now that there's like 10000 places to get live stuff from MMJ, I'm wondering if I'm still worthy to restart the ol FTP server. I've got a wicked new machine that has some serious hard drive space, so I'm wondering....
Anybody still interested? I could have it up in like three days. Lemme know.
I loved it. And would continue to do so.
'kay...I've gotta download them myself from (ahem) the off site location to these boxes here....shall we shoot for Tuesday? :)
hey, don't let me be the only one that makes you decide! I personally would love for it to be up again, but you might be short on time, or whatever. don't want to make you do all the work for just li'l ol' me. :)
Get yer ass to work! haha.
Seriously, though. I loved that ftp. :)
It had stuff that you can't just get everywhere.
what exactly is it? (sorry, i've only been a member since Febuary)
Quotewhat exactly is it? (sorry, i've only been a member since Febuary)
FTP stands for file transfer program (or something), and it's basically this place where you can upload and download stuff from. So we used to put all of the recorded shows there, the Conan thing was on there, O's music was on there (:)), all of the cover tunes were there before they were released, videos and stuff. It's very cool. :)
It's like, kind of...
FTP stands for file transfer program (or something), and it's basically this place where you can upload and download stuff from. So we used to put all of the recorded shows there, the Conan thing was on there, O's music was on there (:)), all of the cover tunes were there before they were released, videos and stuff. It's very cool. :)
It's like, kind of...
thank you, that gave me a good understanding.
Sounds like a great idea to me! Thanks John :)
ive not had the chance to experience the greatness of it, but ive heard all sorts of stories about how great it is. bring it back, bring it back! ;D
Someone emailed me a little while ago to ask about it. I said I'd let him know when it was back up. Go for it John.
Bring her back! I think the FTP was a great service for mmj fans. You had some great shows on there, I was sad to see it go away for so long.
Bring it back,please. ;)
just putting in my opinion that you should put it back up...
i'm there y'all. just gotta do some downloadin', and set it up at home, and we're cooking with gas. i'll post a new thread in regards to this when I'm finished...
thanks for the love. i had fun when it was running back in the day... :D
Word! Thanks man.
Awesome, John! Thanks!
my pleasure, really. and I'm sorry it took so long to bring er back.
Quotemy pleasure, really. and I'm sorry it took so long to bring er back.
Well maybe
next time you shouldn't go around having
babies and
mooooving and stuff and keep yer damn priorities straight!! ;)
just kiddin'. obviously. :)
This is fun. I can't wait to have this back!!
Well maybe next time you shouldn't go around having babies and mooooving and stuff and keep yer damn priorities straight!! ;)
just kiddin'. obviously. :)
This is fun. I can't wait to have this back!!
hey, don't look at me, I just work here... ;)
Quotemy pleasure, really. and I'm sorry it took so long to bring er back.
It wouldn't be right to bring it back till it was fun for you to do it - the shows wouldn't sound right if was a chore ;)
well, thank ya...after all that's happened this year, things finally got to a point where i'm settled (enough) to get this going again.
bring it on back, man. sounds like a great resource with great content
excellent. I've been missing the FTP server. The poor Filezilla icon on my desktop has been so neglected.
please bring it back. I loved it!
it must be done for all that is good
could someone please email me the ftp address info. . much thanks for whatever help i can get on this.
John's still working on it, (I think), Brandon, but I'm sure he'll make a thread or something when it's ready, and then we can all email him that we want to be a part of it, and then he'll email us the password. :)