I am so excited.
I am really, really excited.
I can not wait to hear this record.
I totally agree!
I feel the excitement too!
Agreed...well, now 12 days! It just gets closer by the minute. But, yeah, I'm bursting with anticipation. I haven't looked forward to an album like this in a long time.
it's going to own so much. i am literally counting the hours. oct. 4 is gonna be one fine day. (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v708/embercat/beehive-emoticon.gif)
QuoteI am so excited.
I am really, really excited.
I can not wait to hear this record.
It sucks, don't get excited.
[size=0.2]it is actually extremely good...i'm just being a DB[/size]
just wait until you hear.......
im not gonna say now. :P
Quotejust wait until you hear.......
im not gonna say now. :P
It is one of those albums that is "ehhh" when you first listen, and you only think of a couple tracks you really like. But then it grabs hold and grows on you...the songs I hated on first listen are now songs that I love. It is that kind of record...I LOVE IT! I wish I had never heard it...I envy you strong people who held out.
BTW...I have always found that these kinds of albums have more longevity and are usually the great ones.
It is one of those albums that is "ehhh" when you first listen, and you only think of a couple tracks you really like. But then it grabs hold and grows on you...the songs I hated on first listen are now songs that I love. It is that kind of record...I LOVE IT! I wish I had never heard it...I envy you strong people who held out.
BTW...I have always found that these kinds of albums have more longevity and are usually the great ones.
yes i can remember driving on a long trip at night about 2 days after i got, and i thought 'man, i hate it. the production is shit.' jim's vocals are still there, but theyre played with a bit, so on and so on. still 1 song i hate, 2 that im eeehhh about, and i love the rest.
just curious....which one do you hate and which ones are you ehh about?
I don't hate any, but I am still kinda "ehh" about "Anytime" and "Gideon"
I hated "Into the Woods" but now it is a favorite...I love everything about it now and I can't believe I didn't like it at first.
Quotejust curious....which one do you hate and which ones are you ehh about?
I don't hate any, but I am still kinda "ehh" about "Anytime" and "Gideon"
I hated "Into the Woods" but now it is a favorite...I love everything about it now and I can't believe I didn't like it at first.
i dont know if i hate 'anytime' but its one of my least favourite mmj songs here. im eeehhh about 'gideon' and 'what a wonderful man', the latter being excellent live strangely enough.
yes i can remember driving on a long trip at night about 2 days after i got, and i thought 'man, i hate it. the production is shit.' jim's vocals are still there, but theyre played with a bit, so on and so on. still 1 song i hate, 2 that im eeehhh about, and i love the rest.
vocals seem processed to me. don't like it one bit.
Guys, come on!
EC started this as an anticipation thread for those who don't have & are looking forward to Z.
If you want to talk about the tracks on Z then take it elsewhere, no?
Show some repsect! :-/
QuoteGuys, come on!
EC started this as an anticipation thread for those who don't have & are looking forward to Z.
If you want to talk about the tracks on Z then take it elsewhere, no?
Show some repsect! :-/
talking about what songs we like is no problem. It's not like someone is going to say "Nikko doesn't like 'Anytime' as much as the rest of the album.....now I totally know what that song sounds like. Thanks for ruining it for me."
ahhhh fuck. that sucks that that didn't work.
Listening to Z on Acid!??
Hi, my name is Jim James, and you're in the [size=10]Z[/size] thread at www.mymorningjacket.com.
Thank you, subway.
[size=10]cock[/size] :)
seriously these paint fumes are getting to me. holy crap.
Today's page is brought to you by the number 34 or 37 depending on how you look at it, and the letter
whoa...did i just fuck up the forum?
oh my god, primushead, it's so huge!! ;)
Quoteoh my god, primushead, it's so huge!! ;)
That's what she said...hehehehehhehe. :D
That's what she said...hehehehehhehe. :D
woah! i'm gonna use some magic on that ;D
Please do. I didn't think it'd be that big. Honestly, it looked small on my window. If there's anything I can do to help, just let me know. I might have some anti-Z cream in the cabinet.
i resizzzzzzed it a lil ;)
Quotei resizzzzzzed it a lil ;)
Good work wizzzzzzzard!
(that should be your new rank)
(snazzzy wizzzzzard)
Quotei resizzzzzzed it a lil ;)
Yeah, take an extra star. It's On me.
Sweet...I still have the biggest Z. Ladies? Any takers?
QuoteSweet...I still have the biggest Z. Ladies? Any takers?
I hear Magnum might be interested...
Although, he's more of a P or an I kind of guy...
