:42 PM
I honestly think I'm going to lost my fucking shit when I hear this album.  I'm a little scared about that...  ;)

Those are bits from the new songs, right?


Gonna lose it.

My favourite part is the end.  Actually my favourite part is the whole thing.
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: Specialist on Sep 11, 2005, 02:58 PM
great video, great songs, great dancing
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: antoniostrohs on Sep 11, 2005, 03:30 PM
Man that new stream sneek peek is totally awesome.Looks like they had so much fun making this record.Can't wait till October for the new disc and tour!
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: dragonboy on Sep 11, 2005, 05:28 PM
Ah, Man! How cool was that?!! The studio looks beautiful, doesn't it? I love Jim talking in the room with all the reverb & echo. I thought it wasn't playing properly when I first heard Patrick!
Do you think the boys took some drugs out there in the woods? ;)
Gotta watch it again...
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: primushead on Sep 11, 2005, 05:56 PM
QuoteAh, Man! How cool was that?!! The studio looks beautiful, doesn't it? I love Jim talking in the room with all the reverb & echo. I thought it wasn't playing properly when I first heard Patrick!
Do you think the boys took some drugs out there in the woods? ;)
Gotta watch it again...

Fireworks and laughing...yeah sounds like drugs to me :)
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: EC on Sep 11, 2005, 06:04 PM

Fireworks and laughing...yeah sounds like drugs to me :)
Or just generally fireworks make you laugh... Especially if they're exploding all around you and you're afraid you might get hit.  ;)
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: primushead on Sep 11, 2005, 08:50 PM
Been there, done that.
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: ratsprayer on Sep 12, 2005, 04:04 AM
im voting for fireworks and drugs.  ahhhh...memories   ;D
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: Oz on Sep 12, 2005, 06:48 AM
Yeah, a really neat video. I don't wanna listen to the 'Wordless chorus' stream, 'cause that would spoil the fun when I spin the record for the first time, when I already know the first song. Don't ask, it's a personal thing. But I loved the little bits in the video, especially the weird soul song where Jim's doing all those "yeah"s. And Tom's talking backwards was wicked.

I also couldn't help but notice how damn poppy the new material is. Not that there's any qualification in that, but, err, oh well. I guess it doesn't make that much sense anymore if I start to discuss Z, since everyone else here has already heard much more of it and much more often. And then I'll be saying in October "Ooh, it's different" and then y'all go "Err, yes, we know." Nevermind. :)
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: biscuitbobo on Sep 12, 2005, 09:26 AM
wow......looks like a great experience...oh to be a fly on the wall!!!   there's nothing like that feeling of getting to watch a band in their element (in great natural elements, as well) and at the peak.....gave me chills..those bastards!!!
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: corey on Sep 12, 2005, 09:43 AM
Very cool video. It was funny seeing the ice hockey screen in there.  :)

Patrick's voice kind of scared me in the video. So did Tommy's. The backwards stuff has creeped me oot ever since I saw Twin Peaks.

Good stuff, either way.  :)

Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: EC on Sep 12, 2005, 10:55 AM
Man, I can't stop listening to Wordless Chorus.  They are the imitaaaaators.  Come on!!  

Anyhow, does anybody know who made that video?

Whooooo!  Whoooo-oooh-ooohhhh AAAHHHHHHAAHHHAAA ooooh.

heh.  Go Jim!
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: marktwain on Sep 12, 2005, 11:27 AM
dammit, I can't understand what the hell they're saying.  I didn't make it halfway through the video. >:(
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: EC on Sep 12, 2005, 11:29 AM
Quotedammit, I can't understand what the hell they're saying.  I didn't make it halfway through the video. >:(
You just have to listen a little closer...  It took me a bit to hear it, too.  Plus, Tom has subtitles.  :)  hahahaha.  
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: peanut butter puddin surprise on Sep 12, 2005, 11:42 AM
You just have to listen a little closer...  It took me a bit to hear it, too.  Plus, Tom has subtitles.  :)  hahahaha.  

the new streams are awesome.  patrick sounds soooooooooooooo evil, it's scary!  ;)
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: primushead on Sep 12, 2005, 12:10 PM

the new streams are awesome.  patrick sounds soooooooooooooo evil, it's scary!  ;)

Especially beneath "Abandon all hope, all ye who enter".  Do you think that's the entrance to the studio? :)
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: EC on Sep 12, 2005, 12:11 PM

Especially beneath "Abandon all hope, all ye who enter".  Do you think that's the entrance to the studio? :)
Yeah, I wondered about that, too.  It almost seemed like a haunted house entrance...  ssssscary!

Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: lfish on Sep 12, 2005, 12:59 PM
This is it!

And if not, who care's.  :)

Just beautifull.

I like their new sound.  You can hear the influences of Bo and Carl.  A new sound is born. So many thougts at a time.

But one is on top of all:

I have to get this album!

Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: SMc55 on Sep 12, 2005, 01:27 PM
Hey lfish! Nice to see you around  :D

'Abandon hope all ye who enter here' was the sign Dante describes over the gateway to hell.
I once had to go to London to have an oral exam (not a dental appointment – an opportunity for me to show how much I knew (or didn't know) about pregnancy and childbirth). Anyway, the building had been the home of an eccentric Victorian gentleman who apparently hated his cook.  He'd had these words written over the doorway to his dining room. Guess which room the exam was in  :-/
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: EC on Sep 12, 2005, 02:07 PM
Oh mylanta I love little details.  So lovely.
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: aMillionDreams on Sep 12, 2005, 02:51 PM
Great video.  I love the behind the scenes stuff.

"Abandon all hope all ye who enter" is what is written on the gate to hell in "Dante's Inferno" but I didn't notice it in the video.

I can't believe that all of you who wouldn't listen to Z when it leaked are "ruining" the album for yourselves.  There's bits of almost every song in the video.  At least O is constant enough in his thinking to not listen to the songs.  But yeah, I'm too happy about to pick a fight so nevermind.
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: SMc55 on Sep 12, 2005, 03:14 PM
I'm waiting. O and I can talk about it when you've probably said all there is so say but we won't mind. I don't think I'll enjoy the video until I know the songs. And I'm quite prepared not to like some of them at first. Some of my favourite songs ever have been 'growers'. I know the video will mean more to me when the songs are in my heart.
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: Specialist on Sep 12, 2005, 06:30 PM
QuoteGreat video.  
I can't believe that all of you who wouldn't listen to Z when it leaked are "ruining" the album for yourselves.  There's bits of almost every song in the video.  At least O is constant enough in his thinking to not listen to the songs.  But yeah, I'm too happy about to pick a fight so nevermind.

technically, i wasn't aware of the fact that the video contained music from Z ;) although i didn't cover my ears during the music, i didn't feel dirty about it, because obviously they have given their ok to post the video on their official website.

As for Wordless Chorus goes...i have no explanation, curiosity got the better of me, but at least i know that the band is ok with me listening to it, being there official website and all.
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: Oz on Sep 13, 2005, 03:04 AM
I didn't listen to Wordless Chorus but I did watch the video, wich I can explain best by comparing it to movies. The video is like a trailer, just short bits that don't really tell anything except for the feel and the vibe, while a whole song is like a scene. If you watch a scene from a movie before you watch the entire movie, to me, that spoils the movie. And listening to the album on MP3 is like watching the movie without the ending titles, wich to me is like watching a cut-up movie, wich also spoils it. Watching a trailer is okay, watching clues that give away parts of the story is not. For me.
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: EC on Sep 13, 2005, 05:43 AM
Mmm hmmm.  I don't think aMD EVER got it right as to what the debate about listening to the stolen vs. the sanctioned was, but hey, I don't want to pick a fight, either.  

Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: aMillionDreams on Sep 13, 2005, 05:54 AM
QuoteMmm hmmm.  I don't think aMD EVER got it right as to what the debate about listening to the stolen vs. the sanctioned was, but hey, I don't want to pick a fight, either.  