You know what's really bizzzare? I went to the zzzzoo the other day to see the zzzzebras, and my friend Zzzzoe was there, and she seemed pretty zzzoned out. So I said "Hey, Zzzoe, you okay?" And she said, "Yeah, I just feel really zzzen today." And then these zzzapatistas showed up, and nobody was feeling zzzen anymore, so we ran like spazzzzzes right smack into Zzzazzza Gabour, which was totally weird. Her zzzipper was stuck, and she was trying to take off her jacket, but she couldn't. And I was screaming "Zzzazzza, you gotta run, the zzzapatistas are coming!!!" And right then they caught up to us. One of them raizzzed his arm, and screamed, "Zzis izzz not the plazzzza!" And then he smiled, and all I could hear in the background was
...in a dream i saw you walkin...
Zack is very excited for Z!! So is that girl behind the bush!!
i believe that the preferred nomenclature would be
Zack is very excited for Z!! So is that girl behind the bush!!
HAHAHA - where did you find that one EC?
Lovin' it! ;D
Freaky ~Z~ (http://www.vrh.org.uk/static/inspiring_reading/images/alphabet/large/z_zany.jpg)
QuoteFreaky ~Z~ (http://www.vrh.org.uk/static/inspiring_reading/images/alphabet/large/z_zany.jpg)
That is by far the best Z yet. Good work!!
Well...beats my Z :-/
Ba Ba Be Doop
The middle guy in the human Z seems to have just heard Z... I think I see a soul chubby there... ;)
QuoteThe middle guy in the human Z seems to have just heard Z... I think I see a soul chubby there... ;)
um....I don't want to see that!
[size=10]10 Dayzzzzzzzz.......[/size]
8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
October 4th is so bright, I have to wear shades. 8)
Quote8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
October 4th is so bright, I have to wear shades. 8)
late night october 3 / early morning october 4 better not be cold, so i can sleep on my porch and accost the UPS man for my package.
accost? package? insert <insert> here
late night october 3 / early morning october 4 better not be cold, so i can sleep on my porch and accost the UPS man for my package.
accost? package? insert <insert> here
lol :D
this thread has gone bonkerz
Quotethis thread has gone bonkerz
good one, fanatic. subtle. i like that. ;)
[smiley=laugh.gif]<--- What is this? A new feature? Riny!! You're Mr. Surprises.
NINE MORE DAYS. We're down to the single digits here people.
Tonight I convinced three people to check out Z when it comes out. I mean, they said they would. They might've just wanted me to shut up, pluuuus the fact that I haven't actually heard it might've deterred them. But I did a fairly decent job of talking about the awesomeness.
Holy shit, nine more days!! It's actually going to happen!
(It feels like when we were counting down to the road trip. You know when you've been waiting for something for so long?)
7 days.....
Oh wait, it's Monday.
8 days....
QuoteOh wait, it's Monday.
8 days....
Ha! that's awesome, man. I totally know how you feel.
Ha! that's awesome, man. I totally know how you feel.
I'm glad someone's in the same boat. I hate mondays.
WE ARE SO CLOSE. [smiley=beehive.gif]
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7,
[smiley=wink2.gif] [smiley=drunk.gif] [smiley=rock.gif]
7...7 days...(for real this time) 8)
Quote7...7 days...(for real this time) 8)
You're right! Where did I get 8 from?
[size=10]7 dayzzzzzzz[/size]
You're right! Where did I get 8 from?
Well, if I may offer a theory....there is an 'eight' in this cock...
...and EC definitely likes the word 'cock'. I'm not a psychology major or anything, but I think this is what those in the field would describe as a "super-massive freudian slip". :D
Well, if I may offer a theory....there is an 'eight' in this cock...
...and EC definitely likes the word 'cock'. I'm not a psychology major or anything, but I think this is what those in the field would describe as a "super-massive freudian slip". :D
Holy. shit.
You know, I'm not sure I feel about being known as a person who likes the word cock. I think this might soil my carefully crafted reputation.
Holy. shit.
You know, I'm not sure I feel about being known as a person who likes the word cock. I think this might soil my carefully crafted reputation.
If anything was destined to bring down your reputation, I'm glad it was the most popular word on a bathroom stall.
[size=10]5 DAYZZZZZZ!!![/size]
stuck on my eyes
What a surprise
We've got 5 DAYS!
My brain hurts a lot.
5 DAYS! That's AWWWLLLL we got!!
So, when will it hit our stores?
13 oct. for Europe?
(I think it's the 17th...)
[size=10]18 DAYZZZZZZ!!![/size]
Quote(I think it's the 17th...)
[size=10]18 DAYZZZZZZ!!![/size]
Thanks. I'll hang on for a while.
Ok, only now I've noticed all the magnificent Z's that preceded in this thread! Awesome.
QuoteSo, when will it hit our stores?
13 oct. for Europe?
it's 17th for the UK but have seen it listed as oct.4th on some dutch sites. it could be wrong though, really don't know for sure.
it's 17th for the UK but have seen it listed as oct.4th on some dutch sites. it could be wrong though, really don't know for sure.