I understood that argument, which still holds water for the most part.  btw, for all we know the guys would rather have us wait until the end of the year to hear the new album.  I'm sure it was their management's idea to relase the video, stream those two songs, and send out 50 advanced copies.  I just think that if you're going to look to record and management companies for a moral compass you're going to be mislead.  My point is that I don't think that Jim would have any more of a problem with me listen to the leaked version of Z than he would with you listening to the streams on the news page.  But hey, you took a stand and have continued to even as your arguments for doing so are crumbling around you.  That's very Bush-esque of EC.

(okay, now I feel like picking a fight)
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: EC on Sep 13, 2005, 06:23 AM
QuoteI understood that argument, which still holds water for the most part.  btw, for all we know the guys would rather have us wait until the end of the year to hear the new album.  I'm sure it was their management's idea to relase the video, stream those two songs, and send out 50 advanced copies.  I just think that if you're going to look to record and management companies for a moral compass you're going to be mislead.  My point is that I don't think that Jim would have any more of a problem with me listen to the leaked version of Z than he would with you listening to the streams on the news page.  But hey, you took a stand and have continued to even as your arguments for doing so are crumbling around you.  That's very Bush-esque of EC.

(okay, now I feel like picking a fight)


I just wrote a big thing and decided it wasn't worth it.  aMD, I'm not entirely sure why you keep picking on people who made personal choices.  

I think I'm not going to rip it up here.  This is supposed to be about the New Streams.  If you care to have a debate about this, please feel free to send me a p.m.
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: peanut butter puddin surprise on Sep 13, 2005, 06:46 AM
Fer Chrissakes, how many times do we have to explain this to you?  It's really, really elementary.  

I'd debate this with you, but that's what you want, an extended gripe session about how you're "right", and everyone else is "wrong" on this subject.  And I won't give you the satisfaction.
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: CC on Sep 13, 2005, 06:46 AM

I understood that argument, which still holds water for the most part.  btw, for all we know the guys would rather have us wait until the end of the year to hear the new album. I'm sure it was their management's idea to relase the video, stream those two songs, and send out 50 advanced copies.  I just think that if you're going to look to record and management companies for a moral compass you're going to be mislead.  My point is that I don't think that Jim would have any more of a problem with me listen to the leaked version of Z than he would with you listening to the streams on the news page.  But hey, you took a stand and have continued to even as your arguments for doing so are crumbling around you.  That's very Bush-esque of EC.

(okay, now I feel like picking a fight)

I think you're wrong. whatever gets put on this site is approved by the band and they're definitely okay with you all listening to it. the complete thing is coming out in 3 weeks and that's what they want you to hear, not some leaked version months earlier.
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: aMillionDreams on Sep 13, 2005, 07:02 AM
okay, you all are right and I am wrong, let's drop it.
And I will hear the album when it comes out on vinyl and CD, for those of you who may think that I'm not only rude but a thief.  I just got the sense that some of those thought you were taking the "moral high ground" by not downloading the leaked 'Z'  and were trying to guilt those of us who didn't understand all the fuss.  

Before I let this go I would also like to mention that many people on this forum agree with me but aren't posting about it.  I know this for a fact because many of them have pmed me thanking me for pointing out the hypocracy of some of these "morally superior individuals" and I believe that this  viewpoint deserves to be represented on this forum.  Nuff said.
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: peanut butter puddin surprise on Sep 13, 2005, 07:05 AM
Quoteokay, you all are right and I am wrong, let's drop it.
And I will hear the album when it comes out on vinyl and CD, for those of you who may think that I'm not only rude but a thief.  I just got the sense that some of those thought you were taking the "moral high ground" by not downloading the leaked 'Z'  and were trying to guilt those of us who didn't understand all the fuss.  

Before I let this go I would also like to mention that many people on this forum agree with me but aren't posting about it.  I know this for a fact because many of them have pmed me thanking me for pointing out the hypocracy of some of these "morally superior individuals".  Nuff said.

Bullshit.  Your full of shit.  Stop speaking for others, the "un-named masses".  If they agree, then they should speak up.  Otherwise, it highlight's the total full-of-shitness you possess.

Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: aMillionDreams on Sep 13, 2005, 07:17 AM
Okay, I'll take up that challenge.  I'm starting a new thread so that this conversation doesn't get buried.
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: CC on Sep 13, 2005, 07:21 AM
let's not turn it into a 'downloading is wrong or right' discussion. some do, some don't. not the point here. point is, you're making it seem that downloading a leaked version is the same thing as listening to some previews put up by the band. totally different thing, i'm sure you see that too.

btw, O's the best. those 2 streams within reach but deciding to wait till he gets that album in his hands. now that's badass! ;)
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: ratsprayer on Sep 13, 2005, 07:28 AM

Bullshit.  Your full of shit.  Stop speaking for others, the "un-named masses".  If they agree, then they should speak up.  Otherwise, it highlight's the total full-of-shitness you possess.

well, i never pm'ed aMD about anything like that, but ill speak up now.  not to get all freudian and shit on you, but youre awfully defensive about it.  theres always a good reason for that, but not usually the one thats portrayed on the surface.  i wont be assumptive and say wot that is because i really dont know for sure, and it would all be conjecture.  lets just say there are/were a group of you that did attack us who downloaded the leaked version and all of our efforts therefore.  its just as much a personal choice for us to choose that.  i know i never personally attacked anyone for NOT choosing, just may have joked and said 'lets see if you can hold out' or 'man, thats your loss.'  i dont care if you know the band and know personally theyd punch me in the face.  its my internet, my guilt or lack thereof.  ill still buy one, if not both formats on the day of release, already purchased tickets to 3 shows which all are at least 60 miles one way from my house.  im not saying im a better fan, but see thats exactly what youre claiming to be doing in staying away from this "tained sinful" leaked version.  i know aMD pokes at this issue and tries to instigate, but it seems in my eyes hes trying to open up the debate a little and try to understand things better, instead of a childish fuck & shit ridden post.  

im rather new here too, so maybe that doesnt mean shit, but there you go.
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: peanut butter puddin surprise on Sep 13, 2005, 07:39 AM

well, i never pm'ed aMD about anything like that, but ill speak up now.  not to get all freudian and shit on you, but youre awfully defensive about it.  theres always a good reason for that, but not usually the one thats portrayed on the surface.  i wont be assumptive and say wot that is because i really dont know for sure, and it would all be conjecture.  lets just say there are/were a group of you that did attack us who downloaded the leaked version and all of our efforts therefore.  its just as much a personal choice for us to choose that.  i know i never personally attacked anyone for NOT choosing, just may have joked and said 'lets see if you can hold out' or 'man, thats your loss.'  i dont care if you know the band and know personally theyd punch me in the face.  its my internet, my guilt or lack thereof.  ill still buy one, if not both formats on the day of release, already purchased tickets to 3 shows which all are at least 60 miles one way from my house.  im not saying im a better fan, but see thats exactly what youre claiming to be doing in staying away from this "tained sinful" leaked version.  i know aMD pokes at this issue and tries to instigate, but it seems in my eyes hes trying to open up the debate a little and try to understand things better, instead of a childish fuck & shit ridden post.  

im rather new here too, so maybe that doesnt mean shit, but there you go.

it's simple.  it's the difference between "authorized" and "unauthorized".  and if I get passionate about this, it's only because I know the difference, and he doesn't, apparently.
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: aMillionDreams on Sep 13, 2005, 07:50 AM
what happened to your well-reasoned arguments, John?  Has your position become so untenable that you have to resort to personal attacks?  For those of you interested learning more about the depth of Conaway's hypocracy please go to the following link:;action=display;num=1126617929
Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: peanut butter puddin surprise on Sep 13, 2005, 07:54 AM
Quotewhat happened to your well-reasoned arguments, John?  Has your position become so untenable that you have to resort to personal attacks?  For those of you interested learning more about the depth of Conaway hypocracy please go to the following link:;action=display;num=1126617929

Nope.  It's simple, you don't get it.  Authorized versus unauthorized.

Title: Re: New Streams
Post by: easy way on Sep 13, 2005, 09:39 AM
Pretty amazing stuff, man. Some really sick shit- cannot wait to hear the rest of the album. I hope the vocal jam on It Beats For You is as good as I've seen it live