We'll see. I'll check the stores on the fourth for sure.
5 Days!!!! WOO! [smiley=guitar.gif]
Completely brilliant. Excellent work. [smiley=disguise.gif]
2 days indeed....whoa...EC, you changed your name? Is this a permanent changezzzzzz or are you just trying to pump everyone up for zzzzzzzzzzzzz?
you guys are craZy!
Quoteyou guys are craZy!
ewe zink zo?
ewe zink zo?
crazier than the yip! song
crazier than the yip! song
Who's next? Come on zzzweatboard.
Zzzzohn Conaway
Con Zzzzohnaway ;)
ZZZ Fanatic
z it up!! whoot!
yes.. it's is me, Z.. alive and well.. i'll be in your homes and infesting your stereos soon enough, kiddies.
crazier than the yip! song
youve not lived until you see a middle-aged man on stage alone with an acoustic guitar singing yip yip yip yip yip yip yip yip yip yip yip...... [smiley=afro.gif]
dragonboyzzzinthehood. Highly awesome. ;D (<-- that one was not a glitch.)
Quotedragonboyzzzinthehood. Highly awesome. ;D (<-- that one was not a glitch.)
Thanks EZ! Anybody care to help me suit up?
Poor Ratzprayer has been the waterboy for too long. It's about time he got promoted & I took his place!
you people are zcaring me :o o god, itz catching!
Quoteyou people are zcaring me :o o god, itz catching!
Just you TRY to make it through the night without changing yer name... ;)
Just you TRY to make it through the night without changing yer name... ;)
It took me just 2 minutes after I saw your name to go and change mine. Behold, the power of Z!!!!
haha, i didnt even go further than the main page. i just saw EZZZZZZZZZZ and thought, oh wow. and went directly to my profilie and switched it.
Who's next? Come on zzzweatboard.
Zzzzohn Conaway
Con Zzzzohnaway ;)
ZZZ Fanatic
z it up!! whoot!
Holy Crap!!! I changed mine before I saw this as well. Great Minds think alike, I was considering sweatzboard. But I like our idea better.
I just saw ZBigBang! Awesome!! Whothrewzcake!! WICKED!!
LaurieZlue? ;)
all my life is obzene?
Quote1 day.. :)
Can't hardly believe it. deedily deedily deedily deedily...
(that's an aural rendition of a guitar solo)
QuoteI just saw ZBigBang! ÊAwesome!! ÊWhothrewzcake!! ÊWICKED!!
you know it! [smiley=beatnik.gif]
QuoteCan't hardly believe it. deedily deedily deedily deedily...
(that's an aural rendition of a guitar solo)
Wait for it...wait for it....second guitar solo! Doooo Dee Dee doodedoo, dooo dee dee doodedoo, ner ner ner na ner nerrrrr nah der der der. [smiley=guitar.gif]
by the way, can you believe how close we are?
I honestly don't know where the time went. I started as a twitchy kid with 2 months of anticipation and ended up a 5 star with 1 day left.
QuoteI honestly don't know where the time went. I started as a twitchy kid with 2 months of anticipation and ended up a 5 star with 1 day left.
QuoteI honestly don't know where the time went. ÊI started as a twitchy kid with 2 months of anticipation and ended up a 5 star with 1 day left.
hahaha, how you've grown! [smiley=beehive.gif]
ok the bandwagon has run me over and dragged me until I surrendered and climbed aboard! I decided the new look most appropriate since I now have a family of fan(atic)z 8)
Whoa! The final countdown. Listening party at my local pub in Queens at 1 AM. After I get it at Virgin Megazzz at midnight. 9 Hours! Oooh Weee!!! :)
i've convinced several people to buy Z tommorow, not to mention my friends that saw the Jacket at Bonnaroo and are now hooked.
oh and i'm just a little bit exzzzited too ;D
just received "Z" in the store....booklet and sleeve are very nice!!!! Jim's a good songwriter! ;) ;)
I can't believe I've had Z for 2weeks now. I feel so lucky!
I'm not gloating - reading everybody else's posts I can feel the excitment again, it's so cool!
I really hope everybody loves it!
it's already here....
[size=10]41 minutezzzzzzz[/size]
Who's camped out on their porch?
Quote[size=10]41 minutezzzzzzz[/size]
Who's camped out on their porch?
im staring at mars and drinking a newcastle on the porch. too bad i have to wait until the morning for fedex or ups....
[size=10]HAPPY Z DAY!!!![/size]
Let the fucked upedness commence!!!!
Happy Z-Day to all...all of you! Just 3 more hours til I get my copy...CAN'T WAIT!!!! [smiley=guitar.gif]